예제 #1
// Return true on end-of-file
bool Seq::FromFASTAFile(TextFile &File)

	char szLine[MAX_FASTA_LINE];
	bool bEof = File.GetLine(szLine, sizeof(szLine));
	if (bEof)
		return true;
	if ('>' != szLine[0])
		Quit_Qscore("Expecting '>' in FASTA file %s line %u",
		  File.GetFileName(), File.GetLineNr());

// Truncate name at first blank
// TODO: This is a hack because readseq does MSF -> FASTA
// conversion in a very strange way with the annotation.
	//char *ptrBlank = strchr(szLine, ' ');
	//if (0 != ptrBlank)
	//	*ptrBlank = 0;

	size_t n = strlen(szLine);
	if (1 == n)
		Quit_Qscore("Missing name following '>' in FASTA file %s line %u",
		  File.GetFileName(), File.GetLineNr());

	m_ptrName = new char[n];
	strcpy(m_ptrName, szLine + 1);

	TEXTFILEPOS Pos = File.GetPos();
	for (;;)
		bEof = File.GetLine(szLine, sizeof(szLine));
		if (bEof)
			if (0 == size())
				Quit_Qscore("Empty sequence in FASTA file %s line %u",
				  File.GetFileName(), File.GetLineNr());
				return true;
			return false;
		if ('>' == szLine[0])
			if (0 == size())
				Quit_Qscore("Empty sequence in FASTA file %s line %u",
				  File.GetFileName(), File.GetLineNr());
		// Rewind to beginning of this line, it's the start of the
		// next sequence.
			return false;
		const char *ptrChar = szLine;
		while (char c = *ptrChar++)
		Pos = File.GetPos();
예제 #2
   * Loads the user entered batchlist file into a private variable for later use
   * @param file The batchlist file to load
   *  @history 2010-03-26 Sharmila Prasad - Remove the restriction of the number of
   *           columns in the batchlist file to 10.
   * @throws Isis::IException::User - The batchlist does not contain any data
  void UserInterface::LoadBatchList(const QString file) {
    // Read in the batch list
    TextFile temp;
    try {
    catch (IException &e) {
      QString msg = "The batchlist file [" + file
                   + "] could not be opened";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);


    for(int i = 0; i < temp.LineCount(); i ++) {
      QString t;

      // Convert tabs to spaces but leave tabs inside quotes alone
      t = IString(t).Replace("\t", " ", true).ToQt();

      t = IString(t).Compress().ToQt().trimmed();
      // Allow " ," " , " or ", " as a valid single seperator
      t = IString(t).Replace(" ,", ",", true).ToQt();
      t = IString(t).Replace(", ", ",", true).ToQt();
      // Convert all spaces to "," the use "," as delimiter
      t = IString(t).Replace(" ", ",", true).ToQt();
      int j = 0;

      QStringList tokens = t.split(",");

      foreach(QString token, tokens) {
        // removes quotes from tokens. NOTE: also removes escaped quotes.
        token = token.remove(QRegExp("[\"']"));
        j ++ ;

      // Every row in the batchlist must have the same number of columns
      if(i == 0)
      if(p_batchList[i - 1].size() != p_batchList[i].size()) {
        QString msg =
          "The number of columns must be constant in batchlist";
        throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
예제 #3
파일: seq.cpp 프로젝트: bigmuscle/bigmuscle
// Return true on end-of-file
bool Seq::FromFASTAFile(TextFile &File)

	char szLine[MAX_FASTA_LINE];
	bool bEof = File.GetLine(szLine, sizeof(szLine));
	if (bEof)
		return true;
	if ('>' != szLine[0])
		Quit("Expecting '>' in FASTA file %s line %u",
		  File.GetFileName(), File.GetLineNr());

	size_t n = strlen(szLine);
	if (1 == n)
		Quit("Missing annotation following '>' in FASTA file %s line %u",
		  File.GetFileName(), File.GetLineNr());

	m_ptrName = new char[n];
	strcpy(m_ptrName, szLine + 1);

	TEXTFILEPOS Pos = File.GetPos();
	for (;;)
		bEof = File.GetLine(szLine, sizeof(szLine));
		if (bEof)
			if (0 == size())
				Quit("Empty sequence in FASTA file %s line %u",
				  File.GetFileName(), File.GetLineNr());
				return true;
			return false;
		if ('>' == szLine[0])
			if (0 == size())
				Quit("Empty sequence in FASTA file %s line %u",
				  File.GetFileName(), File.GetLineNr());
		// Rewind to beginning of this line, it's the start of the
		// next sequence.
			return false;
		const char *ptrChar = szLine;
		while (char c = *ptrChar++)
			if (isspace(c))
			if (IsGapChar(c))
			if (!IsResidueChar(c))
				if (isprint(c))
					char w = GetWildcardChar();
					Warning("Invalid residue '%c' in FASTA file %s line %d, replaced by '%c'",
					  c, File.GetFileName(), File.GetLineNr(), w);
					c = w;
					Quit("Invalid byte hex %02x in FASTA file %s line %d",
					  (unsigned char) c, File.GetFileName(), File.GetLineNr());
			c = toupper(c);
		Pos = File.GetPos();