예제 #1
// g_errno may be set when this is called
void addedList ( UdpSlot *slot , Rdb *rdb ) {
	// no memory means to try again
	if ( g_errno == ENOMEM ) g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
	// doing a full rebuid will add collections
	if ( g_errno == ENOCOLLREC &&
	     g_repairMode > 0 )
	     //g_repair.m_fullRebuild )
		g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;

	// it seems like someone can delete a collection and there can
	// be adds in transit to doledb and it logs
	// "doledb bad collnum of 30110"
	// so just absorb those
	if ( g_errno == ENOCOLLREC ) {
		log("msg1: missing collrec to add to to %s. just dropping.",
		g_errno = 0;

	// . if we got a ETRYAGAIN cuz the buffer we add to was full
	//   then we should sleep and try again!
	// . return false cuz this blocks for a period of time
	//   before trying again
	// . but now to free the udp slot when we are doing an urgent merge
	//   let's send an error back!
	//if ( g_errno == ETRYAGAIN ) {
		// debug msg
		// try adding again in 1 second
	//	g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( 1000, slot, tryAgainWrapper );
		// return now
	//	return;
	// random test
	//if ( (rand() % 10) == 1 ) g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
	//int32_t niceness = slot->getNiceness() ;
	// select udp server based on niceness
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer ;
	//if ( niceness == 0 ) us = &g_udpServer2;
	//else                 us = &g_udpServer ;
	// chalk it up
	rdb->sentReplyAdd ( 0 );
	// are we done
	if ( ! g_errno ) {
		// . send an empty (non-error) reply as verification
		// . slot should be auto-nuked on transmission/timeout of reply
		// . udpServer should free the readBuf
		us->sendReply_ass ( NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , slot ) ;
	// on other errors just send the err code back
	log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply. error=%s", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, mstrerror(g_errno));
	us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// this must always be called sometime AFTER handleRequest() is called
void sendReply ( UdpSlot *slot , Msg39 *msg39 , char *reply , int32_t replyLen ,
		 int32_t replyMaxSize , bool hadError ) {
	// debug msg
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugQuery || (msg39&&msg39->m_debug) ) 
		logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg39: [%"PTRFMT"] "
		     "Sending reply len=%"INT32".",

	// sanity
	if ( hadError && ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// no longer in use. msg39 will be NULL if ENOMEM or something
	if ( msg39 ) msg39->m_inUse = false;

	// . if we enter from a local call and not from handling a udp slot
	//   then execute this logic here to return control to caller.
	// . do not delete ourselves because we will be re-used probably and
	//   caller handles that now.
	if ( msg39 && msg39->m_callback ) {
		// if we blocked call user callback
		if ( msg39->m_blocked ) msg39->m_callback ( msg39->m_state );
		// if not sending back a udp reply, return now

	// . now we can free the lists before sending
	// . may help a little bit...
	//if ( msg39 ) {
	//	for ( int32_t j = 0 ; j < msg39->m_msg2.m_numLists ; j++ ) 
	//		msg39->m_lists[j].freeList();
	// get the appropriate UdpServer for this niceness level
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// i guess clear this
	int32_t err = g_errno;
	g_errno = 0;
	// send an error reply if g_errno is set
	if ( err ) us->sendErrorReply ( slot , err ) ; 
	else       us->sendReply_ass ( reply    , 
				       replyLen , 
				       reply    , 
				       replyMaxSize , 
				       slot     );
	// always delete ourselves when done handling the request
	if ( msg39 ) {
		mdelete ( msg39 , sizeof(Msg39) , "Msg39" );
		delete (msg39);
예제 #3
// g_errno may be set when this is called
void addedList ( UdpSlot *slot , Rdb *rdb ) {
	// no memory means to try again
	if ( g_errno == ENOMEM ) g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
	// doing a full rebuid will add collections
	if ( g_errno == ENOCOLLREC &&
	     g_repairMode > 0 )
	     //g_repair.m_fullRebuild )
		g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
	// . if we got a ETRYAGAIN cuz the buffer we add to was full
	//   then we should sleep and try again!
	// . return false cuz this blocks for a period of time
	//   before trying again
	// . but now to free the udp slot when we are doing an urgent merge
	//   let's send an error back!
	//if ( g_errno == ETRYAGAIN ) {
		// debug msg
		// try adding again in 1 second
	//	g_loop.registerSleepCallback ( 1000, slot, tryAgainWrapper );
		// return now
	//	return;
	// random test
	//if ( (rand() % 10) == 1 ) g_errno = ETRYAGAIN;
	//long niceness = slot->getNiceness() ;
	// select udp server based on niceness
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer ;
	//if ( niceness == 0 ) us = &g_udpServer2;
	//else                 us = &g_udpServer ;
	// chalk it up
	rdb->sentReplyAdd ( 0 );
	// are we done
	if ( ! g_errno ) {
		// . send an empty (non-error) reply as verification
		// . slot should be auto-nuked on transmission/timeout of reply
		// . udpServer should free the readBuf
		us->sendReply_ass ( NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , slot ) ;
	// on other errors just send the err code back
	us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
// . did we receive a checkoff request from a fellow twin?
// . request is a list of checkoff request keys ("a" keys)
void handleRequest5d ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) {
	// get the sending hostid
	long sid = slot->m_hostId;
	// sanity check
	if ( sid < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
	// get the request buffer
	//key128_t *keys = (key128_t *)slot->m_readBuf;
	long      nk   = slot->m_readBufSize / 16;
	// shortcut
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// if tree gets full, then return false forever
	if ( ! g_syncdb.m_qt.hasRoomForKeys ( nk ) ) { 
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , ETRYAGAIN );
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < nk ; i++ ) {
		// get the key
		key128_t k = g_syncdb.m_keys[i];
		// sanity check. must be a negative key.
		if ( (k.n0 & 0x1) != 0x0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// get the anti key. the "need to recv checkoff request"
		// key which is the positive
		key128_t pk = k;
		// make it positive
		pk.n0 |= 0x01;
		// is it in there?
		long nn = g_syncdb.m_qt.getNode ( 0 , (char *)&pk );
		// if yes, nuke it. they annihilate.
		if ( nn >= 0 ) {
			g_syncdb.m_qt.deleteNode ( nn , true );
		// . otherwise, add right to the tree
		// . should always succeed!
		if ( g_syncdb.m_qt.addKey(&k)<0) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	// return empty reply to mean success
	us->sendReply_ass ( NULL , 0 , NULL , 0 , slot );
예제 #5
void handleRequest12 ( UdpSlot *udpSlot , int32_t niceness ) {
	// get request
	char *request = udpSlot->m_readBuf;
	int32_t  reqSize = udpSlot->m_readBufSize;
	// shortcut
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// breathe
	QUICKPOLL ( niceness );

	// shortcut
	char *reply = udpSlot->m_tmpBuf;

	// . is it confirming that he got all the locks?
	// . if so, remove the doledb record and dock the doleiptable count
	//   before adding a waiting tree entry to re-pop the doledb record
	if ( reqSize == sizeof(ConfirmRequest) ) {
		char *msg = NULL;
		ConfirmRequest *cq = (ConfirmRequest *)request;

		// confirm the lock
		HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;
		int32_t slot = ht->getSlot ( &cq->m_lockKeyUh48 );
		if ( slot < 0 ) { 
			log("spider: got a confirm request for a key not "
			    "in the table! coll must have been deleted "
			    " or reset "
			    "while lock request was outstanding.");
			g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
			log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
			us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
			//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		UrlLock *lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot ( slot );
		lock->m_confirmed = true;

		// note that
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider ) // Wait )
			log("spider: got confirm lock request for ip=%s",

		// get it
		SpiderColl *sc = g_spiderCache.getSpiderColl(cq->m_collnum);
		// make it negative
		cq->m_doledbKey.n0 &= 0xfffffffffffffffeLL;
		// and add the negative rec to doledb (deletion operation)
		Rdb *rdb = &g_doledb.m_rdb;
		if ( ! rdb->addRecord ( cq->m_collnum,
					(char *)&cq->m_doledbKey,
					NULL , // data
					0    , //dataSize
					1 )){ // niceness
			// tree is dumping or something, probably ETRYAGAIN
			if ( g_errno != ETRYAGAIN ) {msg = "error adding neg rec to doledb";	log("spider: %s %s",msg,mstrerror(g_errno));
			//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;
			log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
			us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
		// now remove from doleiptable since we removed from doledb
		if ( sc ) sc->removeFromDoledbTable ( cq->m_firstIp );

		// how many spiders outstanding for this coll and IP?
		//int32_t out=g_spiderLoop.getNumSpidersOutPerIp ( cq->m_firstIp);

		// DO NOT add back to waiting tree if max spiders
		// out per ip was 1 OR there was a crawldelay. but better
		// yet, take care of that in the winReq code above.

		// . now add to waiting tree so we add another spiderdb
		//   record for this firstip to doledb
		// . true = callForScan
		// . do not add to waiting tree if we have enough outstanding
		//   spiders for this ip. we will add to waiting tree when
		//   we receive a SpiderReply in addSpiderReply()
		if ( sc && //out < cq->m_maxSpidersOutPerIp &&
		     // this will just return true if we are not the 
		     // responsible host for this firstip
		    // DO NOT populate from this!!! say "false" here...
		     ! sc->addToWaitingTree ( 0 , cq->m_firstIp, false ) &&
		     // must be an error...
		     g_errno ) {
			log("spider: %s %s",msg,mstrerror(g_errno));
			log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
			us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
		// success!!
		reply[0] = 1;
		us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );

	// sanity check
	if ( reqSize != sizeof(LockRequest) ) {
		log("spider: bad msg12 request size of %" PRId32,reqSize);
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , EBADREQUEST );
	// deny it if we are not synced yet! otherwise we core in 
	// getTimeGlobal() below
	if ( ! isClockInSync() ) { 
		// log it so we can debug it
		//log("spider: clock not in sync with host #0. so "
		//    "returning etryagain for lock reply");
		// let admin know why we are not spidering
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , ETRYAGAIN );

	LockRequest *lr = (LockRequest *)request;
	//uint64_t lockKey = *(int64_t *)request;
	//int32_t lockSequence = *(int32_t *)(request+8);
	// is this a remove operation? assume not
	//bool remove = false;
	// get top bit
	//if ( lockKey & 0x8000000000000000LL ) remove = true;

	// mask it out
	//lockKey &= 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
	// sanity check, just 6 bytes! (48 bits)
	if ( lr->m_lockKeyUh48 &0xffff000000000000LL ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	// note it
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
		log("spider: got msg12 request uh48=%" PRId64" remove=%" PRId32,
		    lr->m_lockKeyUh48, (int32_t)lr->m_removeLock);
	// get time
	int32_t nowGlobal = getTimeGlobal();
	// shortcut
	HashTableX *ht = &g_spiderLoop.m_lockTable;

	int32_t hostId = g_hostdb.getHostId ( udpSlot->m_ip , udpSlot->m_port );
	// this must be legit - sanity check
	if ( hostId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// remove expired locks from locktable
	removeExpiredLocks ( hostId );

	int64_t lockKey = lr->m_lockKeyUh48;

	// check tree
	int32_t slot = ht->getSlot ( &lockKey ); // lr->m_lockKeyUh48 );
	// put it here
	UrlLock *lock = NULL;
	// if there say no no
	if ( slot >= 0 ) lock = (UrlLock *)ht->getValueFromSlot ( slot );

	// if doing a remove operation and that was our hostid then unlock it
	if ( lr->m_removeLock && 
	     lock && 
	     lock->m_hostId == hostId &&
	     lock->m_lockSequence == lr->m_lockSequence ) {
		// note it for now
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
			log("spider: removing lock for lockkey=%" PRIu64" hid=%" PRId32,
		// unlock it
		ht->removeSlot ( slot );
		// it is gone
		lock = NULL;
	// ok, at this point all remove ops return
	if ( lr->m_removeLock ) {
		reply[0] = 1;
		us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );

	// add new lock

	// if lock > 1 hour old then remove it automatically!!
	if ( lock && nowGlobal - lock->m_timestamp > MAX_LOCK_AGE ) {
		// note it for now
		log("spider: removing lock after %" PRId32" seconds "
		    "for lockKey=%" PRIu64" hid=%" PRId32,
		    (nowGlobal - lock->m_timestamp),
		// unlock it
		ht->removeSlot ( slot );
		// it is gone
		lock = NULL;
	// if lock still there, do not grant another lock
	if ( lock ) {
		// note it for now
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
			log("spider: refusing lock for lockkey=%" PRIu64" hid=%" PRId32,
		reply[0] = 0;
		us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );
	// make the new lock
	UrlLock tmp;
	tmp.m_hostId       = hostId;
	tmp.m_lockSequence = lr->m_lockSequence;
	tmp.m_timestamp    = nowGlobal;
	tmp.m_expires      = 0;
	tmp.m_firstIp      = lr->m_firstIp;
	tmp.m_collnum      = lr->m_collnum;

	// when the spider returns we remove its lock on reception of the
	// spiderReply, however, we actually just set the m_expires time
	// to 5 seconds into the future in case there is a current request
	// to get a lock for that url in progress. but, we do need to
	// indicate that the spider has indeed completed by setting
	// m_spiderOutstanding to true. this way, addToWaitingTree() will
	// not count it towards a "max spiders per IP" quota when deciding
	// on if it should add a new entry for this IP.
	tmp.m_spiderOutstanding = true;
	// this is set when all hosts in the group (shard) have granted the
	// lock and the host sends out a confirmLockAcquisition() request.
	// until then we do not know if the lock will be granted by all hosts
	// in the group (shard)
	tmp.m_confirmed    = false;

	// put it into the table
	if ( ! ht->addKey ( &lockKey , &tmp ) ) {
		// return error if that failed!
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( udpSlot , g_errno );
	// note it for now
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
		log("spider: granting lock for lockKey=%" PRIu64" hid=%" PRId32,
	// grant the lock
	reply[0] = 1;
	us->sendReply_ass ( reply , 1 , reply , 1 , udpSlot );
예제 #6
// . slot should be auto-nuked upon transmission or error
// . TODO: ensure if this sendReply() fails does it really nuke the slot?
void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *listb , Msg5 *msg5xx ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "BEGIN" );
	// get the state
	State00 *st0 = (State00 *)state;
	// extract the udp slot and list and msg5
	UdpSlot   *slot =  st0->m_slot;
	RdbList   *list = &st0->m_list;
	Msg5      *msg5 = &st0->m_msg5;
	UdpServer *us   =  st0->m_us;

	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet || g_conf.m_logDebugNet ) {
		//log("Msg0:hndled request %" PRIu64,gettimeofdayInMilliseconds());
		int32_t size = -1;
		if ( list ) size     = list->getListSize();
		    "net: msg0: Handled request for data. "
		    "Now sending data termId=%" PRIu64" size=%" PRId32
		    " transId=%" PRId32" ip=%s port=%i took=%" PRId64" "
		    "(niceness=%" PRId32").",
		    gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - st0->m_startTime ,
		    st0->m_niceness );

	// on error nuke the list and it's data
	if ( g_errno ) {
		mdelete ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "Msg0" );
		delete (st0);
		// TODO: free "slot" if this send fails
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );

	// point to the serialized list in "list"
	char *data      = list->getList();
	int32_t  dataSize  = list->getListSize();
	char *alloc     = list->getAlloc();
	int32_t  allocSize = list->getAllocSize();
	// tell list not to free the data since it is a reply so UdpServer
	// will free it when it destroys the slot
	list->setOwnData ( false );
	// keep track of stats
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( st0->m_rdbId );
	if ( rdb ) rdb->sentReplyGet ( dataSize );
	// TODO: can we free any memory here???

	// keep track of how long it takes to complete the send
	st0->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// debug point
	int32_t oldSize = msg5->m_minRecSizes;
	int32_t newSize = msg5->m_minRecSizes + 20;
	// watch for wrap around
	if ( newSize < oldSize ) newSize = 0x7fffffff;
	if ( dataSize > newSize && list->getFixedDataSize() == 0 &&
	     // do not annoy me with these linkdb msgs
	     dataSize > newSize+100 ) 
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: Sending more data than what was "
		    "requested. Ineffcient. Bad engineer. dataSize=%" PRId32" "
		    "minRecSizes=%" PRId32".",dataSize,oldSize);
	// for linkdb lists, remove all the keys that have the same IP32
	// and store a count of what we removed somewhere
	if ( st0->m_rdbId == RDB_LINKDB ) {
		// store compressed list on itself
		char *dst = list->m_list;
		// keep stats
		int32_t totalOrigLinks = 0;
		int32_t ipDups = 0;
		int32_t lastIp32 = 0;
		char *listEnd = list->getListEnd();
		// compress the list
		for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
			// breathe
			QUICKPOLL ( st0->m_niceness );
			// count it
			// get rec
			char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
			int32_t ip32 = g_linkdb.getLinkerIp_uk((key224_t *)rec );
			// same as one before?
			if ( ip32 == lastIp32 && 
			     // are we the last rec? include that for
			     // advancing the m_nextKey in Linkdb more 
			     // efficiently.
			     rec + LDBKS < listEnd ) {
			// store it
			gbmemcpy (dst , rec , LDBKS );
			dst += LDBKS;
			// update it
			lastIp32 = ip32;
		// . if we removed one key, store the stats
		// . caller should recognize reply is not a multiple of
		//   the linkdb key size LDBKS and no its there!
		if ( ipDups ) {
			//*(int32_t *)dst = totalOrigLinks;
			//dst += 4;
			//*(int32_t *)dst = ipDups;
			//dst += 4;
		// update list parms
		list->m_listSize = dst - list->m_list;
		list->m_listEnd  = list->m_list + list->m_listSize;
		data      = list->getList();
		dataSize  = list->getListSize();

	//log("sending replySize=%" PRId32" min=%" PRId32,dataSize,msg5->m_minRecSizes);
	// . TODO: dataSize may not equal list->getListMaxSize() so
	//         Mem class may show an imblanace
	// . now g_udpServer is responsible for freeing data/dataSize
	// . the "true" means to call doneSending_ass() from the signal handler
	//   if need be
	st0->m_us->sendReply_ass( data, dataSize, alloc, allocSize, slot, st0, doneSending_ass, -1, -1, true );

	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END" );
예제 #7
// . reply to a request for an RdbList
// . MUST call g_udpServer::sendReply or sendErrorReply() so slot can
//   be destroyed
void handleRequest0 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) {
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "BEGIN. Got request for an RdbList" );

	// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	//if ( netnice == 0 ) us = &g_udpServer2;
	// get the request
	char *request     = slot->m_readBuf;
	int32_t  requestSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
	// collection is now stored in the request, so i commented this out
	//if ( requestSize != MSG0_REQ_SIZE ) {
	//	log("net: Received bad data request size of %" PRId32" bytes. "
	//	    "Should be %" PRId32".", requestSize ,(int32_t)MSG0_REQ_SIZE);
	//	us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADREQUESTSIZE );
	//	return;
	// parse the request
	char *p                  = request;
	int64_t syncPoint          = *(int64_t *)p ; p += 8;
	//key_t     startKey           = *(key_t     *)p ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	//key_t     endKey             = *(key_t     *)p ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	int32_t      minRecSizes        = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      startFileNum       = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      numFiles           = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      maxCacheAge        = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	char      rdbId              = *p++;
	char      addToCache         = *p++;
	char      doErrorCorrection  = *p++;
	char      includeTree        = *p++;
	// this was messing up our niceness conversion logic
	int32_t      niceness           = slot->m_niceness;//(int32_t)(*p++);
	// still need to skip it though!
	bool      allowPageCache     = (bool)(*p++);
	char ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
	char     *startKey           = p; p+=ks;
	char     *endKey             = p; p+=ks;
	collnum_t collnum = *(collnum_t *)p; p += sizeof(collnum_t);

	CollectionRec *xcr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( collnum );
	if ( ! xcr ) g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;

	if( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0 ) {
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "rdbId....... %d", (int)rdbId );
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "key size.... %d", (int)ks );
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "startFileNum %" PRId32, startFileNum );
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "numFiles.... %" PRId32, numFiles );

	// error set from XmlDoc::cacheTermLists()?
	if ( g_errno ) {
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END. Invalid collection" );

		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); 

	// . get the rdb we need to get the RdbList from
	// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
	//Msg0 msg0;
	//Rdb *rdb = msg0.getRdb ( rdbId );
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( rdbId );
	if ( ! rdb ) {
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END. Invalid rdbId" );
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); 

	// keep track of stats
	rdb->readRequestGet ( requestSize );

	// . do a local get
	// . create a msg5 to get the list
	State00 *st0 ;
	try { st0 = new (State00); }
	catch ( ... ) { 
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("Msg0: new(%" PRId32"): %s", 
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); 
	mnew ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "State00" );
	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet )
		st0->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// save slot in state
	st0->m_slot = slot;
	// save udp server to send back reply on
	st0->m_us = us;
	// init this one
	st0->m_niceness = niceness;
	st0->m_rdbId    = rdbId;


	// debug msg
	if ( maxCacheAge != 0 && ! addToCache ) {
		log( LOG_LOGIC, "net: msg0: check but don't add... rdbid=%" PRId32".", ( int32_t ) rdbId );

	// . if this request came over on the high priority udp server
	//   make sure the priority gets passed along
	// . return if this blocks
	// . we'll call sendReply later
	if ( ! st0->m_msg5.getList ( rdbId             ,
				     collnum           ,
				     &st0->m_list      ,
				     startKey          ,
				     endKey            ,
				     minRecSizes       ,
				     includeTree       , // include tree?
				     addToCache        , // addToCache?
				     maxCacheAge       ,
				     startFileNum      , 
				     numFiles          ,
				     st0               ,
				     gotListWrapper    ,
				     niceness          ,
				     doErrorCorrection ,
				     NULL , // cacheKeyPtr
				     0    , // retryNum
				     2    , // maxRetries
				     true , // compensateForMerge
				     syncPoint ,
				     allowPageCache ) ) {
		logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END. m_msg5.getList returned false" );

	// call wrapper ouselves
	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "Calling gotListWrapper" );

	gotListWrapper ( st0 , NULL , NULL );

	logTrace( g_conf.m_logTraceMsg0, "END" );
예제 #8
// . reply to a request for an RdbList
// . MUST call g_udpServer::sendReply or sendErrorReply() so slot can
//   be destroyed
void handleRequest0 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) {
	// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	//if ( netnice == 0 ) us = &g_udpServer2;
	// get the request
	char *request     = slot->m_readBuf;
	int32_t  requestSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
	// collection is now stored in the request, so i commented this out
	//if ( requestSize != MSG0_REQ_SIZE ) {
	//	log("net: Received bad data request size of %"INT32" bytes. "
	//	    "Should be %"INT32".", requestSize ,(int32_t)MSG0_REQ_SIZE);
	//	us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADREQUESTSIZE );
	//	return;
	// parse the request
	char *p                  = request;
	int64_t syncPoint          = *(int64_t *)p ; p += 8;
	//key_t     startKey           = *(key_t     *)p ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	//key_t     endKey             = *(key_t     *)p ; p += sizeof(key_t);
	int32_t      minRecSizes        = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      startFileNum       = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      numFiles           = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	int32_t      maxCacheAge        = *(int32_t      *)p ; p += 4;
	char      rdbId              = *p++;
	char      addToCache         = *p++;
	char      doErrorCorrection  = *p++;
	char      includeTree        = *p++;
	// this was messing up our niceness conversion logic
	int32_t      niceness           = slot->m_niceness;//(int32_t)(*p++);
	// still need to skip it though!
	bool      allowPageCache     = (bool)(*p++);
	char ks = getKeySizeFromRdbId ( rdbId );
	char     *startKey           = p; p+=ks;
	char     *endKey             = p; p+=ks;
	// then null terminated collection
	//char     *coll               = p;
	collnum_t collnum = *(collnum_t *)p; p += sizeof(collnum_t);

	CollectionRec *xcr = g_collectiondb.getRec ( collnum );
	if ( ! xcr ) g_errno = ENOCOLLREC;
	// error set from XmlDoc::cacheTermLists()?
	if ( g_errno ) {
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); return;}

	// is this being called from callWaitingHandlers()
	//bool isRecall = (netnice == 99);

	// . get the rdb we need to get the RdbList from
	// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
	//Msg0 msg0;
	//Rdb *rdb = msg0.getRdb ( rdbId );
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( rdbId );
	if ( ! rdb ) { 
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); return;}

	// keep track of stats
	rdb->readRequestGet ( requestSize );

	// keep track of stats
	if ( ! isRecall ) rdb->readRequestGet ( requestSize );

	int64_t singleDocId2 = 0LL;
	if ( rdbId == RDB_POSDB && maxCacheAge ) {
		int64_t d1 = g_posdb.getDocId(startKey);
		int64_t d2 = g_posdb.getDocId(endKey);
		if ( d1+1 == d2 ) singleDocId2 = d1;

	// have we parsed this docid and cached its termlists?
	bool shouldBeCached2 = false;
	if ( singleDocId2 && 
	     isDocIdInTermListCache ( singleDocId2 , coll ) ) 
		shouldBeCached2 = true;

	// if in the termlist cache, send it back right away
	char *trec;
	int32_t trecSize;
	if ( singleDocId2 &&
				     &trecSize) ) {
		// if in cache send it back!

	// if should be cached but was not found then it's probably a
	// synonym form not in the doc content. make an empty list then.
	if ( shouldBeCached2 ) {
		// send back an empty termlist

	// MUST be in termlist cache! if not in there it is a probably
	// a synonym term termlist of a word in the doc.
	if ( isRecall ) {
		// send back an empty termlist
	// init waiting table?
	static bool s_waitInit = false;
	if ( ! s_waitInit ) {
		// do not repeat
		s_waitInit = true;
		// niceness = 0
		if ( ! g_waitingTable.set(8,4,2048,NULL,0,true,0,"m5wtbl")){
			log("msg5: failed to init waiting table");
			// error kills us!
			us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADRDBID ); 

	// wait in waiting table?
	if ( singleDocId2 && g_waitingTable.isInTable ( &singleDocId2 ) ) {
		g_waitingTable.addKey ( &singleDocId2 , &slot );

	// if it's for a special gbdocid: query then cache ALL termlists
	// for this docid into g_termListCache right now
	if ( singleDocId2 ) {
		// have all further incoming requests for this docid
		// wait in the waiting table
		g_waitingTable.addKey ( &singleDocId2 , &slot );
		// load the title rec and store its posdb termlists in cache
		XmlDoc *xd;
		try { xd = new ( XmlDoc ); }
		catch ( ... ) {
			g_errno = ENOMEM;
			us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
		mnew ( xd, sizeof(XmlDoc),"msg0xd");
		// always use niceness 1 now even though we use niceness 0
		// to make the cache hits fast
		//niceness = 1;
		// . load the old title rec first and just recycle all
		// . typically there might be a few hundred related docids
		//   each with 50,000 matching queries on average to evaluate
		//   with the gbdocid:xxxx| restriction?
		if ( ! xd->set3 ( singleDocId2 , coll , niceness ) ) {
			us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); return;}
		// init the new xmldoc
		xd->m_callback1 = callWaitingHandlers;
		xd->m_state     = xd;
		// . if this blocks then return
		// . should call loadOldTitleRec() and get JUST the posdb recs
		//   by setting m_useTitledb, etc. to false. then it should
		//   make posdb termlists with the compression using
		//   RdbList::addRecord() and add those lists to 
		//   g_termListCache
		if ( ! xd->cacheTermLists ( ) ) return;
		// otherwise, it completed right away!
		callWaitingHandlers ( xd );

	// init special sectiondb cache?
	if ( rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB && ! s_initCache ) {
		// try to init cache
		if ( ! s_sectiondbCache.init ( 20000000 , // 20MB max mem
					       -1       , // fixed data size
					       false    , // support lists?
					       20000    , // 20k max recs
					       false    , // use half keys?
					       "secdbche", // dbname
					       false, // load from disk?
					       sizeof(key128_t), //cachekeysize
					       0 , // data key size
					       20000 )) // numPtrs max
			log("msg0: failed to init sectiondb cache: %s",
			s_initCache = true;

	// check the sectiondb cache
	if ( rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB ) {
		//int64_t sh48 = g_datedb.getTermId((key128_t *)startKey);
		// use the start key now!!!
		char *data;
		int32_t  dataSize;
		if (s_sectiondbCache.getRecord ( coll,
						 true, // docopy?
						 600, // maxage (10 mins)
						 true, // inc counts?
						 NULL, // cachedtime
						 true // promoteRec?
			// debug
			//log("msg0: got sectiondblist in cache datasize=%"INT32"",
			//    dataSize);
			// send that back
			g_udpServer.sendReply_ass ( data            ,
						    dataSize        ,
						    data            ,
						    dataSize        ,
						    slot            ,
						    60              ,
						    NULL            ,
						    doneSending_ass ,
						    -1              ,
						    -1              ,
						    true            );

	// . do a local get
	// . create a msg5 to get the list
	State00 *st0 ;
	try { st0 = new (State00); }
	catch ( ... ) { 
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("Msg0: new(%"INT32"): %s", 
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); 
	mnew ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "State00" );
	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet )
		st0->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// save slot in state
	st0->m_slot = slot;
	// save udp server to send back reply on
	st0->m_us = us;
	// init this one
	st0->m_niceness = niceness;
	st0->m_rdbId    = rdbId;


	// debug msg
	if ( maxCacheAge != 0 && ! addToCache )
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: check but don't add... rdbid=%"INT32".",
	// . if this request came over on the high priority udp server
	//   make sure the priority gets passed along
	// . return if this blocks
	// . we'll call sendReply later
	if ( ! st0->m_msg5.getList ( rdbId             ,
				     collnum           ,
				     &st0->m_list      ,
				     startKey          ,
				     endKey            ,
				     minRecSizes       ,
				     includeTree       , // include tree?
				     addToCache        , // addToCache?
				     maxCacheAge       ,
				     startFileNum      , 
				     numFiles          ,
				     st0               ,
				     gotListWrapper    ,
				     niceness          ,
				     doErrorCorrection ,
				     NULL , // cacheKeyPtr
				     0    , // retryNum
				     2    , // maxRetries
				     true , // compensateForMerge
				     syncPoint ,
				     NULL,//&st0->m_msg5b ,
				     allowPageCache ) )
	// call wrapper ouselves
	gotListWrapper ( st0 , NULL , NULL );
예제 #9
// . slot should be auto-nuked upon transmission or error
// . TODO: ensure if this sendReply() fails does it really nuke the slot?
void gotListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *listb , Msg5 *msg5xx ) {
	// get the state
	State00 *st0 = (State00 *)state;
	// extract the udp slot and list and msg5
	UdpSlot   *slot =  st0->m_slot;
	RdbList   *list = &st0->m_list;
	Msg5      *msg5 = &st0->m_msg5;
	UdpServer *us   =  st0->m_us;
	// sanity check -- ensure they match
	//if ( niceness != st0->m_niceness )
	//	log("Msg0: niceness mismatch");
	// debug msg
	//if ( niceness != 0 ) 
	//	log("HEY! niceness is not 0");
	// timing debug
	if ( g_conf.m_logTimingNet || g_conf.m_logDebugNet ) {
		//log("Msg0:hndled request %"UINT64"",gettimeofdayInMilliseconds());
		int32_t size = -1;
		if ( list ) size     = list->getListSize();
		    "net: msg0: Handled request for data. "
		    "Now sending data termId=%"UINT64" size=%"INT32""
		    " transId=%"INT32" ip=%s port=%i took=%"INT64" "
		    gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - st0->m_startTime ,
		    st0->m_niceness );
	// debug
	//if ( ! msg5->m_includeTree )
	//	log("hotit\n");
	// on error nuke the list and it's data
	if ( g_errno ) {
		mdelete ( st0 , sizeof(State00) , "Msg0" );
		delete (st0);
		// TODO: free "slot" if this send fails
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );

	// point to the serialized list in "list"
	char *data      = list->getList();
	int32_t  dataSize  = list->getListSize();
	char *alloc     = list->getAlloc();
	int32_t  allocSize = list->getAllocSize();
	// tell list not to free the data since it is a reply so UdpServer
	// will free it when it destroys the slot
	list->setOwnData ( false );
	// keep track of stats
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( st0->m_rdbId );
	if ( rdb ) rdb->sentReplyGet ( dataSize );
	// TODO: can we free any memory here???

	// keep track of how long it takes to complete the send
	st0->m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
	// debug point
	int32_t oldSize = msg5->m_minRecSizes;
	int32_t newSize = msg5->m_minRecSizes + 20;
	// watch for wrap around
	if ( newSize < oldSize ) newSize = 0x7fffffff;
	if ( dataSize > newSize && list->getFixedDataSize() == 0 &&
	     // do not annoy me with these linkdb msgs
	     dataSize > newSize+100 ) 
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"net: msg0: Sending more data than what was "
		    "requested. Ineffcient. Bad engineer. dataSize=%"INT32" "
	// always compress these lists
	if ( st0->m_rdbId == RDB_SECTIONDB ) { // && 1 == 3) {

		// get sh48, the sitehash
		key128_t *startKey = (key128_t *)msg5->m_startKey ;
		int64_t sh48 = g_datedb.getTermId(startKey);

		// debug
		//log("msg0: got sectiondblist from disk listsize=%"INT32"",
		//    list->getListSize());

		if ( dataSize > 50000 )
			log("msg0: sending back list rdb=%"INT32" "
			    "listsize=%"INT32" sh48=0x%"XINT64"",

		// save it
		int32_t origDataSize = dataSize;
		// store compressed list on itself
		char *dst = list->m_list;
		// warn if niceness is 0!
		if ( st0->m_niceness == 0 )
			log("msg0: compressing sectiondb list at niceness 0!");
		// compress the list
		uint32_t lastVoteHash32 = 0LL;
		SectionVote *lastVote = NULL;
		for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
			// breathe
			QUICKPOLL ( st0->m_niceness );
			// get rec
			char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
			// for ehre
			key128_t *key = (key128_t *)rec;
			// the score is the bit which is was set in 
			// Section::m_flags for that docid
			int32_t secType = g_indexdb.getScore ( (char *)key );
			// 0 means it probably used to count # of voters
			// from this site, so i don't think xmldoc uses
			// that any more
			if ( secType == SV_SITE_VOTER ) continue;
			// treat key like a datedb key and get the taghash
			uint32_t h32 = g_datedb.getDate ( key );
			// get data/vote from the current record in the 
			// sectiondb list
			SectionVote *sv=(SectionVote *)list->getCurrentData ();
			// get the average score for this doc
			float avg = sv->m_score ;
			if ( sv->m_numSampled > 0.0 ) avg /= sv->m_numSampled;
			// if same as last guy, add to it
			if ( lastVoteHash32 == h32 && lastVote ) {
				// turn possible multi-vote into single docid
				// into a single vote, with the score averaged.
				lastVote->m_score += avg;
			// otherwise, add in a new guy!
			*(key128_t *)dst = *key;
			dst += sizeof(key128_t);
			// the new vote
			SectionVote *dsv = (SectionVote *)dst;
			dsv->m_score = avg;
			dsv->m_numSampled = 1;
			// set this
			lastVote = dsv;
			lastVoteHash32 = h32;
			// skip over
			dst += sizeof(SectionVote);
		// update the list size now for sending back
		dataSize = dst - data;
		// if the list was over the requested minrecsizes we need
		// to set a flag so that the caller will do a re-call.
		// so making the entire odd, will be the flag.
	        if ( origDataSize > msg5->m_minRecSizes && 
		     dataSize < origDataSize ) {
			*dst++ = '\0';

		// debug
		//log("msg0: compressed sectiondblist from disk "
		//    "newlistsize=%"INT32"", dataSize);
		// use this timestamp
		int32_t now = getTimeLocal();//Global();
		// finally, cache this sucker
		s_sectiondbCache.addRecord ( msg5->m_coll,
					     (char *)startKey,//(char *)&sh48
					     dataSize ,
					     now );
		// ignore errors
		g_errno = 0;
	// for linkdb lists, remove all the keys that have the same IP32
	// and store a count of what we removed somewhere
	if ( st0->m_rdbId == RDB_LINKDB ) {
		// store compressed list on itself
		char *dst = list->m_list;
		// keep stats
		int32_t totalOrigLinks = 0;
		int32_t ipDups = 0;
		int32_t lastIp32 = 0;
		char *listEnd = list->getListEnd();
		// compress the list
		for ( ; ! list->isExhausted() ; list->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
			// breathe
			QUICKPOLL ( st0->m_niceness );
			// count it
			// get rec
			char *rec = list->getCurrentRec();
			int32_t ip32 = g_linkdb.getLinkerIp_uk((key224_t *)rec );
			// same as one before?
			if ( ip32 == lastIp32 && 
			     // are we the last rec? include that for
			     // advancing the m_nextKey in Linkdb more 
			     // efficiently.
			     rec + LDBKS < listEnd ) {
			// store it
			gbmemcpy (dst , rec , LDBKS );
			dst += LDBKS;
			// update it
			lastIp32 = ip32;
		// . if we removed one key, store the stats
		// . caller should recognize reply is not a multiple of
		//   the linkdb key size LDBKS and no its there!
		if ( ipDups ) {
			//*(int32_t *)dst = totalOrigLinks;
			//dst += 4;
			//*(int32_t *)dst = ipDups;
			//dst += 4;
		// update list parms
		list->m_listSize = dst - list->m_list;
		list->m_listEnd  = list->m_list + list->m_listSize;
		data      = list->getList();
		dataSize  = list->getListSize();

	//log("sending replySize=%"INT32" min=%"INT32"",dataSize,msg5->m_minRecSizes);
	// . TODO: dataSize may not equal list->getListMaxSize() so
	//         Mem class may show an imblanace
	// . now g_udpServer is responsible for freeing data/dataSize
	// . the "true" means to call doneSending_ass() from the signal handler
	//   if need be
	st0->m_us->sendReply_ass  ( data            ,
				    dataSize        ,
				    alloc           , // alloc
				    allocSize       , // alloc size
				    slot            ,
				    60              ,
				    st0             ,
				    doneSending_ass ,
				    -1              ,
				    -1              ,
				    true            );
void gotTitleList ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {

	State22 *st = (State22 *)state;
	// if niceness is 0, use the higher priority udpServer
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// shortcut
	Msg22Request *r = st->m_r;
	// breathe

	// send error reply on error
	if ( g_errno ) { 
		log("db: Had error getting title record from titledb: %s.",
		if ( ! g_errno ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		us->sendErrorReply ( st->m_slot , g_errno ); 
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		delete ( st ); 
		return ;

	// convenience var
	RdbList *tlist = &st->m_tlist;

	// set probable docid
	long long pd = 0LL;
	if ( r->m_url[0] ) {
		pd = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(r->m_url);
		if ( pd != st->m_pd ) { 
			log("db: crap probable docids do not match! u=%s",
			g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
			goto hadError;
		// sanity
		//if ( pd != st->m_pd ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// the probable docid is the PREFERRED docid in this case
	if ( r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly ) pd = st->m_r->m_docId;

	// . these are both meant to be available docids
	// . if ad2 gets exhausted we use ad1
	long long ad1 = st->m_docId1;
	long long ad2 = pd;

	bool docIdWasFound = false;

	// scan the titleRecs in the list
	for ( ; ! tlist->isExhausted() ; tlist->skipCurrentRecord ( ) ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( r->m_niceness );
		// get the rec
		char *rec     = tlist->getCurrentRec();
		long  recSize = tlist->getCurrentRecSize();
		// get that key
		key_t *k = (key_t *)rec;
		// skip negative recs, first one should not be negative however
		if ( ( k->n0 & 0x01 ) == 0x00 ) continue;

		// get docid of that titlerec
		long long dd = g_titledb.getDocId(k);

		if ( r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly ) {
			// make sure our available docids are availble!
			if ( dd == ad1 ) ad1++;
			if ( dd == ad2 ) ad2++;
		// if we had a url make sure uh48 matches
		else if ( r->m_url[0] ) {
			// get it
			long long uh48 = g_titledb.getUrlHash48(k);
			// sanity check
			if ( st->m_uh48 == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
			// make sure our available docids are availble!
			if ( dd == ad1 ) ad1++;
			if ( dd == ad2 ) ad2++;
			// we must match this exactly
			if ( uh48 != st->m_uh48 ) continue;
		// otherwise, check docid
		else {
			// compare that
			if ( r->m_docId != dd ) continue;

		// flag that we matched m_docId
		docIdWasFound = true;

		// do not set back titlerec if just want avail docid
		//if ( r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly ) continue;

		// ok, if just "checking tfndb" no need to go further
		if ( r->m_justCheckTfndb ) {
			// send back a good reply (empty means found!)
			us->sendReply_ass ( NULL,0,NULL,0,st->m_slot);
			// don't forget to free the state
			mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
			delete ( st );

		// use rec as reply
		char *reply = rec;

		// . send this rec back, it's a match
		// . if only one rec in list, steal the list's memory
		if ( recSize != tlist->getAllocSize() ) {
			// otherwise, alloc space for the reply
			reply = (char *)mmalloc (recSize, "Msg22");
			if ( ! reply ) goto hadError;
			memcpy ( reply , rec , recSize );
		// otherwise we send back the whole list!
		else {
			// we stole this from list
			tlist->m_ownData = false;
		// off ya go
		// don't forget to free the state
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		delete ( st );
		// all done

	// maybe no available docid if we breached our range
	if ( ad1 >= pd           ) ad1 = 0LL;
	if ( ad2 >  st->m_docId2 ) ad2 = 0LL;
	// get best
	long long ad = ad2;
	// but wrap around if we need to
	if ( ad == 0LL ) ad = ad1;
	// if "docId" was unmatched that should be the preferred available
	// docid then...
	//if(! docIdWasFound && r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly && ad != r->m_docId ) { 
	//	char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	// remember it. this might be zero if none exist!
	st->m_availDocId = ad;
	// note it
	if ( ad == 0LL && (r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly || r->m_url[0]) ) 
		log("msg22: avail docid is 0 for pd=%lli!",pd);

	// . ok, return an available docid
	if ( r->m_url[0] || r->m_justCheckTfndb || r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly ) {
		// store docid in reply
		char *p = st->m_slot->m_tmpBuf;
		// send back the available docid
		*(long long *)p = st->m_availDocId;
		// send it
		us->sendReply_ass ( p , 8 , p , 8 , st->m_slot );
		// don't forget to free state
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		delete ( st );

	// not found! and it was a docid based request...
	log("msg22: could not find title rec for docid %llu",r->m_docId);
	g_errno = ENOTFOUND;
	goto hadError;
void handleRequest22 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) {
	// shortcut
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// get the request
	Msg22Request *r = (Msg22Request *)slot->m_readBuf;
       // get this
	//char *coll = g_collectiondb.getCollName ( r->m_collnum );

	// sanity check
	long  requestSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
	if ( requestSize < r->getMinSize() ) {
		log("db: Got bad request size of %li bytes for title record. "
		    "Need at least 28.",  requestSize );
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADREQUESTSIZE );

	// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
	RdbBase *tbase; 
	if ( ! (tbase=getRdbBase(RDB_TITLEDB,r->m_collnum) ) ) {
		log("db: Could not get title rec in collection # %li "
		    "because rdbbase is null.",
		g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); 

	// overwrite what is in there so niceness conversion algo works
	r->m_niceness = netnice;

	// if just checking tfndb, do not do the cache lookup in clusterdb
	if ( r->m_justCheckTfndb ) r->m_maxCacheAge = 0;

	// keep track of stats
	//if    (r->m_justCheckTfndb)
	//       g_tfndb.getRdb()->readRequestGet(requestSize);
	//      else    
       g_titledb.getRdb()->readRequestGet  (requestSize);

       // breathe
       QUICKPOLL ( r->m_niceness);

       // sanity check
       if ( r->m_collnum < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

       // make the state now
       State22 *st ;
       try { st = new (State22); }
       catch ( ... ) {
	       g_errno = ENOMEM;
	       log("query: Msg22: new(%i): %s", sizeof(State22),
	       us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
       mnew ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
       // store ptr to the msg22request
       st->m_r = r;
       // save for sending back reply
       st->m_slot = slot;

       // then tell slot not to free it since m_r references it!
       // so we'll have to free it when we destroy State22
       st->m_slotAllocSize = slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
       st->m_slotReadBuf   = slot->m_readBuf;
       slot->m_readBuf = NULL;

       // . make the keys for getting recs from tfndb
       // . url recs map docid to the title file # that contains the titleRec
       //key_t uk1 ;
       //key_t uk2 ;
       // . if docId was explicitly specified...
       // . we may get multiple tfndb recs
       if ( ! r->m_url[0] ) {
	       // there are no del bits in tfndb
	       //uk1 = g_tfndb.makeMinKey ( r->m_docId );
	       //uk2 = g_tfndb.makeMaxKey ( r->m_docId );
	       st->m_docId1 = r->m_docId;
	       st->m_docId2 = r->m_docId;

       // but if we are requesting an available docid, it might be taken
       // so try the range
       if ( r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly ) {
	       long long pd = r->m_docId;
	       long long d1 = g_titledb.getFirstProbableDocId ( pd );
	       long long d2 = g_titledb.getLastProbableDocId  ( pd );
	       // sanity - bad url with bad subdomain?
	       if ( pd < d1 || pd > d2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	       // make sure we get a decent sample in titledb then in 
	       // case the docid we wanted is not available
	       st->m_docId1 = d1;
	       st->m_docId2 = d2;

       // . otherwise, url was given, like from Msg15
       // . we may get multiple tfndb recs
       if ( r->m_url[0] ) {
	       long  dlen = 0;
	       // this causes ip based urls to be inconsistent with the call
	       // to getProbableDocId(url) below
	       char *dom  = getDomFast ( r->m_url , &dlen );
	       // bogus url?
	       if ( ! dom ) {
		       log("msg22: got bad url in request: %s",r->m_url);
		       g_errno = EBADURL;
		       us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); 
		       mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		       delete ( st );
	       long long pd = g_titledb.getProbableDocId (r->m_url,dom,dlen);
	       long long d1 = g_titledb.getFirstProbableDocId ( pd );
	       long long d2 = g_titledb.getLastProbableDocId  ( pd );
	       // sanity - bad url with bad subdomain?
	       if ( pd < d1 || pd > d2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	       // there are no del bits in tfndb
	       //uk1 = g_tfndb.makeMinKey ( d1 );
	       //uk2 = g_tfndb.makeMaxKey ( d2 );
	       // store these
	       st->m_pd     = pd;
	       st->m_docId1 = d1;
	       st->m_docId2 = d2;
	       st->m_uh48   = hash64b ( r->m_url ) & 0x0000ffffffffffffLL;
       QUICKPOLL ( r->m_niceness );
       // shortcut
       Rdb *tdb = g_titledb.getRdb();

       // init this
       st->m_tfn2 = -1;
       // skip tfndb lookup if we can. saves some time.
       if ( g_conf.m_readOnlyMode && 
	    // must not be a *url* lookup, it must be a docid lookup
	    ! r->m_url[0] &&
	    // tree must be empty too i guess
	    tdb->getTree()->getNumUsedNodes() ==0 ) {
	       // the RdbBase contains the BigFiles for tfndb
	       RdbBase *base = tdb->m_bases[r->m_collnum];
	       // can only have one titledb file
	       if ( base->getNumFiles() == 1 ) {
		       // now we can get RdbBase
		       st->m_tfn2 = base->m_fileIds2[0];
		       // sanity check
		       if ( st->m_tfn2 < 0 ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0; }

       // check the tree for this docid
       RdbTree *tt = tdb->getTree();
       // make titledb keys
       key_t startKey = g_titledb.makeFirstKey ( st->m_docId1 );
       key_t endKey   = g_titledb.makeLastKey  ( st->m_docId2 );
       long  n        = tt->getNextNode ( r->m_collnum , startKey );
       // there should only be one match, one titlerec per docid!
       for ( ; n >= 0 ; n = tt->getNextNode ( n ) ) {
	       // break if collnum does not match. we exceeded our tree range.
	       if ( tt->getCollnum ( n ) != r->m_collnum ) break;
	       // get the key of this node
	       key_t k = *(key_t *)tt->getKey(n);
	       // if passed limit, break out, no match
	       if ( k > endKey ) break;
	       // if we had a url make sure uh48 matches
	       if ( r->m_url[0] ) {
		       // get it
		       long long uh48 = g_titledb.getUrlHash48(&k);
		       // sanity check
		       if ( st->m_uh48 == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		       // we must match this exactly
		       if ( uh48 != st->m_uh48 ) continue;
	       // . if we matched a negative key, then skip
	       // . just break out here and enter the normal logic
	       // . it should load tfndb and find that it is not in tfndb
	       //   because when you add a negative key to titledb in
	       //   Rdb::addList, it adds a negative rec to tfndb immediately
	       // . NO! because we add the negative key to the tree when we
	       //   delete the old titledb rec, then we add the new one!
	       //   when a negative key is added Rdb::addRecord() removes
	       //   the positive key (and vice versa) from the tree.
	       if ( KEYNEG((char *)&k) ) continue;
	       // if just checking for its existence, we are done
	       if ( r->m_justCheckTfndb ) {
		       us->sendReply_ass ( NULL,0,NULL,0,slot);
		       // don't forget to free the state
		       mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		       delete ( st );
	       // ok, we got a match, return it
	       char *data     = tt->getData     ( n );
	       long  dataSize = tt->getDataSize ( n );
	       // wierd!
	       if ( dataSize == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	       // send the whole rec back
	       long need = 12 + 4 + dataSize;
	       // will this copy it? not!
	       char *buf = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "msg22t" );
	       if ( ! buf ) {
		       us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); 
		       mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		       delete ( st );
	       // log it
	       if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSpider )
		       logf(LOG_DEBUG,"spider: found %s in titledb tree",
	       // store in the buf for sending
	       char *p = buf;
	       // store key
	       *(key_t *)p = k; p += sizeof(key_t);
	       // then dataSize
	       *(long *)p = dataSize; p += 4;
	       // then the data
	       memcpy ( p , data , dataSize ); p += dataSize;
	       // send off the record
	       us->sendReply_ass (buf, need,buf, need,slot);
	       // don't forget to free the state
	       mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
	       delete ( st );

       // if we did not need to consult tfndb cuz we only have one file
       if ( st->m_tfn2 >= 0 ) {
	       gotUrlListWrapper ( st , NULL , NULL );

       // . get the list of url recs for this docid range
       // . this should not block, tfndb SHOULD all be in memory all the time
       // . use 500 million for min recsizes to get all in range
       // . no, using 500MB causes problems for RdbTree::getList, so use
       //   100k. how many recs can there be?
       if ( ! st->m_msg5.getList ( RDB_TFNDB         ,
				   coll              ,
				   &st->m_ulist      ,
				   uk1               , // startKey
				   uk2               , // endKey
				   // use 0x7fffffff preceisely because it
				   // will determine eactly how long the
				   // tree list needs to allocate in Msg5.cpp
				   0x7fffffff        , // minRecSizes
				   true              , // includeTree?
				   false             , // addToCache?
				   0                 , // max cache age
				   0                 , // startFileNum
				   -1                , // numFiles (-1 =all)
				   st                ,
				   gotUrlListWrapper ,
				   r->m_niceness     ,
				   true              ))// error correction?
	       return ;
       // we did not block
       gotUrlListWrapper ( st , NULL , NULL );

static void gotTitleList ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) ;

void gotUrlListWrapper ( void *state , RdbList *list , Msg5 *msg5 ) {
	// shortcuts
	State22   *st = (State22 *)state;
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;

	// bail on error
	if ( g_errno ) { 
		log("db: Had error getting info from tfndb: %s.",
		log("db: uk1.n1=%li n0=%lli uk2.n1=%li n0=%lli "
		    "d1=%lli d2=%lli.",
		    ((key_t *)st->m_msg5.m_startKey)->n1 ,
		    ((key_t *)st->m_msg5.m_startKey)->n0 ,
		    ((key_t *)st->m_msg5.m_endKey)->n1   ,
		    ((key_t *)st->m_msg5.m_endKey)->n0   ,
		    st->m_docId1 ,
		    st->m_docId2 );
		us->sendErrorReply ( st->m_slot , g_errno ); 
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		delete ( st );

	// shortcuts
	RdbList      *ulist = &st->m_ulist;
	Msg22Request *r     = st->m_r;
	char         *coll  = g_collectiondb.getCollName ( r->m_collnum );

	// point to top just in case

	// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
	RdbBase *tbase = getRdbBase(RDB_TITLEDB,coll);

	// set probable docid
	long long pd = 0LL;
	if ( r->m_url[0] ) {
		pd = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(r->m_url);
		// sanity
		if ( pd != st->m_pd ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// . these are both meant to be available docids
	// . if ad2 gets exhausted we use ad1
	long long ad1 = st->m_docId1;
	long long ad2 = pd;

	long tfn = -1;
	// sanity check. make sure did not load from tfndb if did not need to
	if ( ! ulist->isExhausted() && st->m_tfn2 >= 0 ) {char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
	// if only one titledb file and none in memory use it
	if ( st->m_tfn2 >= 0 ) tfn = st->m_tfn2;

	// we may have multiple tfndb recs but we should NEVER have to read
	// multiple titledb files...
	for ( ; ! ulist->isExhausted() ; ulist->skipCurrentRecord() ) {
		// breathe
		QUICKPOLL ( r->m_niceness );
		// get first rec
		key_t k = ulist->getCurrentKey();
		// . skip negative keys
		// . seems to happen when we have tfndb in the tree...
		if ( KEYNEG((char *)&k) ) continue;

		// if we have a url and no docid, we gotta check uh48!
		if ( r->m_url[0] && g_tfndb.getUrlHash48(&k)!=st->m_uh48){
			// get docid of that guy
			long long dd = g_tfndb.getDocId(&k);
			// if matches avail docid, inc it
			if ( dd == ad1 ) ad1++;
			if ( dd == ad2 ) ad2++;
			// try next tfndb key
		// . get file num this rec is stored in
		// . this is updated right after the file num is merged by
		//   scanning all records in tfndb. this is very quick if all
		//   of tfndb is in memory, otherwise, it might take a few
		//   seconds. update call done in RdbMerge::incorporateMerge().
		tfn = g_tfndb.getTfn ( &k );
		// i guess we got a good match!

	// sanity check. 255 used to mean in spiderdb or in tree
	if ( tfn >= 255 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// maybe no available docid if we breached our range
	if ( ad1 >= pd           ) ad1 = 0LL;
	if ( ad2 >  st->m_docId2 ) ad2 = 0LL;
	// get best
	long long ad = ad2;
	// but wrap around if we need to
	if ( ad == 0LL ) ad = ad1;

	// breathe
	QUICKPOLL ( r->m_niceness);

	// . log if different
	// . if our url rec was in there, this could still be different
	//   if there was another url rec in there with the same docid and
	//   a diferent extension, but with a tfn of 255, meaning that it
	//   is just in spiderdb and not in titledb yet. so it hasn't been
	//   assigned a permanent docid...
	// . another way "ad" may be different now is from the old bug which
	//   did not chain the docid properly because it limited the docid
	//   chaining to one titleRec file. so conceivably we can have 
	//   different docs sharing the same docids, but with different 
	//   url hash extensions. for instance, on host #9 we have:
	//   00f3b2ff63aec3a9 docId=261670033643 e=0x58 tfn=117 clean=0 half=0 
	//   00f3b2ff63af66c9 docId=261670033643 e=0x6c tfn=217 clean=0 half=0 
	// . Msg16 will only use the avail docid if the titleRec is not found
	if ( r->m_url[0] && pd != ad ) {
		//log(LOG_INFO,"build: Docid %lli collided. %s Changing "
		// http://www.airliegardens.org/events.asp?dt=2&date=8/5/2011
		// http://www.bbonline.com/i/chicago.html
		// collision alert!
		log("spider: Docid %lli collided. %s Changing "
		    "to %lli.", r->m_docId , r->m_url , ad );
		// debug this for now
		//char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; 

	// remember it
	st->m_availDocId = ad;

	// if tfn is -1 then it was not in titledb
	if ( tfn == -1 ) { 
		// store docid in reply
		char *p = st->m_slot->m_tmpBuf;
		// send back the available docid
		*(long long *)p = ad;
		// send it
		us->sendReply_ass ( p , 8 , p , 8 , st->m_slot );
		// don't forget to free state
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		delete ( st );

	// sanity
	if ( tfn < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// breathe
	QUICKPOLL ( r->m_niceness );

	// ok, if just "checking tfndb" no need to go further
	if ( r->m_justCheckTfndb ) {
		// send back a good reply (empty means found!)
		us->sendReply_ass ( NULL,0,NULL,0,st->m_slot);
		// don't forget to free the state
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		delete ( st );

	// . compute the file scan range
	// . tfn is now equivalent to Rdb's id2, a secondary file id, it
	//   follows the hyphen in "titledb0001-023.dat"
	// . default to just scan the root file AND the tree, cuz we're
	//   assuming restrictToRoot was set to true so we did not get a tfndb
	//   list
	// . even if a file number is given, always check the tree in case
	//   it got re-spidered
	// . shit, but we can still miss it if it gets dumped right after
	//   our thread is spawned, in which case we'd fall back to the old
	//   version. no. because if its in the tree now we get it before
	//   spawning a thread. there is no blocking. TRICKY. so if it is in 
	//   the tree at this point we'll get it, but may end up scanning the
	//   file with the older version of the doc... not too bad.
	long startFileNum = tbase->getFileNumFromId2 ( tfn );

	// if tfn refers to a missing titledb file...
	if ( startFileNum < 0 ) {
		if ( r->m_url[0] ) log("db: titledb missing url %s",r->m_url);
		else        log("db: titledb missing docid %lli", r->m_docId);
		us->sendErrorReply ( st->m_slot,ENOTFOUND );
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
		delete ( st ); 
		return ;

	// save this
	st->m_tfn = tfn;
	// make the cacheKey ourself, since Msg5 would make the key wrong
	// since it would base it on startFileNum and numFiles
	key_t cacheKey ; cacheKey.n1 = 0; cacheKey.n0 = r->m_docId;
	// make titledb keys
	key_t startKey = g_titledb.makeFirstKey ( st->m_docId1 );
	key_t endKey   = g_titledb.makeLastKey  ( st->m_docId2 );

	// . load the list of title recs from disk now
	// . our file range should be solid
	// . use 500 million for min recsizes to get all in range
	if ( ! st->m_msg5.getList ( RDB_TITLEDB       ,
				    r->m_collnum ,
				    &st->m_tlist      ,
				    startKey          , // startKey
				    endKey            , // endKey
				    500000000         , // minRecSizes
				    true              , // includeTree
				    false,//r->m_addToCache   , // addToCache?
				    0,//r->m_maxCacheAge  , // max cache age
				    0,//startFileNum      ,
				    -1                 , // numFiles
				    st , // state             ,
				    gotTitleList      ,
				    r->m_niceness     ,
				    true              , // do error correct?
				    &cacheKey         ,
				    0                 , // retry num
				    -1                , // maxRetries
				    true              , // compensate for merge
				    -1LL              , // sync point
				    &st->m_msg5b      ) ) return ;

	// we did not block, nice... in cache?
	gotTitleList ( st , NULL , NULL );
// rcp our files to a new host (was a spare)
void handleRequest55 ( UdpSlot *slot , long netnice ) {
	// who should we copy to?
	char *p    = slot->m_readBuf;
	long  size = slot->m_readBufSize;
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// get hostid
	long hostId = -1;
	if ( size == 4 ) hostId = *(long *)p;
	// panic?
	if ( hostId < 0 || hostId >= g_hostdb.getNumHosts() ) {
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADENGINEER );
	// set this. RdbBase will turn off all merging
	Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( hostId );
	// only one at a time now!
	if ( g_hostdb.m_syncHost ) { 
		log ( "sync: Already syncing with another host. Aborting.");
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADENGINEER );
	// can't sync with ourselves
	if ( h == g_hostdb.m_myHost ) { 
		log ( "sync: Cannot sync with yourself. Aborting.");
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADENGINEER );
	if ( ! g_hostdb.isDead ( h ) ) {
		log ( "sync: Cannot sync live host. Aborting.");
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADENGINEER );
	Host *me = g_hostdb.m_myHost;
	if ( me->m_isPermanentOutOfSync ) {
		log ( "sync: Src host is permanently out of sync. Aborting.");
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADENGINEER );
	// now check it for a clean directory
	long ip = h->m_ip;
	// if that is dead use ip #2
	if ( h->m_ping        >= g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout &&
	     h->m_pingShotgun <  g_conf.m_deadHostTimeout   ) 
		ip = h->m_ipShotgun;
	char *ips = iptoa(ip);
	char cmd[1024];
	sprintf ( cmd, "ssh %s \"cd %s; du -b | tail -n 1\" > ./synccheck.txt",
		  ips, h->m_dir );
	log ( LOG_INFO, "init: %s", cmd );
	long fd = open ( "./synccheck.txt", O_RDONLY );
	if ( fd < 0 ) {
		log( "sync: Unable to open synccheck.txt. Aborting.");
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADENGINEER );

	long len = read ( fd, cmd, 1023 );
	cmd[len] = '\0';
	// delete the file to make sure we don't reuse it
	system ( "rm ./synccheck.txt" );
	// check the size
	long checkSize = atol(cmd);
	if ( checkSize > 4096 || checkSize <= 0 ) {
		log("sync: Detected %li bytes in directory to "
		    "sync.  Must be empty.  Is .antiword dir in "
		    "there?", checkSize);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADENGINEER );
	// RdbBase will not start any new merges if this m_syncHost is set
	g_hostdb.m_syncHost = h;
        // set this flag
	g_hostdb.m_syncHost->m_doingSync = 1;
예제 #13
void handleRequest22 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) {
	// shortcut
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// get the request
	Msg22Request *r = (Msg22Request *)slot->m_readBuf;

	// sanity check
	int32_t  requestSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
	if ( requestSize < r->getMinSize() ) {
		log("db: Got bad request size of %" PRId32" bytes for title record. "
		    "Need at least 28.",  requestSize );
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADREQUESTSIZE );

	// get base, returns NULL and sets g_errno to ENOCOLLREC on error
	RdbBase *tbase = getRdbBase( RDB_TITLEDB, r->m_collnum );
	if ( ! tbase ) {
		log("db: Could not get title rec in collection # %" PRId32" because rdbbase is null.", (int32_t)r->m_collnum);
		g_errno = EBADENGINEER;
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno ); 

	// overwrite what is in there so niceness conversion algo works
	r->m_niceness = netnice;

	// if just checking tfndb, do not do the cache lookup in clusterdb
	if ( r->m_justCheckTfndb ) {
		r->m_maxCacheAge = 0;

	g_titledb.getRdb()->readRequestGet  (requestSize);

	// breathe
	QUICKPOLL ( r->m_niceness);

	// sanity check
	if ( r->m_collnum < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// make the state now
	State22 *st ;
	try { st = new (State22); }
	catch ( ... ) {
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("query: Msg22: new(%" PRId32"): %s", (int32_t)sizeof(State22),
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
	mnew ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );

	// store ptr to the msg22request
	st->m_r = r;
	// save for sending back reply
	st->m_slot = slot;

	// then tell slot not to free it since m_r references it!
	// so we'll have to free it when we destroy State22
	st->m_slotAllocSize = slot->m_readBufMaxSize;
	st->m_slotReadBuf   = slot->m_readBuf;
	slot->m_readBuf = NULL;

	// . if docId was explicitly specified...
	// . we may get multiple tfndb recs
	if ( ! r->m_url[0] ) {
	   st->m_docId1 = r->m_docId;
	   st->m_docId2 = r->m_docId;

	// but if we are requesting an available docid, it might be taken
	// so try the range
	if ( r->m_getAvailDocIdOnly ) {
	   int64_t pd = r->m_docId;
	   int64_t d1 = g_titledb.getFirstProbableDocId ( pd );
	   int64_t d2 = g_titledb.getLastProbableDocId  ( pd );
	   // sanity - bad url with bad subdomain?
	   if ( pd < d1 || pd > d2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	   // make sure we get a decent sample in titledb then in
	   // case the docid we wanted is not available
	   st->m_docId1 = d1;
	   st->m_docId2 = d2;

	// . otherwise, url was given, like from Msg15
	// . we may get multiple tfndb recs
	if ( r->m_url[0] ) {
	   int32_t  dlen = 0;
	   // this causes ip based urls to be inconsistent with the call
	   // to getProbableDocId(url) below
	   char *dom  = getDomFast ( r->m_url , &dlen );
	   // bogus url?
	   if ( ! dom ) {
	       log("msg22: got bad url in request: %s from "
		   "hostid %" PRId32" for msg22 call ",
	       g_errno = EBADURL;
	       log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply.", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
	       us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
	       mdelete ( st , sizeof(State22) , "Msg22" );
	       delete ( st );
	   int64_t pd = g_titledb.getProbableDocId (r->m_url,dom,dlen);
	   int64_t d1 = g_titledb.getFirstProbableDocId ( pd );
	   int64_t d2 = g_titledb.getLastProbableDocId  ( pd );
	   // sanity - bad url with bad subdomain?
	   if ( pd < d1 || pd > d2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	   // store these
	   st->m_pd     = pd;
	   st->m_docId1 = d1;
	   st->m_docId2 = d2;
	   st->m_uh48   = hash64b ( r->m_url ) & 0x0000ffffffffffffLL;

	QUICKPOLL ( r->m_niceness );

	// make the cacheKey ourself, since Msg5 would make the key wrong
	// since it would base it on startFileNum and numFiles
	key_t cacheKey ; cacheKey.n1 = 0; cacheKey.n0 = r->m_docId;
	// make titledb keys
	key_t startKey = g_titledb.makeFirstKey ( st->m_docId1 );
	key_t endKey   = g_titledb.makeLastKey  ( st->m_docId2 );

	// . load the list of title recs from disk now
	// . our file range should be solid
	// . use 500 million for min recsizes to get all in range
	if ( ! st->m_msg5.getList ( RDB_TITLEDB       ,
				    r->m_collnum ,
				    &st->m_tlist      ,
				    startKey          , // startKey
				    endKey            , // endKey
				    500000000         , // minRecSizes
				    true              , // includeTree
				    false,//r->m_addToCache   , // addToCache?
				    0,//r->m_maxCacheAge  , // max cache age
				    0,//startFileNum      ,
				    -1                 , // numFiles
				    st , // state             ,
				    gotTitleList      ,
				    r->m_niceness     ,
				    true              , // do error correct?
				    &cacheKey         ,
				    0                 , // retry num
				    -1                , // maxRetries
				    true              , // compensate for merge
				    -1LL              ) ) // sync point
		return ;

	// we did not block, nice... in cache?
	gotTitleList ( st , NULL , NULL );
예제 #14
// . destroys the slot if false is returned
// . this is registered in Msg1::set() to handle add rdb record msgs
// . seems like we should always send back a reply so we don't leave the
//   requester's slot hanging, unless he can kill it after transmit success???
// . TODO: need we send a reply back on success????
// . NOTE: Must always call g_udpServer::sendReply or sendErrorReply() so
//   read/send bufs can be freed
void handleRequest1 ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t netnice ) {

	// extract what we read
	char *readBuf     = slot->m_readBuf;
	int32_t  readBufSize = slot->m_readBufSize;
	int32_t niceness = slot->m_niceness;

	// select udp server based on niceness
	UdpServer *us = &g_udpServer;
	// must at least have an rdbId
	if ( readBufSize <= 4 ) {
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply. Request too short", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot , g_errno );
	char *p    = readBuf;
	char *pend = readBuf + readBufSize;
	// extract rdbId
	char rdbId = *p++;
	// get the rdb to which it belongs, use Msg0::getRdb()
	Rdb *rdb = getRdbFromId ( (char) rdbId );
	if ( ! rdb ) { 
		log(LOG_ERROR,"%s:%s:%d: call sendErrorReply. Bad rdbid", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);
		us->sendErrorReply ( slot, EBADRDBID ); 
	// keep track of stats
	rdb->readRequestAdd ( readBufSize );
	// reset g_errno
	g_errno = 0;
	// are we injecting some title recs?
	bool injecting;
	if ( *p & 0x80 ) injecting = true;
	else             injecting = false;
	// then collection
	//char *coll = p;
	//p += strlen (p) + 1;
	collnum_t collnum = *(collnum_t *)p;
	p += sizeof(collnum_t);
	// . make a list from this data
	// . skip over the first 4 bytes which is the rdbId
	// . TODO: embed the rdbId in the msgtype or something...
	RdbList list;
	// set the list
	list.set ( p        , // readBuf     + 4         ,
		   pend - p , // readBufSize - 4         ,
		   p        , // readBuf     + 4         ,
		   pend - p , // readBufSize - 4         ,
		   rdb->getFixedDataSize() ,
		   false                   ,  // ownData?
		   rdb->useHalfKeys()      ,
		   rdb->getKeySize ()      ); 
	// note it
	//log("msg1: handlerequest1 calling addlist niceness=%" PRId32,niceness);
	//log("msg1: handleRequest1 niceness=%" PRId32,niceness);
	// this returns false and sets g_errno on error
	rdb->addList ( collnum , &list , niceness);
	// if titledb, add tfndb recs to map the title recs
	//if ( ! g_errno && rdb == g_titledb.getRdb() && injecting ) 
	//	updateTfndb ( coll , &list , true, 0);
	// but if deleting a "new" and unforced record from spiderdb
	// then only delete tfndb record if it was tfn=255
	//if ( ! g_errno && rdb == g_spiderdb.getRdb() )
	//	updateTfndb2 ( coll , &list , false );
	// retry on some errors
	addedList ( slot , rdb );