예제 #1
TDMConfShutdown::TDMConfShutdown( int _uid, dpySpec *sess, int type, const char *os,
                                  TQWidget *_parent )
	: inherited( _uid, _parent )
#ifdef HAVE_VTS
	if (type == SHUT_CONSOLE)
		willShut = false;
	box->addWidget( new TQLabel( TQString( "<qt><center><b><nobr>"
	                                     "</nobr></b></center><br></qt>" )
	                            .arg( (type == SHUT_HALT) ?
	                                  i18n("Turn Off Computer") :
#ifdef HAVE_VTS
	                                  (type == SHUT_CONSOLE) ?
	                                  i18n("Switch to Console") :
	                                  i18n("Restart Computer") )
	                            .arg( os ?
	                                  i18n("<br>(Next boot: %1)")
	                                  .arg( TQString::fromLocal8Bit( os ) ) :
	                                  TQString() ),
	                            this ) );

	if (sess) {
		if (willShut && _scheduledSd != SHUT_NEVER)
			maySched = true;
		mayNuke = doesNuke = true;
		if (_allowNuke == SHUT_NONE)
			mayOk = false;
		TQLabel *lab = new TQLabel( mayOk ?
		                          i18n("Abort active sessions:") :
		                          i18n("No permission to abort active sessions:"),
		                          this );
		box->addWidget( lab );
		TQListView *lv = new TQListView( this );
		lv->setSelectionMode( TQListView::NoSelection );
		lv->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
		lv->header()->setResizeEnabled( false );
		lv->addColumn( i18n("Session") );
		lv->addColumn( i18n("Location") );
		TQListViewItem *itm;
		int ns = 0;
		TQString user, loc;
		do {
			decodeSess( sess, user, loc );
			itm = new TQListViewItem( lv, user, loc );
			sess = sess->next, ns++;
		} while (sess);
		int fw = lv->frameWidth() * 2;
		lv->setFixedHeight( fw + lv->header()->height() +
			itm->height() * (ns < 3 ? 3 : ns > 10 ? 10 : ns) );
		box->addWidget( lv );
		complete( lv );
	} else
		complete( 0 );