예제 #1
/*! \brief Expands the template in \a filename for \a table
 * This initializes a dictionary with the values for each column in table mapped to the
 * marker tags used in the template \a filename (Note: see top of file for supported tags)
 * It then expands the template replacing the tag markers and returns a string suitable for
 * writing to a file.
 * \todo Break this up into smaller functions, its getting long .. and formating the variable strings 
 * (eg. variable_gettor/variable_settor) should at least be broken out into a funcion and ideally
 * be moved to the template .. but, we need a smarter templating system for that.
 * \param std::string filename - the file containing the template
 * \param WSqlTable table - the table being generated
 * \retval std::string an expanded template
std::string WormClassGenerator::expand ( const std::string &filename, const WSqlTable &table, WormCodeTemplate::Type template_type )
	std::string strToReturn;
	bool has_string = false;
	bool has_vector = false;
	std::string type_declaration;
	std::string column_name;
	std::string variable_name;
	std::string variable_settor;
	std::string variable_gettor;
	std::vector<std::string> forward_declarations;

	TemplateDictionary *topdict = new TemplateDictionary ( filename );
	TemplateDictionary *forwarddecls_dict = 0;
	TemplateDictionary *belongsto_dict = 0;
	TemplateDictionary *hasmany_dict = 0;
	TemplateDictionary *includes_dict = 0;
	TemplateDictionary *columns_dict = 0;
	TemplateDictionary *primary_key_dict = 0;
	topdict->SetValue ( kcd_CLASS_NAME, table.className() );
	topdict->SetValue ( kcd_TABLE_NAME, table.name() );
	std::string header_guard = table.className() + "_H";
	topdict->SetValue("HEADER_GUARD", header_guard);
	std::string includes_string;
	//TODO: move this stuff to a method ..
	if( WormCodeTemplate::ClassDefinition == template_type )
		includes_string = "#include \"" + table.className() + ".h\"";
		includes_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary(kcd_INCLUDES);
		includes_dict->SetValue(kcd_INCLUDE, includes_string);		
	if( WormCodeTemplate::ClassDefinitionBase == template_type )
		includes_string = "#include \"" + table.className() + "base.h\"";
		includes_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary(kcd_INCLUDES);
		includes_dict->SetValue(kcd_INCLUDE, includes_string);		
	if( usesBaseClass  && WormCodeTemplate::ClassDeclaration == template_type )
		includes_string = "#include \"" + table.className() + "base.h\"";
		includes_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary(kcd_INCLUDES);
		includes_dict->SetValue(kcd_INCLUDE, includes_string);		
	const std::vector<WSqlColumn>& columns = table.columns();
	std::vector<WSqlColumn>::const_iterator col_it = columns.begin();

	if ( table.hasForeignKeys() )
		std::vector< WSqlForeignKey >fks = table.foreignKeys();
		std::vector< WSqlForeignKey >::const_iterator fks_it = fks.begin();

		for ( ; fks_it != fks.end(); ++fks_it )
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = std::find ( forward_declarations.begin(), forward_declarations.end(), fks_it->referencedClassName() );

			if ( it == forward_declarations.end() ) //avoid repetition ..
				forwarddecls_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary ( kcd_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS );
				forwarddecls_dict->SetValue ( kcd_REFERENCED_CLASSNAME, fks_it->referencedClassName() );
				forward_declarations.push_back ( fks_it->referencedClassName() );
				if ( ( ! usesBaseClass && WormCodeTemplate::ClassDefinition == template_type)
					||  WormCodeTemplate::ClassDefinitionBase == template_type )
					includes_string = "#include \"" + fks_it->referencedClassName() + ".h\"";
					includes_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary(kcd_INCLUDES);
					includes_dict->SetValue(kcd_INCLUDE, includes_string);
			belongsto_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary ( kcd_BELONGS_TO );
			belongsto_dict->SetValue ( kcd_REFERENCED_CLASSNAME, fks_it->referencedClassName() );
			belongsto_dict->SetValue ( kcd_REFERENCED_TABLENAME, fks_it->referencedTableName() );
            belongsto_dict->SetValue(kcd_REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME, fks_it->referencedColumnName());
            belongsto_dict->SetValue(kcd_REFERING_COLUMN_NAME, fks_it->columnName());
            belongsto_dict->SetValue(kcd_REFERENCED_VARIABLE_NAME, fks_it->referencedVariableName());
            belongsto_dict->SetValue(kcd_REFERING_VARIABLE_NAME, fks_it->referingVariableName());

	if ( table.hasReferencedKeys() )
		has_vector = true;
		std::vector< WSqlReferencedKey >rks = table.referencedKeys();
		std::vector< WSqlReferencedKey >::const_iterator rks_it = rks.begin();

		for ( ; rks_it != rks.end(); ++rks_it )
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = std::find ( forward_declarations.begin(), forward_declarations.end(), rks_it->referingClassName() );

			if ( it == forward_declarations.end() )
				forwarddecls_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary ( kcd_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS );
				forwarddecls_dict->SetValue ( kcd_REFERENCED_CLASSNAME, rks_it->referingClassName() );
				forward_declarations.push_back ( rks_it->referingClassName() );
				if ( ( ! usesBaseClass && WormCodeTemplate::ClassDefinition == template_type)
					||  WormCodeTemplate::ClassDefinitionBase == template_type )
					includes_string = "#include \"" + rks_it->referingClassName() + ".h\"";
					includes_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary(kcd_INCLUDES);
					includes_dict->SetValue(kcd_INCLUDE, includes_string);
			hasmany_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary ( kcd_HAS_MANY );
			hasmany_dict->SetValue ( kcd_FOREIGNKEY_CLASSNAME, rks_it->referingClassName() );
			hasmany_dict->SetValue ( kcd_FOREIGNKEY_CLASS_PLURAL, rks_it->referingClassNamePlural() );

	int i;
	char buff[8];
	for (i=0; col_it != columns.end(); ++col_it, i++ )
		columns_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary ( kcd_COLUMNS );
		type_declaration = col_it->typeDeclaration();
		variable_name = col_it->variableName();
		column_name = col_it->columnName(); 
		std::string tmp = variable_name;
		tmp[0] = toupper ( tmp[0] );
		variable_settor = "set" + tmp;
		variable_gettor = "get" + tmp;

		if ( type_declaration.compare ( "std::string" ) == 0 )
			has_string = true;

		if ( ! col_it->typeIsSupported() )
			columns_dict->ShowSection ( kcd_UNSUPPORTED );
		if( col_it->isPrimaryKey() )
			primary_key_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary ( "PK_SECTION" );
			primary_key_dict->SetValue("PK_VARIABLE_NAME", variable_name);
			primary_key_dict->SetValue("PK_COLUMN_NAME", column_name);
		columns_dict->SetValue ( kcd_COLUMN_NAME, column_name );
		columns_dict->SetValue ( kcd_DATATYPE, type_declaration );
		if(! type_declaration.empty())
			type_declaration[0] = ::toupper(type_declaration[0]);
			//NOTE: transform std::string to StdString .. for Qt - should be some how moved or made more flexible. Or, depend on a config option.
			//ie. if(qt_support) .. which we might determine from the template file ? in any case, commandline and/or settings (which we don't have ..).
			size_t pos = type_declaration.find_last_of(':');
			if(std::string::npos != pos)
				type_declaration[pos+1] = ::toupper(type_declaration[pos+1]);				
				type_declaration.erase (std::remove(type_declaration.begin(), type_declaration.end(), ':'), type_declaration.end());
			//Also for Qt: longlong to LongLong
			pos = type_declaration.find("Long long");
			if(std::string::npos != pos)
				type_declaration[pos] = ::toupper(type_declaration[pos]);
				pos = type_declaration.find(' ');
				pos = type_declaration.find_last_of('l');
				type_declaration[pos] = ::toupper(type_declaration[pos]);
		columns_dict->SetValue ( "TO_DATATYPE", type_declaration );
		columns_dict->SetValue ( kcd_VARIABLE_NAME, variable_name );
		columns_dict->SetValue ( kcd_VARIABLE_SETTOR, variable_settor );
		columns_dict->SetValue ( kcd_VARIABLE_GETTOR, variable_gettor );
		snprintf(buff, 8, "%d", i);
		columns_dict->SetValue("CURRENT_COLUMN_NUMBER", buff);
		snprintf(buff, 8, "%d", i+1);
		columns_dict->SetValue("COLUMN_COUNT", buff);

		//FIXME always unsigned .. deep strangeness ..
	/*    if(col_it->isUnsigned())
				std::cerr << "in table " << tbl.className() << " " << col_it->columnName() << "is unsigned .." << std::endl
				<< "        type: " << WSqlDataType::toString(col_it->type()) << std::endl;
	//used for a final "QString.arg()" in cases of WHERE queries ..
	snprintf(buff, 8, "%d", i+1);
	topdict->SetValue("COLUMN_COUNT", buff);

		if ( ( ! usesBaseClass && WormCodeTemplate::ClassDeclaration == template_type)
			||  WormCodeTemplate::ClassDeclarationBase == template_type )
			includes_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary(kcd_INCLUDES);
			includes_dict->SetValue(kcd_INCLUDE,  "#include <string>");				
		if ( ( ! usesBaseClass && WormCodeTemplate::ClassDeclaration == template_type)
			||  WormCodeTemplate::ClassDeclarationBase == template_type )
			includes_dict = topdict->AddSectionDictionary(kcd_INCLUDES);
			includes_dict->SetValue(kcd_INCLUDE,  "#include <vector>");				

	ExpandTemplate ( filename, DO_NOT_STRIP, topdict, &strToReturn );
	delete topdict;
	return strToReturn;
예제 #2
bool UserInfoCollector::fillData(const std::string& path, const Str2StrMap& cookies, const Str2StrMap& parameter, TemplateDictionary& dict) {
	int uid = GetUserId(cookies, parameter);
	if (uid <= 0) {
		MCE_WARN("UserInfoCollector::fillData --> uid:" << uid << " path:" << path);
		return false;
	string ticket = GetTicket(cookies, parameter);
  if (checkTicket(uid, ticket)) {
		dict.SetValue("userid", boost::lexical_cast<string>(uid));
		TalkUserPtr uPtr;
		try {
			uPtr = TalkCacheClient::instance().GetUserByIdWithLoad(uid);
		} catch (Ice::Exception& e) {
			MCE_WARN("UserInfoCollector::fillData -->TalkCacheClient::GetUserByIdWithLoad-->err : " <<e);
			return false;
		UserUrlInfoPtr urlinfo;
			urlinfo = UserUrlAdapter::instance().getUserUrl(uid);
		}catch(Ice::Exception& e){
			MCE_WARN("UserInfoCollector::fillData-->UserUrlAdapter::getUserUrl-->uid:" << uid << " error:" << e);
			return false;
		if(uPtr && urlinfo){
			string username = uPtr->name;
			string url = urlinfo->headUrl();
			string tinyurl = PhotoUrlHelper::instance().GetFullUrl(url);
			dict.SetValue("tinyurl", tinyurl);
			dict.SetValue("username", username);
			ClientScoreDataN sd = ScoreCacheNAdapter::instance().getClientScoreDataN(uid);
			dict.SetValue("historyLoginDays", boost::lexical_cast<string>(sd.historyLoginDays));
			dict.SetValue("continueLoginDays", boost::lexical_cast<string>(sd.continueLoginDays));
			Date datetime((sd.lastLoginTime+0.0) / 1000.0);
			MCE_INFO("UserInfoCollector::fillData --> userid:" << uid << " lastLoginTime:" << (sd.lastLoginTime +0.0) / 1000.0 << " datetime:" << datetime.toDateTime());
			ostringstream os;
			if(datetime.month() <= 9){
				os << "0" << datetime.month() << "-";
				os << datetime.month() << "-";
			if(datetime.day() <= 9){
				os << "0" << datetime.day();
				os << datetime.day();
			}os << " ";
			if(datetime.hour() <= 9){
				os << "0" << datetime.hour() << ":";
				os << datetime.hour() << ":";
			if(datetime.minute() <= 9){
				os << "0" << datetime.minute();
				os << datetime.minute();
			dict.SetValue("lastLoginTime", boost::lexical_cast<string>(os.str()));
			dict.SetValue("loginType", boost::lexical_cast<string>(sd.loginType));
			dict.SetValue("score", boost::lexical_cast<string>(sd.score));
			dict.SetValue("level", boost::lexical_cast<string>(sd.level));
			dict.SetValue("nextLevelScore", boost::lexical_cast<string>(sd.nextLevelScore));
			dict.SetValue("awardCount", boost::lexical_cast<string>(sd.awardCount));
			int vip = sd.vip;
			if(vip > 0){
				MCE_INFO("UserInfoCollector::fillData --> userid:" << uid << " vip:" << vip);
				dict.SetValue("vip", boost::lexical_cast<string>(vip));
			ostringstream oss;
			for(vector<string>::iterator it = sd.icons.begin(); it != sd.icons.end(); ++it){
				string level = (*it);
				size_t pos = level.find("-");
				if(string::npos ==pos){
				oss << level << "(" << (*it) << ")  ,";
			MCE_INFO("UserInfoCollector::fillData --> icons:" << oss.str());
		}catch(Ice::Exception& e) {
			MCE_WARN("UserInfoCollector::fillData --> call ScoreCache err : " << e);
  } else {
    return false;
예제 #3
void GenerateParser(string _srcPath, string _folder, string _name, const Grammar& _grammar)
	TemplateDictionary dict(_name);
	dict.SetValue("namespace", _name);

	Defs::const_iterator i, iEnd = _grammar.defs.end();
	for (i = _grammar.defs.begin(); i != iEnd; ++i)
		TemplateDictionary* pDef = dict.AddSectionDictionary("def");
		pDef->SetValue("name", i->first);
		if (i->second.isNode)
		else if (i->second.isMemoized)
		ostringstream parseCodeStream;
		ParserGenerator parserGenerator(parseCodeStream, _grammar);
		parserGenerator.Emit(i->second, -1);
		string parseCodeFilename = "parseCode_" + i->first;
		string parseCode = parseCodeStream.str();
		StringToTemplateCache(parseCodeFilename, parseCode, STRIP_BLANK_LINES);
		ostringstream traverseCodeStream;
		ParserGenerator traverserGenerator(traverseCodeStream, _grammar, true);
		traverserGenerator.Emit(i->second, -1);
		string traverseCodeFilename = "traverseCode_" + i->first;
		string traverseCode = traverseCodeStream.str();
		StringToTemplateCache(traverseCodeFilename, traverseCode, STRIP_BLANK_LINES);


	string headerText;
	if (!ExpandTemplate("Parser.h.tpl", STRIP_BLANK_LINES, &dict, &headerText))
		throw runtime_error("CTemplate Parser.h.tpl expansion failed!");
	ofstream headerFile;
	headerFile.exceptions(ofstream::failbit | ofstream::badbit);
	headerFile.open((_folder + _name + ".h").c_str());
	WriteAutoGenNotice(headerFile, _srcPath);
	headerFile << format("#ifndef %1%_H\n#define %1%_H\n\n") % to_upper_copy(_name);
	headerFile << headerText;
	headerFile << "\n#endif\n";
	dict.SetValue("header", headerText);

	string sourceText;
	if (!ExpandTemplate("Parser.cpp.tpl", STRIP_BLANK_LINES, &dict, &sourceText))
		throw runtime_error("CTemplate Parser.cpp.tpl expansion failed!");
	ofstream sourceFile;
	sourceFile.exceptions(ofstream::failbit | ofstream::badbit);
	string sourcePath = _folder + _name + ".cpp";
	WriteAutoGenNotice(sourceFile, _srcPath);
	sourceFile << sourceText;	