UObject* UAnimSequenceFactory::FactoryCreateNew(UClass* Class, UObject* InParent, FName Name, EObjectFlags Flags, UObject* Context, FFeedbackContext* Warn)
	if (TargetSkeleton)
		UAnimSequence* AnimSequence = NewObject<UAnimSequence>(InParent, Class, Name, Flags);

		// @todo I think this will crash, we should support differentoptions
		AnimSequence->SequenceLength = 0.f;
		AnimSequence->NumFrames = 0;
		AnimSequence->SetSkeleton( TargetSkeleton );

		return AnimSequence;

	return NULL;
예제 #2
void UAnimSet::ResetAnimSet()
	// Make sure we handle AnimSequence references properly before emptying the array.
	for(int32 i=0; i<Sequences.Num(); i++)
		UAnimSequence* AnimSeq = Sequences[i];
		if( AnimSeq )

	// We need to re-init any skeleltal mesh components now, because they might still have references to linkups in this set.
	for(TObjectIterator<USkeletalMeshComponent> It;It;++It)
		USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp = *It;
		if(!SkelComp->IsPendingKill() && !SkelComp->IsTemplate())
예제 #3
bool UAnimationAsset::ReplaceSkeleton(USkeleton* NewSkeleton, bool bConvertSpaces/*=false*/)
	// if it's not same 
	if (NewSkeleton != Skeleton)
		// get all sequences that need to change
		TArray<UAnimSequence*> AnimSeqsToReplace;
		if (UAnimSequence* AnimSequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(this))
		if (GetAllAnimationSequencesReferred(AnimSeqsToReplace))
			for (auto Iter = AnimSeqsToReplace.CreateIterator(); Iter; ++Iter)
				UAnimSequence* AnimSeq = *Iter;
				if (AnimSeq && AnimSeq->Skeleton != NewSkeleton)
					AnimSeq->RemapTracksToNewSkeleton(NewSkeleton, bConvertSpaces);


		return true;

	return false;
예제 #4
void UAnimMontage::EvaluateCurveData(class UAnimInstance* Instance, float CurrentTime, float BlendWeight ) const
	Super::EvaluateCurveData(Instance, CurrentTime, BlendWeight);

	// I also need to evaluate curve of the animation
	// for now we only get the first slot
	// in the future, we'll need to do based on highest weight?
	// first get all the montage instance weight this slot node has
	if ( SlotAnimTracks.Num() > 0 )
		const FAnimTrack& Track = SlotAnimTracks[0].AnimTrack;
		for (int32 I=0; I<Track.AnimSegments.Num(); ++I)
			const FAnimSegment& AnimSegment = Track.AnimSegments[I];

			float PositionInAnim = 0.f;
			float Weight = 0.f;
			UAnimSequenceBase* AnimRef = AnimSegment.GetAnimationData(CurrentTime, PositionInAnim, Weight);
			// make this to be 1 function
			if ( AnimRef && Weight > ZERO_ANIMWEIGHT_THRESH )
				// todo anim: hack - until we fix animcomposite
				UAnimSequence * Sequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(AnimRef);
				if ( Sequence )
					Sequence->EvaluateCurveData(Instance, PositionInAnim, BlendWeight*Weight);
예제 #5
void UAnimPreviewInstance::SetKeyImplementation(const FCompactPose& PreControllerInLocalSpace, const FCompactPose& PostControllerInLocalSpace)
	// evaluate the curve data first
	UAnimSequence* CurrentSequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(CurrentAsset);
	UDebugSkelMeshComponent* Component = Cast<UDebugSkelMeshComponent> (GetSkelMeshComponent());

	if(CurrentSequence && CurrentSkeleton && Component && Component->SkeletalMesh)
		FScopedTransaction ScopedTransaction(LOCTEXT("SetKey", "Set Key"));

		TArray<FName> BonesToModify;
		// need to get component transform first. Depending on when this gets called, the transform is not up-to-date. 
		// first look at the bonecontrollers, and convert each bone controller to transform curve key
		// and add new curvebonecontrollers with additive data type
		// clear bone controller data
		for(auto& SingleBoneController : BoneControllers)
			// find bone name, and just get transform of the bone in local space
			// and get the additive data
			// find if this already exists, then just add curve data only
			FName BoneName = SingleBoneController.BoneToModify.BoneName;
			// now convert data
			const FMeshPoseBoneIndex MeshBoneIndex(Component->GetBoneIndex(BoneName));
			const FCompactPoseBoneIndex BoneIndex = RequiredBones.MakeCompactPoseIndex(MeshBoneIndex);
			FTransform  LocalTransform = PostControllerInLocalSpace[BoneIndex];

			// now we have LocalTransform and get additive data
			FTransform AdditiveTransform = LocalTransform.GetRelativeTransform(PreControllerInLocalSpace[BoneIndex]);
			AddKeyToSequence(CurrentSequence, CurrentTime, BoneName, AdditiveTransform);


		// see if the bone is selected right now and if that is added - if bone is selected, we should add identity key to it. 
		if ( Component->BonesOfInterest.Num() > 0 )
			// if they're selected, we should add to the modifyBone list even if they're not modified, so that they can key that point. 
			// first make sure those are added 
			// if not added, make sure to set the key for them
			for (const auto& BoneIndex : Component->BonesOfInterest)
				FName BoneName = Component->GetBoneName(BoneIndex);
				// if it's not on BonesToModify, add identity here. 
				if (!BonesToModify.Contains(BoneName))
					AddKeyToSequence(CurrentSequence, CurrentTime, BoneName, FTransform::Identity);


예제 #6
void UAnimPreviewInstance::RefreshCurveBoneControllers()
	// go through all curves and see if it has Transform Curve
	// if so, find what bone that belong to and create BoneMOdifier for them
	UAnimSequence* CurrentSequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(CurrentAsset);


	// do not apply if BakedAnimation is on
		// make sure if this needs source update
		if ( !CurrentSequence->DoesContainTransformCurves() )


		TArray<FTransformCurve>& Curves = CurrentSequence->RawCurveData.TransformCurves;
		FSmartNameMapping* NameMapping = CurrentSkeleton->SmartNames.GetContainer(USkeleton::AnimTrackCurveMappingName);

		for (auto& Curve : Curves)
			// skip if disabled
			if (Curve.GetCurveTypeFlag(ACF_Disabled))

			// add bone modifier
			FName CurveName;
			NameMapping->GetName(Curve.CurveUid, CurveName);

			// @TODO: this is going to be issue. If they don't save skeleton with it, we don't have name at all?
 			if (CurveName == NAME_None)
				FSmartNameMapping::UID NewUID;
 				NameMapping->AddOrFindName(Curve.LastObservedName, NewUID);
				Curve.CurveUid = NewUID;

				CurveName = Curve.LastObservedName;

			FName BoneName = CurveName;
			if (BoneName != NAME_None && CurrentSkeleton->GetReferenceSkeleton().FindBoneIndex(BoneName) != INDEX_NONE)
				ModifyBone(BoneName, true);
예제 #7
void UAnimSet::PostLoad()

	// Make sure that AnimSets (and sequences) within level packages are not marked as standalone.
	if(GetOutermost()->ContainsMap() && HasAnyFlags(RF_Standalone))

		for(int32 i=0; i<Sequences.Num(); i++)
			UAnimSequence* Seq = Sequences[i];
bool UBlendSpaceBase::GetAllAnimationSequencesReferred(TArray<UAnimationAsset*>& AnimationAssets, bool bRecursive /*= true*/)
	Super::GetAllAnimationSequencesReferred(AnimationAssets, bRecursive);

	for (auto Iter = SampleData.CreateConstIterator(); Iter; ++Iter)
		// saves all samples in the AnimSequences
		UAnimSequence* Sequence = (*Iter).Animation;
		if (Sequence)
			Sequence->HandleAnimReferenceCollection(AnimationAssets, bRecursive);

	if (PreviewBasePose)
		PreviewBasePose->HandleAnimReferenceCollection(AnimationAssets, bRecursive);
	return (AnimationAssets.Num() > 0);
예제 #9
SIZE_T UAnimSet::GetResourceSize(EResourceSizeMode::Type Mode)
	if (Mode == EResourceSizeMode::Exclusive)
		// This object only references others, it doesn't have any real resource bytes
		return 0;
		int32 ResourceSize = 0;
		for( int32 i=0; i<Sequences.Num(); i++ )
			UAnimSequence* AnimSeq = Sequences[i];
			if( AnimSeq )
				ResourceSize += AnimSeq->GetResourceSize(Mode);
		return ResourceSize;
예제 #10
bool FAnimationTrackEditor::HandleAssetAdded(UObject* Asset, const FGuid& TargetObjectGuid)
	if (Asset->IsA<UAnimSequence>())
		UAnimSequence* AnimSequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(Asset);
		if (TargetObjectGuid.IsValid())
			USkeleton* Skeleton = AcquireSkeletonFromObjectGuid(TargetObjectGuid);

			if (Skeleton && Skeleton == AnimSequence->GetSkeleton())
				TArray<UObject*> OutObjects;
				GetSequencer()->GetRuntimeObjects(GetSequencer()->GetFocusedMovieSceneInstance(), TargetObjectGuid, OutObjects);

				AnimatablePropertyChanged(UMovieSceneAnimationTrack::StaticClass(), false,
					FOnKeyProperty::CreateRaw(this, &FAnimationTrackEditor::AddKeyInternal, OutObjects, AnimSequence));

				return true;
	return false;
예제 #11
bool UAnimExporterITP::ExportText(const FExportObjectInnerContext* Context, UObject* Object, const TCHAR* Type, FOutputDevice& Ar, FFeedbackContext* Warn, uint32 PortFlags /*= 0*/)
	UAnimSequence* AnimSeq = CastChecked<UAnimSequence>(Object);

	USkeleton* Skeleton = AnimSeq->GetSkeleton();
	const FReferenceSkeleton& RefSkeleton = Skeleton->GetReferenceSkeleton();
	USkeletalMesh* SkelMesh = Skeleton->GetPreviewMesh();
	if (AnimSeq->SequenceLength == 0.f)
		// something is wrong
		return false;

	const float FrameRate = AnimSeq->NumFrames / AnimSeq->SequenceLength;

	// Open another archive
	FArchive* File = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*UExporter::CurrentFilename);

	// Let's try the header...

	File->Logf(TEXT("\t\t\"frames\":%d,"), AnimSeq->NumFrames);
	File->Logf(TEXT("\t\t\"length\":%f,"), AnimSeq->SequenceLength);
	File->Logf(TEXT("\t\t\"bonecount\":%d,"), RefSkeleton.GetNum());

	bool firstOutput = false;

	for (int32 BoneIndex = 0; BoneIndex < RefSkeleton.GetNum(); ++BoneIndex)
		//int32 BoneTreeIndex = Skeleton->GetSkeletonBoneIndexFromMeshBoneIndex(SkelMesh, BoneIndex);
		int32 BoneTrackIndex = Skeleton->GetAnimationTrackIndex(BoneIndex, AnimSeq);
		if (BoneTrackIndex == INDEX_NONE)
			// If this sequence does not have a track for the current bone, then skip it
		if (firstOutput)

		firstOutput = true;

		File->Logf(TEXT("\t\t\t\t\"bone\":%d,"), BoneIndex);
		float AnimTime = 0.0f;
		float AnimEndTime = AnimSeq->SequenceLength;
		// Subtracts 1 because NumFrames includes an initial pose for 0.0 second
		double TimePerKey = (AnimSeq->SequenceLength / (AnimSeq->NumFrames - 1));
		const float AnimTimeIncrement = TimePerKey;

		bool bLastKey = false;
		// Step through each frame and add the bone's transformation data
		while (!bLastKey)
			const TArray<FBoneNode>& BoneTree = Skeleton->GetBoneTree();

			FTransform BoneAtom;
			AnimSeq->GetBoneTransform(BoneAtom, BoneTrackIndex, AnimTime, true);

			bLastKey = AnimTime >= AnimEndTime;


			FQuat rot = BoneAtom.GetRotation();
			// For the root bone, we need to fix-up the rotation because Unreal exports
			// animations with Y-forward for some reason (maybe because Maya?)
			if (BoneIndex == 0)
				FQuat addRot(FVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), -1.57f);
				rot = addRot * rot;
			File->Logf(TEXT("\t\t\t\t\t\t\"rot\":[%f,%f,%f,%f],"), rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z, rot.W);
			FVector trans = BoneAtom.GetTranslation();

			// Sanjay: If it's skeleton retargeting, change the translation to be from the ref pose skeleton
			if (BoneTree[BoneIndex].TranslationRetargetingMode == EBoneTranslationRetargetingMode::Skeleton)
				const FTransform& BoneTransform = RefSkeleton.GetRefBonePose()[BoneIndex];
				trans = BoneTransform.GetTranslation();

			File->Logf(TEXT("\t\t\t\t\t\t\"trans\":[%f,%f,%f]"), trans.X, trans.Y, trans.Z);

			if (!bLastKey)

			AnimTime += AnimTimeIncrement;

		File->Logf(TEXT("\t\t\t\t]"), BoneIndex);


 	delete File;

	return true;
예제 #12
* Add to the animation set, the animations contained within the FBX document, for the given skeleton
UAnimSequence * UnFbx::FFbxImporter::ImportAnimations(USkeleton* Skeleton, UObject* Outer, TArray<FbxNode*>& SortedLinks, const FString& Name, UFbxAnimSequenceImportData* TemplateImportData, TArray<FbxNode*>& NodeArray)
	// we need skeleton to create animsequence
	if (Skeleton == NULL)
		return NULL;

	int32 ValidTakeCount = 0;
	if (IsValidAnimationData(SortedLinks, NodeArray, ValidTakeCount) == false)
		AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Warning, LOCTEXT("FBXImport_InvalidAnimationData", "This does not contain any valid animation takes.")), FFbxErrors::Animation_InvalidData);
		return NULL;

	UAnimSequence* LastCreatedAnim = NULL;

	int32 ResampleRate = DEFAULT_SAMPLERATE;
	if ( ImportOptions->bResample )
		// For FBX data, "Frame Rate" is just the speed at which the animation is played back.  It can change
		// arbitrarily, and the underlying data can stay the same.  What we really want here is the Sampling Rate,
		// ie: the number of animation keys per second.  These are the individual animation curve keys
		// on the FBX nodes of the skeleton.  So we loop through the nodes of the skeleton and find the maximum number 
		// of keys that any node has, then divide this by the total length (in seconds) of the animation to find the 
		// sampling rate of this set of data 

		// we want the maximum resample rate, so that we don't lose any precision of fast anims,
		// and don't mind creating lerped frames for slow anims
		int32 MaxStackResampleRate = GetMaxSampleRate(SortedLinks, NodeArray);

		if(MaxStackResampleRate != 0)
			ResampleRate = MaxStackResampleRate;


	int32 AnimStackCount = Scene->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimStack>();
	for( int32 AnimStackIndex = 0; AnimStackIndex < AnimStackCount; AnimStackIndex++ )
		FbxAnimStack* CurAnimStack = Scene->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(AnimStackIndex);

		FbxTimeSpan AnimTimeSpan = GetAnimationTimeSpan(SortedLinks[0], CurAnimStack);
		bool bValidAnimStack = ValidateAnimStack(SortedLinks, NodeArray, CurAnimStack, ResampleRate, ImportOptions->bImportMorph, AnimTimeSpan);
		// no animation
		if (!bValidAnimStack)
		FString SequenceName = Name;

		if (ValidTakeCount > 1)
			SequenceName += "_";
			SequenceName += UTF8_TO_TCHAR(CurAnimStack->GetName());

		// See if this sequence already exists.
		SequenceName = ObjectTools::SanitizeObjectName(SequenceName);

		FString 	ParentPath = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s/%s"), *FPackageName::GetLongPackagePath(*Outer->GetName()), *SequenceName);
		UObject* 	ParentPackage = CreatePackage(NULL, *ParentPath);
		UObject* Object = LoadObject<UObject>(ParentPackage, *SequenceName, NULL, LOAD_None, NULL);
		UAnimSequence * DestSeq = Cast<UAnimSequence>(Object);
		// if object with same name exists, warn user
		if (Object && !DestSeq)
			AddTokenizedErrorMessage(FTokenizedMessage::Create(EMessageSeverity::Error, LOCTEXT("Error_AssetExist", "Asset with same name exists. Can't overwrite another asset")), FFbxErrors::Generic_SameNameAssetExists);
			continue; // Move on to next sequence...

		// If not, create new one now.
			DestSeq = NewObject<UAnimSequence>(ParentPackage, *SequenceName, RF_Public | RF_Standalone);
			// Notify the asset registry


		// since to know full path, reimport will need to do same
		UFbxAnimSequenceImportData* ImportData = UFbxAnimSequenceImportData::GetImportDataForAnimSequence(DestSeq, TemplateImportData);

		ImportAnimation(Skeleton, DestSeq, Name, SortedLinks, NodeArray, CurAnimStack, ResampleRate, AnimTimeSpan);

		LastCreatedAnim = DestSeq;

	return LastCreatedAnim;
예제 #13
void UAnimMontage::PostLoad()

	// copy deprecated variable to new one, temporary code to keep data copied. Am deleting it right after this
	for ( auto SlotIter = SlotAnimTracks.CreateIterator() ; SlotIter ; ++SlotIter)
		FAnimTrack & Track = (*SlotIter).AnimTrack;
		for ( auto SegIter = Track.AnimSegments.CreateIterator() ; SegIter ; ++SegIter )
			FAnimSegment & Segment = (*SegIter);
			if ( Segment.AnimStartOffset_DEPRECATED!=0.f )
				Segment.AnimStartTime = Segment.AnimStartOffset_DEPRECATED;
				Segment.AnimStartOffset_DEPRECATED = 0.f;
			if ( Segment.AnimEndOffset_DEPRECATED!=0.f )
				Segment.AnimEndTime = Segment.AnimEndOffset_DEPRECATED;
				Segment.AnimEndOffset_DEPRECATED = 0.f;

	for ( auto CompositeIter = CompositeSections.CreateIterator(); CompositeIter; ++CompositeIter )
		FCompositeSection & Composite = (*CompositeIter);
		if (Composite.StarTime_DEPRECATED!=0.f)
			Composite.StartTime = Composite.StarTime_DEPRECATED;
			Composite.StarTime_DEPRECATED = 0.f;


	// find preview base pose if it can
	if ( IsValidAdditive() && PreviewBasePose == NULL )
		for (int32 I=0; I<SlotAnimTracks.Num(); ++I)
			if ( SlotAnimTracks[I].AnimTrack.AnimSegments.Num() > 0 )
				UAnimSequence * Sequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(SlotAnimTracks[I].AnimTrack.AnimSegments[0].AnimReference);
				if ( Sequence && Sequence->RefPoseSeq )
					PreviewBasePose = Sequence->RefPoseSeq;

	// verify if skeleton matches, otherwise clear it, this can happen if anim sequence has been modified when this hasn't been loaded. 
	USkeleton* MySkeleton = GetSkeleton();
	for (int32 I=0; I<SlotAnimTracks.Num(); ++I)
		if ( SlotAnimTracks[I].AnimTrack.AnimSegments.Num() > 0 )
			UAnimSequence * Sequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(SlotAnimTracks[I].AnimTrack.AnimSegments[0].AnimReference);
			if ( Sequence && Sequence->GetSkeleton() != MySkeleton )
				SlotAnimTracks[I].AnimTrack.AnimSegments[0].AnimReference = 0;
예제 #14
void FAnimSegment::GetAnimNotifiesFromTrackPositions(const float& PreviousTrackPosition, const float& CurrentTrackPosition, TArray<const FAnimNotifyEvent *> & OutActiveNotifies) const
	if( PreviousTrackPosition == CurrentTrackPosition )

	const bool bTrackPlayingBackwards = (PreviousTrackPosition > CurrentTrackPosition);
	const float SegmentStartPos = StartPos;
	const float SegmentEndPos = StartPos + GetLength();

	// if track range overlaps segment
	if( bTrackPlayingBackwards 
		? ((CurrentTrackPosition < SegmentEndPos) && (PreviousTrackPosition > SegmentStartPos)) 
		: ((PreviousTrackPosition < SegmentEndPos) && (CurrentTrackPosition > SegmentStartPos)) 
		// Only allow AnimSequences for now. Other types will need additional support.
		UAnimSequence * AnimSequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(AnimReference);
		if( AnimSequence )
			const float ValidPlayRate = GetValidPlayRate();
			const float AbsValidPlayRate = FMath::Abs(ValidPlayRate);

			// Get starting position, closest overlap.
			float AnimStartPosition = ConvertTrackPosToAnimPos( bTrackPlayingBackwards ? FMath::Min(PreviousTrackPosition, SegmentEndPos) : FMath::Max(PreviousTrackPosition, SegmentStartPos) );
			AnimStartPosition = FMath::Clamp(AnimStartPosition, AnimStartTime, AnimEndTime);
			float TrackTimeToGo = FMath::Abs(CurrentTrackPosition - PreviousTrackPosition);

			// The track can be playing backwards and the animation can be playing backwards, so we
			// need to combine to work out what direction we are traveling through the animation
			bool bAnimPlayingBackwards = bTrackPlayingBackwards ^ (ValidPlayRate < 0.f);
			// Abstract out end point since animation can be playing forward or backward.
			const float AnimEndPoint = bAnimPlayingBackwards ? AnimStartTime : AnimEndTime;

			for(int32 IterationsLeft=FMath::Max(LoopingCount, 1); ((IterationsLeft > 0) && (TrackTimeToGo > 0.f)); --IterationsLeft)
				// Track time left to reach end point of animation.
				const float TrackTimeToAnimEndPoint = (AnimEndPoint - AnimStartPosition) / AbsValidPlayRate;

				// If our time left is shorter than time to end point, no problem. End there.
				if( FMath::Abs(TrackTimeToGo) < FMath::Abs(TrackTimeToAnimEndPoint) )
					const float AnimEndPosition = ConvertTrackPosToAnimPos(CurrentTrackPosition);
					// Make sure we have not wrapped around, positions should be contiguous.
					check(bAnimPlayingBackwards ? (AnimEndPosition <= AnimStartPosition) : (AnimStartPosition <= AnimEndPosition));
					AnimSequence->GetAnimNotifiesFromDeltaPositions(AnimStartPosition, AnimEndPosition, OutActiveNotifies);
				// Otherwise we hit the end point of the animation first...
					// Add that piece for extraction.
					// Make sure we have not wrapped around, positions should be contiguous.
					check(bAnimPlayingBackwards ? (AnimEndPoint <= AnimStartPosition) : (AnimStartPosition <= AnimEndPoint));
					AnimSequence->GetAnimNotifiesFromDeltaPositions(AnimStartPosition, AnimEndPoint, OutActiveNotifies);

					// decrease our TrackTimeToGo if we have to do another iteration.
					// and put ourselves back at the beginning of the animation.
					TrackTimeToGo -= TrackTimeToAnimEndPoint;
					AnimStartPosition = bAnimPlayingBackwards ? AnimEndTime : AnimStartTime;
UObject* USpriterImporterFactory::FactoryCreateText(UClass* InClass, UObject* InParent, FName InName, EObjectFlags Flags, UObject* Context, const TCHAR* Type, const TCHAR*& Buffer, const TCHAR* BufferEnd, FFeedbackContext* Warn)
	Flags |= RF_Transactional;

	FEditorDelegates::OnAssetPreImport.Broadcast(this, InClass, InParent, InName, Type);

 	FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");
 	bool bLoadedSuccessfully = true;
 	const FString CurrentFilename = UFactory::GetCurrentFilename();
 	FString CurrentSourcePath;
 	FString FilenameNoExtension;
 	FString UnusedExtension;
 	FPaths::Split(CurrentFilename, CurrentSourcePath, FilenameNoExtension, UnusedExtension);
 	const FString LongPackagePath = FPackageName::GetLongPackagePath(InParent->GetOutermost()->GetPathName());
 	const FString NameForErrors(InName.ToString());
 	const FString FileContent(BufferEnd - Buffer, Buffer);
 	TSharedPtr<FJsonObject> DescriptorObject = ParseJSON(FileContent, NameForErrors);

	UPaperSpriterImportData* Result = nullptr;
	// Parse the file 
	FSpriterSCON DataModel;
	if (DescriptorObject.IsValid())
		DataModel.ParseFromJSON(DescriptorObject, NameForErrors, /*bSilent=*/ false, /*bPreParseOnly=*/ false);

	// Create the new 'hub' asset and convert the data model over
	if (DataModel.IsValid())
		const bool bSilent = false;

		Result = NewObject<UPaperSpriterImportData>(InParent, InName, Flags);

		//@TODO: Do some things here maybe?
		Result->ImportedData = DataModel;

		// Import the assets in the folders
		for (const FSpriterFolder& Folder : DataModel.Folders)
			for (const FSpriterFile& File : Folder.Files)
				const FString RelativeFilename = File.Name.Replace(TEXT("\\"), TEXT("/"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
				const FString SourceSpriterFilePath = FPaths::Combine(*CurrentSourcePath, *RelativeFilename);

				FString RelativeDestPath;
				FString JustFilename;
				FString JustExtension;
				FPaths::Split(RelativeFilename, /*out*/ RelativeDestPath, /*out*/ JustFilename, /*out*/ JustExtension);

				if (File.FileType == ESpriterFileType::Sprite)
					const FString TargetTexturePath = LongPackagePath / TEXT("Textures") / RelativeDestPath;
					const FString TargetSpritePath = LongPackagePath / TEXT("Sprites") / RelativeDestPath;

					// Import the texture
					UTexture2D* ImportedTexture = ImportTexture(SourceSpriterFilePath, TargetTexturePath);

					if (ImportTexture == nullptr)
						SPRITER_IMPORT_ERROR(TEXT("Failed to import texture '%s' while importing '%s'"), *SourceSpriterFilePath, *CurrentFilename);

					// Create a sprite from it
					UPaperSprite* ImportedSprite = CastChecked<UPaperSprite>(CreateNewAsset(UPaperSprite::StaticClass(), TargetSpritePath, JustFilename, Flags));

					const ESpritePivotMode::Type PivotMode = ConvertNormalizedPivotPointToPivotMode(File.PivotX, File.PivotY);
					const double PivotInPixelsX = File.Width * File.PivotX;
					const double PivotInPixelsY = File.Height * File.PivotY;

					ImportedSprite->SetPivotMode(PivotMode, FVector2D((float)PivotInPixelsX, (float)PivotInPixelsY));

					FSpriteAssetInitParameters SpriteInitParams;
				else if (File.FileType == ESpriterFileType::Sound)
					// Import the sound
					const FString TargetAssetPath = LongPackagePath / RelativeDestPath;
					UObject* ImportedSound = ImportAsset(SourceSpriterFilePath, TargetAssetPath);
				else if (File.FileType != ESpriterFileType::INVALID)
					ensureMsgf(false, TEXT("Importer was not updated when a new entry was added to ESpriterFileType"));
					// 		TMap<FString, class UTexture2D*> ImportedTextures;
					// 		TMap<FString, class UPaperSprite> ImportedSprites;


		for (const FSpriterEntity& Entity : DataModel.Entities)
			// Extract the common/shared skeleton
			FBoneHierarchyBuilder HierarchyBuilder;

			// Create the skeletal mesh
			const FString TargetMeshName = Entity.Name + TEXT("_SkelMesh");
			const FString TargetMeshPath = LongPackagePath;
			USkeletalMesh* SkeletalMesh = CastChecked<USkeletalMesh>(CreateNewAsset(USkeletalMesh::StaticClass(), TargetMeshPath, TargetMeshName, Flags));

			// Create the skeleton
			const FString TargetSkeletonName = Entity.Name + TEXT("_Skeleton");
			const FString TargetSkeletonPath = LongPackagePath;
			USkeleton* EntitySkeleton = CastChecked<USkeleton>(CreateNewAsset(USkeleton::StaticClass(), TargetSkeletonPath, TargetSkeletonName, Flags));

			// Initialize the mesh asset
			FSkeletalMeshResource* ImportedResource = SkeletalMesh->GetImportedResource();
			check(ImportedResource->LODModels.Num() == 0);
			FStaticLODModel& LODModel = *new (ImportedResource->LODModels) FStaticLODModel();

			SkeletalMesh->LODInfo[0].LODHysteresis = 0.02f;
			FSkeletalMeshOptimizationSettings Settings;
			// set default reduction settings values
			SkeletalMesh->LODInfo[0].ReductionSettings = Settings;

			// Create initial bounding box based on expanded version of reference pose for meshes without physics assets. Can be overridden by artist.
// 			FBox BoundingBox(SkelMeshImportDataPtr->Points.GetData(), SkelMeshImportDataPtr->Points.Num());
// 			FBox Temp = BoundingBox;
// 			FVector MidMesh = 0.5f*(Temp.Min + Temp.Max);
// 			BoundingBox.Min = Temp.Min + 1.0f*(Temp.Min - MidMesh);
// 			BoundingBox.Max = Temp.Max + 1.0f*(Temp.Max - MidMesh);
// 			// Tuck up the bottom as this rarely extends lower than a reference pose's (e.g. having its feet on the floor).
// 			// Maya has Y in the vertical, other packages have Z.
// 			//BEN const int32 CoordToTuck = bAssumeMayaCoordinates ? 1 : 2;
// 			//BEN BoundingBox.Min[CoordToTuck]	= Temp.Min[CoordToTuck] + 0.1f*(Temp.Min[CoordToTuck] - MidMesh[CoordToTuck]);
// 			BoundingBox.Min[2] = Temp.Min[2] + 0.1f*(Temp.Min[2] - MidMesh[2]);
// 			SkeletalMesh->Bounds = FBoxSphereBounds(BoundingBox);

			// Store whether or not this mesh has vertex colors
// 			SkeletalMesh->bHasVertexColors = SkelMeshImportDataPtr->bHasVertexColors;

			// Pass the number of texture coordinate sets to the LODModel.  Ensure there is at least one UV coord
			LODModel.NumTexCoords = 1;// FMath::Max<uint32>(1, SkelMeshImportDataPtr->NumTexCoords);

			// Create the reference skeleton and update LOD0
			FReferenceSkeleton& RefSkeleton = SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton;
			SkeletalMesh->CalculateRequiredBones(LODModel, RefSkeleton, /*BonesToRemove=*/ nullptr);

			// Initialize the skeleton asset

			// Point the mesh and skeleton at each other
			SkeletalMesh->Skeleton = EntitySkeleton;

			// Create the animations
			for (const FSpriterAnimation& Animation : Entity.Animations)
				//@TODO: That thing I said...

				const FString TargetAnimationName = Animation.Name;
				const FString TargetAnimationPath = LongPackagePath / TEXT("Animations");
				UAnimSequence* AnimationAsset = CastChecked<UAnimSequence>(CreateNewAsset(UAnimSequence::StaticClass(), TargetAnimationPath, TargetAnimationName, Flags));


				// if you have one pose(thus 0.f duration), it still contains animation, so we'll need to consider that as MINIMUM_ANIMATION_LENGTH time length
				const float DurationInSeconds = Animation.LengthInMS * 0.001f;
				AnimationAsset->SequenceLength = FMath::Max<float>(DurationInSeconds, MINIMUM_ANIMATION_LENGTH);

				const bool bSourceDataExists = (AnimationAsset->SourceRawAnimationData.Num() > 0);
				TArray<struct FRawAnimSequenceTrack>& RawAnimationData = bSourceDataExists ? AnimationAsset->SourceRawAnimationData : AnimationAsset->RawAnimationData;

				int32 TotalNumKeys = 0;
				for (const FSpriterTimeline& Timeline : Animation.Timelines)
					if (Timeline.ObjectType != ESpriterObjectType::Bone)

					const FName BoneName = Entity.Objects[Timeline.ObjectIndex].ObjectName;

					const int32 RefBoneIndex = EntitySkeleton->GetReferenceSkeleton().FindBoneIndex(BoneName);
					check(RefBoneIndex != INDEX_NONE);

					FRawAnimSequenceTrack RawTrack;

					int32 NumKeysForTrack = 0;

					//@TODO: Quick and dirty resampling code that needs to be replaced (totally ignores curve type, edge cases, etc...)
					const float ResampleFPS = 30.0f;
					int32 DesiredNumKeys = FMath::CeilToInt(ResampleFPS * DurationInSeconds);
					const float TimePerKey = 1.0f / ResampleFPS;
					float CurrentSampleTime = 0.0f;
					for (int32 FrameIndex = 0; FrameIndex < DesiredNumKeys; ++FrameIndex)
						int32 LowerKeyIndex = 0;
						for (; LowerKeyIndex < Timeline.Keys.Num(); ++LowerKeyIndex)
							if (Timeline.Keys[LowerKeyIndex].TimeInMS * 0.001f > CurrentSampleTime)
						if (LowerKeyIndex >= Timeline.Keys.Num())
							LowerKeyIndex = Timeline.Keys.Num() - 1;

						int32 UpperKeyIndex = LowerKeyIndex + 1;
						float UpperKeyTime = 0.0f;
						if (UpperKeyIndex >= Timeline.Keys.Num())
							UpperKeyTime = DurationInSeconds;
							if (Animation.bIsLooping)
								UpperKeyIndex = 0;
								UpperKeyIndex = Timeline.Keys.Num() - 1;
							UpperKeyTime = Timeline.Keys[UpperKeyIndex].TimeInMS * 0.001f;

						const FSpriterFatTimelineKey& TimelineKey0 = Timeline.Keys[LowerKeyIndex];
						const FSpriterFatTimelineKey& TimelineKey1 = Timeline.Keys[UpperKeyIndex];
						const float LowerKeyTime = TimelineKey0.TimeInMS * 0.001f;

						const FTransform LocalTransform0 = TimelineKey0.Info.ConvertToTransform();
						const FTransform LocalTransform1 = TimelineKey1.Info.ConvertToTransform();

						FTransform LocalTransform = LocalTransform0;
						if (LowerKeyIndex != UpperKeyIndex)
							const float Alpha = (CurrentSampleTime - LowerKeyTime) / (UpperKeyTime - LowerKeyTime);

							LocalTransform.Blend(LocalTransform0, LocalTransform1, Alpha);


						CurrentSampleTime += TimePerKey;
// 					for (const FSpriterFatTimelineKey& TimelineKey : Timeline.Keys)
// 					{
// 						//@TODO: Ignoring TimeInMS
// 						const FTransform LocalTransform = TimelineKey.Info.ConvertToTransform();
// 						RawTrack.ScaleKeys.Add(LocalTransform.GetScale3D());
// 						RawTrack.PosKeys.Add(LocalTransform.GetTranslation());
// 						RawTrack.RotKeys.Add(LocalTransform.GetRotation());
// 						++NumKeysForTrack;
// 					}


					// add mapping to skeleton bone track

					TotalNumKeys = FMath::Max(TotalNumKeys, NumKeysForTrack);
				AnimationAsset->NumFrames = TotalNumKeys;


				// compress animation
					GWarn->BeginSlowTask(LOCTEXT("BeginCompressAnimation", "Compress Animation"), true);
					GWarn->StatusForceUpdate(1, 1, LOCTEXT("CompressAnimation", "Compressing Animation"));
					// if source data exists, you should bake it to Raw to apply
					if (bSourceDataExists)
						// otherwise just compress

					// run debug mode

// 					NewAnimation = FFbxImporter->ImportAnimations(Skeleton, Outer, SortedLinks, AnimName, TemplateImportData, FBXMeshNodeArray);
// 					if (NewAnimation)
// 					{
// 						// since to know full path, reimport will need to do same
// 						UFbxAnimSequenceImportData* ImportData = UFbxAnimSequenceImportData::GetImportDataForAnimSequence(NewAnimation, TemplateImportData);
// 						ImportData->SourceFilePath = FReimportManager::SanitizeImportFilename(UFactory::CurrentFilename, NewAnimation);
// 						ImportData->SourceFileTimestamp = IFileManager::Get().GetTimeStamp(*UFactory::CurrentFilename).ToString();
// 					}


 		// Failed to parse the JSON
 		bLoadedSuccessfully = false;

	if (Result != nullptr)
		//@TODO: Need to do this
		// Store the current file path and timestamp for re-import purposes
// 		UAssetImportData* ImportData = UTileMapAssetImportData::GetImportDataForTileMap(Result);
// 		ImportData->SourceFilePath = FReimportManager::SanitizeImportFilename(CurrentFilename, Result);
// 		ImportData->SourceFileTimestamp = IFileManager::Get().GetTimeStamp(*CurrentFilename).ToString();

	FEditorDelegates::OnAssetPostImport.Broadcast(this, Result);

	return Result;
void FMovieScene3DTransformSectionRecorder::FinalizeSection()
	FScopedSlowTask SlowTask(4.0f, NSLOCTEXT("SequenceRecorder", "ProcessingTransforms", "Processing Transforms"));

	bRecording = false;

	// if we have a valid animation recorder, we need to build our transforms from the animation
	// so we properly synchronize our keyframes
		check(BufferedTransforms.Num() == 0);

		UAnimSequence* AnimSequence = AnimRecorder->GetAnimSequence();
		USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalMeshComponent = AnimRecorder->GetSkeletalMeshComponent();
		if (SkeletalMeshComponent)
			USkeletalMesh* SkeletalMesh = SkeletalMeshComponent->MasterPoseComponent != nullptr ? SkeletalMeshComponent->MasterPoseComponent->SkeletalMesh : SkeletalMeshComponent->SkeletalMesh;
			if (AnimSequence && SkeletalMesh)
				// find the root bone
				int32 RootIndex = INDEX_NONE;
				USkeleton* AnimSkeleton = AnimSequence->GetSkeleton();
				for (int32 TrackIndex = 0; TrackIndex < AnimSequence->RawAnimationData.Num(); ++TrackIndex)
					// verify if this bone exists in skeleton
					int32 BoneTreeIndex = AnimSequence->GetSkeletonIndexFromRawDataTrackIndex(TrackIndex);
					if (BoneTreeIndex != INDEX_NONE)
						int32 BoneIndex = AnimSkeleton->GetMeshBoneIndexFromSkeletonBoneIndex(SkeletalMesh, BoneTreeIndex);
						int32 ParentIndex = SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton.GetParentIndex(BoneIndex);
						if (ParentIndex == INDEX_NONE)
							// found root
							RootIndex = BoneIndex;

				check(RootIndex != INDEX_NONE);

				const float StartTime = MovieSceneSection->GetStartTime();

				// we may need to offset the transform here if the animation was not recorded on the root component
				FTransform InvComponentTransform = AnimRecorder->GetComponentTransform().Inverse();

				FRawAnimSequenceTrack& RawTrack = AnimSequence->RawAnimationData[RootIndex];
				const int32 KeyCount = FMath::Max(FMath::Max(RawTrack.PosKeys.Num(), RawTrack.RotKeys.Num()), RawTrack.ScaleKeys.Num());
				for (int32 KeyIndex = 0; KeyIndex < KeyCount; KeyIndex++)
					FTransform Transform;
					if (RawTrack.PosKeys.IsValidIndex(KeyIndex))
					else if (RawTrack.PosKeys.Num() > 0)

					if (RawTrack.RotKeys.IsValidIndex(KeyIndex))
					else if (RawTrack.RotKeys.Num() > 0)

					if (RawTrack.ScaleKeys.IsValidIndex(KeyIndex))
					else if (RawTrack.ScaleKeys.Num() > 0)

					BufferedTransforms.Add(FBufferedTransformKey(InvComponentTransform * Transform, StartTime + AnimSequence->GetTimeAtFrame(KeyIndex)));


	// Try to 're-wind' rotations that look like axis flips
	// We need to do this as a post-process because the recorder cant reliably access 'wound' rotations:
	// - Net quantize may use quaternions.
	// - Scene components cache transforms as quaternions.
	// - Gameplay is free to clamp/fmod rotations as it sees fit.
	int32 TransformCount = BufferedTransforms.Num();
	for(int32 TransformIndex = 0; TransformIndex < TransformCount - 1; TransformIndex++)
		FRotator& Rotator = BufferedTransforms[TransformIndex].WoundRotation;
		FRotator& NextRotator = BufferedTransforms[TransformIndex + 1].WoundRotation;

		FMath::WindRelativeAnglesDegrees(Rotator.Pitch, NextRotator.Pitch);
		FMath::WindRelativeAnglesDegrees(Rotator.Yaw, NextRotator.Yaw);
		FMath::WindRelativeAnglesDegrees(Rotator.Roll, NextRotator.Roll);


	// never unwind rotations
	const bool bUnwindRotation = false;
	// If we are syncing to an animation, use linear interpolation to avoid foot sliding etc. 
	// Otherwise use cubic for better quality (much better for projectiles etc.)
	const EMovieSceneKeyInterpolation Interpolation = AnimRecorder.IsValid() ? EMovieSceneKeyInterpolation::Linear : EMovieSceneKeyInterpolation::Auto;

	// add buffered transforms
	for(const FBufferedTransformKey& BufferedTransform : BufferedTransforms)
		const FVector Translation = BufferedTransform.Transform.GetTranslation();
		const FVector Rotation = BufferedTransform.WoundRotation.Euler();
		const FVector Scale = BufferedTransform.Transform.GetScale3D();

		MovieSceneSection->AddKey(BufferedTransform.KeyTime, FTransformKey(EKey3DTransformChannel::Translation, EAxis::X, Translation.X, bUnwindRotation), Interpolation);
		MovieSceneSection->AddKey(BufferedTransform.KeyTime, FTransformKey(EKey3DTransformChannel::Translation, EAxis::Y, Translation.Y, bUnwindRotation), Interpolation);
		MovieSceneSection->AddKey(BufferedTransform.KeyTime, FTransformKey(EKey3DTransformChannel::Translation, EAxis::Z, Translation.Z, bUnwindRotation), Interpolation);

		MovieSceneSection->AddKey(BufferedTransform.KeyTime, FTransformKey(EKey3DTransformChannel::Rotation, EAxis::X, Rotation.X, bUnwindRotation), Interpolation);
		MovieSceneSection->AddKey(BufferedTransform.KeyTime, FTransformKey(EKey3DTransformChannel::Rotation, EAxis::Y, Rotation.Y, bUnwindRotation), Interpolation);
		MovieSceneSection->AddKey(BufferedTransform.KeyTime, FTransformKey(EKey3DTransformChannel::Rotation, EAxis::Z, Rotation.Z, bUnwindRotation), Interpolation);

		MovieSceneSection->AddKey(BufferedTransform.KeyTime, FTransformKey(EKey3DTransformChannel::Scale, EAxis::X, Scale.X, bUnwindRotation), Interpolation);
		MovieSceneSection->AddKey(BufferedTransform.KeyTime, FTransformKey(EKey3DTransformChannel::Scale, EAxis::Y, Scale.Y, bUnwindRotation), Interpolation);
		MovieSceneSection->AddKey(BufferedTransform.KeyTime, FTransformKey(EKey3DTransformChannel::Scale, EAxis::Z, Scale.Z, bUnwindRotation), Interpolation);



	// now remove linear keys
	TPair<FRichCurve*, float> CurvesAndTolerances[] =
		TPairInitializer<FRichCurve*, float>(&MovieSceneSection->GetTranslationCurve(EAxis::X), KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER),
		TPairInitializer<FRichCurve*, float>(&MovieSceneSection->GetTranslationCurve(EAxis::Y), KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER),
		TPairInitializer<FRichCurve*, float>(&MovieSceneSection->GetTranslationCurve(EAxis::Z), KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER),
		TPairInitializer<FRichCurve*, float>(&MovieSceneSection->GetRotationCurve(EAxis::X), KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER),
		TPairInitializer<FRichCurve*, float>(&MovieSceneSection->GetRotationCurve(EAxis::Y), KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER),
		TPairInitializer<FRichCurve*, float>(&MovieSceneSection->GetRotationCurve(EAxis::Z), KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER),
		TPairInitializer<FRichCurve*, float>(&MovieSceneSection->GetScaleCurve(EAxis::X), KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER),
		TPairInitializer<FRichCurve*, float>(&MovieSceneSection->GetScaleCurve(EAxis::Y), KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER),
		TPairInitializer<FRichCurve*, float>(&MovieSceneSection->GetScaleCurve(EAxis::Z), KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER),

	for(TPair<FRichCurve*, float>& CurveAndTolerance : CurvesAndTolerances)

	// we cant remove redundant tracks if we were attached as the playback relies on update order of
	// transform tracks. Without this track, relative transforms would accumulate.
		// now we have reduced our keys, if we dont have any, remove the section as it is redundant
		if( MovieSceneSection->GetTranslationCurve(EAxis::X).Keys.Num() == 0 && 
			MovieSceneSection->GetTranslationCurve(EAxis::Y).Keys.Num() == 0 && 
			MovieSceneSection->GetTranslationCurve(EAxis::Z).Keys.Num() == 0 && 
			MovieSceneSection->GetRotationCurve(EAxis::X).Keys.Num() == 0 && 
			MovieSceneSection->GetRotationCurve(EAxis::Y).Keys.Num() == 0 && 
			MovieSceneSection->GetRotationCurve(EAxis::Z).Keys.Num() == 0 && 
			MovieSceneSection->GetScaleCurve(EAxis::X).Keys.Num() == 0 && 
			MovieSceneSection->GetScaleCurve(EAxis::Y).Keys.Num() == 0 && 
			MovieSceneSection->GetScaleCurve(EAxis::Z).Keys.Num() == 0)
