예제 #1
void GraphController::initCursorParameters() {
  double x = std::round((interactiveCurveViewRange()->xMin()+interactiveCurveViewRange()->xMax())/2.0);
  TextFieldDelegateApp * myApp = (TextFieldDelegateApp *)app();
  int functionIndex = 0;
  double y = 0;
  do {
    Sequence * firstFunction = m_sequenceStore->activeFunctionAtIndex(functionIndex++);
    y = firstFunction->evaluateAtAbscissa(x, myApp->localContext());
  } while (std::isnan(y) && functionIndex < m_sequenceStore->numberOfActiveFunctions());
  m_cursor->moveTo(x, y);
  m_graphRange->panToMakePointVisible(x, y, k_cursorTopMarginRatio, k_cursorRightMarginRatio, k_cursorBottomMarginRatio, k_cursorLeftMarginRatio);
예제 #2
bool GraphController::moveCursorHorizontally(int direction) {
  double xCursorPosition = std::round(m_cursor->x());
  if (direction < 0 && xCursorPosition <= 0) {
    return false;
  /* The cursor moves by step of at minimum 1. If the windowRange is to large
   * compared to the resolution, the cursor takes bigger round step to cross
   * the window in approximatively resolution steps. */
  double step = std::ceil((interactiveCurveViewRange()->xMax()-interactiveCurveViewRange()->xMin())/m_view.resolution());
  step = step < 1.0 ? 1.0 : step;
  double x = direction > 0 ? xCursorPosition + step:
    xCursorPosition -  step;
  if (x < 0.0) {
    return false;
  Sequence * s = m_sequenceStore->activeFunctionAtIndex(indexFunctionSelectedByCursor());
  TextFieldDelegateApp * myApp = (TextFieldDelegateApp *)app();
  double y = s->evaluateAtAbscissa(x, myApp->localContext());
  m_cursor->moveTo(x, y);
  m_graphRange->panToMakePointVisible(x, y, k_cursorTopMarginRatio, k_cursorRightMarginRatio, k_cursorBottomMarginRatio, k_cursorLeftMarginRatio);
  return true;
예제 #3
double ValuesController::evaluationOfAbscissaAtColumn(double abscissa, int columnIndex) {
  Function * function = functionAtColumn(columnIndex);
  TextFieldDelegateApp * myApp = (TextFieldDelegateApp *)app();
  return function->evaluateAtAbscissa(abscissa, myApp->localContext());