TProfile* plotIsoPerformance( TFile* ftt, const char* signal, // histogram name const char* background, // histogram name const char* name, // unique name bool reverse = false, // normally signal near zero bin, reverse means signal is around max bin double bkg_eff_min = 0, double bkg_eff_max = 1, double sig_eff_min = 0, double sig_eff_max = 0 ) { TH1F* S = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(ftt->Get(signal)); if ( ! S ) { std::cout << "Error: histogram not found " << signal << std::endl; return 0; } TH1F* B = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(ftt->Get(background)); if ( ! B ) { std::cout << "Error: histogram not found " << background << std::endl; return 0; } char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf,"c_%s",name); // TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(buf,buf,500,500); sprintf(buf,"p_%s",name); TProfile* p = new TProfile(buf,buf,50,bkg_eff_min,bkg_eff_max,sig_eff_min,sig_eff_max); p->SetLineColor(kBlue); p->SetLineWidth(2); p->SetMarkerStyle(20); p->SetMarkerSize(1); p->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Background Efficiency"); p->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Signal Efficiency"); p->SetStats(kFALSE); for( int i=0;i<=S->GetNbinsX()+1; ++i ) if ( reverse ) p->Fill(B->Integral(i,B->GetNbinsX()+1)/B->Integral(0,B->GetNbinsX()+1), S->Integral(i,S->GetNbinsX()+1)/S->Integral(0,S->GetNbinsX()+1)); else p->Fill(B->Integral(0,i)/B->Integral(0,B->GetNbinsX()+1), S->Integral(0,i)/S->Integral(0,S->GetNbinsX()+1)); // p->Draw(); return p; }
void Fake100PeVShower(int opt) { // opt == 0 implies save to root file // opt == 1 implies plot and save to canvas TFile* file = NULL; TCanvas* c = NULL; if(opt == 0) file = new TFile("fake100PeVShower.root","recreate"); if(opt == 1) c = makeCanvas("c"); TString gaus = "1.5e7*TMath::Exp(-(pow(x-10,2)/9))"; TString bump = "5e6*TMath::Exp(-(pow(x-17,2)/20))"; TF1* f = new TF1("f",(gaus+"+"+bump).Data(),0,30); int nbins = 3000; float xmin = 0; float xmax = 30; TProfile* prof = new TProfile("prof","",nbins,xmin,xmax); prof->SetStats(0); prof->SetTitle(""); prof->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Charge excess / 1e7"); prof->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z [m]"); float step = xmax / nbins; for(int i =0; i<nbins; ++i){ float x = step * i; if(opt == 1 ) prof->Fill(x, f->Eval(x)/1e7); else prof->Fill(x, f->Eval(x)); } if(opt == 1){ prof->Draw(); c->SaveAs("JaimeCheck/FakeProfile100PeV.png"); } if(opt == 0){ file->Write(); file->Close(); } }
void profile() { TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("canvas","nhitac",1200,600); c1->Divide(2,1); c1->cd(1); TFile *file1 = new TFile("test_nhitac_modified.root"); //TH1F *histo1 = new TH1F("nhitac1","nhitac1",60,0,300); TProfile *profile1 = new TProfile("profile","nhitac profile",100,0,100,0,300); TFile *file2 = new TFile("test_nhitac_unmodified.root"); //TH1F *histo2 = new TH1F("nhitac","nhitac",60,0,300); TProfile *profile2 = new TProfile("profile2","nhitac profile2",100,0,100,0,300); TProfile *ratio = new TProfile("ratio","nhitac ratio", 100,0,100,0,2); //histo2->SetMarkerStyle(31); TLegend *l1 = new TLegend(0.20, 0.60, 0.3, 0.7); l1->SetBorderSize(0); TTree* nhitac_modified = (TTree*)file1->Get("testnhitac"); TTree* nhitac_unmodified = (TTree*)file2->Get("testnhitac"); int testnhitac1, testnhitac2; nhitac_modified->SetBranchAddress("nhitac",&testnhitac1); nhitac_unmodified->SetBranchAddress("nhitac",&testnhitac2); for(int i= 0; i < nhitac_modified->GetEntries(); i++) { nhitac_modified->GetEntry(i); nhitac_unmodified->GetEntry(i); profile1->Fill(i,testnhitac1); profile2->Fill(i,testnhitac2); double temp = testnhitac2; ratio->Fill(i,testnhitac1/temp); //histo1->Fill(testnhitac1); //histo2->Fill(testnhitac2); } //histo1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); //histo1->SetLineColor(kRed); profile1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); profile1->SetMarkerStyle(5); profile2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); l1->AddEntry(profile1,"modified od bad channel","P"); l1->AddEntry(profile2,"old od bad channel","l"); l1->SetTextSize(0.04); profile1->Draw("e1p"); profile1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("event #"); profile1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("nhitac"); profile2->Draw("same"); l1->Draw(); c1->cd(2); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("event #"); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("new/old"); //ratio->SetMarkerStyle(5); //ratio->SetMarkerColor(kRed); ratio->Draw(); }
// Report cut flow findings to screen void DileptonAnalyzer::reportCutFlow( TFile & outputFile ) { // Store in a TProfile TProfile *cutFlow = new TProfile("cutFlow","Cut flow for final set of analysis cuts",20,0.5,20.5,-9.9e9,9.9e9); TAxis *cutFlowAxis = cutFlow->GetXaxis(); for ( unsigned int iCut = 0; iCut < cutNamesInOrder_.size(); iCut++ ) { cutFlow->Fill( iCut+1, cutFlowMap_[cutNamesInOrder_[iCut]]); cutFlowAxis->SetBinLabel( iCut+1, cutNamesInOrder_[iCut]); }; cutFlow->Write(); }
//----------------------------------------// // Get profile from all events mixed //----------------------------------------// TProfile* getMixProfile(TFile* file, int nbins, float xmin, float xmax, int color, int marker) { // Histograms all have same base name string base = "h_evt"; // String stream easy for manipulation stringstream ss; // Create Profile TProfile* p = new TProfile("mixed","",nbins,xmin,xmax); p->SetMarkerSize(0.75); p->SetMarkerStyle(marker); p->SetMarkerColor(color); p->SetLineColor(color); // Now loop over events and get result TH1F* h = NULL; for(int i=0; i<m_nEvent; ++i){ ss.str(""); ss << base << i; h = (TH1F*) file->Get(ss.str().c_str()); // Loop over bin content for(int bin=1; bin<=h->GetNbinsX(); ++bin){ float content = h->GetBinContent(bin); float center = h->GetBinCenter(bin); p->Fill(center, content); } h = NULL; }// end loop events return p; }
void AnalysisBase::getTDC(){ TProfile *hb = new TProfile("hb","Cluster Charge vs TDC time",12,0,12,100,1000); Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); float lo = 0, hi = 0; int istrip; Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; std::cout << "============================================" << std::endl; std::cout << "getTDC(): Determining Optimal TDC time range" << std::endl; std::cout << "============================================" << std::endl; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<max(50000,(int)nentries);jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; for(int j=0; j<min((int)clusterNumberPerEvent,10); j++){ //std::cout << "j: " << ", clustersTDC: " << clustersTDC << ", clustersCharge[j]: " << clustersCharge[j] << ", clustersPosition[j]: " << clustersPosition[j] << std::endl; istrip = clustersSeedPosition[j]; if(badStrips[istrip]==0) continue; // exclude bad strips if(clustersPosition[j] < 0.1) continue; if(polarity*clustersCharge[j] < kClusterChargeMin) continue; if(clustersPosition[j]>=iLo && clustersPosition[j]<=iHi && clustersTDC>1.0 && polarity*clustersCharge[j]>150 && polarity*clustersCharge[j]<500) hb->Fill(clustersTDC+0.1,polarity*clustersCharge[j]); } } getTDCBins(hb,lo,hi); tdcLo = lo; tdcHi = hi; std::cout << "====> TDC Range determined to be from " << tdcLo << " -- " << tdcHi << std::endl; hb->Draw(); //delete hb; return; }
void DileptonAnalyzer::storeSignalEfficiencies( TFile & outputFile ) { // Store in a TProfile TProfile *sigEffOne = new TProfile("SignalEfficOneDecay","Signal efficiencies when one exotic decays in this channel",10,0.5,10.5,-9.9e9,9.9e9); TAxis *sigEffOneAxis = sigEffOne->GetXaxis(); TProfile *sigEffTwo = new TProfile("SignalEfficTwoDecay","Signal efficiencies when two exotic decays in this channel",10,0.5,10.5,-9.9e9,9.9e9); TAxis *sigEffTwoAxis = sigEffTwo->GetXaxis(); // Fill set of 3 bins in each TProfile for each exotic for ( int iExotic = 0; iExotic < nSignalParticles_; iExotic++ ) { TString axisTitle; sigEffOne->Fill( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+1, numEvents_oneSensitiveDecay_[iExotic] ); axisTitle.Form("Number of events coming into macro for exotic %d",signalPdgId_[iExotic]); sigEffOneAxis->SetBinLabel( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+1, axisTitle.Data()); sigEffOne->Fill( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+2, numExoticsRECO_oneSensitiveDecay_[iExotic] ); axisTitle.Form("Number of candidates RECO'd for exotic %d",signalPdgId_[iExotic]); sigEffOneAxis->SetBinLabel( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+2, axisTitle.Data()); sigEffOne->Fill( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+3, numExoticsCorrectRECO_oneSensitiveDecay_[iExotic] ); axisTitle.Form("Number of exotics correctly RECO'd for exotic %d",signalPdgId_[iExotic]); sigEffOneAxis->SetBinLabel( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+3, axisTitle.Data()); sigEffTwo->Fill( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+1, numEvents_twoSensitiveDecay_[iExotic] ); axisTitle.Form("Number of events coming into macro for exotic %d",signalPdgId_[iExotic]); sigEffTwoAxis->SetBinLabel( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+1, axisTitle.Data()); sigEffTwo->Fill( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+2, numExoticsRECO_twoSensitiveDecay_[iExotic] ); axisTitle.Form("Number of candidates RECO'd for exotic %d",signalPdgId_[iExotic]); sigEffTwoAxis->SetBinLabel( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+2, axisTitle.Data()); sigEffTwo->Fill( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+3, numExoticsCorrectRECO_twoSensitiveDecay_[iExotic] ); axisTitle.Form("Number of exotics correctly RECO'd for exotic %d",signalPdgId_[iExotic]); sigEffTwoAxis->SetBinLabel( iExotic*nSignalParticles_+3, axisTitle.Data()); }; sigEffOne->Write(); sigEffTwo->Write(); }
void RunPidGetterQAEff() { TString PidFrameworkDir = "/lustre/nyx/cbm/users/klochkov/soft/PidFramework/"; gSystem->Load( PidFrameworkDir + "build/libPid"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0000); TFile *f2 = new TFile("pid_0.root"); TTree *PidTree = (TTree*) f2->Get("PidTree"); TofPidGetter *getter = new TofPidGetter(); TBranch *PidGet = PidTree->GetBranch("TofPidGetter"); PidGet->SetAddress(&getter); PidGet->GetEntry(0); Float_t ret[3]; TProfile *hEffP = new TProfile ("hEffP", "", 100, 0, 10); TProfile *hEffPi = new TProfile ("hEffPi", "", 100, 0, 6); TProfile *hEffK = new TProfile ("hEffK", "", 100, 0, 5); TProfile *hEffPSigma = new TProfile ("hEffPSigma", "", 100, 0, 10); TProfile *hEffPiSigma = new TProfile ("hEffPiSigma", "", 100, 0, 6); TProfile *hEffKSigma = new TProfile ("hEffKSigma", "", 100, 0, 5); TProfile2D *hEffPtYP = new TProfile2D ("hEffPtYP", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4); TProfile2D *hEffPtYK = new TProfile2D ("hEffPtYK", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4); TProfile2D *hEffPtYPi = new TProfile2D ("hEffPtYPi", "", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, 0, 4); TString InTreeFileName = "/lustre/nyx/cbm/users/dblau/cbm/mc/UrQMD/AuAu/10AGeV/sis100_electron/SC_ON/2016_09_01/tree/11111.root"; TFile *InFile = new TFile(InTreeFileName); TTree *InTree = (TTree*) InFile->Get("fDataTree"); DataTreeEvent* DTEvent; InTree -> SetBranchAddress("DTEvent",&DTEvent); int nevents = 100000;//InTree->GetEntries(); int outputstep = 100; std::cout << "Entries = " << nevents << std::endl; for (int j=0;j<nevents;j++) { if ( (j+1) % outputstep == 0) std::cout << j+1 << "/" << nevents << "\r" << std::flush; InTree->GetEntry(j); Int_t Nmc[3] = {100,100,100}; Int_t Ntof[3] = {0,0,0}; Int_t PdgCode[3] = {2212, 212, 211}; Double_t sigmas [3] = {0,0,0}; for (int i=0;i<DTEvent->GetNTracks(); i++) { TLorentzVector v; DataTreeTrack* track = DTEvent -> GetTrack(i); DataTreeMCTrack* mctrack = DTEvent -> GetMCTrack(i); Double_t p = mctrack->GetPt() * TMath::CosH( mctrack->GetEta() ); if (track->GetTOFHitId() < 0) { if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 2212 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.9386); hEffP->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPSigma->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPtYP -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 321 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.5); hEffK->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffKSigma->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPtYK -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 211 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.14); hEffPi->Fill ( p, 0 ); hEffPiSigma->Fill ( p, 0); hEffPtYPi -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), 0 ); } continue; } // DataTreeTOFHit* toftrack = DTEvent -> GetTOFHit(track->GetTOFHitId()); p = toftrack->GetP(); Double_t m2 = toftrack->GetMass2 (); Bool_t cut = toftrack->GetBeta() > 0.1 && ( track->GetChiSq(0)/track->GetNDF(0) < 3 ) && p > 1.0 ; if ( !cut ) continue; getter->GetBayesProbability (m2, p, ret); sigmas[0] = getter->GetSigmaProton (m2, p); sigmas[1] = getter->GetSigmaKaon (m2, p); sigmas[2] = getter->GetSigmaPion (m2, p); // std::cout << "pdg = " << mctrack->GetPdgId() << " p = " << p << " Sp = " << sigmas[0] << " Sk = " << sigmas[1]<< " Spi = " << sigmas[2] << std::endl; if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 2212 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.9386); hEffP->Fill ( p, ret[0] > 0.9 ); hEffPSigma->Fill ( p, sigmas[0] < 3&& sigmas[1] > 2 && sigmas[2] > 2 ); hEffPtYP -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), ret[0] > 0.9 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 321 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.5); hEffK->Fill ( p, ret[1] > 0.9 ); hEffKSigma->Fill ( p, sigmas[1] < 3&& sigmas[2] > 2 && sigmas[0] > 2 ); hEffPtYK -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), ret[1] > 0.9 ); } if (mctrack->GetPdgId() == 211 ) { v.SetPtEtaPhiM (track->GetPt(0), track->GetEta(0), track->GetPhi(0), 0.14); hEffPi->Fill ( p, ret[2] > 0.9 ); hEffPiSigma->Fill ( p, sigmas[2] < 3&& sigmas[0] > 2 && sigmas[1] > 2 ); hEffPtYPi -> Fill( v.Rapidity() - 1.52, v.Pt(), ret[2] > 0.9 ); } } } hEffP -> SetMarkerStyle(21); hEffP -> SetMarkerColor(kRed); hEffP -> SetLineColor(kRed); hEffPi -> SetMarkerStyle(21); hEffPi -> SetMarkerColor(kRed); hEffPi -> SetLineColor(kRed); hEffK -> SetMarkerStyle(21); hEffK -> SetMarkerColor(kRed); hEffK -> SetLineColor(kRed); hEffPSigma -> SetMarkerStyle(22); hEffPSigma -> SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hEffPSigma -> SetLineColor(kBlue); hEffPiSigma -> SetMarkerStyle(22); hEffPiSigma -> SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hEffPiSigma -> SetLineColor(kBlue); hEffKSigma -> SetMarkerStyle(22); hEffKSigma -> SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hEffKSigma -> SetLineColor(kBlue); hEffP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "p, GeV/c" ); hEffP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Efficiency" ); hEffP->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.); hEffK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "p, GeV/c" ); hEffK->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Efficiency" ); hEffK->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.); hEffPi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "p, GeV/c" ); hEffPi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Efficiency" ); hEffPi->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.); hEffPtYP->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "p_{T}, GeV/c" ); hEffPtYP->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Rapidity" ); hEffPtYK->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "p_{T}, GeV/c" ); hEffPtYK->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Rapidity" ); hEffPtYPi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "p_{T}, GeV/c" ); hEffPtYPi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Rapidity" ); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas ("c1", "c1", 1400, 700); c1->Divide(3,1); c1->cd(1); hEffP->Draw(); hEffPSigma->Draw("same"); c1->cd(2); hEffK->Draw(); hEffKSigma->Draw("same"); c1->cd(3); hEffPi->Draw(); hEffPiSigma->Draw("same"); // c1->cd(4); // getter->GetProtonSigma()->Draw(); // getter->GetKaonSigma()->Draw("same"); // getter->GetPionSigma()->Draw("same"); // // c1->cd(5); // getter->GetProtonA()->Draw(); // getter->GetKaonA()->Draw("same"); // getter->GetPionA()->Draw("same"); // // c1->cd(6); // getter->GetProtonM2()->Draw(); // getter->GetKaonM2()->Draw("same"); // getter->GetPionM2()->Draw("same"); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas ("c2", "c2", 1400, 700); c2->Divide(3,1); c2->cd(1); hEffPtYP->Draw("colz"); c2->cd(2); hEffPtYK->Draw("colz"); c2->cd(3); hEffPtYPi->Draw("colz"); c1->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_p_all.root"); c1->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_p_all.C"); c1->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_p_all.png"); c2->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_pT_Y_all.root"); c2->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_pT_Y_all.C"); c2->SaveAs("Canvas_Eff_pT_Y_all.png"); }
void calibrateEM() { // FIXME: There are two possibilities to execute the script: // i) root run_hadron_g4.C // root[] .L calibrateEM.C // root[] calibrateEM() // or ii) Include the basics from run_hadron_g4.C here and // execute simply: // root calibrateEM.C // Load basic libraries // Load basic libraries gROOT->LoadMacro("/opt/geant4_vmc.2.15a/examples/macro/basiclibs.C"); basiclibs(); // Load Geant4 libraries gROOT->LoadMacro("/opt/geant4_vmc.2.15a/examples/macro/g4libs.C"); g4libs(); // Load the tutorial application library gSystem->Load("libTutorialApplication"); // MC application TutorialApplication* app = new TutorialApplication("TutorialApplication", "Tutorial Application for HEP Lecture @EKP"); // configure Geant4 gROOT->LoadMacro("g4Config.C"); Config(); // instantiate graphical user interface for tutorial application new TutorialMainFrame(app); //FIXME: Load "CountChargedinScint.C" gROOT->ProcessLine(".L CountChargedinScint.C"); //FIXME: Initialize the geometry app->InitMC("geometry/calor(1,0.2)"); //FIXME: Set the primary particle to photon app->SetPrimaryPDG(22); // Profile histogram - will show us the mean numbers of counts in bins of the energy. // The given binning refers to the energy, the other binning will be inferred automatically. TProfile* hcounts = new TProfile("hcounts","Counts per particle energy", 10,0,10); hcounts->SetXTitle("energy [GeV]"); hcounts->SetYTitle("mean number of counts"); // FIXME loop over different particle momenta, and for each momentum simulate several events (e.g. 10) for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i) { for(Int_t k = 0 ; k < 10; k ++) { //FIXME: Set the momentum of the primary particle to p Double_t p = i; app->SetPrimaryMomentum(p); //FIXME: Run the simulation app->RunMC(); //FIXME: Fill both the momentum and the output from CountChargedinScint // into the profile histogram hcounts Double_t x = CountChargedinScint(); hcounts->Fill(p,x); } } TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(); c->cd(); hcounts->Draw(); TF1 *fitter = new TF1("fitf","[0]*x", 0,10); fitter->SetParameter(0,1.0); fitter->SetParNames("calibration factor"); //FIXME: Fit the histogram to get the calibration factor hcounts->Fit("fitf"); }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int EEradStart = 15 ; int EEradEnd = 50 ; int EEphiStart = 0 ; int EEphiEnd = 360 ; std::string filename = "coeffcompareEE.root" ; // std::string NameDBOracle1 = "oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"; // std::string TagDBOracle1 = "EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"; // // std::string NameDBOracle2 = "oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"; // std::string TagDBOracle2 = "EcalIntercalibConstants_inv_startup_csa08_mc"; std::string NameDBOracle1 = "oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_20X_ECAL"; std::string TagDBOracle1 = "EcalIntercalibConstants_phi_Zee_csa08_s156_mc"; std::string NameDBOracle2 = "oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_20X_ECAL"; std::string TagDBOracle2 = "EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"; //---- location of the xml file ---- std::string calibFile = "/afs/"; if (argc == 1) { std::cout << "Help:"<<std::endl; std::cout << " 0-> Help"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 1-> Name of 1st Database. e.g. oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 2-> Name of 1st Database Tag. e.g. EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 3-> Location of the xml file, e.g. /afs/ Make sure it is on your afs."<< std::endl; std::cout << " 4-> Name of 2nd Database. e.g. oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 5-> Name of 2nd Database Tag. e.g. EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 6-> EEradStart"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 7-> EEradEnd"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 8-> EEphiStart"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 9-> EEphiEnd"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 10-> filename output"<< std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "Now working with default values" << std::endl; } if (argc == 2) { //---- Help option ---- std::string testName = "--help"; std::string testNameLoad = argv[1]; if (argv[1] == testName){ std::cout << "Help:"<<std::endl; std::cout << " 0-> Help. --help option"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 1-> Name of 1st Database. e.g. oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 2-> Name of 1st Database Tag. e.g. EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 3-> Location of the xml file, e.g. /afs/ Make sure it is on your afs."<< std::endl; std::cout << " 4-> Name of 2nd Database. e.g. oracle://cms_orcoff_int2r/CMS_COND_ECAL"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 5-> Name of 2nd Database Tag. e.g. EcalIntercalibConstants_startup_csa08_mc"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 6-> EEradStart"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 7-> EEradEnd"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 8-> EEphiStart"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 9-> EEphiEnd"<< std::endl; std::cout << " 10-> filename output"<< std::endl; exit (1); } } if (argc > 1){ NameDBOracle1 = argv[1]; TagDBOracle1 = argv[2]; std::cout << "NameDBOracle1 = " << NameDBOracle1 << std::endl; std::cout << "TagDBOracle1 = " << TagDBOracle1 << std::endl; if (argc > 3){ calibFile = argv[3]; std::cout << "calibFile = " << calibFile << std::endl; if (argc > 4){ NameDBOracle2 = argv[4]; TagDBOracle2 = argv[5]; std::cout << "NameDBOracle2 = " << NameDBOracle2 << std::endl; std::cout << "TagDBOracle2 = " << TagDBOracle2 << std::endl; } } } if (argc > 6) { if (argc < 10) { std::cerr << "Too few (or too many) arguments passed" << std::endl ; exit (1) ; } EEradStart = atoi (argv[6]) ; EEradEnd = atoi (argv[7]) ; EEphiStart = atoi (argv[8]) ; EEphiEnd = atoi (argv[9]) ; } if (argc == 11) filename = argv[10] ; //---- export of the DB from oracle to sqlite db ---- std::string Command2LineStr1 = "cmscond_export_iov -s " + NameDBOracle1 + " -d sqlite_file:Uno.db -D CondFormatsEcalObjects -t " + TagDBOracle1 + " -P /afs/"; std::string Command2LineStr2 = "cmscond_export_iov -s " + NameDBOracle2 + " -d sqlite_file:Due.db -D CondFormatsEcalObjects -t " + TagDBOracle2 + " -P /afs/"; gSystem->Exec(Command2LineStr1.c_str()); //---- now the second set analysed through xml file ---- gSystem->Exec(Command2LineStr2.c_str()); std::string NameDB; std::string FileData; //---------------------------------- //---- First Database Analyzed ----- //---------------------------------- NameDB = "sqlite_file:Uno.db"; FileData = TagDBOracle1; CondIter<EcalIntercalibConstants> Iterator1; Iterator1.create(NameDB,FileData); //----------------------------------- //---- Second Database Analyzed ----- //----------------------------------- NameDB = "sqlite_file:Due.db"; FileData = TagDBOracle2; CondIter<EcalIntercalibConstants> Iterator2; Iterator2.create(NameDB,FileData); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------- //---- Ottengo Mappe da entrambi gli Iterators ---- //------------------------------------------------- const EcalIntercalibConstants* EEconstants1; EEconstants1 =; EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEcalibMap = EEconstants1->getMap () ; const EcalIntercalibConstants* EEconstants2; EEconstants2 =; EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEscalibMap = EEconstants2->getMap () ; //---- load form xml file ---- //---- name of the xml file defined at the beginning ---- // CaloMiscalibMapEcal EEscalibMap ; // EEscalibMap.prefillMap () ; // MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalEndcap endcapreader (EEscalibMap) ; // if (!calibFile.empty ()) endcapreader.parseXMLMiscalibFile (calibFile) ; // EcalIntercalibConstants* EEconstants = new EcalIntercalibConstants (EEscalibMap.get ()) ; // EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEscalibMap = EEconstants->getMap () ; //MF prende i vecchi coeff //---- Xml way ---- // CaloMiscalibMapEcal EEscalibMap ; // EEscalibMap.prefillMap () ; // MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalEndcap endcapreader (EEscalibMap) ; // if (!endcapfile.empty ()) endcapreader.parseXMLMiscalibFile (endcapfile) ; // EcalIntercalibConstants* EEconstants = // new EcalIntercalibConstants (EEscalibMap.get ()) ; // EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEscalibMap = EEconstants->getMap () ; //MF prende i vecchi coeff // // //PG get the recalibration files for EB and EE // //PG ----------------------------------------- // // CaloMiscalibMapEcal EEcalibMap ; // EEcalibMap.prefillMap () ; // MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalEndcap calibEndcapreader (EEcalibMap) ; // if (!calibEndcapfile.empty ()) calibEndcapreader.parseXMLMiscalibFile (calibEndcapfile) ; // EcalIntercalibConstants* EECconstants = // new EcalIntercalibConstants (EEcalibMap.get ()) ; // EcalIntercalibConstantMap iEEcalibMap = EECconstants->getMap () ; //MF prende i vecchi coeff //PG fill the histograms //PG ------------------- TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr ("EEPCompareCoeffDistr","EEPCompareCoeffDistr",5000,0,2) ; TH2F EEPCompareCoeffMap ("EEPCompareCoeffMap","EEPCompareCoeffMap",101,0,101,101,0,101) ; TH2F EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend ("EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend", "EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend", 51,0,50,500,0,2) ; TProfile EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile ("EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile", "EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile", 51,0,50,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R1 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R1","EEPCompareCoeff_R1",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R2 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R2","EEPCompareCoeff_R2",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R3 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R3","EEPCompareCoeff_R3",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R4 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R4","EEPCompareCoeff_R4",1000,0,2) ; TH1F EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R5 ("EEPCompareCoeff_R5","EEPCompareCoeff_R5",1000,0,2) ; // ECAL endcap + for (int ix = 1 ; ix <= 100 ; ++ix) for (int iy = 1 ; iy <= 100 ; ++iy) { int rad = static_cast<int> (sqrt ((ix - 50) * (ix - 50) + (iy - 50) * (iy - 50))) ; if (rad < EEradStart || rad > EEradEnd) continue ; double phiTemp = atan2 (iy - 50, ix - 50) ; if (phiTemp < 0) phiTemp += 2 * PI_GRECO ; int phi = static_cast<int> ( phiTemp * 180 / PI_GRECO) ; if (phi < EEphiStart || phi > EEphiEnd) continue ; if (!EEDetId::validDetId (ix,iy,1)) continue ; EEDetId det = EEDetId (ix, iy, 1, EEDetId::XYMODE) ; double factor = *(iEEcalibMap.find (det.rawId ())) / *(iEEscalibMap.find (det.rawId ())) ; // std::cout << " iEEcalibMap rad = " << rad << " --> " << *(iEEcalibMap.find (det.rawId ())); // std::cout << " iEEscalibMap --> " << *(iEEscalibMap.find (det.rawId ())) << std::endl; EEPCompareCoeffDistr.Fill (factor) ; EEPCompareCoeffMap.Fill (ix,iy,factor) ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Fill (rad,factor) ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Fill (rad,factor) ; if (abs(rad) < 22) continue ; else if (abs(rad) < 27) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R1.Fill (factor) ; else if (abs(rad) < 32) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R2.Fill (factor) ; else if (abs(rad) < 37) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R3.Fill (factor) ; else if (abs(rad) < 42) EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R4.Fill (factor) ; else EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R5.Fill (factor) ; } // ECAL endcap + // ECAL endcap- TH1F EEMCompareCoeffDistr ("EEMCompareCoeffDistr","EEMCompareCoeffDistr",200,0,2) ; TH2F EEMCompareCoeffMap ("EEMCompareCoeffMap","EEMCompareCoeffMap",100,0,100,100,0,100) ; TH2F EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend ("EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend", "EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend", 51,0,50,500,0,2) ; TProfile EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile ("EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile", "EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile", 51,0,50,0,2) ; // ECAL endcap - for (int ix = 1 ; ix <= 100 ; ++ix) for (int iy = 1 ; iy <= 100 ; ++iy) { int rad = static_cast<int> (sqrt ((ix - 50) * (ix - 50) + (iy - 50) * (iy - 50))) ; if (rad < EEradStart || rad > EEradEnd) continue ; double phiTemp = atan2 (iy - 50, ix - 50) ; if (phiTemp < 0) phiTemp += 2 * PI_GRECO ; if (!EEDetId::validDetId (ix,iy,-1)) continue ; EEDetId det = EEDetId (ix, iy, -1, EEDetId::XYMODE) ; double factor = *(iEEcalibMap.find (det.rawId ())) * *(iEEscalibMap.find (det.rawId ())) ; EEMCompareCoeffDistr.Fill (factor) ; EEMCompareCoeffMap.Fill (ix,iy,factor) ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Fill (rad,factor) ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Fill (rad,factor) ; } // ECAL endcap - TFile out (filename.c_str (),"recreate") ; EEMCompareCoeffMap.Write() ; EEMCompareCoeffDistr.Write() ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Write () ; EEMCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffMap.Write() ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr.Write() ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaTrend.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffEtaProfile.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R1.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R2.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R3.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R4.Write () ; EEPCompareCoeffDistr_R5.Write () ; out.Close() ; //---- remove local database ---- gSystem->Exec("rm Uno.db"); gSystem->Exec("rm Due.db"); }
Float_t doCoinc(const char *fileIn="coincCERN_0102n.root",TCanvas *cout=NULL,Float_t &rate,Float_t &rateErr){ // Print settings printf("SETTINGS\nAnalyze output from new Analyzer\n"); printf("Input file = %s\n",fileIn); printf("School distance = %f m, angle = %f deg\n",distance,angle); printf("School orientation: tel1=%f deg, tel2=%f deg\n",phi1Corr,phi2Corr); printf("Max Chi2 = %f\n",maxchisquare); printf("Theta Rel Range = %f - %f deg\n",minthetarel,maxthetarel); printf("Range for N sattellite in each run = (tel1) %f - %f, (tel2) %f - %f \n",minAvSat[0],maxAvSat[0],minAvSat[1],maxAvSat[1]); printf("Min N satellite in a single event = %i\n",satEventThr); Int_t adayMin = (yearRange[0]-2014) * 1000 + monthRange[0]*50 + dayRange[0]; Int_t adayMax = (yearRange[1]-2014) * 1000 + monthRange[1]*50 + dayRange[1]; Float_t nsigPeak=0; Float_t nbackPeak=0; angle *= TMath::DegToRad(); // define some histos TH1F *hDeltaTheta = new TH1F("hDeltaTheta","#Delta#theta below the peak (500 ns);#Delta#theta (#circ)",100,-60,60); TH1F *hDeltaPhi = new TH1F("hDeltaPhi","#Delta#phi below the peak (500 ns);#Delta#phi (#circ)",200,-360,360); TH1F *hDeltaThetaBack = new TH1F("hDeltaThetaBack","#Delta#theta out of the peak (> 1000 ns) - normalized;#Delta#theta (#circ)",100,-60,60); TH1F *hDeltaPhiBack = new TH1F("hDeltaPhiBack","#Delta#phi out of the peak (> 1000 ns) - normalized;#Delta#phi (#circ)",200,-360,360); TH1F *hThetaRel = new TH1F("hThetaRel","#theta_{rel} below the peak (500 ns);#theta_{rel} (#circ)",100,0,120); TH1F *hThetaRelBack = new TH1F("hThetaRelBack","#theta_{rel} out of the peak (> 1000 ns) - normalized;#theta_{rel} (#circ)",100,0,120); TH2F *hAngle = new TH2F("hAngle",";#Delta#theta (#circ);#Delta#phi (#circ}",20,-60,60,20,-360,360); TH2F *hAngleBack = new TH2F("hAngleBack",";#Delta#theta (#circ);#Delta#phi (#circ}",20,-60,60,20,-360,360); TProfile *hModulation = new TProfile("hModulation","#theta^{rel} < 10#circ;#phi - #alpha;dist (m)",50,0,360); TProfile *hModulation2 = new TProfile("hModulation2","#theta^{rel} < 10#circ;#phi - #alpha;dist (m)",50,0,360); TProfile *hModulationAv = new TProfile("hModulationAv","#theta^{rel} < 10#circ;#phi - #alpha;dist (m)",50,0,360); TProfile *hModulationAvCorr = new TProfile("hModulationAvCorr","#theta^{rel} < 10#circ;#phi - #alpha;diff (ns)",50,0,360); TH1F *hnsigpeak = new TH1F("hnsigpeak","",50,0,360); TH1F *hnbackpeak = new TH1F("hnbackpeak","",50,0,360); TProfile *hSinTheta = new TProfile("hSinTheta",";#phi - #alpha;sin(#theta)",50,0,360); TProfile *hSinTheta2 = new TProfile("hSinTheta2",";#phi - #alpha;sin(#theta)",50,0,360); TH1F *hRunCut[2]; hRunCut[0] = new TH1F("hRunCut1","Reason for Run Rejection Tel-1;Reason;runs rejected",11,0,11); hRunCut[1] = new TH1F("hRunCut2","Reason for Run Rejection Tel-2;Reason;runs rejected",11,0,11); for(Int_t i=0;i<2;i++){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("DateRange",0); hRunCut[i]->Fill("LowFractionGT",0); hRunCut[i]->Fill("TimeDuration",0); hRunCut[i]->Fill("rateGT",0); hRunCut[i]->Fill("RunNumber",0); hRunCut[i]->Fill("MissingHitFrac",0); hRunCut[i]->Fill("DeadStripBot",0); hRunCut[i]->Fill("DeadStripMid",0); hRunCut[i]->Fill("DeadStripTop",0); hRunCut[i]->Fill("NSatellites",0); hRunCut[i]->Fill("NoGoodWeather",0); } TFile *f = new TFile(fileIn); TTree *t = (TTree *) f->Get("tree"); TTree *tel[2]; tel[0] = (TTree *) f->Get("treeTel1"); tel[1] = (TTree *) f->Get("treeTel2"); TTree *telC = (TTree *) f->Get("treeTimeCommon"); // quality info of runs const Int_t nyearmax = 5; Bool_t runstatus[2][nyearmax][12][31][500]; //#telescope, year-2014, month, day, run Float_t effTel[2][nyearmax][12][31][500]; Int_t nStripDeadBot[2][nyearmax][12][31][500]; Int_t nStripDeadMid[2][nyearmax][12][31][500]; Int_t nStripDeadTop[2][nyearmax][12][31][500]; Float_t nstripDeadB[2]={0,0},nstripDeadM[2]={0,0},nstripDeadT[2]={0,0}; // sat info Float_t NsatAv[2][nyearmax][12][31][500]; // weather info Float_t pressureTel[2][nyearmax][12][31][500]; Float_t TempInTel[2][nyearmax][12][31][500]; Float_t TempOutTel[2][nyearmax][12][31][500]; Float_t timeWeath[2][nyearmax][12][31][500]; Float_t rateGT; Float_t phirelative; Float_t phirelative2; Float_t phirelativeAv; printf("Check Run quality\n"); if(tel[0] && tel[1]){ for(Int_t i=0;i < 2;i++){ // loop on telescopes printf("Tel-%i\n",i+1); for(Int_t j=0;j < tel[i]->GetEntries();j++){ // loop on runs tel[i]->GetEvent(j); rateGT = tel[i]->GetLeaf("FractionGoodTrack")->GetValue()*tel[i]->GetLeaf("rateHitPerRun")->GetValue(); Int_t aday = (tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue()-2014) * 1000 + tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue()*50 + tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue(); if(i==1) printf("%f %f\n",rateGT , rateMin[i]); if(aday < adayMin || aday > adayMax){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("DateRange",1); continue;} if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("FractionGoodTrack")->GetValue() < fracGT[i]){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("LowFractionGT",1); continue;} // cut on fraction of good track if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("timeduration")->GetValue()*tel[i]->GetLeaf("rateHitPerRun")->GetValue() < hitevents[i]){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("TimeDuration",1); continue;} // cut on the number of event if(rateGT < rateMin[i] || rateGT > rateMax[i]){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("rateGT",1); continue;} // cut on the rate if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue() > 499){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("RunNumber",1); continue;} // run < 500 if(i==1) printf("GR\n"); Float_t missinghitfrac = (tel[i]->GetLeaf("ratePerRun")->GetValue()-tel[i]->GetLeaf("rateHitPerRun")->GetValue()-2)/(tel[i]->GetLeaf("ratePerRun")->GetValue()-2); if(missinghitfrac < minmissingHitFrac[i] || missinghitfrac > maxmissingHitFrac[i]){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("MissingHitFrac",1); continue;} // active strip maps if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("maskB")) nStripDeadBot[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] = countBits(Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("maskB")->GetValue())); if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("maskM")) nStripDeadMid[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] = countBits(Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("maskM")->GetValue())); if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("maskT")) nStripDeadTop[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] = countBits(Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("maskT")->GetValue())); if(nStripDeadBot[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] > ndeadBotMax[i] || nStripDeadBot[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] < ndeadBotMin[i]) { hRunCut[i]->Fill("DeadStripBot",1); continue;} if(nStripDeadMid[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] > ndeadMidMax[i] || nStripDeadMid[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] < ndeadMidMin[i]){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("DeadStripMid",1); continue;} if(nStripDeadTop[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] > ndeadTopMax[i] || nStripDeadTop[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] < ndeadTopMin[i]){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("DeadStripTop",1); continue;} // nsat averaged per run if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("nSat")) NsatAv[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] = tel[i]->GetLeaf("nSat")->GetValue(); if(NsatAv[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] < minAvSat[i] || NsatAv[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] > maxAvSat[i]){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("NSatellites",1); continue;} // weather info if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("Pressure")) pressureTel[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] = tel[i]->GetLeaf("Pressure")->GetValue(); if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("IndoorTemperature")) TempInTel[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] = tel[i]->GetLeaf("IndoorTemperature")->GetValue(); if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("OutdoorTemperature")) TempOutTel[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] = tel[i]->GetLeaf("OutdoorTemperature")->GetValue(); if(tel[i]->GetLeaf("TimeWeatherUpdate")) timeWeath[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] = tel[i]->GetLeaf("TimeWeatherUpdate")->GetValue(); if(timeWeath[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] < minWeathTimeDelay[i] || timeWeath[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] > maxWeathTimeDelay[i]){ hRunCut[i]->Fill("NoGoodWeather",1); continue; } // Set good runs runstatus[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] = kTRUE; effTel[i][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(tel[i]->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())] = 1;//rateGT/refRate[i]; } } } else{ telC = NULL; } printf("Start to process correlations\n"); Int_t n = t->GetEntries(); // counter for seconds Int_t nsec = 0; Int_t nsecGR = 0; // for good runs Int_t isec = -1; // used only in case the tree with time info is not available Float_t neventsGR = 0; Float_t neventsGRandSat = 0; if(telC){ for(Int_t i=0; i < telC->GetEntries();i++){ telC->GetEvent(i); nsec += telC->GetLeaf("timeduration")->GetValue(); if(telC->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue() > 499 || telC->GetLeaf("run2")->GetValue() > 499) continue; if(!runstatus[0][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())]) continue; if(!runstatus[1][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("run2")->GetValue())]) continue; nsecGR += telC->GetLeaf("timeduration")->GetValue(); nstripDeadB[0] += countBits(nStripDeadBot[0][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())])*telC->GetLeaf("timeduration")->GetValue(); nstripDeadM[0] += countBits(nStripDeadMid[0][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())])*telC->GetLeaf("timeduration")->GetValue(); nstripDeadT[0] += countBits(nStripDeadTop[0][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())])*telC->GetLeaf("timeduration")->GetValue(); nstripDeadB[1] += countBits(nStripDeadBot[1][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())])*telC->GetLeaf("timeduration")->GetValue(); nstripDeadM[1] += countBits(nStripDeadMid[1][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())])*telC->GetLeaf("timeduration")->GetValue(); nstripDeadT[1] += countBits(nStripDeadTop[1][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(telC->GetLeaf("run")->GetValue())])*telC->GetLeaf("timeduration")->GetValue(); } nstripDeadB[0] /= nsecGR; nstripDeadM[0] /= nsecGR; nstripDeadT[0] /= nsecGR; nstripDeadB[1] /= nsecGR; nstripDeadM[1] /= nsecGR; nstripDeadT[1] /= nsecGR; printf("Dead channel tel1 = %f - %f - %f\n",nstripDeadB[0],nstripDeadM[0],nstripDeadT[0]); printf("Dead channel tel2 = %f - %f - %f\n",nstripDeadB[1],nstripDeadM[1],nstripDeadT[1]); } char title[300]; TH1F *h; sprintf(title,"correction assuming #Delta#phi = %4.2f, #DeltaL = %.1f m;#Deltat (ns);entries",angle,distance); h = new TH1F("hCoinc",title,nbint,tmin,tmax); Float_t DeltaT; Float_t phiAv,thetaAv,corr; Float_t Theta1,Theta2; Float_t Phi1,Phi2; Int_t nsatel1cur,nsatel2cur,ntrack1,ntrack2; Float_t v1[3],v2[3],vSP; // variable to recompute ThetaRel on the fly Float_t eff = 1; for(Int_t i=0;i<n;i++){ t->GetEvent(i); if(t->GetLeaf("RunNumber1") && (t->GetLeaf("RunNumber1")->GetValue() > 499 || t->GetLeaf("RunNumber2")->GetValue() > 499)) continue; if(tel[0] && !runstatus[0][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("RunNumber1")->GetValue())]) continue; if(tel[1] && !runstatus[1][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("RunNumber2")->GetValue())]) continue; eff = effTel[0][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("RunNumber1")->GetValue())]; eff *= effTel[1][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("year")->GetValue())-2014][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("month")->GetValue())][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("day")->GetValue())][Int_t(t->GetLeaf("RunNumber2")->GetValue())]; Int_t timec = t->GetLeaf("ctime1")->GetValue(); if(! telC){ if(isec == -1) isec = timec; if(timec != isec){ if(timec - isec < 20){ // printf("diff = %i\n",timec-isec); nsec +=(timec - isec); nsecGR +=(timec - isec); } isec = timec; } } Float_t thetarel = t->GetLeaf("ThetaRel")->GetValue(); Theta1 = (t->GetLeaf("Theta1")->GetValue())*TMath::DegToRad(); Theta2 = t->GetLeaf("Theta2")->GetValue()*TMath::DegToRad(); Phi1 = t->GetLeaf("Phi1")->GetValue()*TMath::DegToRad(); Phi2 = t->GetLeaf("Phi2")->GetValue()*TMath::DegToRad(); nsatel1cur = t->GetLeaf("Nsatellite1")->GetValue(); nsatel2cur = t->GetLeaf("Nsatellite2")->GetValue(); ntrack1 = t->GetLeaf("Ntracks1")->GetValue(); ntrack2 = t->GetLeaf("Ntracks2")->GetValue(); if(recomputeThetaRel){ // recompute ThetaRel applying corrections Phi1 += phi1Corr*TMath::DegToRad(); Phi2 += phi2Corr*TMath::DegToRad(); if(Phi1 > 2*TMath::Pi()) Phi1 -= 2*TMath::Pi(); if(Phi1 < 0) Phi1 += 2*TMath::Pi(); if(Phi2 > 2*TMath::Pi()) Phi2 -= 2*TMath::Pi(); if(Phi2 < 0) Phi2 += 2*TMath::Pi(); v1[0] = TMath::Sin(Theta1)*TMath::Cos(Phi1); v1[1] = TMath::Sin(Theta1)*TMath::Sin(Phi1); v1[2] = TMath::Cos(Theta1); v2[0] = TMath::Sin(Theta2)*TMath::Cos(Phi2); v2[1] = TMath::Sin(Theta2)*TMath::Sin(Phi2); v2[2] = TMath::Cos(Theta2); v1[0] *= v2[0]; v1[1] *= v2[1]; v1[2] *= v2[2]; vSP = v1[0] + v1[1] + v1[2]; thetarel = TMath::ACos(vSP)*TMath::RadToDeg(); } // cuts if(thetarel < minthetarel) continue; if(thetarel > maxthetarel) continue; if(t->GetLeaf("ChiSquare1")->GetValue() > maxchisquare) continue; if(t->GetLeaf("ChiSquare2")->GetValue() > maxchisquare) continue; neventsGR++; // reject events with not enough satellites if(nsatel1cur < satEventThr || nsatel1cur < satEventThr) continue; neventsGRandSat++; DeltaT = t->GetLeaf("DiffTime")->GetValue(); // get primary direction if(TMath::Abs(Phi1-Phi2) < TMath::Pi()) phiAv = (Phi1+Phi2)*0.5; else phiAv = (Phi1+Phi2)*0.5 + TMath::Pi(); thetaAv = (Theta1+Theta2)*0.5; // extra cuts if needed // if(TMath::Cos(Phi1-Phi2) < 0.) continue; Float_t resFactor = 1; if(thetarel > 10 ) resFactor *= 0.5; if(thetarel > 20 ) resFactor *= 0.5; if(thetarel > 30 ) resFactor *= 0.5; corr = distance * TMath::Sin(thetaAv)*TMath::Cos(phiAv-angle)/2.99792458000000039e-01 + deltatCorr; phirelative = (Phi1-angle)*TMath::RadToDeg(); if(phirelative < 0) phirelative += 360; if(phirelative < 0) phirelative += 360; if(phirelative > 360) phirelative -= 360; if(phirelative > 360) phirelative -= 360; phirelative2 = (Phi2-angle)*TMath::RadToDeg(); if(phirelative2 < 0) phirelative2 += 360; if(phirelative2 < 0) phirelative2 += 360; if(phirelative2 > 360) phirelative2 -= 360; if(phirelative2 > 360) phirelative2 -= 360; phirelativeAv = (phiAv-angle)*TMath::RadToDeg(); if(phirelativeAv < 0) phirelativeAv += 360; if(phirelativeAv < 0) phirelativeAv += 360; if(phirelativeAv > 360) phirelativeAv -= 360; if(phirelativeAv > 360) phirelativeAv -= 360; // if(TMath::Abs(DeltaT- deltatCorr) < windowAlignment){ // } if(thetarel < 10){//cos(thetarel*TMath::DegToRad())>0.98 && sin(thetaAv)>0.1){ if(TMath::Abs(DeltaT- corr) < windowAlignment) hModulationAvCorr->Fill(phirelativeAv,DeltaT-corr); if(TMath::Abs(DeltaT- deltatCorr) < windowAlignment){ hModulation->Fill(phirelative,(DeltaT-deltatCorr)/sin(thetaAv)*2.99792458000000039e-01); hModulation2->Fill(phirelative2,(DeltaT-deltatCorr)/sin(thetaAv)*2.99792458000000039e-01); hModulationAv->Fill(phirelativeAv,(DeltaT-deltatCorr)/sin(thetaAv)*2.99792458000000039e-01); hSinTheta->Fill(phirelative,sin(thetaAv)); hSinTheta2->Fill(phirelative2,sin(thetaAv)); nsigPeak++; hnsigpeak->Fill(phirelativeAv); } else if(TMath::Abs(DeltaT- deltatCorr) < windowAlignment*10){ nbackPeak++; hnbackpeak->Fill(phirelativeAv); } } h->Fill(DeltaT-corr,1./eff); if(TMath::Abs(DeltaT-corr) < windowAlignment){ hDeltaTheta->Fill((Theta1-Theta2)*TMath::RadToDeg()); hDeltaPhi->Fill((Phi1-Phi2)*TMath::RadToDeg()); hThetaRel->Fill(thetarel); hAngle->Fill((Theta1-Theta2)*TMath::RadToDeg(),(Phi1-Phi2)*TMath::RadToDeg()); } else if(TMath::Abs(DeltaT-corr) > windowAlignment*2 && TMath::Abs(DeltaT-corr) < windowAlignment*12){ hDeltaThetaBack->Fill((Theta1-Theta2)*TMath::RadToDeg()); hDeltaPhiBack->Fill((Phi1-Phi2)*TMath::RadToDeg()); hThetaRelBack->Fill(thetarel); hAngleBack->Fill((Theta1-Theta2)*TMath::RadToDeg(),(Phi1-Phi2)*TMath::RadToDeg()); } } // compute (S+B)/S for(Int_t i=1;i<=50;i++){ Float_t corrfactorPeak = 1; if(nsigPeak-nbackPeak*0.1 > 0) corrfactorPeak = hnsigpeak->GetBinContent(i)/(hnsigpeak->GetBinContent(i)-hnbackpeak->GetBinContent(i)*0.1); else printf("bin %i) not enough statistics\n",i); hnsigpeak->SetBinContent(i,corrfactorPeak); } TF1 *fpol0 = new TF1("fpol0","pol0"); hnsigpeak->Fit(fpol0); hModulation->Scale(fpol0->GetParameter(0)); hModulation2->Scale(fpol0->GetParameter(0)); hModulationAv->Scale(fpol0->GetParameter(0)); hModulationAvCorr->Scale(fpol0->GetParameter(0)); TF1 *fmod = new TF1("fmod","[0] + [1]*cos((x-[2])*TMath::DegToRad())"); hModulationAv->Fit(fmod); printf("Estimates from time delay: Distance = %f +/- %f m -- Angle = %f +/- %f deg\n",fmod->GetParameter(1),fmod->GetParError(1),fmod->GetParameter(2),fmod->GetParError(2)); h->SetStats(0); hDeltaThetaBack->Sumw2(); hDeltaPhiBack->Sumw2(); hThetaRelBack->Sumw2(); hDeltaThetaBack->Scale(0.1); hDeltaPhiBack->Scale(0.1); hThetaRelBack->Scale(0.1); hAngleBack->Scale(0.1); hAngle->Add(hAngleBack,-1); printf("bin counting: SIGNAL = %f +/- %f\n",hDeltaPhi->Integral()-hDeltaPhiBack->Integral(),sqrt(hDeltaPhi->Integral())); rate = (hDeltaPhi->Integral()-hDeltaPhiBack->Integral())/nsecGR*86400; rateErr = sqrt(hDeltaPhi->Integral())/nsecGR*86400; Float_t val,eval; TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas(); TF1 *ff = new TF1("ff","[0]*[4]/[2]/sqrt(2*TMath::Pi())*TMath::Exp(-(x-[1])*(x-[1])*0.5/[2]/[2]) + [3]*[4]/6/[2]"); ff->SetParName(0,"signal"); ff->SetParName(1,"mean"); ff->SetParName(2,"sigma"); ff->SetParName(3,"background"); ff->SetParName(4,"bin width"); ff->SetParameter(0,42369); ff->SetParameter(1,0); ff->SetParLimits(2,10,maxwidth); ff->SetParameter(2,350); // fix witdh if needed ff->SetParameter(3,319); ff->FixParameter(4,(tmax-tmin)/nbint); // bin width ff->SetNpx(1000); if(cout) cout->cd(); h->Fit(ff,"EI","",-10000,10000); val = ff->GetParameter(2); eval = ff->GetParError(2); printf("significance = %f\n",ff->GetParameter(0)/sqrt(ff->GetParameter(0) + ff->GetParameter(3))); h->Draw(); new TCanvas; TF1 *func1 = (TF1 *) h->GetListOfFunctions()->At(0); func1->SetLineColor(2); h->SetLineColor(4); TPaveText *text = new TPaveText(1500,(h->GetMinimum()+(h->GetMaximum()-h->GetMinimum())*0.6),9500,h->GetMaximum()); text->SetFillColor(0); sprintf(title,"width = %5.1f #pm %5.1f",func1->GetParameter(2),func1->GetParError(2)); text->AddText(title); sprintf(title,"signal (S) = %5.1f #pm %5.1f",func1->GetParameter(0),func1->GetParError(0)); text->AddText(title); sprintf(title,"background (B) (3#sigma) = %5.1f #pm %5.1f",func1->GetParameter(3),func1->GetParError(3)); text->AddText(title); sprintf(title,"significance (S/#sqrt{S+B}) = %5.1f",func1->GetParameter(0)/sqrt(func1->GetParameter(0)+func1->GetParameter(3))); text->AddText(title); text->SetFillStyle(0); text->SetBorderSize(0); text->Draw("SAME"); // correct nsecGR for the event rejected because of the number of satellites (event by event cut) nsecGR *= neventsGRandSat/neventsGR; printf("n_day = %f\nn_dayGR = %f\n",nsec*1./86400,nsecGR*1./86400); text->AddText(Form("rate = %f #pm %f per day",func1->GetParameter(0)*86400/nsecGR,func1->GetParError(0)*86400/nsecGR)); TFile *fo = new TFile("outputCERN-01-02.root","RECREATE"); h->Write(); hDeltaTheta->Write(); hDeltaPhi->Write(); hThetaRel->Write(); hDeltaThetaBack->Write(); hDeltaPhiBack->Write(); hThetaRelBack->Write(); hAngle->Write(); hModulation->Write(); hModulation2->Write(); hModulationAv->Write(); hModulationAvCorr->Write(); hSinTheta->Write(); hSinTheta2->Write(); hnsigpeak->Write(); hRunCut[0]->Write(); hRunCut[1]->Write(); fo->Close(); return nsecGR*1./86400; }
// Soft radiation corrections for L3Res void softrad(double etamin=0.0, double etamax=1.3, bool dodijet=false) { setTDRStyle(); writeExtraText = false; // for JEC paper CWR TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory; // Open jecdata.root produced by reprocess.C TFile *fin = new TFile("rootfiles/jecdata.root","UPDATE"); assert(fin && !fin->IsZombie()); const int ntypes = 3; const char* types[ntypes] = {"data", "mc", "ratio"}; const int nmethods = 2; const char* methods[nmethods] = {"mpfchs1", "ptchs"}; const int nsamples = (dodijet ? 4 : 3); const char* samples[4] = {"gamjet", "zeejet", "zmmjet", "dijet"}; string sbin = Form("eta%02.0f-%02.0f",10*etamin,10*etamax); const char* bin = sbin.c_str(); const int nalphas = 4; const int alphas[nalphas] = {30, 20, 15, 10}; // Z+jet bins const double ptbins1[] = {30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 95, 125, 180, 300, 1000}; const int npt1 = sizeof(ptbins1)/sizeof(ptbins1[0])-1; TH1D *hpt1 = new TH1D("hpt1","",npt1,&ptbins1[0]); TProfile *ppt1 = new TProfile("ppt1","",npt1,&ptbins1[0]); // gamma+jet bins const double ptbins2[] = {30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 100, 125, 155, 180, 210, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 800}; const int npt2 = sizeof(ptbins2)/sizeof(ptbins2[0])-1; TH1D *hpt2 = new TH1D("hpt2","",npt2,&ptbins2[0]); TProfile *ppt2 = new TProfile("ppt2","",npt2,&ptbins2[0]); // dijet bins const double ptbins4[] = {20, 62, 107, 175, 242, 310, 379, 467, 628, 839, 1121, 1497, 2000}; const int npt4 = sizeof(ptbins4)/sizeof(ptbins4[0])-1; TH1D *hpt4 = new TH1D("hpt4","",npt4,&ptbins4[0]); TProfile *ppt4 = new TProfile("ppt4","",npt4,&ptbins4[0]); TLatex *tex = new TLatex(); tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextSize(0.045); map<string,const char*> texlabel; texlabel["gamjet"] = "#gamma+jet"; texlabel["zeejet"] = "Z#rightarrowee+jet"; texlabel["zmmjet"] = "Z#rightarrow#mu#mu+jet"; texlabel["dijet"] = "Dijet"; texlabel["ptchs"] = "p_{T} balance (CHS)"; texlabel["mpfchs"] = "MPF raw (CHS)"; texlabel["mpfchs1"] = "MPF type-I (CHS)"; // overlay of various alpha values TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",ntypes*400,nmethods*400); c1->Divide(ntypes,nmethods); TH1D *h1 = new TH1D("h1",";p_{T} (GeV);Response",1270,30,1300); // extrapolation vs alpha for each pT bin vector<TCanvas*> c2s(ntypes*nmethods); for (unsigned int icanvas = 0; icanvas != c2s.size(); ++icanvas) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(Form("c2_%d",icanvas),Form("c2_%d",icanvas), 1200,1200); c2->Divide(3,3); c2s[icanvas] = c2; } TH1D *h2 = new TH1D("h2",";#alpha;Response",10,0.,0.4); h2->SetMaximum(1.08); h2->SetMinimum(0.88); // krad corrections TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","c3",ntypes*400,nmethods*400); c3->Divide(ntypes,nmethods); TH1D *h3 = new TH1D("h3",";p_{T,ref} (GeV);FSR sensitivity: -dR/d#alpha [%]", 1270,30,1300); cout << "Reading in data" << endl << flush; // Read in plots vs pT (and alpha) map<string, map<string, map<string, map<int, TGraphErrors*> > > > gemap; map<string, map<string, map<string, map<int, TGraphErrors*> > > > gamap; for (int itype = 0; itype != ntypes; ++itype) { for (int imethod = 0; imethod != nmethods; ++imethod) { for (int isample = 0; isample != nsamples; ++isample) { for (int ialpha = 0; ialpha != nalphas; ++ialpha) { fin->cd(); assert(gDirectory->cd(types[itype])); assert(gDirectory->cd(bin)); TDirectory *d = gDirectory; const char *ct = types[itype]; const char *cm = methods[imethod]; const char *cs = samples[isample]; const int a = alphas[ialpha]; // Get graph made vs pT string s = Form("%s/%s/%s_%s_a%d",types[itype],bin,cm,cs,a); TGraphErrors *g = (TGraphErrors*)fin->Get(s.c_str()); if (!g) cout << "Missing " << s << endl << flush; assert(g); // Clean out empty points // as well as trigger-biased ones for dijets // as well as weird gamma+jet high pT point for (int i = g->GetN()-1; i != -1; --i) { if (g->GetY()[i]==0 || g->GetEY()[i]==0 || (string(cs)=="dijet" && g->GetX()[i]<70.) || (string(cs)=="gamjet" && g->GetX()[i]>600. && etamin!=0)) g->RemovePoint(i); } gemap[ct][cm][cs][a] = g; // Sort points into new graphs vs alpha TH1D *hpt = (isample==0 ? hpt2 : hpt1); TProfile *ppt = (isample==0 ? ppt2 : ppt1); if (isample==3) { hpt = hpt4; ppt = ppt4; } // pas-v6 for (int i = 0; i != g->GetN(); ++i) { double pt = g->GetX()[i]; ppt->Fill(pt, pt); int ipt = int(hpt->GetBinLowEdge(hpt->FindBin(pt))+0.5); //int ipt = int(pt+0.5); TGraphErrors *ga = gamap[ct][cm][cs][ipt]; if (!ga) { ga = new TGraphErrors(0); ga->SetMarkerStyle(g->GetMarkerStyle()); ga->SetMarkerColor(g->GetMarkerColor()); ga->SetLineColor(g->GetLineColor()); gamap[ct][cm][cs][ipt] = ga; } int n = ga->GetN(); ga->SetPoint(n, 0.01*a, g->GetY()[i]); ga->SetPointError(n, 0, g->GetEY()[i]); } // for i } // for ialpha } // for isample } // for imethod } // for itype cout << "Drawing plots vs pT for each alpha" << endl << flush; // 2x6 plots for (int itype = 0; itype != ntypes; ++itype) { for (int imethod = 0; imethod != nmethods; ++imethod) { const char *ct = types[itype]; const char *cm = methods[imethod]; int ipad = ntypes*imethod + itype + 1; assert(ipad<=6); c1->cd(ipad); gPad->SetLogx(); h1->SetMaximum(itype<2 ? 1.15 : 1.08); h1->SetMinimum(itype<2 ? 0.85 : 0.93); h1->SetYTitle(Form("Response (%s)",ct)); h1->DrawClone("AXIS"); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.85,texlabel[cm]); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.80,"|#eta| < 1.3, #alpha=0.1--0.3"); TLegend *leg = tdrLeg(0.60,0.75,0.90,0.90); for (int isample = 0; isample != nsamples; ++isample) { for (int ialpha = 0; ialpha != nalphas; ++ialpha) { const char *cs = samples[isample]; const int a = alphas[ialpha]; TGraphErrors *g = gemap[ct][cm][cs][a]; assert(g); // Clean out points with very large uncertainty for plot readability for (int i = g->GetN()-1; i != -1; --i) { if (g->GetEY()[i]>0.02) g->RemovePoint(i); } g->Draw("SAME Pz"); if (ialpha==0) leg->AddEntry(g,texlabel[cs],"P"); } } // for isample // Individual plots for JEC paper if ( true ) { // paper TH1D *h = new TH1D(Form("h_5%s_%s",ct,cm), Form(";p_{T} (GeV);Response (%s)",ct), 1270,30,1300); h->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(); h->GetXaxis()->SetNoExponent(); h->SetMinimum(0.88); h->SetMaximum(1.13); writeExtraText = true; extraText = (string(ct)=="mc" ? "Simulation" : ""); lumi_8TeV = (string(ct)=="mc" ? "" : "19.7 fb^{-1}"); TCanvas *c0 = tdrCanvas(Form("c0_%s_%s",cm,ct), h, 2, 11, true); c0->SetLogx(); TLegend *leg = tdrLeg(0.55,0.68,0.85,0.83); tex->DrawLatex(0.55,0.85,texlabel[cm]); tex->DrawLatex(0.55,0.18,"|#eta| < 1.3, #alpha=0.3"); //tex->DrawLatex(0.55,0.18,"Anti-k_{T} R=0.5"); // Loop over Z+jet and gamma+jet (only, no dijet/multijet) for (int isample = 0; isample != min(3,nsamples); ++isample) { const char *cs = samples[isample]; TGraphErrors *g = gemap[ct][cm][cs][30]; assert(g); g->Draw("SAME Pz"); leg->AddEntry(g,texlabel[cs],"P"); } // for isample if (etamin==0) { c0->SaveAs(Form("pdf/paper_softrad_%s_%s_vspt.pdf",ct,cm)); c0->SaveAs(Form("pdfC/paper_softrad_%s_%s_vspt.C",ct,cm)); } else { c0->SaveAs(Form("pdf/an_softrad_%s_%s_eta%1.0f-%1.0f_vspt.pdf", ct,cm,10*etamin,10*etamax)); } } // paper } // for imethod } // for itype c1->cd(0); //cmsPrel(_lumi, true); CMS_lumi(c1, 2, 33); c1->SaveAs("pdf/softrad_2x6_vspt.pdf"); cout << "Drawing plots vs alpha for each pT" << endl << flush; cout << "...and fitting slope vs alpha" << endl << flush; map<string, map<string, map<string, TGraphErrors* > > > gkmap; // 2x6 plots for (int itype = 0; itype != ntypes; ++itype) { for (int imethod = 0; imethod != nmethods; ++imethod) { int icanvas = nmethods*imethod + itype; assert(icanvas<=6); TCanvas *c2 = c2s[icanvas]; assert(c2); const char *ct = types[itype]; const char *cm = methods[imethod]; const int npads = 9; for (int ipad = 0; ipad != npads; ++ipad) { c2->cd(ipad+1); h2->SetYTitle(Form("Response (%s)",ct)); h2->DrawClone("AXIS"); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.85,texlabel[cm]); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.80,"|#eta| < 1.3"); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.75,Form("%1.0f < p_{T} < %1.0f GeV", hpt1->GetBinLowEdge(ipad+1), hpt1->GetBinLowEdge(ipad+2))); TLegend *leg = tdrLeg(0.65,0.75,0.90,0.90); leg->AddEntry(gemap[ct][cm]["gamjet"][30], texlabel["gamjet"], "P"); leg->AddEntry(gemap[ct][cm]["zeejet"][30], texlabel["zeejet"], "P"); leg->AddEntry(gemap[ct][cm]["zmmjet"][30], texlabel["zmmjet"], "P"); leg->AddEntry(gemap[ct][cm]["dijet"][30], texlabel["dijet"], "P"); } for (int isample = 0; isample != nsamples; ++isample) { const char *cs = samples[isample]; map<int, TGraphErrors*> &gam = gamap[ct][cm][cs]; map<int, TGraphErrors*>::iterator itpt; for (itpt = gam.begin(); itpt != gam.end(); ++itpt) { int ipt = itpt->first; int jpt = hpt1->FindBin(ipt); if (jpt>npads) continue; assert(jpt<=npads); c2->cd(jpt); TGraphErrors *ga = itpt->second; assert(ga); ga->Draw("SAME Pz"); // Fit slope TF1 *f1 = new TF1(Form("f1_%s_%s_%s_%d",ct,cm,cs,ipt), "(x<1)*([0]+[1]*x) + (x>1 && x<2)*[0] +" "(x>2)*[1]",-1,1); f1->SetLineColor(ga->GetLineColor()); f1->SetParameters(1,0); const double minalpha = (isample==0 ? 10./ipt : 5./ipt); // Constrain slope to within reasonable values // in the absence of sufficient data using priors if (true) { // use priors int n = ga->GetN(); // For response, limit to 1+/-0.02 (we've corrected for L3Res ga->SetPoint(n, 1.5, 1); ga->SetPointError(n, 0, 0.02); n = ga->GetN(); if (imethod==1) { // pT balance // For pT balance, estimate slope of <vecpT2>/alpha from data // => 7.5%/0.30 = 25% // Approximate uncertainty on this to be // 0.5%/0.30 ~ 1.5% for data, 0.5%/0.30 ~ 1.5% for Z+jet MC, and // 2%/0.30 ~ 6% for gamma+jet MC (same as slope) if (itype==0) ga->SetPoint(n, 2.5, -0.250); // DT if (itype==1 && isample!=0) ga->SetPoint(n, 2.5, -0.250); // MC if (itype==1 && isample==0) ga->SetPoint(n, 2.5, -0.190); if (itype==2 && isample!=0) ga->SetPoint(n, 2.5, -0.000); // rt if (itype==2 && isample==0) ga->SetPoint(n, 2.5, -0.060); // // BUG: found 2015-01-08 (no effect on ratio) //if (itype==1) ga->SetPointError(n, 0, -0.015); if (itype==0) ga->SetPointError(n, 0, -0.015); // DT if (itype==1 && isample!=0) ga->SetPointError(n, 0, -0.015); // MC if (itype==1 && isample==0) ga->SetPointError(n, 0, -0.060); if (itype==2 && isample!=0) ga->SetPointError(n, 0, -0.015); // rt if (itype==2 && isample==0) ga->SetPointError(n, 0, -0.060); } if (imethod==0) { // MPF // For MPF, expectation is no slope // Maximal slope would be approximately // (<vecpT2>/alpha ~ 25% from pT balance) times // (response difference between pT1 and vecpT2~10%) // => 0.25*0.10 = 2.5% // For data/MC, estimate uncertainty as half of this // => 1.25% ga->SetPoint(n, 2.5, 0.); if (itype!=2) ga->SetPointError(n, 0, 0.025); if (itype==2) ga->SetPointError(n, 0, 0.0125); } // MPF } // use priors if (ga->GetN()>2) { f1->SetRange(minalpha, 3.); ga->Fit(f1,"QRN"); if (f1->GetNDF()>=0) { f1->DrawClone("SAME"); f1->SetRange(0,0.4); f1->SetLineStyle(kDashed); f1->DrawClone("SAME"); // Store results TGraphErrors *gk = gkmap[ct][cm][cs]; if (!gk) { gk = new TGraphErrors(0); gk->SetMarkerStyle(ga->GetMarkerStyle()); gk->SetMarkerColor(ga->GetMarkerColor()); gk->SetLineColor(ga->GetLineColor()); gkmap[ct][cm][cs] = gk; } int n = gk->GetN(); TProfile *ppt = (isample==0 ? ppt2 : ppt1); if (isample==3) { ppt = ppt4; } // pas-v6 double pt = ppt->GetBinContent(ppt->FindBin(ipt)); gk->SetPoint(n, pt, f1->GetParameter(1)); gk->SetPointError(n, 0, f1->GetParError(1)); } // f1->GetNDF()>=0 } // ga->GetN()>2 } // for itpt } // for isample c2->SaveAs(Form("pdf/softrad_3x3_%s_%s_vsalpha.pdf",ct,cm)); } } cout << "Drawing plots of kFSR vs pT" << endl; // 2x6 plots for (int itype = 0; itype != ntypes; ++itype) { for (int imethod = 0; imethod != nmethods; ++imethod) { const char *ct = types[itype]; const char *cm = methods[imethod]; TMultiGraph *mgk = new TMultiGraph(); int ipad = ntypes*imethod + itype + 1; assert(ipad<=6); c3->cd(ipad); gPad->SetLogx(); h3->SetMaximum(imethod==0 ? 0.05 : (itype!=2 ? 0.1 : 0.25)); h3->SetMinimum(imethod==0 ? -0.05 : (itype!=2 ? -0.4 : -0.25)); h3->SetYTitle(Form("k_{FSR} = dR/d#alpha (%s)",ct)); h3->DrawClone("AXIS"); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.85,texlabel[cm]); tex->DrawLatex(0.20,0.80,"|#eta| < 1.3"); TLegend *leg = tdrLeg(0.60,0.75,0.90,0.90); for (int isample = 0; isample != nsamples; ++isample) { const char *cs = samples[isample]; TGraphErrors *gk = gkmap[ct][cm][cs]; assert(gk); leg->AddEntry(gk,texlabel[cs],"P"); // Fit each sample separately for pT balance if (true) { TF1 *fk = new TF1(Form("fk_%s_%s_%s",ct,cm,cs), "[0]+[1]*log(0.01*x)+[2]*pow(log(0.01*x),2)", 30,1300); fk->SetParameters(-0.25,-0.5); fk->SetLineColor(gk->GetLineColor()); gk->Fit(fk, "QRN"); tex->SetTextColor(fk->GetLineColor()); tex->DrawLatex(0.55,0.27-0.045*isample, Form("#chi^{2}/NDF = %1.1f / %d", fk->GetChisquare(), fk->GetNDF())); tex->SetTextColor(kBlack); // Error band const int n = fk->GetNpar(); TMatrixD emat(n,n); gMinuit->mnemat(emat.GetMatrixArray(), n); TF1 *fke = new TF1(Form("fk_%s_%s_%s",ct,cm,cs), sr_fitError, 30, 1300, 1); _sr_fitError_func = fk; _sr_fitError_emat = &emat; fke->SetLineStyle(kSolid); fke->SetLineColor(fk->GetLineColor()-10); fke->SetParameter(0,-1); fke->DrawClone("SAME"); fke->SetParameter(0,+1); fke->DrawClone("SAME"); fk->DrawClone("SAME"); gk->DrawClone("SAME Pz"); // Store soft radiation corrections in fsr subdirectory assert(fin->cd(ct)); assert(gDirectory->cd(bin)); if (!gDirectory->FindObject("fsr")) gDirectory->mkdir("fsr"); assert(gDirectory->cd("fsr")); TH1D *hk = (TH1D*)(isample==0 ? hpt2->Clone() : hpt1->Clone()); hk->SetName(Form("hkfsr_%s_%s",cm,cs)); TProfile *ppt = (isample==0 ? ppt2 : ppt1); if (isample==3) { ppt = ppt4; } // pas-v6 for (int i = 1; i != hk->GetNbinsX()+1; ++i) { double pt = ppt->GetBinContent(i); if (pt>30 && pt<1300) { hk->SetBinContent(i, fk->Eval(pt)); hk->SetBinError(i, fabs(fke->Eval(pt)-fk->Eval(pt))); } else { hk->SetBinContent(i, 0); hk->SetBinError(i, 0); } } hk->Write(hk->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite); // Factorize error matrix into eigenvectors // Remember: A = Q*Lambda*Q^-1, where // A is emat, Q is eigmat, and Lambda is a diagonal matrix with // eigenvalues from eigvec on the diagonal. For eigenmatrix // Q^-1 = Q^T, i.e. inverse matrix is the original transposed TVectorD eigvec(n); TMatrixD eigmat = emat.EigenVectors(eigvec); // Eigenvectors are the columns and sum of eigenvectors squared // equals original uncertainty. Calculate histograms from the // eigenvectors and store them TF1 *fkeig = (TF1*)fk->Clone(Form("%s_eig",fk->GetName())); fkeig->SetLineStyle(kDotted); for (int ieig = 0; ieig != n; ++ieig) { // Eigenvector functions for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i) { fkeig->SetParameter(i, fk->GetParameter(i) + eigmat[i][ieig] * sqrt(eigvec[ieig])); } fkeig->DrawClone("SAMEL"); // Eigenvector histograms evaluated at bin mean pT TH1D *hke = (TH1D*)hk->Clone(Form("%s_eig%d",hk->GetName(),ieig)); hke->Reset(); for (int i = 0; i != gk->GetN(); ++i) { double pt = gk->GetX()[i]; int ipt = hke->FindBin(pt); // Need to store central value as well, because // uncertainty sources are signed hke->SetBinContent(ipt, fkeig->Eval(pt)-fk->Eval(pt)); hke->SetBinError(ipt, fabs(fkeig->Eval(pt)-fk->Eval(pt))); } hke->Write(hke->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite); } cout << "." << flush; } // if tree } // for isample } // for imethod } // for itype c3->cd(0); //cmsPrel(_lumi, true); CMS_lumi(c3, 2, 33); c3->SaveAs("pdf/softrad_2x6_kfsr.pdf"); fin->Close(); curdir->cd(); } // softrad
void tauStudy(const TString inputfile = "/afs/") { // set up input tree LorentzVector *genTau1=0, *genTau2=0, *genJetTau1=0, *genJetTau2=0, *jetTau1=0, *jetTau2=0; Float_t genTau1pt, genTau2pt, genJetTau1pt, genJetTau2pt, jetTau1pt, jetTau2pt, corrJetTau1pt, corrJetTau2pt; Float_t genTau1eta, genTau2eta, genJetTau1eta, genJetTau2eta, jetTau1eta, jetTau2eta; TFile *infile = new TFile(inputfile, "READ"); assert(infile); TTree *intree = (TTree*) infile->Get("Events"); assert(intree); intree->SetBranchAddress("genTau1", &genTau1); intree->SetBranchAddress("genTau2", &genTau2); intree->SetBranchAddress("genJetTau1", &genJetTau1); intree->SetBranchAddress("genJetTau2", &genJetTau2); intree->SetBranchAddress("jetTau1", &jetTau1); intree->SetBranchAddress("jetTau2", &jetTau2); const Float_t PT_MAX = 500; const Float_t PT_MIN = 0; const Int_t PT_BINS = 50; const Float_t ETA_MAX = 2.4; const Float_t ETA_MIN = -2.4; const Int_t ETA_BINS = 16; TProfile *tauTagEffWithPT = new TProfile("tauTagEffWithPT", "Tau Tagging Efficiency", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); TProfile *tauTagEffWithEta = new TProfile("tauTagEffWithEta", "Tau Tagging Efficiency", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); //TProfile *ptScaleWithPT = new TProfile("ptScaleWithPT", "P_{T} Scale Factor between gen Tau and reco Jet", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); //TProfile *ptJetScaleWithPT = new TProfile("ptJetScaleWithPT", "P_{T} Scale Factor between gen Jet and reco Jet", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); //TProfile *ptScaleWithEta = new TProfile("ptScaleWithEta", "P_{T} Scale Factor between gen Tau and reco Jet", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); //TProfile *ptJetScaleWithEta = new TProfile("ptJetScaleWithEta", "P_{T} Scale Factor between gen Jet and reco Jet", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); //TProfile *ptResWithPT = new TProfile("ptResWithPT", "P_{T} Resolution between gen Tau and reco Jet", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); TProfile *ptJetResWithPT = new TProfile("ptJetResWithPT", "P_{T} Resolution: (genJet-recoJet)/(genJet)", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); TProfile *ptJetResCorrWithPT = new TProfile("ptJetResCorrWithPT", "P_{T} Resolution: (genJet-recoJet)/(genJet)", PT_BINS, PT_MIN, PT_MAX); //TProfile *ptResWithEta = new TProfile("ptResWithEta", "P_{T} Resolution between gen Tau and reco Jet", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); TProfile *ptJetResWithEta = new TProfile("ptJetResWithEta", "P_{T} Resolution: (genJet-recoJet)/(genJet)", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); TProfile *ptJetResCorrWithEta = new TProfile("ptJetResCorrWithEta", "P_{T} Resolution: (genJet-recoJet)/(genJet)", ETA_BINS, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX); for (Int_t iEntry=0; iEntry<intree->GetEntries(); iEntry++) { intree->GetEntry(iEntry); genTau1pt = genTau1->Pt(); genTau1eta = genTau1->Eta(); genTau2pt = genTau2->Pt(); genTau2eta = genTau2->Eta(); genJetTau1pt = genJetTau1->Pt(); genJetTau1eta = genJetTau1->Eta(); genJetTau2pt = genJetTau2->Pt(); genJetTau2eta = genJetTau2->Eta(); jetTau1pt = jetTau1->Pt(); jetTau1eta = jetTau1->Eta(); jetTau2pt = jetTau2->Pt(); jetTau2eta = jetTau2->Eta(); // jet corrections //if ( (jetTau1pt != 999) ) cout << "eta " << jetTau1eta << " pt " << jetTau1pt << " scaleCorr " << getJetScaleFactor(jetTau1pt, jetTau1eta) << endl; corrJetTau1pt = jetTau1pt*getJetScaleFactor(jetTau1pt, jetTau1eta); corrJetTau2pt = jetTau2pt*getJetScaleFactor(jetTau2pt, jetTau2eta); if ( (genTau1pt != 999) && (jetTau1pt != 999) ) { tauTagEffWithPT->Fill(genTau1pt, 1); //ptScaleWithPT->Fill(genTau1pt, jetTau1pt/genTau1pt); //ptJetScaleWithPT->Fill(genJetTau1pt, jetTau1pt/genJetTau1pt); //ptResWithPT->Fill(genTau1pt, (genTau1pt-jetTau1pt)/genTau1pt); ptJetResWithPT->Fill(genJetTau1pt, (genJetTau1pt-jetTau1pt)/genJetTau1pt); ptJetResCorrWithPT->Fill(genJetTau1pt, (genJetTau1pt-corrJetTau1pt)/genJetTau1pt); tauTagEffWithEta->Fill(genTau1eta, 1); //ptScaleWithEta->Fill(genTau1eta, jetTau1pt/genTau1pt); //ptJetScaleWithEta->Fill(genJetTau1eta, jetTau1pt/genJetTau1pt); //ptResWithEta->Fill(genTau1eta, (genTau1pt-jetTau1pt)/genTau1pt); ptJetResWithEta->Fill(genJetTau1eta, (genJetTau1pt-jetTau1pt)/genJetTau1pt); ptJetResCorrWithEta->Fill(genJetTau1eta, (genJetTau1pt-corrJetTau1pt)/genJetTau1pt); } else if ( (genTau1pt != 999) && (jetTau1pt == 999) ) { tauTagEffWithPT->Fill(genTau1pt, 0); tauTagEffWithEta->Fill(genTau1eta, 0); } if ( (genTau2pt != 999) && (jetTau2pt != 999) ) { tauTagEffWithPT->Fill(genTau2pt, 1); //ptScaleWithPT->Fill(genTau2pt, jetTau2pt/genTau2pt); //ptJetScaleWithPT->Fill(genJetTau2pt, jetTau2pt/genJetTau2pt); //ptResWithPT->Fill(genTau2pt, (genTau2pt-jetTau2pt)/genTau2pt); ptJetResWithPT->Fill(genJetTau2pt, (genJetTau2pt-jetTau2pt)/genJetTau2pt); ptJetResCorrWithPT->Fill(genJetTau2pt, (genJetTau2pt-corrJetTau2pt)/genJetTau2pt); tauTagEffWithEta->Fill(genTau2eta, 1); //ptScaleWithEta->Fill(genTau2eta, jetTau2pt/genTau2pt); //ptJetScaleWithEta->Fill(genJetTau2eta, jetTau2pt/genJetTau2pt); //ptResWithEta->Fill(genTau2eta, (genTau2pt-jetTau2pt)/genTau2pt); ptJetResWithEta->Fill(genJetTau2eta, (genJetTau2pt-jetTau2pt)/genJetTau2pt); ptJetResCorrWithEta->Fill(genJetTau2eta, (genJetTau2pt-corrJetTau2pt)/genJetTau2pt); } else if ( (genTau2pt != 999) && (jetTau2pt == 999) ) { tauTagEffWithPT->Fill(genTau2pt, 0); tauTagEffWithEta->Fill(genTau2eta, 0); } } TCanvas *c1 = MakeCanvas("c1", "Tau Tagging Efficiency", 800, 600); tauTagEffWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); tauTagEffWithPT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of Generator Tau"); tauTagEffWithPT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); tauTagEffWithPT->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("tauTagEffWithPT.png"); TCanvas *c2 = MakeCanvas("c2", "Tau Tagging Efficiency", 800, 600); tauTagEffWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); tauTagEffWithEta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of Generator Tau"); tauTagEffWithEta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); tauTagEffWithEta->Draw(); c2->SaveAs("tauTagEffWithEta.png"); /* TCanvas *c3 = MakeCanvas("c3", "Tau P_{T} Scale (reco Tau Jet P_{T}/gen Tau P_{T})", 800, 600); ptScaleWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptScaleWithPT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of Generator Tau"); ptScaleWithPT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Scale"); ptScaleWithPT->Draw(); c3->SaveAs("ptScaleWithPT.png"); TCanvas *c4 = MakeCanvas("c4", "Tau P_{T} Scale (reco Tau Jet P_{T}/gen Tau P_{T})", 800, 600); ptScaleWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptScaleWithEta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of Generator Tau"); ptScaleWithEta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Scale"); ptScaleWithEta->Draw(); c4->SaveAs("ptScaleWithEta.png"); TCanvas *c5 = MakeCanvas("c5", "Tau P_{T} Scale (reco Tau Jet P_{T}/gen Tau Jet P_{T})", 800, 600); ptJetScaleWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetScaleWithPT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of Generator Tau Jet"); ptJetScaleWithPT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Scale"); ptJetScaleWithPT->Draw(); c5->SaveAs("ptJetScaleWithPT.png"); TCanvas *c6 = MakeCanvas("c6", "Tau P_{T} Scale (reco Tau Jet P_{T}/gen Tau Jet P_{T})", 800, 600); ptJetScaleWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetScaleWithEta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of Generator Tau Jet"); ptJetScaleWithEta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Scale"); ptJetScaleWithEta->Draw(); c6->SaveAs("ptJetScaleWithEta.png"); TCanvas *c7 = MakeCanvas("c7", "Tau P_{T} Resolution ((reco Tau Jet P_{T} - gen Tau P_{T})/gen Tau P_{T})", 800, 600); ptResWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptResWithPT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of Generator Tau"); ptResWithPT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Resolution"); ptResWithPT->Draw(); c7->SaveAs("ptResWithPT.png"); TCanvas *c8 = MakeCanvas("c8", "Tau P_{T} Resolution", 800, 600); ptResWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptResWithEta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of Generator Tau"); ptResWithEta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Resolution"); ptResWithEta->Draw(); c8->SaveAs("ptResWithEta.png"); TCanvas *c9 = MakeCanvas("c9", "Tau P_{T} Resolution", 800, 600); ptJetResWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetResWithPT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} of Generator Tau Jet"); ptJetResWithPT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Resolution"); ptJetResWithPT->Draw(); ptJetResCorrWithPT->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetResCorrWithPT->SetLineColor(2); ptJetResCorrWithPT->Draw("same"); c9->SaveAs("ptJetResWithPT.png"); TCanvas *c10 = MakeCanvas("c10", "Tau P_{T} Resolution ((reco Tau Jet P_{T} - gen Tau Jet P_{T})/gen Tau Jet P_{T})", 800, 600); ptJetResWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetResWithEta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta of Generator Tau Jet"); ptJetResWithEta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("P_{T} Resolution"); ptJetResWithEta->Draw(); ptJetResCorrWithEta->SetMarkerStyle(1); ptJetResCorrWithEta->SetLineColor(2); ptJetResCorrWithEta->Draw("same"); c10->SaveAs("ptJetResWithEta.png"); */ }
void fitBjetJES(int ppPbPb=1, int cbinlo=12, int cbinhi=40){ if(!ppPbPb){ cbinlo=0; cbinhi=40; } gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TFile *fL; if(!ppPbPb)fL=new TFile("histos/ppMC_hiReco_jetTrig_highPurity_JEC.root"); else fL=new TFile("histos/PbPbQCDMC_pt30by3_ipHICalibCentWeight.root"); // these are dummy files for pp TFile *fB=new TFile("histos/PbPbBMC_pt30by3_ipHICalibCentWeight.root"); TFile *fC=new TFile("histos/PbPbCMC_pt30by3_ipHICalibCentWeight.root"); TNtuple *tL = (TNtuple*) fL->Get("nt"); TNtuple *tB = (TNtuple*) fB->Get("nt"); TNtuple *tC = (TNtuple*) fC->Get("nt"); float jtptL, refptL, jtetaL, weightL, refparton_flavorForBL, binL; tL->SetBranchAddress("jtpt",&jtptL); tL->SetBranchAddress("jteta",&jtetaL); tL->SetBranchAddress("refpt",&refptL); tL->SetBranchAddress("weight",&weightL); if(ppPbPb)tL->SetBranchAddress("bin",&binL); tL->SetBranchAddress("refparton_flavorForB",&refparton_flavorForBL); float jtptB, refptB, jtetaB, weightB, refparton_flavorForBB, binB; tB->SetBranchAddress("jtpt",&jtptB); tB->SetBranchAddress("jteta",&jtetaB); tB->SetBranchAddress("refpt",&refptB); tB->SetBranchAddress("weight",&weightB); if(ppPbPb)tB->SetBranchAddress("bin",&binB); tB->SetBranchAddress("refparton_flavorForB",&refparton_flavorForBB); float jtptC, refptC, jtetaC, weightC, refparton_flavorForBC, binC; tC->SetBranchAddress("jtpt",&jtptC); tC->SetBranchAddress("jteta",&jtetaC); tC->SetBranchAddress("refpt",&refptC); tC->SetBranchAddress("weight",&weightC); if(ppPbPb)tC->SetBranchAddress("bin",&binC); tC->SetBranchAddress("refparton_flavorForB",&refparton_flavorForBC); TProfile *hL = new TProfile("hL","hL",250,50,300,0,10); TProfile *hB = new TProfile("hB","hB",250,50,300,0,10); TProfile *hC = new TProfile("hC","hC",250,50,300,0,10); hL->Sumw2(),hB->Sumw2(),hC->Sumw2(); for(int i=0;i<tL->GetEntries();i++){ tL->GetEntry(i); if(!ppPbPb) binL=39; if(fabs(jtetaL)<2 && binL>=cbinlo && binL<cbinhi) hL->Fill(refptL,jtptL/refptL,weightL); if(!ppPbPb){ if(fabs(jtetaL)<2 && binL>=cbinlo && binL<cbinhi && abs(refparton_flavorForBL)==5) hB->Fill(refptL,jtptL/refptL,weightL); if(fabs(jtetaL)<2 && binL>=cbinlo && binL<cbinhi && abs(refparton_flavorForBL)==4) hC->Fill(refptL,jtptL/refptL,weightL); } } if(ppPbPb){ for(int i=0;i<tB->GetEntries();i++){ tB->GetEntry(i); if(fabs(jtetaB)<2 && binB>=cbinlo && binB<cbinhi && abs(refparton_flavorForBB)==5) hB->Fill(refptB,jtptB/refptB,weightB); } for(int i=0;i<tC->GetEntries();i++){ tC->GetEntry(i); if(fabs(jtetaC)<2 && binC>=cbinlo && binC<cbinhi && abs(refparton_flavorForBC)==4) hC->Fill(refptC,jtptC/refptC,weightC); } } hL->SetMinimum(0.); hL->SetLineColor(kBlue); hB->SetLineColor(kRed); hC->SetLineColor(kGreen); hL->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); hB->SetMarkerColor(kRed); hC->SetMarkerColor(kGreen); //hL->SetMarkerStyle(4); //hB->SetMarkerStyle(4); //hC->SetMarkerStyle(4); hL->SetXTitle("genJet p_{T} (GeV/c)"); hL->SetYTitle("<reco p_{T} / gen p_{T} >"); hL->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(50.,199.999); hL->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.5,1.05); TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","c1",800,600); c1->SetGridx(1); c1->SetGridy(1); hL->Draw("e1"); hB->Draw("e1,same"); hC->Draw("e1,same"); TLegend *leg=new TLegend(0.4,0.15,0.9,0.45); leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetFillStyle(0); if(ppPbPb&&cbinlo==0&&cbinhi==40)leg->SetHeader("Pythia+Hydjet, 0-100%"); leg->AddEntry(hL,"Inclusive jets","pl"); leg->AddEntry(hC,"c-jets","pl"); leg->AddEntry(hB,"b-jets","pl"); leg->Draw(); TCanvas *c2=new TCanvas("c2","c2",1); /* TH1F *hL2 = (TH1F*)hL->Clone("hL2"); TH1F *hB2 = (TH1F*)hB->Clone("hB2"); hL2->Add(hB2,-1); hL2->Draw(); */ TH1F *hcorr = new TH1F("hcorr","hcorr",250,50,300); hcorr->Sumw2(); for(int i=0;i<hL->GetNbinsX();i++){ cout<<" b resp "<<hB->GetBinContent(i+1)<<endl; cout<<" l resp "<<hL->GetBinContent(i+1)<<endl; cout<<" l offset "<<1.-hL->GetBinContent(i+1)<<endl; cout<<" corrected b resp "<<hB->GetBinContent(i+1)+1.-hL->GetBinContent(i+1)<<endl; float jesOffset = 1.-hL->GetBinContent(i+1); hcorr->SetBinContent(i+1,hB->GetBinContent(i+1)+jesOffset); hcorr->SetBinError(i+1,sqrt(hB->GetBinError(i+1)*hB->GetBinError(i+1)+hL->GetBinError(i+1)*hL->GetBinError(i+1))); } hcorr->SetMinimum(0.5); hcorr->SetMaximum(1.1); hcorr->SetLineColor(kRed); hcorr->SetMarkerColor(kRed); hcorr->SetMarkerStyle(4); hcorr->Draw(); TF1 *fCorr = new TF1("fCorr","[0]+[1]*log(x)+[2]*log(x)*log(x)",50,300); fCorr->SetLineWidth(1); fCorr->SetLineColor(kBlue); hcorr->Fit(fCorr); TFile *fout; if(ppPbPb) fout =new TFile(Form("bJEShistos/bJetScale_PbPb_Cent_fineBin_%d_%d.root",cbinlo,cbinhi),"recreate"); else fout =new TFile("bJEShistos/bJetScale_PP_fineBin.root","recreate"); hcorr->Write(); fCorr->Write(); fout->Close(); }
void Analyzer(string MODE="COMPILE") { if(MODE=="COMPILE") return; system("mkdir pictures"); setTDRStyle(); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin (0.06); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.15); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin (0.03); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin (0.07); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.04, "XYZ"); gStyle->SetTitleXOffset(1.1); gStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.35); gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetNdivisions(505,"X"); TH1::AddDirectory(kTRUE); system("mkdir pictures/"); string saveName = "dedx"; TFile* OutputHisto = new TFile((string("pictures/") + "/Histos.root").c_str(),"RECREATE"); TH1D* HdedxMIP = new TH1D( (saveName + "_MIP" ).c_str(), "MIP" , 1000, 0, 10); TH2D* HdedxVsP = new TH2D( (saveName + "_dedxVsP").c_str(), "dedxVsP", 3000, 0, 30,1500,0,15); TH2D* HdedxVsPM = new TH2D( (saveName + "_dedxVsPM").c_str(), "dedxVsPM", 3000, 0, 30,1500,0,15); TH2D* HdedxVsQP = new TH2D( (saveName + "_dedxVsQP").c_str(), "dedxVsQP", 6000, -30, 30,1500,0,25); TProfile* HdedxVsPProfile = new TProfile((saveName + "_Profile").c_str(), "Profile", 100, 0,100); TProfile* HdedxVsEtaProfile = new TProfile((saveName + "_Eta" ).c_str(), "Eta" , 100,-3, 3); TH2D* HdedxVsEta = new TH2D ((saveName + "_Eta2D" ).c_str(), "Eta" , 100,-3, 3, 1000,0,5); TProfile* HNOSVsEtaProfile = new TProfile((saveName + "_NOS" ).c_str(), "NOS" , 100,-3, 3); TProfile* HNOMVsEtaProfile = new TProfile((saveName + "_NOM" ).c_str(), "NOM" , 100,-3, 3); TProfile* HNOMSVsEtaProfile = new TProfile((saveName + "_NOMS" ).c_str(), "NOMS" , 100,-3, 3); TH1D* HMass = new TH1D( (saveName + "_Mass" ).c_str(), "Mass" , 500, 0, 10); TH1D* HP = new TH1D( (saveName + "_P" ).c_str(), "P" , 500, 0, 100); TH1D* HHit = new TH1D( (saveName + "_Hit" ).c_str(), "P" , 600, 0, 6); TH2D* HIasVsP = new TH2D( (saveName + "_IasVsP").c_str(), "IasVsP", 3000, 0, 30,1500,0,1); TH2D* HIasVsPM = new TH2D( (saveName + "_IasVsPM").c_str(), "IasVsPM", 3000, 0, 30,1500,0,1); TH1D* HIasMIP = new TH1D( (saveName + "_IasMIP" ).c_str(), "IasMIP" , 1000, 0, 1); reco::DeDxData* emptyDeDx = new reco::DeDxData(0,0,0); // TH3F* dEdxTemplates = loadDeDxTemplate("../../../data/Data7TeV_Deco_SiStripDeDxMip_3D_Rcd.root"); // TH3F* dEdxTemplates = loadDeDxTemplate("../../../data/MC7TeV_Deco_SiStripDeDxMip_3D_Rcd.root"); // TH3F* dEdxTemplates = loadDeDxTemplate("../../../data/Discrim_Templates_MC_2012b.root"); TH3F* dEdxTemplates = loadDeDxTemplate("../../../data/Discrim_Templates_MC_2012_new2.root"); double SF = 1.05; //0.9; std::vector<string> FileName; // FileName.push_back("root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/cmst3/user/querten/12_11_19_MC_dEdx/dedx_data_2012.root"); FileName.push_back("root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/cmst3/user/querten/12_11_19_MC_dEdx/dedx_mc_2012.root"); fwlite::ChainEvent ev(FileName); printf("Progressing Bar :0%% 20%% 40%% 60%% 80%% 100%%\n"); printf("Looping on Tree :"); int TreeStep = ev.size()/50; if(TreeStep==0)TreeStep=1; for(Long64_t e=0; e<ev.size(); e++) { // if(e>5000)break;; if(e%TreeStep==0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } fwlite::Handle< std::vector<reco::Track> > trackCollHandle; trackCollHandle.getByLabel(ev,"TrackRefitter"); if(!trackCollHandle.isValid()) { printf("Invalid trackCollHandle\n"); continue; } for(unsigned int c=0; c<trackCollHandle->size(); c++) { reco::TrackRef track = reco::TrackRef( trackCollHandle.product(), c ); if(track->chi2()/track->ndof()>5 )continue; //WAS >1 if(track->found()<8)continue; /////////////// fwlite::Handle<HSCPDeDxInfoValueMap> dEdxHitsH; dEdxHitsH.getByLabel(ev, "dedxHitInfo"); if(!dEdxHitsH.isValid()) { printf("Invalid dEdxHitInfo\n"); return; } const ValueMap<HSCPDeDxInfo>& dEdxHitMap = *dEdxHitsH.product(); const HSCPDeDxInfo& hscpHitsInfo = dEdxHitMap.get((size_t)track.key()); for(unsigned int h=0; h<hscpHitsInfo.charge.size(); h++) { DetId detid(hscpHitsInfo.detIds[h]); if(detid.subdetId()<3)continue; // skip pixels if(!hscpHitsInfo.shapetest[h])continue; double Norm = (detid.subdetId()<3)?3.61e-06:3.61e-06*265; Norm*=10.0; //mm --> cm Norm*=SF; HHit->Fill(Norm * hscpHitsInfo.charge[h]/hscpHitsInfo.pathlength[h]); // vect_charge.push_back(Norm*hscpHitsInfo.charge[h]/hscpHitsInfo.pathlength[h]); } ////////////// reco::DeDxData* dedxObj = dEdxEstimOnTheFly(ev, track, emptyDeDx, SF); reco::DeDxData* dedxIasObj = dEdxOnTheFly(ev, track, emptyDeDx, SF, dEdxTemplates, false); if(track->pt()>20 && track->pt()<40 && dedxObj->numberOfMeasurements()>6 ) { HdedxVsEtaProfile->Fill(track->eta(), dedxObj->dEdx() ); HdedxVsEta->Fill(track->eta(), dedxObj->dEdx() ); HNOMVsEtaProfile->Fill(track->eta(),dedxObj->numberOfMeasurements() ); HNOSVsEtaProfile->Fill(track->eta(),dedxObj->numberOfSaturatedMeasurements() ); HNOMSVsEtaProfile->Fill(track->eta(),dedxObj->numberOfMeasurements() - dedxObj->numberOfSaturatedMeasurements() ); } if(fabs(track->eta())>2.1)continue; if((int)dedxObj->numberOfMeasurements()<10)continue; if(track->p()>5 && track->p()<40) { HdedxMIP->Fill(dedxObj->dEdx()); HP->Fill(track->p()); HIasMIP->Fill(dedxIasObj->dEdx()); } HdedxVsP ->Fill(track->p(), dedxObj->dEdx() ); HdedxVsQP->Fill(track->p()*track->charge(), dedxObj->dEdx() ); HIasVsP ->Fill(track->p(), dedxIasObj->dEdx() ); if(fabs(track->eta())<0.4)HdedxVsPProfile->Fill(track->p(), dedxObj->dEdx() ); double Mass = GetMass(track->p(),dedxObj->dEdx(), false); if(dedxObj->dEdx()>4.0 && track->p()<3.0) { HMass->Fill(Mass); if(isnan((float)Mass) || Mass<0.94-0.3 || Mass>0.94+0.3)continue; HdedxVsPM ->Fill(track->p(), dedxObj->dEdx() ); HIasVsPM ->Fill(track->p(), dedxIasObj->dEdx() ); } } } OutputHisto->Write(); OutputHisto->Close(); }
// **************************************************************** //XXX: main int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // // **** May 20 2010 update **** // Usage: CreateEcalTimingCalibsEE fileWithTree options... // using namespace std; // Ao dependent timing corrections timeCorrectionEE_ = new TF1("timeCorrectionEE_","pol4(0)",0,1.2); //coefficients obtained in the interval (0, 1.5) from Low eta region < 2.2, run 144011 timeCorrectionEE_->SetParameters(-0.461192,0.0876435,-0.234752,0.143774,-0.051990); // For selection cuts string inBxs, inOrbits, inTrig, inTTrig, inLumi, inRuns; float avgTimeMin, avgTimeMax; float minAmpEB, minAmpEE; float maxE1E9, maxSwissCrossNoise; // EB only, no spikes seen in EE float maxHitTimeEE, minHitTimeEE; // init to sensible defaults avgTimeMin = -1; // in ns avgTimeMax = 1; // in ns minAmpEB = 5; // GeV minAmpEE = 5; // GeV maxHitTimeEE = 15; // ns minHitTimeEE = -15; // ns maxE1E9 = 0.95; // EB only maxSwissCrossNoise = 0.95; // EB only inBxs = "-1"; inOrbits = "-1"; inTrig = "-1"; inTTrig = "-1"; inLumi = "-1"; inRuns = "-1"; char* infile = argv[1]; if (!infile) { cout << " No input file specified !" << endl; return -1; } //TODO: Replace this with the parseArguments function from the pi0 binary std::string stringGenericOption = "--"; for (int i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (argv[i] == std::string("-bxs") && argc>i+1) inBxs = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-orbits") && argc>i+1) inOrbits = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-trig") && argc>i+1) inTrig = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ttrig") && argc>i+1) inTTrig = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-lumi") && argc>i+1) inLumi = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-runs") && argc>i+1) inRuns = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ebampmin") && argc>i+1) minAmpEB = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-eeampmin") && argc>i+1) minAmpEE = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-e1e9max") && argc>i+1) maxE1E9 = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-swisskmax") && argc>i+1) maxSwissCrossNoise = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-avgtimemin") && argc>i+1) avgTimeMin = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-avgtimemax") && argc>i+1) avgTimeMax = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-eehittimemax") && argc>i+1) maxHitTimeEE = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-eehittimemin") && argc>i+1) minHitTimeEE = atof(argv[i+1]); // handle here the case of multiple arguments for input files if (argv[i] == std::string("--i"))// && argc>i+1) { for (int u=i+1; u<argc; u++) { if ( 0==std::string(argv[u]).find( stringGenericOption ) ) { if ( 0==listOfFiles_.size()) {std::cout << "no input files listed" << std::cout;} else {std::cout << "no more files listed, found: " << argv[u] << std::cout;} break; } else { listOfFiles_.push_back(argv[u]); i++; } }// loop on arguments following --i continue; }//end 'if input files' } // Open the input files if (listOfFiles_.size()==0){ std::cout << "\tno input file found" << std::endl; return(1); } else{ std::cout << "\tfound " << listOfFiles_.size() << " input files: " << std::endl; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file_itr=listOfFiles_.begin(); file_itr!=listOfFiles_.end(); file_itr++){ std::cout << "\t" << (*file_itr) << std::endl; } } // Tree construction TChain* chain = new TChain ("EcalTimeAnalysis") ; std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file_itr; for(file_itr=listOfFiles_.begin(); file_itr!=listOfFiles_.end(); file_itr++){ chain->Add( (*file_itr).c_str() ); } cout << "Running with options: " << "avgTimeMin: " << avgTimeMin << " avgTimeMax: " << avgTimeMax << " minAmpEB: " << minAmpEB << " minAmpEE: " << minAmpEE << " maxHitTimeEE: " << maxHitTimeEE << " minHitTimeEE: " << minHitTimeEE << " inTrig: " << inTrig << " inTTrig: " << inTTrig << " inLumi: " << inLumi << " inBxs: " << inBxs << " inRuns: " << inRuns << " inOrbits: " << inOrbits << endl; // Ignore warnings gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2001; setBranchAddresses(chain,treeVars_); // Generate all the vectors for skipping selections std::vector<std::vector<double> > bxIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > bxExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > orbitIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > orbitExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > trigIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > trigExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > ttrigIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > ttrigExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > lumiIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > lumiExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > runIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > runExcludeVector; //recall: string inBxs, inOrbits, inTrig, inTTrig, inLumi, inRuns; genIncludeExcludeVectors(inBxs,bxIncludeVector,bxExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inOrbits,orbitIncludeVector,orbitExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inTrig,trigIncludeVector,trigExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inTTrig,ttrigIncludeVector,ttrigExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inLumi,lumiIncludeVector,lumiExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inRuns,runIncludeVector,runExcludeVector); // Open output file and book hists string fileNameBeg = "timingCalibsEE"; string rootFilename = fileNameBeg+".root"; TFile* outfile = new TFile(rootFilename.c_str(),"RECREATE"); outfile->cd(); TH1F* calibHistEE = new TH1F("timingCalibsEE","timingCalibs EE [ns]",2000,-100,100); TH1F* calibErrorHistEE = new TH1F("timingCalibErrorEE","timingCalibError EE [ns]",500,0,5); calibHistEE->Sumw2(); calibErrorHistEE->Sumw2(); TH2F* calibsVsErrors = new TH2F("timingCalibsAndErrors","TimingCalibs vs. errors [ns]",500,0,5,100,0,10); calibsVsErrors->Sumw2(); //TH2F* calibMapEE = new TH2F("calibMapEE","time calib map EE",360,1,361,170,-86,86); //TH2F* calibMapEEFlip = new TH2F("calibMapEEFlip","time calib map EE",170,-86,86,360,1,361); //TH2F* calibMapEEPhase = new TH2F("calibMapEEPhase","time calib map EE (phase of Tmax)",360,1,361,170,-86,86); //TH2F* calibMapEtaAvgEE = new TH2F("calibMapEtaAvgEE","time calibs raw eta avg map EE",360,1,361,170,-86,86); //TH1F* calibHistEtaAvgEE = new TH1F("timingCalibsEtaAvgEE","EtaAvgTimingCalibs EE [ns]",2000,-100,100); TH2F* hitsPerCryMapEEM = new TH2F("hitsPerCryMapEEM","Hits per cry EEM;ix;iy",100,1,101,100,1,101); TH2F* hitsPerCryMapEEP = new TH2F("hitsPerCryMapEEP","Hits per cry EEP;ix;iy",100,1,101,100,1,101); TH1F* hitsPerCryHistEEM = new TH1F("hitsPerCryHistEEM","Hits per cry EEM;hashedIndex",14648,0,14648); TH1F* hitsPerCryHistEEP = new TH1F("hitsPerCryHistEEP","Hits per cry EEP;hashedIndex",14648,0,14648); //TH1C* eventsEEMHist = new TH1C("numEventsEEM","Number of events, EEM",100,0,100); //TH1C* eventsEEPHist = new TH1C("numEventsEEP","Number of events, EEP",100,0,100); TProfile* ampProfileEEM = new TProfile("ampProfileEEM","Amp. profile EEM;hashedIndex",14648,0,14648); TProfile* ampProfileEEP = new TProfile("ampProfileEEP","Amp. profile EEP;hashedIndex",14648,0,14648); TProfile2D* ampProfileMapEEP = new TProfile2D("ampProfileMapEEP","Amp. profile EEP;ix;iy",100,1,101,100,1,101); TProfile2D* ampProfileMapEEM = new TProfile2D("ampProfileMapEEM","Amp. profile EEM;ix;iy",100,1,101,100,1,101); //TH1F* eventsEEHist = new TH1F("numEventsEE","Number of events, EE",100,0,100); //TH1F* calibSigmaHist = new TH1F("timingSpreadEE","Crystal timing spread [ns]",1000,-5,5); TH1F* sigmaHistEE = new TH1F("sigmaCalibsEE"," Sigma of calib distributions EE [ns]",100,0,1); //TH1F* chiSquaredEachEventHist = new TH1F("chi2eachEvent","Chi2 of each event",500,0,500); //TH2F* chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist = new TH2F("chi2VsAmpEachEvent","Chi2 vs. amplitude of each event",500,0,500,750,0,750); //TH2F* chiSquaredHighMap = new TH2F("chi2HighMap","Channels with event #Chi^{2} > 100",360,1,361,170,-86,86); //TH1F* chiSquaredTotalHist = new TH1F("chi2Total","Total chi2 of all events in each crystal",500,0,500); //TH1F* chiSquaredSingleOverTotalHist = new TH1F("chi2SingleOverTotal","Chi2 of each event over total chi2",100,0,1); //TH1F* ampEachEventHist = new TH1F("energyEachEvent","Energy of all events [GeV]",1000,0,10); //TH1F* numPointsErasedHist = new TH1F("numPointsErased","Number of points erased per crystal",25,0,25); //TProfile2D* myAmpProfile = (TProfile2D*)EBampProfile->Clone(); //myAmpProfile->Write(); TH1F* expectedStatPresHistEEM = new TH1F("expectedStatPresEEM","Avg. expected statistical precision EEM [ns], all crys",200,0,2); TH2F* expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEEM = new TH2F("expectedStatPresVsObsEEM","Expected stat. pres. vs. obs. error on mean each event EEM [ns]",200,0,2,200,0,2); TH1F* expectedStatPresEachEventHistEEM = new TH1F("expectedStatPresSingleEventEEM","Expected stat. pres. each event EEM [ns]",200,0,2); TH1F* expectedStatPresHistEEP = new TH1F("expectedStatPresEEP","Avg. expected statistical precision EEP [ns], all crys",200,0,2); TH2F* expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEEP = new TH2F("expectedStatPresVsObsEEP","Expected stat. pres. vs. obs. error on mean each event [ns] EEP",200,0,2,200,0,2); TH1F* expectedStatPresEachEventHistEEP = new TH1F("expectedStatPresSingleEventEEP","Expected stat. pres. each event EEP [ns]",200,0,2); TH2F* errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist = new TH2F("errorOnMeanVsNumEvts","Error_on_mean vs. number of events",50,0,50,200,0,2); errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Sumw2(); TH1F* calibHistEEM = new TH1F("timingCalibsEEM","timingCalibs EEM [ns]",500,-25,25); TH1F* calibHistEEP = new TH1F("timingCalibsEEP","timingCalibs EEP [ns]",500,-25,25); TH1F* calibErrorHistEEM = new TH1F("calibErrorEEM","timingCalibError EEM [ns]",250,0,5); TH1F* calibErrorHistEEP = new TH1F("calibErrorEEP","timingCalibError EEP [ns]",250,0,5); calibHistEEM->Sumw2(); calibHistEEP->Sumw2(); calibErrorHistEEM->Sumw2(); calibErrorHistEEP->Sumw2(); TH2F* calibMapEEM = new TH2F("calibMapEEM","time calib map EEM",100,1,101,100,1,101); TH2F* calibMapEEP = new TH2F("calibMapEEP","time calib map EEP",100,1,101,100,1,101); calibMapEEM->Sumw2(); calibMapEEP->Sumw2(); TH2F* sigmaMapEEM = new TH2F("sigmaMapEEM","Sigma of time calib map EEM [ns];ix;iy",100,1.,101.,100,1,101); TH2F* sigmaMapEEP = new TH2F("sigmaMapEEP","Sigma of time calib map EEP [ns];ix;iy",100,1.,101.,100,1,101); TH2F* calibErrorMapEEM = new TH2F("calibErrorMapEEM","Error of time calib map EEM [ns];ix;iy",100,1.,101.,100,1,101); TH2F* calibErrorMapEEP = new TH2F("calibErrorMapEEP","Error of time calib map EEP [ns];ix;iy",100,1.,101.,100,1,101); TDirectory* cryDirEEP = gDirectory->mkdir("crystalTimingHistsEEP"); cryDirEEP->cd(); TH1C* cryTimingHistsEEP[100][100]; // [0][0] = ix 1, iy 1 for(int x=0; x < 100; ++x) { for(int y=0; y < 100; ++y) { if(!EEDetId::validDetId(x+1,y+1,1)) continue; string histname = "EEP_cryTiming_ix"; histname+=intToString(x+1); histname+="_iy"; histname+=intToString(y+1); cryTimingHistsEEP[x][y] = new TH1C(histname.c_str(),histname.c_str(),660,-33,33); cryTimingHistsEEP[x][y]->Sumw2(); } } outfile->cd(); TDirectory* cryDirEEM = gDirectory->mkdir("crystalTimingHistsEEM"); cryDirEEM->cd(); TH1C* cryTimingHistsEEM[100][100]; // [0][0] = ix 1, iy 1 for(int x=0; x < 100; ++x) { for(int y=0; y < 100; ++y) { if(!EEDetId::validDetId(x+1,y+1,-1)) continue; string histname = "EEM_cryTiming_ix"; histname+=intToString(x+1); histname+="_iy"; histname+=intToString(y+1); cryTimingHistsEEM[x][y] = new TH1C(histname.c_str(),histname.c_str(),660,-33,33); cryTimingHistsEEM[x][y]->Sumw2(); } } outfile->cd(); cout << "Making calibs..." << endl; CrystalCalibration* eeCryCalibs[14648]; //XXX: Making calibs with weighted/unweighted mean for(int i=0; i < 14648; ++i) eeCryCalibs[i] = new CrystalCalibration(); //use weighted mean! //eeCryCalibs[i] = new CrystalCalibration(false); //don't use weighted mean! cout << "Looping over TTree..."; // Loop over the TTree int numEventsUsed = 0; int nEntries = chain->GetEntries(); cout << "Begin loop over TTree." << endl; for(int entry = 0; entry < nEntries; ++entry) { chain->GetEntry(entry); // Loop once to calculate average event time float sumTime = 0; int numCrysEE = 0; for(int bCluster=0; bCluster < treeVars_.nClusters; bCluster++) { if(treeVars_.xtalInBCIEta[bCluster][0] != -999999) continue; // skip EB clusters for(int cryInBC=0; cryInBC < treeVars_.nXtalsInCluster[bCluster]; cryInBC++) { sumTime += treeVars_.xtalInBCTime[bCluster][cryInBC]; numCrysEE++; } } //debug //cout << "Number of EE crys in event: " << numEEcrys << endl; //XXX: Event cuts if(sumTime/numCrysEE > avgTimeMax || sumTime/numCrysEE < avgTimeMin) { //cout << "Average event time: " << sumTime/numCrysEE << " so event rejected." << endl; continue; } // check BX, orbit, lumi, run, L1 tech/phys triggers bool keepEvent = includeEvent(treeVars_.bx,bxIncludeVector,bxExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.orbit,orbitIncludeVector,orbitExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.lumiSection,lumiIncludeVector,lumiExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.runId,runIncludeVector,runExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.l1ActiveTriggers, treeVars_.l1NActiveTriggers,trigIncludeVector,trigExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.l1ActiveTechTriggers, treeVars_.l1NActiveTechTriggers,ttrigIncludeVector,ttrigExcludeVector); if(!keepEvent) continue; numEventsUsed++; // Loop over the EE crys and fill the map for(int bCluster=0; bCluster < treeVars_.nClusters; bCluster++) { if(treeVars_.xtalInBCIEta[bCluster][0] != -999999) continue; // skip EB clusters for(int cryInBC=0; cryInBC < treeVars_.nXtalsInCluster[bCluster]; cryInBC++) { int hashedIndex = treeVars_.xtalInBCHashedIndex[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryTime = treeVars_.xtalInBCTime[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryTimeError = treeVars_.xtalInBCTimeErr[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryAmp = treeVars_.xtalInBCAmplitudeADC[bCluster][cryInBC]; float Ao = cryAmp/sigmaNoiseEE; float AoLog = log10(Ao/25); EEDetId det = EEDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); if(det==EEDetId()) // make sure DetId is valid continue; int ix = det.ix(); int iy = det.iy(); //XXX: RecHit cuts bool keepHit = cryAmp >= minAmpEE && cryTime > minHitTimeEE && cryTime < maxHitTimeEE && AoLog > 0 && AoLog < 1.2; if(!keepHit) continue; //cout << "STUPID DEBUG: " << hashedIndex << " cryTime: " << cryTime << " cryTimeError: " << cryTimeError << " cryAmp: " << cryAmp << endl; // Timing correction to take out the energy dependence if log10(ampliOverSigOfThis/25) // is between 0 and 1.2 (about 1 and 13 GeV) // amplitude dependent timing corrections float timing = cryTime - timeCorrectionEE_->Eval(AoLog); //FIXME cryTimeError = 1; eeCryCalibs[hashedIndex]->insertEvent(cryAmp,timing,cryTimeError,false); //SIC Use when we don't have time_error available //eeCryCalibs[hashedIndex]->insertEvent(cryAmp,cryTime,35/(cryAmp/1.2),false); if(det.zside() < 0) { ampProfileEEM->Fill(hashedIndex,cryAmp); ampProfileMapEEM->Fill(ix,iy,cryAmp); } else { ampProfileEEP->Fill(hashedIndex,cryAmp); ampProfileMapEEP->Fill(ix,iy,cryAmp); } } } } //create output text file ofstream fileStream; string fileName = fileNameBeg+".calibs.txt";; if(!fileStream.good() || !fileStream.is_open()) { cout << "Couldn't open text file." << endl; return -1; } //create problem channels text file ofstream fileStreamProb; string fileName2 = fileNameBeg+".problems.txt";; if(!fileStreamProb.good() || !fileStreamProb.is_open()) { cout << "Couldn't open text file." << endl; return -1; } // Create calibration container objects EcalTimeCalibConstants timeCalibConstants; EcalTimeCalibErrors timeCalibErrors; cout << "Using " << numEventsUsed << " out of " << nEntries << " in the tree." << endl; cout << "Creating calibs..." << endl; float cryCalibAvg = 0; int numCrysCalibrated = 0; vector<int> hashesToCalibrateToAvg; //Loop over all the crys for(int hashedIndex=0; hashedIndex < 14648; ++hashedIndex) { EEDetId det = EEDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); if(det==EEDetId()) continue; CrystalCalibration cryCalib = *(eeCryCalibs[hashedIndex]); int x = det.ix(); int y = det.iy(); //chiSquaredTotalHist->Fill(cryCalib.totalChi2); //expectedStatPresHistEB->Fill(sqrt(1/expectedPresSumEB)); //expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEB->Fill(sigmaM,sqrt(1/expectedPresSumEB)); //XXX: Filter events at default 0.5*meanE threshold cryCalib.filterOutliers(); //numPointsErasedHist->Fill(numPointsErased); //Write cryTimingHists vector<TimingEvent> times = cryCalib.timingEvents; for(vector<TimingEvent>::const_iterator timeItr = times.begin(); timeItr != times.end(); ++timeItr) { if(det.zside() < 0) { float weight = 1/((timeItr->sigmaTime)*(timeItr->sigmaTime)); cryTimingHistsEEM[x-1][y-1]->Fill(timeItr->time,weight); } else { float weight = 1/((timeItr->sigmaTime)*(timeItr->sigmaTime)); cryTimingHistsEEP[x-1][y-1]->Fill(timeItr->time,weight); } } if(det.zside() < 0) { cryDirEEM->cd(); cryTimingHistsEEM[x-1][y-1]->Write(); } else { cryDirEEP->cd(); cryTimingHistsEEP[x-1][y-1]->Write(); } outfile->cd(); if(det.zside() < 0) { hitsPerCryHistEEM->SetBinContent(hashedIndex+1,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); hitsPerCryMapEEM->Fill(x,y,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); } else { hitsPerCryHistEEP->SetBinContent(hashedIndex+1,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); hitsPerCryMapEEP->Fill(x,y,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); } // Make timing calibs double p1 = cryCalib.mean; double p1err = cryCalib.meanE; //cout << "cry ieta: " << ieta << " cry iphi: " << iphi << " p1: " << p1 << " p1err: " << p1err << endl; if(cryCalib.timingEvents.size() < 10) { fileStreamProb << "Cry (only " << cryCalib.timingEvents.size() << " events) was calibrated to avg: " << det.zside() << ", " << x <<", " << y << ", hash: " << hashedIndex << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; hashesToCalibrateToAvg.push_back(hashedIndex); continue; } // Make it so we can add calib to reco time p1*=-1; if(p1err < 0.5 && p1err > 0) { fileStream << "EE\t" << hashedIndex << "\t" << p1 << "\t\t" << p1err << endl; if(det.zside() < 0) { calibHistEEM->Fill(p1); //calibMapEEMFlip->Fill(y-85,x+1,p1); calibMapEEM->Fill(x,y,p1); //calibMapEEMPhase->Fill(x+1,y-85,p1/25-floor(p1/25)); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Fill(times.size(),p1err); } else { calibHistEEP->Fill(p1); //calibMapEEPFlip->Fill(y-85,x+1,p1); calibMapEEP->Fill(x,y,p1); //calibMapEEPPhase->Fill(x+1,y-85,p1/25-floor(p1/25)); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Fill(times.size(),p1err); } cryCalibAvg+=p1; ++numCrysCalibrated; //Store in timeCalibration container EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = p1; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = p1err; uint32_t rawId = EEDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; } else { //std::cout << "Cry: " << y <<", " << x << ", hash: " << itr->first // << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; fileStreamProb << "Cry was calibrated to avg: " << x <<", " << y << ", hash: " << hashedIndex << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; } sigmaHistEE->Fill(cryCalib.stdDev); if(det.zside() < 0) { //calibsVsErrorsEEM->Fill(p1err, p1 > 0 ? p1 : -1*p1); calibErrorHistEEM->Fill(p1err); calibErrorMapEEM->Fill(x,y,p1err); sigmaMapEEM->Fill(x,y,cryCalib.stdDev); } else { //calibsVsErrorsEEP->Fill(p1err, p1 > 0 ? p1 : -1*p1); calibErrorHistEEP->Fill(p1err); calibErrorMapEEP->Fill(x,y,p1err); sigmaMapEEP->Fill(x,y,cryCalib.stdDev); } } fileStream.close(); fileStreamProb.close(); // Calc average if(numCrysCalibrated > 0) cryCalibAvg/=numCrysCalibrated; cryCalibAvg-= 2.0833; // Global phase shift // calibrate uncalibratable crys for(vector<int>::const_iterator hashItr = hashesToCalibrateToAvg.begin(); hashItr != hashesToCalibrateToAvg.end(); ++hashItr) { //Store in timeCalibration container EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = cryCalibAvg; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = 999; uint32_t rawId = EEDetId::unhashIndex(*hashItr); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; } //Write XML files cout << "Writing XML files." << endl; EcalCondHeader header; header.method_="testmethod"; header.version_="testversion"; header.datasource_="testdata"; header.since_=123; header.tag_="testtag"; header.date_="Mar 24 1973"; string timeCalibFile = "EcalTimeCalibsEE.xml"; string timeCalibErrFile = "EcalTimeCalibErrorsEE.xml"; // Hack to prevent seg fault EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = 0; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = 0; uint32_t rawId = EBDetId::unhashIndex(0); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; // End hack EcalTimeCalibConstantsXMLTranslator::writeXML(timeCalibFile,header,timeCalibConstants); EcalTimeCalibErrorsXMLTranslator::writeXML(timeCalibErrFile,header,timeCalibErrors); cout << "Writing histograms." << endl; outfile->cd(); calibHistEEM->SetXTitle("timingCalib [ns]"); calibHistEEM->Write(); calibHistEEP->SetXTitle("timingCalib [ns]"); calibHistEEP->Write(); calibErrorHistEEP->SetXTitle("uncertainty on mean [ns]"); calibErrorHistEEP->Write(); calibErrorHistEEM->SetXTitle("uncertainty on mean [ns]"); calibErrorHistEEM->Write(); calibErrorMapEEP->Write(); calibErrorMapEEM->Write(); sigmaHistEE->Write(); sigmaMapEEM->Write(); sigmaMapEEP->Write(); //can->Print("calibs1D.png"); //cout << "Writing calibVsErrors" << endl; //calibsVsErrors->SetYTitle("AbsCalibConst"); //calibsVsErrors->SetXTitle("calibConstError"); //calibsVsErrors->Write(); //Move empty bins out of the way int nxbins = calibMapEEM->GetNbinsX(); int nybins = calibMapEEM->GetNbinsY(); for(int i=0;i<=(nxbins+2)*(nybins+2); ++i) { double binentsM = calibMapEEM->GetBinContent(i); if(binentsM==0) { calibMapEEM->SetBinContent(i,-1000); } double binentsP = calibMapEEP->GetBinContent(i); if(binentsP==0) { calibMapEEP->SetBinContent(i,-1000); } } calibMapEEM->SetXTitle("ix"); calibMapEEM->SetYTitle("iy"); calibMapEEM->Write(); calibMapEEP->SetXTitle("ix"); calibMapEEP->SetYTitle("iy"); calibMapEEP->Write(); //calibSigmaHist->SetXTitle("#sigma_{cryTime} [ns]"); //calibSigmaHist->Write(); // Old hist, commented Jun 15 2009 //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->SetXTitle("#sigma_{cryTime} [ns]"); //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->SetYTitle("Avg. amp. [adc]"); //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->Write(); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->SetXTitle("Events"); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->SetYTitle("Error_on_mean [ns]"); //TProfile* theProf = (TProfile*) errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->ProfileX(); //TF1* myFit = new TF1("myFit","[0]/sqrt(x)+[1]",0,50); //myFit->SetRange(0,50); ////theProf->Fit("myFit"); //theProf->Write(); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Write(); // //chiSquaredEachEventHist->Write(); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->SetXTitle("amplitude [ADC]"); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->SetYTitle("#Chi^{2}"); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->Write(); //chiSquaredHighMap->SetXTitle("iphi"); //chiSquaredHighMap->SetYTitle("ieta"); //chiSquaredHighMap->Write(); //chiSquaredTotalHist->Write(); //chiSquaredSingleOverTotalHist->Write(); expectedStatPresHistEEM->Write(); expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEEM->Write(); expectedStatPresEachEventHistEEM->Write(); expectedStatPresHistEEP->Write(); expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEEP->Write(); expectedStatPresEachEventHistEEP->Write(); //ampEachEventHist->Write(); //numPointsErasedHist->Write(); hitsPerCryHistEEP->Write(); hitsPerCryMapEEP->Write(); hitsPerCryHistEEM->Write(); hitsPerCryMapEEM->Write(); ampProfileEEP->Write(); ampProfileMapEEP->Write(); ampProfileEEM->Write(); ampProfileMapEEM->Write(); //cout << "All done! Close input." << endl; //f->Close(); //cout << "Close output and quit!" << endl; outfile->Close(); cout << "done." << endl; }
int main(int argc,char **argv){ //====================================================================== printf("z1: gROOT Reset \n"); // gROOT->Reset(); // gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetTitleFont(42); // title font gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.07); // title font size gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05,"xy"); // gStyle->SetStatFontSize(0.05); //for box size gStyle->SetStatX(0.97); // for box x position gStyle->SetStatW(0.25); // for box width gStyle->SetOptFit(1111); // pcev // for several root files: //ifstream fnames("fileList"); ifstream fnames("../fileListV3"); TList* trList=new TList(); const int N=58; const int n=N; // for 1st N files from fileList TChain muon("prom/Muon/muonHB"); string fname; char tmp[100]; for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { fnames>>fname; fnames.getline(tmp,100,'\n'); cout<<fname<<"\n"; muon.Add(fname.c_str()); } //muon.Print(); /* TChain muon("prom/Muon/muonHB"); muon.Add("/afs/"); muon.Add("/afs/"); muon.Add("/afs/"); */ // creat root-file with histo TH1::AddDirectory(true); // automatic add histograms (for latest versions of ROOT) TFile *theFile =new TFile("Golden.root", "RECREATE"); theFile->cd(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Declaration of leaves types // ntuple creation: // TFile* hOutputFile ; Int_t run, event, NumMuonHBphiPlane, NumHBTowersMuon[50]; Int_t IdTowerPhiMuonIn[50], IdTowerPhiMuonOut[50], IdTowerEtaMuonIn[50], IdTowerEtaMuonOut[50]; Float_t TimeAvMuonHB[50]; Float_t PHIoutMuonHB[50], PHIinMuonHB[50], ETAoutMuonHB[50], ETAinMuonHB[50]; Float_t ImpXYmuonHB[50], ZImpXYmuonHB[50]; // Float_t ImpXYmuon[50], ZImpXYmuon[50], Float_t PHIinTowerHB[50]; Float_t EmuonHB[50]; // Float_t XinPosMuonDT[50], YinPosMuonDT[50], ZinPosMuonDT[50]; Float_t XoutPosMuonDT[50], YoutPosMuonDT[50], ZoutPosMuonDT[50]; Float_t LengthMuonHB[50], LengthMuonDT[50]; Int_t NumHitsMuonDT[50], NumHitsMuonDTall[50]; // //int NumHBTowersMuon2[50]; Int_t IdTowerPhiMuonIn2[50], IdTowerPhiMuonOut2[50], IdTowerEtaMuonIn2[50], IdTowerEtaMuonOut2[50]; Float_t TimeAvMuonHB2[50], TimeAvMuonHBcut2[50], TimeAvMuonHBcutwide2[50], LengthMuonHB2[50]; Float_t EmuonHB2[50], EmuonHBcut2[50], EmuonHBcutwide2[50]; // make initialisation of Muons that not belong to the same Phi Plane in HB Int_t NumMuonHBnoPhiPlane; Int_t IdTowerMuonNoPlanePhiIn[50], IdTowerMuonNoPlanePhiOut[50]; Int_t IdTowerMuonNoPlaneEtaIn[50], IdTowerMuonNoPlaneEtaOut[50]; Float_t XinPosMuonNoPlaneDT[50], YinPosMuonNoPlaneDT[50], ZinPosMuonNoPlaneDT[50]; Float_t XoutPosMuonNoPlaneDT[50], YoutPosMuonNoPlaneDT[50], ZoutPosMuonNoPlaneDT[50]; Float_t ImpXYmuonNoPlaneDT[50], ZImpXYmuonNoPlaneDT[50], LengthMuonNoPlaneDT[50]; Int_t NumHitsMuonNoPlaneDTall[50]; // end ntuple creation // Set branch addresses. muon.SetBranchAddress("run",&run); muon.SetBranchAddress("event",&event); muon.SetBranchAddress("NumMuonHBphiPlane",&NumMuonHBphiPlane); muon.SetBranchAddress("NumHBTowersMuon",NumHBTowersMuon); muon.SetBranchAddress("TimeAvMuonHB",TimeAvMuonHB); muon.SetBranchAddress("PHIoutMuonHB",PHIoutMuonHB); muon.SetBranchAddress("ETAoutMuonHB",ETAoutMuonHB); muon.SetBranchAddress("PHIinMuonHB",PHIinMuonHB); muon.SetBranchAddress("ETAinMuonHB",ETAinMuonHB); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerPhiMuonIn",IdTowerPhiMuonIn); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerPhiMuonOut",IdTowerPhiMuonOut); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerEtaMuonIn",IdTowerEtaMuonIn); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerEtaMuonOut",IdTowerEtaMuonOut); muon.SetBranchAddress("LengthMuonHB",LengthMuonHB); muon.SetBranchAddress("ImpXYmuonHB",ImpXYmuonHB); muon.SetBranchAddress("ZImpXYmuonHB",ZImpXYmuonHB); muon.SetBranchAddress("EmuonHB",EmuonHB); muon.SetBranchAddress("PHIinTowerHB",PHIinTowerHB); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerPhiMuonIn2",IdTowerPhiMuonIn2); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerPhiMuonOut2",IdTowerPhiMuonOut2); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerEtaMuonIn2",IdTowerEtaMuonIn2); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerEtaMuonOut2",IdTowerEtaMuonOut2); muon.SetBranchAddress("LengthMuonHB2",LengthMuonHB2); muon.SetBranchAddress("TimeAvMuonHB2",TimeAvMuonHB2); muon.SetBranchAddress("TimeAvMuonHBcut2",TimeAvMuonHBcut2); muon.SetBranchAddress("TimeAvMuonHBcutwide2",TimeAvMuonHBcutwide2); muon.SetBranchAddress("EmuonHB2",EmuonHB2); muon.SetBranchAddress("EmuonHBcut2",EmuonHBcut2); muon.SetBranchAddress("EmuonHBcutwide2",EmuonHBcutwide2); muon.SetBranchAddress("LengthMuonDT",LengthMuonDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("NumHitsMuonDTall",NumHitsMuonDTall); muon.SetBranchAddress("NumHitsMuonDT",NumHitsMuonDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("XinPosMuonDT",XinPosMuonDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("YinPosMuonDT",YinPosMuonDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("ZinPosMuonDT",ZinPosMuonDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("XoutPosMuonDT",XoutPosMuonDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("YoutPosMuonDT",YoutPosMuonDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("ZoutPosMuonDT",ZoutPosMuonDT); // muon.SetBranchAddress("NumMuonHBnoPhiPlane",&NumMuonHBnoPhiPlane); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerMuonNoPlanePhiIn",IdTowerMuonNoPlanePhiIn); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerMuonNoPlanePhiOut",IdTowerMuonNoPlanePhiOut); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerMuonNoPlaneEtaIn",IdTowerMuonNoPlaneEtaIn); muon.SetBranchAddress("IdTowerMuonNoPlaneEtaOut",IdTowerMuonNoPlaneEtaOut); muon.SetBranchAddress("XinPosMuonNoPlaneDT",XinPosMuonNoPlaneDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("YinPosMuonNoPlaneDT",YinPosMuonNoPlaneDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("ZinPosMuonNoPlaneDT",ZinPosMuonNoPlaneDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("XoutPosMuonNoPlaneDT",XoutPosMuonNoPlaneDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("YoutPosMuonNoPlaneDT",YoutPosMuonNoPlaneDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("ZoutPosMuonNoPlaneDT",ZoutPosMuonNoPlaneDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("ImpXYmuonNoPlaneDT",ImpXYmuonNoPlaneDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("ZImpXYmuonNoPlaneDT",ZImpXYmuonNoPlaneDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("LengthMuonNoPlaneDT",LengthMuonNoPlaneDT); muon.SetBranchAddress("NumHitsMuonNoPlaneDTall",NumHitsMuonNoPlaneDTall); // Create histo //*************************************************************************************************** // 2nd (Partner) Muon is good: in one Phi Plane in HB //matching between 2 muons TH1F *hAngleMuonHB2DT = new TH1F("hAngleMuonHB2DT","Cos Angle between two muons, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 100, 0.95, 1.02); TH1F *hDeltaImpXYHB2DT = new TH1F("hDeltaImpXYHB2DT","delta ImpXY between two muons, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 30, 0., 30.); TH1F *hDeltaZImpXYHB2DT = new TH1F("hDeltaZImpXYHB2DT","delta ZImpXY between two muons, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 50, 0., 100.); TH1F *hPhiDeltaTowerHB2DT = new TH1F("hPhiDeltaTowerHB2DT","diviation from PhiTower center, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 50, 0., 1.); //Energy TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTTopPlus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTTopPlus","Emoun, Top+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTTopMinus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTTopMinus","Emoun, Top-, 2nd muon in one phi plane", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlus","Emoun, Bottom+, 2nd muon in one phi plane", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotMinus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotMinus","Emoun, Bottom-, 2nd muon in one phi plane", 60, -2., 10.); //Time TH1F *hTimeMuonHB2DTTopPlus = new TH1F("hTimeMuonHB2DTTopPlus","TimeMoun, Top+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -150., 150.); TH1F *hTimeMuonHB2DTTopMinus = new TH1F("hTimeMuonHB2DTTopMinus","TimeMoun, Top-, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -150., 150.); TH1F *hTimeMuonHB2DTBotPlus = new TH1F("hTimeMuonHB2DTBotPlus","TimeMoun, Bottom+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -150., 150.); TH1F *hTimeMuonHB2DTBotMinus = new TH1F("hTimeMuonHB2DTBotMinus","TimeMoun, Bottom-, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -150., 150.); //Number Towers in Eta Plane passing by good muon TH1F *hNumTowerMuonHB2DTTopPlus = new TH1F("hNumTowerMuonHB2DTTopPlus","Number Towers of Moun, Top+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 11, -0.5, 10.5); TH1F *hNumTowerMuonHB2DTTopMinus = new TH1F("hNumTowerMuonHB2DTTopMinus","Number Towers of Moun, Top+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 11, -0.5, 10.5); TH1F *hNumTowerMuonHB2DTBotPlus = new TH1F("hNumTowerMuonHB2DTBotPlus","Number Towers of Moun, Bottom+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 11, -0.5, 10.5); TH1F *hNumTowerMuonHB2DTBotMinus = new TH1F("hNumTowerMuonHB2DTBotMinus","Number Towers of Moun, Bottom+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 11, -0.5, 10.5); //idPhiTower for eta+ and eta- TH1F *hIdPhiTowerHB2DTMinus = new TH1F("hIdPhiTowerHB2DTMinus", "IdPhiTower for eta-, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 74, -0.5, 73.5); TH1F *hIdPhiTowerHB2DTPlus = new TH1F("hIdPhiTowerHB2DTPlus", "IdPhiTower for eta+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 74, -0.5, 73.5); // Muon Track quality in DT TH1F *hNumHitsHB2DT = new TH1F("hNumHitsHB2DT", "Number Hits for analysing muon, 2nd muon in one phi plane ",61 , -0.5, 60.5); TH1F *hNumHitsHB2DT2 = new TH1F("hNumHitsHB2DT2", "Number Hits for partner of analysing muon, 2nd muon in one phi plane ",61 , -0.5, 60.5); TH1F *hLengthMuonDTHB2DT = new TH1F("hLengthMuonDTHB2DT", "Length of analysing muon in DT, 2nd muon in one phi plane ",100 , 0, 600); TH1F *hLengthMuonDTHB2DT2 = new TH1F("hLengthMuonDTHB2DT2", "Length of partner of analysing muon in DT, 2nd muon in one phi plane ",100 , 0, 600); // energy for time- and time+ TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTTopPlusTimePlus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTTopPlusTimePlus","Emoun, Top+, Time+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTTopMinusTimePlus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTTopMinusTimePlus","Emoun, Top-, Time+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus","Emoun, Bot+, Time+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotMinusTimePlus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotMinusTimePlus","Emoun, Bot-, Time+, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTTopPlusTimeMinus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTTopPlusTimeMinus","Emoun, Top+, Time-, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTTopMinusTimeMinus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTTopMinusTimeMinus","Emoun, Top-, Time-, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus","Emoun, Bot+, Time-, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotMinusTimeMinus = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotMinusTimeMinus","Emoun, Bot-, Time-, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); // in different time: TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus1 = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus1","Emoun, Bot+, Time+1, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus2 = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus2","Emoun, Bot+, Time+2, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus3 = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus3","Emoun, Bot+, Time+3, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus4 = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus4","Emoun, Bot+, Time+4, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus1 = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus1","Emoun, Bot+, Time-1, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus2 = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus2","Emoun, Bot+, Time-2, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus3 = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus3","Emoun, Bot+, Time-3, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus4 = new TH1F("hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus4","Emoun, Bot+, Time-4, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 60, -2., 10.); // IdPhi vs Emuon TH2F *hIdPhiPlusVsE = new TH2F("hIdPhiPlusVsE","IdPhiTower vs Emuon, HB+", 60, -2, 10, 74, -0.5, 73.5); // x, y coordiants TH2F *hIdPhiMinusVsE = new TH2F("hIdPhiMinusVsE","IdPhiTower vs Emuon, HB-", 60, -2, 10, 74, -0.5, 73.5); // x, y coordiants // IdEta vs Emuon TH2F *hIdEtaTopVsE = new TH2F("hIdEtaTopVsE","IdEtaTower vs Emuon, Top HB", 60, -2, 10, 57, -14.25, 14.25); // x, y coordiants TH2F *hIdEtaBotVsE = new TH2F("hIdEtaBotVsE","IdEtaTower vs Emuon, Bottom HB", 60, -2, 10, 57, -14.25, 14.25); // x, y coordiants // contral plots TH1F *hImpXYHB2DT = new TH1F("hImpXYHB2DT","ImpXY of analyzing muon, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 50, 0., 50.); TH1F *hZImpXYHB2DT = new TH1F("hZImpXYHB2DT","ZImpXY of analyzing muon, 2nd muon in one phi plane ", 100, -500., 500.); TH2F *hLmuonDTImpXY = new TH2F("hLmuonDTImpXY","ImpXT vs Muon Length", 100, 0, 600, 40, 0, 40); // x, y coordiants TH2F *hImpXYvsZ = new TH2F("hImpXYvsZ","ImpXY vs ZImpXY for muon", 40, 0, 40, 100, -500, 500); // x, y coordiants //energy of selected muon in different part of phi Towers TH1F *hEmuonPhiDetaTower1 = new TH1F("hEmuonPhiDetaTower1","Emoun in 1st:0-0.2 part of phi Towers ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonPhiDetaTower2 = new TH1F("hEmuonPhiDetaTower2","Emoun in 2nd:0.2-0.4 part of phi Towers ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonPhiDetaTower3 = new TH1F("hEmuonPhiDetaTower3","Emoun in 3th:0.4-0.6 part of phi Towers ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonPhiDetaTower4 = new TH1F("hEmuonPhiDetaTower4","Emoun in 4th:0.6-0.8 part of phi Towers ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonPhiDetaTower5 = new TH1F("hEmuonPhiDetaTower5","Emoun in 5th:0.8-0.9 part of phi Towers ", 60, -2., 10.); TH1F *hEmuonPhiDetaTower6 = new TH1F("hEmuonPhiDetaTower6","Emoun in 6th:0.9-1. part of phi Towers ", 60, -2., 10.); // fill TProfile for Time as iphi TProfile *hProfTimeAsIdPhiMinus = new TProfile("hProfTimeAsIdPhiMinus","mean Time as IdPhi for ETA-",72,0.5,72.5,-150,150); TProfile *hProfTimeAsIdPhiPlus = new TProfile("hProfTimeAsIdPhiPlus","mean Time as IdPhi for ETA+",72,0.5,72.5,-150,150); TProfile *hProfTimeAsIdEtaTop = new TProfile("hProfTimeAsIdEtaTop","mean Time as IdEta for Top",57,-14.25,14.25,-150,150); TProfile *hProfTimeAsIdEtaBot = new TProfile("hProfTimeAsIdEtaBot","mean Time as IdEta for Bot",57,-14.25,14.25,-150,150); //*************************************************************************************************** // Start main loop on all events // Event *eveall = new Event(); Int_t nevent = muon.GetEntries(); // calculate pi: //float piG=acos(-1.); float DeltaPhiTower = 0.08726646; // width of PhiTower for (Int_t i=0;i<nevent;i++) { muon.GetEntry(i); // calculate anlge between good moun in one PhiPlane and other muons (could be also good or bad) if(NumMuonHBphiPlane>0){ for(Int_t ik = 0; ik<NumMuonHBphiPlane;ik++){ int IsecondMuonDT = 0; // check if pair in DT to moun exists //int IsecondMuonHB = 0; // check if pair in HB to moun exists int maxTowerEta = 40; // maximal number of Towers crossing in eta int minTowerEta = 0; // minimal number of Towers crossing in eta // select muoun for wich we looking partner with |in and out IdTower|<=14, // for partner it dosn't importent because we are not going to calculate it energy if(fabs(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik])>14 || fabs(IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik])>14)continue; // check quality of muon if(NumHitsMuonDTall[ik]<25)continue; // calculate angle between good muons for(Int_t jk = 0; jk<NumMuonHBphiPlane;jk++){ // check that this is not the same muon if(ik==jk) continue; // check quality of muon //if(NumHitsMuonDTall[jk]<25)continue; //check that both muons from different place of DT R(inDT1,inDT2)>600 cm float R12; R12=pow((XinPosMuonDT[ik]-XinPosMuonDT[jk]),2)+pow((YinPosMuonDT[ik]-YinPosMuonDT[jk]),2); R12=sqrt(R12+pow((ZinPosMuonDT[ik]-ZinPosMuonDT[jk]),2)); if(R12<600)continue; // calculate cos angle float CosAngle; float r1; float r2; float deltaIm; float deltaZIm; r1 = pow((XinPosMuonDT[ik]-XoutPosMuonDT[ik]),2)+pow((YinPosMuonDT[ik]-YoutPosMuonDT[ik]),2); r1 = sqrt(r1+pow((ZinPosMuonDT[ik]-ZoutPosMuonDT[ik]),2)); r2 = pow((XinPosMuonDT[jk]-XoutPosMuonDT[jk]),2)+pow((YinPosMuonDT[jk]-YoutPosMuonDT[jk]),2); r2 = sqrt(r2+pow((ZinPosMuonDT[jk]-ZoutPosMuonDT[jk]),2)); CosAngle = -0.1; if(r1*r2>0){ CosAngle = (XinPosMuonDT[ik]-XoutPosMuonDT[ik])*(XinPosMuonDT[jk]-XoutPosMuonDT[jk]); CosAngle = CosAngle+(YinPosMuonDT[ik]-YoutPosMuonDT[ik])*(YinPosMuonDT[jk]-YoutPosMuonDT[jk]); CosAngle = CosAngle+(ZinPosMuonDT[ik]-ZoutPosMuonDT[ik])*(ZinPosMuonDT[jk]-ZoutPosMuonDT[jk]); CosAngle = CosAngle/r1/r2; deltaIm = fabs(ImpXYmuonHB[ik]-ImpXYmuonHB[jk]); deltaZIm = fabs(ZImpXYmuonHB[ik]-ZImpXYmuonHB[jk]); hAngleMuonHB2DT->Fill(CosAngle); hDeltaImpXYHB2DT->Fill(deltaIm); hDeltaZImpXYHB2DT->Fill(deltaZIm); // make cut that 2nd muon in DT exists, do not make doulbe counting for histo filling if(CosAngle>0.99&&deltaIm<10&&deltaZIm<20&&IsecondMuonDT==0){ IsecondMuonDT=1; //calculate quality of Phi crossing: float phiR; phiR = fabs((PHIinMuonHB[ik]+PHIoutMuonHB[ik])/2-PHIinTowerHB[ik])/(DeltaPhiTower/2); hPhiDeltaTowerHB2DT -> Fill(phiR); if(phiR>0.8)continue; float dLHB= 287.65-177.7; // Top: 1<=iphi<=36, Bottom: 37<=iphi<=72 // +: ieta>0, -: ieta<0 // number crossing towers in eta < 5 for quolity energy float eHB; eHB = EmuonHB[ik]/LengthMuonHB[ik]*dLHB; float tmuon; tmuon = TimeAvMuonHB[ik]; float meanB=0; // difined mean time for top and bot float rmsB=0; // difined mean time for top and but // select that analized muon has good Time (+-1RMS) and belong to one part: Top+,Top-,Bot+ or Bot- if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>0&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<37&&NumHBTowersMuon[ik]<=maxTowerEta&&NumHBTowersMuon[ik]>=minTowerEta){ // cout << " *** check *** " << std::endl; if(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]>0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]>0){ //meanB=24.04; //rmsB=23.02; meanB=23.77; rmsB=22.74; if(fabs(tmuon-meanB)<=rmsB){ hEmuonHB2DTTopPlus ->Fill(eHB); hNumTowerMuonHB2DTTopPlus->Fill(NumHBTowersMuon[ik]); } hTimeMuonHB2DTTopPlus ->Fill(tmuon); if((tmuon-meanB)<0&&(tmuon-meanB)>(-rmsB))hEmuonHB2DTTopPlusTimeMinus->Fill(eHB); //cut on the tail one RMS if((tmuon-meanB)>=0&&(tmuon-meanB)<rmsB)hEmuonHB2DTTopPlusTimePlus->Fill(eHB); } if(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]<0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]<0){ //meanB=22.01; //rmsB=22.99; meanB=22.02; rmsB=22.8; if(fabs(tmuon-meanB)<=rmsB){ hEmuonHB2DTTopMinus ->Fill(eHB); hNumTowerMuonHB2DTTopMinus->Fill(NumHBTowersMuon[ik]); } hTimeMuonHB2DTTopMinus ->Fill(tmuon); if((tmuon-meanB)<0&&(tmuon-meanB)>(-rmsB))hEmuonHB2DTTopMinusTimeMinus->Fill(eHB); if((tmuon-meanB)>=0&&(tmuon-meanB)<rmsB)hEmuonHB2DTTopMinusTimePlus->Fill(eHB); } } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>36&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<73&&NumHBTowersMuon[ik]<=maxTowerEta&&NumHBTowersMuon[ik]>=minTowerEta){ if(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]>0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]>0){ //meanB=37.99; //rmsB=23.7; meanB=39.56; rmsB=24.02; if(fabs(tmuon-meanB)<=rmsB){ hEmuonHB2DTBotPlus ->Fill(eHB); hNumTowerMuonHB2DTBotPlus->Fill(NumHBTowersMuon[ik]); } hTimeMuonHB2DTBotPlus ->Fill(tmuon); if((tmuon-meanB)<0&&(tmuon-meanB)>(-rmsB))hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus->Fill(eHB); if((tmuon-meanB)>=0&&(tmuon-meanB)<rmsB)hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus->Fill(eHB); // fill Emuon in different time: if((tmuon-meanB)>=0&&(tmuon-meanB)<rmsB/2)hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus1->Fill(eHB); if((tmuon-meanB)>=rmsB/2&&(tmuon-meanB)<rmsB)hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus2->Fill(eHB); if((tmuon-meanB)>=rmsB&&(tmuon-meanB)<rmsB*1.5)hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus3->Fill(eHB); if((tmuon-meanB)>=rmsB*1.5)hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus4->Fill(eHB); if((tmuon-meanB)<0&&(tmuon-meanB)>=(-rmsB/2))hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus1->Fill(eHB); if((tmuon-meanB)<(-rmsB/2)&&(tmuon-meanB)>=(-rmsB))hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus2->Fill(eHB); if((tmuon-meanB)<(-rmsB)&&(tmuon-meanB)>=(-1.5*rmsB))hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus3->Fill(eHB); if((tmuon-meanB)<(-rmsB*1.5))hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus4->Fill(eHB); } if(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]<0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]<0){ //meanB=33.51; //rmsB=27.35; meanB=34.84; rmsB=27.31; if(fabs(tmuon-meanB)<=rmsB){ hEmuonHB2DTBotMinus ->Fill(eHB); hNumTowerMuonHB2DTBotMinus->Fill(NumHBTowersMuon[ik]); } hTimeMuonHB2DTBotMinus ->Fill(tmuon); if((tmuon-meanB)<0&&(tmuon-meanB)>(-rmsB))hEmuonHB2DTBotMinusTimeMinus->Fill(eHB); if((tmuon-meanB)>=0&&(tmuon-meanB)<rmsB)hEmuonHB2DTBotMinusTimePlus->Fill(eHB); } } // if(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]<0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]<0){ // hProfTimeAsIdPhiMinus->Fill(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik],tmuon); // } // if(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]>0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]>0){ // hProfTimeAsIdPhiPlus->Fill(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik],tmuon); // } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=8&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=28&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]>0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]>0){ hProfTimeAsIdPhiPlus->Fill(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik],tmuon); } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=8&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=27&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]<0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]<0){ hProfTimeAsIdPhiMinus->Fill(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik],tmuon); } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=43&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=65&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]>0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]>0){ hProfTimeAsIdPhiPlus->Fill(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik],tmuon); } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=47&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=64&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]<0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]<0){ hProfTimeAsIdPhiMinus->Fill(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik],tmuon); } if(abs(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]-IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik])<=3){ float ideta = float(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]+IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik])/2; if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=8&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=28&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]>0){ hProfTimeAsIdEtaTop->Fill(ideta,tmuon); } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=8&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=27&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]<0&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]!=24){ hProfTimeAsIdEtaTop->Fill(ideta,tmuon); } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=43&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=65&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]>0){ hProfTimeAsIdEtaBot->Fill(ideta,tmuon); } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=47&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=64&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]<0){ hProfTimeAsIdEtaBot->Fill(ideta,tmuon); } } // this cut is also means that ower muon belong only to one from 4 HB Parts if(fabs(tmuon-meanB)<=rmsB&&meanB!=0){ // fill energy in different id Phi if(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]<0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]<0){ hIdPhiTowerHB2DTMinus->Fill(float(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik])); hIdPhiMinusVsE->Fill(eHB,float(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik])); } if(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]>0&&IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik]>0){ hIdPhiTowerHB2DTPlus->Fill(float(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik])); hIdPhiPlusVsE->Fill(eHB,float(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik])); } // fill energy in different id Eta Tower, max Eta Tower crossing by muon <= 4 if(abs(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]-IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik])<=3){ float ideta = float(IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]+IdTowerEtaMuonOut[ik])/2; if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=8&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=28&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]>0){ hIdEtaTopVsE->Fill(eHB,ideta); //hProfTimeAsIdEtaTop->Fill(ideta,tmuon); } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=8&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=27&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]<0&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]!=24){ hIdEtaTopVsE->Fill(eHB,ideta); //hProfTimeAsIdEtaTop->Fill(ideta,tmuon); } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=43&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=65&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]>0){ hIdEtaBotVsE->Fill(eHB,ideta); //hProfTimeAsIdEtaBot->Fill(ideta,tmuon); } if(IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]>=47&&IdTowerPhiMuonIn[ik]<=64&&IdTowerEtaMuonIn[ik]<0){ hIdEtaBotVsE->Fill(eHB,ideta); //hProfTimeAsIdEtaBot->Fill(ideta,tmuon); } } // fill energy of muon in different phiR if(phiR<=0.2)hEmuonPhiDetaTower1->Fill(eHB); if(phiR>0.2&&phiR<=0.4)hEmuonPhiDetaTower2->Fill(eHB); if(phiR>0.4&&phiR<=0.6)hEmuonPhiDetaTower3->Fill(eHB); if(phiR>0.6&&phiR<=0.8)hEmuonPhiDetaTower4->Fill(eHB); if(phiR>0.8&&phiR<=0.9)hEmuonPhiDetaTower5->Fill(eHB); if(phiR>0.9&&phiR<=1.0)hEmuonPhiDetaTower6->Fill(eHB); hNumHitsHB2DT->Fill(NumHitsMuonDTall[ik]); hLengthMuonDTHB2DT->Fill(LengthMuonDT[ik]); hNumHitsHB2DT2->Fill(NumHitsMuonDTall[jk]); hLengthMuonDTHB2DT2->Fill(LengthMuonDT[jk]); float XY; XY = ImpXYmuonHB[ik]; hImpXYHB2DT -> Fill(XY); XY = ZImpXYmuonHB[ik]; hZImpXYHB2DT -> Fill(XY); hLmuonDTImpXY->Fill(LengthMuonDT[ik],ImpXYmuonHB[ik]); hImpXYvsZ->Fill(ImpXYmuonHB[ik],ZImpXYmuonHB[ik]); } } // end check for muon in 2 DT exists } } //end for for 2nd good muon } //end for for interested muon } // end check if good moun exists } //end event loop ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // write histo to file theFile->Write(); theFile->Close(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /* TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Check that Muon passes though DT in 2 places"); c1->Divide(2,2); c1->cd(1); gPad -> SetLogy(); // TAxis *axis = histo->GetXaxis(); // axis->SetLabelSize(0.06); hAngleMuonHB2DT ->Draw(); c1->cd(2); hDeltaImpXYHB2DT->Draw(); c1->cd(3); hDeltaZImpXYHB2DT->Draw(); c1->cd(4); hPhiDeltaTowerHB2DT->Draw(); c1->Print("pic1.gif"); // wait c1->WaitPrimitive(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","E of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c2->Divide(2,2); c2->cd(1); hEmuonHB2DTTopMinus.Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c2->cd(2); hEmuonHB2DTTopPlus.Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c2->cd(3); hEmuonHB2DTBotMinus.Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c2->cd(4); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlus.Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c2->Print("pic2.gif"); // wait c2.WaitPrimitive(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c21 = new TCanvas("c21","Time of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c21->Divide(2,2); c21->cd(1); hTimeMuonHB2DTTopMinus->Draw(); c21->cd(2); hTimeMuonHB2DTTopPlus->Draw(); c21->cd(3); hTimeMuonHB2DTBotMinus->Draw(); c21->cd(4); hTimeMuonHB2DTBotPlus->Draw(); c21->Print("pic21.gif"); c21.WaitPrimitive(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c22 = new TCanvas("c22","Number Eta Towers of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c22->Divide(2,2); c22->cd(1); hNumTowerMuonHB2DTTopMinus ->Draw(); c22->cd(2); hNumTowerMuonHB2DTTopPlus->Draw(); c22->cd(3); hNumTowerMuonHB2DTBotMinus->Draw(); c22->cd(4); hNumTowerMuonHB2DTBotPlus->Draw(); c22->Print("pic22.gif"); // wait c22.WaitPrimitive(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4","Number Eta Towers of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c4->Divide(2,2); c4->cd(1); hIdPhiTowerHB2DTMinus->Draw(); c4->cd(2); hIdPhiTowerHB2DTPlus->Draw(); c4->cd(3); // hIdPhiTowerHB2DTsevMinus->Draw(); c4->cd(4); // hIdPhiTowerHB2DTsevPlus->Draw(); c4->Print("pic4.gif"); // wait c4.WaitPrimitive(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c51 = new TCanvas("c51","Number Eta Towers of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c51->Divide(2,2); c51->cd(1); hNumHitsHB2DT->Draw(); c51->cd(2); hLengthMuonDTHB2DT->Draw(); c51->cd(3); hNumHitsHB2DT2->Draw(); c51->cd(4); hLengthMuonDTHB2DT2->Draw(); c51->Print("pic51.gif"); // wait c51.WaitPrimitive(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c61 = new TCanvas("c61","Number Eta Towers of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c61->Divide(2,2); c61->cd(1); //hEmuonHB2DTTopMinusTimeMinus->Draw(); hEmuonHB2DTTopMinusTimeMinus.Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c61->cd(2); hEmuonHB2DTTopPlusTimeMinus.Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c61->cd(3); hEmuonHB2DTBotMinusTimeMinus.Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c61->cd(4); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus.Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c61->Print("pic61.gif"); // wait c61.WaitPrimitive(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c62 = new TCanvas("c62","Number Eta Towers of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c62->Divide(2,2); c62->cd(1); hEmuonHB2DTTopMinusTimePlus->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c62->cd(2); hEmuonHB2DTTopPlusTimePlus->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c62->cd(3); hEmuonHB2DTBotMinusTimePlus->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c62->cd(4); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c62->Print("pic62.gif"); // wait c62.WaitPrimitive(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c63 = new TCanvas("c63","Number Eta Towers of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c63->Divide(2,2); c63->cd(1); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus1->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c63->cd(2); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus2->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c63->cd(3); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus3->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c63->cd(4); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimeMinus4->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c63->Print("pic63.gif"); // wait c63.WaitPrimitive(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c64 = new TCanvas("c64","Number Eta Towers of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c64->Divide(2,2); c64->cd(1); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus1->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c64->cd(2); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus2->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c64->cd(3); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus3->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c64->cd(4); hEmuonHB2DTBotPlusTimePlus4->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c64->Print("pic64.gif"); // wait c64.WaitPrimitive(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c65 = new TCanvas("c65","Number Eta Towers of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c65->Divide(3,2); c65->cd(1); hEmuonPhiDetaTower1->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c65->cd(2); hEmuonPhiDetaTower2->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c65->cd(3); hEmuonPhiDetaTower3->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c65->cd(4); hEmuonPhiDetaTower4->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c65->cd(5); hEmuonPhiDetaTower5->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c65->cd(6); hEmuonPhiDetaTower6->Fit("gaus","E","",0.8.,2.4); c65->Print("pic65.gif"); // wait c65.WaitPrimitive(); //////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c7 = new TCanvas("c7","Number Eta Towers of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c7->Divide(2,2); c7->cd(1); hImpXYHB2DT->Draw(); c7->cd(2); hZImpXYHB2DT->Draw(); c7->cd(3); hLmuonDTImpXY->Draw(); c7->cd(4); hImpXYvsZ->Draw(); c7->Print("pic7.gif"); // wait c7.WaitPrimitive(); //////////////////////////////////////////////// TCanvas *c8 = new TCanvas("c8","Number Eta Towers of Muon passes though DT in 2 places, NTowerEta<5"); c8->Divide(2,2); c8->cd(1); hProfTimeAsIdPhiMinus->Draw(); c8->cd(2); hProfTimeAsIdPhiPlus->Draw(); c8->Print("pic8.gif"); // wait c8.WaitPrimitive(); */ }
void httpserver(const char* jobname = "job1", Long64_t maxcnt = 0) { TString filename = Form("%s.root", jobname); TFile *hfile = new TMemFile(filename,"RECREATE","Demo ROOT file with histograms"); // Create some histograms, a profile histogram and an ntuple TH1F *hpx = new TH1F("hpx","This is the px distribution",100,-4,4); hpx->SetFillColor(48); TH2F *hpxpy = new TH2F("hpxpy","py vs px",40,-4,4,40,-4,4); TProfile *hprof = new TProfile("hprof","Profile of pz versus px",100,-4,4,0,20); TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple","Demo ntuple","px:py:pz:random:i"); hfile->Write(); // http server with port 8080, use jobname as top-folder name THttpServer* serv = new THttpServer(Form("http:8080?top=%s", jobname)); // fastcgi server with port 9000, use jobname as top-folder name // THttpServer* serv = new THttpServer(Form("fastcgi:9000?top=%s_fastcgi", jobname)); // dabc agent, connects to DABC master_host:1237, works only when DABC configured // THttpServer* serv = new THttpServer(Form("dabc:master_host:1237?top=%s_dabc", jobname)); // when read-only mode disabled one could execute object methods like TTree::Draw() serv->SetReadOnly(kFALSE); // One could specify location of newer version of JSROOT // serv->SetJSROOT(""); // serv->SetJSROOT(""); gBenchmark->Start(jobname); // Create a new canvas. TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Dynamic Filling Example",200,10,700,500); c1->SetFillColor(42); c1->GetFrame()->SetFillColor(21); c1->GetFrame()->SetBorderSize(6); c1->GetFrame()->SetBorderMode(-1); // Fill histograms randomly TRandom3 random; Float_t px, py, pz; const Int_t kUPDATE = 1000; Long64_t i = 0; while (true) { random.Rannor(px,py); pz = px*px + py*py; Float_t rnd = random.Rndm(1); hpx->Fill(px); hpxpy->Fill(px,py); hprof->Fill(px,pz); // fill only first 25000 events in NTuple if (i<25000) ntuple->Fill(px,py,pz,rnd,i); if (i && (i%kUPDATE) == 0) { if (i == kUPDATE) hpx->Draw(); c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); if (i == kUPDATE) hfile->Write(); if (gSystem->ProcessEvents()) break; } i++; if ((maxcnt>0) && (i>=maxcnt)) break; } gBenchmark->Show(jobname); }
Double_t CalibTree::Loop(int loop, TFile *fout, bool useweight, int nMin, bool inverse, double rmin, double rmax, int ietaMax, int applyL1Cut, double l1Cut, bool last, double fraction, bool writeHisto, bool debug) { if (fChain == 0) return 0; Long64_t nbytes(0), nb(0), kprint(0); Long64_t nentryTot = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t nentries = (fraction > 0.01 && fraction < 0.99) ? (Long64_t)(fraction*nentryTot) : nentryTot; if (detIds.size() == 0) { for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries; jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; // Find DetIds contributing to the track bool selRun = (includeRun_ ? ((t_Run >= runlo_) && (t_Run <= runhi_)) : ((t_Run < runlo_) || (t_Run > runhi_))); if (selRun && (t_nVtx >= nvxlo_) && (t_nVtx <= nvxhi_)) { bool isItRBX = (cSelect_ && exclude_ && cSelect_->isItRBX(t_DetIds)); ++kprint; if (!isItRBX) { for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds)[idet])) { unsigned int detid = truncateId((*t_DetIds)[idet], truncateFlag_,debug); if (debug && (kprint<=10)) { std::cout << "DetId[" << idet << "] Original " << std::hex << (*t_DetIds)[idet] << " truncated " << detid << std::dec; } if (std::find(detIds.begin(),detIds.end(),detid) == detIds.end()){ detIds.push_back(detid); if (debug && (kprint<=10)) std::cout << " new"; } if (debug && (kprint<=10)) std::cout << std::endl; } } // Also look at the neighbouring cells if available if (t_DetIds3 != 0) { for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds3).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds3)[idet])) { unsigned int detid = truncateId((*t_DetIds3)[idet], truncateFlag_,debug); if (std::find(detIds.begin(),detIds.end(),detid)==detIds.end()){ detIds.push_back(detid); } } } } } } } } if (debug) { std::cout << "Total of " << detIds.size() << " detIds and " << histos.size() << " histos found" << std::endl; // The masks are defined in DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h for (unsigned int k=0; k<detIds.size(); ++k) { int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(detIds[k], subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); std::cout << "DetId[" << k << "] " << subdet << ":" << zside*ieta << ":" << depth << ":" << iphi << " " << std::hex << detIds[k] << std::dec << std::endl; } } unsigned int k(0); for (std::map<unsigned int, TH1D*>::const_iterator itr = histos.begin(); itr != histos.end(); ++itr,++k) { if (debug) { std::cout << "histos[" << k << "] " << std::hex << itr->first << std::dec << " " << itr->second; if (itr->second != 0) std::cout << " " << itr->second->GetTitle(); std::cout << std::endl; } if (itr->second != 0) itr->second->Delete(); } for (unsigned int k=0; k<detIds.size(); ++k) { char name[20], title[100]; sprintf (name, "Hist%d_%d", detIds[k], loop); int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(detIds[k], subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); sprintf (title, "Correction for Subdet %d #eta %d depth %d (Loop %d)", subdet, zside*ieta, depth, loop); TH1D* hist = new TH1D(name,title,100, 0.0, 5.0); hist->Sumw2(); if (debug) { std::cout << "Book Histo " << k << " " << title << std::endl; } histos[detIds[k]] = hist; } std::cout << "Total of " << detIds.size() << " detIds and " << histos.size() << " found in " << nentries << std::endl; nbytes = nb = 0; std::map<unsigned int, myEntry > SumW; std::map<unsigned int, double > nTrks; int ntkgood(0); for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries; jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if (std::find(entries.begin(),entries.end(),jentry) != entries.end()) continue; bool selRun = (includeRun_ ? ((t_Run >= runlo_) && (t_Run <= runhi_)) : ((t_Run < runlo_) || (t_Run > runhi_))); if (!selRun) continue; if ((t_nVtx < nvxlo_) || (t_nVtx > nvxhi_)) continue; if (cSelect_ != nullptr) { if (exclude_) { if (cSelect_->isItRBX(t_DetIds)) continue; } else { if (!(cSelect_->isItRBX(t_ieta,t_iphi))) continue; } } if (debug) { std::cout << "***Entry (Track) Number : " << ientry << std::endl; std::cout << "p/eHCal/eMipDR/nDets : " << t_p << "/" << t_eHcal << "/" << t_eMipDR << "/" << (*t_DetIds).size() << std::endl; } double pmom = (useGen_ && (t_gentrackP > 0)) ? t_gentrackP : t_p; if (goodTrack()) { ++ntkgood; double Etot(0), Etot2(0); for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds)[idet])) { unsigned int id = (*t_DetIds)[idet]; double hitEn(0); unsigned int detid = truncateId(id,truncateFlag_,false); if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) hitEn = Cprev[detid].first * (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; else hitEn = (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; if (cFactor_) hitEn *= cFactor_->getCorr(t_Run,id); Etot += hitEn; Etot2 += ((*t_HitEnergies)[idet]); } } // Now the outer cone double Etot1(0), Etot3(0); if (t_DetIds1 != 0 && t_DetIds3 != 0) { for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds1).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds1)[idet])) { unsigned int id = (*t_DetIds1)[idet]; unsigned int detid = truncateId(id,truncateFlag_,false); double hitEn(0); if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) hitEn = Cprev[detid].first * (*t_HitEnergies1)[idet]; else hitEn = (*t_HitEnergies1)[idet]; if (cFactor_) hitEn *= cFactor_->getCorr(t_Run,id); Etot1 += hitEn; } } for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds3).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds3)[idet])) { unsigned int id = (*t_DetIds3)[idet]; unsigned int detid = truncateId(id,truncateFlag_,false); double hitEn(0); if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) hitEn = Cprev[detid].first * (*t_HitEnergies3)[idet]; else hitEn = (*t_HitEnergies3)[idet]; if (cFactor_) hitEn *= cFactor_->getCorr(t_Run,id); Etot3 += hitEn; } } } eHcalDelta_ = Etot3-Etot1; double evWt = (useweight) ? t_EventWeight : 1.0; // PU correction only for loose isolation cut double ehcal = ((puCorr_ == 0) ? Etot : ((puCorr_ < 0) ? (Etot*puFactor(-puCorr_,t_ieta,pmom,Etot,eHcalDelta_)) : puFactorRho(puCorr_,t_ieta,t_rhoh,Etot))); double pufac = (Etot > 0) ? (ehcal/Etot) : 1.0; double ratio = ehcal/(pmom-t_eMipDR); if (debug) std::cout << " Weights " << evWt << ":" << pufac << " Energy " << Etot2 << ":" << Etot << ":" << pmom << ":" << t_eMipDR << ":" << t_eHcal << ":" << ehcal << " ratio " << ratio << std::endl; if (loop==0) { h_pbyE->Fill(ratio, evWt); h_Ebyp_bfr->Fill(t_ieta, ratio, evWt); } if (last){ h_Ebyp_aftr->Fill(t_ieta, ratio, evWt); } bool l1c(true); if (applyL1Cut != 0) l1c = ((t_mindR1 >= l1Cut) || ((applyL1Cut == 1) && (t_DataType == 1))); if ((rmin >=0 && ratio > rmin) && (rmax >= 0 && ratio < rmax) && l1c) { for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds).size(); idet++) { if (selectPhi((*t_DetIds)[idet])) { unsigned int id = (*t_DetIds)[idet]; unsigned int detid = truncateId(id,truncateFlag_,false); double hitEn=0.0; if (debug) { std::cout << "idet " << idet << " detid/hitenergy : " << std::hex << (*t_DetIds)[idet] << ":" << detid << "/" << (*t_HitEnergies)[idet] << std::endl; } if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) hitEn = Cprev[detid].first * (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; else hitEn = (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; if (cFactor_) hitEn *= cFactor_->getCorr(t_Run,id); double Wi = evWt * hitEn/Etot; double Fac = (inverse) ? (ehcal/(pmom-t_eMipDR)) : ((pmom-t_eMipDR)/ehcal); double Fac2= Wi*Fac*Fac; TH1D* hist(0); std::map<unsigned int,TH1D*>::const_iterator itr = histos.find(detid); if (itr != histos.end()) hist = itr->second; if (debug) { std::cout << "Det Id " << std::hex << detid << std::dec << " " << hist << std::endl; } if (hist != 0) hist->Fill(Fac, Wi);//////histola Fac *= Wi; if (SumW.find(detid) != SumW.end() ) { Wi += SumW[detid].fact0; Fac += SumW[detid].fact1; Fac2+= SumW[detid].fact2; int kount = SumW[detid].kount + 1; SumW[detid] = myEntry(kount,Wi,Fac,Fac2); nTrks[detid] += evWt; } else { SumW.insert(std::pair<unsigned int,myEntry>(detid,myEntry(1,Wi,Fac,Fac2))); nTrks.insert(std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>(detid, evWt)); } } } } } } if (debug) { std::cout << "# of Good Tracks " << ntkgood << " out of " << nentries << std::endl; } if (loop==0) { h_pbyE->Write("h_pbyE"); h_Ebyp_bfr->Write("h_Ebyp_bfr"); } if (last) { h_Ebyp_aftr->Write("h_Ebyp_aftr"); } std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<double,double> > cfactors; unsigned int kount(0), kountus(0); double sumfactor(0); for (std::map<unsigned int,TH1D*>::const_iterator itr = histos.begin(); itr != histos.end(); ++itr) { if (writeHisto) { std::pair<double,double> result_write = fitMean(itr->second, 0); (itr->second)->Write(); } // The masks are defined in DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(itr->first, subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); if (debug) { std::cout << "DETID :" << subdet << " IETA :" << ieta << " HIST ENTRIES :" << (itr->second)->GetEntries() << std::endl; } } for (std::map<unsigned int,TH1D*>::const_iterator itr = histos.begin(); itr != histos.end(); ++itr,++kount) { std::pair<double,double> result = fitMean(itr->second, 0); double factor = (inverse) ? (2.-result.first) : result.first; if (debug) { int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(itr->first, subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); std::cout << "DetId[" << kount << "] " << subdet << ":" << zside*ieta << ":" << depth << " Factor " << factor << " +- " << result.second << std::endl; } if (!useMean_) { cfactors[itr->first] = std::pair<double,double>(factor,result.second); if (itr->second->GetEntries() > nMin) { kountus++; if (factor > 1) sumfactor += (1-1/factor); else sumfactor += (1-factor); } } } std::map<unsigned int, myEntry>::const_iterator SumWItr = SumW.begin(); for (; SumWItr != SumW.end(); SumWItr++) { unsigned int detid = SumWItr->first; int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(detid, subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); if (debug) { std::cout << "Detid|kount|SumWi|SumFac|myId : " << subdet << ":" << zside*ieta << ":" << depth << " | " << (SumWItr->second).kount << " | " << (SumWItr->second).fact0 << "|" << (SumWItr->second).fact1 << "|" << (SumWItr->second).fact2 << std::endl; } double factor = (SumWItr->second).fact1/(SumWItr->second).fact0; double dfac1 = ((SumWItr->second).fact2/(SumWItr->second).fact0-factor*factor); if (dfac1 < 0) dfac1 = 0; double dfac = sqrt(dfac1/(SumWItr->second).kount); if (debug) { std::cout << "Factor " << factor << " " << dfac1 << " " << dfac << std::endl; } if (inverse) factor = 2.-factor; if (useMean_) { cfactors[detid] = std::pair<double,double>(factor,dfac); if ((SumWItr->second).kount > nMin) { kountus++; if (factor > 1) sumfactor += (1-1/factor); else sumfactor += (1-factor); } } } double dets[150], cfacs[150], wfacs[150], myId[150], nTrk[150]; kount = 0; std::map<unsigned int,std::pair<double,double> >::const_iterator itr=cfactors.begin(); for (; itr !=cfactors.end(); ++itr,++kount) { unsigned int detid = itr->first; int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(detid, subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); double id = ieta*zside + 0.25*(depth-1); double factor = (itr->second).first; double dfac = (itr->second).second; if (ieta > ietaMax) { factor = 1; dfac = 0; } std::pair<double,double> cfac(factor,dfac); if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) { dfac /= factor; factor *= Cprev[detid].first; dfac *= factor; Cprev[detid] = std::pair<double,double>(factor,dfac); cfacs[kount] = factor; } else { Cprev[detid] = std::pair<double,double>(factor,dfac); cfacs[kount] = factor; } wfacs[kount]= factor; dets[kount] = detid; myId[kount] = id; nTrk[kount] = nTrks[detid]; } if (higheta_ > 0) highEtaFactors(ietaMax, debug); std::cout << kountus << " detids out of " << kount << " have tracks > " << nMin << std::endl; char fname[50]; fout->cd(); TGraph *g_fac1 = new TGraph(kount, dets, cfacs); sprintf (fname, "Cfacs%d", loop); g_fac1->SetMarkerStyle(7); g_fac1->SetMarkerSize(5.0); g_fac1->Draw("AP"); g_fac1->Write(fname); TGraph *g_fac2 = new TGraph(kount, dets, wfacs); sprintf (fname, "Wfacs%d", loop); g_fac2->SetMarkerStyle(7); g_fac2->SetMarkerSize(5.0); g_fac2->Draw("AP"); g_fac2->Write(fname); TGraph *g_fac3 = new TGraph(kount, myId, cfacs); sprintf (fname, "CfacsVsMyId%d", loop); g_fac3->SetMarkerStyle(7); g_fac3->SetMarkerSize(5.0); g_fac3->Draw("AP"); g_fac3->Write(fname); TGraph *g_fac4 = new TGraph(kount, myId, wfacs); sprintf (fname, "WfacsVsMyId%d", loop); g_fac4->SetMarkerStyle(7); g_fac4->SetMarkerSize(5.0); g_fac4->Draw("AP"); g_fac4->Write(fname); TGraph *g_nTrk = new TGraph(kount, myId, nTrk); sprintf (fname, "nTrk"); if(loop==0){ g_nTrk->SetMarkerStyle(7); g_nTrk->SetMarkerSize(5.0); g_nTrk->Draw("AP"); g_nTrk->Write(fname); } std::cout << "The new factors are :" << std::endl; std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<double,double> >::const_iterator CprevItr = Cprev.begin(); unsigned int indx(0); for (; CprevItr != Cprev.end(); CprevItr++, indx++){ unsigned int detid = CprevItr->first; int subdet, depth, zside, ieta, iphi; unpackDetId(detid, subdet, zside, ieta, iphi, depth); std::cout << "DetId[" << indx << "] " << std::hex << detid << std::dec << "(" << ieta*zside << "," << depth << ") (nTrks:" << nTrks[detid] << ") : " << CprevItr->second.first << " +- " << CprevItr->second.second << std::endl; } double mean = (kountus > 0) ? (sumfactor/kountus) : 0; std::cout << "Mean deviation " << mean << " from 1 for " << kountus << " DetIds" << std::endl; h_cvg->SetBinContent(loop+1,mean); if (last) h_cvg->Write("Cvg0"); return mean; }
void TOFCheck(string MODE="COMPILE") { if(MODE=="COMPILE") return; system("mkdir pictures"); setTDRStyle(); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin (0.06); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.15); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin (0.03); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin (0.07); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.04, "XYZ"); gStyle->SetTitleXOffset(1.1); gStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.35); gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetNdivisions(505,"X"); TH1::AddDirectory(kTRUE); // get all the samples and clean the list to keep only the one we want to run on... Also initialize the BaseDirectory std::vector<stSample> samples; InitBaseDirectory(); GetSampleDefinition(samples, "../../ICHEP_Analysis/Analysis_Samples.txt"); if(MODE.find("ANALYSE_")==0){ int sampleIdStart, sampleIdEnd; sscanf(MODE.c_str(),"ANALYSE_%d_to_%d",&sampleIdStart, &sampleIdEnd); keepOnlyTheXtoYSamples(samples,sampleIdStart,sampleIdEnd); printf("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Run on the following samples:\n"); for(unsigned int s=0;s<samples.size();s++){samples[s].print();} printf("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); }else{ printf("You must select a MODE:\n"); printf("MODE='ANALYSE_X_to_Y' : Will run the analysis on the samples with index in the range [X,Y]\n"); return; } //create histogram file and run the analyis system("mkdir pictures/"); TFile* OutputHisto = new TFile(("pictures/Histos_"+samples[0].Name+"_"+samples[0].FileName+".root").c_str(),"RECREATE"); TH1D* TOF = new TH1D("TOF", "TOF", 100, 0, 2); TOF->Sumw2(); TH1D* TOFDT = new TH1D("TOFDT", "TOFDT", 100, 0, 2); TOFDT->Sumw2(); TH1D* TOFCSC = new TH1D("TOFCSC", "TOFCSC", 100, 0, 2); TOFCSC->Sumw2(); TH1D* Vertex = new TH1D("Vertex", "Vertex", 100, -10, 10); Vertex->Sumw2(); TH1D* VertexDT = new TH1D("VertexDT", "VertexDT", 100, -10, 10); VertexDT->Sumw2(); TH1D* VertexCSC = new TH1D("VertexCSC", "VertexCSC", 100, -10, 10); VertexCSC->Sumw2(); TProfile* TOFVsEta = new TProfile("TOFVsEta", "TOFVsEta", 50, -2.1, 2.1); TOFVsEta->Sumw2(); TProfile* TOFVsPhi = new TProfile("TOFVsPhi", "TOFVsPhi", 50, -3.14, 3.14); TOFVsPhi->Sumw2(); TProfile* TOFVsPt = new TProfile("TOFVsPt" , "TOFVsPt" , 50, 40, 140); TOFVsPt->Sumw2(); TProfile* CSCTOFVsEta = new TProfile("CSCTOFVsEta", "CSCTOFVsEta", 50, -2.1, 2.1); CSCTOFVsEta->Sumw2(); TProfile* CSCTOFVsPhi = new TProfile("CSCTOFVsPhi", "CSCTOFVsPhi", 50, -3.14, 3.14); CSCTOFVsPhi->Sumw2(); TProfile* CSCTOFVsPt = new TProfile("CSCTOFVsPt" , "CSCTOFVsPt" , 50, 40, 140); CSCTOFVsPt->Sumw2(); TProfile* DTTOFVsEta = new TProfile("DTTOFVsEta", "DTTOFVsEta", 50, -2.1, 2.1); DTTOFVsEta->Sumw2(); TProfile* DTTOFVsPhi = new TProfile("DTTOFVsPhi", "DTTOFVsPhi", 50, -3.14, 3.14); DTTOFVsPhi->Sumw2(); TProfile* DTTOFVsPt = new TProfile("DTTOFVsPt" , "DTTOFVsPt" , 50, 40, 140); DTTOFVsPt->Sumw2(); TProfile* VertexVsEta = new TProfile("VertexVsEta", "VertexVsEta", 50, -2.1, 2.1); VertexVsEta->Sumw2(); TProfile* VertexVsPhi = new TProfile("VertexVsPhi", "VertexVsPhi", 50, -3.14, 3.14); VertexVsPhi->Sumw2(); TProfile* VertexVsPt = new TProfile("VertexVsPt" , "VertexVsPt" , 50, 40, 140); VertexVsPt->Sumw2(); TProfile* CSCVertexVsEta = new TProfile("CSCVertexVsEta", "CSCVertexVsEta", 50, -2.1, 2.1); CSCVertexVsEta->Sumw2(); TProfile* CSCVertexVsPhi = new TProfile("CSCVertexVsPhi", "CSCVertexVsPhi", 50, -3.14, 3.14); CSCVertexVsPhi->Sumw2(); TProfile* CSCVertexVsPt = new TProfile("CSCVertexVsPt" , "CSCVertexVsPt" , 50, 40, 140); CSCVertexVsPt->Sumw2(); TProfile* DTVertexVsEta = new TProfile("DTVertexVsEta", "DTVertexVsEta", 50, -2.1, 2.1); DTVertexVsEta->Sumw2(); TProfile* DTVertexVsPhi = new TProfile("DTVertexVsPhi", "DTVertexVsPhi", 50, -3.14, 3.14); DTVertexVsPhi->Sumw2(); TProfile* DTVertexVsPt = new TProfile("DTVertexVsPt" , "DTVertexVsPt" , 50, 40, 140); DTVertexVsPt->Sumw2(); TypeMode = 2; for(unsigned int s=0;s<samples.size();s++){ std::vector<string> FileName; GetInputFiles(samples[s], BaseDirectory, FileName); fwlite::ChainEvent tree(FileName); printf("Progressing Bar :0%% 20%% 40%% 60%% 80%% 100%%\n"); printf("Looping on Tree :"); int TreeStep = tree.size()/50;if(TreeStep==0)TreeStep=1; for(Long64_t e=0;e<tree.size();e++){ // if(e>10)break;; if(e%TreeStep==0){printf(".");fflush(stdout);} if(!PassingTrigger(tree))continue; fwlite::Handle<susybsm::HSCParticleCollection> hscpCollHandle; hscpCollHandle.getByLabel(tree,"HSCParticleProducer"); if(!hscpCollHandle.isValid()){printf("HSCP Collection NotFound\n");continue;} susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hscpColl = *hscpCollHandle; fwlite::Handle<DeDxDataValueMap> dEdxSCollH; dEdxSCollH.getByLabel(tree, dEdxS_Label.c_str()); if(!dEdxSCollH.isValid()){printf("Invalid dEdx Selection collection\n");continue;} fwlite::Handle<DeDxDataValueMap> dEdxMCollH; dEdxMCollH.getByLabel(tree, dEdxM_Label.c_str()); if(!dEdxMCollH.isValid()){printf("Invalid dEdx Mass collection\n");continue;} fwlite::Handle<MuonTimeExtraMap> TOFCollH; TOFCollH.getByLabel(tree, "muontiming",TOF_Label.c_str()); if(!TOFCollH.isValid()){printf("Invalid TOF collection\n");return;} fwlite::Handle<MuonTimeExtraMap> TOFDTCollH; TOFDTCollH.getByLabel(tree, "muontiming",TOFdt_Label.c_str()); if(!TOFDTCollH.isValid()){printf("Invalid DT TOF collection\n");continue;} fwlite::Handle<MuonTimeExtraMap> TOFCSCCollH; TOFCSCCollH.getByLabel(tree, "muontiming",TOFcsc_Label.c_str()); if(!TOFCSCCollH.isValid()){printf("Invalid CSCTOF collection\n");continue;} double Mass=0; int ind1=-1, ind2=-1; for(unsigned int c=0;c<hscpColl.size();c++){ susybsm::HSCParticle hscp = hscpColl[c]; reco::TrackRef track = hscp.trackRef(); if(track.isNull())continue; if(hscp.muonRef().isNull()) continue; const DeDxData& dedxSObj = dEdxSCollH->get(track.key()); const DeDxData& dedxMObj = dEdxMCollH->get(track.key()); const reco::MuonTimeExtra* tof = NULL; const reco::MuonTimeExtra* dttof = NULL; const reco::MuonTimeExtra* csctof = NULL; if(!hscp.muonRef().isNull()){ tof = &TOFCollH->get(hscp.muonRef().key()); dttof = &TOFDTCollH->get(hscp.muonRef().key()); csctof = &TOFCSCCollH->get(hscp.muonRef().key());} if(!PassPreselection(hscp, dedxSObj, dedxMObj, tof, dttof, csctof, tree))continue; for(unsigned int d=c+1;d<hscpColl.size();d++){ susybsm::HSCParticle hscp2 = hscpColl[d]; reco::TrackRef track2 = hscp2.trackRef(); if(track2.isNull())continue; if(hscp2.muonRef().isNull()) continue; const DeDxData& dedxSObj2 = dEdxSCollH->get(track.key()); const DeDxData& dedxMObj2 = dEdxMCollH->get(track.key()); const reco::MuonTimeExtra* tof2 = NULL; const reco::MuonTimeExtra* dttof2 = NULL; const reco::MuonTimeExtra* csctof2 = NULL; if(!hscp2.muonRef().isNull()){ tof2 = &TOFCollH->get(hscp.muonRef().key()); dttof2 = &TOFDTCollH->get(hscp.muonRef().key()); csctof2 = &TOFCSCCollH->get(hscp.muonRef().key());} if(!PassPreselection(hscp2, dedxSObj2, dedxMObj2, tof2, dttof2, csctof2, tree))continue; if(track->charge()==track2->charge()) continue; double E = track->p() + track2->p(); double px = track->px() + track2->px(); double py = track->py() + track2->py(); double pz = track->pz() + track2->pz(); double p = px + py +pz; double M = sqrt(E*E - p*p); if(fabs(M-91.1876)>fabs(Mass-91.1876)) continue; Mass=M; ind1=c; ind2=d; } } for(int c=0;c<(int)hscpColl.size();c++){ if(c!=ind1 && c!=ind2) continue; susybsm::HSCParticle hscp = hscpColl[c]; reco::TrackRef track = hscp.trackRef(); if(track.isNull())continue; if(hscp.muonRef().isNull()) continue; const reco::MuonTimeExtra* tof = NULL; const reco::MuonTimeExtra* dttof = NULL; const reco::MuonTimeExtra* csctof = NULL; if(!hscp.muonRef().isNull()){ tof = &TOFCollH->get(hscp.muonRef().key()); dttof = &TOFDTCollH->get(hscp.muonRef().key()); csctof = &TOFCSCCollH->get(hscp.muonRef().key());} if(tof && tof->nDof()>=GlobalMinNDOF && (dttof->nDof()>=GlobalMinNDOFDT || csctof->nDof()>=GlobalMinNDOFCSC) && tof->inverseBetaErr()<=GlobalMaxTOFErr){ TOF->Fill(tof->inverseBeta()); TOFVsEta->Fill(track->eta(), tof->inverseBeta()); TOFVsPhi->Fill(track->phi(), tof->inverseBeta()); TOFVsPt->Fill(track->pt(), tof->inverseBeta()); if(dttof->nDof()>=GlobalMinNDOFDT) { TOFDT->Fill(dttof->inverseBeta()); DTTOFVsEta->Fill(track->eta(), dttof->inverseBeta()); DTTOFVsPhi->Fill(track->phi(), dttof->inverseBeta()); DTTOFVsPt->Fill(track->pt(), dttof->inverseBeta()); } if(csctof->nDof()>=GlobalMinNDOFCSC) { TOFCSC->Fill(csctof->inverseBeta()); CSCTOFVsEta->Fill(track->eta(), csctof->inverseBeta()); CSCTOFVsPhi->Fill(track->phi(), csctof->inverseBeta()); CSCTOFVsPt->Fill(track->pt(), csctof->inverseBeta()); } Vertex->Fill(tof->timeAtIpInOut()); VertexVsEta->Fill(track->eta(), tof->timeAtIpInOut()); VertexVsPhi->Fill(track->phi(), tof->timeAtIpInOut()); VertexVsPt->Fill(track->pt(), tof->timeAtIpInOut()); if(dttof->nDof()>=GlobalMinNDOFDT) { VertexDT->Fill(dttof->timeAtIpInOut()); DTVertexVsEta->Fill(track->eta(), dttof->timeAtIpInOut()); DTVertexVsPhi->Fill(track->phi(), dttof->timeAtIpInOut()); DTVertexVsPt->Fill(track->pt(), dttof->timeAtIpInOut()); } if(csctof->nDof()>=GlobalMinNDOFCSC) { VertexCSC->Fill(csctof->timeAtIpInOut()); CSCVertexVsEta->Fill(track->eta(), csctof->timeAtIpInOut()); CSCVertexVsPhi->Fill(track->phi(), csctof->timeAtIpInOut()); CSCVertexVsPt->Fill(track->pt(), csctof->timeAtIpInOut()); } } } }printf("\n"); } OutputHisto->Write(); OutputHisto->Close(); }
TFile *hsimple(Int_t get=0) { // This program creates : // - a one dimensional histogram // - a two dimensional histogram // - a profile histogram // - a memory-resident ntuple // // These objects are filled with some random numbers and saved on a file. // If get=1 the macro returns a pointer to the TFile of "hsimple.root" // if this file exists, otherwise it is created. // The file "hsimple.root" is created in $ROOTSYS/tutorials if the caller has // write access to this directory, otherwise the file is created in $PWD TString filename = "hsimple.root"; TString dir = gSystem->UnixPathName(gInterpreter->GetCurrentMacroName()); dir.ReplaceAll("hsimple.C",""); dir.ReplaceAll("/./","/"); TFile *hfile = 0; if (get) { // if the argument get =1 return the file "hsimple.root" // if the file does not exist, it is created TString fullPath = dir+"hsimple.root"; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(fullPath,kFileExists)) { hfile = TFile::Open(fullPath); //in $ROOTSYS/tutorials if (hfile) return hfile; } //otherwise try $PWD/hsimple.root if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("hsimple.root",kFileExists)) { hfile = TFile::Open("hsimple.root"); //in current dir if (hfile) return hfile; } } //no hsimple.root file found. Must generate it ! //generate hsimple.root in current directory if we have write access if (gSystem->AccessPathName(".",kWritePermission)) { printf("you must run the script in a directory with write access\n"); return 0; } hfile = (TFile*)gROOT->FindObject(filename); if (hfile) hfile->Close(); hfile = new TFile(filename,"RECREATE","Demo ROOT file with histograms"); // Create some histograms, a profile histogram and an ntuple TH1F *hpx = new TH1F("hpx","This is the px distribution",100,-4,4); hpx->SetFillColor(48); TH2F *hpxpy = new TH2F("hpxpy","py vs px",40,-4,4,40,-4,4); TProfile *hprof = new TProfile("hprof","Profile of pz versus px",100,-4,4,0,20); TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple","Demo ntuple","px:py:pz:random:i"); gBenchmark->Start("hsimple"); // Create a new canvas. TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Dynamic Filling Example",200,10,700,500); c1->SetFillColor(42); c1->GetFrame()->SetFillColor(21); c1->GetFrame()->SetBorderSize(6); c1->GetFrame()->SetBorderMode(-1); // Fill histograms randomly TRandom3 random; Float_t px, py, pz; const Int_t kUPDATE = 1000; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { random.Rannor(px,py); pz = px*px + py*py; Float_t rnd = random.Rndm(1); hpx->Fill(px); hpxpy->Fill(px,py); hprof->Fill(px,pz); ntuple->Fill(px,py,pz,rnd,i); if (i && (i%kUPDATE) == 0) { if (i == kUPDATE) hpx->Draw(); c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); if (gSystem->ProcessEvents()) break; } } gBenchmark->Show("hsimple"); // Save all objects in this file hpx->SetFillColor(0); hfile->Write(); hpx->SetFillColor(48); c1->Modified(); return hfile; // Note that the file is automatically close when application terminates // or when the file destructor is called. }
void makePlot(char* canv) { t->SetBranchAddress("LM_PX1", &intree.LM_PX1); t->SetBranchAddress("LM_PX2", &intree.LM_PX2); t->SetBranchAddress("LM_PY1", &intree.LM_PY1); t->SetBranchAddress("LM_PY2", &intree.LM_PY2); t->SetBranchAddress("LM_P2_Integral", &intree.LM_P2_Integral); t->SetBranchAddress("time", &intree.timeline); t->Print(); if(entries<=0) entries = t->GetEntries(); char title[100]=0; sprintf(title,"%s runs 1100-1107",canv); TProfile *prof = new TProfile(title,title,24,0,entries); TProfile *prof1 = new TProfile(title,title,24,0,entries); TProfile *prof2 = new TProfile(title,title,24,0,entries); /************************************** * read entries ************************************** */ Double_t *ratio = new Double_t[entries]; Double_t *parmean = new Double_t[entries]; Double_t *p1 = new Double_t[entries]; Double_t *p2 = new Double_t[entries]; for (int j = 0; j < entries; ++j){ gSystem->Sleep (sleep); t->GetEntry(j); ratio[j] = intree.LM_PY1/intree.LM_PY2; p1[j] = intree.LM_PY1; p2[j] = intree.LM_PY2; //cout<<"entry "<<j<<" peak2 "<<intree.LM_PY2<<endl; } Double_t mean = TMath::Mean(entries,ratio); Double_t mean1 = TMath::Mean(entries,p1); Double_t mean2 = TMath::Mean(entries,p2); for (int j = 0; j < entries; ++j){ prof->Fill(j,(ratio[j]/mean-1)*100); prof1->Fill(j,(p1[j]/mean1-1)*100); prof2->Fill(j,(p2[j]/mean2-1)*100); } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(canv,"frascatirun",900,700); c1->cd(); char axisXname[100]; sprintf(axisXname,"Time (Entries) (total: %i)",entries); prof->SetXTitle(axisXname); prof->SetYTitle("Variation (%)"); prof->SetMaximum(1); prof->SetMinimum(-1); prof->SetMarkerColor(4); prof->SetMarkerSize(1); prof->SetMarkerStyle(8); prof->SetStats(kFALSE); prof->Draw(); prof1->SetMarkerColor(5); prof1->SetMarkerSize(1); prof1->SetMarkerStyle(6); prof1->Draw("same"); prof2->SetMarkerColor(1); prof2->SetMarkerSize(1); prof2->SetMarkerStyle(7); prof2->Draw("same"); /* TLegend leg = new TLegend(0.1,0.7,0.48,0.9); leg->SetHeader("The Legend Title"); leg->AddEntry(h1,"Histogram filled with random numbers","f"); leg->AddEntry("f1","Function abs(#frac{sin(x)}{x})","l"); leg->AddEntry("gr","Graph with error bars","lep"); leg->Draw("same"); */ }
void Dcurvature(const char *chargechoice = "plus", double ptmin=20){ TString sign=chargechoice; gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptStat("e"); // double ptmin=20; double ptmax=200; double etamax=2.1; int ptbins=(ptmax-ptmin)/10; double ptbinwidth=(ptmax-ptmin)/ptbins; int etabins=21; int phibins=21; TProfile3D *khistptetaphi = new TProfile3D("DeltaCurv(pt,eta,phi)","DeltaCurv(pt,eta,phi) "+sign,ptbins,ptmin,ptmax,etabins,-etamax,etamax,phibins,-3.14,3.14); khistptetaphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pt"); khistptetaphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Eta"); khistptetaphi->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Phi"); TProfile2D *khistpteta = new TProfile2D("DeltaCurv(pt,eta)","DeltaCurv(pt,eta) "+sign,ptbins,ptmin,ptmax,etabins,-etamax,etamax); khistpteta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pt"); khistpteta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Eta"); TProfile2D *khistptphi = new TProfile2D("DeltaCurv(pt,phi)","DeltaCurv(pt,phi) "+sign,ptbins,ptmin,ptmax,phibins,-3.14,3.14); khistptphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pt"); khistptphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Phi"); TProfile *khistpt = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(pt)","DeltaCurv(pt) "+sign,ptbins,ptmin,ptmax); khistpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pt"); khistpt->SetAxisRange(-0.001,0.001,"Y"); TProfile *khisteta = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(eta)","DeltaCurv(eta) "+sign,etabins,-etamax,etamax); khistpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta"); TProfile *khistphi = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(phi)","DeltaCurv(phi) "+sign,phibins,-3.14,3.14); khistpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Phi"); TObjArray *khistptbins= new TObjArray(); for (int i=0; i<ptbins; i++) { TString name="DeltaCurv(eta,phi), pt bin "; name+=int(ptmin+i*(ptmax-ptmin)/ptbins); name+=TString(", charge ")+sign; TProfile2D *ist = new TProfile2D(name.Data(),name.Data(),phibins,-3.14,3.14,etabins,-etamax,etamax); ist->SetAxisRange(-0.002,0.002,"Z"); khistptbins->Add(ist); } TFile *f = new TFile("RecoRoutines_Z-selection_ZJets_TuneZ2_7TeV_alpgen_tauola.rew8.corr1.root","read"); TTree *tree; f->GetObject("SingleMuPtScale/"+sign+"muonstree",tree); Double_t MCPt; Double_t MCEta; Double_t MCPhi; Double_t RecoPt; Double_t RecoEta; Double_t RecoPhi; Double_t EvWeight; tree->SetBranchAddress("RecoPt",&RecoPt); tree->SetBranchAddress("RecoEta",&RecoEta); tree->SetBranchAddress("RecoPhi",&RecoPhi); tree->SetBranchAddress("MCPt",&MCPt); tree->SetBranchAddress("MCEta",&MCEta); tree->SetBranchAddress("MCPhi",&MCPhi); tree->SetBranchAddress("EvWeight",&EvWeight); long nentries = tree->GetEntriesFast(); for (int i=0; i<nentries; i++){ tree->GetEntry(i); if (RecoPt<ptmin || RecoPt>ptmax || RecoEta<-etamax || RecoEta>etamax) continue; double quantity=(MCPt-RecoPt)/MCPt/RecoPt; khistptetaphi->Fill(RecoPt,RecoEta,RecoPhi,quantity,EvWeight); khistpteta->Fill(RecoPt,RecoEta,quantity,EvWeight); khistptphi->Fill(RecoPt,RecoPhi,quantity,EvWeight); ((TProfile2D*)(khistptbins->At(int((RecoPt-ptmin)/ptbinwidth))))->Fill(RecoPhi,RecoEta,quantity,EvWeight); khistpt->Fill(RecoPt,quantity,EvWeight); khisteta->Fill(RecoEta,quantity,EvWeight); khistphi->Fill(RecoPhi,quantity,EvWeight); } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); khistptetaphi->Draw("BOX"); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(); c2->Divide(2,1); c2->cd(1); khistpteta->Draw("BOX"); c2->cd(2); khistptphi->Draw("BOX"); TCanvas *c2b = new TCanvas(); c2b->Divide(3,1); c2b->cd(1); khistpt->Draw(); c2b->cd(2); khisteta->Draw(); c2b->cd(3); khistphi->Draw(); TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas(); c3->Divide(int(sqrt(ptbins))+1,int(sqrt(ptbins))); for (int i=0;i<ptbins;i++) { c3->cd(i+1); ((TProfile2D*)(khistptbins->At(i)))->Draw("SURF1 PSR Z");} TProfile *khistcorrpt = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(pt)","DeltaCurv(pt) "+sign,ptbins,ptmin,ptmax); khistcorrpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pt"); khistcorrpt->SetAxisRange(-0.001,0.001,"Y"); TProfile *khistcorreta = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(eta)","DeltaCurv(eta) "+sign,etabins,-etamax,etamax); khistcorrpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Eta"); TProfile *khistcorrphi = new TProfile("DeltaCurv(phi)","DeltaCurv(phi) "+sign,phibins,-3.14,3.14); khistcorrpt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Phi"); // correction for (int i=0; i<nentries; i++){ tree->GetEntry(i); if (RecoPt<ptmin || RecoPt>ptmax || RecoEta<-etamax || RecoEta>etamax) continue; double newpt=RecoPt+RecoPt*RecoPt*khistptetaphi->GetBinContent(khistptetaphi->FindBin(RecoPt,RecoEta,RecoPhi)); double quantity=(MCPt-newpt)/MCPt/newpt; khistcorrpt->Fill(RecoPt,quantity,EvWeight); khistcorreta->Fill(RecoEta,quantity,EvWeight); khistcorrphi->Fill(RecoPhi,quantity,EvWeight); } TCanvas *corrc2b = new TCanvas(); corrc2b->Divide(3,1); corrc2b->cd(1); khistcorrpt->Draw(); corrc2b->cd(2); khistcorreta->Draw(); corrc2b->cd(3); khistcorrphi->Draw(); khistptetaphi->SetName("ist"); khistptetaphi->SaveAs("mcptbinscorrectionfactors.C"); }
void AnalysisBase::findBeamRegionAndAlign(int iPass){ cout << "==================================================================" << endl; cout << "findBeamRegionAndAlign(): Determining Fiducial Region, Pass = "******"==================================================================" << endl; double dxWindow = dxWin; if(iPass == 1) dxWindow = 1000.0; if(iPass == 2) dxWindow = 1.0; TH1F* hthx = new TH1F("hthx","#theta_{X}",1000,-5.0,5.0); TH1F* hthy = new TH1F("hthy","#theta_{Y}",1000,-5.0,5.0); TH1F* hx = new TH1F("hx","Y position of matched cluster",800,-40.0,40.0); TH1F* hxdut = new TH1F("hxdut","Y position of matched cluster",800,-40.0,40.0); TH1F* hs = new TH1F("hs","Strip number of matched cluster",512,0,512.0); TH1F* hy = new TH1F("hy","Y position of matched cluster",800,-10.0,10.0); TH1F* hw = new TH1F("hw","#DeltaX",20000,-100.0,100.0); TH1F* hn = new TH1F("hn","#DeltaX",4000,-2.0,2.0); TH1F* hnn = new TH1F("hnn","#DeltaX",400,-0.2,0.2); TH2F* hxy = new TH2F("hxy","Y_{trk} vs X_{trk}, with cluster",640,-8,8.0,640,-8,8); TProfile *ht = new TProfile("ht","Cluster Charge vs TDC time",12,0,12,100,1000); TProfile *hzrot = new TProfile("hzrot","#DeltaX vs Y_{trk} at DUT",1600,-8,8,-1.0,1.0); TH2F* hca = new TH2F("hca","Y_{trk} vs X_{trk}, with found cluster",160,-8,8.0,320,-8,8); TH2F* hcf = new TH2F("hcf","Y_{trk} vs X_{trk}, with found cluster",160,-8,8.0,320,-8,8); hca->Sumw2(); hcf->Sumw2(); int istrip; double nomStrip=0, detStrip = 0; Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; Int_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<max(nentries,200000);jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); //if(jentry%1000==0) cout << "At entry = " << jentry << endl; if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if(n_tp3_tracks > 1) continue; for(int k=0; k<n_tp3_tracks; k++){ bool goodTime = (clustersTDC >= tdcLo && clustersTDC < tdcHi); goodTime = clustersTDC>1.0; if(!goodTime) continue; double x_trk = vec_trk_tx->at(k)*z_DUT+vec_trk_x->at(k); double y_trk = vec_trk_ty->at(k)*z_DUT+vec_trk_y->at(k); transformTrackToDUTFrame(k, x_trk, y_trk, nomStrip, detStrip); double tx = 1000*vec_trk_tx->at(k); double ty = 1000*vec_trk_ty->at(k); double x_trk0 = x_trk; for(int j=0; j<min(clusterNumberPerEvent,10); j++){ if(clustersPosition[j] < 0.1) continue; if(polarity*clustersCharge[j] < kClusterChargeMin) continue; bool goodHit = (clustersPosition[j]>iLo && clustersPosition[j]<iHi); istrip = clustersSeedPosition[j]; if(badStrips[istrip]==0) continue; // exclude bad strips double x_dut = getDUTHitPosition(j); x_trk = x_trk0; double dx = x_dut - x_trk; hn->Fill(dx); hnn->Fill(dx); hca->Fill(x_trk,y_trk); if(fabs(dx)<dxWindow || iPass==1) { if(goodHit) { hx->Fill(x_trk); hxdut->Fill(x_dut); hs->Fill(clustersPosition[j]); hy->Fill(y_trk); hthx->Fill(tx); hthy->Fill(ty); hw->Fill(dx); hxy->Fill(x_trk,y_trk); ht->Fill(clustersTDC+0.1,polarity*clustersCharge[j]); hzrot->Fill(y_trk,dx); hcf->Fill(x_trk,y_trk); } } } } } //hnn->Draw(); if(iPass==4) { findCutoutRegion(hcf); }else { float xmin=0,xmax=0,ymin=0,ymax=0,txmin=0,txmax=0,tymin=0,tymax=0; getRange(hthx,txmin,txmax,0.05,2); getRange(hthy,tymin,tymax,0.05,2); //getRange(hx,xmin,xmax,0.05,2); getRange(hy,ymin,ymax,0.2,2); // Use strip numbers to get xMin and xMax, since dead strips make holes in xpos plot xmin = getEdgePosition(iHi); xmax = getEdgePosition(iLo); xMin = xmin; xMax = xmax; yMin = ymin; yMax = ymax; txMin = txmin; txMax = txmax; tyMin = tymin; tyMax = tymax; // float xlo = 0, xhi=0; if(iPass==1) getRange(hw,xlo,xhi,0.1,1); if(iPass==2) getRange(hn,xlo,xhi,0.1,1); if(iPass==3) getRange(hn,xlo,xhi,0.1,1); if(iPass>3) getRange(hnn,xlo,xhi,0.2,1); double XOFF = (xhi + xlo)/2.0; xOff = xOff - XOFF; double x_ave = (xMax + xMin)/2.0; double y_ave = (yMax + yMin)/2.0; xGloOff = xGloOff - x_ave; if(iPass<=4) yGloOff = yGloOff - y_ave; // Check/correct for z rotation if(iPass==3 && correctForZRotation){ cout << "Checking for z-rotation" << endl; TF1* p1 = new TF1("p1","[0]+[1]*x",yMin,yMax); p1->SetParameters(0.0,0.0001); hzrot->Fit(p1,"0R"); double rz = p1->GetParameter(1); cout << "=======================================================================" << endl; cout << "==> Updating z rotation angle from " << Rz << " to " << Rz-rz << " mrad" << endl; Rz = Rz - rz; delete p1; } float lo = 0, hi = 0; getTDCBins(ht,lo,hi); tdcLo = lo; tdcHi = hi; cout << "=================================================================" << endl; cout << "====> TDC Range updated to be from " << tdcLo << " -- " << tdcHi << std::endl; cout << "=================================================================" << endl; cout << "====> Fiducial regions, xLo, xHi (Strip numbers) = " << iLo << " " << iHi << endl; cout << "====> Fiducial regions, xLo, xHi (pos in mm) = " << xMin << " " << xMax << " mm " << endl; cout << "====> Fiducial regions, yLo, yHi (pos in mm) = " << yMin << " " << yMax << " mm " << endl; cout << "====> Fiducial regions, thxLo, thxHi (pos in mrad) = " << txMin << " " << txMax << " mrad" << endl; cout << "====> Fiducial regions, thyLo, thxHi (pos in mrad) = " << tyMin << " " << tyMax << " mrad" << endl; cout << "=================================================================" << endl; cout << "====> Shifting sensor by dX = " << XOFF << " mm " << ", new xOff = " << xOff << endl; cout << "====> Global X, Y shifts: " << x_ave << " " << y_ave << endl; cout << "====> New global x,y = " << xGloOff << " " << yGloOff << endl; } //if(iPass==1) hw->Draw(); // for debugging //if(iPass==2) hy->Draw(); //return; delete hxdut; delete hthx; delete hthy; delete hx; delete hy; delete hxy; delete hw; delete hn; delete hnn; delete hs; delete ht; delete hzrot; delete hcf; delete hca; return; }
Double_t CalibTree::Loop(int loop) { char name[500]; bool debug=false; if (fChain == 0) return 0; Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<double,double> >SumW; std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int >nTrks; unsigned int mask(0xFF80), ntrkMax(0); for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { // for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<1000;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if(debug) std::cout << "***Entry (Track) Number : " << ientry << " p/eHCal/eMipDR/nDets : " << t_p << "/" << t_eHcal << "/" << t_eMipDR << "/" << (*t_DetIds).size() << std::endl; if (goodTrack()) { if (loop == 0) hprof_ndets->Fill(t_ieta, (*t_DetIds).size()); double Etot=0.0; for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds).size(); idet++) { double hitEn=0.0; unsigned int detid = (*t_DetIds)[idet] & mask; if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) hitEn = Cprev[detid] * (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; else hitEn = (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; Etot += hitEn; } for (unsigned int idet=0; idet<(*t_DetIds).size(); idet++) { unsigned int detid = (*t_DetIds)[idet] & mask; double hitEn=0.0; if (debug) std::cout << "idet " << idet << " detid/hitenergy : " << std::hex << (*t_DetIds)[idet] << ":" << detid << "/" << (*t_HitEnergies)[idet] << std::endl; if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) hitEn = Cprev[detid] * (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; else hitEn = (*t_HitEnergies)[idet]; double Wi = hitEn/Etot; double Fac = (Wi* t_p) / Etot; if( SumW.find(detid) != SumW.end() ) { Wi += SumW[detid].first; Fac += SumW[detid].second; SumW[detid] = std::pair<double,double>(Wi,Fac); nTrks[detid]++; } else { SumW.insert( std::pair<unsigned int, std::pair<double,double> >(detid,std::pair<double,double>(Wi,Fac))); nTrks.insert(std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>(detid, 1)); } if (nTrks[detid] > ntrkMax) ntrkMax = nTrks[detid]; } } } std::map<unsigned int, std::pair<double,double> >::iterator SumWItr = SumW.begin(); unsigned int kount(0), mkount(0); double sumfactor(0); double dets[150], cfacs[150], wfacs[150], nTrk[150]; unsigned int ntrkCut = ntrkMax/10; for (; SumWItr != SumW.end(); SumWItr++) { if (debug) std::cout<< "Detid/SumWi/SumFac : " << SumWItr->first << " / " << (SumWItr->second).first << " / " << (SumWItr->second).second << std::endl; unsigned int detid = SumWItr->first; double factor = (SumWItr->second).second / (SumWItr->second).first; if(nTrks[detid]>ntrkCut) { if (factor > 1) sumfactor += (1-1/factor); else sumfactor += (1-factor); mkount++; } if (Cprev.find(detid) != Cprev.end()) { Cprev[detid] *= factor; cfacs[kount] = Cprev[detid]; } else { Cprev.insert( std::pair<unsigned int, double>(detid, factor) ); cfacs[kount] = factor; } int ieta = (detid>>7) & 0x3f; int zside= (detid&0x2000) ? 1 : -1; int depth= (detid>>14)&0x1F; wfacs[kount]= factor; dets[kount] = zside*(ieta+0.1*(depth-1)); nTrk[kount] = nTrks[detid]; kount++; } TGraph *g_fac, *g_fac2, *g_nTrk; g_fac = new TGraph(kount, dets, cfacs); sprintf(name, "Cfacs_detid_it%d", loop); fout->WriteTObject(g_fac, name); g_fac2 = new TGraph(kount, dets, wfacs); sprintf(name, "Wfacs_detid_it%d", loop); fout->WriteTObject(g_fac2, name); g_nTrk = new TGraph(kount, dets, nTrk); if (loop==0) fout->WriteTObject(g_nTrk, "nTrk_detid"); std::cout << "The new factors are :" << std::endl; std::map<unsigned int, double>::iterator CprevItr = Cprev.begin(); unsigned int indx(0); for (CprevItr=Cprev.begin(); CprevItr != Cprev.end(); CprevItr++, indx++){ unsigned int detid = CprevItr->first; int ieta = (detid>>7) & 0x3f; int zside= (detid&0x2000) ? 1 : -1; int depth= (detid>>14)&0x1F; std::cout << "DetId[" << indx << "] " << std::hex << detid << std::dec << "(" << ieta*zside << "," << depth << ") ( nTrks:" << nTrks[detid] << ") : " << CprevItr->second << std::endl; } double mean = (mkount > 0) ? (sumfactor/mkount) : 0; std::cout << "Mean deviation " << mean << " from 1 for " << mkount << ":" << kount << " DetIds" << std::endl; return mean; }
void analisi_tree_1hit(){ //faccio gli istogrammi dal Tree T creato nel file CheckESD.C gROOT->Reset(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0012); gStyle->SetOptFit(0111); Bool_t kCal=kFALSE; TFile *fcal = TFile::Open("calibration.root"); TProfile *hCalX; TProfile *hCalZ; if(fcal){ kCal=kTRUE; hCalX = (TProfile *) fcal->Get("hCalX"); hCalZ = (TProfile *) fcal->Get("hCalZ"); } else{ hCalX= new TProfile("hCalX","x alignement per strip;# strip;#DeltaX (cm)",1700,0,1700); hCalZ= new TProfile("hCalZ","z alignement per strip;# strip;#DeltaX (cm)",1700,0,1700); } // check alignment TProfile *hx = new TProfile("hx","x alignement per strip;# strip;#DeltaX (cm)",1700,0,1700); TProfile *hz = new TProfile("hz","z alignement per strip;# strip;#DeltaZ (cm)",1700,0,1700); // definire istogrammi (ricordarsi di fare il write nel file successivamente) //TH1F *hdeltat = new TH1F("hdeltat","inside the pad (cl_{1}) - cluster along x;t_{1} - t_{2} (ps)",400,-500,500); //TH1F *hdeltax = new TH1F("hdeltax","inside the pad (cl_{1}) - cluster along x;#Deltax_{1} - #Deltax_{2} (cm)",100,-10,10); TH1F *hch = new TH1F("hch","inside the pad (cl_{1}) - cluster along x;ch_{1} - ch_{2}",500,0,500); //TH2F *pxt = new TH2F("pxt","inside the pad (cl_{1}) - cluster along x ;t_{1} - t_{2} (ps);cl_{1} #Deltax (cm)",41,-20.5*24.4,20.5*24.4,100,-4,4); // 24.4 ps quantizzazione TDC //TH2F *pzt = new TH2F("pzt","inside the pad (cl_{1}) - cluster along z ;t_{1} - t_{2} (ps);cl_{1} #Deltaz (cm)",41,-20.5*24.4,20.5*24.4,100,-4,4); // 24.4 ps quantizzazione TDC //CFC:Istogramma numero cluster(qua coincidono con le hit) //TH1F *hnc = new TH1F("hnc","Number of Hits",12,0.,12.); //Istogramma tempi TOF TH1F *ht1 = new TH1F("ht1","TOF's Time ",41,0.,30000.); //Istogramma 1D per i residui TH1F *hresx1 = new TH1F("hresx1","Residui x1",100,-10.,10.); TH1F *hresz1 = new TH1F("hresz1","Residui z1",100,-10.,10.); TH1F *hresdist1 = new TH1F("hresdist1","Residui sqrt(x1^2+z1^2)",100,-10.,10.); //Istogramma 2D per i residui TH2F *h2resxz1 = new TH2F("h2resxz1" , "Residui dx1 e dz1", 100, -4. , 4. , 100 , -4. , 4.); //Istogramma tempi meno tempi attesi TH1F *ht1_texp = new TH1F("ht1_texp","",100,-2000.,2000.); TH1F *ht1_texptot = new TH1F("ht1_texptot","",100,-2000.,2000.); //TH1F *hexp_time_pi = new TH1F("hexp_time_pi","hexp_time_pi",1000,0.,30000.); TProfile *hprofx = new TProfile("hprofx","Profile t1-t_exp_pi vs dx1",26, -2.,2.); TProfile *hprofxcorr = new TProfile("hprofxcorr","Profile t1-t_exp_pi corr vs dx1",26, -2.,2.); TProfile *hprofz = new TProfile("hprofz","Profile t1-t_exp_pi vs dz1",26, -3.,3.); TProfile *hprofd=new TProfile("hprofd","Profile t1-t_exp_pi vs d",26, 0.,4.); TH1F *htbest = new TH1F("htbest","htbest",100,-2000.,2000.); TH1F *htcorrtw= new TH1F("htcorrtw","htcorrtw",100,-2000.,2000.); //TH2F *h2dxdzt1_texp=new TH2F("h2dxdzt1_texp","h2dxdzt1_texp",30,-10.25.,10.25,50,-10.75.,10.75.); //TH2F *h2dxdzt1_texp_dummy=new TH2F("h2dxdzt1_texp_dummy","h2dxdzt1_texp_dummy",30,-10.25.,10.25,50,-10.75.,10.75.); TH2F *h2dxdzt1_texp=new TH2F("h2dxdzt1_texp","h2dxdzt1_texp",20,-1.25,1.25,10,-1.75,1.75); TH2F *h2dxdzt1_texp_dummy=new TH2F("h2dxdzt1_texp_dummy","h2dxdzt1_texp_dummy",20,-1.25,1.25,10,-1.75,1.75); //Istogramma 2D distanza eff vs delay time TH2F *h2t1_texp_deff= new TH2F("h2t1_texp_deff" , "Delay time 0 vs deff", 50, 0. , 10.,100,-400.,400.); TH2F *h2t1_texp_deff_tw= new TH2F("h2t1_texp_deff_tw" , "Delay time 0 corr tw vs deff", 50, 0. , 10.,100,-400.,400.); TProfile *hprofdeff=new TProfile("hprofdeff","Profile t1-t_exp_pi vs deff",50, -3.,10.); // Utilizzo TOT. TH2F *h2t1_texp_TOT= new TH2F("h2t1_texp_TOT" , "Delay time vs TOT", 50, 0. , 100.,100,-400.,400.); TProfile *hproft1_texp_TOT = new TProfile("hproft1_texp_TOT","Profile t1-t_exp_pi vs TOT",50, 0. , 100.); TH2F *h2t1_deff_TOT= new TH2F("h2t1_deff_TOT" , "deff vs TOT", 50, 0. , 100.,50, 0. , 10.); TH2F *h2t1_TOT_deff= new TH2F("h2t1_TOT_deff" , "TOT vs deff",50, 0. , 10., 50, 0. , 100.); TFile *f = new TFile("AnalysisResults.root"); TTree *T = (TTree*)f->Get("T"); //in generale . (e non freccia) se Tfile è un oggetto e NON un puntatore(*) //Varibili tree "T" //Int_t nevento; //Int_t ntracks; Int_t ncluster; Float_t tempo[100];//con start time sottratto Float_t DeltaX[100]; Float_t DeltaZ[100]; Int_t ChannelTOF[100]; Float_t impulso_trasv; Float_t exp_time_pi[100]; Float_t L[100]; Float_t TOT[100]; Float_t res[3]; Int_t charge; Float_t phi,eta; Float_t secAngle; Float_t cval[5]; Float_t thetay; Float_t StartTime,StartTimeRes; Float_t z; //T->Branch("nevento",&nevento,"nevento/I"); //T->SetBranchAddress("ntracks",&ntracks); T->SetBranchAddress("ncluster",&ncluster); T->SetBranchAddress("tempo",tempo); T->SetBranchAddress("DeltaX",DeltaX); T->SetBranchAddress("DeltaZ",DeltaZ); T->SetBranchAddress("ChannelTOF",ChannelTOF); T->SetBranchAddress("impulso_trasv",&impulso_trasv); T->SetBranchAddress("exp_time_pi",exp_time_pi); T->SetBranchAddress("L",L); T->SetBranchAddress("TOT",TOT); T->SetBranchAddress("res",res); T->SetBranchAddress("charge",&charge); T->SetBranchAddress("phi",&phi); T->SetBranchAddress("eta",&eta); T->SetBranchAddress("secPhi",&secAngle); T->SetBranchAddress("cval",cval); T->SetBranchAddress("thetay",&thetay); T->SetBranchAddress("StartTime",&StartTime); T->SetBranchAddress("StartTimeRes",&StartTimeRes); Int_t nentries = (Int_t)T->GetEntries(); for(Int_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) { T->GetEntry(i); for(Int_t ip=0;ip<ncluster;ip++){ tempo[ip] -= StartTime; Int_t strip=ChannelTOF[0]/96; if(kCal){ DeltaX[ip] -= hCalX->GetBinContent(strip+1); DeltaZ[ip] -= hCalZ->GetBinContent(strip+1); } } if(ncluster == 1){ if(impulso_trasv>1.3){ hx->Fill(int(ChannelTOF[0]/96),DeltaX[0]); hz->Fill(int(ChannelTOF[0]/96),DeltaZ[0]); if(!kCal){ hCalX->Fill(int(ChannelTOF[0]/96),DeltaX[0]); hCalZ->Fill(int(ChannelTOF[0]/96),DeltaZ[0]); } h2resxz1->Fill(DeltaX[0],DeltaZ[0]); h2resxz1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Dx1 (cm)"); h2resxz1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Dz1 (cm)"); hresx1->Fill(DeltaX[0]); hresx1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Dx1 (cm)"); hresz1->Fill(DeltaZ[0]); hresz1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Dz1 (cm)"); hresdist1->Fill(sqrt(DeltaX[0]*DeltaX[0]+DeltaZ[0]*DeltaZ[0])); hresdist1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("sqrt(Dx^2+Dz^2) (cm)"); } if(impulso_trasv>0.8 && impulso_trasv<1.){ // serve per gli exp time //if( TMath::Abs(DeltaZ[0])<1.75){ if(TMath::Abs(tempo[0]-exp_time_pi[0])<800./* per avere circa 3 sigma che sia un pi*/ ){ if(TMath::Abs(DeltaX[0])<1.5){ //if((ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2==0){z=1.75+DeltaZ[0];} //if((ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2 == 1){z=1.75-DeltaZ[0];} if((ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2==0){z=DeltaZ[0];} if((ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2 == 1){z= -DeltaZ[0];} Float_t w=tempo[0]- exp_time_pi[0]; h2dxdzt1_texp->Fill(DeltaX[0],z, w); h2dxdzt1_texp_dummy->Fill(DeltaX[0],z); if( TMath::Abs(DeltaZ[0])<1.75 && TMath::Abs(DeltaX[0])<1.25){ //sto selezionando che il pad matchato sia dove passa la traccia, poichè altrimenti nel grafico con d e delay time vi sarebbero degli effetti di bordo Float_t t1=tempo[0]; ht1->Fill(t1); ht1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t1(ps)"); //cout<<(ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2<<endl; Float_t d; if((ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2 == 0){ d=sqrt(DeltaX[0]*DeltaX[0]+(1.75+DeltaZ[0])*(1.75+DeltaZ[0])); //da quello che ho capito il pad 0 è quello in alto quindi ha punto d raccolta in alto /* if((ChannelTOF[0]/96)==((ChannelTOF[0]+48)/96)) //if fatto per capire quale sia quallo in alto e quale quello in basso poichè hanno una raccolta di carica differente { cout<<"ciao, io ,pad 0, sono quello sopra"<<endl; } */ } if((ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2 == 1) { d=sqrt(DeltaX[0]*DeltaX[0]+(1.75-DeltaZ[0])*(1.75-DeltaZ[0])); //da quello che ho capito il pad 1 è quello in basso quindi ha punto d raccolta in basso /*//if fatto per capire quale sia quallo in alto e quale quello in basso poichè hanno una raccolta di carica differente if((ChannelTOF[0]/96)==((ChannelTOF[0]+48)/96)) { cout<<"ciao, io ,pad 1, sono quello sopra"<<endl; } */ } Float_t res1 = DeltaX[0]*DeltaX[0] + DeltaZ[0]*DeltaZ[0]; //Float_t posx = (DeltaX[0])*(ChannelTOF[0]-ChannelTOF[1]); // hdeltax->Fill(posx); //hdeltax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("posx (cm)"); // // pxt->Fill(tempo[0], DeltaX[0]); // pxt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t (cm)"); // pxt->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dx (cm)"); // pzt->Fill(tempo[0], DeltaZ[0]); // pzt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t(cm)"); // pzt->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Dz1 (cm)"); hch->Fill(ChannelTOF[0]); hch->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ch"); Float_t tw1=tempo[0]- exp_time_pi[0]; ht1_texp->Fill(tw1); ht1_texp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t_{1} - t_{exp #pi} (ps)"); //cerco correlazione tra TOT e delay time h2t1_texp_TOT->Fill(TOT[0],tw1); h2t1_texp_TOT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TOT "); h2t1_texp_TOT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t_{1}-t_{exp #pi} (ps)"); hproft1_texp_TOT->Fill(TOT[0],tw1 ,1); hproft1_texp_TOT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TOT"); hproft1_texp_TOT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t_{0}-t_{exp #pi} (ps)"); /////////////////////PROFILE 1 //riempio istogrammma, poi lo fitto fuori dal loop // hprofx->Fill(DeltaX[0],tw1 ,1); // hprofx->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dx (cm)"); // hprofx->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t_{1}-t_{exp #pi} (ps)"); // // hprofz->Fill(DeltaZ[0],tw1 ,1); // hprofz->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dz (cm)"); // hprofz->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t_{1}-t_{exp #pi} (ps)"); hprofd->Fill(d,tw1 ,1); hprofd->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("d (cm)"); hprofd->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t_{1}-t_{exp #pi} (ps)"); //} } } } } } } h2dxdzt1_texp->Divide(h2dxdzt1_texp_dummy); h2dxdzt1_texp->SetOption("LEGO2"); h2dxdzt1_texp->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dx (cm)"); h2dxdzt1_texp->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("dz (cm)"); //Double_t par[0]=0; //Double_t par[1]=0; TF2 *myfunc=new TF2("myfunc"," [0] * sqrt(x*x+[1]*[1]*(1.75+y)*(1.75+y))+[2]", -1.25,1.25,-1.75,1.75); myfunc->SetParameter(1,0.5); h2dxdzt1_texp->Fit(myfunc,"R"); Double_t vel1, alfa; vel1= pow(myfunc->GetParameter(0),-1); alfa= myfunc->GetParameter(1); cout<<"Ciao, io sono la velocità in 3d "<<vel1<<endl; for(Int_t i=0;i<nentries;i++){ T->GetEntry(i); for(Int_t ip=0;ip<ncluster;ip++){ tempo[ip] -= StartTime; Int_t strip=ChannelTOF[0]/96; if(kCal){ DeltaX[ip] -= hCalX->GetBinContent(strip+1); DeltaZ[ip] -= hCalZ->GetBinContent(strip+1); } } if(ncluster == 1) { if(impulso_trasv>0.8 && impulso_trasv<1.){ // serve per gli exp time if(TMath::Abs(tempo[0]-exp_time_pi[0])<800./* per avere circa 3 sigma che sia un pi*/ ){ if(TMath::Abs(DeltaX[0])<1.5){ if((ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2==0){z=DeltaZ[0];} if((ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2==1){z= -DeltaZ[0];} Float_t deff=sqrt(DeltaX[0]*DeltaX[0]+ alfa*alfa * (1.75+z)*(1.75+z)*(z>-1.75)); Float_t tw1tot=tempo[0]- exp_time_pi[0]; h2t1_texp_deff->Fill(deff,tw1tot); h2t1_texp_deff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("deff (cm)"); h2t1_texp_deff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("delay time (ps)"); hprofdeff ->Fill(deff,tw1tot ,1); hprofdeff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("deff (cm)"); hprofdeff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t_{1}-t_{exp #pi} (ps)"); h2t1_deff_TOT->Fill(TOT[0],deff); h2t1_deff_TOT->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("TOT (ps)"); h2t1_deff_TOT->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("deff (cm)"); h2t1_TOT_deff->Fill(deff, TOT[0]); h2t1_TOT_deff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("deff (cm)"); h2t1_TOT_deff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("TOT (ps)"); } } } } } TF1 *fs = new TF1("fs","gaus",-400.,400.); h2t1_texp_deff->FitSlicesY(fs); TH1D *h2t1_texp_deff_1 = (TH1D *) gDirectory->FindObject("h2t1_texp_deff_1"); h2t1_texp_deff_1->Draw("same"); //h2t1_texp_deff_2->Draw("same"); // TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","pol1",0., 2.15); // h2t1_texp_deff_1->Fit("f1","R"); // Double_t vel2; // vel2 = pow(f1->GetParameter(1),-1); // cout<<"Ciao, io sono la velocità in 2d "<<vel2<<endl; TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","[0]*TMath::Min(x,1.75)+[1]",0., 2.8); //Min(x,1.75) , l'1.75 è stato scelto guardando il fit, come meglio sembrava interploare. Per ora, per quanto ne so, è solo una coincidenza che coincida con pad z h2t1_texp_deff_1->Fit(f1,"R"); Double_t p0,vel2, offset_tw; p0=f1->GetParameter(0); vel2= pow(p0,-1); offset_tw=f1->GetParameter(1); cout<<"Ciao, io sono la velocità in 2d "<<vel2<<endl; for(Int_t i=0;i<nentries;i++){ T->GetEntry(i); for(Int_t ip=0;ip<ncluster;ip++){ tempo[ip] -= StartTime; Int_t strip=ChannelTOF[0]/96; if(kCal){ DeltaX[ip] -= hCalX->GetBinContent(strip+1); DeltaZ[ip] -= hCalZ->GetBinContent(strip+1); } } if(ncluster == 1){ if(impulso_trasv>0.8 && impulso_trasv<1.){ // serve per gli exp time if(TMath::Abs(tempo[0]-exp_time_pi[0])<800./* per avere circa 3 sigma che sia un pi*/ ){ if(TMath::Abs(DeltaX[0])<1.5){ if((ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2==0){z=DeltaZ[0];} if((ChannelTOF[0]/48)%2==1){z= -DeltaZ[0];} Float_t deff=sqrt(DeltaX[0]*DeltaX[0]+ alfa*alfa * (1.75+z)*(1.75+z)*(z>-1.75)); if(deff<2.8){ Float_t tw1tot=tempo[0]- exp_time_pi[0]; ht1_texptot->Fill(tw1tot); ht1_texptot->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t_{1} - t_{exp #pi} (ps)"); Float_t tw1corrtw=tw1tot-(offset_tw + p0 *TMath::Min(deff,Float_t(1.75)));//Min(x,1.75) , l'1.75 è stato scelto guardando il fit, come meglio sembrava interploare. Per ora, per quanto ne so, è solo una coincidenza che coincida con pad z htcorrtw->Fill(tw1corrtw); htcorrtw->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t_corr_tw (ps)"); h2t1_texp_deff_tw->Fill(deff,tw1corrtw); h2t1_texp_deff_tw->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("deff (cm)"); h2t1_texp_deff_tw->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("delay time corr_tw (ps)"); } } } } } } TF1 *fstw = new TF1("fstw","gaus",-400.,400.); h2t1_texp_deff_tw->FitSlicesY(fstw); TH1D *h2t1_texp_deff_tw_1 = (TH1D *) gDirectory->FindObject("h2t1_texp_deff_tw_1"); TH1D *h2t1_texp_deff_tw_2 = (TH1D *) gDirectory->FindObject("h2t1_texp_deff_tw_2"); h2t1_texp_deff_tw_1->Draw("same"); h2t1_texp_deff_tw_2->Draw("same"); // TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","pol1",-1.25,0.5); // //hprofx->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-40.,100.); // hprofx->Fit("f1","R"); // Double_t offset_p1,x1_p1; // offset_p1= f1->GetParameter(0); // x1_p1= f1->GetParameter(1); // for(Int_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) // { // T->GetEntry(i); // for(Int_t ip=0;ip<ncluster;ip++) // tempo[ip] -= StartTime; // if(ncluster == 1) // { // if(impulso_trasv>0.8 && impulso_trasv<1.2) // serve per gli exp time // { // //if( TMath::Abs(DeltaZ[0])<1.75) // //{ // if(TMath::Abs(tempo[0]-exp_time_pi[0])<800./* per avere circa 3 sigmca che sia un pi*/ ) // { // // //Float_t posx = (DeltaX[0])* dch; // Float_t tw1=tempo[0]- exp_time_pi[0]; // // Float_t tw1corr=tw1-(offset_p1 + x1_p1 *DeltaX[0]); // // hprofxcorr->Fill(DeltaX[0],tw1corr,1); // hprofxcorr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Dx1 (cm)"); // hprofxcorr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("t1_corr=t1-t_exp_pi corr(ps)"); // // htbest->Fill(tw1corr); // htbest->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t_best=t1_corr(ps)"); // // //} // } // } // } // } // // TF1 *f1c = new TF1("f1c","pol1",-1.25,0.5); // hprofxcorr->Fit("f1c","R"); TFile *fo2 = new TFile("output_ist_tree_1hit.root","RECREATE"); hch->Write(); ht1->Write(); h2resxz1->Write(); hresx1->Write(); hresz1->Write(); hresdist1->Write(); //hdeltax->Write(); //pxt->Write(); //pzt->Write(); //hdeltach->Write(); ht1_texp->Write(); ht1_texptot->Write(); //hprofx->Write(); //hprofz->Write(); //hprofxcorr->Write(); //htbest->Write(); hprofd->Write(); h2dxdzt1_texp->Write(); //h2dxdzt1_texp_dummy->Write(); h2t1_texp_deff->Write(); h2t1_texp_deff_1->Write(); //h2t1_texp_deff_2->Write(); hprofdeff->Write(); htcorrtw->Write(); h2t1_texp_deff_tw->Write(); h2t1_texp_deff_tw_1->Write(); h2t1_texp_deff_tw_2->Write(); h2t1_texp_TOT->Write(); hproft1_texp_TOT->Write(); h2t1_deff_TOT->Write(); h2t1_TOT_deff->Write(); hx->Write(); hz->Write(); fo2->Close(); if(!kCal){ printf("write calibration\n"); fcal = new TFile("calibration.root","RECREATE"); hCalX->Write(); hCalZ->Write(); fcal->Close(); } system("say Ehi you, I have done"); }
// **************************************************************** //XXX: main int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // // **** May 20 2010 update **** // Usage: CreateEcalTimingCalibsEB fileWithTree options... // using namespace std; // Ao dependent timing corrections // By the definition of these corrections, the timing should be zero for the hits in // Module 1 or Low eta EE within the valid A/sigma ranges. // Earlier data will have positive time due to the gradual timing shifts in the positive direction. timeCorrectionEB_ = new TF1("timeCorrectionEB_","pol4(0)",0,1.2); //coefficients obtained in the interval (0, 1.5) from Module 1 of run 144011 EB data; timeCorrectionEB_->SetParameters(0.0399144,-1.32993,2.00013,-1.51769,0.407406); //coefficients obtained in the interval (-0.5, 2.0) //timeCorrectionEB_->SetParameters(0.0544539,-1.51924,2.57379,-2.11848,0.606632); // For selection cuts string inBxs, inOrbits, inTrig, inTTrig, inLumi, inRuns; float avgTimeMin, avgTimeMax; float minAmpEB, minAmpEE; float maxSwissCrossNoise; // EB only, no spikes seen in EE float maxHitTimeEB, minHitTimeEB; // init to sensible defaults avgTimeMin = -1; // in ns avgTimeMax = 1; // in ns minAmpEB = 5; // GeV minAmpEE = 5; // GeV maxHitTimeEB = 15; // ns minHitTimeEB = -15; // ns maxSwissCrossNoise = 0.95; // EB only inBxs = "-1"; inOrbits = "-1"; inTrig = "-1"; inTTrig = "-1"; inLumi = "-1"; inRuns = "-1"; char* infile = argv[1]; if (!infile) { cout << " No input file specified !" << endl; return -1; } //TODO: Replace this with the parseArguments function from the pi0 binary std::string stringGenericOption = "--"; for (int i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (argv[i] == std::string("-bxs") && argc>i+1) inBxs = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-orbits") && argc>i+1) inOrbits = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-trig") && argc>i+1) inTrig = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ttrig") && argc>i+1) inTTrig = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-lumi") && argc>i+1) inLumi = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-runs") && argc>i+1) inRuns = std::string(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ebampmin") && argc>i+1) minAmpEB = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-eeampmin") && argc>i+1) minAmpEE = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-swisskmax") && argc>i+1) maxSwissCrossNoise = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-avgtimemin") && argc>i+1) avgTimeMin = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-avgtimemax") && argc>i+1) avgTimeMax = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ebhittimemax") && argc>i+1) maxHitTimeEB = atof(argv[i+1]); if (argv[i] == std::string("-ebhittimemin") && argc>i+1) minHitTimeEB = atof(argv[i+1]); // handle here the case of multiple arguments for input files if (argv[i] == std::string("--i"))// && argc>i+1) { for (int u=i+1; u<argc; u++) { if ( 0==std::string(argv[u]).find( stringGenericOption ) ) { if ( 0==listOfFiles_.size()) {std::cout << "no input files listed" << std::cout;} else {std::cout << "no more files listed, found: " << argv[u] << std::cout;} break; } else { listOfFiles_.push_back(argv[u]); i++; } }// loop on arguments following --i continue; }//end 'if input files' } // Open the input files if (listOfFiles_.size()==0){ std::cout << "\tno input file found" << std::endl; return(1); } else{ std::cout << "\tfound " << listOfFiles_.size() << " input files: " << std::endl; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file_itr=listOfFiles_.begin(); file_itr!=listOfFiles_.end(); file_itr++){ std::cout << "\t" << (*file_itr) << std::endl; } } // Tree construction TChain* chain = new TChain ("EcalTimeAnalysis") ; std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file_itr; for(file_itr=listOfFiles_.begin(); file_itr!=listOfFiles_.end(); file_itr++){ chain->Add( (*file_itr).c_str() ); } cout << "Running with options: " << "avgTimeMin: " << avgTimeMin << " avgTimeMax: " << avgTimeMax << " minAmpEB: " << minAmpEB << " minAmpEE: " << minAmpEE << " maxSwissCrossNoise (EB): " << maxSwissCrossNoise << " maxHitTimeEB: " << maxHitTimeEB << " minHitTimeEB: " << minHitTimeEB << " inTrig: " << inTrig << " inTTrig: " << inTTrig << " inLumi: " << inLumi << " inBxs: " << inBxs << " inRuns: " << inRuns << " inOrbits: " << inOrbits << endl; // Ignore warnings gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2001; setBranchAddresses(chain,treeVars_); // Generate all the vectors for skipping selections std::vector<std::vector<double> > bxIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > bxExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > orbitIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > orbitExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > trigIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > trigExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > ttrigIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > ttrigExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > lumiIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > lumiExcludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > runIncludeVector; std::vector<std::vector<double> > runExcludeVector; //recall: string inBxs, inOrbits, inTrig, inTTrig, inLumi, inRuns; genIncludeExcludeVectors(inBxs,bxIncludeVector,bxExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inOrbits,orbitIncludeVector,orbitExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inTrig,trigIncludeVector,trigExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inTTrig,ttrigIncludeVector,ttrigExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inLumi,lumiIncludeVector,lumiExcludeVector); genIncludeExcludeVectors(inRuns,runIncludeVector,runExcludeVector); // Open output file and book hists string fileNameBeg = "timingCalibsEB"; string rootFilename = fileNameBeg+".root"; TFile* outfile = new TFile(rootFilename.c_str(),"RECREATE"); outfile->cd(); TH1F* calibHistEB = new TH1F("timingCalibsEB","timingCalibs EB [ns]",2000,-100,100); TH1F* calibErrorHistEB = new TH1F("calibErrorEB","timingCalibError EB [ns]",500,0,5); calibHistEB->Sumw2(); calibErrorHistEB->Sumw2(); TH2F* calibsVsErrors = new TH2F("timingCalibsAndErrors","TimingCalibs vs. errors [ns]",500,0,5,100,0,10); calibsVsErrors->Sumw2(); TH1F* expectedStatPresHistEB = new TH1F("expectedStatPresEB","Avg. expected statistical precision EB [ns], all crys",200,0,2); TH2F* expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEB = new TH2F("expectedStatPresVsObsEB","Expected stat. pres. vs. obs. error on mean each event EB [ns]",200,0,2,200,0,2); TH1F* expectedStatPresEachEventHistEB = new TH1F("expectedStatPresSingleEventEB","Expected stat. pres. each event EB [ns]",200,0,2); TH2F* errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist = new TH2F("errorOnMeanVsNumEvts","Error_on_mean vs. number of events",50,0,50,200,0,2); errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Sumw2(); TH1F* hitsPerCryHistEB = new TH1F("hitsPerCryEB","Hits used in each crystal;hashedIndex",61200,0,61200); TH2F* hitsPerCryMapEB = new TH2F("hitsPerCryMapEB","Hits used in each crystal;i#phi;i#eta",360,1.,361.,172,-86,86); TProfile2D* ampProfileMapEB = new TProfile2D("ampProfileMapEB","amp profile map [ADC];i#phi;i#eta",360,1.,361.,172,-86,86); TProfile* ampProfileEB = new TProfile("ampProfileEB","Average amplitude in cry [ADC];hashedIndex",61200,0,61200); TH1F* sigmaHistEB = new TH1F("sigmaCalibsEB"," Sigma of calib distributions EB [ns]",100,0,1); //=============Special Bins for TT and Modules borders============================= double ttEtaBins[36] = {-85, -80, -75, -70, -65, -60, -55, -50, -45, -40, -35, -30, -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, 71, 76, 81, 86 }; // double modEtaBins[10]={-85, -65, -45, -25, 0, 1, 26, 46, 66, 86}; double ttPhiBins[73]; double modPhiBins[19]; double timingBins[79]; double highEBins[11]; for (int i = 0; i < 79; ++i) { timingBins[i]=-7.+double(i)*14./78.; if (i<73) { ttPhiBins[i]=1+5*i; if ( i < 19) { modPhiBins[i]=1+20*i; if (i < 11) { highEBins[i]=10.+double(i)*20.; } } } } TH2F* calibMapEB = new TH2F("calibMapEB","time calib map EB [ns];i#phi;i#eta",360,1.,361.,172,-86,86); calibMapEB->Sumw2(); TH2F* sigmaMapEB = new TH2F("sigmaMapEB","Sigma of time calib map EB [ns];i#phi;i#eta",360,1.,361.,172,-86,86); TH2F* calibErrorMapEB = new TH2F("calibErrorMapEB","Error of time calib map EB [ns];i#phi;i#eta",360,1.,361.,172,-86,86); TProfile2D* calibTTMapEB = new TProfile2D("calibTTMapEB","time calib map EB (TT) [ns];i#phi;i#eta",360/5,ttPhiBins,35, ttEtaBins); TDirectory* cryDirEB = gDirectory->mkdir("crystalTimingHistsEB"); cryDirEB->cd(); TH1C* cryTimingHistsEB[61200]; EBDetId det; for(int hi=0; hi < 61200; ++hi) { det = EBDetId::unhashIndex(hi); if(det==EBDetId()) continue; string histname = "EB_cryTiming_ieta"; histname+=intToString(det.ieta()); histname+="_iphi"; histname+=intToString(det.iphi()); cryTimingHistsEB[hi] = new TH1C(histname.c_str(),histname.c_str(),660,-33,33); cryTimingHistsEB[hi]->Sumw2(); } outfile->cd(); cout << "Making calibs..."; CrystalCalibration* ebCryCalibs[61200]; //XXX: Making calibs with weighted/unweighted mean for(int i=0; i < 61200; ++i) ebCryCalibs[i] = new CrystalCalibration(); //use weighted mean! //ebCryCalibs[i] = new CrystalCalibration(false); //don't use weighted mean! // Loop over the TTree int numEventsUsed = 0; int nEntries = chain->GetEntries(); cout << "Begin loop over TTree." << endl; for(int entry = 0; entry < nEntries; ++entry) { chain->GetEntry(entry); // Loop once to calculate average event time float sumTime = 0; int numCrysEB = 0; for(int bCluster=0; bCluster < treeVars_.nClusters; bCluster++) { if(treeVars_.xtalInBCIEta[bCluster][0] == -999999) continue; // skip EE clusters for(int cryInBC=0; cryInBC < treeVars_.nXtalsInCluster[bCluster]; cryInBC++) { sumTime += treeVars_.xtalInBCTime[bCluster][cryInBC]; numCrysEB++; } } //debug //cout << "Number of EB crys in event: " << numEBcrys << endl; //XXX: Event cuts if(sumTime/numCrysEB > avgTimeMax || sumTime/numCrysEB < avgTimeMin) { //cout << "Average event time: " << sumTime/numCrysEB << " so event rejected." << endl; continue; } // check BX, orbit, lumi, run, L1 tech/phys triggers bool keepEvent = includeEvent(treeVars_.bx,bxIncludeVector,bxExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.orbit,orbitIncludeVector,orbitExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.lumiSection,lumiIncludeVector,lumiExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.runId,runIncludeVector,runExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.l1ActiveTriggers, treeVars_.l1NActiveTriggers,trigIncludeVector,trigExcludeVector) && includeEvent(treeVars_.l1ActiveTechTriggers, treeVars_.l1NActiveTechTriggers,ttrigIncludeVector,ttrigExcludeVector); if(!keepEvent) continue; numEventsUsed++; // Loop over the EB crys and fill the map for(int bCluster=0; bCluster < treeVars_.nClusters; bCluster++) { if(treeVars_.xtalInBCIEta[bCluster][0] == -999999) continue; // skip EE clusters for(int cryInBC=0; cryInBC < treeVars_.nXtalsInCluster[bCluster]; cryInBC++) { int hashedIndex = treeVars_.xtalInBCHashedIndex[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryTime = treeVars_.xtalInBCTime[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryTimeError = treeVars_.xtalInBCTimeErr[bCluster][cryInBC]; float cryAmp = treeVars_.xtalInBCAmplitudeADC[bCluster][cryInBC]; //float cryEt = treeVars_.cryETEB_[cryIndex]; // not in the tree //SIC FEB 14,16 2011 - removed E/E9 // - spike cleaning done higher up float crySwissCrossNoise = treeVars_.xtalInBCSwissCross[bCluster][cryInBC]; float Ao = cryAmp/sigmaNoiseEB; float AoLog = log10(Ao/25); EBDetId det = EBDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); if(det==EBDetId()) // make sure DetId is valid continue; int ieta = det.ieta(); int iphi = det.iphi(); //XXX: RecHit cuts bool keepHit = cryAmp >= minAmpEB && crySwissCrossNoise < maxSwissCrossNoise && cryTime > minHitTimeEB && cryTime < maxHitTimeEB && AoLog > 0 && AoLog < 1.2; if(!keepHit) continue; //cout << "STUPID DEBUG: " << hashedIndex << " cryTime: " << cryTime << " cryTimeError: " << cryTimeError << " cryAmp: " << cryAmp << endl; // Timing correction to take out the energy dependence if log10(ampliOverSigOfThis/25) // is between 0 and 1.2 (about 1 and 13 GeV) // amplitude dependent timing corrections float timing = cryTime - timeCorrectionEB_->Eval(AoLog); //FIXME cryTimeError = 1; ebCryCalibs[hashedIndex]->insertEvent(cryAmp,timing,cryTimeError,false); //SIC Use when we don't have time_error available //ebCryCalibs[hashedIndex]->insertEvent(cryAmp,cryTime,35/(cryAmp/1.2),false); ampProfileEB->Fill(hashedIndex,cryAmp); ampProfileMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,cryAmp); //if(cryTime > 33 || cryTime < -33) // cout << "Crystal: " << det << " event time is over/underflow: " << cryTime << endl; } } } //create output text file ofstream fileStream; string fileName = fileNameBeg+".calibs.txt";; if(!fileStream.good() || !fileStream.is_open()) { cout << "Couldn't open text file." << endl; return -1; } //create problem channels text file ofstream fileStreamProb; string fileName2 = fileNameBeg+".problems.txt";; if(!fileStreamProb.good() || !fileStreamProb.is_open()) { cout << "Couldn't open text file." << endl; return -1; } // Create calibration container objects EcalTimeCalibConstants timeCalibConstants; EcalTimeCalibErrors timeCalibErrors; cout << "Using " << numEventsUsed << " out of " << nEntries << " in the tree." << endl; cout << "Creating calibs..." << endl; float cryCalibAvg = 0; int numCrysCalibrated = 0; vector<int> hashesToCalibrateToAvg; //Loop over all the crys for(int hashedIndex=0; hashedIndex < 61200; ++hashedIndex) { EBDetId det = EBDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); if(det==EBDetId()) continue; CrystalCalibration cryCalib = *(ebCryCalibs[hashedIndex]); int ieta = det.ieta(); int iphi = det.iphi(); //chiSquaredTotalHist->Fill(cryCalib.totalChi2); //expectedStatPresHistEB->Fill(sqrt(1/expectedPresSumEB)); //expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEB->Fill(sigmaM,sqrt(1/expectedPresSumEB)); //XXX: Filter events at default 0.5*meanE threshold cryCalib.filterOutliers(); //numPointsErasedHist->Fill(numPointsErased); //Write cryTimingHists vector<TimingEvent> times = cryCalib.timingEvents; for(vector<TimingEvent>::const_iterator timeItr = times.begin(); timeItr != times.end(); ++timeItr) { float weight = 1/((timeItr->sigmaTime)*(timeItr->sigmaTime)); cryTimingHistsEB[hashedIndex]->Fill(timeItr->time,weight); } cryDirEB->cd(); cryTimingHistsEB[hashedIndex]->Write(); outfile->cd(); hitsPerCryHistEB->SetBinContent(hashedIndex+1,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); hitsPerCryMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,cryCalib.timingEvents.size()); // Make timing calibs double p1 = cryCalib.mean; double p1err = cryCalib.meanE; //cout << "cry ieta: " << ieta << " cry iphi: " << iphi << " p1: " << p1 << " p1err: " << p1err << endl; if(cryCalib.timingEvents.size() < 10) { fileStreamProb << "Cry (only " << cryCalib.timingEvents.size() << " events) was calibrated to avg: " << ieta <<", " << iphi << ", hash: " << hashedIndex << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; hashesToCalibrateToAvg.push_back(hashedIndex); continue; } // Make it so we can add calib to reco time p1*=-1; if(p1err < 0.5 && p1err > 0) { fileStream << "EB\t" << hashedIndex << "\t" << p1 << "\t\t" << p1err << endl; calibHistEB->Fill(p1); //calibMapEEMFlip->Fill(y-85,x+1,p1); calibMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,p1); calibTTMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,p1); //calibMapEEMPhase->Fill(x+1,y-85,p1/25-floor(p1/25)); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Fill(times.size(),p1err); cryCalibAvg+=p1; ++numCrysCalibrated; //Store in timeCalibration container EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = p1; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = p1err; uint32_t rawId = EBDetId::unhashIndex(hashedIndex); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; } else { //std::cout << "Cry: " << ieta <<", " << iphi << ", hash: " << itr->first // << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; fileStreamProb << "Cry was calibrated to avg: " << ieta <<", " << iphi << ", hash: " << hashedIndex << "\t Calib: " << p1 << "\t Error: " << p1err << std::endl; hashesToCalibrateToAvg.push_back(hashedIndex); } //calibsVsErrorsEB->Fill(p1err, p1 > 0 ? p1 : -1*p1); calibErrorHistEB->Fill(p1err); calibErrorMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,p1err); sigmaHistEB->Fill(cryCalib.stdDev); sigmaMapEB->Fill(iphi,ieta,cryCalib.stdDev); } fileStream.close(); fileStreamProb.close(); // Calc average if(numCrysCalibrated > 0) cryCalibAvg/=numCrysCalibrated; cryCalibAvg-= 2.0833; // Global phase shift // calibrate uncalibratable crys for(vector<int>::const_iterator hashItr = hashesToCalibrateToAvg.begin(); hashItr != hashesToCalibrateToAvg.end(); ++hashItr) { //Store in timeCalibration container EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = cryCalibAvg; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = 999; uint32_t rawId = EBDetId::unhashIndex(*hashItr); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; } //Write XML files cout << "Writing XML files." << endl; EcalCondHeader header; header.method_="testmethod"; header.version_="testversion"; header.datasource_="testdata"; header.since_=123; header.tag_="testtag"; header.date_="Mar 24 1973"; string timeCalibFile = "EcalTimeCalibsEB.xml"; string timeCalibErrFile = "EcalTimeCalibErrorsEB.xml"; // Hack to prevent seg fault EcalTimeCalibConstant tcConstant = 0; EcalTimeCalibError tcError = 0; uint32_t rawId = EEDetId::unhashIndex(0); timeCalibConstants[rawId] = tcConstant; timeCalibErrors[rawId] = tcError; // End hack EcalTimeCalibConstantsXMLTranslator::writeXML(timeCalibFile,header,timeCalibConstants); EcalTimeCalibErrorsXMLTranslator::writeXML(timeCalibErrFile,header,timeCalibErrors); cout << "Writing histograms." << endl; outfile->cd(); calibHistEB->SetXTitle("timingCalib [ns]"); calibHistEB->Write(); sigmaHistEB->Write(); calibErrorHistEB->SetXTitle("uncertainty on mean [ns]"); calibErrorHistEB->Write(); //eventsEBHist->Write(); //can->Print("calibs1D.png"); //cout << "Writing calibVsErrors" << endl; //calibsVsErrors->SetYTitle("AbsCalibConst"); //calibsVsErrors->SetXTitle("calibConstError"); //calibsVsErrors->Write(); //cout << "Writing calibErrorHists" << endl; //calibErrorHistEB->Write(); //cout << "Writing calib maps" << endl; sigmaMapEB->Write(); calibMapEB->Write(); calibErrorMapEB->Write(); calibTTMapEB->Write(); //calibMapEBFlip->SetXTitle("ieta"); //calibMapEBFlip->SetYTitle("iphi"); //calibMapEBFlip->Write(); //calibMapEBPhase->SetXTitle("iphi"); //calibMapEBPhase->SetYTitle("ieta"); //calibMapEBPhase->Write(); //Move empty bins out of the way //int nxbins = calibMapEEM->GetNbinsX(); //int nybins = calibMapEEM->GetNbinsY(); //for(int i=0;i<=(nxbins+2)*(nybins+2); ++i) //{ // double binentsM = calibMapEEM->GetBinContent(i); // if(binentsM==0) // { // calibMapEEM->SetBinContent(i,-1000); // } // double binentsP = calibMapEEP->GetBinContent(i); // if(binentsP==0) // { // calibMapEEP->SetBinContent(i,-1000); // } //} //calibMapEEM->SetXTitle("ix"); //calibMapEEM->SetYTitle("iy"); //calibMapEEM->Write(); //calibMapEEP->SetXTitle("ix"); //calibMapEEP->SetYTitle("iy"); //calibMapEEP->Write(); //calibSigmaHist->SetXTitle("#sigma_{cryTime} [ns]"); //calibSigmaHist->Write(); // Old hist, commented Jun 15 2009 //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->SetXTitle("#sigma_{cryTime} [ns]"); //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->SetYTitle("Avg. amp. [adc]"); //avgAmpVsSigmaTHist->Write(); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->SetXTitle("Events"); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->SetYTitle("Error_on_mean [ns]"); //TProfile* theProf = (TProfile*) errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->ProfileX(); //TF1* myFit = new TF1("myFit","[0]/sqrt(x)+[1]",0,50); //myFit->SetRange(0,50); ////theProf->Fit("myFit"); //theProf->Write(); //errorOnMeanVsNumEvtsHist->Write(); // //chiSquaredEachEventHist->Write(); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->SetXTitle("amplitude [ADC]"); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->SetYTitle("#Chi^{2}"); //chiSquaredVsAmpEachEventHist->Write(); //chiSquaredHighMap->SetXTitle("iphi"); //chiSquaredHighMap->SetYTitle("ieta"); //chiSquaredHighMap->Write(); //chiSquaredTotalHist->Write(); //chiSquaredSingleOverTotalHist->Write(); expectedStatPresHistEB->Write(); expectedStatPresVsObservedMeanErrHistEB->Write(); expectedStatPresEachEventHistEB->Write(); //ampEachEventHist->Write(); //numPointsErasedHist->Write(); //calibMapEtaAvgEB->SetXTitle("i#phi"); //calibMapEtaAvgEB->SetYTitle("i#eta"); //calibMapEtaAvgEB->Write(); //calibHistEtaAvgEB->Write(); hitsPerCryHistEB->Write(); hitsPerCryMapEB->Write(); ampProfileMapEB->Write(); ampProfileEB->Write(); //cout << "All done! Close input." << endl; //f->Close(); //cout << "Close output and quit!" << endl; outfile->Close(); cout << "done." << endl; }
void ecaltree::Loop(const char* outputfilename) { // In a ROOT session, you can do: // Root > .L ecaltree.C // Root > ecaltree t // Root > t.GetEntry(12); // Fill t data members with entry number 12 // Root > t.Show(); // Show values of entry 12 // Root > t.Show(16); // Read and show values of entry 16 // Root > t.Loop(); // Loop on all entries // // This is the loop skeleton where: // jentry is the global entry number in the chain // ientry is the entry number in the current Tree // Note that the argument to GetEntry must be: // jentry for TChain::GetEntry // ientry for TTree::GetEntry and TBranch::GetEntry // // To read only selected branches, Insert statements like: // METHOD1: // fChain->SetBranchStatus("*",0); // disable all branches // fChain->SetBranchStatus("branchname",1); // activate branchname // METHOD2: replace line // fChain->GetEntry(jentry); //read all branches //by b_branchname->GetEntry(ientry); //read only this branch if (fChain == 0) return; std::cout << "Output file is " << outputfilename << std::endl; #if ANALYSIS == 1 TFile *fileo = TFile::Open(outputfilename,"recreate"); // correlation plots TH2D *timesCorr_EB = new TH2D("timesCorr_EB","",1000,-10,10,1000,-10,10); TH2D *timesCorr_EE = new TH2D("timesCorr_EE","",1000,-25,25,1000,-25,25); TH2D *time1EnergyCorr_EB = new TH2D("time1EnergyCorr_EB","",1000,-10,10,1000,0,200); TH2D *time1EnergyCorr_EE = new TH2D("time1EnergyCorr_EE","",1000,-50,50,1000,0,200); TH2D *time2EnergyCorr_EB = new TH2D("time2EnergyCorr_EB","",1000,-10,10,1000,0,200); TH2D *time2EnergyCorr_EE = new TH2D("time2EnergyCorr_EE","",1000,-50,50,1000,0,200); // time ratio vs eta, ET, chi2 TProfile *timeRatioVsEta = new TProfile("timeRatioVsEta","",100,0,3.0); TProfile *timeRatioVsE_EB = new TProfile("timeRatioVsE_EB","",20,0.0,200.); TProfile *timeRatioVsE_EE = (TProfile*)timeRatioVsE_EB->Clone("timeRatioVsE_EE"); TProfile *timeRatioVsChi2_EB = new TProfile("timeRatioVsChi2_EB","",50,0.0,30.); TProfile *timeRatioVsChi2_EE = (TProfile*)timeRatioVsChi2_EB->Clone("timeRatioVsChi2_EE"); // time with weights for different slices of times with ratio double t_window=5.0; // ns TH1F *time_0_EB = new TH1F("time_0_EB","",1000,-75,75); TH1F *time_p1_EB = new TH1F("time_p1_EB","",1000,-50,100); TH1F *time_p2_EB = new TH1F("time_p2_EB","",1000,-25,125); TH1F *time_m1_EB = new TH1F("time_m1_EB","",1000,-100,50); TH1F *time_m2_EB = new TH1F("time_m2_EB","",1000,-125,25); TH1F *time_0_EE = new TH1F("time_0_EE","",1000,-75,75); TH1F *time_p1_EE = new TH1F("time_p1_EE","",1000,-50,100); TH1F *time_p2_EE = new TH1F("time_p2_EE","",1000,-25,125); TH1F *time_m1_EE = new TH1F("time_m1_EE","",1000,-100,50); TH1F *time_m2_EE = new TH1F("time_m2_EE","",1000,-125,25); std::vector<TH1F*> time1Dplots; time1Dplots.push_back(time_0_EB); time1Dplots.push_back(time_p1_EB); time1Dplots.push_back(time_p2_EB); time1Dplots.push_back(time_m1_EB); time1Dplots.push_back(time_m2_EB); time1Dplots.push_back(time_0_EE); time1Dplots.push_back(time_p1_EE); time1Dplots.push_back(time_p2_EE); time1Dplots.push_back(time_m1_EE); time1Dplots.push_back(time_m2_EE); Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntries(); std::cout << "Total entries = " << nentries << std::endl; Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue; if(jentry % 1000 == 0) std::cout << "Processing entry " << jentry << std::endl; // barrel for(int h=0;h<std::min(nEBRecHits,10000);++h) { double r=timeEBRecHits2[h]-timeEBRecHits[h]; if(energyEBRecHits[h]>10) { timesCorr_EB->Fill(timeEBRecHits[h],timeEBRecHits2[h]); timeRatioVsEta->Fill(etaEBRecHits[h],r); timeRatioVsChi2_EB->Fill(chi2EBRecHits[h],r); if(abs(timeEBRecHits[h])<t_window) time_0_EB->Fill(timeEBRecHits2[h]); if(abs(timeEBRecHits[h]-25.)<t_window) time_p1_EB->Fill(timeEBRecHits2[h]); if(abs(timeEBRecHits[h]-50.)<t_window) time_p2_EB->Fill(timeEBRecHits2[h]); if(abs(timeEBRecHits[h]+25.)<t_window) time_m1_EB->Fill(timeEBRecHits2[h]); if(abs(timeEBRecHits[h]+50.)<t_window) time_m2_EB->Fill(timeEBRecHits2[h]); } time1EnergyCorr_EB->Fill(timeEBRecHits[h],energyEBRecHits[h]); time2EnergyCorr_EB->Fill(timeEBRecHits2[h],energyEBRecHits[h]); timeRatioVsE_EB->Fill(energyEBRecHits[h],r); } // endcap for(int h=0;h<std::min(nEERecHits,10000);++h) { double r=timeEERecHits2[h]-timeEERecHits[h]; if(energyEERecHits[h]>10) { timesCorr_EE->Fill(timeEERecHits[h],timeEERecHits2[h]); timeRatioVsEta->Fill(etaEERecHits[h],r); timeRatioVsChi2_EE->Fill(chi2EERecHits[h],r); if(abs(timeEERecHits[h])<t_window) time_0_EE->Fill(timeEERecHits2[h]); if(abs(timeEERecHits[h]-25.)<t_window) time_p1_EE->Fill(timeEERecHits2[h]); if(abs(timeEERecHits[h]-50.)<t_window) time_p2_EE->Fill(timeEERecHits2[h]); if(abs(timeEERecHits[h]+25.)<t_window) time_m1_EE->Fill(timeEERecHits2[h]); if(abs(timeEERecHits[h]+50.)<t_window) time_m2_EE->Fill(timeEERecHits2[h]); } time1EnergyCorr_EE->Fill(timeEERecHits[h],energyEERecHits[h]); time2EnergyCorr_EE->Fill(timeEERecHits2[h],energyEERecHits[h]); timeRatioVsE_EE->Fill(energyEERecHits[h],r); } } // event loop timeRatioVsEta->Write(); timesCorr_EB->Write(); time1EnergyCorr_EB->Write(); time2EnergyCorr_EB->Write(); timeRatioVsChi2_EB->Write(); timeRatioVsE_EB->Write(); timesCorr_EE->Write(); time1EnergyCorr_EE->Write(); time2EnergyCorr_EE->Write(); timeRatioVsChi2_EE->Write(); timeRatioVsE_EE->Write(); for(int i=0; i<(int) time1Dplots.size(); ++i) time1Dplots[i]->Write(); fileo->Close(); #endif #if ANALYSIS == 2 ofstream txtfile;,std::ios::trunc); Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntries(); std::cout << "Total entries = " << nentries << std::endl; Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if(jentry%1000==0) std::cout << "Processing entry " << jentry << "..." << std::endl; for(int h=0; h<std::min(nEERecHits,10000); ++h) { if(energyEERecHits[h]>5.0) txtfile << eventNumber << "\t" << ixEERecHits[h] << "\t" << iyEERecHits[h] << "\t" << nTruePU[12] << "\t" // the bx = 0 << energyEERecHits[h] << "\t" << timeEERecHits[h] << "\t" << chi2EERecHits[h] << "\t" << ootenergyEERecHits[h] << std::endl; } // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue; } txtfile.close(); #endif }
void striptree(TString fileName="", Int_t nAPVs=4) { //=========================================================================== // Change the inputs //=========================================================================== //TString fileName = "Raw_Data_July1_Ped_300V"; //TString fileName = "Raw_Data_July1_Source_300V"; //TString fileName = "Raw_Data_July1_Ped_200V"; //TString fileName = "Raw_Data_Pedestal_300V"; // TString fileName = "Raw_Data_Source_300V"; // TString fileName = "Raw_Data_Sept_3_1"; // TString fileName = "Raw_Data_test_3_7"; // TString fileName = "Raw_Data_Albox_2011_03_31_1"; //-- TString fileName = "Raw_Data_04_01_AL_center_1"; // TString fileName = "Raw_Data_04_01_AL_7820_1"; //-- TString fileName = "Raw_Data_7817_04_01_1"; // TString fileName = "Raw_Data_7817_04_01_bkg_1"; //int nAPVs = 4; //TString fileName = "Raw_Data_July1_Source_200V"; //int nAPVs = 1; int nEvents = -1; // -1 means all TString dat = fileName; TString eps = fileName + "-events.eps"; TString root = fileName + "-events.root"; TFile* file = new TFile(root, "RECREATE"); //=========================================================================== // Read the data and make a 2D scatter plot //=========================================================================== ifstream in(dat); if (!in) { cout<< "File " << dat << " not found" <<endl; return; } TString comments = "vertical --> APV0, APV1, ... of event 1, ..."; TString s; while (1) { s.ReadLine(in); if (s.BeginsWith(comments)) break; } gStyle->SetOptStat(10); TString title = fileName+" ADC Counts vs Channel"; TString title32 = fileName+" ADC Counts vs Channel for 32 ch"; TH2D *h2d = new TH2D("h2d", title.Data(), nAPVs*128, 0, nAPVs*128, 200, 0, 200); TH2D *h2d32 = new TH2D("h2d32", title.Data(), 16, 0, 16, 200, 0, 200); TProfile *profile = new TProfile("profile", title32.Data(), nAPVs*128, 0, nAPVs*128); int event, apv, channel, adc; // TTree* tree = new TTree("tree", "tree"); // tree->Branch("event", &event, "event/I"); // tree->Branch("apv", &apv, "apv/I"); // tree->Branch("channel", &channel, "channel/I"); // tree->Branch("adc", &adc, "adc/I"); Int_t raw[512]; TTree* etree = new TTree("etree", "etree"); etree->Branch("raw", &raw, "raw[512]/I"); // etree->Draw("raw:Iteration$","Entry$==0") etree->SetMarkerStyle(6); etree->SetMarkerColor(2); int n = 0; while (1) { in >> s; if (!in.good()) break; if (s.BeginsWith("]DATA]")) // last line break; n++; if ((nEvents != -1) && (n > nEvents)) break; event = atoi(s.Data()); if (event%100 == 0) cout << "Processing event " << event << endl; for (int i=0; i<2; i++) in >> s; // time Int_t ichannel = 0; for (apv=1; apv<=nAPVs; apv++) { in >> s; // header + analog APV data + one tick mark int sequenceNumber = 0; TString subString = ""; int length = s.Length(); for (int j=0; j<length; j++) { char c = s[j]; if (c != ',') { subString += c; } else { if (sequenceNumber >= 12) { channel = sequenceNumber - 12; adc = atoi(subString.Data()); h2d->Fill((apv - 1) * 128 + channel + 0.5, adc); h2d32->Fill(((apv - 1) * 128 + channel)/32 + 0.5, adc); profile->Fill((apv - 1) * 128 + channel + 0.5, adc); //tree->Fill(); raw[ichannel] = adc; ++ichannel; } subString = ""; sequenceNumber++; } } } etree->Fill(); } in.close(); TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas; canvas->Divide(1,2); canvas->cd(); canvas->cd(1); h2d->Draw(); canvas->cd(2); profile->Draw(); canvas->SaveAs(eps); // //-- TFile file(root, "RECREATE"); // h2d->Write(); // profile->Write(); // tree->Write(); // //file.Close(); cout<< "\nWrite " << etree->GetEntries() << " of tree " << etree->GetName() << " into file " << file->GetName() <<endl; cout<< "To plot strip content use e.g. etree->Draw(\"raw:Iteration$\",\"Entry$==0\")" <<endl; file->Write(); }
void Analyze(const TString mode="CLOSED", UShort_t maxH=6, Bool_t /*doLoops*/=false, Int_t ifile=0 ) { #ifdef __CINT__ gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/Types.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/Result.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/QVector.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/recursive/FromQVector.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/recurrence/FromQVector.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/closed/FromQVector.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/test/ReadData.hh++"); #endif // --- Setup of harmonics, etc ------------------------------------- gRandom->SetSeed(54321); UShort_t emode = 0; if (mode.EqualTo("closed", TString::kIgnoreCase)) emode = 0; else if (mode.EqualTo("recurrence", TString::kIgnoreCase)) emode = 1; else if (mode.EqualTo("recursive", TString::kIgnoreCase)) emode = 2; else Warning("Analyze", "Mode %s unknown, assuming CLOSED", mode.Data()); correlations::QVector q[nbin]; correlations::FromQVector* c[nbin]; correlations::HarmonicVector h(maxH); for (UShort_t i = 0; i < maxH; i++) { // Generate random harmonicx // h[i] = -6 + gRandom->Integer(12); h[0] = 2; h[1] = -2; h[2] = 2; h[3] = -2; h[4] = 2; h[5] = -2; h[6] = -2; h[7] = 2; // Printf("h_%d:\t%d", i, h[i]); } // Resize the Q-vector to fit the harmonics for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++){ q[ibin] = correlations::QVector(0,0,false); q[ibin].resize(h); switch (emode) { case 0: c[ibin] = new correlations::closed::FromQVector(q[ibin]); break; case 1: c[ibin] = new correlations::recurrence::FromQVector(q[ibin]); break; case 2: c[ibin] = new correlations::recursive::FromQVector(q[ibin]); break; } } //Printf("Correlator: %s", c->name()); // --- Some histograms --------------------------------------------- TH1* sumreals[nbin]; TH1* sumimags[nbin]; TH1* weights[nbin]; TVectorD tottrk; TVectorD Nevent; tottrk.ResizeTo(nbin); tottrk.Zero(); Nevent.ResizeTo(nbin); Nevent.Zero(); //TH1* reals = new TH1D("reals", "Re(C{n})", maxH-2+1, 2+.5, maxH+1+.5); //TH1* imags = static_cast<TH1*>(reals->Clone("imags")); for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++){ sumreals[ibin] = new TH1D(Form("sumreals_%d",ibin), "Re(C{n})", maxH-2+1, 2+.5, maxH+1+.5); sumimags[ibin] = static_cast<TH1*>(sumreals[ibin]->Clone(Form("sumimags_%d",ibin))); weights[ibin] = static_cast<TH1*>(sumreals[ibin]->Clone(Form("weights_%d",ibin))); } TProfile* timing = new TProfile("timing", "Timing", maxH-2+1, 2+.5,maxH+1+.5); TH1* hs = new TH1I("harmonics", "Harmonics", maxH, 1.5, maxH+1.5); /*reals->SetFillColor(kGreen+1); reals->SetFillStyle(3001); reals->SetStats(0); imags->SetTitle("Im(C{n})"); imags->SetFillColor(kBlue+1); imags->SetFillStyle(3001); imags->SetStats(0); timing->SetFillColor(kRed+1); timing->SetFillStyle(3001); timing->SetStats(0); hs->SetFillColor(kMagenta+1); hs->SetFillStyle(3001); hs->SetStats(0);*/ for (UShort_t i = 0; i < maxH-1; i++) { TString label = TString::Format("C{%d}", i+2); // reals->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, label); // imags->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, label); timing->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, label); hs->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1,Form("h_{%d}", i+1)); hs->SetBinContent(i+1, h[i]); } hs->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(maxH,Form("h_{%d}", maxH)); hs->SetBinContent(maxH, h[maxH-1]); TStopwatch timer; // --- Setup input ------------------------------------------------ TFile* file = TFile::Open(Form("%s/vndata_50k_%d.root",dir.Data(),ifile), "READ"); TTree* tree = static_cast<TTree*>(file->Get("tree")); // TArrayD phis(0); Int_t M; Float_t phi[10000],pt[10000],eta[10000]; // TArrayD weights(0); // Double_t phiR = 0; // TArrayD* pPhis = &phis; // TArrayD* pWeights = &weights; tree->SetBranchAddress("phig", phi); tree->SetBranchAddress("ptg",pt); tree->SetBranchAddress("etag",eta); tree->SetBranchAddress("n", &M); // tree->SetBranchAddress("weight", &pWeights); // tree->SetBranchAddress("event", &phiR); // --- The results ------------------------------------------------- const UShort_t nQ = maxH - 1; correlations::ResultVector qs[nbin]; for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++) qs[ibin] = correlations::ResultVector(nQ); // --- Event loop -------------------------------------------------- Int_t nEvents = tree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t event = 0; event < nEvents; event++) { tree->GetEntry(event); int ntrk = M; int xbin=-1; for(int j=0;j<nbin;j++) if(ntrk<trkbin[j]&&ntrk>=trkbin[j+1]) xbin=j; if(xbin<0 || xbin==nbin) continue; tottrk[xbin]+=ntrk; q[xbin].reset(); // printf("Event # %4u %4d particles ", event++, phis.GetSize()); for (UShort_t pa = 0; pa < M; pa++){ if(fabs(eta[pa])>etamax) continue; if(pt[pa]<ptmin||pt[pa]>ptmax) continue; //event selection // phis.Set(n,pPhis); q[xbin].fill(phi[pa], 1.); } for (UShort_t i = 0; i < nQ; i++) { UShort_t n = i + 2; // printf("%s%d", i == 0 ? "" : "..", n); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); qs[xbin][i] += c[xbin]->calculate(n, h); timer.Stop(); timing->Fill(n+.5, timer.RealTime()); } // printf(" done\n"); Nevent[xbin]++; } file->Close(); for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++){ for (UShort_t i = 0; i < nQ; i++) { // UShort_t iq = i+2; // Double_t t = timing->GetBinContent(i+1); // correlations::Complex rc = qs[i].eval(); // Printf("QC{%2d}: %12g + %12gi <t>: %10gs", // iq, rc.real(), rc.imag(), t); // if(i==0)Printf("v2{%2d}: %3g\n",2,sqrt(qs[0].eval().real())); // if(i==2)Printf("v2{%2d}: %3g\n",4,TMath::Power(fabs(qs[2].eval().real()),1./4)); // if(i==4)Printf("v2{%2d}: %3g\n",6,TMath::Power(fabs(qs[4].eval().real()),1./6)); sumreals[ibin]->SetBinContent(i+1,qs[ibin][i]._sum.real()); sumimags[ibin]->SetBinContent(i+1,qs[ibin][i]._sum.imag()); weights[ibin]->SetBinContent(i+1,qs[ibin][i]._weights); //reals->SetBinContent(i+1, rc.real()); //imags->SetBinContent(i+1, rc.imag()); } } /* TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("C", "C"); can->SetTopMargin(0.15); can->SetBottomMargin(0.15); can->SetRightMargin(0.03); can->Divide(1,3, 0, 0); DrawInPad(can, 3, timing, true); DrawInPad(can, 1, reals); DrawInPad(can, 2, imags); can->cd(0); TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(0.5,0.995,c->name()); ltx->SetNDC(true); ltx->SetTextAlign(23); ltx->SetTextSize(0.04); ltx->Draw(); can->Modified(); can->Update(); can->cd(); */ TString out(mode); out.ToLower(); file = TFile::Open(Form("%s/%s_%d.root",outdir.Data(),out.Data(),ifile), "RECREATE"); for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++){ sumimags[ibin]->Write(); sumreals[ibin]->Write(); weights[ibin]->Write(); } Nevent.Write("Nevent"); tottrk.Write("tottrk"); timing->Write(); hs->Write(); file->Write(); file->Close(); for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++){ delete sumimags[ibin]; delete sumreals[ibin]; delete weights[ibin]; } delete timing; delete hs; }