mlU3D::ColorMap U3DSave::_writeVertexColors(WEMPatch* patch, U3DDataBlockWriter& continuationBlock) const
  MLuint thisColorIndex = 0;
  mlU3D::ColorMap colorsMap;   // <Color,ColorIndex>

  const int numNodesInPatch = patch->getNumNodes();

  for (int n = 0; n < numNodesInPatch; n++)
    WEMNode* thisNode = patch->getNodeAt(n);

    const Vector4 thisNodeColor = thisNode->getColor();

    mlU3D::ColorMap::iterator findIt = colorsMap.find(thisNodeColor);

    if (findIt == colorsMap.end())
      // Color has not yet been added to map, so add it now
      colorsMap[thisNodeColor] = thisColorIndex;
      // Do nothing


  return colorsMap;
U3DDataBlockWriter U3DSave::_createCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock(WEMTrianglePatch* meshPatch, mlU3D::CLODMeshGenerator& meshGenerator) const
  mlU3D::ColorMap baseDiffuseColorsMap;

  float progressStart = 0.2f;
  float progressEnd = 0.9f;
  float progressRangeforAllMeshes = progressEnd - progressStart; // 0.7

  float progressIntervalForOneWEMPatch = progressRangeforAllMeshes / _inU3DObject->meshes.size();
  float progressStartForThisMesh = progressStart + progressIntervalForOneWEMPatch * meshGenerator.meshNumber;
  _statusFld->setStringValue("Assembling data for Mesh: " + meshGenerator.resourceName + ".");

  U3DDataBlockWriter thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock;
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.blockType = mlU3D::BLOCKTYPE_CLODBASEMESHCONTINUATION;

  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeString(meshGenerator.resourceName);       // Write Mesh Name (
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeU32(mlU3D::ReservedZero);               // Write Chain Index ( (shall be zero) 
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeU32(meshGenerator.faceCount);            // Write Base Mesh Description - Face Count ( (# of faces)
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeU32(meshGenerator.vertexCount);          // Write Base Mesh Description - Position Count ( (# of vertices)
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeU32(meshGenerator.normalCount);          // Write Base Mesh Description - Normal Count ( (# of normals)
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeU32(meshGenerator.diffuseColorCount);    // Write Base Mesh Description - Diffuse Color Count (
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeU32(meshGenerator.specularColorCount);   // Write Base Mesh Description - Specular Color Count (
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeU32(0x00000001);                    // Write Base Mesh Description - Texture Coord Count (

  // Write all vertex positions (in U3D, vertices are called "positions")        
  for (MLuint32 thisVertex = 0; thisVertex < meshGenerator.vertexCount; thisVertex++)
    Vector3 wemPosition = meshPatch->getNodeAt(thisVertex)->getPosition();

    thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32(wemPosition[0]);             // Write Base Position - X (
    thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32(wemPosition[1]);             // Write Base Position - Y (
    thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32(wemPosition[2]);             // Write Base Position - Z (

  for (MLuint32 thisNormal = 0; thisNormal < meshGenerator.normalCount; thisNormal++)
    Vector3 nodeNormal = meshPatch->getNodeAt(thisNormal)->getNormal();

    thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32(nodeNormal[0]);              // Write Base Normal - X (
    thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32(nodeNormal[1]);              // Write Base Normal - Y (
    thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32(nodeNormal[2]);              // Write Base Normal - Z (

  if (meshGenerator.diffuseColorCount > 0)
    baseDiffuseColorsMap = _writeVertexColors(meshPatch, thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock); // Write all Base Diffuse Colors (

  for (MLuint32 thisSpecularColor = 0; thisSpecularColor < meshGenerator.specularColorCount; thisSpecularColor++)
    thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32Color(_inU3DObject->defaultValues.defaultMaterialSpecularColor, 1.0f);   // Write Base Specular Color (

  // Write Write Base Texture Coord (
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32(0.0f);       // Write Base Texture Coord U (
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32(0.0f);       // Write Base Texture Coord V (
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32(0.0f);       // Write Base Texture Coord S (
  thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeF32(0.0f);       // Write Base Texture Coord T (

  for (MLuint32 thisFace = 0; thisFace < meshGenerator.faceCount; thisFace++)
    thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeCompressedU32(mlU3D::Context_cShading, 0);       // Write Shading ID (

    WEMFace* wemFace = meshPatch->getFaceAt(thisFace);

    for (MLuint thisNode = 0; thisNode < 3; thisNode++)
      WEMNode* thisWEMNode = wemFace->getNodeAt(static_cast<unsigned int>(thisNode));
      const MLuint32 VertexIndex = thisWEMNode->getEntryNumber();
      const Vector4 thisWEMNodeColor = thisWEMNode->getColor();
      MLuint32 NormalIndex = VertexIndex;

      // Write Base Corner Info - Base Position Index (
      thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeCompressedU32(mlU3D::Context_StaticFull + meshGenerator.vertexCount, VertexIndex);

      // Write Base Corner Info - Base Normal Index (
      if (meshGenerator.normalCount > 0)
        thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeCompressedU32(mlU3D::Context_StaticFull + meshGenerator.normalCount, NormalIndex);

      // Write Base Corner Info - Base Diffuse Color Index (
      if (meshGenerator.diffuseColorCount > 0)
        MLuint32 diffuseColorIndex = baseDiffuseColorsMap[thisWEMNodeColor];
        thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeCompressedU32(mlU3D::Context_StaticFull + meshGenerator.diffuseColorCount, diffuseColorIndex);

      // Write Base Corner Info - Base Specular Color Index (
      if (meshGenerator.specularColorCount > 0)
        thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeCompressedU32(mlU3D::Context_StaticFull + meshGenerator.specularColorCount, 0);

      // Write Base Corner Info - Base Texture Coord Index (
      //thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock.writeCompressedU32(U3D_StaticFull+1, 0);  // No texture layers

    if (0 == (thisFace % 100))   // Set progress field every 100 faces to save GUI update cost
      float progressFldThisFaceValue = (progressIntervalForOneWEMPatch / meshGenerator.faceCount) * (thisFace + 1);
      float progressFldValue = progressStartForThisMesh + progressFldThisFaceValue;


  return thisCLODBaseMeshContinuationBlock;
