예제 #1
// This function returns an element of an array accessed from a constant array. The values are retrieved from
// the symbol table and parse-tree is built for the type of the element. The input 
// to the function could either be a symbol node (a[0] where a is a constant array)that represents a 
// constant array or it could be the tree representation of the constant array (s.a1[0] where s is a constant structure)
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::addConstArrayNode(int index, TIntermTyped* node, TSourceLoc line)
    TIntermTyped* typedNode;
    TIntermConstantUnion* tempConstantNode = node->getAsConstantUnion();
    TType arrayElementType = node->getType();

    if (index >= node->getType().getArraySize()) {
        error(line, "", "[", "array field selection out of range '%d'", index);
        index = 0;

    int arrayElementSize = arrayElementType.getObjectSize();

    if (tempConstantNode) {
         ConstantUnion* unionArray = tempConstantNode->getUnionArrayPointer();
         typedNode = intermediate.addConstantUnion(&unionArray[arrayElementSize * index], tempConstantNode->getType(), line);
    } else {
        error(line, "Cannot offset into the array", "Error", "");

        return 0;

    return typedNode;
예제 #2
bool CompareStructure(const TType& leftNodeType, ConstantUnion* rightUnionArray, ConstantUnion* leftUnionArray)
    if (leftNodeType.isArray()) {
        TType typeWithoutArrayness = leftNodeType;

        int arraySize = leftNodeType.getArraySize();

        for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i) {
            int offset = typeWithoutArrayness.getObjectSize() * i;
            if (!CompareStruct(typeWithoutArrayness, &rightUnionArray[offset], &leftUnionArray[offset]))
                return false;
    } else
        return CompareStruct(leftNodeType, rightUnionArray, leftUnionArray);

    return true;
예제 #3
// This function is used to test for the correctness of the parameters passed to various constructor functions
// and also convert them to the right datatype if it is allowed and required. 
// Returns 0 for an error or the constructed node (aggregate or typed) for no error.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::addConstructor(TIntermNode* node, const TType* type, TOperator op, TFunction* fnCall, TSourceLoc line)
    if (node == 0)
        return 0;

    TIntermAggregate* aggrNode = node->getAsAggregate();
    TTypeList::const_iterator memberTypes;
    if (op == EOpConstructStruct)
        memberTypes = type->getStruct()->begin();
    TType elementType = *type;
    if (type->isArray())

    bool singleArg;
    if (aggrNode) {
        if (aggrNode->getOp() != EOpNull || aggrNode->getSequence().size() == 1)
            singleArg = true;
            singleArg = false;
    } else
        singleArg = true;

    TIntermTyped *newNode;
    if (singleArg) {
        // If structure constructor or array constructor is being called 
        // for only one parameter inside the structure, we need to call constructStruct function once.
        if (type->isArray())
            newNode = constructStruct(node, &elementType, 1, node->getLine(), false);
        else if (op == EOpConstructStruct)
            newNode = constructStruct(node, (*memberTypes).type, 1, node->getLine(), false);
            newNode = constructBuiltIn(type, op, node, node->getLine(), false);

        if (newNode && newNode->getAsAggregate()) {
            TIntermTyped* constConstructor = foldConstConstructor(newNode->getAsAggregate(), *type);
            if (constConstructor)
                return constConstructor;

        return newNode;
    // Handle list of arguments.
    TIntermSequence &sequenceVector = aggrNode->getSequence() ;    // Stores the information about the parameter to the constructor
    // if the structure constructor contains more than one parameter, then construct
    // each parameter
    int paramCount = 0;  // keeps a track of the constructor parameter number being checked    
    // for each parameter to the constructor call, check to see if the right type is passed or convert them 
    // to the right type if possible (and allowed).
    // for structure constructors, just check if the right type is passed, no conversion is allowed.
    for (TIntermSequence::iterator p = sequenceVector.begin(); 
                                   p != sequenceVector.end(); p++, paramCount++) {
        if (type->isArray())
            newNode = constructStruct(*p, &elementType, paramCount+1, node->getLine(), true);
        else if (op == EOpConstructStruct)
            newNode = constructStruct(*p, (memberTypes[paramCount]).type, paramCount+1, node->getLine(), true);
            newNode = constructBuiltIn(type, op, *p, node->getLine(), true);
        if (newNode) {
            *p = newNode;

    TIntermTyped* constructor = intermediate.setAggregateOperator(aggrNode, op, line);
    TIntermTyped* constConstructor = foldConstConstructor(constructor->getAsAggregate(), *type);
    if (constConstructor)
        return constConstructor;

    return constructor;
예제 #4
void StructureHLSL::addConstructor(const TType &type, const TString &name, const TIntermSequence *parameters)
    if (name == "")
        return;   // Nameless structures don't have constructors

    if (type.getStruct() && mStructNames.find(name) != mStructNames.end())
        return;   // Already added

    TType ctorType = type;

    typedef std::vector<TType> ParameterArray;
    ParameterArray ctorParameters;

    const TStructure* structure = type.getStruct();
    if (structure)

        // Add element index
        storeStd140ElementIndex(*structure, false);
        storeStd140ElementIndex(*structure, true);

        const TString &structString = defineQualified(*structure, false, false);

        if (std::find(mStructDeclarations.begin(), mStructDeclarations.end(), structString) == mStructDeclarations.end())
            // Add row-major packed struct for interface blocks
            TString rowMajorString = "#pragma pack_matrix(row_major)\n" +
                defineQualified(*structure, true, false) +
                "#pragma pack_matrix(column_major)\n";

            TString std140String = defineQualified(*structure, false, true);
            TString std140RowMajorString = "#pragma pack_matrix(row_major)\n" +
                defineQualified(*structure, true, true) +
                "#pragma pack_matrix(column_major)\n";


        const TFieldList &fields = structure->fields();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++)
    else if (parameters)
        for (TIntermSequence::const_iterator parameter = parameters->begin(); parameter != parameters->end(); parameter++)
    else UNREACHABLE();

    TString constructor;

    if (ctorType.getStruct())
        constructor += name + " " + name + "_ctor(";
    else   // Built-in type
        constructor += TypeString(ctorType) + " " + name + "(";

    for (unsigned int parameter = 0; parameter < ctorParameters.size(); parameter++)
        const TType &paramType = ctorParameters[parameter];

        constructor += TypeString(paramType) + " x" + str(parameter) + ArrayString(paramType);

        if (parameter < ctorParameters.size() - 1)
            constructor += ", ";

    constructor += ")\n"

    if (ctorType.getStruct())
        constructor += "    " + name + " structure = {";
        constructor += "    return " + TypeString(ctorType) + "(";

    if (ctorType.isMatrix() && ctorParameters.size() == 1)
        int rows = ctorType.getRows();
        int cols = ctorType.getCols();
        const TType &parameter = ctorParameters[0];

        if (parameter.isScalar())
            for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                    constructor += TString((row == col) ? "x0" : "0.0");

                    if (row < rows - 1 || col < cols - 1)
                        constructor += ", ";
        else if (parameter.isMatrix())
            for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
                for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                    if (row < parameter.getRows() && col < parameter.getCols())
                        constructor += TString("x0") + "[" + str(col) + "][" + str(row) + "]";
                        constructor += TString((row == col) ? "1.0" : "0.0");

                    if (row < rows - 1 || col < cols - 1)
                        constructor += ", ";
            ASSERT(rows == 2 && cols == 2 && parameter.isVector() && parameter.getNominalSize() == 4);

            constructor += "x0";
        size_t remainingComponents = ctorType.getObjectSize();
        size_t parameterIndex = 0;

        while (remainingComponents > 0)
            const TType &parameter = ctorParameters[parameterIndex];
            const size_t parameterSize = parameter.getObjectSize();
            bool moreParameters = parameterIndex + 1 < ctorParameters.size();

            constructor += "x" + str(parameterIndex);

            if (ctorType.getStruct())
                ASSERT(remainingComponents == parameterSize || moreParameters);
                ASSERT(parameterSize <= remainingComponents);

                remainingComponents -= parameterSize;
            else if (parameter.isScalar())
                remainingComponents -= parameter.getObjectSize();
            else if (parameter.isVector())
                if (remainingComponents == parameterSize || moreParameters)
                    ASSERT(parameterSize <= remainingComponents);
                    remainingComponents -= parameterSize;
                else if (remainingComponents < static_cast<size_t>(parameter.getNominalSize()))
                    switch (remainingComponents)
                      case 1: constructor += ".x";    break;
                      case 2: constructor += ".xy";   break;
                      case 3: constructor += ".xyz";  break;
                      case 4: constructor += ".xyzw"; break;
                      default: UNREACHABLE();

                    remainingComponents = 0;
                else UNREACHABLE();
            else if (parameter.isMatrix())
                int column = 0;
                while (remainingComponents > 0 && column < parameter.getCols())
                    constructor += "[" + str(column) + "]";

                    if (remainingComponents < static_cast<size_t>(parameter.getRows()))
                        switch (remainingComponents)
                          case 1:  constructor += ".x";    break;
                          case 2:  constructor += ".xy";   break;
                          case 3:  constructor += ".xyz";  break;
                          default: UNREACHABLE();

                        remainingComponents = 0;
                        remainingComponents -= parameter.getRows();

                        if (remainingComponents > 0)
                            constructor += ", x" + str(parameterIndex);

            else UNREACHABLE();

            if (moreParameters)

            if (remainingComponents)
                constructor += ", ";

    if (ctorType.getStruct())
        constructor += "};\n"
                        "    return structure;\n"
        constructor += ");\n"
