예제 #1
TableHandle PageItem_Table::hitTest(const QPointF& point, double threshold) const
	const QPointF framePoint = getTransform().inverted().map(point);
	const QPointF gridPoint = framePoint - gridOffset();
	const QRectF gridRect = QRectF(0.0, 0.0, tableWidth(), tableHeight());

	// Test if hit is outside frame.
	if (!QRectF(0.0, 0.0, width(), height()).contains(framePoint))
		return TableHandle(TableHandle::None);

	// Test if hit is outside table.
	if (!gridRect.adjusted(-threshold, -threshold, threshold, threshold).contains(gridPoint))
		return TableHandle(TableHandle::None);

	const double tableHeight = this->tableHeight();
	const double tableWidth = this->tableWidth();
	const double x = gridPoint.x();
	const double y = gridPoint.y();

	// Test if hit is on left edge of table.
	if (x <= threshold)
		return TableHandle(TableHandle::RowSelect);

	// Test if hit is on top edge of table.
	if (y <= threshold)
		return TableHandle(TableHandle::ColumnSelect);

	// Test if hit is on bottom right corner of table.
	if (x >= tableWidth - threshold && y >= tableHeight - threshold)
		return TableHandle(TableHandle::TableResize);

	// Test if hit is on right edge of table.
	if (y >= tableHeight - threshold && y <= tableHeight + threshold)
		return TableHandle(TableHandle::RowResize, rows() - 1);

	// Test if hit is on bottom edge of table.
	if (x >= tableWidth - threshold && x <= tableWidth + threshold)
		return TableHandle(TableHandle::ColumnResize, columns() - 1);

	const TableCell hitCell = cellAt(point);
	const QRectF hitRect = hitCell.boundingRect();

	// Test if hit is on cell interior.
	if (hitRect.adjusted(threshold, threshold, -threshold, -threshold).contains(gridPoint))
		return TableHandle(TableHandle::CellSelect); // Hit interior of cell.

	const double toLeft = x - hitRect.left();
	const double toRight = hitRect.right() - x;
	const double toTop = y - hitRect.top();
	const double toBottom = hitRect.bottom() - y;
	TableHandle handle(TableHandle::None);

	// Test which side of the cell was hit.
	if (qMin(toLeft, toRight) < qMin(toTop, toBottom))
		handle.setIndex((toLeft < toRight ? hitCell.column() : hitCell.column() + hitCell.columnSpan()) - 1);
		handle.setIndex((toTop < toBottom ? hitCell.row() : hitCell.row() + hitCell.rowSpan()) - 1);
	return handle;