예제 #1
// Invoke all the registered GC callouts of the given kind. The condemned generation of the current collection
// is passed along to the callouts.
void RestrictedCallouts::InvokeGcCallouts(GcRestrictedCalloutKind eKind, UInt32 uiCondemnedGeneration)
    ASSERT(eKind < GCRC_Count);

    // It is illegal for any of the callouts to trigger a GC.
    Thread * pThread = ThreadStore::GetCurrentThread();

    // Due to the above we have better suppress GC stress.
    bool fGcStressWasSuppressed = pThread->IsSuppressGcStressSet();
    if (!fGcStressWasSuppressed)

    GcRestrictedCallout * pCurrCallout = s_rgGcRestrictedCallouts[eKind];
    while (pCurrCallout)
        // Make the callout.

        pCurrCallout = pCurrCallout->m_pNext;

    // Revert GC stress mode if we changed it.
    if (!fGcStressWasSuppressed)

예제 #2
// Invoke all the registered ref counted handle callouts for the given object extracted from the handle. The
// result is the union of the results for all the handlers that matched the object type (i.e. if one of them
// returned true the overall result is true otherwise false is returned (which includes the case where no
// handlers matched)). Since there should be no other side-effects of the callout, the invocations cease as
// soon as a handler returns true.
bool RestrictedCallouts::InvokeRefCountedHandleCallbacks(Object * pObject)
    bool fResult = false;

    // It is illegal for any of the callouts to trigger a GC.
    Thread * pThread = ThreadStore::GetCurrentThread();

    // Due to the above we have better suppress GC stress.
    bool fGcStressWasSuppressed = pThread->IsSuppressGcStressSet();
    if (!fGcStressWasSuppressed)

    HandleTableRestrictedCallout * pCurrCallout = s_pHandleTableRestrictedCallouts;
    while (pCurrCallout)
        if (pObject->get_SafeEEType() == pCurrCallout->m_pTypeFilter)
            // Make the callout. Return true to our caller as soon as we see a true result here.
            if (((HandleTableRestrictedCallbackFunction)pCurrCallout->m_pCalloutMethod)(pObject))
                fResult = true;
                goto Done;

        pCurrCallout = pCurrCallout->m_pNext;

    // Revert GC stress mode if we changed it.
    if (!fGcStressWasSuppressed)


    return fResult;