/** Copy table workspace content from one workspace to another * @param sourceWS :: table workspace from which the content is copied; * @param targetWS :: table workspace to which the content is copied; */ void ExtractMaskToTable::copyTableWorkspaceContent( TableWorkspace_sptr sourceWS, TableWorkspace_sptr targetWS) { // Compare the column names. They must be exactly the same vector<string> sourcecolnames = sourceWS->getColumnNames(); vector<string> targetcolnames = targetWS->getColumnNames(); if (sourcecolnames.size() != targetcolnames.size()) { stringstream errmsg; errmsg << "Soruce table workspace " << sourceWS->name() << " has different number of columns (" << sourcecolnames.size() << ") than target table workspace's (" << targetcolnames.size() << ")"; throw runtime_error(errmsg.str()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < sourcecolnames.size(); ++i) { if (sourcecolnames[i].compare(targetcolnames[i])) { stringstream errss; errss << "Source and target have incompatible column name at column " << i << ". " << "Column name of source is " << sourcecolnames[i] << "; " << "Column name of target is " << targetcolnames[i]; throw runtime_error(errss.str()); } } // Copy over the content size_t numrows = sourceWS->rowCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numrows; ++i) { double xmin, xmax; string speclist; TableRow tmprow = sourceWS->getRow(i); tmprow >> xmin >> xmax >> speclist; TableRow newrow = targetWS->appendRow(); newrow << xmin << xmax << speclist; } return; }
/** Process input Mask bin TableWorkspace. * It will convert detector IDs list to spectra list * @param masktblws :: TableWorkspace for mask bins * @param dataws :: MatrixWorkspace to mask */ void MaskBinsFromTable::processMaskBinWorkspace( TableWorkspace_sptr masktblws, API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr dataws) { // Check input if (!masktblws) throw std::invalid_argument("Input workspace is not a table workspace."); g_log.debug() << "Lines of parameters workspace = " << masktblws->rowCount() << '\n'; // Check column names type and sequence vector<std::string> colnames = masktblws->getColumnNames(); // check colum name order id_xmin = -1; id_xmax = -1; id_spec = -1; id_dets = -1; m_useDetectorID = false; m_useSpectrumID = false; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(colnames.size()); ++i) { string colname = colnames[i]; transform(colname.begin(), colname.end(), colname.begin(), ::tolower); if (colname.compare("xmin") == 0) id_xmin = i; else if (colname.compare("xmax") == 0) id_xmax = i; else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(colname, "spec")) { id_spec = i; } else if (boost::algorithm::starts_with(colname, "detectorid")) { id_dets = i; } else { g_log.warning() << "In TableWorkspace " << masktblws->name() << ", column " << i << " with name " << colname << " is not used by MaskBinsFromTable."; } } if (id_xmin < 0 || id_xmax < 0 || id_xmin == id_xmax) throw runtime_error("Either Xmin nor Xmax is not given. "); if (id_spec == id_dets) throw runtime_error("Neither SpectraList nor DetectorIDList is given."); else if (id_dets >= 0) m_useDetectorID = true; else m_useSpectrumID = true; // Construct vectors for xmin, xmax and spectra-list size_t numrows = masktblws->rowCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numrows; ++i) { double xmin = masktblws->cell<double>(i, static_cast<size_t>(id_xmin)); double xmax = masktblws->cell<double>(i, static_cast<size_t>(id_xmax)); string spectralist; if (m_useSpectrumID) { spectralist = masktblws->cell<string>(i, static_cast<size_t>(id_spec)); } else { // Convert detectors list to spectra list string detidslist = masktblws->cell<string>(i, static_cast<size_t>(id_dets)); spectralist = convertToSpectraList(dataws, detidslist); } g_log.debug() << "Row " << i << " XMin = " << xmin << " XMax = " << xmax << " SpectraList = " << spectralist << ".\n"; // Store to class variables m_xminVec.push_back(xmin); m_xmaxVec.push_back(xmax); m_spectraVec.push_back(spectralist); } }