예제 #1
double RateMap_Biogeography::getRate(const TopologyNode& node, std::vector<CharacterEvent*> from, CharacterEvent* to, unsigned* count, double age) const
    double rate = 0.0;
    int s = to->getState();
    if (from[ to->getIndex() ]->getState() == to->getState())
        std::cout << count[0] << " " << count[1] << "\n";
        std::cout << node.getIndex() << " problem...\n";
    // rate to extinction cfg is 0
    if (count[1] == 1 && s == 0 && forbidExtinction)
        return 0.0;
    // rate according to binary rate matrix Q(node)
    if (branchHeterogeneousGainLossRates)
        rate = heterogeneousGainLossRates[node.getIndex()][s];
        rate = homogeneousGainLossRates[s];
    if (branchHeterogeneousClockRates)
        rate *= heterogeneousClockRates[node.getIndex()];
        rate *= homogeneousClockRate;
    // apply rate modifiers
    if (useGeographyRateModifier) // want this to take in age as an argument...
        rate *= geographyRateModifier->computeRateModifier(node, from, to, age);
    return rate;

예제 #2
double RateMap_Biogeography::getSiteRate(const TopologyNode& node, CharacterEvent* from, CharacterEvent* to, double age) const
    double rate = 0.0;
    int s = to->getState();
//    int charIdx = to->getIndex();
//    int epochIdx = getEpochIndex(age);
    // rate according to binary rate matrix Q(node)
    if (branchHeterogeneousGainLossRates)
        rate = heterogeneousGainLossRates[node.getIndex()][s];
        rate = homogeneousGainLossRates[s];
    if (branchHeterogeneousClockRates)
        rate *= heterogeneousClockRates[node.getIndex()];
        rate *= homogeneousClockRate;
    // area effects
    if (useGeographyRateModifier)
        rate *= geographyRateModifier->computeSiteRateModifier(node,from,to,age);

    return rate;
void AutocorrelatedLognormalRateBranchwiseVarDistribution::recursiveSimulate(const TopologyNode& node, double parentRate) {
    // get the index
    size_t nodeIndex = node.getIndex();
    // compute the variance along the branch
	double scale = scaleValue->getValue();
    double variance = sigma->getValue()[nodeIndex] * node.getBranchLength() * scale;
	double mu = log(parentRate) - (variance * 0.5);
	double stDev = sqrt(variance);
    // simulate a new rate
    RandomNumberGenerator* rng = GLOBAL_RNG;
    double nodeRate = RbStatistics::Lognormal::rv( mu, stDev, *rng );
    // we store this rate here
    (*value)[nodeIndex] = nodeRate;
    // simulate the rate for each child (if any)
    size_t numChildren = node.getNumberOfChildren();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
        const TopologyNode& child = node.getChild(i);
예제 #4
void BrownianPhyloProcess::recursiveSimulate(const TopologyNode& from)  {
    size_t index = from.getIndex();
    if (! from.isRoot())    {
        // x ~ normal(x_up, sigma^2 * branchLength)
        size_t upindex = from.getParent().getIndex();
        double standDev = sigma->getValue() * sqrt(from.getBranchLength());
        double mean = (*value)[upindex] + drift->getValue() * from.getBranchLength();

        // simulate the new Val
        RandomNumberGenerator* rng = GLOBAL_RNG;
        (*value)[index] = RbStatistics::Normal::rv( mean, standDev, *rng);
    // propagate forward
    size_t numChildren = from.getNumberOfChildren();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
예제 #5
void RateAgeACLNMixingMove::rejectCompoundMove( void ) {
    // undo the proposal
	TimeTree& tau = tree->getValue();
	std::vector<double>& nrates = rates->getValue();
	double &rootR = rootRate->getValue();
	size_t nn = tau.getNumberOfNodes();
	double c = storedC;
	for(size_t i=0; i<nn; i++){
		TopologyNode* node = &tau.getNode(i);
		if(node->isTip() == false){
			double curAge = node->getAge();
			double undoAge = curAge / c;
			tau.setAge( node->getIndex(), undoAge );
	size_t nr = nrates.size();
	rootR = rootR * c;
	for(size_t i=0; i<nr; i++){
        double curRt = nrates[i];
        double undoRt = curRt * c;
        nrates[i] = undoRt;
    if ( fabs(storedRootAge - tau.getRoot().getAge()) > 1E-8 ) {
        throw RbException("Error while rejecting RateAgeACLNMixingMove proposal: Node ages were not correctly restored!");
예제 #6
void PhyloWhiteNoiseProcess::recursiveSimulate(const TopologyNode& from)
    if (! from.isRoot())
        // get the index
        size_t index = from.getIndex();
        // compute the variance along the branch
        double mean = 1.0;
        double stdev = sigma->getValue() / sqrt(from.getBranchLength());
        double alpha = mean * mean / (stdev * stdev);
        double beta = mean / (stdev * stdev);
        // simulate a new Val
        RandomNumberGenerator* rng = GLOBAL_RNG;
        double v = RbStatistics::Gamma::rv( alpha,beta, *rng);
        // we store this val here
        (*value)[index] = v;
    // simulate the val for each child (if any)
    size_t numChildren = from.getNumberOfChildren();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i)
        const TopologyNode& child = from.getChild(i);
void MultivariateBrownianPhyloProcess::recursiveSimulate(const TopologyNode& from)  {
    size_t index = from.getIndex();
    if (from.isRoot())    {
        std::vector<double>& val = (*value)[index];
        for (size_t i=0; i<getDim(); i++)   {
            val[i] = 0;
    else    {
        // x ~ normal(x_up, sigma^2 * branchLength)

        std::vector<double>& val = (*value)[index];

        size_t upindex = from.getParent().getIndex();
        std::vector<double>& upval = (*value)[upindex];

        for (size_t i=0; i<getDim(); i++)   {
            val[i] += upval[i];
    // propagate forward
    size_t numChildren = from.getNumberOfChildren();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
void MultivariateBrownianPhyloProcess::recursiveCorruptAll(const TopologyNode& from)    {
    dirtyNodes[from.getIndex()] = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < from.getNumberOfChildren(); ++i) {
void PhyloBrownianProcessREML::recursivelyFlagNodeDirty( const TopologyNode &n )
    // we need to flag this node and all ancestral nodes for recomputation
    size_t index = n.getIndex();
    // if this node is already dirty, the also all the ancestral nodes must have been flagged as dirty
    if ( !dirtyNodes[index] )
        // the root doesn't have an ancestor
        if ( !n.isRoot() )
            recursivelyFlagNodeDirty( n.getParent() );
        // set the flag
        dirtyNodes[index] = true;
        // if we previously haven't touched this node, then we need to change the active likelihood pointer
        if ( changedNodes[index] == false )
            activeLikelihood[index] = (activeLikelihood[index] == 0 ? 1 : 0);
            changedNodes[index] = true;
예제 #10
double BrownianPhyloProcess::recursiveLnProb( const TopologyNode& from ) {
    double lnProb = 0.0;
    size_t index = from.getIndex();
    double val = (*value)[index];

    if (! from.isRoot()) {
        // x ~ normal(x_up, sigma^2 * branchLength)
        size_t upindex = from.getParent().getIndex();
        double standDev = sigma->getValue() * sqrt(from.getBranchLength());
        double mean = (*value)[upindex] + drift->getValue() * from.getBranchLength();
        lnProb += RbStatistics::Normal::lnPdf(val, standDev, mean);
    // propagate forward
    size_t numChildren = from.getNumberOfChildren();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
        lnProb += recursiveLnProb(from.getChild(i));
    return lnProb;
예제 #11
void RealNodeContainer::recursiveClampAt(const TopologyNode& from, const ContinuousCharacterData* data, size_t l) {
    if (from.isTip())   {
        // get taxon index
        size_t index = from.getIndex();
        std::string taxon = tree->getTipNames()[index];
        size_t dataindex = data->getIndexOfTaxon(taxon);
        if (data->getCharacter(dataindex,l) != -1000) {
           (*this)[index] = data->getCharacter(dataindex,l);
            clampVector[index] = true;
            //std::cerr << "taxon : " << index << '\t' << taxon << " trait value : " << (*this)[index] << '\n';
        else    {
            std::cerr << "taxon : " << taxon << " is missing for trait " << l+1 << '\n';

    // propagate forward
    size_t numChildren = from.getNumberOfChildren();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
double AutocorrelatedLognormalRateBranchwiseVarDistribution::recursiveLnProb( const TopologyNode& n ) {
    // get the index
    size_t nodeIndex = n.getIndex();
    double lnProb = 0.0;
    size_t numChildren = n.getNumberOfChildren();
	double scale = scaleValue->getValue();
    if ( numChildren > 0 ) {
        double parentRate = log( (*value)[nodeIndex] );
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
            const TopologyNode& child = n.getChild(i);
            lnProb += recursiveLnProb(child);
            size_t childIndex = child.getIndex();
            // compute the variance
            double variance = sigma->getValue()[childIndex] * child.getBranchLength() * scale;
            double childRate = (*value)[childIndex];

			// the mean of the LN dist is parentRate = exp[mu + (variance / 2)],
			// where mu is the location param of the LN dist (see Kishino & Thorne 2001)
			double mu = parentRate - (variance * 0.5);
			double stDev = sqrt(variance);
            lnProb += RbStatistics::Lognormal::lnPdf(mu, stDev, childRate);
    return lnProb;
예제 #13
double RateMap_Biogeography::getUnnormalizedSumOfRates(const TopologyNode& node, std::vector<CharacterEvent*> from, unsigned* counts, double age) const
    size_t nodeIndex = node.getIndex();
    size_t epochIdx = getEpochIndex(age);
    // apply ctmc for branch
    const std::vector<double>& glr = ( branchHeterogeneousGainLossRates ? heterogeneousGainLossRates[nodeIndex] : homogeneousGainLossRates );
    // get sum of rates
    double sum = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < from.size(); i++)
        unsigned s = from[i]->getState();
        double v = availableAreaVector[ epochIdx * this->numCharacters + i ];
        if (forbidExtinction && s == 1 && counts[1] == 1)
            sum += 0.0;
        else if (s == 1 && v > 0)
            sum += glr[0];
        else if (s == 1 && v == 0)
            sum += 10e10;
        else  if (s == 0)
            sum += glr[1] * v;
    // apply rate for branch
    if (branchHeterogeneousClockRates)
        sum *= heterogeneousClockRates[nodeIndex];
        sum *= homogeneousClockRate;
    return sum;
void AutocorrelatedBranchMatrixDistribution::recursiveSimulate(const TopologyNode& node, RbVector< RateMatrix > *values, const std::vector< double > &scaledParent) {
    // get the index
    size_t nodeIndex = node.getIndex();
    // first we simulate our value
    RandomNumberGenerator* rng = GLOBAL_RNG;
    // do we keep our parents values?
    double u = rng->uniform01();
    if ( u < changeProbability->getValue() ) {
        // change
        // draw a new value for the base frequencies
        std::vector<double> newParent = RbStatistics::Dirichlet::rv(scaledParent, *rng);
        std::vector<double> newScaledParent = newParent;
        // compute the new scaled parent
        std::vector<double>::iterator end = newScaledParent.end();
        for (std::vector<double>::iterator it = newScaledParent.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
            (*it) *= alpha->getValue();
        RateMatrix_GTR rm = RateMatrix_GTR( newParent.size() );
        RbPhylogenetics::Gtr::computeRateMatrix( exchangeabilityRates->getValue(), newParent, &rm );
        uniqueBaseFrequencies.push_back( newParent );
        uniqueMatrices.push_back( rm );
        matrixIndex[nodeIndex] = uniqueMatrices.size()-1;
        values->insert(nodeIndex, rm);
        size_t numChildren = node.getNumberOfChildren();
        if ( numChildren > 0 ) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
                const TopologyNode& child = node.getChild(i);
    else {
        // no change
        size_t parentIndex = node.getParent().getIndex();
        values->insert(nodeIndex, uniqueMatrices[ matrixIndex[ parentIndex ] ]);
        size_t numChildren = node.getNumberOfChildren();
        if ( numChildren > 0 ) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
                const TopologyNode& child = node.getChild(i);
예제 #15
void RealNodeContainer::recursiveGetTipValues(const TopologyNode& from, ContinuousCharacterData& nameToVal) const {
    if(from.isTip())   {
        double tmp = (*this)[from.getIndex()];
        std::string name =  tree->getTipNames()[from.getIndex()];
        ContinuousTaxonData dataVec = ContinuousTaxonData(name);
        double contObs = tmp;
        dataVec.addCharacter( contObs );
        nameToVal.addTaxonData( dataVec );
    // propagate forward
    size_t numChildren = from.getNumberOfChildren();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
        recursiveGetTipValues(from.getChild(i), nameToVal );
예제 #16
size_t SpeciesTreeNodeSlideProposal::fillPreorderIndices(TopologyNode &node, size_t loc, std::vector<size_t> &indices)
    if ( node.isInternal() == true )
        size_t l = fillPreorderIndices(node.getChild( 0 ), loc, indices);
        indices[node.getIndex()] = l;
        loc = fillPreorderIndices(node.getChild( 1 ), l + 1, indices);
    return loc;
예제 #17
std::string RealNodeContainer::recursiveGetNewick(const TopologyNode& from) const {

    std::ostringstream s;
    if (from.isTip())   {
        s << getTimeTree()->getTipNames()[from.getIndex()] << "_";
//        std::cerr << from.getIndex() << '\t' << getTimeTree()->getTipNames()[from.getIndex()] << "_";
//        std::cerr << (*this)[from.getIndex()] << '\n';
//        exit(1);
    else    {
        s << "(";
        // propagate forward
        size_t numChildren = from.getNumberOfChildren();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
            s << recursiveGetNewick(from.getChild(i));
            if (i < numChildren-1)  {
                s << ",";
        s << ")";
    s << (*this)[from.getIndex()];
/*    if (from.isTip() && (! isClamped(from.getIndex()))) {
        std::cerr << "leaf is not clamped\n";
        // get taxon index
        size_t index = from.getIndex();
        std::cerr << "index : " << index << '\n';
        std::string taxon = tree->getTipNames()[index];
        std::cerr << "taxon : " << index << '\t' << taxon << '\n';
        std::cerr << " trait value : " << (*this)[index] << '\n';        
//    if (!from.isRoot()) {
        s << ":";
        s << getTimeTree()->getBranchLength(from.getIndex());
//    }
    return s.str();
예제 #18
void RealNodeContainer::recursiveGetStats(const TopologyNode& from, double& e1, double& e2, int& n) const {

    double tmp = (*this)[from.getIndex()];

    e1 += tmp;
    e2 += tmp * tmp;
    // propagate forward
    size_t numChildren = from.getNumberOfChildren();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
double MultivariateBrownianPhyloProcess::recursiveLnProb( const TopologyNode& from ) {
    double lnProb = 0.0;
    size_t index = from.getIndex();
    std::vector<double> val = (*value)[index];
    if (! from.isRoot()) {
        if (1)  {
//        if (dirtyNodes[index])  {

            // x ~ normal(x_up, sigma^2 * branchLength)

            size_t upindex = from.getParent().getIndex();
            std::vector<double> upval = (*value)[upindex];

            const MatrixReal& om = sigma->getValue().getInverse();

            double s2 = 0;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < getDim(); i++) {
                double tmp = 0;
                for (size_t j = 0; j < getDim(); j++) {
                    tmp += om[i][j] * (val[j] - upval[j]);
                s2 += (val[i] - upval[i]) * tmp;

            double logprob = 0;
            logprob -= 0.5 * s2 / from.getBranchLength();
            logprob -= 0.5 * (sigma->getValue().getLogDet() + sigma->getValue().getDim() * log(from.getBranchLength()));
            nodeLogProbs[index] = logprob;
            dirtyNodes[index] = false;
        lnProb += nodeLogProbs[index];
    // propagate forward
    size_t numChildren = from.getNumberOfChildren();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
        lnProb += recursiveLnProb(from.getChild(i));
    return lnProb;
double AutocorrelatedBranchMatrixDistribution::recursiveLnProb( const TopologyNode& n ) {
    // get the index
    size_t nodeIndex = n.getIndex();
    double lnProb = 0.0;
    size_t numChildren = n.getNumberOfChildren();
    if ( numChildren > 0 ) {
        std::vector<double> parent = (*value)[nodeIndex].getStationaryFrequencies();

        std::vector<double>::iterator end = parent.end();
        for (std::vector<double>::iterator it = parent.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
            (*it) *= alpha->getValue();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
            const TopologyNode& child = n.getChild(i);
            lnProb += recursiveLnProb(child);
            size_t childIndex = child.getIndex();
            //        RateMatrix& rm = (*value)[childIndex];
            // compare if the child has a different matrix
            if ( matrixIndex[nodeIndex] == matrixIndex[childIndex] ) {
                // no change -> just the probability of no change
                lnProb += log( 1.0 - changeProbability->getValue() );
            } else {
                // change:
                // probability of change
                lnProb += log( changeProbability->getValue() );
                const std::vector<double>& descendant = (*value)[childIndex].getStationaryFrequencies();
        //            const std::vector<double>& descendant = uniqueMatrices[ matrixIndex[childIndex] ].getStationaryFrequencies();
                // probability of new descendant values
                double p = RbStatistics::Dirichlet::lnPdf(parent, descendant);
                lnProb += p;
    return lnProb;
예제 #21
double RateMap_Biogeography::getSumOfRates(const TopologyNode& node, std::vector<CharacterEvent*> from, unsigned* counts, double age) const
    if (useUnnormalizedRates)
        return getUnnormalizedSumOfRates(node, from, counts, age);
    size_t nodeIndex = node.getIndex();
    // get rate away away from currState
    unsigned n0 = counts[0];
    unsigned n1 = counts[1];

    // forbid extinction events
    if (counts[1] == 1 && forbidExtinction)
        n1 = 0;
    // get characters in each state
    double r0 = n1;
    double r1 = n0;
    // apply ctmc for branch
    if (branchHeterogeneousGainLossRates)
        r0 *= heterogeneousGainLossRates[nodeIndex][0];
        r1 *= heterogeneousGainLossRates[nodeIndex][1];
        r0 *= homogeneousGainLossRates[0];
        r1 *= homogeneousGainLossRates[1];
    // apply rate for branch.
    double sum = r0 + r1;
    if (branchHeterogeneousClockRates)
        sum *= heterogeneousClockRates[nodeIndex];
        sum *= homogeneousClockRate;
    return sum;
예제 #22
void RateMap_Biogeography::calculateTransitionProbabilities(const TopologyNode& node, TransitionProbabilityMatrix &P) const
    double branchLength = node.getBranchLength();
    double r = ( branchHeterogeneousClockRates ? heterogeneousClockRates[node.getIndex()] : homogeneousClockRate );
    const std::vector<double>& glr = ( branchHeterogeneousGainLossRates ? heterogeneousGainLossRates[node.getIndex()] : homogeneousGainLossRates );

    if (node.isRoot())
        branchLength = 1e10;

    double expPart = exp( -(glr[0] + glr[1]) * r * branchLength);
    double p = glr[0] / (glr[0] + glr[1]);
    double q = 1.0 - p;
    P[0][0] = p + q * expPart;
    P[0][1] = q - q * expPart;
    P[1][0] = p - p * expPart;
    P[1][1] = q + p * expPart;
예제 #23
 * Perform the proposal.
 * A Uniform-simplex proposal randomly changes some values of a simplex, although the other values
 * change too because of the renormalization.
 * First, some random indices are drawn. Then, the proposal draws a new somplex
 *   u ~ Uniform(val[index] * alpha)
 * where alpha is the tuning parameter.The new value is set to u.
 * The simplex is then renormalized.
 * \return The hastings ratio.
double NodeTimeSlideUniformProposal::doProposal( void )

    // Get random number generator
    RandomNumberGenerator* rng     = GLOBAL_RNG;

    Tree& tau = variable->getValue();

    // pick a random node which is not the root and neithor the direct descendant of the root
    TopologyNode* node;
    do {
        double u = rng->uniform01();
        size_t index = size_t( std::floor(tau.getNumberOfNodes() * u) );
        node = &tau.getNode(index);
    } while ( node->isRoot() || node->isTip() );

    TopologyNode& parent = node->getParent();

    // we need to work with the times
    double parent_age  = parent.getAge();
    double my_age      = node->getAge();
    double child_Age   = node->getChild( 0 ).getAge();
    if ( child_Age < node->getChild( 1 ).getAge())
        child_Age = node->getChild( 1 ).getAge();

    // now we store all necessary values
    storedNode = node;
    storedAge = my_age;

    // draw new ages and compute the hastings ratio at the same time
    double my_new_age = (parent_age-child_Age) * rng->uniform01() + child_Age;

    // set the age
    tau.getNode(node->getIndex()).setAge( my_new_age );

    return 0.0;

예제 #24
double PhyloWhiteNoiseProcess::recursiveLnProb(const TopologyNode &from)   {

    double lnProb = 0.0;
    if (! from.isRoot())   {
        // compute the variance
        double mean = 1.0;
        double stdev = sigma->getValue() / sqrt(from.getBranchLength());
        double alpha = mean * mean / (stdev * stdev);
        double beta = mean / (stdev * stdev);
        double v = (*value)[from.getIndex()];
        lnProb += log( RbStatistics::Gamma::lnPdf(alpha,beta,v) );
    size_t numChildren = from.getNumberOfChildren();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) {
        const TopologyNode& child = from.getChild(i);
        lnProb += recursiveLnProb(child);
    return lnProb;
예제 #25
/** Perform the move */
double RateAgeACLNMixingMove::performCompoundMove( void ) {
    // Get random number generator    
    RandomNumberGenerator* rng     = GLOBAL_RNG;
    TimeTree& tau = tree->getValue();
	std::vector<double>& nrates = rates->getValue();
	double &rootR = rootRate->getValue();
	size_t nn = tau.getNumberOfNodes();
	double u = rng->uniform01();
	double c = exp( epsilon * (u - 0.5) );
	for(size_t i=0; i<nn; i++){
		TopologyNode* node = &tau.getNode(i);
		if(node->isTip() == false){
			double curAge = node->getAge();
			double newAge = curAge * c;
			tau.setAge( node->getIndex(), newAge );
				storedRootAge = curAge;
	size_t nr = nrates.size();
	rootR = rootR / c;
	for(size_t i=0; i<nrates.size(); i++){
        double curRt = nrates[i];
        double newRt = curRt / c;
        nrates[i] = newRt;
	storedC = c;
	double pr = (((double)nn) - (double)nr) * log(c);
	return pr;
예제 #26
 * Recursive call to attach ordered interior node times to the time tree psi. Call it initially with the
 * root of the tree.
void HeterogeneousRateBirthDeath::attachTimes(Tree* psi, std::vector<TopologyNode *> &nodes, size_t index, const std::vector<double> &interiorNodeTimes, double originTime )
    if (index < num_taxa-1)
        // Get the rng
        RandomNumberGenerator* rng = GLOBAL_RNG;
        // Randomly draw one node from the list of nodes
        size_t node_index = static_cast<size_t>( floor(rng->uniform01()*nodes.size()) );
        // Get the node from the list
        TopologyNode* parent = nodes.at(node_index);
        psi->getNode( parent->getIndex() ).setAge( originTime - interiorNodeTimes[index] );
        // Remove the randomly drawn node from the list
        // Add the left child if an interior node
        TopologyNode* leftChild = &parent->getChild(0);
        if ( !leftChild->isTip() )
        // Add the right child if an interior node
        TopologyNode* rightChild = &parent->getChild(1);
        if ( !rightChild->isTip() )
        // Recursive call to this function
        attachTimes(psi, nodes, index+1, interiorNodeTimes, originTime);
예제 #27
void CharacterDependentCladoBirthDeathProcess::recursivelyDrawJointConditionalAncestralStates(const TopologyNode &node, std::vector<size_t>& startStates, std::vector<size_t>& endStates)
    size_t node_index = node.getIndex();
    if ( node.isTip() == true )
        const AbstractHomologousDiscreteCharacterData& data = static_cast<TreeDiscreteCharacterData*>(this->value)->getCharacterData();
        const AbstractDiscreteTaxonData& taxon_data = data.getTaxonData( node.getName() );
        endStates[node_index] = taxon_data.getCharacter(0).getStateIndex();
        const TopologyNode &left = node.getChild(0);
        size_t left_index = left.getIndex();
        state_type left_likelihoods = partial_likelihoods[left_index];
        const TopologyNode &right = node.getChild(1);
        size_t right_index = right.getIndex();
        state_type right_likelihoods = partial_likelihoods[right_index];
        // sample characters by their probability conditioned on the branch's start state going to end states
        state_type branch_conditional_probs = std::vector<double>(2 * num_states, 0);
        size_t start_state = startStates[node_index];
        branch_conditional_probs[ num_states + start_state ] = 1.0;
        double dt = root_age->getValue() / NUM_TIME_SLICES;
        double endAge = node.getAge();
        double beginAge = node.getParent().getAge();
        double current_time_slice = floor(beginAge / dt);
        bool computed_at_least_one = false;

        // get cladogenesis event map (sparse speciation rate matrix)
        const DeterministicNode<MatrixReal>* cpn = static_cast<const DeterministicNode<MatrixReal>* >( cladogenesis_matrix );
        const TypedFunction<MatrixReal>& tf = cpn->getFunction();
        const AbstractCladogenicStateFunction* csf = dynamic_cast<const AbstractCladogenicStateFunction*>( &tf );
        std::map<std::vector<unsigned>, double> eventMap = csf->getEventMap();

        // first iterate forward along the branch subtending this node to get the
        // probabilities of the end states conditioned on the start state
        while (current_time_slice * dt >= endAge || !computed_at_least_one)
            // populate pre-computed extinction probs into branch_conditional_probs
            if (current_time_slice > 0)
                for (size_t i = 0; i < num_states; i++)
                    branch_conditional_probs[i] = extinction_probabilities[current_time_slice - 1][i];
            CDCladoSEObserved ode = CDCladoSEObserved(extinction_rates, &Q->getValue(), eventMap, rate->getValue());
            boost::numeric::odeint::bulirsch_stoer< state_type > stepper(1E-8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            boost::numeric::odeint::integrate_adaptive( stepper, ode , branch_conditional_probs , current_time_slice * dt , (current_time_slice + 1) * dt, dt );
            computed_at_least_one = true;
        std::map<std::vector<unsigned>, double> sample_probs;
        double sample_probs_sum = 0.0;
        std::map<std::vector<unsigned>, double>::iterator it;
        // iterate over each cladogenetic event possible
        for (it = eventMap.begin(); it != eventMap.end(); it++)
            const std::vector<unsigned>& states = it->first;
            double speciation_rate = it->second;
            sample_probs[ states ] = 0.0;
            // we need to sample from the ancestor, left, and right states jointly,
            // so keep track of the probability of each clado event
            double prob = left_likelihoods[num_states + states[1]] * right_likelihoods[num_states + states[2]];
            prob *= speciation_rate * branch_conditional_probs[num_states + states[0]];
            sample_probs[ states ] += prob;
            sample_probs_sum += prob;

        // finally, sample ancestor, left, and right character states from probs
        size_t a, l, r;
        RandomNumberGenerator* rng = GLOBAL_RNG;
        double u = rng->uniform01() * sample_probs_sum;
        for (it = sample_probs.begin(); it != sample_probs.end(); it++)
            u -= it->second;
            if (u < 0.0)
                const std::vector<unsigned>& states = it->first;
                a = states[0];
                l = states[1];
                r = states[2];
                endStates[node_index] = a;
                startStates[left_index] = l;
                startStates[right_index] = r;
        // recurse towards tips
        recursivelyDrawJointConditionalAncestralStates(left, startStates, endStates);
        recursivelyDrawJointConditionalAncestralStates(right, startStates, endStates);

예제 #28
 * Perform the proposal.
 * \return The hastings ratio.
double TreeNodeAgeUpdateProposal::doProposal( void )

    // Get random number generator
    RandomNumberGenerator* rng     = GLOBAL_RNG;

    Tree& tau = speciesTree->getValue();

    // pick a random node which is not the root and neither the direct descendant of the root
    TopologyNode* node;
    do {
        double u = rng->uniform01();
        size_t index = size_t( std::floor(tau.getNumberOfNodes() * u) );
        node = &tau.getNode(index);
    } while ( node->isRoot() || node->isTip() );

    TopologyNode& parent = node->getParent();

    // we need to work with the times
    double parent_age  = parent.getAge();
    double my_age      = node->getAge();
    double child_Age   = node->getChild( 0 ).getAge();
    if ( child_Age < node->getChild( 1 ).getAge())
        child_Age = node->getChild( 1 ).getAge();

    // now we store all necessary values
    storedNode = node;
    storedAge = my_age;

    // draw new ages and compute the hastings ratio at the same time
    double my_new_age = (parent_age-child_Age) * rng->uniform01() + child_Age;

    // Sebastian: This is for debugging to test if the proposal's acceptance rate is 1.0 as it should be!
//    my_new_age = my_age;

    int upslideNodes = 0;
    int downslideNodes = 0;

    for ( size_t i=0; i<geneTrees.size(); ++i )
        // get the i-th gene tree
        Tree& geneTree = geneTrees[i]->getValue();

        std::vector<TopologyNode*> nodes = getNodesInPopulation(geneTree, *node );

        for (size_t j=0; j<nodes.size(); ++j)

            double a = nodes[j]->getAge();
            double new_a = a;
            if ( a > my_age )
                new_a = parent_age - (parent_age - my_new_age)/(parent_age - my_age) * (parent_age - a);
                new_a = child_Age + (my_new_age - child_Age)/(my_age - child_Age) * (a - child_Age);

            // set the new age of this gene tree node
            geneTree.getNode( nodes[j]->getIndex() ).setAge( new_a );

        // Sebastian: This is only for debugging. It makes the code slower. Hopefully it is not necessary anymore.
//        geneTrees[i]->touch( true );


    // Sebastian: We need to work on a mechanism to make these proposal safe for non-ultrametric trees!
    //    if (min_age != 0.0)
    //    {
    //        for (size_t i = 0; i < tau.getNumberOfTips(); i++)
    //        {
    //            if (tau.getNode(i).getAge() < 0.0)
    //            {
    //                return RbConstants::Double::neginf;
    //            }
    //        }
    //    }

    // set the age of the species tree node
    tau.getNode( node->getIndex() ).setAge( my_new_age );

    // compute the Hastings ratio
    double lnHastingsratio = upslideNodes * log( (parent_age - my_new_age)/(parent_age - my_age) ) + downslideNodes * log( (my_new_age - child_Age)/(my_age - child_Age) );

    return lnHastingsratio;

예제 #29
void TmrcaStatistic::update( void ) {
    const std::vector<TopologyNode*> &n = tree->getValue().getNodes();
    size_t minCaldeSize = n.size() + 2;
    bool found = false;
    if ( index != RbConstants::Size_t::nan )
        TopologyNode *node = n[index];
        std::vector<std::string> taxa;
        node->getTaxaStringVector( taxa );
        size_t cladeSize = taxa.size();
        if ( node->containsClade( clade, false ) && taxaCount == cladeSize )
            found = true;
            minCaldeSize = cladeSize;
    if ( found == false )
        for (size_t i = tree->getValue().getNumberOfTips(); i < n.size(); ++i)
            TopologyNode *node = n[i];
            std::vector<std::string> taxa;
            node->getTaxaStringVector( taxa );
            size_t cladeSize = taxa.size();
            if ( cladeSize < minCaldeSize && cladeSize >= taxaCount && node->containsClade( clade, false ) )
                index = node->getIndex();
                minCaldeSize = cladeSize;
                if ( taxaCount == cladeSize )
    if ( index == RbConstants::Size_t::nan )
        throw RbException("TMRCA-Statistics can only be applied if clade is present.");
    if ( stemAge )
        size_t parentIndex = tree->getValue().getNode(index).getParent().getIndex();
        double tmrca = tree->getValue().getAge(parentIndex);
        *value = tmrca;
        double tmrca = tree->getValue().getAge(index);
        *value = tmrca;
예제 #30
void RateMap_Biogeography::calculateTransitionProbabilities(const TopologyNode& node, TransitionProbabilityMatrix &P, size_t charIdx) const

    double startAge = ( node.isRoot() ? 1e10 : node.getParent().getAge() );
    double endAge = node.getAge();
    double currAge = startAge;
    double r = ( branchHeterogeneousClockRates ? heterogeneousClockRates[node.getIndex()] : homogeneousClockRate );
    const std::vector<double>& glr = ( branchHeterogeneousGainLossRates ? heterogeneousGainLossRates[node.getIndex()] : homogeneousGainLossRates );
    // start at earliest epoch
    int epochIdx = getEpochIndex(startAge);

    // initialize P = I
    P[0][0] = 1.0;
    P[0][1] = 0.0;
    P[1][0] = 0.0;
    P[1][1] = 1.0;

    bool stop = false;
    while (!stop)
        // get dispersal and extinction rates for site
        size_t idx = this->numCharacters * epochIdx + charIdx;
        double dispersalRate  = ( (availableAreaVector[ idx ] > 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
        double extinctionRate = ( (availableAreaVector[ idx ] > 0) ? 1.0 : 1e10);
        // get age of start of next oldest epoch
        double epochAge = epochs[ epochIdx ];
        // get next oldest age boundary (node or epoch)
        double incrAge = epochAge;
        // no more epochs, exit loop after computation
        if (endAge >= epochAge)
            incrAge = endAge;
            stop = true;
        // get branch length
        double diffAge = currAge - incrAge;
        // transition probabilities w/ sum-product
        double glr0 = glr[0] * extinctionRate;
        double glr1 = glr[1] * dispersalRate;
        double expPart = exp( -(glr0 + glr1) * r * diffAge);
        double p = glr0 / (glr0 + glr1);
        double q = 1.0 - p;
        double p00 = (p + q * expPart);
        double p01 = (q - q * expPart);
        double p10 = (p - p * expPart);
        double p11 = (q + p * expPart);

        double q00 = P[0][0];
        double q01 = P[0][1];
        double q10 = P[1][0];
        double q11 = P[1][1];
        P[0][0] = p00 * q00 + p01 * q10;
        P[0][1] = p00 * q01 + p01 * q11;
        P[1][0] = p10 * q00 + p11 * q10;
        P[1][1] = p10 * q01 + p11 * q11;
//        std::cout << P[0][0] << "," << P[0][1] << ";" << P[1][0] << "," << P[1][1] << "\n";
        if (!stop)
            epochIdx += 1;
            currAge = epochAge;