예제 #1
파일: linux.cpp 프로젝트: jfrazelle/mesos
// Make sure the target directory allow device files (i.e., there no
// `nodev` on the mounted filesystem that contains the target path).
static Try<Nothing> ensureAllowDevices(const string& _targetDir)
  // Mount table entries use realpaths. Therefore, we first get the
  // realpath of the target directory.
  Result<string> targetDir = os::realpath(_targetDir);
  if (!targetDir.isSome()) {
    return Error(
        "Failed to get the realpath of '" + _targetDir + "': " +
        (targetDir.isError() ? targetDir.error() : "Not found"));

  Try<fs::MountInfoTable> table = fs::MountInfoTable::read();
  if (table.isError()) {
    return Error("Failed to get mount table: " + table.error());

  // Trying to find the mount entry that contains the target
  // directory. We achieve that by doing a reverse traverse of the
  // mount table to find the first entry whose target is a prefix of
  // the target directory.
  Try<fs::MountInfoTable::Entry> targetDirMount =

  if (targetDirMount.isError()) {
    return Error(
        "Failed to find the mount containing '" + _targetDir +
        "': " + targetDirMount.error());

  // No need to do anything if the mount has no `nodev`.
  if (!strings::contains(targetDirMount->vfsOptions, "nodev")) {
    return Nothing();

  if (targetDirMount->target != targetDir.get()) {
    // This is the case where the target directory mount does not
    // exist in the mount table (e.g., a new host running Mesos
    // slave for the first time).
    LOG(INFO) << "Self bind mounting '" << targetDir.get()
              << "' and remounting with '-o remount,dev'";

    // NOTE: Instead of using fs::mount to perform the bind mount,
    // we use the shell command here because the syscall 'mount'
    // does not update the mount table (i.e., /etc/mtab). In other
    // words, the mount will not be visible if the operator types
    // command 'mount'. Since this mount will still be presented
    // after all containers and the slave are stopped, it's better
    // to make it visible. It's OK to use the blocking os::shell
    // here because 'create' will only be invoked during
    // initialization.
    Try<string> mount = os::shell(
        "mount --bind %s %s && "
        "mount -o remount,dev %s",

    if (mount.isError()) {
      return Error(
          "Failed to self bind mount '" + targetDir.get() +
          "' and remount with '-o remount,dev': " + mount.error());
  } else {
    // This is the case where the target directory mount is in the
    // mount table, but it's not remounted yet to remove 'nodev'
    // (possibly due to slave crash while preparing the target
    // directory mount). It's safe to re-do the following.
    LOG(INFO) << "Remounting '" << targetDir.get() << "' with '-o remount,dev'";

    Try<string> mount = os::shell(
        "mount -o remount,dev %s",

    if (mount.isError()) {
      return Error(
          "Failed to remount '" + targetDir.get() +
          "' with '-o remount,dev': " + mount.error());

  return Nothing();
예제 #2
파일: linux.cpp 프로젝트: jfrazelle/mesos
// Make sure that the specified target directory is in a shared mount
// so that when forking a child process (with a new mount namespace),
// the child process does not hold extra references to the mounts
// underneath the target directory. For instance, container's
// persistent volume mounts and provisioner mounts (e.g., when using
// the bind/overlayfs backend) under agent's `work_dir`. This ensures
// that cleanup operations (i.e., unmount) on the host mount namespace
// can be propagated to child's mount namespaces. See MESOS-3483 for
// more details.
// TODO(jieyu): Consider moving this helper to 'src/linux/fs.hpp|cpp'.
static Try<Nothing> ensureSharedMount(const string& _targetDir)
  // Mount table entries use realpaths. Therefore, we first get the
  // realpath of the target directory.
  Result<string> targetDir = os::realpath(_targetDir);
  if (!targetDir.isSome()) {
    return Error(
        "Failed to get the realpath of '" + _targetDir + "': " +
        (targetDir.isError() ? targetDir.error() : "Not found"));

  Try<fs::MountInfoTable> table = fs::MountInfoTable::read();
  if (table.isError()) {
    return Error("Failed to get mount table: " + table.error());

  // Trying to find the mount entry that contains the target
  // directory. We achieve that by doing a reverse traverse of the
  // mount table to find the first entry whose target is a prefix of
  // the target directory.
  Try<fs::MountInfoTable::Entry> targetDirMount =

  if (targetDirMount.isError()) {
    return Error(
        "Failed to find the mount containing '" + _targetDir +
        "': " + targetDirMount.error());

  // If 'targetDirMount' is a shared mount in its own peer group, then
  // we don't need to do anything. Otherwise, we need to do a self
  // bind mount of the target directory to make sure it's a shared
  // mount in its own peer group.
  bool bindMountNeeded = false;

  if (targetDirMount->shared().isNone()) {
    bindMountNeeded = true;
  } else {
    foreach (const fs::MountInfoTable::Entry& entry, table->entries) {
      // Skip 'targetDirMount' and any mount underneath it. Also, we
      // skip those mounts whose targets are not the parent of the
      // target directory because even if they are in the same peer
      // group as the working directory mount, it won't affect it.
      if (entry.id != targetDirMount->id &&
          !strings::startsWith(entry.target, path::join(targetDir.get(), "")) &&
          entry.shared() == targetDirMount->shared() &&
          strings::startsWith(targetDir.get(), path::join(entry.target, ""))) {
        bindMountNeeded = true;

  if (bindMountNeeded) {
    if (targetDirMount->target != targetDir.get()) {
      // This is the case where the target directory mount does not
      // exist in the mount table (e.g., a new host running Mesos
      // slave for the first time).
      LOG(INFO) << "Bind mounting '" << targetDir.get()
                << "' and making it a shared mount";

      // NOTE: Instead of using fs::mount to perform the bind mount,
      // we use the shell command here because the syscall 'mount'
      // does not update the mount table (i.e., /etc/mtab). In other
      // words, the mount will not be visible if the operator types
      // command 'mount'. Since this mount will still be presented
      // after all containers and the slave are stopped, it's better
      // to make it visible. It's OK to use the blocking os::shell
      // here because 'create' will only be invoked during
      // initialization.
      Try<string> mount = os::shell(
          "mount --bind %s %s && "
          "mount --make-private %s && "
          "mount --make-shared %s",

      if (mount.isError()) {
        return Error(
            "Failed to bind mount '" + targetDir.get() +
            "' and make it a shared mount: " + mount.error());
    } else {
      // This is the case where the target directory mount is in the
      // mount table, but it's not a shared mount in its own peer
      // group (possibly due to slave crash while preparing the
      // target directory mount). It's safe to re-do the following.
      LOG(INFO) << "Making '" << targetDir.get() << "' a shared mount";

      Try<string> mount = os::shell(
          "mount --make-private %s && "
          "mount --make-shared %s",

      if (mount.isError()) {
        return Error(
            "Failed to make '" + targetDir.get() +
            "' a shared mount: " + mount.error());

  return Nothing();