UGameplayAbility::UGameplayAbility(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP) : Super(PCIP) { CostGameplayEffect = NULL; CooldownGameplayEffect = NULL; { static FName FuncName = FName(TEXT("K2_ShouldAbilityRespondToEvent")); UFunction* ShouldRespondFunction = GetClass()->FindFunctionByName(FuncName); HasBlueprintShouldAbilityRespondToEvent = ShouldRespondFunction && ShouldRespondFunction->GetOuter()->IsA(UBlueprintGeneratedClass::StaticClass()); } { static FName FuncName = FName(TEXT("K2_CanActivateAbility")); UFunction* CanActivateFunction = GetClass()->FindFunctionByName(FuncName); HasBlueprintCanUse = CanActivateFunction && CanActivateFunction->GetOuter()->IsA(UBlueprintGeneratedClass::StaticClass()); } { static FName FuncName = FName(TEXT("K2_ActivateAbility")); UFunction* ActivateFunction = GetClass()->FindFunctionByName(FuncName); HasBlueprintActivate = ActivateFunction && ActivateFunction->GetOuter()->IsA(UBlueprintGeneratedClass::StaticClass()); } #if WITH_EDITOR /** Autoregister abilities with the blueprint debugger in the editor.*/ if (!HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject)) { UBlueprint* BP = Cast<UBlueprint>(GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy); if (BP && (BP->GetWorldBeingDebugged() == nullptr || BP->GetWorldBeingDebugged() == GetWorld())) { BP->SetObjectBeingDebugged(this); } } #endif }
static void OnEditBlueprintClicked( TWeakObjectPtr<UBlueprint> InBlueprint, TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> InAsset ) { if (UBlueprint* Blueprint = InBlueprint.Get()) { // Set the object being debugged if given an actor reference (if we don't do this before we edit the object the editor wont know we are debugging something) if (UObject* Asset = InAsset.Get()) { check(Asset->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy == Blueprint); Blueprint->SetObjectBeingDebugged(Asset); } // Open the blueprint GEditor->EditObject( Blueprint ); } }
void FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::ReplaceInstancesOfClass(UClass* OldClass, UClass* NewClass, UObject* OriginalCDO, TSet<UObject*>* ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff) { USelection* SelectedActors; bool bSelectionChanged = false; TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToReplace; const bool bLogConversions = false; // for debugging // Map of old objects to new objects TMap<UObject*, UObject*> OldToNewInstanceMap; TMap<UClass*, UClass*> OldToNewClassMap; OldToNewClassMap.Add(OldClass, NewClass); TMap<FStringAssetReference, UObject*> ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap; // actors being replace TArray<FActorReplacementHelper> ReplacementActors; // A list of objects (e.g. Blueprints) that potentially have editors open that we need to refresh TArray<UObject*> PotentialEditorsForRefreshing; // A list of component owners that need their construction scripts re-ran (because a component of theirs has been reinstanced) TSet<AActor*> OwnersToReconstruct; // Set global flag to let system know we are reconstructing blueprint instances TGuardValue<bool> GuardTemplateNameFlag(GIsReconstructingBlueprintInstances, true); struct FObjectRemappingHelper { void OnObjectsReplaced(const TMap<UObject*, UObject*>& InReplacedObjects) { ReplacedObjects.Append(InReplacedObjects); } TMap<UObject*, UObject*> ReplacedObjects; } ObjectRemappingHelper; FDelegateHandle OnObjectsReplacedHandle = GEditor->OnObjectsReplaced().AddRaw(&ObjectRemappingHelper,&FObjectRemappingHelper::OnObjectsReplaced); { BP_SCOPED_COMPILER_EVENT_STAT(EKismetReinstancerStats_ReplaceInstancesOfClass); const bool bIncludeDerivedClasses = false; GetObjectsOfClass(OldClass, ObjectsToReplace, bIncludeDerivedClasses); SelectedActors = GEditor->GetSelectedActors(); SelectedActors->BeginBatchSelectOperation(); SelectedActors->Modify(); // Then fix 'real' (non archetype) instances of the class for (UObject* OldObject : ObjectsToReplace) { // Skip non-archetype instances, EXCEPT for component templates const bool bIsComponent = NewClass->IsChildOf(UActorComponent::StaticClass()); if ((!bIsComponent && OldObject->IsTemplate()) || OldObject->IsPendingKill()) { continue; } UBlueprint* CorrespondingBlueprint = Cast<UBlueprint>(OldObject->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy); UObject* OldBlueprintDebugObject = nullptr; // If this object is being debugged, cache it off so we can preserve the 'object being debugged' association if ((CorrespondingBlueprint != nullptr) && (CorrespondingBlueprint->GetObjectBeingDebugged() == OldObject)) { OldBlueprintDebugObject = OldObject; } AActor* OldActor = Cast<AActor>(OldObject); UObject* NewUObject = nullptr; // if the object to replace is an actor... if (OldActor != nullptr) { FVector Location = FVector::ZeroVector; FRotator Rotation = FRotator::ZeroRotator; if (USceneComponent* OldRootComponent = OldActor->GetRootComponent()) { Location = OldActor->GetActorLocation(); Rotation = OldActor->GetActorRotation(); } // If this actor was spawned from an Archetype, we spawn the new actor from the new version of that archetype UObject* OldArchetype = OldActor->GetArchetype(); UWorld* World = OldActor->GetWorld(); AActor* NewArchetype = Cast<AActor>(OldToNewInstanceMap.FindRef(OldArchetype)); // Check that either this was an instance of the class directly, or we found a new archetype for it check(OldArchetype == OldClass->GetDefaultObject() || NewArchetype); // Spawn the new actor instance, in the same level as the original, but deferring running the construction script until we have transferred modified properties ULevel* ActorLevel = OldActor->GetLevel(); UClass** MappedClass = OldToNewClassMap.Find(OldActor->GetClass()); UClass* SpawnClass = MappedClass ? *MappedClass : NewClass; FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo; SpawnInfo.OverrideLevel = ActorLevel; SpawnInfo.Template = NewArchetype; SpawnInfo.bNoCollisionFail = true; SpawnInfo.bDeferConstruction = true; // Temporarily remove the deprecated flag so we can respawn the Blueprint in the level const bool bIsClassDeprecated = SpawnClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Deprecated); SpawnClass->ClassFlags &= ~CLASS_Deprecated; AActor* NewActor = World->SpawnActor(SpawnClass, &Location, &Rotation, SpawnInfo); // Reassign the deprecated flag if it was previously assigned if (bIsClassDeprecated) { SpawnClass->ClassFlags |= CLASS_Deprecated; } check(NewActor != nullptr); NewUObject = NewActor; // store the new actor for the second pass (NOTE: this detaches // OldActor from all child/parent attachments) // // running the NewActor's construction-script is saved for that // second pass (because the construction-script may reference // another instance that hasn't been replaced yet). ReplacementActors.Add(FActorReplacementHelper(NewActor, OldActor)); ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap.Add(OldObject, NewUObject); OldActor->DestroyConstructedComponents(); // don't want to serialize components from the old actor // Unregister native components so we don't copy any sub-components they generate for themselves (like UCameraComponent does) OldActor->UnregisterAllComponents(); // Unregister any native components, might have cached state based on properties we are going to overwrite NewActor->UnregisterAllComponents(); UEditorEngine::CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects(OldActor, NewActor); // reset properties/streams NewActor->ResetPropertiesForConstruction(); // register native components NewActor->RegisterAllComponents(); // // clean up the old actor (unselect it, remove it from the world, etc.)... if (OldActor->IsSelected()) { GEditor->SelectActor(OldActor, /*bInSelected =*/false, /*bNotify =*/false); bSelectionChanged = true; } if (GEditor->Layers.IsValid()) // ensure(NULL != GEditor->Layers) ?? While cooking the Layers is NULL. { GEditor->Layers->DisassociateActorFromLayers(OldActor); } World->EditorDestroyActor(OldActor, /*bShouldModifyLevel =*/true); OldToNewInstanceMap.Add(OldActor, NewActor); } else { FName OldName(OldObject->GetFName()); OldObject->Rename(NULL, OldObject->GetOuter(), REN_DoNotDirty | REN_DontCreateRedirectors); NewUObject = NewObject<UObject>(OldObject->GetOuter(), NewClass, OldName); check(NewUObject != nullptr); UEditorEngine::CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects(OldObject, NewUObject); if (UAnimInstance* AnimTree = Cast<UAnimInstance>(NewUObject)) { // Initialising the anim instance isn't enough to correctly set up the skeletal mesh again in a // paused world, need to initialise the skeletal mesh component that contains the anim instance. if (USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComponent = Cast<USkeletalMeshComponent>(AnimTree->GetOuter())) { SkelComponent->InitAnim(true); } } OldObject->RemoveFromRoot(); OldObject->MarkPendingKill(); OldToNewInstanceMap.Add(OldObject, NewUObject); if (bIsComponent) { UActorComponent* Component = Cast<UActorComponent>(NewUObject); AActor* OwningActor = Component->GetOwner(); if (OwningActor) { OwningActor->ResetOwnedComponents(); // Check to see if they have an editor that potentially needs to be refreshed if (OwningActor->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy) { PotentialEditorsForRefreshing.AddUnique(OwningActor->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy); } // we need to keep track of actor instances that need // their construction scripts re-ran (since we've just // replaced a component they own) OwnersToReconstruct.Add(OwningActor); } } } // If this original object came from a blueprint and it was in the selected debug set, change the debugging to the new object. if ((CorrespondingBlueprint) && (OldBlueprintDebugObject) && (NewUObject)) { CorrespondingBlueprint->SetObjectBeingDebugged(NewUObject); } if (bLogConversions) { UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("Converted instance '%s' to '%s'"), *OldObject->GetPathName(), *NewUObject->GetPathName()); } } } GEditor->OnObjectsReplaced().Remove(OnObjectsReplacedHandle); // Now replace any pointers to the old archetypes/instances with pointers to the new one TArray<UObject*> SourceObjects; TArray<UObject*> DstObjects; OldToNewInstanceMap.GenerateKeyArray(SourceObjects); OldToNewInstanceMap.GenerateValueArray(DstObjects); // Also look for references in new spawned objects. SourceObjects.Append(DstObjects); FReplaceReferenceHelper::IncludeCDO(OldClass, NewClass, OldToNewInstanceMap, SourceObjects, OriginalCDO); FReplaceReferenceHelper::FindAndReplaceReferences(SourceObjects, ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff, ObjectsToReplace, OldToNewInstanceMap, ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap); { BP_SCOPED_COMPILER_EVENT_STAT(EKismetReinstancerStats_ReplacementConstruction); // the process of setting up new replacement actors is split into two // steps (this here, is the second)... // // the "finalization" here runs the replacement actor's construction- // script and is left until late to account for a scenario where the // construction-script attempts to modify another instance of the // same class... if this were to happen above, in the ObjectsToReplace // loop, then accessing that other instance would cause an assert in // UProperty::ContainerPtrToValuePtrInternal() (which appropriatly // complains that the other instance's type doesn't match because it // hasn't been replaced yet... that's why we wait until after // FArchiveReplaceObjectRef to run construction-scripts). for (FActorReplacementHelper& ReplacementActor : ReplacementActors) { ReplacementActor.Finalize(ObjectRemappingHelper.ReplacedObjects); } } SelectedActors->EndBatchSelectOperation(); if (bSelectionChanged) { GEditor->NoteSelectionChange(); } if (GEditor) { // Refresh any editors for objects that we've updated components for for (auto BlueprintAsset : PotentialEditorsForRefreshing) { FBlueprintEditor* BlueprintEditor = static_cast<FBlueprintEditor*>(FAssetEditorManager::Get().FindEditorForAsset(BlueprintAsset, /*bFocusIfOpen =*/false)); if (BlueprintEditor) { BlueprintEditor->RefreshEditors(); } } } // in the case where we're replacing component instances, we need to make // sure to re-run their owner's construction scripts for (AActor* ActorInstance : OwnersToReconstruct) { ActorInstance->RerunConstructionScripts(); } }