예제 #1
파일: ToolDock.cpp 프로젝트: dot-Sean/audio
// Set the visible/hidden state of a toolbar
void ToolDock::Expose( int type, bool show )
   ToolBar *t = mBars[ type ];

   // Maintain the docked array
   if( show )
      if( mDockedBars.Index( t ) == wxNOT_FOUND )
         mDockedBars.Add( t );
      if( mDockedBars.Index( t ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
         mDockedBars.Remove( t );

   // Make it (dis)appear
   t->Expose( show );

   // Update the layout
예제 #2
// Set the visible/hidden state of a toolbar
void ToolManager::Expose( int type, bool show )
   ToolBar *t = mBars[ type ];

   // Handle docked and floaters differently
   if( t->IsDocked() )
      t->GetDock()->Expose( type, show );
      t->Expose( show );
예제 #3
// Toggles the visible/hidden state of a toolbar
void ToolManager::ShowHide( int type )
   ToolBar *t = mBars[ type ];

   // Handle docked and floaters differently
   if( t->IsDocked() )
      t->GetDock()->ShowHide( type );
      t->Expose( !t->IsVisible() );
예제 #4
파일: ToolDock.cpp 프로젝트: dot-Sean/audio
// Toggles the visible/hidden state of a toolbar
void ToolDock::ShowHide( int type )
   ToolBar *t = mBars[ type ];

   // Maintain the docked array
   if( t->IsVisible() )
      mDockedBars.Remove( t );
      mDockedBars.Add( t );

   // Make it (dis)appear
   t->Expose( !t->IsVisible() );

   // Update the layout
예제 #5
// Read the toolbar states
void ToolManager::ReadConfig()
   wxString oldpath = gPrefs->GetPath();
   wxArrayInt unordered[ DockCount ];
   int order[ DockCount ][ ToolBarCount ];
   bool show[ ToolBarCount ];
   int width[ ToolBarCount ];
   int height[ ToolBarCount ];
   int x, y;
   int dock, ord, ndx;

#if defined(__WXMAC__)
   // Disable window animation
   wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1 );

   // Invalidate all order entries
   for( dock = 0; dock < DockCount; dock++ )
      for( ord = 0; ord < ToolBarCount; ord++ )
         order[ dock ][ ord ] = NoBarID;

   // Change to the bar root
   gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("/GUI/ToolBars") );

   // Load and apply settings for each bar
   for( ndx = 0; ndx < ToolBarCount; ndx++ )
      ToolBar *bar = mBars[ ndx ];

      // Change to the bar subkey
      gPrefs->SetPath( bar->GetSection() );

      // Read in all the settings
      gPrefs->Read( wxT("Dock"), &dock, ndx == SelectionBarID ? BotDockID : TopDockID );
      gPrefs->Read( wxT("Order"), &ord, NoBarID );
      gPrefs->Read( wxT("Show"), &show[ ndx ], true );

      gPrefs->Read( wxT("X"), &x, -1 );
      gPrefs->Read( wxT("Y"), &y, -1 );
      gPrefs->Read( wxT("W"), &width[ ndx ], -1 );
      gPrefs->Read( wxT("H"), &height[ ndx ], -1 );

      // Docked or floating?
      if( dock )
         // Default to top dock if the ID isn't valid
         if( dock < NoDockID || dock > DockCount ) {
            dock = TopDockID;

         // Create the bar with the correct parent
         if( dock == TopDockID )
            bar->Create( mTopDock );
            bar->Create( mBotDock );

         // Set the width
         if( width[ ndx ] >= bar->GetSize().x )
            wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], bar->GetSize().y );
            bar->SetSize( sz );
         // note that this section is here because if you had been using sync-lock and now you aren't,
         // the space for the extra button is stored in audacity.cfg, and so you get an extra space
         // in the EditToolbar.
         // It is needed so that the meterToolbar size gets preserved.
         // Longer-term we should find a better fix for this.
         wxString thisBar = bar->GetSection();
         if( thisBar != wxT("Edit"))
            // Set the width
            if( width[ ndx ] >= bar->GetSize().x )
               wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], bar->GetSize().y );
               bar->SetSize( sz );
         // Is order within range and unoccupied?
         if( ( ord >= 0 ) &&
             ( ord < ToolBarCount ) &&
             ( order[ dock - 1 ][ ord ] == NoBarID ) )
            // Insert at ordered location
            order[ dock - 1 ][ ord ] = ndx;
            // These must go at the end
            unordered[ dock - 1 ].Add( ndx );
         // Create the bar (with the top dock being temporary parent)
         bar->Create( mTopDock );

         // Construct a new floater
         ToolFrame *f = new ToolFrame( mParent, this, bar, wxPoint( x, y ) );

         // Set the width and height
         if( width[ ndx ] != -1 && height[ ndx ] != -1 )
            wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], height[ ndx ] );
            f->SetSizeHints( sz );
            f->SetSize( sz );

         // Show or hide it
         bar->Expose( show[ ndx ] );

         // Inform toolbar of change
         bar->SetDocked( NULL, false );

      // Change back to the bar root
      //gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("..") );  <-- Causes a warning...
      // May or may not have gone into a subdirectory,
      // so use an absolute path.
      gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("/GUI/ToolBars") );

   // Add all toolbars to their target dock
   for( dock = 0; dock < DockCount; dock++ )
      ToolDock *d = ( dock + 1 == TopDockID ? mTopDock : mBotDock );

      // Add all ordered toolbars
      for( ord = 0; ord < ToolBarCount; ord++ )
         ndx = order[ dock ][ ord ];

         // Bypass empty slots
         if( ndx != NoBarID )
            ToolBar *t = mBars[ ndx ];

            // Dock it
            d->Dock( t );

            // Hide the bar
            if( !show[ t->GetId() ] )
               d->ShowHide( t->GetId() );

      // Add all unordered toolbars
      for( ord = 0; ord < (int) unordered[ dock ].GetCount(); ord++ )
         ToolBar *t = mBars[ unordered[ dock ][ ord ] ];

         // Dock it
         d->Dock( t );

         // Hide the bar
         if( !show[ t->GetId() ] )
            d->ShowHide( t->GetId() );

   // Restore original config path
   gPrefs->SetPath( oldpath );

#if defined(__WXMAC__)
   // Reinstate original transition
   wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, mTransition );