예제 #1
	TextFragment subText(const TextFragment& frag, int start, int end)
		// this impl does an unneccesary copy, to keep TextFragment very simple for now.
		if(!frag) return TextFragment();
		if(start >= end) return TextFragment();
		// we won't know the output fragment size in bytes until iterating the code points. 
		int len = frag.lengthInBytes();
		SmallStackBuffer<char> temp(len);
		char* buf = temp.data();
		char* pb = buf;
		auto first = codepoint_iterator<const char*>(frag.getText());		
		auto it = first;
		for(int i=0; i<start; ++i)
		for (int i=0; i<end - start; ++i) 
			// write the codepoint as UTF-8 to the buffer
			if(!utf::internal::validate_codepoint(*it)) return TextFragment();
			pb = utf::internal::utf_traits<utf::utf8>::encode(*it, pb);
		return TextFragment(buf, pb - buf);
예제 #2
	int SymbolTable::getSymbolID(const HashedCharArray& hsl)
		int r = 0;
		// get the vector of symbol IDs matching this hash. It probably has one entry but may have more. 
		const std::vector<int>& bin = mHashTable[hsl.hash].mIDVector;
			bool found = false;
			std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mHashTable[hsl.hash].mMutex);			

			 for(int ID : bin)
				// there should be few collisions, so probably the first ID in the hash bin
				// will be the symbol we are looking for. Unfortunately to test for equality we may have to 
				// compare the entire string.	
				TextFragment* binFragment = &mSymbolTextsByID[ID];
				if(compareSizedCharArrays(binFragment->getText(), binFragment->lengthInBytes(), hsl.pChars, hsl.len))
					 r = ID;
					 found = true;
				mSymbolTextsByID.emplace_back(TextFragment(hsl.pChars, static_cast<int>(hsl.len)));
				r = mSize++;
		return r;
예제 #3
	TextFragment::TextFragment(const TextFragment& a) noexcept
		construct(a.getText(), a.lengthInBytes());
예제 #4
	TextFragment::TextFragment(const TextFragment& t1, const TextFragment& t2, const TextFragment& t3, const TextFragment& t4) noexcept
		construct(t1.getText(), t1.lengthInBytes(), t2.getText(), t2.lengthInBytes(), 
				  t3.getText(), t3.lengthInBytes(), t4.getText(), t4.lengthInBytes());