예제 #1
SInt64 ProxyTask::Run()
    const UInt32 kMaxRTCPPacketSize = 2048;
    char thePacketBuffer[kMaxRTCPPacketSize];
    QTSS_PacketStruct thePacketStruct;
    thePacketStruct.packetTransmitTime = QTSS_Milliseconds();
    thePacketStruct.packetData = thePacketBuffer;


    OSMutexLocker locker(sSocketPool->GetMutex());
    for (OSQueueIter iter(sSocketPool->GetSocketQueue()); !iter.IsDone(); iter.Next())
        UInt32 theRemoteAddr = 0;
        UInt16 theRemotePort = 0;

        UDPSocketPair* thePair = (UDPSocketPair*)iter.GetCurrent()->GetEnclosingObject();
        Assert(thePair != NULL);
        for (UInt32 x = 0; x < 2; x++)
            QTSS_WriteFlags theFlags = qtssWriteFlagsNoFlags;
            UDPSocket* theSocket = NULL;
            if (x == 0)
                theFlags = qtssWriteFlagsIsRTP;
                theSocket = thePair->GetSocketA();
                theFlags = qtssWriteFlagsIsRTCP;
                theSocket = thePair->GetSocketB();
            Assert(theSocket->GetDemuxer() != NULL);
            OSMutexLocker locker(theSocket->GetDemuxer()->GetMutex());
            //get all the outstanding packets for this socket
            while (true)
                UInt32 thePacketLen = 0;
                theSocket->RecvFrom(&theRemoteAddr, &theRemotePort, thePacketStruct.packetData, 
                                kMaxRTCPPacketSize, &thePacketLen);
                if (thePacketLen == 0)
                    break;//no more packets on this socket!
                ProxyDemuxerTask* theDemuxerTask = (ProxyDemuxerTask*)theSocket->GetDemuxer()->GetTask(theRemoteAddr, 0);
                if (theDemuxerTask != NULL)
                    QTSS_RTPStreamObject theStream = theDemuxerTask->GetStream();
                    (void)QTSS_Write(theStream, &thePacketStruct, thePacketLen, NULL, theFlags);
    return kProxyTaskPollIntervalMsec;
예제 #2
SInt64 RTCPTask::Run()
    const UInt32 kMaxRTCPPacketSize = 2048;
    char thePacketBuffer[kMaxRTCPPacketSize];
    StrPtrLen thePacket(thePacketBuffer, 0);
    QTSServerInterface* theServer = QTSServerInterface::GetServer();
    //This task goes through all the UDPSockets in the RTPSocketPool, checking to see
    //if they have data. If they do, it demuxes the packets and sends the packet onto
    //the proper RTP session.
    EventFlags events = this->GetEvents(); // get and clear events
    if ( (events & Task::kReadEvent) || (events & Task::kIdleEvent) )
                //Must be done atomically wrt the socket pool.
                OSMutexLocker locker(theServer->GetSocketPool()->GetMutex());
                for (OSQueueIter iter(theServer->GetSocketPool()->GetSocketQueue());
                                !iter.IsDone(); iter.Next())
                        UInt32 theRemoteAddr = 0;
                        UInt16 theRemotePort = 0;
                        UDPSocketPair* thePair = (UDPSocketPair*)iter.GetCurrent()->GetEnclosingObject();
                        Assert(thePair != NULL);
                        for (UInt32 x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                                UDPSocket* theSocket = NULL;
                                if (x == 0)
                                        theSocket = thePair->GetSocketA();
                                        theSocket = thePair->GetSocketB();
                                UDPDemuxer* theDemuxer = theSocket->GetDemuxer();
                        if (theDemuxer == NULL) 
                            while (true) //get all the outstanding packets for this socket
                                        thePacket.Len = 0;
                                        theSocket->RecvFrom(&theRemoteAddr, &theRemotePort, thePacket.Ptr,  
                                                                        kMaxRTCPPacketSize, &thePacket.Len);
                                        if (thePacket.Len == 0)
                                                break;//no more packets on this socket!
                                        //if this socket has a demuxer, find the target RTPStream
                                        if (theDemuxer != NULL)
                                                RTPStream* theStream = (RTPStream*)theDemuxer->GetTask(theRemoteAddr, theRemotePort);
                                                if (theStream != NULL)
    return 0; /* Fix for 4004432 */   
    SInt64 result = 0;
    if (theServer->GetNumRTPSessions() > 0)
        result =  theServer->GetPrefs()->GetRTCPPollIntervalInMsec();
   return result;