/// Implements the Global Relabeling heuristic. ##TSnap::GlobalRelabel void GlobalRelabel (PNEANet &Net, TPRManager &PRM, const int& SrcNId, const int& SnkNId) { TIntQ NodeQ; int size = Net->GetMxNId(); TIntV NodeV(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { NodeV[i] = 0; } NodeQ.Push(SnkNId); NodeV[SnkNId] = 1; int MaxLabel = PRM.GetMaxLabel(); while (!NodeQ.Empty()) { // Backward search int NId = NodeQ.Top(); NodeQ.Pop(); const TNEANet::TNodeI &NI = Net->GetNI(NId); // Check all edges that point out of the current node for those over which flow can be returned. for (int EdgeN = 0; EdgeN < NI.GetOutDeg(); EdgeN++) { int OutNId = NI.GetOutNId(EdgeN); int EId = NI.GetOutEId(EdgeN); if (!NodeV[OutNId] && PRM.Flow(EId) > 0) { NodeV[OutNId] = 1; NodeQ.Push(OutNId); PRM.SetLabel(OutNId, PRM.Label(NId) + 1); } } // Check all edges that point into the current node for those over which flow can be added. for (int EdgeN = 0; EdgeN < NI.GetInDeg(); EdgeN++) { int InNId = NI.GetInNId(EdgeN); int EId = NI.GetInEId(EdgeN); if (!NodeV[InNId] && PRM.Capacity(EId) > PRM.Flow(EId)) { NodeV[InNId] = 1; NodeQ.Push(InNId); PRM.SetLabel(InNId, PRM.Label(NId) + 1); } } } for (TNEANet::TNodeI NI = Net->BegNI(); NI != Net->EndNI(); NI++) { int NId = NI.GetId(); if (NodeV[NId]) { if (PRM.Excess(NId) > 0 && PRM.Label(NId) < MaxLabel && NId != SnkNId) { if (!PRM.IsActive(NId)) { PRM.PushActive(NId); } } } else { if (PRM.IsActive(NId)) { PRM.RemoveActive(NId); } PRM.SetLabel(NId, MaxLabel); } } }
// simulate SI model cascade using infection probability Beta until the cascade stops or reaches size MxCascSz PNGraph RunSICascade2(PUNGraph G, const double& Beta, const int& MxCascSz, TIntH& NIdInfTmH) { PNGraph Casc = TNGraph::New(); const int StartNId = G->GetRndNId(); Casc->AddNode(StartNId); NIdInfTmH.AddDat(StartNId, NIdInfTmH.Len()); TIntQ Q; Q.Push(StartNId); while (! Q.Empty()) { const TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(Q.Top()); Q.Pop(); for (int i = 0; i < NI.GetOutDeg(); i++) { if (TInt::Rnd.GetUniDev() < Beta && ! NIdInfTmH.IsKey(NI.GetOutNId(i))) { Casc->AddNode(NI.GetOutNId(i)); NIdInfTmH.AddDat(NI.GetOutNId(i), NIdInfTmH.Len()); Casc->AddEdge(NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutNId(i)); if (Casc->GetNodes() == MxCascSz) { return Casc; } Q.Push(NI.GetOutNId(i)); } } } return Casc; }
// Returns the NId where the two directions of search meet up, or -1 if no augmenting path exists. ##TSnap::IntFlowBiDBFS int IntFlowBiDBFS (const PNEANet &Net, const int& CapIndex, TIntV &Flow, TIntQ &FwdNodeQ, TIntH &PredEdgeH, TIntQ &BwdNodeQ, TIntH &SuccEdgeH, const int& SrcNId, const int& SnkNId) { FwdNodeQ.Push(SrcNId); PredEdgeH.AddDat(SrcNId, -1); BwdNodeQ.Push(SnkNId); SuccEdgeH.AddDat(SnkNId, -1); while (!FwdNodeQ.Empty() && !BwdNodeQ.Empty()) { // Forward search const TNEANet::TNodeI &FwdNI = Net->GetNI(FwdNodeQ.Top()); FwdNodeQ.Pop(); // Check all edges that point into the current node for those over which flow can be returned. for (int EdgeN = 0; EdgeN < FwdNI.GetInDeg(); EdgeN++) { int NextNId = FwdNI.GetInNId(EdgeN); int NextEId = FwdNI.GetInEId(EdgeN); if (!PredEdgeH.IsKey(NextNId) && Flow[NextEId] > 0) { PredEdgeH.AddDat(NextNId, NextEId); if (SuccEdgeH.IsKey(NextNId)) { return NextNId; } FwdNodeQ.Push(NextNId); } } // Check all edges that point out of the current node for those over which flow can be added. for (int EdgeN = 0; EdgeN < FwdNI.GetOutDeg(); EdgeN++) { int NextNId = FwdNI.GetOutNId(EdgeN); int NextEId = FwdNI.GetOutEId(EdgeN); if (!PredEdgeH.IsKey(NextNId) && Net->GetIntAttrIndDatE(NextEId, CapIndex) > Flow[NextEId]) { PredEdgeH.AddDat(NextNId, NextEId); if (SuccEdgeH.IsKey(NextNId)) { return NextNId; } FwdNodeQ.Push(NextNId); } } // Backward search const TNEANet::TNodeI &BwdNI = Net->GetNI(BwdNodeQ.Top()); BwdNodeQ.Pop(); // Check all edges that point out of the current node for those over which flow can be returned. for (int EdgeN = 0; EdgeN < BwdNI.GetOutDeg(); EdgeN++) { int PrevNId = BwdNI.GetOutNId(EdgeN); int PrevEId = BwdNI.GetOutEId(EdgeN); if (!SuccEdgeH.IsKey(PrevNId) && Flow[PrevEId] > 0) { SuccEdgeH.AddDat(PrevNId, PrevEId); if (PredEdgeH.IsKey(PrevNId)) { return PrevNId; } BwdNodeQ.Push(PrevNId); } } // Check all edges that point into the current node for those over which flow can be added. for (int EdgeN = 0; EdgeN < BwdNI.GetInDeg(); EdgeN++) { int PrevNId = BwdNI.GetInNId(EdgeN); int PrevEId = BwdNI.GetInEId(EdgeN); if (!SuccEdgeH.IsKey(PrevNId) && Net->GetIntAttrIndDatE(PrevEId, CapIndex) > Flow[PrevEId]) { SuccEdgeH.AddDat(PrevNId, PrevEId); if (PredEdgeH.IsKey(PrevNId)) { return PrevNId; } BwdNodeQ.Push(PrevNId); } } } return -1; }