// fires an event when a file, or files are dropped onto the application. void __fastcall TForm1::WMDropFiles(TWMDropFiles &message) { AnsiString FileName; FileName.SetLength(MAX_PATH); FileName.SetLength(DragQueryFile((HDROP)message.Drop, 0,FileName.c_str(), MAX_PATH)); if(UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FileName)) == ".BMP") { bmp->LoadFromFile(FileName) ; img->Picture->Bitmap->Assign(bmp) ; } else if(UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FileName)) == ".JPG") { TJPEGImage * jpeg = new TJPEGImage(); jpeg->LoadFromFile(FileName); jpeg->DIBNeeded(); bmp->Assign(jpeg); img->Picture->Bitmap->Assign(bmp) ; delete jpeg; } preview->frmSelect->Position = 0 ; outType->ItemIndex = 1 ; if(preview->Visible) updatePreview(); int l = bmp->Width, h = bmp->Height ; transType->ItemIndex = 0 ; //preview->TransparentColor = 0 ; // auto compute frame number and frameset way if(l < 142 || h < 142) { int s ; int yyop ; int *v=&h, *vh=&l ; if(l > h*2) { v=&l ; vh=&h ; vertical=0 ; } // horizontal frameset else vertical = 1 ; flipWay->Checked = !vertical ; s = *vh + 3 ; do { yyop = (*v)/s ; } while(s && yyop*s-- != *v) ; ++s ; if(s < 4) { frmNb->Text = 1 ; sprintf(msg,"frames of %i*%i",l,h) ; LabelSize->Caption = msg ; fsx = l ; fsy = h ; } else {nb = yyop ; fsx = s ; fsy = *vh ; frmNb->Text = yyop ; sprintf(msg,"frames of %i*%i",s,*vh) ; LabelSize->Caption = msg ; } } else { frmNb->Text = 1 ; sprintf(msg,"frames of %i*%i",l,h) ; LabelSize->Caption = msg ; nb=1 ; } preview->ClientHeight = h ; preview->ClientWidth = l + (nb > 1)*15 ; preview->Caption = FileName + " (" + nb + ")" ; fname = FileName ; outTypeChange((TObject*)42) ; Form1->Button1->Enabled = 1 ; Form1->Height = 304 ; Form1->StatusBar->Visible = 1 ; // tell the OS that you're finished... DragFinish((HDROP) message.Drop); }
//simvan gia tin apothikeusi tis eikonas otan patiete to save //dinatotita gia apothikeusi se bmp & jpg morfi void __fastcall TForm1::SavePic1Click(TObject *Sender) { SavePictureDialog1->Title = "Save Image"; SavePictureDialog1->DefaultExt = "jpg"; SavePictureDialog1->Filter = "JPEG images (*.jpg) | *.jpg; | Bmp files (*.bmp)|*.BMP" ; SavePictureDialog1->FilterIndex = 1; if (SavePictureDialog1->Execute()) { AnsiString temp2 = ExtractFileName(SavePictureDialog1->FileName); AnsiString temp = ExtractFileExt(SavePictureDialog1->FileName); AnsiString Ext = temp.LowerCase(); if (Ext.AnsiPos("jpg") > 0) { TJPEGImage *jp = new TJPEGImage(); try { jp->Assign(Image1->Picture->Bitmap); jp->SaveToFile(SavePictureDialog1->FileName); } __finally { delete jp; } }
void __fastcall TForm1::OpenPicture1Click(TObject *Sender) { OpenPictureDialog1->Filter = "Bmp files (*.bmp)|*.BMP| JPEG images (*.jpg) | *.jpg; " ; if (OpenPictureDialog1->Execute()) { if (!FileExists(OpenPictureDialog1->FileName)) return; AnsiString temp2 = ExtractFileName(OpenPictureDialog1->FileName); AnsiString temp = ExtractFileExt(OpenPictureDialog1->FileName); AnsiString Ext = temp.LowerCase(); if (Ext.AnsiPos("jpg") > 0) { TJPEGImage *myjpeg = new TJPEGImage(); myjpeg->LoadFromFile(OpenPictureDialog1->FileName); myjpeg->DIBNeeded(); Image1->Picture->Bitmap->Assign(myjpeg); delete myjpeg; } else if (Ext.AnsiPos("bmp") > 0) { Image1->Picture->Bitmap->LoadFromFile(OpenPictureDialog1->FileName); } } { Undo1->Enabled=false; //apenergopoioume ta undo/redo Redo1->Enabled=false; ToolUndo->Enabled=false; ToolRedo->Enabled=false; } }