예제 #1
파일: SGraphPin.cpp 프로젝트: johndpope/UE4
FReply SGraphPin::OnDrop( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FDragDropEvent& DragDropEvent )
	TSharedPtr<SGraphNode> NodeWidget = OwnerNodePtr.Pin();
	bool bReadOnly = NodeWidget.IsValid() ? !NodeWidget->IsNodeEditable() : false;

	TSharedPtr<FDragDropOperation> Operation = DragDropEvent.GetOperation();
	if (!Operation.IsValid() || bReadOnly)
		return FReply::Unhandled();

	// Is someone dropping a connection onto this pin?
	if (Operation->IsOfType<FGraphEditorDragDropAction>())
		TSharedPtr<FGraphEditorDragDropAction> DragConnectionOp = StaticCastSharedPtr<FGraphEditorDragDropAction>(Operation);

		FVector2D NodeAddPosition = FVector2D::ZeroVector;
		TSharedPtr<SGraphNode> OwnerNode = OwnerNodePtr.Pin();
		if (OwnerNode.IsValid())
			NodeAddPosition	= OwnerNode->GetPosition() + MyGeometry.Position;

			//Don't have access to bounding information for node, using fixed offet that should work for most cases.
			const float FixedOffset = 200.0f;

			//Line it up vertically with pin
			NodeAddPosition.Y += MyGeometry.Size.Y;

			if(GetDirection() == EEdGraphPinDirection::EGPD_Input)
				//left side just offset by fixed amount
				//@TODO: knowing the width of the node we are about to create would allow us to line this up more precisely,
				//       but this information is not available currently
				NodeAddPosition.X -= FixedOffset;
				//right side we need the width of the pin + fixed amount because our reference position is the upper left corner of pin(which is variable length)
				NodeAddPosition.X += MyGeometry.Size.X + FixedOffset;

		return DragConnectionOp->DroppedOnPin(DragDropEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition(), NodeAddPosition);
	// handle dropping an asset on the pin
	else if (Operation->IsOfType<FAssetDragDropOp>() && NodeWidget.IsValid())
		UEdGraphNode* Node = NodeWidget->GetNodeObj();
		if(Node != NULL && Node->GetSchema() != NULL)
			TSharedPtr<FAssetDragDropOp> AssetOp = StaticCastSharedPtr<FAssetDragDropOp>(Operation);

			Node->GetSchema()->DroppedAssetsOnPin(AssetOp->AssetData, DragDropEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition(), GraphPinObj);
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
예제 #2
파일: SGraphPin.cpp 프로젝트: johndpope/UE4
void SGraphPin::OnDragEnter( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FDragDropEvent& DragDropEvent )
	TSharedPtr<FDragDropOperation> Operation = DragDropEvent.GetOperation();
	if (!Operation.IsValid())

	// Is someone dragging a connection?
	if (Operation->IsOfType<FGraphEditorDragDropAction>())
		// Ensure that the pin is valid before using it
		if(GraphPinObj != NULL && GraphPinObj->GetOuter() != NULL && GraphPinObj->GetOuter()->IsA(UEdGraphNode::StaticClass()))
			// Inform the Drag and Drop operation that we are hovering over this pin.
			TSharedPtr<FGraphEditorDragDropAction> DragConnectionOp = StaticCastSharedPtr<FGraphEditorDragDropAction>(Operation);

		// Pins treat being dragged over the same as being hovered outside of drag and drop if they know how to respond to the drag action.
		SBorder::OnMouseEnter( MyGeometry, DragDropEvent );
	else if (Operation->IsOfType<FAssetDragDropOp>())
		TSharedPtr<SGraphNode> NodeWidget = OwnerNodePtr.Pin();
		if (NodeWidget.IsValid())
			UEdGraphNode* Node = NodeWidget->GetNodeObj();
			if(Node != NULL && Node->GetSchema() != NULL)
				TSharedPtr<FAssetDragDropOp> AssetOp = StaticCastSharedPtr<FAssetDragDropOp>(Operation);
				bool bOkIcon = false;
				FString TooltipText;
				Node->GetSchema()->GetAssetsPinHoverMessage(AssetOp->AssetData, GraphPinObj, TooltipText, bOkIcon);
				const FSlateBrush* TooltipIcon = bOkIcon ? FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.ConnectorFeedback.OK")) : FEditorStyle::GetBrush(TEXT("Graph.ConnectorFeedback.Error"));;
				AssetOp->SetToolTip(FText::FromString(TooltipText), TooltipIcon);
예제 #3
FReply FDragConnection::DroppedOnNode(FVector2D ScreenPosition, FVector2D GraphPosition)
	bool bHandledPinDropOnNode = false;
	UEdGraphNode* HoveredNode = GetHoveredNode();

	if (HoveredNode)
		// Gather any source drag pins
		TArray<UEdGraphPin*> ValidSourcePins;
		ValidateGraphPinList(/*out*/ ValidSourcePins);

		if (ValidSourcePins.Num())
			for (UEdGraphPin* SourcePin : ValidSourcePins)
				// Check for pin drop support
				FText ResponseText;
				if (SourcePin->GetOwningNode() != HoveredNode && SourcePin->GetSchema()->SupportsDropPinOnNode(HoveredNode, SourcePin->PinType, SourcePin->Direction, ResponseText))
					bHandledPinDropOnNode = true;

					// Find which pin name to use and drop the pin on the node
					FString PinName = SourcePin->PinFriendlyName.IsEmpty()? SourcePin->PinName : SourcePin->PinFriendlyName.ToString();

					const FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "AddInParam", "Add In Parameter" ) );

					UEdGraphPin* EdGraphPin = HoveredNode->GetSchema()->DropPinOnNode(GetHoveredNode(), PinName, SourcePin->PinType, SourcePin->Direction);

						SourcePin->GetSchema()->TryCreateConnection(SourcePin, EdGraphPin);

				// If we have not handled the pin drop on node and there is an error message, do not let other actions occur.
				if(!bHandledPinDropOnNode && !ResponseText.IsEmpty())
					bHandledPinDropOnNode = true;
	return bHandledPinDropOnNode? FReply::Handled() : FReply::Unhandled();