예제 #1
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: alhunor/projects
OpenMesh::FaceHandle faceClosestToPoint(TriMesh& mesh, OpenMesh::Vec3f& P)
// return a handle to the face that is closes to a give point.
// distance is measured as sum of Euclidean distances from the 3 vertices to the point.
	vector<MyREAL> dist(mesh.n_vertices());
	unsigned int i = 0;

	TriMesh::VertexIter v_it, v_end(mesh.vertices_end());
	for (v_it = mesh.vertices_begin(); v_it!=v_end; ++v_it)

	TriMesh::FaceIter f_it, f_end(mesh.faces_end());
	TriMesh::ConstFaceVertexIter cfvIt;
	double d, mind=10000000000;
	OpenMesh::FaceHandle mindHandle;
	for (f_it = mesh.faces_begin(); f_it!=f_end; ++f_it)
		cfvIt = mesh.cfv_iter(f_it);
		d = dist[ cfvIt.handle().idx()];
		d += dist[ (++cfvIt).handle().idx()];
		d += dist[ (++cfvIt).handle().idx()];
		if (d<mind)
			mind = d;
			mindHandle = f_it.handle();
	} //for (f_it = mesh.faces_begin(); f_it!=f_end; ++f_it)
	return mindHandle ;
} // OpenMesh::FaceHandle faceClosestToPoint(TriMesh& mesh, OpenMesh::Vec3f& P)
예제 #2
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: alhunor/projects
void analyzeTriangle(OpenMesh::FaceHandle & _fh, TriMesh& mesh)
	OpenMesh::Vec3f pointA , pointB , pointC;
	TriMesh::ConstFaceVertexIter cfvIt;
	cfvIt = mesh.cfv_iter(_fh);
	pointA = mesh.point(cfvIt.handle());
	pointB = mesh.point((++cfvIt).handle());
	pointC = mesh.point((++cfvIt).handle());
//	cout<<perimeter(pointA, pointB, pointC) << "   "<< area(pointA, pointB, pointC)<<endl;
	cout<<volume(pointA, pointB, pointC)<<endl; // volume of the tetrahedron with vertices A, B, C and the origin (0,0,0)
예제 #3
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: alhunor/projects
double meshVolume(TriMesh& mesh)
	double vol = 0;
	double surf = 0;

	//iterate through all faces;
	TriMesh::FaceIter f_it, f_end(mesh.faces_end());
	OpenMesh::Vec3f pointA , pointB , pointC;
	TriMesh::ConstFaceVertexIter cfvIt;

	for (f_it = mesh.faces_begin(); f_it!=f_end; ++f_it)
		cfvIt = mesh.cfv_iter(f_it);
		pointA = mesh.point(cfvIt.handle());
		pointB = mesh.point((++cfvIt).handle());
		pointC = mesh.point((++cfvIt).handle());
		surf += area(pointA, pointB, pointC);
		vol += volume(pointA, pointB, pointC);
	return vol;

} // double meshVolume(TriMesh& mesh)