예제 #1
  ThreeDPoint distanceVec = mPosition - mListenerPosition;
  float distance = sqrt(distanceVec.DotProduct(distanceVec));
  return (this->*mDistanceModelFunction)(distance);
예제 #2
PannerNodeEngine::ComputeDistanceGain(const ThreeDPoint& position)
  ThreeDPoint distanceVec = position - mListenerPosition;
  float distance = sqrt(distanceVec.DotProduct(distanceVec));
  return std::max(0.0f, (this->*mDistanceModelFunction)(distance));
예제 #3
// This algorithm is specified in the webaudio spec.
PannerNodeEngine::ComputeAzimuthAndElevation(float& aAzimuth, float& aElevation)
  ThreeDPoint sourceListener = mPosition - mListenerPosition;

  if (sourceListener.IsZero()) {
    aAzimuth = 0.0;
    aElevation = 0.0;


  // Project the source-listener vector on the x-z plane.
  const ThreeDPoint& listenerFront = mListenerFrontVector;
  const ThreeDPoint& listenerRight = mListenerRightVector;
  ThreeDPoint up = listenerRight.CrossProduct(listenerFront);

  double upProjection = sourceListener.DotProduct(up);
  aElevation = 90 - 180 * acos(upProjection) / M_PI;

  if (aElevation > 90) {
    aElevation = 180 - aElevation;
  } else if (aElevation < -90) {
    aElevation = -180 - aElevation;

  ThreeDPoint projectedSource = sourceListener - up * upProjection;
  if (projectedSource.IsZero()) {
    // source - listener direction is up or down.
    aAzimuth = 0.0;

  // Actually compute the angle, and convert to degrees
  double projection = projectedSource.DotProduct(listenerRight);
  aAzimuth = 180 * acos(projection) / M_PI;

  // Compute whether the source is in front or behind the listener.
  double frontBack = projectedSource.DotProduct(listenerFront);
  if (frontBack < 0) {
    aAzimuth = 360 - aAzimuth;
  // Rotate the azimuth so it is relative to the listener front vector instead
  // of the right vector.
  if ((aAzimuth >= 0) && (aAzimuth <= 270)) {
    aAzimuth = 90 - aAzimuth;
  } else {
    aAzimuth = 450 - aAzimuth;
예제 #4
// This algorithm is described in the WebAudio spec.
  // Omnidirectional source
  if (mOrientation.IsZero() || ((mConeInnerAngle == 360) && (mConeOuterAngle == 360))) {
    return 1;

  // Normalized source-listener vector
  ThreeDPoint sourceToListener = mListenerPosition - mPosition;

  ThreeDPoint normalizedSourceOrientation = mOrientation;

  // Angle between the source orientation vector and the source-listener vector
  double dotProduct = sourceToListener.DotProduct(normalizedSourceOrientation);
  double angle = 180 * acos(dotProduct) / M_PI;
  double absAngle = fabs(angle);

  // Divide by 2 here since API is entire angle (not half-angle)
  double absInnerAngle = fabs(mConeInnerAngle) / 2;
  double absOuterAngle = fabs(mConeOuterAngle) / 2;
  double gain = 1;

  if (absAngle <= absInnerAngle) {
    // No attenuation
    gain = 1;
  } else if (absAngle >= absOuterAngle) {
    // Max attenuation
    gain = mConeOuterGain;
  } else {
    // Between inner and outer cones
    // inner -> outer, x goes from 0 -> 1
    double x = (absAngle - absInnerAngle) / (absOuterAngle - absInnerAngle);
    gain = (1 - x) + mConeOuterGain * x;

  return gain;
예제 #5
PannerNodeEngine::HRTFPanningFunction(const AudioBlock& aInput,
                                      AudioBlock* aOutput,
                                      StreamTime tick)
  // The output of this node is always stereo, no matter what the inputs are.

  float azimuth, elevation;

  ThreeDPoint position = ConvertAudioParamTimelineTo3DP(mPositionX, mPositionY, mPositionZ, tick);
  ThreeDPoint orientation = ConvertAudioParamTimelineTo3DP(mOrientationX, mOrientationY, mOrientationZ, tick);
  if (!orientation.IsZero()) {
  ComputeAzimuthAndElevation(position, azimuth, elevation);

  AudioBlock input = aInput;
  // Gain is applied before the delay and convolution of the HRTF.
  input.mVolume *= ComputeConeGain(position, orientation) * ComputeDistanceGain(position);

  mHRTFPanner->pan(azimuth, elevation, &input, aOutput);
예제 #6
  double dopplerShift = 1.0; // Initialize to default value

  AudioListener* listener = Context()->Listener();

  if (listener->DopplerFactor() > 0) {
    // Don't bother if both source and listener have no velocity.
    if (!mVelocity.IsZero() || !listener->Velocity().IsZero()) {
      // Calculate the source to listener vector.
      ThreeDPoint sourceToListener = mPosition - listener->Velocity();

      double sourceListenerMagnitude = sourceToListener.Magnitude();

      double listenerProjection = sourceToListener.DotProduct(listener->Velocity()) / sourceListenerMagnitude;
      double sourceProjection = sourceToListener.DotProduct(mVelocity) / sourceListenerMagnitude;

      listenerProjection = -listenerProjection;
      sourceProjection = -sourceProjection;

      double scaledSpeedOfSound = listener->DopplerFactor() / listener->DopplerFactor();
      listenerProjection = min(listenerProjection, scaledSpeedOfSound);
      sourceProjection = min(sourceProjection, scaledSpeedOfSound);

      dopplerShift = ((listener->SpeedOfSound() - listener->DopplerFactor() * listenerProjection) / (listener->SpeedOfSound() - listener->DopplerFactor() * sourceProjection));

      WebAudioUtils::FixNaN(dopplerShift); // Avoid illegal values

      // Limit the pitch shifting to 4 octaves up and 3 octaves down.
      dopplerShift = min(dopplerShift, 16.);
      dopplerShift = max(dopplerShift, 0.125);

  return dopplerShift;
예제 #7
PannerNodeEngine::EqualPowerPanningFunction(const AudioBlock& aInput,
                                            AudioBlock* aOutput,
                                            StreamTime tick)
  float azimuth, elevation, gainL, gainR, normalizedAzimuth, distanceGain, coneGain;
  int inputChannels = aInput.ChannelCount();

  // Optimize the case where the position and orientation is constant for this
  // processing block: we can just apply a constant gain on the left and right
  // channel
  if (mPositionX.HasSimpleValue() &&
      mPositionY.HasSimpleValue() &&
      mPositionZ.HasSimpleValue() &&
      mOrientationX.HasSimpleValue() &&
      mOrientationY.HasSimpleValue() &&
      mOrientationZ.HasSimpleValue()) {

    ThreeDPoint position = ConvertAudioParamTimelineTo3DP(mPositionX, mPositionY, mPositionZ, tick);
    ThreeDPoint orientation = ConvertAudioParamTimelineTo3DP(mOrientationX, mOrientationY, mOrientationZ, tick);
    if (!orientation.IsZero()) {

    // If both the listener are in the same spot, and no cone gain is specified,
    // this node is noop.
    if (mListenerPosition ==  position &&
        mConeInnerAngle == 360 &&
        mConeOuterAngle == 360) {
      *aOutput = aInput;

    // The output of this node is always stereo, no matter what the inputs are.

    ComputeAzimuthAndElevation(position, azimuth, elevation);
    coneGain = ComputeConeGain(position, orientation);

    // The following algorithm is described in the spec.
    // Clamp azimuth in the [-90, 90] range.
    azimuth = min(180.f, max(-180.f, azimuth));

    // Wrap around
    if (azimuth < -90.f) {
      azimuth = -180.f - azimuth;
    } else if (azimuth > 90) {
      azimuth = 180.f - azimuth;

    // Normalize the value in the [0, 1] range.
    if (inputChannels == 1) {
      normalizedAzimuth = (azimuth + 90.f) / 180.f;
    } else {
      if (azimuth <= 0) {
        normalizedAzimuth = (azimuth + 90.f) / 90.f;
      } else {
        normalizedAzimuth = azimuth / 90.f;

    distanceGain = ComputeDistanceGain(position);

    // Actually compute the left and right gain.
    gainL = cos(0.5 * M_PI * normalizedAzimuth);
    gainR = sin(0.5 * M_PI * normalizedAzimuth);

    // Compute the output.
    ApplyStereoPanning(aInput, aOutput, gainL, gainR, azimuth <= 0);

    aOutput->mVolume = aInput.mVolume * distanceGain * coneGain;
  } else {
    float positionX[WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE];
    float positionY[WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE];
    float positionZ[WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE];
    float orientationX[WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE];
    float orientationY[WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE];
    float orientationZ[WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE];

    // The output of this node is always stereo, no matter what the inputs are.

    if (!mPositionX.HasSimpleValue()) {
      mPositionX.GetValuesAtTime(tick, positionX, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE);
    } else {
      positionX[0] = mPositionX.GetValueAtTime(tick);
    if (!mPositionY.HasSimpleValue()) {
      mPositionY.GetValuesAtTime(tick, positionY, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE);
    } else {
      positionY[0] = mPositionY.GetValueAtTime(tick);
    if (!mPositionZ.HasSimpleValue()) {
      mPositionZ.GetValuesAtTime(tick, positionZ, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE);
    } else {
      positionZ[0] = mPositionZ.GetValueAtTime(tick);
    if (!mOrientationX.HasSimpleValue()) {
      mOrientationX.GetValuesAtTime(tick, orientationX, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE);
    } else {
      orientationX[0] = mOrientationX.GetValueAtTime(tick);
    if (!mOrientationY.HasSimpleValue()) {
      mOrientationY.GetValuesAtTime(tick, orientationY, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE);
    } else {
      orientationY[0] = mOrientationY.GetValueAtTime(tick);
    if (!mOrientationZ.HasSimpleValue()) {
      mOrientationZ.GetValuesAtTime(tick, orientationZ, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE);
    } else {
      orientationZ[0] = mOrientationZ.GetValueAtTime(tick);

    float computedGain[2*WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE + 4];
    bool onLeft[WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE];

    float* alignedComputedGain = ALIGNED16(computedGain);
    for (size_t counter = 0; counter < WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE; ++counter) {
      ThreeDPoint position(mPositionX.HasSimpleValue() ? positionX[0] : positionX[counter],
                           mPositionY.HasSimpleValue() ? positionY[0] : positionY[counter],
                           mPositionZ.HasSimpleValue() ? positionZ[0] : positionZ[counter]);
      ThreeDPoint orientation(mOrientationX.HasSimpleValue() ? orientationX[0] : orientationX[counter],
                              mOrientationY.HasSimpleValue() ? orientationY[0] : orientationY[counter],
                              mOrientationZ.HasSimpleValue() ? orientationZ[0] : orientationZ[counter]);
      if (!orientation.IsZero()) {

      ComputeAzimuthAndElevation(position, azimuth, elevation);
      coneGain = ComputeConeGain(position, orientation);

      // The following algorithm is described in the spec.
      // Clamp azimuth in the [-90, 90] range.
      azimuth = min(180.f, max(-180.f, azimuth));

      // Wrap around
      if (azimuth < -90.f) {
        azimuth = -180.f - azimuth;
      } else if (azimuth > 90) {
        azimuth = 180.f - azimuth;

      // Normalize the value in the [0, 1] range.
      if (inputChannels == 1) {
        normalizedAzimuth = (azimuth + 90.f) / 180.f;
      } else {
        if (azimuth <= 0) {
          normalizedAzimuth = (azimuth + 90.f) / 90.f;
        } else {
          normalizedAzimuth = azimuth / 90.f;

      distanceGain = ComputeDistanceGain(position);

      // Actually compute the left and right gain.
      float gainL = cos(0.5 * M_PI * normalizedAzimuth) * aInput.mVolume * distanceGain * coneGain;
      float gainR = sin(0.5 * M_PI * normalizedAzimuth) * aInput.mVolume * distanceGain * coneGain;

      alignedComputedGain[counter] = gainL;
      alignedComputedGain[WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE + counter] = gainR;
      onLeft[counter] = azimuth <= 0;

    // Apply the gain to the output buffer
    ApplyStereoPanning(aInput, aOutput, alignedComputedGain, &alignedComputedGain[WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE], onLeft);
