예제 #1
int VAISNAVADAY::GetFestivalClass(TString &str)
	int i, j, val;

	i = str.Find("[c");

	if (i >= 0)
//		i += 2;
		if ((i + 2) < str.GetLength())
			val = int(str.GetAt(i+2) - '0');
			j = str.Find("]", i);
			if (j >= str.GetLength())
				j = str.GetLength();
			if (j > i)
				str.Delete(i, j - i + 1);
			if (val < 0 || val > 6)
				return -1;
			return val;
			return -1;
		return -1;

예제 #2
Bool TLString::ReadNextFloatArray(const TString& String,u32& CharIndex,float* pFloats,u32 FloatSize,Bool ReturnInvalidFloatZero)
	//	loop through parsing seperators and floats
	u32 FloatIndex = 0;
	while ( FloatIndex < FloatSize )
		//	step over whitespace
		s32 NonWhitespaceIndex = String.GetCharIndexNonWhitespace( CharIndex );

		//	no more non-whitespace? no more floats then
		if ( NonWhitespaceIndex == -1 )
			return FALSE;

		//	move char past whitespace
		CharIndex = (u32)NonWhitespaceIndex;

		s32 NextComma = String.GetCharIndex(',', CharIndex);
		s32 NextWhitespace = String.GetCharIndexWhitespace( CharIndex );
		s32 NextSplit = String.GetLength();

		if ( NextComma != -1 && NextComma < NextSplit )
			NextSplit = NextComma;
		if ( NextWhitespace != -1 && NextWhitespace < NextSplit )
			NextSplit = NextWhitespace;

		//	split
		TTempString Stringf;
		Stringf.Append( String, CharIndex, NextSplit-CharIndex );
		if ( !Stringf.GetFloat( pFloats[FloatIndex] ) )
			//	gr: this is a work around when processing floats but encounter invalid floats in strings... say 1.1e07 (invalid floats from outputter)
			if ( ReturnInvalidFloatZero )
				pFloats[FloatIndex] = 0.f;
				TLDebug_Break("Failed to parse first float");
				return FALSE;

		//	next float

		//	move string along past split
		CharIndex = NextSplit+1;

		//	out of string
		if ( CharIndex >= String.GetLength() )
			CharIndex = String.GetLength();

	return TRUE;
예제 #3
파일: Bot.cpp 프로젝트: slashbmp/bmpbot-v7
static enum v7_err jsBotSay(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
	long argc = v7_argc(v7);
	if (argc == 0) {
		return V7_OK;
	v7_val_t v = v7_arg(v7, 0);
	if (!v7_is_string(v)) {
		return V7_OK;
	TString str = (const char*)v7_to_cstring(v7, &v);
	TString font;
	if (argc >= 2) {
		v7_val_t fontt = v7_arg(v7, 1);
		if (!v7_is_null(fontt) && !v7_is_undefined(fontt)) font = (const char*)v7_to_cstring(v7, &fontt);
	int size = 0;
	if (argc >= 3) {
		v7_val_t sizee = v7_arg(v7, 2);
		if (v7_is_number(sizee)) size = floor(v7_to_number(sizee));
		if (size < 10) size = 10;
	TString col;
	if (argc >= 4) {
		v7_val_t coll = v7_arg(v7, 3);
		if (v7_is_string(coll)) col = (const char*)v7_to_cstring(v7, &coll);
		if (col.GetAt(0) != L'#' || col.GetLength() != 7) col = L"";
	_activeBot->say(str, font, size, col);
	return V7_OK;
예제 #4
파일: TFile.cpp 프로젝트: gopa810/gcal-cpp
int TFile::ReadString(TString &str)
	int rp;

	if (feof(m_fHandle))
		return 0;

	str = "";

	while(rp = fgetc(m_fHandle), !feof(m_fHandle))
		if (rp == 0x0a || rp == 0x0d)
			if (m_cend == -1)
				m_cend = rp;
			if (m_cend == rp)
			str += char(rp);

	if (feof(m_fHandle))
		return 0;

	return str.GetLength();
예제 #5
void VAISNAVADAY::GetFastingSubject(TString &strFest, int &nFast, TString &strFastSubj)
	int nf, nf2;

	// default values
	nFast = 0;

	// finding fast subject
	nf = strFest.Find("[f:");
	if (nf >= 0 && nf < strFest.GetLength())
		// ziskava typ postu
		nFast = strFest.GetAt(nf+3) - '0';
		nf2 = strFest.Find("]", nf);
		if (nf2 >= 0)
			strFest.Mid(nf + 5, nf2 - nf - 5, strFastSubj);
		strFest.Delete(nf, strFest.GetLength() - nf);
예제 #6
Bool TLString::ReadNextInteger(const TString& String,u32& CharIndex,s32& Integer)
	//	step over whitespace
	s32 NonWhitespaceIndex = String.GetCharIndexNonWhitespace( CharIndex );

	//	no more non-whitespace? no more data then
	if ( NonWhitespaceIndex == -1 )
		return FALSE;

	//	move char past whitespace
	CharIndex = (u32)NonWhitespaceIndex;

	s32 NextComma = String.GetCharIndex(',', CharIndex);
	s32 NextWhitespace = String.GetCharIndexWhitespace( CharIndex );
	s32 NextSplit = String.GetLength();

	if ( NextComma != -1 && NextComma < NextSplit )
		NextSplit = NextComma;
	if ( NextWhitespace != -1 && NextWhitespace < NextSplit )
		NextSplit = NextWhitespace;

	//	split
	TTempString StringValue;
	StringValue.Append( String, CharIndex, NextSplit-CharIndex );
	if ( !StringValue.GetInteger( Integer ) )
		TLDebug_Break("Failed to parse integer from string");
		return FALSE;

	//	move string along past split
	CharIndex = NextSplit+1;

	//	out of string
	if ( CharIndex >= String.GetLength() )
		CharIndex = String.GetLength();

	return TRUE;
예제 #7
파일: Bot.cpp 프로젝트: slashbmp/bmpbot-v7
DWORD GetCol(const wchar_t* str) {
	int i = 0;
	TString strChk = str;
	if (strChk.GetLength() < 6) return 0;
	if (strChk.GetAt(i) == L'#') i++;
	wchar_t r[2], g[2], b[2];
	r[0] = strChk.GetAt(i++);
	r[1] = strChk.GetAt(i++);
	g[0] = strChk.GetAt(i++);
	g[1] = strChk.GetAt(i++);
	b[0] = strChk.GetAt(i++);
	b[1] = strChk.GetAt(i);
	int rr = h2a2(r);
	int gg = h2a2(g);
	int bb = h2a2(b);
	return RGB(rr, gg, bb);
예제 #8
파일: Bot.cpp 프로젝트: slashbmp/bmpbot-v7
void Bot::setFontStyle(TString& fontName, int fontSize, COLORREF fontColor) {
	if (!fontName.IsEQ(L"")) memcpy(_charset.font, fontName.GetAsChar(), fontName.GetLength() * sizeof(char));
	if (fontSize != NULL) _charset.size = fontSize;
	if (fontColor != NULL) _charset.color = fontColor;
예제 #9
SyncBool TLFile::ImportBinaryData(const TString& DataString,TBinary& BinaryData,TRef DataType)
	//	work out the type of data
	TRefRef BinaryDataType = BinaryData.GetDataTypeHint();
	//	check for conflicting type hints
	if ( DataType.IsValid() && BinaryDataType.IsValid() && DataType != BinaryDataType )
		TDebugString Debug_String;
		Debug_String << "Data import type hint mismatch; Tried to import as " << DataType << " but binary says it's " << BinaryDataType;
		TLDebug_Break( Debug_String );
		//	fall through to use the data type embedded in the binary data
		DataType = BinaryDataType;
	else if ( BinaryDataType.IsValid() && !DataType.IsValid() )
		//	use the type specified in the binary 
		DataType = BinaryDataType;
	//	import the data based on the type
	u32 CharIndex = 0;
	switch ( DataType.GetData() )
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(float):
		float f;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextFloatArray( DataString, CharIndex, &f, 1 ) )
			return SyncFalse;
		BinaryData.Write( f );
		return SyncTrue;

	case TLBinary_TypeRef(float2):
		float2 f;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextFloatArray( DataString, CharIndex, f.GetData(), f.GetSize() ) )
			return SyncFalse;
		BinaryData.Write( f );
		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(float3):
		float3 f;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextFloatArray( DataString, CharIndex, f.GetData(), f.GetSize() ) )
			return SyncFalse;
		BinaryData.Write( f );
		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(float4):
		float4 f;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextFloatArray( DataString, CharIndex, f.GetData(), f.GetSize() ) )
			return SyncFalse;
		BinaryData.Write( f );
		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(TQuaternion):
		float4 f;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextFloatArray( DataString, CharIndex, f.GetData(), f.GetSize() ) )
			return SyncFalse;

		//	convert to normalised quaternion
		TLMaths::TQuaternion Quat( f );
		BinaryData.Write( Quat );
		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(TEuler):
		float3 f;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextFloatArray( DataString, CharIndex, f.GetData(), f.GetSize() ) )
			return SyncFalse;

		//	convert to Euler type
		TLMaths::TEuler Euler( f );
		BinaryData.Write( Euler );
		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(TAxisAngle):
		float4 f;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextFloatArray( DataString, CharIndex, f.GetData(), f.GetSize() ) )
			return SyncFalse;

		//	convert to normalised quaternion
		TLMaths::TAxisAngle AxisAngle( f );
		BinaryData.Write( AxisAngle );
		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(TRef):
		TRef Ref( DataString );
		BinaryData.Write( Ref );
		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef_String:
		//	do string cleanup, convert "\n" to a linefeed etc
		if ( TLString::IsStringDirty( DataString ) )
			TString OutputString = DataString;
			TLString::CleanString( OutputString );
			BinaryData.WriteString( OutputString );
			//	already clean, just write the original
			BinaryData.WriteString( DataString );

		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(TColour):
		float4 f;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextFloatArray( DataString, CharIndex, f.GetData(), f.GetSize() ) )
			return SyncFalse;
		//	check range
		//	gr: use TLDebug_CheckInRange() ?
		if ( f.x > 1.0f || f.x < 0.0f ||
			f.y > 1.0f || f.y < 0.0f ||
			f.z > 1.0f || f.z < 0.0f ||
			f.w > 1.0f || f.w < 0.0f )
			if ( !TLDebug_Break( TString("Colour float type has components out of range (0..1); %.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f", f.x, f.y, f.z, f.w) ) )
				return SyncFalse;

		TColour Colour( f );
		BinaryData.Write( Colour );
		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(TColour24):
		Type3<s32> Colours;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.x ) )		return SyncFalse;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.y ) )		return SyncFalse;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.z ) )		return SyncFalse;
		//	check range
		//	gr: use TLDebug_CheckInRange() ?
		if ( Colours.x > 255 || Colours.x < 0 ||
			Colours.y > 255 || Colours.y < 0 ||
			Colours.z > 255 || Colours.z < 0 )
			if ( !TLDebug_Break( TString("Colour24 type has components out of range (0..255); %d,%d,%d", Colours.x, Colours.y, Colours.z ) ) )
				return SyncFalse;

		TColour24 Colour( Colours.x, Colours.y, Colours.z );
		BinaryData.Write( Colour );
		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(TColour32):
		Type4<s32> Colours;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.x ) )		return SyncFalse;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.y ) )		return SyncFalse;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.z ) )		return SyncFalse;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.w ) )		return SyncFalse;
		//	check range
		//	gr: use TLDebug_CheckInRange() ?
		if ( Colours.x > 255 || Colours.x < 0 ||
			Colours.y > 255 || Colours.y < 0 ||
			Colours.z > 255 || Colours.z < 0 ||
			Colours.w > 255 || Colours.w < 0 )
			if ( !TLDebug_Break( TString("Colour32 type has components out of range (0..255); %d,%d,%d,%d", Colours.x, Colours.y, Colours.z, Colours.w ) ) )
				return SyncFalse;

		TColour32 Colour( Colours.x, Colours.y, Colours.z, Colours.w );
		BinaryData.Write( Colour );
		return SyncTrue;
	case TLBinary_TypeRef(TColour64):
		Type4<s32> Colours;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.x ) )		return SyncFalse;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.y ) )		return SyncFalse;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.z ) )		return SyncFalse;
		if ( !TLString::ReadNextInteger( DataString, CharIndex, Colours.w ) )		return SyncFalse;
		//	check range
		//	gr: use TLDebug_CheckInRange() ?
		if ( Colours.x > 65535 || Colours.x < 0 ||
			Colours.y > 65535 || Colours.y < 0 ||
			Colours.z > 65535 || Colours.z < 0 ||
			Colours.w > 65535 || Colours.w < 0 )
			if ( !TLDebug_Break( TString("Colour64 type has components out of range (0..65535); %d,%d,%d,%d", Colours.x, Colours.y, Colours.z, Colours.w ) ) )
				return SyncFalse;

		TColour64 Colour( Colours.x, Colours.y, Colours.z, Colours.w );
		BinaryData.Write( Colour );
		return SyncTrue;

	case TLBinary_TypeRef(u8):
		return ImportBinaryDataIntegerInRange<u8>( BinaryData, DataString );

	case TLBinary_TypeRef(s8):
		return ImportBinaryDataIntegerInRange<s8>( BinaryData, DataString );

	case TLBinary_TypeRef(u16):
		return ImportBinaryDataIntegerInRange<u16>( BinaryData, DataString );

	case TLBinary_TypeRef(s16):
		return ImportBinaryDataIntegerInRange<s16>( BinaryData, DataString );

	case TLBinary_TypeRef(u32):
		return ImportBinaryDataIntegerInRange<u32>( BinaryData, DataString );

	case TLBinary_TypeRef(s32):
		return ImportBinaryDataIntegerInRange<s32>( BinaryData, DataString );

	case TLBinary_TypeRef(Bool):
		//	read first char, we can work out true/false/0/1 from that
		if ( DataString.GetLength() == 0 )
			return SyncFalse;
		const TChar& BoolChar = DataString.GetCharAt(0);
		if ( BoolChar == 't' || BoolChar == 'T' || BoolChar == '1' )
			BinaryData.Write( (Bool)TRUE );
			return SyncTrue;
		else if ( BoolChar == 'f' || BoolChar == 'F' || BoolChar == '0' )
			BinaryData.Write( (Bool)FALSE );
			return SyncTrue;
			TLDebug_Break("Bool data is not True,False,0 or 1");
			return SyncFalse;


	TDebugString Debug_String;
	Debug_String << "Unsupported/todo data type " << DataType << ". Data string: [" << DataString << "]";
	TLDebug_Break( Debug_String );

	return SyncFalse;