예제 #1
파일: OAI_MAR3.cpp 프로젝트: brianV/7kaa
//------ Begin of function Nation::ai_sea_attack_target ------//
// <int> targetXLoc, targetYLoc - the location of the target.
int Nation::ai_sea_attack_target(int targetXLoc, int targetYLoc)
	UnitMarine* unitMarine;
	int 		   targetRegionId = world.get_region_id(targetXLoc, targetYLoc);
	int			rc = 0;

	for( int i=0 ; i<ai_ship_count ; i++ )
		unitMarine = (UnitMarine*) unit_array[ ai_ship_array[i] ];

		if( unitMarine->attack_count==0 )

		if( !unitMarine->is_ai_all_stop() )

		//----- if the ship is in the harbor now -----//

		if( unitMarine->unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_IN_HARBOR )
			FirmHarbor*	firmHarbor = (FirmHarbor*) firm_array[unitMarine->unit_mode_para];

			if( firmHarbor->sea_region_id != targetRegionId )

			firmHarbor->sail_ship(unitMarine->sprite_recno, COMMAND_AI);

		if( !unitMarine->is_visible() )		// no space in the sea for placing the ship

		if( unitMarine->region_id() != targetRegionId )

		//------ order the ship to attack the target ------//

		unitMarine->attack_unit( targetXLoc, targetYLoc );
		rc = 1;

	return rc;
예제 #2
파일: OAI_MAR2.cpp 프로젝트: brianV/7kaa
//-------- Begin of function Nation::ai_find_transport_ship -------//
// Locate a ship for transporting units.
// <int> seaRegionId			 - region id. of the sea which the ship should appear in.
// <int> unitXLoc, unitYLoc - the location of the units to be picked up,
//									   try to select a harbor close to this location.
// [int] findBest           - whether need to find the best ship or just return
//									   one if there is one found. (default: 1)
// return: <int> the recno of the ship located.
int Nation::ai_find_transport_ship(int seaRegionId, int unitXLoc, int unitYLoc, int findBest)
	//------- locate a suitable ship --------//

	UnitMarine* unitMarine;
	int			curRating, bestRating=0, bestUnitRecno=0;

	for( int i=0 ; i<ai_ship_count ; i++ )
		unitMarine = (UnitMarine*) unit_array[ ai_ship_array[i] ];

		err_when( unit_res[unitMarine->unit_id]->unit_class != UNIT_CLASS_SHIP );

		if( unitMarine->unit_count > 0 ||										// if there are already units in the ship
			 unit_res[unitMarine->unit_id]->carry_unit_capacity==0 )		// if the ship does not carry units

		//------- if this ship is in the harbor ---------//

		if( unitMarine->unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_IN_HARBOR )
			FirmHarbor* firmHarbor = (FirmHarbor*) firm_array[unitMarine->unit_mode_para];

			err_when( firmHarbor->firm_id != FIRM_HARBOR );

			if( firmHarbor->sea_region_id != seaRegionId )

		//--------- if this ship is on the sea ----------//

			if( !unitMarine->is_ai_all_stop() )

			if( unitMarine->region_id() != seaRegionId )

			err_when( !unitMarine->is_visible() );

			if( !unitMarine->is_visible() )

		//--------- check if the sea region is matched ---------//

		if( !findBest )		// return immediately when a suitable one is found
			return unitMarine->sprite_recno;

		curRating = world.distance_rating( unitXLoc, unitYLoc,
						unitMarine->next_x_loc(), unitMarine->next_y_loc() );

		curRating += (int)unitMarine->hit_points/10				// damage
						 + (int)unitMarine->max_hit_points/10;	// ship class

		if( curRating > bestRating )
			bestRating 	  = curRating;
			bestUnitRecno = unitMarine->sprite_recno;

	return bestUnitRecno;