예제 #1
void AllTextures::Parse_Script(std::ostream &os){
	typename std::map<std::string,TextureMap*>::iterator it = all_maps->begin();
	TextureMap* map;
	while (it != all_maps->end()) {

		os<<"	ScriptPath:"<<std::endl;
		os<<"		"+map->path<<std::endl;

	std::map<std::string,MapTree<TextureMap, Texture>* >*all_dirs=dirs.get_map();
	typename std::map<std::string,MapTree<TextureMap, Texture>* >::iterator it=all_dirs->begin();
	AllTextures* dir;
	while (it != all_dirs->end()) {

		os<<"	ScriptPath:"<<std::endl;
		os<<"		"+dir->path<<std::endl;

예제 #2
void State::initializeZeroTextures(const TextureMap &zeroTextures)
    for (TextureMap::const_iterator i = zeroTextures.begin(); i != zeroTextures.end(); i++)
        TextureBindingVector &samplerTextureArray = mSamplerTextures[i->first];

        for (size_t textureUnit = 0; textureUnit < samplerTextureArray.size(); ++textureUnit)
예제 #3
  TextureMap & getTextureMap() {
    static TextureMap map;
    static bool registeredShutdown = false;
    if (!registeredShutdown) {
      registeredShutdown = true;

    return map;
예제 #4
Tree::Tree(const std::string& name, double initialLength, double initialThickness,
           int initialBranches, int leavesPerBranch, int leafStartLevel, 
           double thicknessReduction, double lengthReduction, int recursiveDepth, int seed)
  : SceneNode(name)
  totalBranches = 0;
  totalLeaves = 0;

  ::initialLength = initialLength;
  ::initialThickness = initialThickness;
  ::initialBranches = initialBranches;

  ::leavesPerBranch = leavesPerBranch;
  ::leafStartLevel = leafStartLevel;

  ::thicknessReduction = thicknessReduction;
  ::lengthReduction = lengthReduction;

  ::recursiveDepth = recursiveDepth;


  srand( seed );

  Branch* trunk = new Branch("Trunk", 0, initialThickness, initialLength);
  trunk->rotate('x', -90);


  //std::cerr << "Total Branches: " <<  totalBranches 
    //        << " Total Leaves: " << totalLeaves << std::endl;
예제 #5
void State::detachTexture(const TextureMap &zeroTextures, GLuint texture)
    // Textures have a detach method on State rather than a simple
    // removeBinding, because the zero/null texture objects are managed
    // separately, and don't have to go through the Context's maps or
    // the ResourceManager.

    // [OpenGL ES 2.0.24] section 3.8 page 84:
    // If a texture object is deleted, it is as if all texture units which are bound to that texture object are
    // rebound to texture object zero

    for (TextureBindingMap::iterator bindingVec = mSamplerTextures.begin(); bindingVec != mSamplerTextures.end(); bindingVec++)
        GLenum textureType = bindingVec->first;
        TextureBindingVector &textureVector = bindingVec->second;
        for (size_t textureIdx = 0; textureIdx < textureVector.size(); textureIdx++)
            BindingPointer<Texture> &binding = textureVector[textureIdx];
            if (binding.id() == texture)
                auto it = zeroTextures.find(textureType);
                ASSERT(it != zeroTextures.end());
                // Zero textures are the "default" textures instead of NULL

    // [OpenGL ES 2.0.24] section 4.4 page 112:
    // If a texture object is deleted while its image is attached to the currently bound framebuffer, then it is
    // as if Texture2DAttachment had been called, with a texture of 0, for each attachment point to which this
    // image was attached in the currently bound framebuffer.

    if (mReadFramebuffer)

    if (mDrawFramebuffer)
예제 #6
/** Evict textures in order to reduce texture memory usage. Textures
  * will be evicted until the total size of textures managed by this
  * texture loader is less than or equal to desired memory. Least recently
  * used textures are evicted first. No texture with a last used value
  * greater than mostRecentAllowed will be evicted, even if it means that
  * the desired memory target can't be reached.
  * Evict textures must be called from a thread in which a GL context
  * is current (typically the display thread.) It can take some time to
  * process all textures, so it shouldn't be called frequently (i.e.
  * once a frame is too often.)
  * \return the total size of all textures remaining
TextureMapLoader::evictTextures(v_uint64 desiredMemory, v_int64 mostRecentAllowed)
    // Show all textures managed by this loader
    for (TextureTable::const_iterator iter = m_textures.begin(); iter != m_textures.end(); ++iter)
        VESTA_LOG("Texture: %s, mem: %.2f", iter->second.ptr()->name().c_str(), double(iter->second.ptr()->memoryUsage()) / (1024*1024));

    v_uint64 textureMemory = textureMemoryUsed();

    // Early out if the memory usage target is already met
    if (textureMemory < desiredMemory)
        return textureMemory;

    // Create a list of textures sorted such that least recently used textures are first.
    vector<TextureMap*> sortedTextures;
    for (TextureTable::const_iterator iter = m_textures.begin(); iter != m_textures.end(); ++iter)
    sort(sortedTextures.begin(), sortedTextures.end(), TextureAgePredicate());

    // Evict textures until we reach the memory target
    for (vector<TextureMap*>::const_iterator iter = sortedTextures.begin();
         iter != sortedTextures.end() && (*iter)->lastUsed() <= mostRecentAllowed && textureMemory > desiredMemory;
        TextureMap* t = *iter;
        if (t->isResident())
            VESTA_LOG("evict %s @ %d", t->name().c_str(), (int) t->lastUsed());
            textureMemory -= t->memoryUsage();

    return textureMemory;
예제 #7
파일: scene.cpp 프로젝트: naps62/msc-thesis
Scene::Scene(const std::string &fileName,uint width, uint height ,const int aType ) {
	accelType = aType;

	extMeshCache = new ExtMeshCache();
	texMapCache = new TextureMapCache();

	SDL_LOG("Reading scene: " << fileName);

	scnProp = new Properties(fileName);

	// Read camera position and target

	std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.camera.lookat", 6, "10.0 0.0 0.0  0.0 0.0 0.0");
	Point o(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));
	Point t(vf.at(3), vf.at(4), vf.at(5));

	SDL_LOG("Camera postion: " << o);
	SDL_LOG("Camera target: " << t);

	vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.camera.up", 3, "0.0 0.0 0.1");
	const Vector up(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera(o, t, up);

	camera->lensRadius = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.camera.lensradius", 0.f);
	camera->focalDistance = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.camera.focaldistance", 10.f);
	camera->fieldOfView = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.camera.fieldofview", 45.f);
	// Check if camera motion blur is enabled
	if (scnProp->GetInt("scene.camera.motionblur.enable", 0)) {
		camera->motionBlur = true;

		vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.camera.motionblur.lookat", 6, "10.0 1.0 0.0  0.0 1.0 0.0");
		camera->mbOrig = Point(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));
		camera->mbTarget = Point(vf.at(3), vf.at(4), vf.at(5));

		vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.camera.motionblur.up", 3, "0.0 0.0 0.1");
		camera->mbUp = Vector(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));

	// Read all materials

	std::vector<std::string> matKeys = scnProp->GetAllKeys("scene.materials.");
	if (matKeys.size() == 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("No material definition found");

	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator matKey = matKeys.begin(); matKey != matKeys.end(); ++matKey) {
		const std::string &key = *matKey;
		const std::string matType = Properties::ExtractField(key, 2);
		if (matType == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in " + key);
		const std::string matName = Properties::ExtractField(key, 3);
		if (matName == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in " + key);
		SDL_LOG("Material definition: " << matName << " [" << matType << "]");

		Material *mat = CreateMaterial(key, *scnProp);

		materialIndices[matName] = materials.size();

	// Read all objects .ply file

	std::vector<std::string> objKeys = scnProp->GetAllKeys("scene.objects.");
	if (objKeys.size() == 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find object definitions");

	double lastPrint = WallClockTime();
	unsigned int objCount = 0;
	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator objKey = objKeys.begin(); objKey != objKeys.end(); ++objKey) {
		const std::string &key = *objKey;

		// Check if it is the root of the definition of an object otherwise skip
		const size_t dot1 = key.find(".", std::string("scene.objects.").length());
		if (dot1 == std::string::npos)
		const size_t dot2 = key.find(".", dot1 + 1);
		if (dot2 != std::string::npos)

		const std::string objName = Properties::ExtractField(key, 3);
		if (objName == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in " + key);

		// Build the object
		const std::vector<std::string> args = scnProp->GetStringVector(key, "");
		const std::string plyFileName = args.at(0);
		const double now = WallClockTime();
		if (now - lastPrint > 2.0) {
			SDL_LOG("PLY object count: " << objCount);
			lastPrint = now;
		//SDL_LOG("PLY object [" << objName << "] file name: " << plyFileName);

		// Check if I have to calculate normal or not
		const bool usePlyNormals = (scnProp->GetInt(key + ".useplynormals", 0) != 0);

		// Check if I have to use an instance mesh or not
		ExtMesh *meshObject;
		if (scnProp->IsDefined(key + ".transformation")) {
			const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, key + ".transformation", 16, "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0  0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0  0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0");
			const Matrix4x4 mat(
					vf.at(0), vf.at(4), vf.at(8), vf.at(12),
					vf.at(1), vf.at(5), vf.at(9), vf.at(13),
					vf.at(2), vf.at(6), vf.at(10), vf.at(14),
					vf.at(3), vf.at(7), vf.at(11), vf.at(15));
			const Transform trans(mat);

			meshObject = extMeshCache->GetExtMesh(plyFileName, usePlyNormals, trans);
		} else
			meshObject = extMeshCache->GetExtMesh(plyFileName, usePlyNormals);

		objectIndices[objName] = objects.size();

		// Get the material
		const std::string matName = Properties::ExtractField(key, 2);
		if (matName == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in material name: " + matName);
		if (materialIndices.count(matName) < 1)
			throw std::runtime_error("Unknown material: " + matName);
		Material *mat = materials[materialIndices[matName]];

		// Check if it is a light sources
		if (mat->IsLightSource()) {
			SDL_LOG("The " << objName << " object is a light sources with " << meshObject->GetTotalTriangleCount() << " triangles");

			AreaLightMaterial *light = (AreaLightMaterial *)mat;
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < meshObject->GetTotalTriangleCount(); ++i) {
				TriangleLight *tl = new TriangleLight(light, static_cast<unsigned int>(objects.size()) - 1, i, objects);
		} else {
			SurfaceMaterial *surfMat = (SurfaceMaterial *)mat;

		// [old deprecated syntax] Check if there is a texture map associated to the object
		if (args.size() > 1) {
			// Check if the object has UV coords
			if (!meshObject->HasUVs())
				throw std::runtime_error("PLY object " + plyFileName + " is missing UV coordinates for texture mapping");

			TexMapInstance *tm = texMapCache->GetTexMapInstance(args.at(1), 2.2f);
		} else {
			// Check for if there is a texture map associated to the object with the new syntax
			const std::string texMap = scnProp->GetString(key + ".texmap", "");
			if (texMap != "") {
				// Check if the object has UV coords
				if (!meshObject->HasUVs())
					throw std::runtime_error("PLY object " + plyFileName + " is missing UV coordinates for texture mapping");

				const float gamma = scnProp->GetFloat(key + ".texmap.gamma", 2.2f);
				TexMapInstance *tm = texMapCache->GetTexMapInstance(texMap, gamma);
			} else

			 * Check if there is an alpha map associated to the object
			 * If there is, the map is added to a previously added texturemap.
			 * If no texture map (diffuse map) is detected, a black texture
			 * is created and the alpha map is added to it. --PC
			const std::string alphaMap = scnProp->GetString(key + ".alphamap", "");
			if (alphaMap != "") {
				// Got an alpha map, retrieve the textureMap and add the alpha channel to it.
				const std::string texMap = scnProp->GetString(key + ".texmap", "");
				const float gamma = scnProp->GetFloat(key + ".texmap.gamma", 2.2f);
				TextureMap *tm;
				if (!(tm = texMapCache->FindTextureMap(texMap, gamma))) {
					SDL_LOG("Alpha map " << alphaMap << " is for a materials without texture. A black texture has been created for support!");
					// We have an alpha map without a diffuse texture. In this case we need to create
					// a texture map filled with black
					tm = new TextureMap(alphaMap, gamma, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
					TexMapInstance *tmi = texMapCache->AddTextureMap(alphaMap, tm);
					// Remove the NULL inserted above, when no texmap was found. Without doing this the whole thing will not work
					// Add the new texture to the chain
				} else {
					// Add an alpha map to the pre-existing diffuse texture
			// Check for if there is a bump map associated to the object
			const std::string bumpMap = scnProp->GetString(key + ".bumpmap", "");
			if (bumpMap != "") {
				// Check if the object has UV coords
				if (!meshObject->HasUVs())
					throw std::runtime_error("PLY object " + plyFileName + " is missing UV coordinates for bump mapping");

				const float scale = scnProp->GetFloat(key + ".bumpmap.scale", 1.f);

				BumpMapInstance *bm = texMapCache->GetBumpMapInstance(bumpMap, scale);
			} else

			// Check for if there is a normal map associated to the object
			const std::string normalMap = scnProp->GetString(key + ".normalmap", "");
			if (normalMap != "") {
				// Check if the object has UV coords
				if (!meshObject->HasUVs())
					throw std::runtime_error("PLY object " + plyFileName + " is missing UV coordinates for normal mapping");

				NormalMapInstance *nm = texMapCache->GetNormalMapInstance(normalMap);
			} else
	SDL_LOG("PLY object count: " << objCount);

	// Check if there is an infinitelight source defined

	const std::vector<std::string> ilParams = scnProp->GetStringVector("scene.infinitelight.file", "");
	if (ilParams.size() > 0) {
		const float gamma = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.infinitelight.gamma", 2.2f);
		TexMapInstance *tex = texMapCache->GetTexMapInstance(ilParams.at(0), gamma);

		// Check if I have to use InfiniteLightBF method
		if (scnProp->GetInt("scene.infinitelight.usebruteforce", 0)) {
			SDL_LOG("Using brute force infinite light sampling");
			infiniteLight = new InfiniteLightBF(tex);
			useInfiniteLightBruteForce = true;
		} else {
			if (ilParams.size() == 2)
				infiniteLight = new InfiniteLightPortal(tex, ilParams.at(1));
				infiniteLight = new InfiniteLightIS(tex);

			// Add the infinite light to the list of light sources

			useInfiniteLightBruteForce = false;

		std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.infinitelight.gain", 3, "1.0 1.0 1.0");
		infiniteLight->SetGain(Spectrum(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2)));

		vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.infinitelight.shift", 2, "0.0 0.0");
		infiniteLight->SetShift(vf.at(0), vf.at(1));

	} else {
		infiniteLight = NULL;
		useInfiniteLightBruteForce = false;

	// Check if there is a SkyLight defined

	const std::vector<std::string> silParams = scnProp->GetStringVector("scene.skylight.dir", "");
	if (silParams.size() > 0) {
		if (infiniteLight)
			throw std::runtime_error("Can not define a skylight when there is already an infinitelight defined");

		std::vector<float> sdir = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.skylight.dir", 3, "0.0 0.0 1.0");
		const float turb = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.skylight.turbidity", 2.2f);
		std::vector<float> gain = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.skylight.gain", 3, "1.0 1.0 1.0");

		SkyLight *sl = new SkyLight(turb, Vector(sdir.at(0), sdir.at(1), sdir.at(2)));
		infiniteLight = sl;
		sl->SetGain(Spectrum(gain.at(0), gain.at(1), gain.at(2)));

		useInfiniteLightBruteForce = true;

	// Check if there is a SunLight defined

	const std::vector<std::string> sulParams = scnProp->GetStringVector("scene.sunlight.dir", "");
	if (sulParams.size() > 0) {
		std::vector<float> sdir = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.sunlight.dir", 3, "0.0 0.0 1.0");
		const float turb = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.sunlight.turbidity", 2.2f);
		const float relSize = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.sunlight.relsize", 1.0f);
		std::vector<float> gain = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.sunlight.gain", 3, "1.0 1.0 1.0");

		SunLight *sunLight = new SunLight(turb, relSize, Vector(sdir.at(0), sdir.at(1), sdir.at(2)));
		sunLight->SetGain(Spectrum(gain.at(0), gain.at(1), gain.at(2)));



	camera->Update(width, height);

예제 #8
// Do recursive ray tracing!  You'll want to insert a lot of code here
// (or places called from here) to handle reflection, refraction, etc etc.
Vec3d RayTracer::traceRay(ray& r, int depth)
    isect i;
    Vec3d colorC;
    if(scene->intersect(r, i))
        const Material& m = i.getMaterial();
        colorC = m.shade(scene, r, i);

        if(depth <= 0)
            return colorC;

        Vec3d q = r.at(i.t);

        Vec3d rayDir = -1 * r.getDirection();

        Vec3d reflectionIntensity = m.kr(i);

        Vec3d reflectDir = 2 * (rayDir * i.N) * i.N - rayDir;

        ray reflected(q, reflectDir, ray::REFLECTION);

        reflectionIntensity %= traceRay(reflected, depth - 1);
        colorC += reflectionIntensity;

        Vec3d refractionIntensity = m.kt(i);
        double indexRatio, flip;

        if(refractionIntensity[0] <= 0.0 && refractionIntensity[1] <= 0.0 && refractionIntensity[2] <= 0.0)
            return colorC;

        if(i.N * r.getDirection() < 0.0)
            indexRatio = 1.0 / m.index(i);
            flip = -1;
            indexRatio = m.index(i) / 1.0;
            flip = 1;

        //Check for TIR
        if(i.N * r.getDirection() > 0.0f)
            double iAngle = i.N * r.getDirection();
            if((1 - (indexRatio*indexRatio*(1.0f - iAngle * iAngle))) < 0.0)
                return colorC;

        Vec3d rayNormalPart = (rayDir * i.N) * i.N;
        Vec3d rayTangentialPart = rayNormalPart - rayDir;

        Vec3d refractTangential = (indexRatio) * rayTangentialPart;

        double temp = refractTangential * refractTangential;
        if(temp > 1) temp = 0;

        Vec3d refractNormal = (flip * i.N) * sqrt( 1.0 - temp);

        Vec3d refractDir = refractNormal + refractTangential;

        ray refracted(q, refractDir, ray::REFRACTION);
        refractionIntensity %= traceRay(refracted, depth - 1);

        colorC += refractionIntensity;
        //do cube mapping?
            return Vec3d(0,0,0);

        TextureMap* texture;
        double u, v;
        Vec3d direction = r.getDirection();
        double x = direction.n[0];
        double y = direction.n[1];
        double z = direction.n[2];

        double max = std::abs(x);
        if(std::abs(y) > max) max = std::abs(y);
        if(std::abs(z) > max) max = std::abs(z);

        if(max == std::abs(x))
            if(x < 0)
                texture = cubeMap->getXnegMap();
                u = ((z/std::abs(x)) + 1)/2;
                v = ((y/std::abs(x)) + 1)/2;
                texture = cubeMap->getXposMap();
                u = ((-z/std::abs(x)) + 1)/2;
                v = ((y/std::abs(x)) + 1)/2;
        else if(max == std::abs(y))
            if(y < 0)
                texture = cubeMap->getYnegMap();
                u = ((x/std::abs(y)) + 1)/2;
                v = ((z/std::abs(y)) + 1)/2;
                texture = cubeMap->getYposMap();
                u = ((x/std::abs(y)) + 1)/2;
                v = ((-z/std::abs(y)) + 1)/2;
            if(z < 0)
                texture = cubeMap->getZnegMap();
                u = ((-x/std::abs(z)) + 1)/2;
                v = ((y/std::abs(z)) + 1)/2;
                texture = cubeMap->getZposMap();
                u = ((x/std::abs(z)) + 1)/2;
                v = ((y/std::abs(z)) + 1)/2;

        colorC = texture->getMappedValue(Vec2d(u,v));

    return colorC;
예제 #9
void SlotMachine::Update(Canvas *_canvas) {
	Canvas *canvas = _canvas;
	if (state == SlotMachineState::sl_inProcess) {
		// Все ли барабаны остановлены
		bool allStoped = true;

		// Обновляем и проверяем состояние барабанов
		TypeObjectsMap::iterator wit; // Итератор для карты с барабанами

		// Проверяем состояние барабанов
		for (wit = wheelsMap.begin(); wit != wheelsMap.end(); ++wit) {
			if (wit->second->getState() == WheelState::_running) {
				allStoped = false;

		TypeObjectsMap::iterator bit; // Итератор для карты с кнопками

		// Все барабаны прекратили вращение
		if (allStoped) {
			bit = buttonsMap.find(ObjectRole::_start);
			if (bit != buttonsMap.end()) {
				Object *start = bit->second;
				if (start->getState() == ButtonState::_enabled) {
					// Закончили вращение. Возвращаемся в исходное состояние и проверяем результат
					if (result = CalcResult()) {
						showResultStartTime = currentTime = std::time(nullptr);
						state = SlotMachineState::sl_show_result;
						TextureMap * textureMap = canvas->getTextureMap();
						TextureMap::iterator it;
						resultTexture = nullptr;
						// Обработка результатов костыль
						switch (result) {
							case r_slash:
								it = textureMap->find(TextureRole::_w_slash);
								resultTexture = it->second;
							case r_center:
								it = textureMap->find(TextureRole::_w_center);
								resultTexture = it->second;
							case r_backslah:
								it = textureMap->find(TextureRole::_w_backslash);
								resultTexture = it->second;

						resultTexture->ena = true;
					else {
						state = SlotMachineState::sl_waiting;

	else if (state == SlotMachineState::sl_show_result) {
		currentTime = std::time(nullptr);
		int elapse = currentTime - showResultStartTime;

		if (elapse < SHOW_RESULT_DURATION) {
			//resultTexture->ena = true;
		else {
			resultTexture->ena = false;
			state = SlotMachineState::sl_waiting;
			TypeObjectsMap::iterator bit;
			bit = buttonsMap.find(ObjectRole::_start);