예제 #1
  bool PlotBundle::drawHistsAndGraphs(const PlotStyle &plot_style) const {
    if (hasDrawables()) {
      std::vector<DrawableDataObjectDrawOptionPair<TH1*> >::const_iterator hist_it;

      for (hist_it = histograms.begin(); hist_it != histograms.end();
          hist_it++) {
        TH1* hist = hist_it->data_object;
        std::string draw_option(hist_it->draw_option);
        if (hist) {
          if (hist->GetDimension() > 1) {

      std::vector<DrawableDataObjectDrawOptionPair<TGraph*> >::const_iterator graph_it;

      for (graph_it = graphs.begin(); graph_it != graphs.end(); graph_it++) {
        TGraph* graph = graph_it->data_object;
        std::string draw_option(graph_it->draw_option);
        if (graph) {

      std::vector<DrawableDataObjectDrawOptionPair<TGraph2D*> >::const_iterator graph2d_it;

      for (graph2d_it = graphs2d.begin(); graph2d_it != graphs2d.end();
          graph2d_it++) {
        TGraph2D* graph = graph2d_it->data_object;
        std::string draw_option(graph2d_it->draw_option);
        if (graph) {
      return true;
    } else {
          << "Dude, you forgot to add a histogram or graph in the plot bundle..."
          << " Please add at least one and make sure it points to an existing object!"
          << std::endl;
      return false;
TH1* getHistogram(TFile* inputFile, const TString& dqmDirectory, const TString& meName)
  TString histogramName = dqmDirectory;
  if ( histogramName.Length() > 0 && !histogramName.EndsWith("/") ) histogramName.Append("/");

  TH1* histogram = (TH1*)inputFile->Get(histogramName.Data());
  std::cout << "histogramName = " << histogramName.Data() << ": histogram = " << histogram;
  if ( histogram ) std::cout << ", integral = " << histogram->Integral();
  std::cout << std::endl; 

  if ( !histogram->GetSumw2N() ) histogram->Sumw2();

  if ( histogram->GetDimension() == 1 ) histogram->Rebin(5);

  return histogram;
예제 #3
void writeFile(const char* inRootFile)
  TFile inRoot(inRootFile);
    cout << "Cannot open " << inRootFile << endl;
  TIterator* iterator = inRoot.GetListOfKeys()->MakeIterator();
  TKey* key;

  TString outText = inRootFile;

  ofstream os(outText.Data());

  char buf[500];

  int count(0);
  while( (key=dynamic_cast<TKey*>(iterator->Next())) != 0){
    cout << key->GetName() << endl;
    TH1* h = (TH1*)inRoot.Get(key->GetName());
    if(h->GetDimension()!=1) continue;

    if(++count>1) break;

    int nBin = h->GetNbinsX();
    os << "name: " << h->GetName() << endl
       << "title: " << h->GetTitle() << endl
       << "bins: " << h->GetNbinsX() << endl
       << "min: " << h->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1) 
       << ", max: " << h->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(h->GetNbinsX()) << endl;

    for(int i=1; i<=nBin; i++){
      os << "bin: " << i << " value: " << (float)h->GetBinContent(i)
	 << " error: " << (float)h->GetBinError(i) << endl;
예제 #4
파일: addhistos.C 프로젝트: svn2github/Go4
//////// Go4 GUI example script addhistos.C
//          J.Adamczewski, gsi, May 2006
//          JAM May 2015: added support for 2d histograms
// NOTE: to be run in Go4 GUI local command line only!
//       NEVER call this script in remote analysis process!!!
/////// Functionality:
// adds histogram of name2 to histogram of name1
/////// Usage:
// histogram name2 will be scaled by factor.
// (e.g. if factor==-1, his2 is substracted from his1)
// The draw flag switches if the results are displayed each time this makro is called
// if display is switched off, the result histogram is just updated in browser and existing displays
Bool_t addhistos(const char* name1, const char* name2, Double_t factor, Bool_t draw)
   if(TGo4AbstractInterface::Instance()==0 || go4!=TGo4AbstractInterface::Instance()) {
      std::cout <<"FATAL: Go4 gui macro executed outside Go4 GUI!! returning." << std::endl;
      return kFALSE;
   TString fullname1 = go4->FindItem(name1);
   TObject* ob1=go4->GetObject(fullname1,1000); // 1000=timeout to get object from analysis in ms
   TH1 *his1(0), *his2(0);
   if(ob1 && ob1->InheritsFrom("TH1"))
      his1 = (TH1*) ob1;
   if(his1==0) {
      std::cout <<"addhistos could not get histogram "<<fullname1 << std::endl;
      return kFALSE;

   TString fullname2 = go4->FindItem(name2);
   TObject* ob2=go4->GetObject(fullname2,1000); // 1000=timeout to get object from analysis in ms
   if(ob2 && ob2->InheritsFrom("TH1"))
      his2 = (TH1*)ob2;
   if(his2==0) {
      std::cout <<"addhistos could not get histogram "<<fullname2 << std::endl;
      return kFALSE;
   if((his1->GetDimension()) != (his2->GetDimension()))
       std::cout <<"addhistos could not add histograms of different dimensions "<< std::endl;
       return kFALSE;
   TH1* result = (TH1*) his1->Clone();
   TString n1 = his1->GetName();
   TString n2 = his2->GetName();
   TString t1 = his1->GetTitle();
   TString t2 = his2->GetTitle();
   TString soper;
      soper.Form(") + %4.1E * (",factor);
      soper.Form(") - %4.1E * (",-1*factor);
   TString finalname = TString("(")+n1+soper+n2+")";
   TString finaltitle = TString("(")+t1+soper+t2+")";
   TString rname = go4->SaveToMemory("Sums", result, kTRUE);
   std::cout<< "Saved result histogram to " << rname.Data() <<std::endl;
   if(draw) {
      ViewPanelHandle vpanel = go4->StartViewPanel();
          // superimpose mode is not supported for 2d histograms
          go4->DrawItem(rname, vpanel);
        go4->DrawItem(fullname1, vpanel);
        go4->DrawItem(fullname2, vpanel);
        go4->DrawItem(rname, vpanel);
   return kTRUE;
예제 #5
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns scaling (change in normalization, in log 10) or -666 if failed
// optional parameter accepts the desired unit prefix (in log 10)
int adjustUnits( TH1& h1, int forceNewPrefix = -666)
  if( h1.GetDimension() != 1) {cerr<<"ERROR! 'adjustUnits' works only for 1D histograms!"<<endl; return -666;}
  bool forced = forceNewPrefix != -666;
  TString ss( h1.GetYaxis()->GetTitle() );
  ss.ReplaceAll ("_{T}", "_%@#"); // otherwise it messes up the reg. exp.
  // all backslashes are doubled, to get by the compiler string parsing, leaving \[ for TRegexp --> literal [s & ]s
  int iOpenBracket = ss.Index (TRegexp ("\\[[^\\]]*\\][^\\[\\]]*$"));// That is, the start of the last square brackets
  int iCloseBracket = ss.Last(']'); // no need for quotes with char
  if( iOpenBracket < 0 || iCloseBracket <= iOpenBracket ) {
    // can't find units
    return -666;
  Double_t oldMax = h1.GetMaximum();
  h1.SetMaximum(); // unsets
  Double_t max = h1.GetMaximum();
  Double_t max10 = TMath::Log10( max );
  if( -3 < max10 && max10 < 3 && ! forced ) return 0; // no rescaling needed
  // parse input units
  TString inputUnits = ss( 1+iOpenBracket, -1 + iCloseBracket - iOpenBracket);
  int curPrefix = 0, prefixLength = 0;
  if( inputUnits.BeginsWith( "m" ) ) {curPrefix = -3; prefixLength = 1;}
  if( inputUnits.BeginsWith( "#mu" ) ) {curPrefix = -6; prefixLength = 3;}
  if( inputUnits.BeginsWith( "n" ) ) {curPrefix = -9; prefixLength = 1;}
  if( inputUnits.BeginsWith( "p" ) ) {curPrefix = -12; prefixLength = 1;}
  if( inputUnits.BeginsWith( "f" ) ) {curPrefix = -15; prefixLength = 1;}
  if( inputUnits.BeginsWith( "k" ) ) {curPrefix = 3; prefixLength = 1;}
  // add more as needed....
  TString baseUnit( inputUnits( prefixLength, inputUnits.Length() - prefixLength ) );

  // find target units
  int iNewPrefix = 3 * TMath::Floor( 0.5 + (curPrefix + max10)/3. );
  if( forced ) iNewPrefix = forceNewPrefix;

  // prepare new units and scaling
  TString sNewPrefix;
  int scale10 = 1;
  if( iNewPrefix > 3 ) {cerr<<"adjustUnits - NYI for >kilo"<<endl;}
  if( iNewPrefix >= 3 ) {sNewPrefix = "k"; scale10 = curPrefix - 3;}

  if( -15 < iNewPrefix && iNewPrefix < 3 ) scale10 = curPrefix- iNewPrefix;
  if( iNewPrefix == 0   ) sNewPrefix = "";
  if( iNewPrefix == -3  ) sNewPrefix = "m";
  if( iNewPrefix == -6  ) sNewPrefix = "#mu";
  if( iNewPrefix == -9  ) sNewPrefix = "n";
  if( iNewPrefix == -12 ) sNewPrefix = "p";

  if( iNewPrefix < -15 ) {cerr<<"adjustUnits - NYI for <femto"<<endl;}
  if( iNewPrefix <= -15 ) {sNewPrefix = "f"; scale10 = curPrefix + 15;}
  // sanity checks
  if( forced && forceNewPrefix != 0 && sNewPrefix == "" ) {
    cerr<<"adjustUnits - illegal new prefix forced!"<<endl;
    return -666;
  if( scale10 == 0 && ! forced ) {cerr<<"Bug in adjustUnits? scale10 == 0 .... "<<endl; return -666;}

  // good to go - changing the histogram
  Double_t scale = TMath::Power( 10, scale10 );
  h1.Scale( scale );
  h1.SetMaximum( oldMax * scale );
  h1.GetYaxis()->SetTitle( ss( 0, iOpenBracket + 1 ) + sNewPrefix + baseUnit 
			   + ss( iCloseBracket, ss.Length() - iCloseBracket ) );
  return scale10;
예제 #6
static PyObject *
fill_hist_with_ndarray(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject* keywords) {

    using namespace std;
    PyObject *hist_ = NULL;
    PyObject *array_ = NULL;
    PyObject *weights_ = NULL;
    PyArrayObject *array = NULL;
    PyArrayObject *weights = NULL;
    TH1* hist = NULL;
    TH2* hist2d = NULL;
    TH3* hist3d = NULL;
    unsigned int dim = 1;
    unsigned int array_depth = 1;
    unsigned int i, n, k;
    char *array_data;
    char *weights_data = NULL;
    npy_intp array_stride_n;
    npy_intp array_stride_k = 1;
    npy_intp weights_stride = 1;
    static const char* keywordslist[] = {

                args, keywords, "OO|O",
                const_cast<char **>(keywordslist),
                &hist_, &array_, &weights_)) {
        return NULL;

    if(!PyCObject_Check(hist_)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"Unable to convert hist to PyCObject");
        return NULL;
    //this is not safe so be sure to know what you are doing type check in python first
    //this is a c++ limitation because void* have no vtable so dynamic cast doesn't work
    hist = static_cast<TH1*>(PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(hist_));
    if (hist == NULL) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"Unable to convert hist to TH1*");
        return NULL;
    dim = hist->GetDimension();

    if (dim == 2) {
        hist2d = static_cast<TH2*>(PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(hist_));
        if (hist2d == NULL) {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"Unable to convert hist to TH2*");
            return NULL;
    } else if (dim == 3) {
        hist3d = static_cast<TH3*>(PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(hist_));
        if (hist3d == NULL) {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"Unable to convert hist to TH3*");
            return NULL;
    } else if (dim > 3) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"dim must not be greater than 3");
        return NULL;

    if (dim > 1)
        array_depth = 2;

    array = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(
            array_, PyArray_DOUBLE, array_depth, array_depth);
    if (array == NULL) {
                "Unable to convert object to array");
        return NULL;

    if (dim > 1) {
        k = array->dimensions[1];
        if (k != dim) {
                "length of the second dimension must equal the dimension of the histogram");
            return NULL;
        array_stride_k = array->strides[1];

    n = array->dimensions[0];
    array_stride_n = array->strides[0];
    array_data = array->data;

    if (weights_) {
        weights = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(
                weights_, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1);
        if (weights == NULL) {
                    "Unable to convert object to array");
            return NULL;
        if (n != weights->dimensions[0]) {
                    "array and weights must have the same length");
            return NULL;
        weights_data = weights->data;
        weights_stride = weights->strides[0];

    if (dim == 1) {
        // weighted fill
        if (weights) {
            for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n),
                        *(double *)(weights_data + i * weights_stride));
        } else {
            // unweighted fill
            for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                hist->Fill(*(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n));
    } else if (dim == 2) {
        // weighted fill
        if (weights) {
            for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n),
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n + array_stride_k),
                        *(double *)(weights_data + i * weights_stride));
        } else {
            // unweighted fill
            for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n),
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n + array_stride_k));
    } else if (dim == 3) {
        // weighted fill
        if (weights) {
            for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n),
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n + array_stride_k),
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n + 2 * array_stride_k),
                        *(double *)(weights_data + i * weights_stride));
        } else {
            // unweighted fill
            for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n),
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n + array_stride_k),
                        *(double *)(array_data + i * array_stride_n + 2 * array_stride_k));
    if (weights)