예제 #1
static String externalRepresentation(RenderBox* renderer, RenderAsTextBehavior behavior)
    TextStream ts;
    if (!renderer->hasLayer())
        return ts.release();

    RenderLayer* layer = renderer->layer();
    RenderTreeAsText::writeLayers(ts, layer, layer, layer->rect(), 0, behavior);
    return ts.release();
예제 #2
String GraphicsLayer::layerTreeAsText(LayerTreeAsTextBehavior behavior) const
    TextStream ts;

    dumpLayer(ts, 0, behavior);
    return ts.release();
 static String absoluteBlockHtmlForLink(int x, int y, int width, int height, const char* url, const char* children = nullptr)
     TextStream ts;
     ts << "<a style='position: absolute; left: " << x << "px; top: " << y << "px; width: " << width << "px; height: " << height
         << "px' href='" << url << "'>" << (children ? children : url) << "</a>";
     return ts.release();
예제 #4
CString ViewportConfiguration::description() const
    TextStream ts;

    ts << "viewport-configuration " << (void*)this;
        TextStream::GroupScope scope(ts);
        ts << "viewport arguments";
        ts << m_viewportArguments;
        TextStream::GroupScope scope(ts);
        ts << "configuration";
        ts << m_configuration;
        TextStream::GroupScope scope(ts);
        ts << "default configuration";
        ts << m_defaultConfiguration;

    ts.dumpProperty("contentSize", m_contentSize);
    ts.dumpProperty("minimumLayoutSize", m_minimumLayoutSize);
    ts.dumpProperty("computed initial scale", initialScale());
    ts.dumpProperty("computed minimum scale", minimumScale());
    ts.dumpProperty("computed layout size", layoutSize());
    ts.dumpProperty("ignoring horizontal scaling constraints", shouldIgnoreHorizontalScalingConstraints() ? "true" : "false");
    ts.dumpProperty("ignoring vertical scaling constraints", shouldIgnoreVerticalScalingConstraints() ? "true" : "false");

    return ts.release().utf8();
예제 #5
String ScrollingStateNode::scrollingStateTreeAsText() const
    TextStream ts;

    dump(ts, 0);
    return ts.release();
예제 #6
void printSimpleLineLayoutBlockList()
    HashSet<const RenderBlockFlow*> leafRenderers;
    if (!leafRenderers.size()) {
        WTFLogAlways("No text found in this document\n");
    TextStream stream;
    stream << "---------------------------------------------------\n";
    for (const auto* flow : leafRenderers) {
        auto reason = canUseForWithReason(*flow, FallThrough::Yes);
        if (reason == NoReason)
        unsigned printedLength = 30;
        stream << "\"";
        printTextForSubtree(*flow, printedLength, stream);
        for (;printedLength > 0; --printedLength)
            stream << " ";
        stream << "\"(" << textLengthForSubtree(*flow) << "):";
        printReasons(reason, stream);
        stream << "\n";
    stream << "---------------------------------------------------\n";
    WTFLogAlways("%s", stream.release().utf8().data());
예제 #7
String ScrollingStateNode::scrollingStateTreeAsText() const
    TextStream ts;

    dump(ts, 0, ScrollingStateTreeAsTextBehaviorNormal);
    return ts.release();
예제 #8
String GraphicsLayer::layerTreeAsText(LayerTreeFlags flags) const
    TextStream ts;

    RenderingContextMap renderingContextMap;
    dumpLayer(ts, 0, flags, renderingContextMap);
    return ts.release();
예제 #9
String LayerRendererChromium::layerTreeAsText() const
    TextStream ts;
    if (rootLayer()) {
        ts << rootLayer()->layerTreeAsText();
        ts << "RenderSurfaces:\n";
        dumpRenderSurfaces(ts, 1, rootLayer());
    return ts.release();
예제 #10
String counterValueForElement(Element* element)
    // Make sure the element is not freed during the layout.
    RefPtr<Element> elementRef(element);
    TextStream stream;
    bool isFirstCounter = true;
    // The counter renderers should be children of :before or :after pseudo-elements.
    if (RenderObject* before = element->pseudoElementRenderer(BEFORE))
        writeCounterValuesFromChildren(stream, before, isFirstCounter);
    if (RenderObject* after = element->pseudoElementRenderer(AFTER))
        writeCounterValuesFromChildren(stream, after, isFirstCounter);
    return stream.release();
예제 #11
CString ViewportConfiguration::description() const
    TextStream ts;

    ts << "(viewport-configuration " << (void*)this;
    ts << "\n";
    ts << "(viewport arguments";
    ts << m_viewportArguments;
    ts << ")";

    ts << "\n";
    ts << "(configuration";
    ts << m_configuration;
    ts << ")";

    ts << "\n";
    ts << "(default configuration";
    ts << m_defaultConfiguration;
    ts << ")";

    ts.dumpProperty("contentSize", m_contentSize);
    ts.dumpProperty("minimumLayoutSize", m_minimumLayoutSize);

    ts << "\n";
    ts << "(computed initial scale " << initialScale() << ")\n";
    ts << "(computed minimum scale " << minimumScale() << ")\n";
    ts << "(computed layout size " << layoutSize() << ")\n";
    ts << "(ignoring horizontal scaling constraints " << (shouldIgnoreHorizontalScalingConstraints() ? "true" : "false") << ")\n";
    ts << "(ignoring vertical scaling constraints " << (shouldIgnoreVerticalScalingConstraints() ? "true" : "false") << ")";

    ts << ")\n";

    return ts.release().utf8();
예제 #12
String counterValueForElement(Element* element)
    // Make sure the element is not freed during the layout.
    RefPtr<Element> elementRef(element);
    TextStream stream;
    bool isFirstCounter = true;
    // The counter renderers should be children of anonymous children
    // (i.e., :before or :after pseudo-elements).
    if (RenderObject* renderer = element->renderer()) {
        for (RenderObject* child = renderer->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
            if (child->isAnonymous())
                writeCounterValuesFromChildren(stream, child, isFirstCounter);
    return stream.release();
예제 #13
String externalRepresentation(RenderObject* o)
    if (!o)
        return String();

    TextStream ts;
    writeRenderResources(ts, o->document());
    if (o->view()->frameView())
    RenderLayer* l = o->layer();
    if (l) {
        writeLayers(ts, l, l, IntRect(l->xPos(), l->yPos(), l->width(), l->height()));
        writeSelection(ts, o);
    return ts.release();
예제 #14
String externalRepresentation(Frame* frame, RenderAsTextBehavior behavior)

    RenderObject* o = frame->contentRenderer();
    if (!o)
        return String();

    TextStream ts;
    writeRenderResources(ts, o->document());
    if (o->hasLayer()) {
        RenderLayer* l = toRenderBox(o)->layer();
        writeLayers(ts, l, l, IntRect(l->x(), l->y(), l->width(), l->height()), 0, behavior);
        writeSelection(ts, o);
    return ts.release();
예제 #15
String LocalFrame::layerTreeAsText(LayerTreeFlags flags) const
    TextStream textStream;
    textStream << localLayerTreeAsText(flags);

    for (Frame* child = tree().firstChild(); child; child = child->tree().traverseNext(this)) {
        if (!child->isLocalFrame())
        String childLayerTree = toLocalFrame(child)->localLayerTreeAsText(flags);
        if (!childLayerTree.length())

        textStream << "\n\n--------\nFrame: '";
        textStream << child->tree().uniqueName();
        textStream << "'\n--------\n";
        textStream << childLayerTree;

    return textStream.release();
예제 #16
void printSimpleLineLayoutCoverage()
    HashSet<const RenderBlockFlow*> leafRenderers;
    if (!leafRenderers.size()) {
        WTFLogAlways("No text found in this document\n");
    TextStream stream;
    HashMap<AvoidanceReason, unsigned> flowStatistics;
    unsigned textLength = 0;
    unsigned unsupportedTextLength = 0;
    unsigned numberOfUnsupportedLeafBlocks = 0;
    for (const auto* flow : leafRenderers) {
        auto flowLength = textLengthForSubtree(*flow);
        textLength += flowLength;
        auto reasons = canUseForWithReason(*flow, FallThrough::Yes);
        if (reasons == NoReason)
        unsupportedTextLength += flowLength;
        for (auto reasonItem = EndOfReasons >> 1; reasonItem != NoReason; reasonItem >>= 1) {
            if (!(reasons & reasonItem))
            auto result = flowStatistics.add(reasonItem, flowLength);
            if (!result.isNewEntry)
                result.iterator->value += flowLength;
    stream << "---------------------------------------------------\n";
    stream << "Number of text blocks: total(" <<  leafRenderers.size() << ") non-simple(" << numberOfUnsupportedLeafBlocks << ")\nText length: total(" <<
        textLength << ") non-simple(" << unsupportedTextLength << ")\n";
    for (const auto reasonEntry : flowStatistics) {
        printReason(reasonEntry.key, stream);
        stream << ": " << (float)reasonEntry.value / (float)textLength * 100 << "%\n";
    stream << "simple line layout coverage: " << (float)(textLength - unsupportedTextLength) / (float)textLength * 100 << "%\n";
    stream << "---------------------------------------------------\n";
    WTFLogAlways("%s", stream.release().utf8().data());
예제 #17
String externalRepresentation(Frame* frame, RenderAsTextBehavior behavior)
    PrintContext printContext(frame);
    if (behavior & RenderAsTextPrintingMode) {
        if (!frame->contentRenderer())
            return String();


    RenderObject* o = frame->contentRenderer();
    if (!o)
        return String();

    TextStream ts;
    if (o->hasLayer()) {
        RenderLayer* l = toRenderBox(o)->layer();
        writeLayers(ts, l, l, IntRect(l->x(), l->y(), l->width(), l->height()), 0, behavior);
        writeSelection(ts, o);
    return ts.release();
String CCSchedulerStateMachine::toString()
    TextStream ts;
    ts << "m_commitState = " << m_commitState << "; ";
    ts << "m_currentFrameNumber = " << m_currentFrameNumber << "; ";
    ts << "m_lastFrameNumberWhereDrawWasCalled = " << m_lastFrameNumberWhereDrawWasCalled << "; ";
    ts << "m_consecutiveFailedDraws = " << m_consecutiveFailedDraws << "; ";
    ts << "m_maximumNumberOfFailedDrawsBeforeDrawIsForced = " << m_maximumNumberOfFailedDrawsBeforeDrawIsForced << "; ";
    ts << "m_needsRedraw = " << m_needsRedraw << "; ";
    ts << "m_needsForcedRedraw = " << m_needsForcedRedraw << "; ";
    ts << "m_needsForcedRedrawAfterNextCommit = " << m_needsForcedRedrawAfterNextCommit << "; ";
    ts << "m_needsCommit = " << m_needsCommit << "; ";
    ts << "m_needsForcedCommit = " << m_needsForcedCommit << "; ";
    ts << "m_mainThreadNeedsLayerTextures = " << m_mainThreadNeedsLayerTextures << "; ";
    ts << "m_updateMoreResourcesPending = " << m_updateMoreResourcesPending << "; ";
    ts << "m_insideVSync = " << m_insideVSync << "; ";
    ts << "m_visible = " << m_visible << "; ";
    ts << "m_canBeginFrame = " << m_canBeginFrame << "; ";
    ts << "m_canDraw = " << m_canDraw << "; ";
    ts << "m_drawIfPossibleFailed = " << m_drawIfPossibleFailed << "; ";
    ts << "m_textureState = " << m_textureState << "; ";
    ts << "m_contextState = " << m_contextState << "; ";
    return ts.release();
예제 #19
String composedTreeAsText(ContainerNode& root, ComposedTreeAsTextMode mode)
    TextStream stream;
    auto descendants = composedTreeDescendants(root);
    for (auto it = descendants.begin(), end = descendants.end(); it != end; ++it) {
        writeIndent(stream, it.depth());

        if (is<Text>(*it)) {
            stream << "#text";
            if (mode == ComposedTreeAsTextMode::WithPointers)
                stream << " " << &*it;
            stream << "\n";
        auto& element = downcast<Element>(*it);
        stream << element.localName();
        if (element.shadowRoot())
            stream << " (shadow root)";
        if (mode == ComposedTreeAsTextMode::WithPointers)
            stream << " " << &*it;
        stream << "\n";
    return stream.release();
예제 #20
void GraphicsLayer::dumpProperties(TextStream& ts, int indent, LayerTreeAsTextBehavior behavior) const
    if (m_position != FloatPoint()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(position " << m_position.x() << " " << m_position.y() << ")\n";

    if (m_boundsOrigin != FloatPoint()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(bounds origin " << m_boundsOrigin.x() << " " << m_boundsOrigin.y() << ")\n";

    if (m_anchorPoint != FloatPoint3D(0.5f, 0.5f, 0)) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(anchor " << m_anchorPoint.x() << " " << m_anchorPoint.y() << ")\n";

    if (m_size != IntSize()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(bounds " << m_size.width() << " " << m_size.height() << ")\n";

    if (m_opacity != 1) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(opacity " << m_opacity << ")\n";

    if (m_blendMode != BlendModeNormal) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(blendMode " << compositeOperatorName(CompositeSourceOver, m_blendMode) << ")\n";

    if (m_usingTiledBacking) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(usingTiledLayer " << m_usingTiledBacking << ")\n";

    bool needsIOSDumpRenderTreeMainFrameRenderViewLayerIsAlwaysOpaqueHack = m_client.needsIOSDumpRenderTreeMainFrameRenderViewLayerIsAlwaysOpaqueHack(*this);
    if (m_contentsOpaque || needsIOSDumpRenderTreeMainFrameRenderViewLayerIsAlwaysOpaqueHack) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(contentsOpaque " << (m_contentsOpaque || needsIOSDumpRenderTreeMainFrameRenderViewLayerIsAlwaysOpaqueHack) << ")\n";

    if (m_preserves3D) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(preserves3D " << m_preserves3D << ")\n";

    if (m_drawsContent && m_client.shouldDumpPropertyForLayer(this, "drawsContent")) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(drawsContent " << m_drawsContent << ")\n";

    if (!m_contentsVisible) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(contentsVisible " << m_contentsVisible << ")\n";

    if (!m_backfaceVisibility) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(backfaceVisibility " << (m_backfaceVisibility ? "visible" : "hidden") << ")\n";

    if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(primary-layer-id " << primaryLayerID() << ")\n";
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(client " << static_cast<void*>(&m_client) << ")\n";

    if (m_backgroundColor.isValid() && m_client.shouldDumpPropertyForLayer(this, "backgroundColor")) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(backgroundColor " << m_backgroundColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")\n";

    if (!m_transform.isIdentity()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(transform ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m11() << " " << m_transform.m12() << " " << m_transform.m13() << " " << m_transform.m14() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m21() << " " << m_transform.m22() << " " << m_transform.m23() << " " << m_transform.m24() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m31() << " " << m_transform.m32() << " " << m_transform.m33() << " " << m_transform.m34() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m41() << " " << m_transform.m42() << " " << m_transform.m43() << " " << m_transform.m44() << "])\n";

    // Avoid dumping the sublayer transform on the root layer, because it's used for geometry flipping, whose behavior
    // differs between platforms.
    if (parent() && !m_childrenTransform.isIdentity()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(childrenTransform ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m11() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m12() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m13() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m14() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m21() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m22() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m23() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m24() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m31() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m32() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m33() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m34() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m41() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m42() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m43() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m44() << "])\n";

    if (m_replicaLayer) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(replica layer";
        if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug)
            ts << " " << m_replicaLayer;
        ts << ")\n";
        m_replicaLayer->dumpLayer(ts, indent + 2, behavior);

    if (m_replicatedLayer) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(replicated layer";
        if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug)
            ts << " " << m_replicatedLayer;
        ts << ")\n";

    if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextIncludeRepaintRects && repaintRectMap().contains(this) && !repaintRectMap().get(this).isEmpty() && m_client.shouldDumpPropertyForLayer(this, "repaintRects")) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(repaint rects\n";
        for (size_t i = 0; i < repaintRectMap().get(this).size(); ++i) {
            if (repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].isEmpty())
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "(rect ";
            ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].x() << " ";
            ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].y() << " ";
            ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].width() << " ";
            ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].height();
            ts << ")\n";
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << ")\n";

    if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextIncludePaintingPhases && paintingPhase()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(paintingPhases\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintBackground) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintBackground\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintForeground) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintForeground\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintMask) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintMask\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintChildClippingMask) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintChildClippingMask\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintOverflowContents) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintOverflowContents\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintCompositedScroll) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintCompositedScroll\n";
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << ")\n";

    dumpAdditionalProperties(ts, indent, behavior);
    if (m_children.size()) {
        TextStream childrenStream;

        unsigned totalChildCount = 0;
        dumpChildren(childrenStream, m_children, totalChildCount, indent, behavior);

        writeIndent(childrenStream, indent + 1);
        childrenStream << ")\n";

        if (totalChildCount) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
            ts << "(children " << totalChildCount << "\n";
            ts << childrenStream.release();
예제 #21
WTF::CString Item::description() const
    TextStream ts;
    ts << *this;
    return ts.release().utf8();
예제 #22
void Path::dump() const
    TextStream stream;
    stream << *this;
    WTFLogAlways("%s", stream.release().utf8().data());
예제 #23
void GraphicsLayer::dumpProperties(TextStream& ts, int indent, LayerTreeAsTextBehavior behavior) const
    if (m_position != FloatPoint()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(position " << m_position.x() << " " << m_position.y() << ")\n";

    if (m_boundsOrigin != FloatPoint()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(bounds origin " << m_boundsOrigin.x() << " " << m_boundsOrigin.y() << ")\n";

    if (m_anchorPoint != FloatPoint3D(0.5f, 0.5f, 0)) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(anchor " << m_anchorPoint.x() << " " << m_anchorPoint.y() << ")\n";

    if (m_size != IntSize()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(bounds " << m_size.width() << " " << m_size.height() << ")\n";

    if (m_opacity != 1) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(opacity " << m_opacity << ")\n";
    if (m_usingTiledBacking) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(usingTiledLayer " << m_usingTiledBacking << ")\n";

    if (m_contentsOpaque) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(contentsOpaque " << m_contentsOpaque << ")\n";

    if (m_preserves3D) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(preserves3D " << m_preserves3D << ")\n";

    if (m_drawsContent && m_client->shouldDumpPropertyForLayer(this, "drawsContent")) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(drawsContent " << m_drawsContent << ")\n";

    if (!m_contentsVisible) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(contentsVisible " << m_contentsVisible << ")\n";

    if (!m_backfaceVisibility) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(backfaceVisibility " << (m_backfaceVisibility ? "visible" : "hidden") << ")\n";

    if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(";
        if (m_client)
            ts << "client " << static_cast<void*>(m_client);
            ts << "no client";
        ts << ")\n";

    if (m_backgroundColor.isValid() && m_client->shouldDumpPropertyForLayer(this, "backgroundColor")) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(backgroundColor " << m_backgroundColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")\n";

    if (!m_transform.isIdentity()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(transform ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m11() << " " << m_transform.m12() << " " << m_transform.m13() << " " << m_transform.m14() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m21() << " " << m_transform.m22() << " " << m_transform.m23() << " " << m_transform.m24() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m31() << " " << m_transform.m32() << " " << m_transform.m33() << " " << m_transform.m34() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_transform.m41() << " " << m_transform.m42() << " " << m_transform.m43() << " " << m_transform.m44() << "])\n";

    // Avoid dumping the sublayer transform on the root layer, because it's used for geometry flipping, whose behavior
    // differs between platforms.
    if (parent() && !m_childrenTransform.isIdentity()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(childrenTransform ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m11() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m12() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m13() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m14() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m21() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m22() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m23() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m24() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m31() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m32() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m33() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m34() << "] ";
        ts << "[" << m_childrenTransform.m41() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m42() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m43() << " " << m_childrenTransform.m44() << "])\n";

    if (m_replicaLayer) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(replica layer";
        if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug)
            ts << " " << m_replicaLayer;
        ts << ")\n";
        m_replicaLayer->dumpLayer(ts, indent + 2, behavior);

    if (m_replicatedLayer) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(replicated layer";
        if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextDebug)
            ts << " " << m_replicatedLayer;
        ts << ")\n";

    if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextIncludeRepaintRects && repaintRectMap().contains(this) && !repaintRectMap().get(this).isEmpty() && m_client->shouldDumpPropertyForLayer(this, "repaintRects")) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(repaint rects\n";
        for (size_t i = 0; i < repaintRectMap().get(this).size(); ++i) {
            if (repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].isEmpty())
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "(rect ";
            ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].x() << " ";
            ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].y() << " ";
            ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].width() << " ";
            ts << repaintRectMap().get(this)[i].height();
            ts << ")\n";
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << ")\n";

    if (behavior & LayerTreeAsTextIncludePaintingPhases && paintingPhase()) {
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << "(paintingPhases\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintBackground) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintBackground\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintForeground) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintForeground\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintMask) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintMask\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintOverflowContents) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintOverflowContents\n";
        if (paintingPhase() & GraphicsLayerPaintCompositedScroll) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 2);
            ts << "GraphicsLayerPaintCompositedScroll\n";
        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
        ts << ")\n";

    dumpAdditionalProperties(ts, indent, behavior);
    if (m_children.size()) {
        TextStream childrenStream;
        unsigned totalChildCount = m_children.size();
        for (size_t childIndex = 0; childIndex < m_children.size(); childIndex++) {
            GraphicsLayer* child = m_children[childIndex];
            if (!m_client->shouldSkipLayerInDump(child)) {
                child->dumpLayer(childrenStream, indent + 2, behavior);
            const Vector<GraphicsLayer*>& grandChildren = child->children();
            totalChildCount += grandChildren.size() - 1;
            for (size_t grandChildIndex = 0; grandChildIndex < grandChildren.size(); grandChildIndex++)
                grandChildren[grandChildIndex]->dumpLayer(childrenStream, indent + 2, behavior);

        writeIndent(childrenStream, indent + 1);
        childrenStream << ")\n";

        if (totalChildCount) {
            writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);
            ts << "(children " << totalChildCount << "\n";
            ts << childrenStream.release();
 static String inlineHtmlForLink(const char* url, const char* children = nullptr)
     TextStream ts;
     ts << "<a href='" << url << "'>" << (children ? children : url) << "</a>";
     return ts.release();
예제 #25
String CCLayerImpl::layerTreeAsText() const
    TextStream ts;
    dumpLayer(ts, 0);
    return ts.release();
예제 #26
static String pointerAsString(const void* ptr)
    TextStream ts;
    ts << ptr;
    return ts.release();
String LayerChromium::layerTreeAsText() const
    TextStream ts;
    dumpLayer(ts, 0);
    return ts.release();
 static String htmlForAnchor(int x, int y, const char* name)
     TextStream ts;
     ts << "<a name='" << name << "' style='position: absolute; left: " << x << "px; top: " << y << "px'>" << name << "</a>";
     return ts.release();