예제 #1
/* search connections between tracks and pads and propagate pad net codes to the track
 * segments.
 * Pads netcodes are assumed to be up to date.
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::RecalculateAllTracksNetcode()
    // Build the net info list

    // Reset variables and flags used in computation
    for( TRACK* t = m_Pcb->m_Track;  t;  t = t->Next() )
        t->start = NULL;
        t->end = NULL;
        t->SetState( BUSY | IN_EDIT | BEGIN_ONPAD | END_ONPAD, false );
        t->SetZoneSubNet( 0 );
        t->SetNetCode( NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED );

    // If no pad, reset pointers and netcode, and do nothing else
    if( m_Pcb->GetPadCount() == 0 )

    CONNECTIONS connections( m_Pcb );

    // First pass: build connections between track segments and pads.

    // For tracks connected to at least one pad,
    // set the track net code to the pad netcode
    for( TRACK* t = m_Pcb->m_Track;  t;  t = t->Next() )
        if( t->m_PadsConnected.size() )
            t->SetNetCode( t->m_PadsConnected[0]->GetNetCode() );

    // Pass 2: build connections between track ends
    for( TRACK* t = m_Pcb->m_Track;  t;  t = t->Next() )
        connections.SearchConnectedTracks( t );
        connections.GetConnectedTracks( t );

    // Propagate net codes from a segment to other connected segments
    bool new_pass_request = true;   // set to true if a track has its netcode changed from 0
                                    // to a known netcode to re-evaluate netcodes
                                    // of connected items
    while( new_pass_request )
        new_pass_request = false;

        for( TRACK* t = m_Pcb->m_Track;  t;  t = t->Next() )
            int netcode = t->GetNetCode();

            if( netcode == 0 )
                // try to find a connected item having a netcode
                for( unsigned kk = 0; kk < t->m_TracksConnected.size(); kk++ )
                    int altnetcode = t->m_TracksConnected[kk]->GetNetCode();
                    if( altnetcode )
                        new_pass_request = true;
                        netcode = altnetcode;

            if( netcode )    // this track has a netcode
                // propagate this netcode to connected tracks having no netcode
                for( unsigned kk = 0; kk < t->m_TracksConnected.size(); kk++ )
                    int altnetcode = t->m_TracksConnected[kk]->GetNetCode();
                    if( altnetcode == 0 )
                        new_pass_request = true;

    // Sort the track list by net codes:
    RebuildTrackChain( m_Pcb );
 * Function Test_Connection_To_Copper_Areas
 * init .m_ZoneSubnet parameter in tracks and pads according to the connections to areas found
 * @param aNetcode = netcode to analyse. if -1, analyse all nets
void BOARD::Test_Connections_To_Copper_Areas( int aNetcode )
    // list of pads and tracks candidates on this layer and on this net.
    // It is static to avoid multiple memory realloc.
    static std::vector <BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM*> candidates;

    // clear .m_ZoneSubnet parameter for pads
    for( MODULE* module = m_Modules;  module;  module = module->Next() )
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads();  pad;  pad = pad->Next() )
            if( aNetcode < 0 || aNetcode == pad->GetNetCode() )
                pad->SetZoneSubNet( 0 );

    // clear .m_ZoneSubnet parameter for tracks and vias
    for( TRACK* track = m_Track;  track;  track = track->Next() )
        if( aNetcode < 0 || aNetcode == track->GetNetCode() )
            track->SetZoneSubNet( 0 );

    // examine all zones, net by net:
    int subnet = 0;

    // Build zones candidates list
    std::vector<ZONE_CONTAINER*> zones_candidates;

    zones_candidates.reserve( GetAreaCount() );

    for( int index = 0; index < GetAreaCount(); index++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetArea( index );

        if( !zone->IsOnCopperLayer() )

        if( aNetcode >= 0 &&  aNetcode != zone->GetNetCode() )

        if( zone->GetFilledPolysList().GetCornersCount() == 0 )

        zones_candidates.push_back( zone );

    // sort them by netcode then vertices count.
    // For a given net, examine the smaller zones first slightly speed up calculation
    // (25% faster)
    // this is only noticeable with very large boards and depends on board zones topology
    // This is due to the fact some items are connected by small zones ares,
    // before examining large zones areas and these items are not tested after a connection is found
    sort( zones_candidates.begin(), zones_candidates.end(), sort_areas );

    int oldnetcode = -1;
    for( unsigned idx = 0; idx < zones_candidates.size(); idx++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = zones_candidates[idx];

        int netcode = zone->GetNetCode();

        // Build a list of candidates connected to the net:
        // At this point, layers are not considered, because areas on different layers can
        // be connected by a via or a pad.
        // (because zones are sorted by netcode, there is made only once per net)
        NETINFO_ITEM* net = FindNet( netcode );

        wxASSERT( net );
        if( net == NULL )

        if( oldnetcode != netcode )
            oldnetcode = netcode;

            // Build the list of pads candidates connected to the net:
            candidates.reserve( net->m_PadInNetList.size() );

            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < net->m_PadInNetList.size(); ii++ )
                candidates.push_back( net->m_PadInNetList[ii] );

            // Build the list of track candidates connected to the net:
            TRACK* track = m_Track.GetFirst()->GetStartNetCode( netcode );

            for( ; track; track = track->Next() )
                if( track->GetNetCode() != netcode )

                candidates.push_back( track );

        // test if a candidate is inside a filled area of this zone
        unsigned indexstart = 0, indexend;
        const CPOLYGONS_LIST& polysList = zone->GetFilledPolysList();

        for( indexend = 0; indexend < polysList.GetCornersCount(); indexend++ )
            // end of a filled sub-area found
            if( polysList.IsEndContour( indexend ) )
                EDA_RECT bbox = zone->CalculateSubAreaBoundaryBox( indexstart, indexend );

                for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < candidates.size(); ic++ )
                    // test if this area is connected to a board item:
                    BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* item = candidates[ic];

                    if( item->GetZoneSubNet() == subnet )   // Already merged

                   if( !item->IsOnLayer( zone->GetLayer() ) )

                    wxPoint pos1, pos2;

                    if( item->Type() == PCB_PAD_T )
                        // For pads we use the shape position instead of
                        // the pad position, because the zones are connected
                        // to the center of the shape, not the pad position
                        // (this is important for pads with thermal relief)
                        pos1 = pos2 = ( (D_PAD*) item )->ShapePos();
                    else if( item->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
                        const VIA *via = static_cast<const VIA*>( item );
                        pos1 = via->GetStart();
                        pos2 = pos1;
                    else if( item->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T )
                        const TRACK *trk = static_cast<const TRACK*>( item );
                        pos1 = trk->GetStart();
                        pos2 = trk->GetEnd();

                    bool connected = false;

                    if( bbox.Contains( pos1 ) )
                        if( TestPointInsidePolygon( polysList, indexstart,
                                                    indexend, pos1.x, pos1.y ) )
                            connected = true;
                    if( !connected && (pos1 != pos2 ) )
                        if( bbox.Contains( pos2 ) )
                            if( TestPointInsidePolygon( polysList,
                                                        indexstart, indexend,
                                                        pos2.x, pos2.y ) )
                                connected = true;

                    if( connected )
                        // Set ZoneSubnet to the current subnet value.
                        // If the previous subnet is not 0, merge all items with old subnet
                        // to the new one
                        int old_subnet = item->GetZoneSubNet();
                        item->SetZoneSubNet( subnet );

                        // Merge previous subnet with the current
                        if( (old_subnet > 0) && (old_subnet != subnet) )
                            for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < candidates.size(); jj++ )
                                BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* item_to_merge = candidates[jj];

                                if( old_subnet == item_to_merge->GetZoneSubNet() )
                                    item_to_merge->SetZoneSubNet( subnet );
                        }   // End if ( old_subnet > 0 )
                    }       // End if( connected )

                // End test candidates for the current filled area
                indexstart = indexend + 1;  // prepare test next area, starting at indexend+1
                                            // (if exists).  End read one area in
                                            // zone->m_FilledPolysList
        } // End read all segments in zone
    } // End read all zones candidates