TopologyRefinerFactoryBase::prepareComponentTagsAndSharpness(TopologyRefiner& refiner) {

    //  This method combines the initialization of internal component tags with the sharpening
    //  of edges and vertices according to the given boundary interpolation rule in the Options.
    //  Since both involve traversing the edge and vertex lists and noting the presence of
    //  boundaries -- best to do both at once...
    Vtr::internal::Level&  baseLevel = refiner.getLevel(0);

    Sdc::Options options = refiner.GetSchemeOptions();
    Sdc::Crease  creasing(options);

    bool makeBoundaryFacesHoles = (options.GetVtxBoundaryInterpolation() == Sdc::Options::VTX_BOUNDARY_NONE);
    bool sharpenCornerVerts     = (options.GetVtxBoundaryInterpolation() == Sdc::Options::VTX_BOUNDARY_EDGE_AND_CORNER);
    bool sharpenNonManFeatures  = true; //(options.GetNonManifoldInterpolation() == Sdc::Options::NON_MANIFOLD_SHARP);

    //  Process the Edge tags first, as Vertex tags (notably the Rule) are dependent on
    //  properties of their incident edges.
    for (Vtr::Index eIndex = 0; eIndex < baseLevel.getNumEdges(); ++eIndex) {
        Vtr::internal::Level::ETag& eTag       = baseLevel.getEdgeTag(eIndex);
        float&                      eSharpness = baseLevel.getEdgeSharpness(eIndex);

        eTag._boundary = (baseLevel.getNumEdgeFaces(eIndex) < 2);
        if (eTag._boundary || (eTag._nonManifold && sharpenNonManFeatures)) {
            eSharpness = Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE;
        eTag._infSharp  = Sdc::Crease::IsInfinite(eSharpness);
        eTag._semiSharp = Sdc::Crease::IsSharp(eSharpness) && !eTag._infSharp;

    //  Process the Vertex tags now -- for some tags (semi-sharp and its rule) we need
    //  to inspect all incident edges:
    int schemeRegularInteriorValence = Sdc::SchemeTypeTraits::GetRegularVertexValence(refiner.GetSchemeType());
    int schemeRegularBoundaryValence = schemeRegularInteriorValence / 2;

    for (Vtr::Index vIndex = 0; vIndex < baseLevel.getNumVertices(); ++vIndex) {
        Vtr::internal::Level::VTag& vTag       = baseLevel.getVertexTag(vIndex);
        float&                      vSharpness = baseLevel.getVertexSharpness(vIndex);

        Vtr::ConstIndexArray vEdges = baseLevel.getVertexEdges(vIndex);
        Vtr::ConstIndexArray vFaces = baseLevel.getVertexFaces(vIndex);

        //  Take inventory of properties of incident edges that affect this vertex:
        int boundaryEdgeCount    = 0;
        int infSharpEdgeCount    = 0;
        int semiSharpEdgeCount   = 0;
        int nonManifoldEdgeCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < vEdges.size(); ++i) {
            Vtr::internal::Level::ETag const& eTag = baseLevel.getEdgeTag(vEdges[i]);

            boundaryEdgeCount    += eTag._boundary;
            infSharpEdgeCount    += eTag._infSharp;
            semiSharpEdgeCount   += eTag._semiSharp;
            nonManifoldEdgeCount += eTag._nonManifold;
        int sharpEdgeCount = infSharpEdgeCount + semiSharpEdgeCount;

        //  Sharpen the vertex before using it in conjunction with incident edge
        //  properties to determine the semi-sharp tag and rule:
        bool isTopologicalCorner = (vFaces.size() == 1) && (vEdges.size() == 2);
        bool isSharpenedCorner =  isTopologicalCorner && sharpenCornerVerts;
        if (isSharpenedCorner) {
            vSharpness = Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE;
        } else if (vTag._nonManifold && sharpenNonManFeatures) {
            //  We avoid sharpening non-manifold vertices when they occur on interior
            //  non-manifold creases, i.e. a pair of opposing non-manifold edges with
            //  more than two incident faces.  In these cases there are more incident
            //  faces than edges (1 more for each additional "fin") and no boundaries.
            if (not ((nonManifoldEdgeCount == 2) && (boundaryEdgeCount == 0) && (vFaces.size() > vEdges.size()))) {
                vSharpness = Sdc::Crease::SHARPNESS_INFINITE;

        vTag._infSharp       = Sdc::Crease::IsInfinite(vSharpness);
        vTag._semiSharp      = Sdc::Crease::IsSemiSharp(vSharpness);
        vTag._semiSharpEdges = (semiSharpEdgeCount > 0);

        vTag._rule = (Vtr::internal::Level::VTag::VTagSize)creasing.DetermineVertexVertexRule(vSharpness, sharpEdgeCount);

        //  Assign topological tags -- note that the "xordinary" tag is not strictly
        //  correct (or relevant) if non-manifold:
        vTag._boundary = (boundaryEdgeCount > 0);
        vTag._corner = isSharpenedCorner;
        if (vTag._corner) {
            vTag._xordinary = false;
        } else if (vTag._boundary) {
            vTag._xordinary = (vFaces.size() != schemeRegularBoundaryValence);
        } else {
            vTag._xordinary = (vFaces.size() != schemeRegularInteriorValence);
        vTag._incomplete = 0;

        //  Having just decided if a vertex is on a boundary, and with its incident faces
        //  available, mark incident faces as holes.
        if (makeBoundaryFacesHoles && vTag._boundary) {
            for (int i = 0; i < vFaces.size(); ++i) {
                baseLevel.getFaceTag(vFaces[i])._hole = true;

                //  Don't forget this -- but it will eventually move to the Level
                refiner._hasHoles = true;
    return true;