예제 #1
Point ItemInfoDisplay::Draw(Point point, const vector<string> &labels, const vector<string> &values)
	// Add ten pixels of padding at the top.
	point.Y() += 10.;
	// Get standard colors to draw with.
	Color labelColor = *GameData::Colors().Get("medium");
	Color valueColor = *GameData::Colors().Get("bright");
	Table table;
	// Use 10-pixel margins on both sides.
	table.AddColumn(10, Table::LEFT);
	table.AddColumn(WIDTH - 10, Table::RIGHT);
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < labels.size() && i < values.size(); ++i)
		table.Draw(labels[i], values[i].empty() ? valueColor : labelColor);
		table.Draw(values[i], valueColor);
	return table.GetPoint();
예제 #2
void InfoPanel::DrawInfo() const
	Color dim = *GameData::Colors().Get("medium");
	Color bright = *GameData::Colors().Get("bright");
	Color elsewhere = *GameData::Colors().Get("dim");
	Color dead(.4, 0., 0., 0.);
	const Font &font = FontSet::Get(14);
	// Player info.
	Table table;
	table.AddColumn(0, Table::LEFT);
	table.AddColumn(230, Table::RIGHT);
	table.SetUnderline(0, 230);
	table.DrawAt(Point(-490., -282.));
	table.Draw("player:", dim);
	table.Draw(player.FirstName() + " " + player.LastName(), bright);
	table.Draw("net worth:", dim);
	table.Draw(Format::Number(player.Accounts().NetWorth()) + " credits", bright);
	// Determine the player's combat rating.
	size_t ratingLevel = 0;
	auto it = player.Conditions().find("combat rating");
	if(it != player.Conditions().end() && it->second > 0)
		ratingLevel = log(it->second);
		ratingLevel = min(ratingLevel, RATINGS.size() - 1);
	table.Draw("combat rating:", bright);
	table.Draw(RATINGS[ratingLevel], dim);
	table.Draw("(" + to_string(ratingLevel) + ")", dim);
	auto salary = Match(player, "salary: ", "");
	sort(salary.begin(), salary.end());
	DrawList(salary, table, "salary:", 4);
	auto tribute = Match(player, "tribute: ", "");
	sort(tribute.begin(), tribute.end());
	DrawList(tribute, table, "tribute:", 4);
	int maxRows = static_cast<int>(250. - 30. - table.GetPoint().Y()) / 20;
	auto licenses = Match(player, "license: ", " License");
	DrawList(licenses, table, "licenses:", maxRows, false);
	// Fleet listing.
	Point pos = Point(-240., -280.);
	font.Draw("ship", pos + Point(0., 0.), bright);
	font.Draw("model", pos + Point(220., 0.), bright);
	font.Draw("system", pos + Point(350., 0.), bright);
	font.Draw("shields", pos + Point(550. - font.Width("shields"), 0.), bright);
	font.Draw("hull", pos + Point(610. - font.Width("hull"), 0.), bright);
	font.Draw("fuel", pos + Point(670. - font.Width("fuel"), 0.), bright);
	font.Draw("crew", pos + Point(730. - font.Width("crew"), 0.), bright);
	FillShader::Fill(pos + Point(365., 15.), Point(730., 1.), dim);
	int lastIndex = player.Ships().size() - 1;
	const Ship *flagship = player.Flagship();
	pos.Y() += 5.;
	int index = scroll;
	auto sit = player.Ships().begin() + scroll;
	for( ; sit < player.Ships().end(); ++sit)
		const shared_ptr<Ship> &ship = *sit;
		pos.Y() += 20.;
		if(pos.Y() >= 260.)
		bool isElsewhere = (ship->GetSystem() != player.GetSystem());
		isElsewhere |= (ship->CanBeCarried() && player.GetSystem());
		bool isDead = ship->IsDestroyed() || ship->IsDisabled();
		bool isHovered = (index == hover);
		const Color &color = isDead ? dead : isElsewhere ? elsewhere : isHovered ? bright : dim;
		font.Draw(ship->Name(), pos + Point(10. * ship->CanBeCarried(), 0.), color);
		font.Draw(ship->ModelName(), pos + Point(220., 0.), color);
		const System *system = ship->GetSystem();
			font.Draw(system->Name(), pos + Point(350., 0.), color);
		string shields = to_string(static_cast<int>(100. * max(0., ship->Shields()))) + "%";
		font.Draw(shields, pos + Point(550. - font.Width(shields), 0.), color);
		string hull = to_string(static_cast<int>(100. * max(0., ship->Hull()))) + "%";
		font.Draw(hull, pos + Point(610. - font.Width(hull), 0.), color);
		string fuel = to_string(static_cast<int>(
			ship->Attributes().Get("fuel capacity") * ship->Fuel()));
		font.Draw(fuel, pos + Point(670. - font.Width(fuel), 0.), color);
		string crew = ship->IsParked() ? "Parked" :
			to_string(ship.get() == flagship ? ship->Crew() : ship->RequiredCrew());
		font.Draw(crew, pos + Point(730. - font.Width(crew), 0.), color);
		if(index < lastIndex || selected < 0)
			zones.emplace_back(pos + Point(365, font.Height() / 2), Point(730, 20), index);
			int height = 280. - pos.Y();
			zones.emplace_back(pos + Point(365, height / 2), Point(730, height), index);
	// Re-ordering ships in your fleet.
	if(selected >= 0)
		const string &name = player.Ships()[selected]->Name();
		Point pos(hoverPoint.X() - .5 * font.Width(name), hoverPoint.Y());
		font.Draw(name, pos + Point(1., 1.), Color(0., 1.));
		font.Draw(name, pos, bright);
예제 #3
void ShipInfoPanel::DrawOutfits(const Rectangle &bounds, Rectangle &cargoBounds)
	// Check that the specified area is big enough.
	if(bounds.Width() < WIDTH)
	// Colors to draw with.
	Color dim = *GameData::Colors().Get("medium");
	Color bright = *GameData::Colors().Get("bright");
	const Ship &ship = **shipIt;
	// Table attributes.
	Table table;
	table.AddColumn(0, Table::LEFT);
	table.AddColumn(WIDTH - 20, Table::RIGHT);
	table.SetUnderline(0, WIDTH - 20);
	Point start = bounds.TopLeft() + Point(10., 8.);
	// Draw the outfits in the same order used in the outfitter.
	for(const string &category : Outfit::CATEGORIES)
		auto it = outfits.find(category);
		if(it == outfits.end())
		// Skip to the next column if there is not space for this category label
		// plus at least one outfit.
		if(table.GetRowBounds().Bottom() + 40. > bounds.Bottom())
			start += Point(WIDTH, 0.);
			if(start.X() + WIDTH - 20 > bounds.Right())
		// Draw the category label.
		table.Draw(category, bright);
		for(const Outfit *outfit : it->second)
			// Check if we've gone below the bottom of the bounds.
			if(table.GetRowBounds().Bottom() > bounds.Bottom())
				start += Point(WIDTH, 0.);
				if(start.X() + WIDTH - 20 > bounds.Right())
				table.Draw(category, bright);
			// Draw the outfit name and count.
			table.Draw(outfit->Name(), dim);
			string number = to_string(ship.OutfitCount(outfit));
			table.Draw(number, bright);
		// Add an extra gap in between categories.
	// Check if this information spilled over into the cargo column.
	if(table.GetPoint().X() >= cargoBounds.Left())
		double startY = table.GetRowBounds().Top() - 8.;
		cargoBounds = Rectangle::WithCorners(
			Point(cargoBounds.Left(), startY),
			Point(cargoBounds.Right(), max(startY, cargoBounds.Bottom())));