예제 #1
TGeoMedium* KVSpectroDetector::GetGeoMedium(const Char_t* mat_name){
	// By default, return pointer to TGeoMedium corresponding to this KVMaterial.
	// If argument "mat_name" is given, a pointer to a medium is return for this material.
	// mat_name = "Vacuum" is a special case: if the "Vacuum" does not exist, we create it.
	// Instance of geometry manager class TGeoManager must be created before calling this
	// method, otherwise 0x0 will be returned.
	// If the required TGeoMedium is not already available in the TGeoManager, we create
	// a new TGeoMedium corresponding to the material given in argument.

	if( !gGeoManager ) return NULL;

   	TString medName, matName;
	if( !strcmp(mat_name,"") ){
   		// for gaseous materials, the TGeoMedium/Material name is of the form
   		//      gasname_pressure
   		// e.g. C3F8_37.5 for C3F8 gas at 37.5 torr
   		// each gas with different pressure has to have a separate TGeoMaterial/Medium
   		matName = GetName();
    	KVIonRangeTableMaterial* irmat = KVMaterial::GetRangeTable()->GetMaterial(matName.Data());
   		if(irmat->IsGas()) medName.Form("%s_%f", matName.Data(), GetPressure());
   		else medName = GetName();
		matName = mat_name;
		medName = mat_name;

	TGeoMedium* gmed = gGeoManager->GetMedium( medName);
	if( gmed ) return gmed;

	TGeoMaterial *gmat = gGeoManager->GetMaterial( medName);
	if( !gmat ){
 		if( !strcmp(matName.Data(), "Vacuum") ){
			// create material
			gmat = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum",0,0,0 );
			// create material
			gmat = GetRangeTable()->GetTGeoMaterial(matName.Data());
				Error("GetGeoMedium","Material %s is nowhere to be found in %s"
				return NULL;
			gmat->SetPressure( GetPressure() );
			gmat->SetTemperature( GetTemperature() );

	// For the moment the names of material and medium do not
	// depend on the temperature of the material.

	// create medium
	TGeoMedium* lastmed = (TGeoMedium*)gGeoManager->GetListOfMedia()->Last();
	Int_t numed = (lastmed ? lastmed->GetId()+1 : 0); // static counter variable used to number media
	gmed = new TGeoMedium( medName, numed, gmat );

	return gmed;
예제 #2
TGeoMedium* KVMaterial::GetGeoMedium(const Char_t* med_name)
   // By default, return pointer to TGeoMedium corresponding to this KVMaterial.
   // If argument "med_name" is given and corresponds to the name of an already existing
   // medium, we return a pointer to this medium, or 0x0 if it does not exist.
   // med_name = "Vacuum" is a special case: if the "Vacuum" does not exist, we create it.
   // Instance of geometry manager class TGeoManager must be created before calling this
   // method, otherwise 0x0 will be returned.
   // If the required TGeoMedium is not already available in the TGeoManager, we create
   // a new TGeoMedium corresponding to the properties of this KVMaterial.
   // The name of the TGeoMedium (and associated TGeoMaterial) is the name of the KVMaterial.

   if (!gGeoManager) return NULL;

   if (strcmp(med_name, "")) {
      TGeoMedium* gmed = gGeoManager->GetMedium(med_name);
      if (gmed) return gmed;
      else if (!strcmp(med_name, "Vacuum")) {
         // create material
         TGeoMaterial* gmat = new TGeoMaterial("Vacuum", 0, 0, 0);
         gmed = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum", 0, gmat);
         return gmed;
      return NULL;

   // if object is a KVDetector, we return medium corresponding to the active layer
   if (GetActiveLayer()) return GetActiveLayer()->GetGeoMedium();

   // for gaseous materials, the TGeoMedium/Material name is of the form
   //      gasname_pressure
   // e.g. C3F8_37.5 for C3F8 gas at 37.5 torr
   // each gas with different pressure has to have a separate TGeoMaterial/Medium
   TString medName;
   if (IsGas()) medName.Form("%s_%f", GetName(), GetPressure());
   else medName = GetName();

   TGeoMedium* gmed = gGeoManager->GetMedium(medName);

   if (gmed) return gmed;

   TGeoMaterial* gmat = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(medName);

   if (!gmat) {
      // create material
      gmat = GetRangeTable()->GetTGeoMaterial(GetName());

   // create medium
   static Int_t numed = 1; // static counter variable used to number media
   gmed = new TGeoMedium(medName, numed, gmat);
   numed += 1;

   return gmed;