예제 #1
// input: - Input file (result from TMVA),
//        - use of colors or grey scale
//        - use of TMVA plotting TStyle
void correlations( TString fin = "TMVA.root",TString outputdir="plots", Bool_t isRegression = kFALSE, 
                   Bool_t greyScale = kFALSE, Bool_t useTMVAStyle = kTRUE )
   // set style and remove existing canvas'
   TMVAGlob::Initialize( useTMVAStyle );

   // checks if file with name "fin" is already open, and if not opens one
   TFile* file = TMVAGlob::OpenFile( fin );  

   // signal and background or regression problem
   Int_t ncls = (isRegression ? 1 : 2 );
   TString hName[2] = { "CorrelationMatrixS", "CorrelationMatrixB" };
   if (isRegression) hName[0]= "CorrelationMatrix";
   const Int_t width = 600;
   for (Int_t ic=0; ic<ncls; ic++) {

      TH2* h2 = file->Get( hName[ic] );
      if(!h2) {
         cout << "Did not find histogram " << hName[ic] << " in " << fin << endl;

      TCanvas* c = new TCanvas( hName[ic], 
                                Form("Correlations between MVA input variables (%s)", 
                                     (isRegression ? "" : (ic==0 ? "signal" : "background"))), 
                                ic*(width+5)+200, 0, width, width ); 
      Float_t newMargin1 = 0.13;
      Float_t newMargin2 = 0.15;
      if (TMVAGlob::UsePaperStyle) newMargin2 = 0.13;

      c->SetLeftMargin  ( newMargin2 );
      c->SetBottomMargin( newMargin2 );
      c->SetRightMargin ( newMargin1 );
      c->SetTopMargin   ( newMargin1 );
      gStyle->SetPalette( 1, 0 );

      gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat( "3g" );

      h2->SetMarkerSize( 1.5 );
      h2->SetMarkerColor( 0 );
      Float_t labelSize = 0.040;
      h2->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize( labelSize );
      h2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize( labelSize );
      h2->LabelsOption( "d" );
      h2->SetLabelOffset( 0.011 );// label offset on x axis    

      h2->Draw("colz"); // color pads   

      // modify properties of paletteAxis
      TPaletteAxis* paletteAxis = (TPaletteAxis*)h2->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject( "palette" );
      paletteAxis->SetLabelSize( 0.03 );
      paletteAxis->SetX1NDC( paletteAxis->GetX1NDC() + 0.02 );

      h2->Draw("textsame");  // add text

      // add comment    
      TText* t = new TText( 0.53, 0.88, "Linear correlation coefficients in %" );
      t->SetTextSize( 0.026 );

      // TMVAGlob::plot_logo( );

      TString fname = outputdir +  TString("/");
      fname += hName[ic];
      TMVAGlob::imgconv( c, fname );
예제 #2
파일: mvas.C 프로젝트: aocampor/UGentSUSY
// input: - Input file (result from TMVA)
//        - use of TMVA plotting TStyle
void mvas( TString fin = "TMVA.root", HistType htype = MVAType, Bool_t useTMVAStyle = kTRUE )
   // set style and remove existing canvas'
   TMVAGlob::Initialize( useTMVAStyle );

   // switches
   const Bool_t Save_Images     = kTRUE;

   // checks if file with name "fin" is already open, and if not opens one
   TFile* file = TMVAGlob::OpenFile( fin );  

   // define Canvas layout here!
   Int_t xPad = 1; // no of plots in x
   Int_t yPad = 1; // no of plots in y
   Int_t noPad = xPad * yPad ; 
   const Int_t width = 600;   // size of canvas

   // this defines how many canvases we need
   TCanvas *c = 0;

   // counter variables
   Int_t countCanvas = 0;

   // search for the right histograms in full list of keys
   TIter next(file->GetListOfKeys());
   TKey *key(0);   
   while ((key = (TKey*)next())) {

      if (!TString(key->GetName()).BeginsWith("Method_")) continue;
      if( ! gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName())->InheritsFrom("TDirectory") ) continue;

      TString methodName;

      TDirectory* mDir = (TDirectory*)key->ReadObj();

      TIter keyIt(mDir->GetListOfKeys());
      TKey *titkey;
      while ((titkey = (TKey*)keyIt())) {
         if (!gROOT->GetClass(titkey->GetClassName())->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) continue;

         TDirectory *titDir = (TDirectory *)titkey->ReadObj();
         TString methodTitle;

         cout << "--- Found directory for method: " << methodName << "::" << methodTitle << flush;
         TString hname = "MVA_" + methodTitle;
         if      (htype == ProbaType  ) hname += "_Proba";
         else if (htype == RarityType ) hname += "_Rarity";
         TH1* sig = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(titDir->Get( hname + "_S" ));
         TH1* bgd = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(titDir->Get( hname + "_B" ));

         if (sig==0 || bgd==0) {
            if     (htype == MVAType)     
               cout << "mva distribution not available (this is normal for Cut classifier)" << endl;
            else if(htype == ProbaType)   
               cout << "probability distribution not available (this is normal for Cut classifier)" << endl;
            else if(htype == RarityType)  
               cout << "rarity distribution not available (this is normal for Cut classifier)" << endl;
            else if(htype == CompareType) 
               cout << "overtraining check not available (this is normal for Cut classifier)" << endl;
            else cout << endl;
         else {
            cout << endl;
            // chop off useless stuff
            sig->SetTitle( Form("TMVA response for classifier: %s", methodTitle.Data()) );
            if      (htype == ProbaType) 
               sig->SetTitle( Form("TMVA probability for classifier: %s", methodTitle.Data()) );
            else if (htype == RarityType) 
               sig->SetTitle( Form("TMVA Rarity for classifier: %s", methodTitle.Data()) );
            else if (htype == CompareType) 
               sig->SetTitle( Form("TMVA overtraining check for classifier: %s", methodTitle.Data()) );
            // create new canvas
            TString ctitle = ((htype == MVAType) ? 
                              Form("TMVA response %s",methodTitle.Data()) : 
                              (htype == ProbaType) ? 
                              Form("TMVA probability %s",methodTitle.Data()) :
                              (htype == CompareType) ? 
                              Form("TMVA comparison %s",methodTitle.Data()) :
                              Form("TMVA Rarity %s",methodTitle.Data()));
            TString cname = ((htype == MVAType) ? 
                             Form("output_%s",methodTitle.Data()) : 
                             (htype == ProbaType) ? 
                             Form("probability_%s",methodTitle.Data()) :
                             (htype == CompareType) ? 
                             Form("comparison_%s",methodTitle.Data()) :

            c = new TCanvas( Form("canvas%d", countCanvas+1), ctitle, 
                             countCanvas*50+200, countCanvas*20, width, (Int_t)width*0.78 ); 
            // set the histogram style
            TMVAGlob::SetSignalAndBackgroundStyle( sig, bgd );
            // normalise both signal and background
            TMVAGlob::NormalizeHists( sig, bgd );
            // frame limits (choose judicuous x range)
            Float_t nrms = 4;
            cout << "--- Mean and RMS (S): " << sig->GetMean() << ", " << sig->GetRMS() << endl;
            cout << "--- Mean and RMS (B): " << bgd->GetMean() << ", " << bgd->GetRMS() << endl;
            Float_t xmin = TMath::Max( TMath::Min(sig->GetMean() - nrms*sig->GetRMS(), 
                                                  bgd->GetMean() - nrms*bgd->GetRMS() ),
                                       sig->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() );
            Float_t xmax = TMath::Min( TMath::Max(sig->GetMean() + nrms*sig->GetRMS(), 
                                                  bgd->GetMean() + nrms*bgd->GetRMS() ),
                                       sig->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() );
            Float_t ymin = 0;
            Float_t maxMult = (htype == CompareType) ? 1.3 : 1.2;
            Float_t ymax = TMath::Max( sig->GetMaximum(), bgd->GetMaximum() )*maxMult;
            // build a frame
            Int_t nb = 500;
            TString hFrameName(TString("frame") + methodTitle);
            TObject *o = gROOT->FindObject(hFrameName);
            if(o) delete o;
            TH2F* frame = new TH2F( hFrameName, sig->GetTitle(), 
                                    nb, xmin, xmax, nb, ymin, ymax );
            frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( methodTitle + ((htype == MVAType || htype == CompareType) ? " response" : "") );
            if      (htype == ProbaType  ) frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Signal probability" );
            else if (htype == RarityType ) frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Signal rarity" );
            TMVAGlob::SetFrameStyle( frame );
            // eventually: draw the frame
            c->GetPad(0)->SetLeftMargin( 0.105 );
            frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset( 1.2 );

            // Draw legend               
            TLegend *legend= new TLegend( c->GetLeftMargin(), 1 - c->GetTopMargin() - 0.12, 
                                          c->GetLeftMargin() + (htype == CompareType ? 0.40 : 0.3), 1 - c->GetTopMargin() );
            legend->SetFillStyle( 1 );
            legend->AddEntry(sig,TString("Signal")     + ((htype == CompareType) ? " (test sample)" : ""), "F");
            legend->AddEntry(bgd,TString("Background") + ((htype == CompareType) ? " (test sample)" : ""), "F");
            legend->SetMargin( (htype == CompareType ? 0.2 : 0.3) );

            // overlay signal and background histograms
            if (htype == CompareType) {
               // if overtraining check, load additional histograms
               TH1* sigOv = 0;
               TH1* bgdOv = 0;

               TString ovname = hname += "_Train";
               sigOv = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(titDir->Get( ovname + "_S" ));
               bgdOv = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(titDir->Get( ovname + "_B" ));
               if (sigOv == 0 || bgdOv == 0) {
                  cout << "+++ Problem in \"mvas.C\": overtraining check histograms do not exist" << endl;
               else {
                  cout << "--- Found comparison histograms for overtraining check" << endl;

                  TLegend *legend2= new TLegend( 1 - c->GetRightMargin() - 0.42, 1 - c->GetTopMargin() - 0.12,
                                                 1 - c->GetRightMargin(), 1 - c->GetTopMargin() );
                  legend2->SetFillStyle( 1 );
                  legend2->AddEntry(sigOv,"Signal (training sample)","P");
                  legend2->AddEntry(bgdOv,"Background (training sample)","P");
                  legend2->SetMargin( 0.1 );
               Int_t col = sig->GetLineColor();
               sigOv->SetMarkerColor( col );
               sigOv->SetMarkerSize( 0.7 );
               sigOv->SetMarkerStyle( 20 );
               sigOv->SetLineWidth( 1 );
               sigOv->SetLineColor( col );
               col = bgd->GetLineColor();
               bgdOv->SetMarkerColor( col );
               bgdOv->SetMarkerSize( 0.7 );
               bgdOv->SetMarkerStyle( 20 );
               bgdOv->SetLineWidth( 1 );
               bgdOv->SetLineColor( col );

               ymax = TMath::Max( ymax, TMath::Max( sigOv->GetMaximum(), bgdOv->GetMaximum() )*maxMult );
               frame->GetYaxis()->SetLimits( 0, ymax );
               // for better visibility, plot thinner lines
               sig->SetLineWidth( 1 );
               bgd->SetLineWidth( 1 );

               // perform K-S test
               cout << "--- Perform Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests" << endl;
               Double_t kolS = sig->KolmogorovTest( sigOv );
               Double_t kolB = bgd->KolmogorovTest( bgdOv );
               cout << "--- Goodness of signal (background) consistency: " << kolS << " (" << kolB << ")" << endl;

               TString probatext = Form( "Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: signal (background) probability = %5.3g (%5.3g)", kolS, kolB );
               TText* tt = new TText( 0.12, 0.74, probatext );
               tt->SetNDC(); tt->SetTextSize( 0.032 ); tt->AppendPad(); 

            // redraw axes

            // text for overflows
            Int_t    nbin = sig->GetNbinsX();
            Double_t dxu  = sig->GetBinWidth(0);
            Double_t dxo  = sig->GetBinWidth(nbin+1);
            TString uoflow = Form( "U/O-flow (S,B): (%.1f, %.1f)%% / (%.1f, %.1f)%%", 
                                   sig->GetBinContent(0)*dxu*100, bgd->GetBinContent(0)*dxu*100,
                                   sig->GetBinContent(nbin+1)*dxo*100, bgd->GetBinContent(nbin+1)*dxo*100 );
            TText* t = new TText( 0.975, 0.115, uoflow );
            t->SetTextSize( 0.030 );
            t->SetTextAngle( 90 );
            // update canvas

            // save canvas to file

            if (Save_Images) {
               if      (htype == MVAType)     TMVAGlob::imgconv( c, Form("plots/mva_%s",     methodTitle.Data()) );
               else if (htype == ProbaType)   TMVAGlob::imgconv( c, Form("plots/proba_%s",   methodTitle.Data()) ); 
               else if (htype == CompareType) TMVAGlob::imgconv( c, Form("plots/overtrain_%s", methodTitle.Data()) ); 
               else                           TMVAGlob::imgconv( c, Form("plots/rarity_%s",  methodTitle.Data()) ); 
예제 #3
void variables( TString fin = "TMVA.root", TString dirName = "InputVariables_Id", TString title = "TMVA Input Variables",
                Bool_t isRegression = kFALSE, Bool_t useTMVAStyle = kTRUE )
   TString outfname = dirName;
   outfname.ToLower(); outfname.ReplaceAll( "input", ""  );

   // set style and remove existing canvas'
   TMVAGlob::Initialize( useTMVAStyle );

   // obtain shorter histogram title 
   TString htitle = title; 
   htitle.ReplaceAll("variables ","variable");
   htitle.ReplaceAll("and target(s)","");
   htitle.ReplaceAll("(training sample)","");

   // checks if file with name "fin" is already open, and if not opens one
   TFile* file = TMVAGlob::OpenFile( fin );

   TDirectory* dir = (TDirectory*)file->Get( dirName );
   if (dir==0) {
      cout << "No information about " << title << " available in directory " << dirName << " of file " << fin << endl;

   // how many plots are in the directory?
   Int_t noPlots = TMVAGlob::GetNumberOfInputVariables( dir ) +
      TMVAGlob::GetNumberOfTargets( dir );

   // define Canvas layout here!
   // default setting
   Int_t xPad;  // no of plots in x
   Int_t yPad;  // no of plots in y
   Int_t width; // size of canvas
   Int_t height;
   switch (noPlots) {
   case 1:
      xPad = 1; yPad = 1; width = 550; height = 0.90*width; break;
   case 2:
      xPad = 2; yPad = 1; width = 600; height = 0.50*width; break;
   case 3:
      xPad = 3; yPad = 1; width = 900; height = 0.4*width; break;
   case 4:
      xPad = 2; yPad = 2; width = 600; height = width; break;
      xPad = 3; yPad = 2; width = 800; height = 0.55*width; break;

   Int_t noPadPerCanv = xPad * yPad ;

   // counter variables
   Int_t countCanvas = 0;
   Int_t countPad    = 0;

   // loop over all objects in directory
   TCanvas* canv = 0;
   TKey*    key  = 0;
   Bool_t   createNewFig = kFALSE;
   TIter next(dir->GetListOfKeys());
   while ((key = (TKey*)next())) {
      if (key->GetCycle() != 1) continue;

      if (!TString(key->GetName()).Contains("__Signal") && 
          !(isRegression && TString(key->GetName()).Contains("__Regression"))) continue;

      // make sure, that we only look at histograms
      TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName());
      if (!cl->InheritsFrom("TH1")) continue;
      TH1 *sig = (TH1*)key->ReadObj();
      TString hname(sig->GetName());

      // create new canvas
      if (countPad%noPadPerCanv==0) {
         canv = new TCanvas( Form("canvas%d", countCanvas), title,
                             countCanvas*50+50, countCanvas*20, width, height );

      TPad* cPad = (TPad*)canv->cd(countPad++%noPadPerCanv+1);
      // find the corredponding backgrouns histo
      TString bgname = hname;
      TH1 *bgd = (TH1*)dir->Get(bgname);
      if (bgd == NULL) {
         cout << "ERROR!!! couldn't find background histo for" << hname << endl;

      // this is set but not stored during plot creation in MVA_Factory
      TMVAGlob::SetSignalAndBackgroundStyle( sig, (isRegression ? 0 : bgd) );            

      sig->SetTitle( TString( htitle ) + ": " + sig->GetTitle() );
      TMVAGlob::SetFrameStyle( sig, 1.2 );

      // normalise both signal and background
      if (!isRegression) TMVAGlob::NormalizeHists( sig, bgd );
      else {
         // change histogram title for target
         TString nme = sig->GetName();
         if (nme.Contains( "_target" )) {
            TString tit = sig->GetTitle();
            sig->SetTitle( tit.ReplaceAll("Input variable", "Regression target" ) );

      // finally plot and overlay
      Float_t sc = 1.1;
      if (countPad == 1) sc = 1.3;
      sig->SetMaximum( TMath::Max( sig->GetMaximum(), bgd->GetMaximum() )*sc );
      sig->Draw( "hist" );
      cPad->SetLeftMargin( 0.17 );

      sig->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset( 1.70 );
      if (!isRegression) {
         TString ytit = TString("(1/N) ") + sig->GetYaxis()->GetTitle();
         sig->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( ytit ); // histograms are normalised

      TLatex *text = new TLatex();
      float overlap = computeOverlap(sig,bgd);

      // Draw legend
      if (countPad == 1 && !isRegression) {
         TLegend *legend= new TLegend( cPad->GetLeftMargin(), 
                                       1-cPad->GetTopMargin() );
         legend->SetMargin( 0.3 );

      // redraw axes

      // text for overflows
      Int_t    nbin = sig->GetNbinsX();
      Double_t dxu  = sig->GetBinWidth(0);
      Double_t dxo  = sig->GetBinWidth(nbin+1);
      TString uoflow = "";
      if (isRegression) {
         uoflow = Form( "U/O-flow: %.1f%% / %.1f%%", 
                        sig->GetBinContent(0)*dxu*100, sig->GetBinContent(nbin+1)*dxo*100 );
      else {
         uoflow = Form( "U/O-flow (S,B): (%.1f, %.1f)%% / (%.1f, %.1f)%%", 
                        sig->GetBinContent(0)*dxu*100, bgd->GetBinContent(0)*dxu*100,
                        sig->GetBinContent(nbin+1)*dxo*100, bgd->GetBinContent(nbin+1)*dxo*100 );
      TText* t = new TText( 0.98, 0.14, uoflow );
      t->SetTextSize( 0.040 );
      t->SetTextAngle( 90 );

      // save canvas to file
      if (countPad%noPadPerCanv==0) {
         TString fname = Form( "plots/%s_c%i", outfname.Data(), countCanvas );
         TMVAGlob::imgconv( canv, fname );
         createNewFig = kFALSE;
      else {
         createNewFig = kTRUE;
   if (createNewFig) {
      TString fname = Form( "plots/%s_c%i", outfname.Data(), countCanvas );
      TMVAGlob::imgconv( canv, fname );
      createNewFig = kFALSE;
