예제 #1
// Merge the linker objects from unitLinkerObjects into linkerObjects.
// Duplication is expected and filtered out, but contradictions are an error.
void TIntermediate::mergeLinkerObjects(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermSequence& linkerObjects, const TIntermSequence& unitLinkerObjects)
    // Error check and merge the linker objects (duplicates should not be created)
    std::size_t initialNumLinkerObjects = linkerObjects.size();
    for (unsigned int unitLinkObj = 0; unitLinkObj < unitLinkerObjects.size(); ++unitLinkObj) {
        bool merge = true;
        for (std::size_t linkObj = 0; linkObj < initialNumLinkerObjects; ++linkObj) {
            TIntermSymbol* symbol = linkerObjects[linkObj]->getAsSymbolNode();
            TIntermSymbol* unitSymbol = unitLinkerObjects[unitLinkObj]->getAsSymbolNode();
            assert(symbol && unitSymbol);
            if (symbol->getName() == unitSymbol->getName()) {
                // filter out copy
                merge = false;

                // but if one has an initializer and the other does not, update
                // the initializer
                if (symbol->getConstArray().empty() && ! unitSymbol->getConstArray().empty())

                // Similarly for binding
                if (! symbol->getQualifier().hasBinding() && unitSymbol->getQualifier().hasBinding())
                    symbol->getQualifier().layoutBinding = unitSymbol->getQualifier().layoutBinding;

                // Update implicit array sizes
                mergeImplicitArraySizes(symbol->getWritableType(), unitSymbol->getType());

                // Check for consistent types/qualification/initializers etc.
                mergeErrorCheck(infoSink, *symbol, *unitSymbol, false);
        if (merge)
예제 #2
TType* getTypeDebugParameter(TIntermAggregate *node, int pnum)
	TType *result = NULL;

	if (!node)
		return result;

	if (node->getOp() != EOpFunctionCall)
		return result;

	TIntermSequence funcCallSeq = node->getSequence();

	if ((int) funcCallSeq.size() < pnum) {
				"CodeTools -  function does not have this much parameter\n");

	if (!funcCallSeq[pnum]->getAsTyped()) {
				"CodeTools -  in parameter is not of type TIntermTyped\n");

	return funcCallSeq[pnum]->getAsTyped()->getTypePointer();
예제 #3
int ValidateLimitations::validateForLoopInit(TIntermLoop *node)
    TIntermNode *init = node->getInit();
    if (init == NULL)
        error(node->getLine(), "Missing init declaration", "for");
        return -1;

    // init-declaration has the form:
    //     type-specifier identifier = constant-expression
    TIntermAggregate *decl = init->getAsAggregate();
    if ((decl == NULL) || (decl->getOp() != EOpDeclaration))
        error(init->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for");
        return -1;
    // To keep things simple do not allow declaration list.
    TIntermSequence *declSeq = decl->getSequence();
    if (declSeq->size() != 1)
        error(decl->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for");
        return -1;
    TIntermBinary *declInit = (*declSeq)[0]->getAsBinaryNode();
    if ((declInit == NULL) || (declInit->getOp() != EOpInitialize))
        error(decl->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for");
        return -1;
    TIntermSymbol *symbol = declInit->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode();
    if (symbol == NULL)
        error(declInit->getLine(), "Invalid init declaration", "for");
        return -1;
    // The loop index has type int or float.
    TBasicType type = symbol->getBasicType();
    if ((type != EbtInt) && (type != EbtUInt) && (type != EbtFloat)) {
              "Invalid type for loop index", getBasicString(type));
        return -1;
    // The loop index is initialized with constant expression.
    if (!isConstExpr(declInit->getRight()))
              "Loop index cannot be initialized with non-constant expression",
        return -1;

    return symbol->getId();
예제 #4
// Merge the function bodies and global-level initializers from unitGlobals into globals.
// Will error check duplication of function bodies for the same signature.
void TIntermediate::mergeBodies(TInfoSink& infoSink, TIntermSequence& globals, const TIntermSequence& unitGlobals)
    // TODO: link-time performance: Processing in alphabetical order will be faster

    // Error check the global objects, not including the linker objects
    for (unsigned int child = 0; child < globals.size() - 1; ++child) {
        for (unsigned int unitChild = 0; unitChild < unitGlobals.size() - 1; ++unitChild) {
            TIntermAggregate* body = globals[child]->getAsAggregate();
            TIntermAggregate* unitBody = unitGlobals[unitChild]->getAsAggregate();
            if (body && unitBody && body->getOp() == EOpFunction && unitBody->getOp() == EOpFunction && body->getName() == unitBody->getName()) {
                error(infoSink, "Multiple function bodies in multiple compilation units for the same signature in the same stage:");
                infoSink.info << "    " << globals[child]->getAsAggregate()->getName() << "\n";

    // Merge the global objects, just in front of the linker objects
    globals.insert(globals.end() - 1, unitGlobals.begin(), unitGlobals.end() - 1);
예제 #5
bool InitializeVariables::visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node)
    bool visitChildren = !mCodeInserted;
    switch (node->getOp())
      case EOpSequence:
      case EOpFunction:
        // Function definition.
        ASSERT(visit == PreVisit);
        if (node->getName() == "main(")
            TIntermSequence *sequence = node->getSequence();
            ASSERT((sequence->size() == 1) || (sequence->size() == 2));
            TIntermAggregate *body = NULL;
            if (sequence->size() == 1)
                body = new TIntermAggregate(EOpSequence);
                body = (*sequence)[1]->getAsAggregate();
            mCodeInserted = true;
        visitChildren = false;
    return visitChildren;
예제 #6
void CollectVariables::visitInfoList(const TIntermSequence &sequence,
                                     std::vector<VarT> *infoList) const
    for (size_t seqIndex = 0; seqIndex < sequence.size(); seqIndex++)
        const TIntermSymbol *variable = sequence[seqIndex]->getAsSymbolNode();
        // The only case in which the sequence will not contain a
        // TIntermSymbol node is initialization. It will contain a
        // TInterBinary node in that case. Since attributes, uniforms,
        // and varyings cannot be initialized in a shader, we must have
        // only TIntermSymbol nodes in the sequence.
        ASSERT(variable != NULL);
        visitVariable(variable, infoList);
예제 #7
bool ValidateLimitations::validateFunctionCall(TIntermAggregate *node)
    ASSERT(node->getOp() == EOpFunctionCall);

    // If not within loop body, there is nothing to check.
    if (!withinLoopBody())
        return true;

    // List of param indices for which loop indices are used as argument.
    typedef std::vector<size_t> ParamIndex;
    ParamIndex pIndex;
    TIntermSequence *params = node->getSequence();
    for (TIntermSequence::size_type i = 0; i < params->size(); ++i)
        TIntermSymbol *symbol = (*params)[i]->getAsSymbolNode();
        if (symbol && isLoopIndex(symbol))
    // If none of the loop indices are used as arguments,
    // there is nothing to check.
    if (pIndex.empty())
        return true;

    bool valid = true;
    TSymbolTable& symbolTable = GetGlobalParseContext()->symbolTable;
    TSymbol *symbol           = symbolTable.find(node->getFunctionSymbolInfo()->getName(),
    ASSERT(symbol && symbol->isFunction());
    TFunction *function = static_cast<TFunction *>(symbol);
    for (ParamIndex::const_iterator i = pIndex.begin();
         i != pIndex.end(); ++i)
        const TConstParameter &param = function->getParam(*i);
        TQualifier qual = param.type->getQualifier();
        if ((qual == EvqOut) || (qual == EvqInOut))
                  "Loop index cannot be used as argument to a function out or inout parameter",
            valid = false;

    return valid;
예제 #8
bool getHasSideEffectsDebugParameter(TIntermAggregate *node, int pnum)
    if (!node)
        return false;
    if ( node->getOp() != EOpFunctionCall)
        return false;
    TIntermSequence funcCallSeq = node->getSequence();
    if ((int) funcCallSeq.size() < pnum) {
        dbgPrint(DBGLVL_ERROR, "CodeTools - function does not have this much parameter\n");
    if (!funcCallSeq[pnum]->getAsTyped()) {
        dbgPrint(DBGLVL_ERROR, "CodeTools - in parameter is not of type TIntermTyped\n");
    return funcCallSeq[pnum]->getAsTyped()->hasSideEffects();
예제 #9
bool TSamplerTraverser::traverseAggregate( bool preVisit, TIntermAggregate *node, TIntermTraverser *it)
   TSamplerTraverser* sit = static_cast<TSamplerTraverser*>(it);
   TInfoSink &infoSink = sit->infoSink;

   if (sit->abort)
      return false;

   if (! (sit->typing) )
      switch (node->getOp())
      case EOpFunction:
         // Store the current function name to use to setup the parameters
         sit->currentFunction = node->getName().c_str(); 

      case EOpParameters:
         // Store the parameters to the function in the map
         sit->functionMap[sit->currentFunction.c_str()] = &(node->getSequence());

      case EOpFunctionCall:
            // This is a bit tricky.  Find the function in the map.  Loop over the parameters
            // and see if the parameters have been marked as a typed sampler.  If so, propagate
            // the sampler type to the caller
            if ( sit->functionMap.find ( node->getName().c_str() ) != sit->functionMap.end() )
               // Get the sequence of function parameters
               TIntermSequence *funcSequence = sit->functionMap[node->getName().c_str()];
               // Get the sequence of parameters being passed to function
               TIntermSequence &sequence = node->getSequence();

               // Grab iterators to both sequences
               TIntermSequence::iterator it = sequence.begin();
               TIntermSequence::iterator funcIt = funcSequence->begin();

               assert ( sequence.size() == funcSequence->size() );
               if ( sequence.size() == funcSequence->size() )
                  while ( it != sequence.end() )
                     TIntermSymbol *sym = (*it)->getAsSymbolNode();
                     TIntermSymbol *funcSym = (*funcIt)->getAsSymbolNode();
                     if ( sym != NULL && funcSym != NULL)
                        // If the parameter is generic, and the sampler to which
                        // it is being passed has been marked, propogate its sampler
                        // type to the caller.
                        if ( sym->getBasicType() == EbtSamplerGeneric &&
                             funcSym->getBasicType() != EbtSamplerGeneric )
                           sit->typeSampler ( sym, funcSym->getBasicType() );

         //HLSL texture functions
      case EOpTex1D:
      case EOpTex1DProj:
      case EOpTex1DLod:
      case EOpTex1DBias:
      case EOpTex1DGrad:
            TIntermSequence &sequence = node->getSequence();
            assert( sequence.size());
            TIntermTyped *sampArg = sequence[0]->getAsTyped();
            if ( sampArg)
               if (sampArg->getBasicType() == EbtSamplerGeneric)
                  //type the sampler
                  sit->typeSampler( sampArg, EbtSampler1D);
               else if (sampArg->getBasicType() != EbtSampler1D)
                  //We have a sampler mismatch error
                  infoSink.info << "Error: " << node->getLine() << ": Sampler type mismatch, likely using a generic sampler as two types\n";

         // We need to continue the traverse here, because the calls could be nested 

      case EOpTex2D:
      case EOpTex2DProj:
      case EOpTex2DLod:
      case EOpTex2DBias:
      case EOpTex2DGrad:
            TIntermSequence &sequence = node->getSequence();
            assert( sequence.size());
            TIntermTyped *sampArg = sequence[0]->getAsTyped();
            if ( sampArg)
               if (sampArg->getBasicType() == EbtSamplerGeneric)
                  //type the sampler
                  sit->typeSampler( sampArg, EbtSampler2D);
               else if (sampArg->getBasicType() != EbtSampler2D)
                  //We have a sampler mismatch error
                  infoSink.info << "Error: " << node->getLine() << ": Sampler type mismatch, likely using a generic sampler as two types\n";

         // We need to continue the traverse here, because the calls could be nested 

	  case EOpTexRect:
	  case EOpTexRectProj:
			  TIntermSequence &sequence = node->getSequence();
			  assert( sequence.size());
			  TIntermTyped *sampArg = sequence[0]->getAsTyped();
			  if ( sampArg)
				  if (sampArg->getBasicType() == EbtSamplerGeneric)
					  //type the sampler
					  sit->typeSampler( sampArg, EbtSamplerRect);
				  else if (sampArg->getBasicType() != EbtSamplerRect)
					  //We have a sampler mismatch error
					  infoSink.info << "Error: " << node->getLine() << ": Sampler type mismatch, likely using a generic sampler as two types\n";
		  // We need to continue the traverse here, because the calls could be nested 
      case EOpTex3D:
      case EOpTex3DProj:
      case EOpTex3DLod:
      case EOpTex3DBias:
      case EOpTex3DGrad:
            TIntermSequence &sequence = node->getSequence();
            assert( sequence.size());
            TIntermTyped *sampArg = sequence[0]->getAsTyped();
            if ( sampArg)
               if (sampArg->getBasicType() == EbtSamplerGeneric)
                  //type the sampler
                  sit->typeSampler( sampArg, EbtSampler3D);
               else if (sampArg->getBasicType() != EbtSampler3D)
                  //We have a sampler mismatch error
                  infoSink.info << "Error: " << node->getLine() << ": Sampler type mismatch, likely using a generic sampler as two types\n";

         // We need to continue the traverse here, because the calls could be nested 

      case EOpTexCube:
      case EOpTexCubeProj:
      case EOpTexCubeLod:
      case EOpTexCubeBias:
      case EOpTexCubeGrad:
            TIntermSequence &sequence = node->getSequence();
            assert( sequence.size());
            TIntermTyped *sampArg = sequence[0]->getAsTyped();
            if ( sampArg)
               if (sampArg->getBasicType() == EbtSamplerGeneric)
                  //type the sampler
                  sit->typeSampler( sampArg, EbtSamplerCube);
               else if (sampArg->getBasicType() != EbtSamplerCube)
                  //We have a sampler mismatch error
                  infoSink.info << "Error: " << node->getLine() << ": Sampler type mismatch, likely using a generic sampler as two types\n";

         // We need to continue the traverse here, because the calls could be nested 


   return !(sit->abort);
예제 #10
void TLValueTrackingTraverser::traverseAggregate(TIntermAggregate *node)
    bool visit = true;

    TIntermSequence *sequence = node->getSequence();
    if (node->getOp() == EOpPrototype)
        addToFunctionMap(node->getFunctionSymbolInfo()->getNameObj(), sequence);

    if (preVisit)
        visit = visitAggregate(PreVisit, node);

    if (visit)
        bool inFunctionMap = false;
        if (node->getOp() == EOpFunctionCall)
            inFunctionMap = isInFunctionMap(node);
            if (!inFunctionMap)
                // The function is not user-defined - it is likely built-in texture function.
                // Assume that those do not have out parameters.


        if (inFunctionMap)
            TIntermSequence *params             = getFunctionParameters(node);
            TIntermSequence::iterator paramIter = params->begin();
            for (auto *child : *sequence)
                ASSERT(paramIter != params->end());
                TQualifier qualifier = (*paramIter)->getAsTyped()->getQualifier();
                setInFunctionCallOutParameter(qualifier == EvqOut || qualifier == EvqInOut);

                if (visit && inVisit)
                    if (child != sequence->back())
                        visit = visitAggregate(InVisit, node);


            // Find the built-in function corresponding to this op so that we can determine the
            // in/out qualifiers of its parameters.
            TFunction *builtInFunc = nullptr;
            TString opString = GetOperatorString(node->getOp());
            if (!node->isConstructor() && !opString.empty())
                // The return type doesn't affect the mangled name of the function, which is used
                // to look it up from the symbol table.
                TType dummyReturnType;
                TFunction call(&opString, &dummyReturnType, node->getOp());
                for (auto *child : *sequence)
                    TType *paramType = child->getAsTyped()->getTypePointer();
                    TConstParameter p(paramType);

                TSymbol *sym = mSymbolTable.findBuiltIn(call.getMangledName(), mShaderVersion);
                if (sym != nullptr && sym->isFunction())
                    builtInFunc = static_cast<TFunction *>(sym);
                    ASSERT(builtInFunc->getParamCount() == sequence->size());

            size_t paramIndex = 0;

            for (auto *child : *sequence)
                TQualifier qualifier = EvqIn;
                if (builtInFunc != nullptr)
                    qualifier = builtInFunc->getParam(paramIndex).type->getQualifier();
                setInFunctionCallOutParameter(qualifier == EvqOut || qualifier == EvqInOut);

                if (visit && inVisit)
                    if (child != sequence->back())
                        visit = visitAggregate(InVisit, node);




    if (visit && postVisit)
        visitAggregate(PostVisit, node);