예제 #1
int main() {

  TGeoNode *node =  NULL;
  TGeoVolume *vol = NULL;
  LMCgeomN *g = new LMCgeomN("Telescope");
  TObjArray *oa = g->GetGeoManager()->GetListOfNodes();
  for (int i=0; i<oa->GetEntries(); i++) {
    node =  (TGeoNode*)oa->At(i);
    vol = node->GetVolume();
    cout << "= " << node->GetName() << "  " << vol->GetName()  <<endl;
    TObjArray *vnodes = vol->GetNodes();
    cout << vnodes->GetEntries() << endl;
    for (int j=0; j<vnodes->GetEntries(); j++) {
      node = (TGeoNode*)vnodes->At(j);
      cout << "== " << node->GetName() << endl;
      vol = node->GetVolume();
      TObjArray *vnodes1 = vol->GetNodes();
      for (int k=0; k<vnodes1->GetEntries(); k++) {
	node = (TGeoNode*)vnodes1->At(k);
	cout << "=== " << node->GetName() << endl;
	vol = node->GetVolume();
	TObjArray *vnodes2 = vol->GetNodes();
	if(!vnodes2) continue;
	for (int q=0; q<vnodes2->GetEntries(); q++) {
	   node = (TGeoNode*)vnodes2->At(q);
	   cout << "==== " << node->GetName() << endl;

  return 0;
예제 #2
void KVSpectroDetector::UpdateVolumeAndNodeNames(){
	// Update the names of Volumes and the names of the Nodes of this
	// detector.
	// The name of the volume representing the detector (returned
	// by GetAbsGeoVolume()) is DET_<detector name>. 
	// The name of the active volumes is ACTIVE_<detector name>_<material name>.
	// The name of the other volumes is <detector name>_<material name>.

	GetAbsGeoVolume()->SetName( Form("DET_%s", GetName() ) );
	TObjArray  *nodes = GetAbsGeoVolume()->GetNodes();
	TGeoNode   *node  = NULL;
	TGeoVolume *vol   = NULL;

	TIter next( nodes );
	while( (node = (TGeoNode *)next()) ){
		TString name, nname;
		vol = node->GetVolume();
		name.Form("%s_%s", GetName(), vol->GetMaterial()->GetName());
		if( GetActiveVolumes()->Contains( vol ) )
		vol->SetName( name.Data() );
		nname = name;
		Int_t i=0;
		while( nodes->FindObject( nname.Data() ) )
			nname.Form("%s_%d",name.Data(), ++i);
		node->SetName( nname.Data() );
		node->SetNumber( i );
예제 #3
void update_evegeonodes(TEveElement* el, Bool_t top)
   TEveGeoNode *en = dynamic_cast<TEveGeoNode*>(el);

   if (en && !top)
      TGeoNode *n = en->GetNode();
      en->SetRnrSelfChildren(n->IsVisible(), n->IsVisDaughters());

   for (TEveElement::List_i i = el->BeginChildren(); i != el->EndChildren(); ++i)
      update_evegeonodes(*i, kFALSE);
예제 #4
파일: show.C 프로젝트: star-bnl/star-emc
void printNodeTree(TObjArray *nodeList, Int_t level) 
  TIter nextNode(nodeList);
  TGeoNode *node;
  while( (node=(TGeoNode *)nextNode())!=NULL ) {
    for(int k=0;k<level;k++) cerr << "\t";
    cerr << node->GetVolume()->GetName() << endl;
double EUTelGeometryTelescopeGeoDescription::FindRad(Eigen::Vector3d const & startPt, Eigen::Vector3d const & endPt) {

	Eigen::Vector3d track = endPt-startPt;
	double length = track.norm();

	double snext;
	Eigen::Vector3d point;
	Eigen::Vector3d direction;
	double epsil = 0.00001;
	double rad    = 0.;
	double propagatedDistance = 0;
	bool reachedEnd = false;

	TGeoMedium* med;
	gGeoManager->InitTrack(startPt(0), startPt(1), startPt(2), track(0), track(1), track(2));
	TGeoNode* nextnode = gGeoManager->GetCurrentNode();

	while(nextnode && !reachedEnd) {
		med = nullptr;
		if (nextnode) med = nextnode->GetVolume()->GetMedium();

		nextnode = gGeoManager->FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length);
		snext  = gGeoManager->GetStep();

		if( propagatedDistance+snext >= length ) {
			snext = length - propagatedDistance;
			reachedEnd = true;
		//snext gets very small at a transition into a next node, in this case we need to manually propagate a small (epsil)
		//step into the direction of propagation. This introduces a small systematic error, depending on the size of epsil as
	    	if(snext < 1.e-8) {
			const double * currDir = gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection();
			const double * currPt = gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint();

			direction(0) = currDir[0]; direction(1) = currDir[1]; direction(2) = currDir[2];
			point(0) = currPt[0]; point(1) = currPt[1]; point(2) = currPt[2];

			point = point + epsil*direction;

			nextnode = gGeoManager->FindNode(point(0),point(1),point(2));
			snext = epsil;
		if(med) {
			//ROOT returns the rad length in cm while we use mm, therefore factor of 10
			double radlen = med->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen();
			if (radlen > 1.e-5 && radlen < 1.e10) {
				rad += snext/(radlen*10);
		propagatedDistance += snext; 
	return rad;   
예제 #6
파일: show.C 프로젝트: star-bnl/star-emc
TGeoNode *
findNode(TObjArray *nodeList,const char *name)
  TIter nextNode(nodeList);
  TGeoNode *node;
  while( (node=(TGeoNode *)nextNode())!=NULL ) {
    if(strcmp(node->GetVolume()->GetName(),name)==0)     return node;
    if( (node=findNode(node->GetNodes(),name))!= NULL ) return node;
  return NULL;
예제 #7
void StarMCHits::Step() {
  //  static Int_t Idevt0 = -1;
  static Double_t Gold = 0;
#if 0
  if (Debug() && gMC->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TGeant3TGeo")) {
    TGeant3TGeo *geant3 = (TGeant3TGeo *)gMC;
  //  cout << "Call StarMCHits::Step" << endl;
  TGeoNode *nodeT = gGeoManager->GetCurrentNode();
  TGeoVolume *volT = nodeT->GetVolume();
  const TGeoMedium   *med = volT->GetMedium(); 
  /*   fParams[0] = isvol;
       fParams[1] = ifield;
       fParams[2] = fieldm;
       fParams[3] = tmaxfd;
       fParams[4] = stemax;
       fParams[5] = deemax;
       fParams[6] = epsil;
       fParams[7] = stmin; */
  Int_t Isvol = (Int_t) med->GetParam(0);
  fCurrentDetector = 0;
  if (Isvol <= 0) return;
  fCurrentDetector = (StarVMCDetector *) fVolUserInfo->At(volT->GetNumber());
  if (! fCurrentDetector) {
    volT = nodeT->GetMotherVolume();
    fCurrentDetector = (StarVMCDetector *) fVolUserInfo->At(volT->GetNumber());
    if (! fCurrentDetector) {
      TString path(gGeoManager->GetPath());
      TObjArray *obj = path.Tokenize("_/");
      Int_t N = obj->GetEntries();
      for (Int_t i = N-2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
	TObjString *o = (TObjString  *) obj->At(i);
	const Char_t *name = o->GetName();
	volT = gGeoManager->GetVolume(name);
	assert (volT);
	fCurrentDetector = (StarVMCDetector *) fVolUserInfo->At(volT->GetNumber());
	if (fCurrentDetector) break;
      delete obj;
  if (Isvol && ! fCurrentDetector && Debug()) {
    cout << "Active medium:" << med->GetName() << "\t for volume " << volT->GetName() 
	 << " has no detector description" << endl;
  //  Int_t Idevt =  gMC->CurrentEvent();
  TGeoHMatrix  *matrixC = gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix();
  if (gMC->IsTrackEntering()) {
    fHit.Detector= fCurrentDetector;
    fHit.Entry = fHit.Current;
    fHit.Sleng = gMC->TrackLength();
    fHit.Charge = (Int_t) gMC->TrackCharge();
    fHit.Mass = gMC->TrackMass();
    fHit.AdEstep = fHit.AStep = 0;
  Double_t GeKin = fHit.Current.Global.pxyzE.E() - fHit.Mass;
  fHit.Sleng = gMC->TrackLength();
  if (fHit.Sleng == 0.) Gold = GeKin;
  Double_t dEstep = gMC->Edep();
  Double_t Step = gMC->TrackStep();
  fHit.iPart = gMC->TrackPid();
  fHit.iTrack = StarVMCApplication::Instance()->GetStack()->GetCurrentTrackId(); // GetCurrentTrackNumber() + 1 to be consistent with g2t
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - energy correction - - - - - - - - - -
  if (gMC->IsTrackStop() && TMath::Abs(fHit.iPart) == kElectron) {
    TArrayI proc;
    Int_t Nproc = gMC->StepProcesses(proc);
    Int_t Mec = 0;
    for (Int_t i = 0; i < Nproc; i++) if (proc[i] == kPAnnihilation || proc[i] == kPStop) Mec = proc[i];
    Int_t Ngkine = gMC->NSecondaries();
    if (fHit.iPart == kElectron && Ngkine == 0 && Mec == kPStop) dEstep = Gold;
    else {
      if (fHit.iPart == kPositron && Ngkine < 2 && Mec == kPAnnihilation) {
	dEstep = Gold + 2*fHit.Mass;
	if (Ngkine == 1) {
	  TLorentzVector x;
	  TLorentzVector p;
	  Int_t IpartSec;
	  dEstep -= p.E();
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - user - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  // user step
  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sensitive - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  fHit.AdEstep += dEstep;  
  fHit.AStep   += Step;
  if (fHit.AdEstep == 0) return;
  if (! gMC->IsTrackExiting() && ! gMC->IsTrackStop()) return;
  fHit.Exit     = fHit.Current;
  fHit.Middle   = fHit.Entry;
  fHit.Middle  += fHit.Exit;
  fHit.Middle  *= 0.5;
  if (! fCurrentDetector) return;
  fHit.VolumeId = fCurrentDetector->GetVolumeId(gGeoManager->GetPath());
예제 #8
dunedphase10kt_geo(TString volName="")

  std::string geofile = "dunedphase10kt_v2.gdml";
  //TList* mat = gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials();
  //TIter next(mat);
  TGeoIterator next(gGeoManager->GetTopVolume());
  TGeoNode *node = 0;


  while ( (node=(TGeoNode*)next()) ){
    const char* nm = node->GetName();
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volCathode", 10) == 0) ){
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volTPCActive", 12) == 0) ){
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volAPAFrame", 11) == 0) ){
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volG10Board", 11) == 0) ){
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volTPCPlane", 11) == 0) ){
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volTPCInner", 11) == 0) ){
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volTPCOuter", 11) == 0) ){
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volOpDetSensitive", 17) == 0) ){
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volWorld", 8) == 0) ){
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volFoamPadding", 14) == 0) ){
    if( (strncmp(nm, "volSteelSupport", 15) == 0) ){

  //if ( ! volName.IsNull() ) gGeoManager->FindVolumeFast(volName)->Draw("ogl");

  size_t lastindex = geofile.find_last_of(".");
  std::string basename = geofile.substr(0, lastindex);
  TFile *tf = new TFile(Form("%s.root",basename.c_str()), "RECREATE");
 * Calculate effective radiation length traversed by particle traveling between two points
 * along straight line.
 * Calculation is done according to the eq. (27.23)
 * @see http://pdg.lbl.gov/2006/reviews/passagerpp.pdf
 * @param globalPosStart starting point in the global coordinate system
 * @param globalPosFinish ending point in the global coordinate system
 * @param skipBoundaryVolumes if true subtract rad length of the volumes containing start and finish points
 * @return radiation length in units of X0
float EUTelGeometryTelescopeGeoDescription::findRadLengthIntegral( const double globalPosStart[], const double globalPosFinish[], bool skipBoundaryPonitsVolumes ) {

    streamlog_out(DEBUG1) << "EUTelGeometryTelescopeGeoDescription::findRadLengthIntegral()" << std::endl;
    float rad = 0.;        // integral of radiation length in units of X0
    const double mm2cm = 0.1;
    /* TGeo uses cm and grams as internal units e.g. in radiation length and density. Telescope/LCIO uses mm. Therefore this routine is full of 
     annoying conversion factors */    
    const double stepLenght2 = ( globalPosFinish[0] - globalPosStart[0] )*( globalPosFinish[0] - globalPosStart[0] ) +
                               ( globalPosFinish[1] - globalPosStart[1] )*( globalPosFinish[1] - globalPosStart[1] ) +
                               ( globalPosFinish[2] - globalPosStart[2] )*( globalPosFinish[2] - globalPosStart[2] );
    const double stepLenght  = TMath::Sqrt( stepLenght2 );

    // don't need conversion factor to for calculation of directions
    const double xp  = ( globalPosFinish[0] - globalPosStart[0] )/stepLenght;
    const double yp  = ( globalPosFinish[1] - globalPosStart[1] )/stepLenght;
    const double zp  = ( globalPosFinish[2] - globalPosStart[2] )/stepLenght;

    streamlog_out(DEBUG0) << "Start point (x,y,z):" << globalPosStart[0] << "," << globalPosStart[1] << "," << globalPosStart[2] << std::endl;
    streamlog_out(DEBUG0) << "Finish point (x,y,z):" << globalPosFinish[0] << "," << globalPosFinish[1] << "," << globalPosFinish[2] << std::endl;
    streamlog_out(DEBUG0) << "Direction (nx,ny,nz):" << xp << "," << yp << "," << zp << std::endl;
    double snext;
    double pt[3], loc[3];
    double epsil = 1.E-7;
    double lastrad = 0.;
    int ismall       = 0;
    int nbound       = 0;
    float length     = 0.;
    TGeoMedium *med;
    TGeoShape *shape;
    // Get starting node
    gGeoManager->InitTrack( globalPosStart[0]/*mm*/, globalPosStart[1]/*mm*/, globalPosStart[2]/*mm*/, xp, yp, zp );
    TGeoNode *nextnode = gGeoManager->GetCurrentNode( );
    double currentStep = stepLenght /*mm*/;
    // Loop over all, encountered during the propagation, volumes 
    while ( nextnode ) {
        med = NULL;
	// Check if current point is inside silicon sensor. Radiation length of silicon sensors is accounted in thin scatterers of GBL.
        bool isBoundaryVolume = false;
        if ( gGeoManager->IsSameLocation( globalPosStart[0], globalPosStart[1], globalPosStart[2] ) ||
             gGeoManager->IsSameLocation( globalPosFinish[0], globalPosFinish[1], globalPosFinish[2] ) ) isBoundaryVolume = true;
        if ( nextnode ) med = nextnode->GetVolume()->GetMedium();
        else return 0.;
        shape = nextnode->GetVolume()->GetShape();
        // make a step to the next intersection point
        if ( currentStep > 1.e-9 /*mm*/ ) nextnode = gGeoManager->FindNextBoundaryAndStep( currentStep /*mm*/ );
        else return rad;
        snext  = gGeoManager->GetStep() /*mm*/;
        // Small steps treatment
        if ( snext < 1.e-8 /*mm*/ ) {
            // Terminate calculation if too many small steps done
            if ( ismall > 3 ) {
                streamlog_out( WARNING1 ) << "ERROR: Small steps in: " << gGeoManager->GetPath() << " shape=" << shape->ClassName() << endl;
                return rad;

            // increase step size (epsilon) and advance along the particle direction
            memcpy( pt, gGeoManager->GetCurrentPoint(), 3 * sizeof (double) );
            const double *dir = gGeoManager->GetCurrentDirection();
            for ( Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) pt[i] += epsil * dir[i];
            snext = epsil;
            length += snext;
            // Ignore start and finish volumes if required
            if ( skipBoundaryPonitsVolumes && isBoundaryVolume ) {
                rad += 0.;
            } else {
                rad += lastrad*snext;
            gGeoManager->CdTop( );
            nextnode = gGeoManager->FindNode( pt[0], pt[1], pt[2] );    // Check if particle is crossed the boundary
            if ( gGeoManager->IsOutside() ) return rad;                 // leave if not
            TGeoMatrix *mat = gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix();          
            mat->MasterToLocal( pt, loc );
            if ( !gGeoManager->GetCurrentVolume()->Contains( loc ) ) {
                nextnode = gGeoManager->GetCurrentNode();               // move to new volume
        } else {
            ismall = 0;
        // Normal steps case
        length += snext;
        currentStep -= snext;
        if ( med ) {
            double radlen = med->GetMaterial()->GetRadLen() /*cm*/;
            if ( radlen > 1.e-9 && radlen < 1.e10 ) {
                lastrad = 1. / radlen * mm2cm;
                // Ignore start and finish volumes if required
                if ( skipBoundaryPonitsVolumes && isBoundaryVolume ) {
                    rad += 0.;
                } else {
                    rad += lastrad*snext;
            } else {
                lastrad = 0.;
            streamlog_out( DEBUG0 ) << "STEP #" << nbound << std::endl;
            streamlog_out( DEBUG0 ) << "   step[mm]=" << snext << "   length[mm]=" << length
                    << " rad[X0]=" << snext * mm2cm / radlen << " " << med->GetName( ) 
                    << " rho[g/cm^3]=" << med->GetMaterial()->GetDensity() <<" radlen[cm]=" << radlen << " Boundary:" << (isBoundaryVolume?"yes":"no")
		    << std::endl;
    streamlog_out(DEBUG1) << "--------EUTelGeometryTelescopeGeoDescription::findRadLengthIntegral()--------" << std::endl;
    return rad;
예제 #10
void MUONChamberMaterialBudget(const char* geoFilename = "geometry.root", Int_t segmentationLevel = 1)
  /// Draw the local chamber thickness over x0 (x/x0) used in the computation of Multiple Coulomb Scattering effets.
  /// Compute <x> and <x/x0> in a limited area (displayed on the histograms) to avoid edge effets.
  /// The resolution can be changed by changing the sementation level: resolution = 1 cm / segmentationLevel.
  const char* chamberName[10] = {"SC01", "SC02", "SC03", "SC04", "SC05", "SC06", "SC07", "SC08", "SC09", "SC10"};
  Double_t OneOverX0MeanCh[10] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
  Double_t totalLengthCh[10] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
  Double_t OneOverX0Mean = 0.;
  Double_t totalLength = 0.;
  // Import TGeo geometry
  if (!gGeoManager) {
    if (!gGeoManager) {
      cout<<"getting geometry from file geometry.root failed"<<endl;
  // z intervals where to find the stations
  Double_t zIn[5] =  {-510., -600.,  -800., -1150., -1350.};
  Double_t zOut[5] = {-600., -800., -1150., -1350., -1470.};
  // transverse area where to compute locally x and x/x0
  Double_t xIn0[5] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
  Double_t yIn0[5] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
  Int_t ixMax[5] = {90, 120, 165, 250, 260};
  Int_t iyMax[5] = {90, 120, 180, 250, 270};
  // transverse area where to compute <x> and <x/x0> for each chamber
  Double_t xIn0ForMean[5] = { 5.,  5.,  35.,  40.,  40.};
  Double_t yIn0ForMean[5] = {20., 25.,   0.,   0.,   0.};
  Int_t ixMaxForMean[5] = {  50,  65,   85,  120,  160 };
  Int_t iyMaxForMean[5] = {  60,  70,  110,  150,  150 };
  // define output histograms
  TFile *f = TFile::Open("MaterialBudget.root","RECREATE");
  TH2F* hXOverX0[10];
  TBox* bXOverX0[10];
  for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) {
    Int_t st = i/2;
    hXOverX0[i] = new TH2F(Form("hXOverX0_%d",i+1), Form("x/x0 on ch %d (%%)",i+1),
			   segmentationLevel*ixMax[st], xIn0[st], xIn0[st]+ixMax[st],
			   segmentationLevel*iyMax[st], yIn0[st], yIn0[st]+iyMax[st]);
    bXOverX0[i] = new TBox(xIn0ForMean[st], yIn0ForMean[st],
			   xIn0ForMean[st]+ixMaxForMean[st], yIn0ForMean[st]+iyMaxForMean[st]);
  // loop over stations
  for (Int_t ist=0; ist<5; ist++) {
    Int_t nPoints = 0;
    // loop over position in non bending direction (by step of 1cm)
    for (Int_t ix=0; ix<segmentationLevel*ixMax[ist]; ix++) {
      Double_t xIn = xIn0[ist] + ((Double_t)ix+0.5) / ((Double_t)segmentationLevel);
      // loop over position in bending direction (by step of 1cm)
      for (Int_t iy=0; iy<segmentationLevel*iyMax[ist]; iy++) {
	Int_t permilDone = 1000 * (ix * segmentationLevel*iyMax[ist] + iy + 1) /
	if (permilDone%10 == 0) cout<<"\rStation "<<ist+1<<": processing... "<<permilDone/10<<"%"<<flush;
	Double_t yIn = yIn0[ist] + ((Double_t)iy+0.5) / ((Double_t)segmentationLevel);
	// Initialize starting point and direction
	Double_t trackXYZIn[3] = {xIn, yIn, zIn[ist]};
	Double_t trackXYZOut[3] = {1.000001*xIn, 1.000001*yIn, zOut[ist]};
	Double_t pathLength = TMath::Sqrt((trackXYZOut[0] - trackXYZIn[0])*(trackXYZOut[0] - trackXYZIn[0])+
					  (trackXYZOut[1] - trackXYZIn[1])*(trackXYZOut[1] - trackXYZIn[1])+
					  (trackXYZOut[2] - trackXYZIn[2])*(trackXYZOut[2] - trackXYZIn[2]));
	Double_t b[3];
	b[0] = (trackXYZOut[0] - trackXYZIn[0]) / pathLength;
	b[1] = (trackXYZOut[1] - trackXYZIn[1]) / pathLength;
	b[2] = (trackXYZOut[2] - trackXYZIn[2]) / pathLength;
	TGeoNode *currentnode = gGeoManager->InitTrack(trackXYZIn, b);
	if (!currentnode) break;
	Bool_t OK = kTRUE;
	Double_t x0 = 0.;  // radiation-length (cm-1)
	Double_t localOneOverX0MeanCh[10] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
	Double_t localTotalLengthCh[10] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.};
	Double_t localPathLength = 0.;
	Double_t remainingPathLength = pathLength;
	do {
	  // Get material properties
	  TGeoMaterial *material = currentnode->GetVolume()->GetMedium()->GetMaterial();
	  TString currentNodePath(gGeoManager->GetPath());
	  x0 = material->GetRadLen();
	  // Get path length within this material
	  localPathLength = gGeoManager->GetStep() + 1.e-6;
	  // Check if boundary within remaining path length.
	  // If so, make sure to cross the boundary to prepare the next step
	  if (localPathLength >= remainingPathLength) localPathLength = remainingPathLength;
	  else {
	    currentnode = gGeoManager->Step();
	    if (!currentnode) { OK = kFALSE; break; }
	    if (!gGeoManager->IsEntering()) {
	      // make another small step to try to enter in new slice
	      currentnode = gGeoManager->Step();
	      if (!gGeoManager->IsEntering() || !currentnode) { OK = kFALSE; break; }
	      localPathLength += 0.001;
	  remainingPathLength -= localPathLength;

	  // check if entering a chamber of the current station or go to next step
	  Int_t chId;
	  if (currentNodePath.Contains(chamberName[2*ist])) chId = 2*ist;
	  else if (currentNodePath.Contains(chamberName[2*ist+1])) chId = 2*ist+1;
	  else continue;
	  // add current material budget
	  localOneOverX0MeanCh[chId] += localPathLength / x0;
	  localTotalLengthCh[chId] += localPathLength;
	} while (remainingPathLength > TGeoShape::Tolerance());
	// account for the local material characteristic if computed successfully
	if (OK) {
	  // fill histograms in the full space
	  // computation of <x> and <x/x0> in a limited chamber region
	  if (xIn > xIn0ForMean[ist] && xIn < xIn0ForMean[ist]+1.*ixMaxForMean[ist] &&
	      yIn > yIn0ForMean[ist] && yIn < yIn0ForMean[ist]+1.*iyMaxForMean[ist]) {
	    OneOverX0MeanCh[2*ist] += localOneOverX0MeanCh[2*ist];
	    OneOverX0MeanCh[2*ist+1] += localOneOverX0MeanCh[2*ist+1];
	    totalLengthCh[2*ist] += localTotalLengthCh[2*ist];
	    totalLengthCh[2*ist+1] += localTotalLengthCh[2*ist+1];
    cout<<"\rStation "<<ist+1<<": processing... 100%"<<endl;
    // normalize <x> and <x/x0> to the number of data points
    for (Int_t i=2*ist; i<=2*ist+1; i++) {
      OneOverX0MeanCh[i] /= (Double_t) nPoints;
      totalLengthCh[i] /= (Double_t) nPoints;
  // print results
  cout<<"chamber   thickness (cm)    x/x0 (%)"<<endl;
  for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) {
    printf("  %2d          %4.2f            %4.2f\n",i+1,totalLengthCh[i],100.*OneOverX0MeanCh[i]);
    totalLength += totalLengthCh[i];
    OneOverX0Mean += OneOverX0MeanCh[i];
  printf("  tot         %4.1f            %4.1f\n",totalLength,100.*OneOverX0Mean);
  // save histograms
예제 #11
void get_mass(Double_t length_unit, Double_t density_unit)
   //tables of Z and A
   const Int_t lcin_Z = 150;
   const Int_t lcin_A = 300;

   // calc unit conversion factors
   Double_t density_unit_to_SI = density_unit / units::kg_m3;
   Double_t length_unit_to_SI  = length_unit  / units::m;
   Double_t volume_unit_to_SI  = TMath::Power(length_unit_to_SI, 3.);
#ifdef _debug_
   cout << "Input density unit --> kg/m^3 : x" << density_unit_to_SI << endl;
   cout << "Input length  unit --> m      : x" << length_unit_to_SI  << endl;

   // get materials in geometry
   TList *matlist = gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials();
   if (!matlist ) { 
     cout << "Null list of materials!" << endl; 
   } else {
#ifdef _debug_

   int max_idx = 0; // number of mixtures in geometry
   Int_t nmat = matlist->GetEntries();
   for( Int_t imat = 0; imat < nmat; imat++ )
      Int_t idx = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(imat)->GetIndex();
      max_idx = TMath::Max(max_idx, idx);

   //check if material index is unique
   Int_t * checkindex = new Int_t[max_idx+1];
   for( Int_t i = 0; i<max_idx+1; i++ ) checkindex[i] = 0;
   for( Int_t imat = 0; imat < nmat; imat++ )
      if( !checkindex[imat] ) checkindex[imat] = 1;
         cout << "material index is not unique" << endl;

#ifdef _debug_
   cout << "max_idx = " << max_idx << endl;
   cout << "nmat    = " << nmat    << endl;

   TGeoVolume * topvol = gGeoManager->GetTopVolume(); //get top volume
   if (!topvol) {
     cout << "volume does not exist" << endl;

   TGeoIterator NodeIter(topvol);
   TGeoNode *node;
   NodeIter.SetType(0); // include  all daughters

   Double_t * volume = new Double_t[max_idx+1];
   Double_t * mass   = new Double_t[max_idx+1];

   for( Int_t i = 0; i<max_idx+1; i++ ){ volume[i]=0.; mass[i]=0.; } // IMPORTANT! force empty arrays, allows repated calls without ending ROOT session

   volume[ topvol->GetMaterial()->GetIndex() ] = topvol->Capacity() * volume_unit_to_SI; //iterator does not include topvolume  

   while ( (node=NodeIter()) )
      Int_t momidx = node->GetMotherVolume()->GetMaterial()->GetIndex() ;
      Int_t idx    = node->GetVolume()      ->GetMaterial()->GetIndex() ;

      Double_t node_vol = node->GetVolume()->Capacity() * volume_unit_to_SI;

      volume[ momidx ] -= node_vol; //substract subvolume from mother
      volume[ idx    ] += node_vol;

   Double_t larr_MassIsotopes[lcin_Z][lcin_A] = {0.}; //[Z][A], no map in pure ROOT
   Double_t larr_VolumeIsotopes[lcin_Z][lcin_A] = {0.}; //[Z][A], no map in pure ROOT

   for( Int_t i=0; i<gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials()->GetEntries(); i++ )
      TGeoMaterial *lgeo_Mat = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(i);
      Int_t    idx     = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(i)->GetIndex();

      if( lgeo_Mat->IsMixture() )
         TGeoMixture * lgeo_Mix = dynamic_cast <TGeoMixture*> ( lgeo_Mat );
         Int_t lint_Nelements = lgeo_Mix->GetNelements();

         for ( Int_t j=0; j<lint_Nelements; j++) 
            Int_t lint_Z = TMath::Nint( (Double_t) lgeo_Mix->GetZmixt()[j] );
            Int_t lint_A = TMath::Nint( (Double_t) lgeo_Mix->GetAmixt()[j] );
            Double_t ldou_Fraction = lgeo_Mix->GetWmixt()[j];
            Double_t ldou_Density = lgeo_Mix->GetDensity() * density_unit_to_SI;

            larr_MassIsotopes[ lint_Z ][ lint_A ] += volume[idx] * ldou_Fraction * ldou_Density;
            larr_VolumeIsotopes[ lint_Z ][ lint_A ] += volume[idx] * ldou_Fraction;

   // print out volume/mass for each `material'

   Double_t ldou_MinimumVolume = 1e-20;

   cout << endl
        << " Geometry: \"" <<  gFileName << "\"" << endl
        << " TopVolume: \"" << topvol->GetName() << "\"" 
        << endl;

   cout <<endl << "materials:" << endl;
   cout << setw(5) << "index"
        << setw(15) << "name"
        << setprecision(6) 
        << setw(14) << "volume (m^3)"
        << setw(14) << "mass (kg)"
        << setw(14) << "mass (%)"
        <<  endl;

   double total_mass_materials = 0;
   for( Int_t i=0; i<gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials()->GetEntries(); i++ )
     Int_t    idx     = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(i)->GetIndex();
     Double_t density = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(i)->GetDensity() * density_unit_to_SI;
     Double_t mass_material = density * volume[idx];
     if ( volume[idx] > ldou_MinimumVolume ) {
       total_mass_materials += mass_material;

   for( Int_t i=0; i<gGeoManager->GetListOfMaterials()->GetEntries(); i++ )
      Int_t    idx     = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(i)->GetIndex();
      Double_t density = gGeoManager->GetMaterial(i)->GetDensity() * density_unit_to_SI;

      mass[idx] = density * volume[idx];

      if( volume[idx] > ldou_MinimumVolume ) {
        cout << setw(5) << i 
             << setw(15) << gGeoManager->GetMaterial(i)->GetName() 
             << setprecision(6) 
             << setw(14) << volume[idx] 
             << setw(14) << mass[idx] 
             << setw(14) << mass[idx]*100./total_mass_materials
             <<  endl;

   // print out mass contribution for each nuclear target
   PDGLibrary* pdglib = PDGLibrary::Instance();

   cout <<endl << "isotopes:" << endl;
   cout << setw(4) << "Z" 
        << setw(4) << "A"
        << setw(14) << "PDG isotope"
        << setw(5) << "     "
        << setprecision(6)
        << setw(14) << "volume (m^3)"
        << setw(14) << "mass (kg)"
        << setw(10) << "mass (%)"
        <<  endl;

   double total_mass_isotopes = 0;
   for( Int_t i=0; i<lcin_Z; i++ ) {
     for( Int_t j=0; j<lcin_A; j++ ) {
       if( larr_VolumeIsotopes[ i ][ j ] > ldou_MinimumVolume ) {
         total_mass_isotopes += larr_MassIsotopes[ i ][ j ];

   for( Int_t i=0; i<lcin_Z; i++ )
      for( Int_t j=0; j<lcin_A; j++ )
         if( larr_VolumeIsotopes[ i ][ j ] > ldou_MinimumVolume ) {
           int pdgcode = 1000000000 + i*10000 + j*10;
              cout << setw(4) << i
             << setw(4)<< j
             << setw(14) << pdgcode
             << setw(5) << pdglib->Find(pdgcode)->GetName()
             << setprecision(6) 
             << setw(14) << larr_VolumeIsotopes[ i ][ j ]
             << setw(14) << larr_MassIsotopes[ i ][ j ] 
             << setw(10) << larr_MassIsotopes[ i ][ j ]*100.0/total_mass_isotopes
             <<  endl;
         else if ( larr_VolumeIsotopes[ i ][ j ] < -ldou_MinimumVolume ) {
            cout << "negative volume, check geometry " << larr_VolumeIsotopes[ i ][ j ] << endl;

   cout << endl << " mass totals: " << total_mass_materials << " " << total_mass_isotopes 
        << endl << endl;

   delete [] volume;
   delete [] mass;
