예제 #1
파일: tollvm.cpp 프로젝트: mleise/ldc
LLType* DtoType(Type* t)
    t = stripModifiers( t );

    if (t->ctype)
        return t->ctype->getLLType();

    IF_LOG Logger::println("Building type: %s", t->toChars());

    switch (t->ty)
    // basic types
    case Tvoid:
    case Tint8:
    case Tuns8:
    case Tint16:
    case Tuns16:
    case Tint32:
    case Tuns32:
    case Tint64:
    case Tuns64:
    case Tint128:
    case Tuns128:
    case Tfloat32:
    case Tfloat64:
    case Tfloat80:
    case Timaginary32:
    case Timaginary64:
    case Timaginary80:
    case Tcomplex32:
    case Tcomplex64:
    case Tcomplex80:
    //case Tbit:
    case Tbool:
    case Tchar:
    case Twchar:
    case Tdchar:
        return IrTypeBasic::get(t)->getLLType();

    // pointers
    case Tnull:
    case Tpointer:
        return IrTypePointer::get(t)->getLLType();

    // arrays
    case Tarray:
        return IrTypeArray::get(t)->getLLType();

    case Tsarray:
        return IrTypeSArray::get(t)->getLLType();

    // aggregates
    case Tstruct:
        TypeStruct* ts = static_cast<TypeStruct*>(t);
        if (ts->sym->type->ctype)
            // This should not happen, but the frontend seems to be buggy. Not
            // sure if this is the best way to handle the situation, but we
            // certainly don't want to override ts->sym->type->ctype.
            IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "Struct with multiple Types detected: " <<
                ts->toChars() << " (" << ts->sym->locToChars() << ")" << std::endl;
            return ts->sym->type->ctype->getLLType();
        return IrTypeStruct::get(ts->sym)->getLLType();
    case Tclass:
        TypeClass* tc = static_cast<TypeClass*>(t);
        if (tc->sym->type->ctype)
            // See Tstruct case.
            IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "Class with multiple Types detected: " <<
                tc->toChars() << " (" << tc->sym->locToChars() << ")" << std::endl;
            return tc->sym->type->ctype->getLLType();
        return IrTypeClass::get(tc->sym)->getLLType();

    // functions
    case Tfunction:
        return IrTypeFunction::get(t)->getLLType();

    // delegates
    case Tdelegate:
        return IrTypeDelegate::get(t)->getLLType();

    // typedefs
    // enum

    // FIXME: maybe just call toBasetype first ?
    case Tenum:
        Type* bt = t->toBasetype();
        return DtoType(bt);

    // associative arrays
    case Taarray:
        return getVoidPtrType();

    case Tvector:
        return IrTypeVector::get(t)->getLLType();

    Not needed atm as VarDecls for tuples are rewritten as a string of
    VarDecls for the fields (u -> _u_field_0, ...)

    case Ttuple:
        TypeTuple* ttupl = static_cast<TypeTuple*>(t);
        return DtoStructTypeFromArguments(ttupl->arguments);

        llvm_unreachable("Unknown class of D Type!");
    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: tollvm.cpp 프로젝트: Syniurge/Calypso
LLType *DtoType(Type *t) {
  t = stripModifiers(t);

  if (t->ctype) {
    return t->ctype->getLLType();

  IF_LOG Logger::println("Building type: %s", t->toChars());

  switch (t->ty) {
  // basic types
  case Tvoid:
  case Tint8:
  case Tuns8:
  case Tint16:
  case Tuns16:
  case Tint32:
  case Tuns32:
  case Tint64:
  case Tuns64:
  case Tint128:
  case Tuns128:
  case Tfloat32:
  case Tfloat64:
  case Tfloat80:
  case Timaginary32:
  case Timaginary64:
  case Timaginary80:
  case Tcomplex32:
  case Tcomplex64:
  case Tcomplex80:
  // case Tbit:
  case Tbool:
  case Tchar:
  case Twchar:
  case Tdchar: {
    return IrTypeBasic::get(t)->getLLType();

  // pointers
  case Tnull:
  case Tpointer:
  case Treference: { // CALYPSO
    return IrTypePointer::get(t)->getLLType();

  // arrays
  case Tarray: {
    return IrTypeArray::get(t)->getLLType();

  case Tsarray: {
    return IrTypeSArray::get(t)->getLLType();

  // aggregates
  case Tstruct: {
    TypeStruct *ts = static_cast<TypeStruct *>(t);
    if (ts->sym->type->ctype) {
      // This should not happen, but the frontend seems to be buggy. Not
      // sure if this is the best way to handle the situation, but we
      // certainly don't want to override ts->sym->type->ctype.
      IF_LOG Logger::cout()
          << "Struct with multiple Types detected: " << ts->toChars() << " ("
          << ts->sym->locToChars() << ")" << std::endl;
      return ts->sym->type->ctype->getLLType();
    return IrTypeStruct::get(ts->sym)->getLLType();
  case Tclass: {
    TypeClass *tc = static_cast<TypeClass *>(t);
    if (tc->sym->type->ctype) {
      // See Tstruct case.
      IF_LOG Logger::cout()
          << "Class with multiple Types detected: " << tc->toChars() << " ("
          << tc->sym->locToChars() << ")" << std::endl;
      return tc->sym->type->ctype->getLLType();
    return IrTypeClass::get(tc->sym)->getLLType();

  // functions
  case Tfunction: {
    return IrTypeFunction::get(t)->getLLType();

  // delegates
  case Tdelegate: {
    return IrTypeDelegate::get(t)->getLLType();

  // typedefs
  // enum

  // FIXME: maybe just call toBasetype first ?
  case Tenum: {
    Type *bt = t->toBasetype();
    if (t == bt) {
      // This is an enum forward reference that is only legal when referenced
      // through an indirection (e.g. "enum E; void foo(E* p);"). For lack of a
      // better choice, make the outer indirection a void pointer.
      return getVoidPtrType()->getContainedType(0);
    return DtoType(bt);

  // associative arrays
  case Taarray:
    return getVoidPtrType();

  case Tvector: {
    return IrTypeVector::get(t)->getLLType();

    llvm_unreachable("Unknown class of D Type!");
  return nullptr;