예제 #1
wxCodeCompletionBoxEntry::Vec_t wxCodeCompletionBox::TagsToEntries(const TagEntryPtrVector_t& tags)
    wxCodeCompletionBoxEntry::Vec_t entries;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < tags.size(); ++i) {
        TagEntryPtr tag = tags.at(i);
        wxString text = tag->GetDisplayName().Trim().Trim(false);
        int imgIndex = GetImageId(tag);
        wxCodeCompletionBoxEntry::Ptr_t entry = wxCodeCompletionBoxEntry::New(text, imgIndex);
        entry->m_tag = tag;
    return entries;
예제 #2
bool CodeCompletionManager::DoCtagsGotoDecl(LEditor* editor)
    TagEntryPtr tag = editor->GetContext()->GetTagAtCaret(true, false);
    if (tag) {
        LEditor *editor = clMainFrame::Get()->GetMainBook()->OpenFile(tag->GetFile(), wxEmptyString, tag->GetLine()-1);
        if(!editor) {
            return false;
        editor->FindAndSelect(tag->GetPattern(), tag->GetName());
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #3
void RefactoringEngine::RenameLocalSymbol(const wxString& symname, const wxFileName& fn, int line, int pos)
    // Clear previous results

    // Load the file and get a state map + the text from the scanner
    CppWordScanner scanner(fn.GetFullPath());

    // get the current file states
    TextStatesPtr states = scanner.states();
    if( !states ) {

    // get the local by scanning from the current function's
    TagEntryPtr tag = TagsManagerST::Get()->FunctionFromFileLine(fn, line + 1);
    if( !tag ) {

    // Get the line number of the function
    int funcLine = tag->GetLine() - 1;

    // Convert the line number to offset
    int from = states->LineToPos     (funcLine);
    int to   = states->FunctionEndPos(from);

    if(to == wxNOT_FOUND)

    // search for matches in the given range
    CppTokensMap l;
    scanner.Match(symname, l, from, to);

    CppToken::List_t tokens;
    l.findTokens(symname, tokens);
    if (tokens.empty())

    // Loop over the matches
    // Incase we did manage to resolve the word, it means that it is NOT a local variable (DoResolveWord only wors for globals NOT for locals)
    RefactorSource target;
    std::list<CppToken>::iterator iter = tokens.begin();
    for (; iter != tokens.end(); iter++) {
        wxFileName f( iter->getFilename() );
        if (!DoResolveWord(states, wxFileName(iter->getFilename()), iter->getOffset(), line, symname, &target)) {
            m_candidates.push_back( *iter );
bool CodeCompletionManager::DoCtagsGotoDecl(LEditor* editor)
    TagEntryPtr tag = editor->GetContext()->GetTagAtCaret(true, false);
    if (tag) {
        LEditor *editor = clMainFrame::Get()->GetMainBook()->OpenFile(tag->GetFile(), wxEmptyString, tag->GetLine()-1);
        if(!editor) {
            return false;
        // Use the async funtion here. Synchronously usually works but, if the file wasn't loaded, sometimes the EnsureVisible code is called too early and fails
        editor->FindAndSelectV(tag->GetPattern(), tag->GetName());
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #5
wxCodeCompletionBoxEntry::Ptr_t wxCodeCompletionBox::TagToEntry(TagEntryPtr tag)
    wxString text = tag->GetDisplayName().Trim().Trim(false);
    int imgIndex = GetImageId(tag);
    wxCodeCompletionBoxEntry::Ptr_t entry = wxCodeCompletionBoxEntry::New(text, imgIndex);
    return entry;
예제 #6
void FindResultsTab::OnSearchMatch(wxCommandEvent& e)
    SearchResultList* res = (SearchResultList*)e.GetClientData();
    if(!res) return;

    SearchResultList::iterator iter = res->begin();
    for(; iter != res->end(); ++iter) {
        if(m_matchInfo.empty() || m_matchInfo.rbegin()->second.GetFileName() != iter->GetFileName()) {
            if(!m_matchInfo.empty()) {
            wxFileName fn(iter->GetFileName());
            AppendText(fn.GetFullPath() + wxT("\n"));

        int lineno = m_sci->GetLineCount() - 1;
        m_matchInfo.insert(std::make_pair(lineno, *iter));
        wxString text = iter->GetPattern();
        // int delta = -text.Length();
        // text.Trim(false);
        // delta += text.Length();
        // text.Trim();

        wxString linenum = wxString::Format(wxT(" %5u: "), iter->GetLineNumber());
        SearchData* d = GetSearchData();
        // Print the scope name
        if(d->GetDisplayScope()) {
            TagEntryPtr tag = TagsManagerST::Get()->FunctionFromFileLine(iter->GetFileName(), iter->GetLineNumber());
            wxString scopeName(wxT("global"));
            if(tag) {
                scopeName = tag->GetPath();

            linenum << wxT("[ ") << scopeName << wxT(" ] ");

        AppendText(linenum + text + wxT("\n"));
        int indicatorStartPos = m_sci->PositionFromLine(lineno) + iter->GetColumn() + linenum.Length();
        int indicatorLen = iter->GetLen();
        m_sci->IndicatorFillRange(indicatorStartPos, indicatorLen);
예제 #7
wxString WizardsPlugin::DoGetVirtualFuncImpl(const NewClassInfo &info)
    if (info.implAllVirtual == false && info.implAllPureVirtual == false)
        return wxEmptyString;

    //get list of all parent virtual functions
    std::vector< TagEntryPtr > tmp_tags;
    std::vector< TagEntryPtr > no_dup_tags;
    std::vector< TagEntryPtr > tags;
    for (std::vector< TagEntryPtr >::size_type i=0; i< info.parents.size(); i++) {
        ClassParentInfo pi = info.parents.at(i);

        // Load all prototypes / functions of the parent scope
        m_mgr->GetTagsManager()->TagsByScope(pi.name, wxT("prototype"), tmp_tags, false);
        m_mgr->GetTagsManager()->TagsByScope(pi.name, wxT("function"),  tmp_tags, false);

    // and finally sort the results
    std::sort(tmp_tags.begin(), tmp_tags.end(), ascendingSortOp());
    GizmosRemoveDuplicates(tmp_tags, no_dup_tags);

    //filter out all non virtual functions
    for (std::vector< TagEntryPtr >::size_type i=0; i< no_dup_tags.size(); i++) {
        TagEntryPtr tt = no_dup_tags.at(i);
        bool collect(false);
        if (info.implAllVirtual) {
            collect = m_mgr->GetTagsManager()->IsVirtual(tt);
        } else if (info.implAllPureVirtual) {
            collect = m_mgr->GetTagsManager()->IsPureVirtual(tt);

        if (collect) {

    wxString impl;
    for (std::vector< TagEntryPtr >::size_type i=0; i< tags.size(); i++) {
        TagEntryPtr tt = tags.at(i);
        // we are not interested in Ctor-Dtor
        if ( tt->IsConstructor() || tt->IsDestructor() )
        impl << m_mgr->GetTagsManager()->FormatFunction(tt, FunctionFormat_Impl, info.name);
    return impl;
예제 #8
void TestClassDlg::DoRefreshFunctions(bool repportError)
    std::vector<TagEntryPtr> matches;

    // search m_tags for suitable name
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m_tags.size(); i++) {
        TagEntryPtr tag = m_tags.at(i);
        if(tag->GetName() == m_textCtrlClassName->GetValue()) {

    if(matches.empty()) {
        if(repportError) {
            wxMessageBox(_("Could not find match for class '") + m_textCtrlClassName->GetValue() + wxT("'"),
                         wxICON_WARNING | wxOK);

    wxString theClass;
    if(matches.size() == 1) {
        // single match we are good
        theClass = matches.at(0)->GetPath();
    } else {
        // suggest the user a multiple choice
        wxArrayString choices;

        for(size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
            wxString option;
            TagEntryPtr t = matches.at(i);

        theClass = wxGetSingleChoice(_("Select class:"), _("Select class:"), choices, this);

    if(theClass.empty()) { // user clicked 'Cancel'

    // get list of methods for the given path
    m_manager->GetTagsManager()->TagsByScope(theClass, wxT("prototype"), matches, false, true);

    // populate the list control
    wxArrayString methods;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
        TagEntryPtr t = matches.at(i);
        methods.Add(t->GetName() + t->GetSignature());

    // check all items
    for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < m_checkListMethods->GetCount(); idx++) {
        m_checkListMethods->Check(idx, true);
예제 #9
void SymbolsDialog::AddSymbol(const TagEntryPtr &tag, bool sel)
	// Populate the columns

	wxString line;
	line << tag->GetLine();
	long index = AppendListCtrlRow(m_results);
	SetColumnText(m_results, index, 0, tag->GetFullDisplayName());
	SetColumnText(m_results, index, 1, tag->GetKind());
	SetColumnText(m_results, index, 2, tag->GetFile());
	SetColumnText(m_results, index, 3, line);
	SetColumnText(m_results, index, 4, tag->GetPattern());

    // list ctrl can reorder items, so use returned index to insert tag
    m_tags.insert(m_tags.begin()+index, tag);
예제 #10
void PHPCodeCompletion::OnFindSymbol(clCodeCompletionEvent& e)
    if(PHPWorkspace::Get()->IsOpen()) {
        if(!CanCodeComplete(e)) return;
        IEditor* editor = dynamic_cast<IEditor*>(e.GetEditor());
        if(editor) {
            wxString word = editor->GetWordAtCaret();
            if(word.IsEmpty()) return;
            PHPEntityBase::List_t symbols = m_lookupTable.FindSymbol(word);
            if(symbols.size() == 1) {
                PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t match = *symbols.begin();

            } else {

                // Convert the matches to clSelectSymbolDialogEntry::List_t
                clSelectSymbolDialogEntry::List_t entries;
                std::for_each(symbols.begin(), symbols.end(), [&](PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t entry) {
                    TagEntryPtr tag = DoPHPEntityToTagEntry(entry);
                    wxBitmap bmp = wxCodeCompletionBox::GetBitmap(tag);

                    clSelectSymbolDialogEntry m;
                    m.bmp = bmp;
                    m.name = entry->GetFullName();
                    m.clientData = new PHPFindSymbol_ClientData(entry);
                    m.help = tag->GetKind();

                // Show selection dialog
                clSelectSymbolDialog dlg(EventNotifier::Get()->TopFrame(), entries);
                if(dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return;
                PHPFindSymbol_ClientData* cd = dynamic_cast<PHPFindSymbol_ClientData*>(dlg.GetSelection());
                if(cd) {
예제 #11
void NavBar::UpdateScope(TagEntryPtr tag)
    size_t sel = m_func->GetSelection();
    if(tag && sel < m_tags.size() && *m_tags[sel] == *tag) return;

    wxWindowUpdateLocker locker(this);


    if(tag) {

예제 #12
void SmartCompletion::OnCodeCompletionSelectionMade(clCodeCompletionEvent& event)
    if(!m_config.IsEnabled()) return;


    // Collect info about this match
    TagEntryPtr tag = event.GetEntry()->GetTag();
    if(tag) {
        WeightTable_t& T = *m_pCCWeight;
        // we have an associated tag
        wxString k = tag->GetScope() + "::" + tag->GetName();
        if(T.count(k) == 0) {
            T[k] = 1;
        } else {
        m_config.GetUsageDb().StoreCCUsage(k, T[k]);
wxBitmap OpenResourceDialog::DoGetTagImg(TagEntryPtr tag)
    wxString kind = tag->GetKind();
    wxString access = tag->GetAccess();
    wxBitmap bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("text")];
    if(kind == wxT("class")) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("class")];

    if(kind == wxT("struct")) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("struct")];

    if(kind == wxT("namespace")) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("namespace")];

    if(kind == wxT("variable")) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("member_public")];

    if(kind == wxT("typedef")) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("typedef")];

    if(kind == wxT("member") && access.Contains(wxT("private"))) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("member_private")];

    if(kind == wxT("member") && access.Contains(wxT("public"))) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("member_public")];

    if(kind == wxT("member") && access.Contains(wxT("protected"))) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("member_protected")];

    if(kind == wxT("member")) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("member_public")];

    if((kind == wxT("function") || kind == wxT("prototype")) && access.Contains(wxT("private")))
        bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("function_private")];

    if((kind == wxT("function") || kind == wxT("prototype")) && (access.Contains(wxT("public")) || access.IsEmpty()))
        bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("function_public")];

    if((kind == wxT("function") || kind == wxT("prototype")) && access.Contains(wxT("protected")))
        bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("function_protected")];

    if(kind == wxT("macro")) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("typedef")];

    if(kind == wxT("enum")) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("enum")];

    if(kind == wxT("enumerator")) bmp = m_tagImgMap[wxT("enumerator")];

    return bmp;
예제 #14
int wxCodeCompletionBox::GetImageId(TagEntryPtr entry)
    wxString kind = entry->GetKind();
    wxString access = entry->GetAccess();
    if(kind == wxT("class")) return 0;
    if(kind == wxT("struct")) return 1;
    if(kind == wxT("namespace")) return 2;
    if(kind == wxT("variable")) return 3;
    if(kind == wxT("typedef")) return 4;
    if(kind == wxT("member") && access.Contains(wxT("private"))) return 5;
    if(kind == wxT("member") && access.Contains(wxT("public"))) return 6;
    if(kind == wxT("member") && access.Contains(wxT("protected"))) return 7;
    // member with no access? (maybe part of namespace??)
    if(kind == wxT("member")) return 6;
    if((kind == wxT("function") || kind == wxT("prototype")) && access.Contains(wxT("private"))) return 8;
    if((kind == wxT("function") || kind == wxT("prototype")) && (access.Contains(wxT("public")) || access.IsEmpty()))
        return 9;
    if((kind == wxT("function") || kind == wxT("prototype")) && access.Contains(wxT("protected"))) return 10;
    if(kind == wxT("macro")) return 11;
    if(kind == wxT("enum")) return 12;
    if(kind == wxT("enumerator")) return 13;
    if(kind == wxT("cpp_keyword")) return 17;
    return wxNOT_FOUND;
wxString ImplementParentVirtualFunctionsDialog::DoMakeCommentForTag(TagEntryPtr tag) const
    // Add doxygen comment
    CppCommentCreator commentCreator(tag, m_doxyPrefix);
    DoxygenComment dc;
    dc.comment = commentCreator.CreateComment();
    dc.name    = tag->GetName();
    m_contextCpp->DoMakeDoxyCommentString( dc );

    // Format the comment
    wxString textComment = dc.comment;
    textComment.Replace("\r", "\n");
    wxArrayString lines = wxStringTokenize(textComment, "\n", wxTOKEN_STRTOK);

    for (size_t i=0; i<lines.GetCount(); ++i)
        textComment << lines.Item(i) << wxT("\n");
    return textComment;
예제 #16
TagEntryPtr RefactoringEngine::SyncSignature(const wxFileName& fn,
        int line,
        int pos,
        const wxString &word,
        const wxString &text,
        const wxString &expr)
    TagEntryPtr func = TagsManagerST::Get()->FunctionFromFileLine(fn, line);
        return NULL;

    bool bIsImpl = (func->GetKind() == wxT("function"));

    // Found the counterpart
    std::vector<TagEntryPtr> tags;
    TagsManagerST::Get()->FindImplDecl(fn, line, expr, word, text, tags, !bIsImpl);
    if(tags.size() != 1)
        return NULL;

    TagEntryPtr tag = tags.at(0);
    if(tag->IsMethod() == false)
        return NULL;

    wxString signature;
    if (bIsImpl) {
        // The "source" is an implementaion, which means that we need to prepare declaration signature
        // this could be tricky since we might lose the "default" values
        signature = TagsManagerST::Get()->NormalizeFunctionSig(func->GetSignature(), Normalize_Func_Default_value|Normalize_Func_Name|Normalize_Func_Reverse_Macro);
    } else {
        // Prepare an "implementation" signature
        signature = TagsManagerST::Get()->NormalizeFunctionSig(func->GetSignature(), Normalize_Func_Name|Normalize_Func_Reverse_Macro);

    return tag;
예제 #17
 bool operator()(const TagEntryPtr& rStart, const TagEntryPtr& rEnd)
     return rEnd->GetName().Cmp(rStart->GetName()) > 0;
예제 #18
void OpenResourceDialog::DoPopulateTags()
	if (m_tags.empty())

	bool gotExactMatch(false);

	wxArrayString tmpArr;
	wxString curSel = m_textCtrlResourceName->GetValue();
	wxString curSelNoStar;
	if (!curSel.Trim().Trim(false).IsEmpty()) {

		curSel = curSel.MakeLower().Trim().Trim(false);
		curSelNoStar = curSel.c_str();

		for (size_t i=0; i<m_tags.size(); i++) {
			TagEntryPtr tag = m_tags.at(i);
			wxString    name(tag->GetName());


			//append wildcard at the end
			if (!curSel.EndsWith(wxT("*"))) {
				curSel << wxT("*");

			// FR# [2008133]
			if (m_checkBoxUsePartialMatching->IsChecked() && !curSel.StartsWith(wxT("*"))) {

			if (wxMatchWild(curSel, name)) {
				// keep the fullpath
				int index(0);
				if(tag->GetKind() == wxT("function") || tag->GetKind() == wxT("prototype"))
					index = DoAppendLine(tag->GetName(), 
										 tag->GetKind() == wxT("function"),
										 new OpenResourceDialogItemData(tag->GetFile(), tag->GetLine(), tag->GetPattern(), m_type, tag->GetName(), tag->GetScope()));
					index = DoAppendLine(tag->GetName(), 
										 new OpenResourceDialogItemData(tag->GetFile(), tag->GetLine(), tag->GetPattern(), m_type, tag->GetName(), tag->GetScope()));
				if (curSelNoStar == name && !gotExactMatch) {
					gotExactMatch = true;

	if (m_listOptions->GetItemCount() == 150) {
		m_staticTextErrorMessage->SetLabel(wxT("Too many matches, please narrow down your search"));

	if (!gotExactMatch && m_listOptions->GetItemCount()) {
void OpenResourceDialog::DoPopulateTags()
    bool gotExactMatch(false);

    // Next, add the tags
    TagEntryPtrVector_t tags;
    if(m_userFilters.IsEmpty()) return;

    m_manager->GetTagsManager()->GetTagsByPartialName(m_userFilters.Item(0), tags);

    for(size_t i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
        TagEntryPtr tag = tags.at(i);

        // Filter out non relevanting entries
        if(!m_filters.IsEmpty() && m_filters.Index(tag->GetKind()) == wxNOT_FOUND) continue;

        if(!MatchesFilter(tag->GetName())) continue;

        wxString name(tag->GetName());

        // keep the fullpath
        wxDataViewItem item;
        wxString fullname;
        if(tag->GetKind() == wxT("function") || tag->GetKind() == wxT("prototype")) {
            fullname = wxString::Format(
                wxT("%s::%s%s"), tag->GetScope().c_str(), tag->GetName().c_str(), tag->GetSignature().c_str());
            item = DoAppendLine(tag->GetName(), fullname, (tag->GetKind() == wxT("function")),
                new OpenResourceDialogItemData(
                                    tag->GetFile(), tag->GetLine(), tag->GetPattern(), tag->GetName(), tag->GetScope()),
        } else {

            fullname = wxString::Format(wxT("%s::%s"), tag->GetScope().c_str(), tag->GetName().c_str());
            item = DoAppendLine(tag->GetName(), fullname, false,
                new OpenResourceDialogItemData(
                                    tag->GetFile(), tag->GetLine(), tag->GetPattern(), tag->GetName(), tag->GetScope()),

        if((m_userFilters.GetCount() == 1) && (m_userFilters.Item(0).CmpNoCase(name) == 0) && !gotExactMatch) {
            gotExactMatch = true;
예제 #20
bool RefactoringEngine::DoResolveWord(TextStatesPtr states, const wxFileName& fn, int pos, int line, const wxString &word, RefactorSource *rs)
    std::vector<TagEntryPtr> tags;

    // try to process the current expression
    wxString expr = GetExpression(pos, states);

    // sanity
    if(states->text.length() < (size_t)pos + 1)
        return false;

    // get the scope
    // Optimize the text for large files
    wxString text(states->text.substr(0, pos + 1));

    // we simply collect declarations & implementations

    //try implemetation first
    bool found(false);
    TagsManagerST::Get()->FindImplDecl(fn, line, expr, word, text, tags, true, true);
    if (tags.empty() == false) {
        // try to see if we got a function and not class/struct

        for (size_t i=0; i<tags.size(); i++) {
            TagEntryPtr tag = tags.at(i);
            // find first non class/struct tag
            if (tag->GetKind() != wxT("class") && tag->GetKind() != wxT("struct")) {

                // if there is no match, add it anyways
                if (!found) {
                    rs->isClass = (tag->GetKind() == wxT("class") ||tag->GetKind() == wxT("struct"));
                    rs->name = tag->GetName();
                    rs->scope = tag->GetScope();
                    found = true;
                } else if (rs->scope == wxT("<global>") && rs->isClass == false) {
                    // give predecense to <global> variables
                    rs->isClass = (tag->GetKind() == wxT("class") ||tag->GetKind() == wxT("struct"));
                    rs->name = tag->GetName();
                    rs->scope = tag->GetScope();
                    found = true;
                found = true;

        // if no match was found, keep the first result but keep searching
        if ( !found ) {

            TagEntryPtr tag = tags.at(0);
            rs->scope   = tag->GetScope();
            rs->name    = tag->GetName();
            rs->isClass = tag->IsClass() || tag->IsStruct();
            found = true;

        } else {
            return true;


    // Ok, the "implementation" search did not yield definite results, try declaration
    TagsManagerST::Get()->FindImplDecl(fn, line, expr, word, text, tags, false, true);
    if (tags.empty() == false) {
        // try to see if we got a function and not class/struct
        for (size_t i=0; i<tags.size(); i++) {
            TagEntryPtr tag = tags.at(i);
            // find first non class/struct tag
            if (tag->GetKind() != wxT("class") && tag->GetKind() != wxT("struct")) {
                rs->name = tag->GetName();
                rs->scope = tag->GetScope();
                return true;

        // if no match was found, keep the first result but keep searching
        if ( !found ) {
            TagEntryPtr tag = tags.at(0);
            rs->scope    = tag->GetScope();
            rs->name     = tag->GetName();
            rs->isClass  = tag->IsClass() || tag->IsStruct();
        return true;

    // if we got so far, CC failed to parse the expression
    return false;
예제 #21
void clCallTip::Initialize(const std::vector<TagEntryPtr> &tips)
	std::map<wxString, tagCallTipInfo> mymap;
	for (size_t i=0; i< tips.size(); i++) {
		tagCallTipInfo cti;
		TagEntryPtr t = tips.at(i);
		if ( t->IsMethod() ) {

			wxString raw_sig ( t->GetSignature().Trim().Trim(false) );

			// evaluate the return value of the tag
			cti.retValue = TagsManagerST::Get()->GetFunctionReturnValueFromPattern(t);
			bool hasDefaultValues = (raw_sig.Find(wxT("=")) != wxNOT_FOUND);

			// the key for unique entries is the function prototype without the variables names and
			// any default values
			wxString  key           = TagsManagerST::Get()->NormalizeFunctionSig(raw_sig, Normalize_Func_Reverse_Macro);

			// the signature that we want to keep is one with name & default values, so try and get the maximum out of the
			// function signature
			wxString  full_signature = TagsManagerST::Get()->NormalizeFunctionSig(raw_sig, Normalize_Func_Name | Normalize_Func_Default_value | Normalize_Func_Reverse_Macro, &cti.paramLen);
			cti.sig                  = full_signature;

			if (hasDefaultValues) {
				// incase default values exist in this prototype,
				// update/insert this signature
				mymap[key] = cti;

			// make sure we dont add duplicates
			if ( mymap.find(key) == mymap.end() ) {
				// add it
				mymap[key] = cti;

		} else {
			// macro
			wxString macroName = t->GetName();
			wxString pattern = t->GetPattern();

			int where = pattern.Find(macroName);
			if (where != wxNOT_FOUND) {
				//remove the #define <name> from the pattern
				pattern = pattern.Mid(where + macroName.Length());
				pattern = pattern.Trim().Trim(false);
				if (pattern.StartsWith(wxT("("))) {
					//this macro has the form of a function
					pattern = pattern.BeforeFirst(wxT(')'));
					cti.sig = pattern.Trim().Trim(false);
					mymap[cti.sig] = cti;

	std::map<wxString, tagCallTipInfo>::iterator iter = mymap.begin();
	for (; iter != mymap.end(); iter++) {
		wxString tip;
		if ( iter->second.retValue.empty() == false ) {
			tip <<  iter->second.retValue.Trim(false).Trim() << wxT(" : ");
		tip << iter->second.sig;
		clTipInfo ti;
		ti.paramLen = iter->second.paramLen;
		ti.str = tip;
예제 #22
CxxTemplateFunction::CxxTemplateFunction(TagEntryPtr tag)
    m_scanner = ::LexerNew(tag->GetPatternClean(), kLexerOpt_None);
    m_sigScanner = ::LexerNew(tag->GetSignature(), kLexerOpt_None);
예제 #23
void FindUsageTab::ShowUsage(const std::list<CppToken>& matches, const wxString& searchWhat)
    int lineNumber(0);
    wxString text;
    wxString curfile;
    wxString curfileContent;
    wxArrayString lines;

    text = wxString::Format(_("===== Finding references of '%s' =====\n"), searchWhat.c_str());

    std::list<CppToken>::const_iterator iter = matches.begin();
    for(; iter != matches.end(); iter++) {

        // Print the line number
        wxString file_name(iter->getFilename());
        if(curfile != file_name) {
            curfile = file_name;
            wxFileName fn(file_name);

            text << fn.GetFullPath() << wxT("\n");

            // Load the file content
            wxLogNull nolog;
            wxFFile thefile(file_name, wxT("rb"));
            if(thefile.IsOpened()) {

                wxFileOffset size = thefile.Length();
                wxString fileData;

                wxCSConv fontEncConv(wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1);
                thefile.ReadAll(&curfileContent, fontEncConv);

                // break the current file into lines, a line can be an empty string
                lines = wxStringTokenize(curfileContent, wxT("\n"), wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY_ALL);

        // Keep the match
        m_matches[lineNumber] = *iter;

        // Format the message
        wxString linenum = wxString::Format(wxT(" %5u "), (unsigned int)iter->getLineNumber() + 1);
        wxString scopeName(wxT("<global>"));
        TagEntryPtr tag = TagsManagerST::Get()->FunctionFromFileLine(iter->getFilename(), iter->getLineNumber());
        if(tag) {
            scopeName = tag->GetPath();

        text << linenum << wxT("[ ") << scopeName << wxT(" ] ");
        if(lines.GetCount() > iter->getLineNumber()) {
            text << lines.Item(iter->getLineNumber()).Trim().Trim(false);

        text << wxT("\n");
    text << wxString::Format(_("===== Found total of %u matches =====\n"), (unsigned int)m_matches.size());