예제 #1
void CTimeProfiler::AddTime(const std::string& name, unsigned time)

	std::map<std::string, TimeRecord>::iterator pi;
	if ( (pi = profile.find(name)) != profile.end() )
		memset(profile[name].frames, 0, 128*sizeof(unsigned));
		static UnsyncedRNG rand;
		profile[name].color.x = rand.RandFloat();
		profile[name].color.y = rand.RandFloat();
		profile[name].color.z = rand.RandFloat();
예제 #2
void CTimeProfiler::AddTime(const std::string& name, unsigned time)

	std::map<std::string, TimeRecord>::iterator pi;
	if ( (pi = profile.find(name)) != profile.end() ) {
		// profile already exists
	} else {
		// create a new profile
		memset(profile[name].frames, 0, TimeRecord::frames_size*sizeof(unsigned));
		static UnsyncedRNG rand;
		profile[name].color.x = rand.RandFloat();
		profile[name].color.y = rand.RandFloat();
		profile[name].color.z = rand.RandFloat();
		// only show "CPU load" by default
		profile[name].showGraph = (name == "CPU load");
예제 #3
void CTimeProfiler::AddTime(const std::string& name, const spring_time time, const bool showGraph)
	std::map<std::string, TimeRecord>::iterator pi;
	if ( (pi = profile.find(name)) != profile.end() ) {
		// profile already exists
		//FIXME use atomic ints
		pi->second.total   += time;
		pi->second.current += time;
		pi->second.frames[currentPosition] += time;
	} else {
		boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> ulk(m, boost::defer_lock);
		while (!ulk.try_lock()) {}

		// create a new profile
		auto& p = profile[name];
		p.total   = time;
		p.current = time;
		p.percent = 0;
		memset(p.frames, 0, TimeRecord::frames_size * sizeof(unsigned));
		static UnsyncedRNG rand;
		p.color.x = rand.RandFloat();
		p.color.y = rand.RandFloat();
		p.color.z = rand.RandFloat();
		p.showGraph = showGraph;
예제 #4
static STurfParams GetTurfParams(UnsyncedRNG& rng, const int x, const int y)
	STurfParams result;
	result.x = (x + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;
	result.y = (y + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;
	result.rotation = rng.RandFloat() * 360.f;
	return result;
예제 #5
void CGrassDrawer::CreateGrassDispList(int listNum)
	CVertexArray* va = GetVertexArray();

	for (int a = 0; a < strawPerTurf; ++a) {
		// draw a single blade
		const float lngRnd = rng.RandFloat();
		const float length = mapInfo->grass.bladeHeight * (1.0f + lngRnd);
		const float maxAng = mapInfo->grass.bladeAngle * std::max(rng.RandFloat(), 1.f - smoothstep(0.f,1.f,lngRnd));

		float3 sideVect(rng.RandFloat() - 0.5f, 0.0f, rng.RandFloat() - 0.5f);
		float3 bendVect = sideVect.cross(UpVector); // direction to bend into
		sideVect *= mapInfo->grass.bladeWidth * (-0.15f * lngRnd + 1.0f);
		const float3 basePos = rng.RandVector2D() * (turfSize - (bendVect * std::sin(maxAng) * length).Length2D());

		// select one of the 16 color shadings
		const float xtexCoord = (rng.RandInt() % 16) / 16.0f;
		const int numSections = 2 + int(maxAng * 1.2f + length * 0.2f);

		float3 normalBend = -bendVect;

		// start btm
		va->AddVertexTN(basePos + sideVect - float3(0.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f), xtexCoord              , 0.f, normalBend);
		va->AddVertexTN(basePos - sideVect - float3(0.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f), xtexCoord + (1.0f / 16), 0.f, normalBend);

		for (float h = 0.0f; h < 1.0f; h += (1.0f / numSections)) {
			const float ang = maxAng * h;
			const float3 n = (normalBend * std::cos(ang) + UpVector * std::sin(ang)).ANormalize();
			const float3 edgePos  = (UpVector * std::cos(ang) + bendVect * std::sin(ang)) * length * h;
			const float3 edgePosL = edgePos - sideVect * (1.0f - h);
			const float3 edgePosR = edgePos + sideVect * (1.0f - h);

			va->AddVertexTN(basePos + edgePosR, xtexCoord + (1.0f / 32) * h              , h, (n + sideVect * 0.04f).ANormalize());
			va->AddVertexTN(basePos + edgePosL, xtexCoord - (1.0f / 32) * h + (1.0f / 16), h, (n - sideVect * 0.04f).ANormalize());

		// end top tip (single triangle)
		const float3 edgePos = (UpVector * std::cos(maxAng) + bendVect * std::sin(maxAng)) * length;
		const float3 n = (normalBend * std::cos(maxAng) + UpVector * std::sin(maxAng)).ANormalize();
		va->AddVertexTN(basePos + edgePos, xtexCoord + (1.0f / 32), 1.0f, n);

		// next blade

	glNewList(listNum, GL_COMPILE);
예제 #6
void CGrassDrawer::CreateGrassBladeTex(unsigned char* buf)
	float3 col( mapInfo->grass.color + float3(0.11f * rng.RandFloat(), 0.08f * rng.RandFloat(), 0.11f * rng.RandFloat()) );
	col.x = Clamp(col.x, 0.f, 1.f);
	col.y = Clamp(col.y, 0.f, 1.f);
	col.z = Clamp(col.z, 0.f, 1.f);

	SColor* img = reinterpret_cast<SColor*>(buf);
	for(int y=0;y<64;++y){
		for(int x=0;x<16;++x){
			const float brightness = (0.4f + 0.6f * (y/63.0f));
			img[y*256+x] = SColor(col.r * brightness, col.g * brightness, col.b * brightness, 1.0f);
예제 #7
void CGrassDrawer::DrawNearBillboards(const std::vector<InviewNearGrass>& inviewNearGrass)
	CVertexArray* va = GetVertexArray();
	va->EnlargeArrays(inviewNearGrass.size() * numTurfs * 4, 0, VA_SIZE_TN);

	for (std::vector<InviewNearGrass>::const_iterator gi = inviewNearGrass.begin(); gi != inviewNearGrass.end(); ++gi) {
		const int x = (*gi).x;
		const int y = (*gi).y;

		rng.Seed(y * 1025 + x);

		for (int a = 0; a < numTurfs; a++) {
			const float dx = (x + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;
			const float dy = (y + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;
			const float col = 1.0f;

			float3 pos(dx, CGround::GetHeightReal(dx, dy, false) + 0.5f, dy);
				pos.y -= (CGround::GetSlope(dx, dy, false) * 10.0f + 0.03f);

			va->AddVertexQTN(pos,         0.0f, 0.0f, float3(-partTurfSize, -partTurfSize, col));
			va->AddVertexQTN(pos, 1.0f / 16.0f, 0.0f, float3( partTurfSize, -partTurfSize, col));
			va->AddVertexQTN(pos, 1.0f / 16.0f, 1.0f, float3( partTurfSize,  partTurfSize, col));
			va->AddVertexQTN(pos,         0.0f, 1.0f, float3(-partTurfSize,  partTurfSize, col));

예제 #8
void CGrassDrawer::CreateGrassDispList(int listNum)
	CVertexArray* va = GetVertexArray();

	for (int a = 0; a < strawPerTurf; ++a) {
		const float maxAng = mapInfo->grass.bladeAngle * rng.RandFloat();
		const float length = mapInfo->grass.bladeHeight + mapInfo->grass.bladeHeight * rng.RandFloat();

		float3 sideVect(rng.RandFloat() - 0.5f, 0.0f, rng.RandFloat() - 0.5f);
		float3 forwardVect = sideVect.cross(UpVector);
		sideVect *= mapInfo->grass.bladeWidth;

		float3 basePos(30.0f, 0.0f, 30.0f);
		while (basePos.SqLength2D() > (turfSize * turfSize / 4)) {
			basePos  = float3(rng.RandFloat() - 0.5f, 0.f, rng.RandFloat() - 0.5f) * turfSize;

		const float xtexCoord = int(14.9999f * rng.RandFloat()) / 16.0f;
		const int numSections = 1 + int(maxAng * 5.0f);

		// draw single blade
		for (float h = 0; h <= 1.0f; h += (1.0f / numSections)) {
			const float ang = maxAng * h;

			const float3 edgePos  = (UpVector * std::cos(ang) + forwardVect * std::sin(ang)) * length * h;
			const float3 edgePosL = edgePos - sideVect * (1.0f - h);
			const float3 edgePosR = edgePos + sideVect * (1.0f - h);

			if (h == 0.0f) {
				// start with a degenerated triangle
				va->AddVertexT(basePos + edgePosR - float3(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f), xtexCoord, h);
				va->AddVertexT(basePos + edgePosR - float3(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f), xtexCoord, h);
			} else {
				va->AddVertexT(basePos + edgePosR, xtexCoord, h);

			va->AddVertexT(basePos + edgePosL, xtexCoord + (1.0f / 16), h);

		// end with a degenerated triangle
		// -> this way we can render multiple blades in a single GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP
		const float3 edgePos = (UpVector * std::cos(maxAng) + forwardVect * std::sin(maxAng)) * length;
		va->AddVertexT(basePos + edgePos, xtexCoord + (1.0f / 32), 1.0f);
		va->AddVertexT(basePos + edgePos, xtexCoord + (1.0f / 32), 1.0f);

	glNewList(listNum, GL_COMPILE);
예제 #9
void CGrassDrawer::CreateGrassBladeTex(unsigned char* buf)
	float3 redish = float3(0.95f, 0.70f, 0.4f);
	float3 col = mix(mapInfo->grass.color, redish, 0.1f * rng.RandFloat());
	col.x = Clamp(col.x, 0.f, 1.f);
	col.y = Clamp(col.y, 0.f, 1.f);
	col.z = Clamp(col.z, 0.f, 1.f);

	SColor* img = reinterpret_cast<SColor*>(buf);
	for (int y=0; y<64; ++y) {
		for (int x=0; x<16; ++x) {
			const float brightness = smoothstep(-0.8f, 0.5f, y/63.0f) + ((x%2) == 0 ? 0.035f : 0.0f);
			const float3 c = col * brightness;
			img[y*256+x] = SColor(c.r, c.g, c.b, 1.0f);
예제 #10
void CGrassDrawer::DrawBillboard(const int x, const int y, const float dist, VA_TYPE_TN* va_tn)
	UnsyncedRNG rng; // need our own, cause this function may run threaded
	rng.Seed(y * mapDims.mapx / grassSquareSize + x);
	const float rdist  = 1.0f + rng.RandFloat() * 0.5f;
	float alpha = 1.0f - linearstep(maxGrassDist,  maxGrassDist + 127.f, dist + 128.f);
	alpha = std::min(alpha, linearstep(maxDetailedDist, maxDetailedDist + 128.f * rdist, dist));

	for (int a = 0; a < numTurfs; a++) {
		const STurfParams p = GetTurfParams(rng, x, y);
		float3 pos(p.x, CGround::GetHeightReal(p.x, p.y, false), p.y);
			pos.y -= CGround::GetSlope(p.x, p.y, false) * 30.0f;

		va_tn[a * 4 + 0] = { pos,         0.0f, 1.0f, float3(-partTurfSize, -partTurfSize, alpha) };
		va_tn[a * 4 + 1] = { pos, 1.0f / 16.0f, 1.0f, float3( partTurfSize, -partTurfSize, alpha) };
		va_tn[a * 4 + 2] = { pos, 1.0f / 16.0f, 0.0f, float3( partTurfSize,  partTurfSize, alpha) };
		va_tn[a * 4 + 3] = { pos,         0.0f, 0.0f, float3(-partTurfSize,  partTurfSize, alpha) };
예제 #11
void CGrassBlockDrawer::DrawDetailQuad(const int x, const int y)
	const float maxDetailedDist = gd->maxDetailedDist;

	// blocks close to the camera
	for (int y2 = y * grassBlockSize; y2 < (y + 1) * grassBlockSize; ++y2) {
		for (int x2 = x * grassBlockSize; x2 < (x + 1) * grassBlockSize; ++x2) {
			if (!gd->grassMap[y2 * gs->mapx / grassSquareSize + x2]) {

			rng.Seed(y2 * gs->mapx / grassSquareSize + x2);
			const float dist  = GetCamDistOfGrassBlock(x2, y2, false);
			const float rdist = 1.0f + rng.RandFloat() * 0.5f;

			//TODO instead of adding grass turfs depending on their distance to the camera,
			//     there should be a fixed sized pool for mesh & billboard turfs
			//     and then we fill these pools with _preference_ for close distance turfs.
			//     So when a map has only less turfs, render them independent of the cam distance as mesh.
			//     -> see Ravaged_2
			if (dist < (maxDetailedDist + 128.f * rdist)) {
				// close grass (render as mesh)
				CGrassDrawer::InviewNearGrass iv;
				iv.dist = dist;
				iv.x = x2;
				iv.y = y2;

			if (dist > maxDetailedDist) {
				// near but not close, save for later drawing
				CGrassDrawer::InviewNearGrass iv;
				iv.dist = dist;
				iv.x = x2;
				iv.y = y2;
예제 #12
void CGrassDrawer::DrawNear(const std::vector<InviewNearGrass>& inviewGrass)
	for (const InviewNearGrass& g: inviewGrass) {
		rng.Seed(g.y * mapDims.mapx / grassSquareSize + g.x);
//		const float distSq = GetCamDistOfGrassBlock(g.x, g.y, true);
		const float rdist  = 1.0f + rng.RandFloat() * 0.5f;
		const float alpha  = linearstep(maxDetailedDist, maxDetailedDist + 128.f * rdist, g.dist);

		for (int a = 0; a < numTurfs; a++) {
			const STurfParams& p = GetTurfParams(rng, g.x, g.y);
			float3 pos(p.x, CGround::GetHeightReal(p.x, p.y, false), p.y);
				pos.y -= CGround::GetSlope(p.x, p.y, false) * 30.0f;
				pos.y -= 2.0f * mapInfo->grass.bladeHeight * alpha;

			glRotatef(p.rotation, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
예제 #13
void CGrassBlockDrawer::DrawQuad(int x, int y)
	const float maxDetailedDist = gd->maxDetailedDist;

	CGrassDrawer::NearGrassStruct* nearGrass = gd->nearGrass;

	if (abs(x - cx) <= gd->detailedBlocks && abs(y - cy) <= gd->detailedBlocks) {
		//! blocks close to the camera
		for (int y2 = y * grassBlockSize; y2 < (y + 1) * grassBlockSize; ++y2) {
			for (int x2 = x * grassBlockSize; x2 < (x + 1) * grassBlockSize; ++x2) {
				if (gd->grassMap[y2 * gs->mapx / grassSquareSize + x2]) {
					float3 squarePos((x2 + 0.5f) * gSSsq, 0.0f, (y2 + 0.5f) * gSSsq);
						squarePos.y = CGround::GetHeightReal(squarePos.x, squarePos.z, false);

					const float sqdist = (camera->GetPos() - squarePos).SqLength();

					CGrassDrawer::NearGrassStruct* ng = &nearGrass[(y2 & 31) * 32 + (x2 & 31)];

					if (sqdist < (maxDetailedDist * maxDetailedDist)) {
						//! close grass, draw directly
						rng.Seed(y2 * 1025 + x2);

						for (int a = 0; a < gd->numTurfs; a++) {
							const float dx = (x2 + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;
							const float dy = (y2 + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;

							float3 pos(dx, CGround::GetHeightReal(dx, dy, false), dy);
								pos.y -= CGround::GetSlope(dx, dy, false) * 10.0f + 0.03f;

							if (ng->square != y2 * 2048 + x2) {
								const float3 v = squarePos - camera->GetPos();
								ng->rotation = GetHeadingFromVector(v.x, v.z) * 180.0f / 32768 + 180; //FIXME make more random
								ng->square = y2 * 2048 + x2;

							glRotatef(ng->rotation, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
					} else {
						//! near but not close, save for later drawing
						CGrassDrawer::InviewNearGrass iv;
							iv.dist = sqdist;
							iv.x = x2;
							iv.y = y2;
						ng->square = -1;


	const float3 dif(camera->GetPos().x - ((x + 0.5f) * bMSsq), 0.0f, camera->GetPos().z - ((y + 0.5f) * bMSsq));
	const float dist = dif.SqLength2D();

	if (dist < Square(gd->maxGrassDist)) {
		const int curSquare = y * gd->blocksX + x;
		const int curModSquare = (y & 31) * 32 + (x & 31);

		CGrassDrawer::GrassStruct* grass = gd->grass + curModSquare;
		grass->lastSeen = globalRendering->drawFrame;

		if (grass->square != curSquare) {
			grass->square = curSquare;

			delete grass->va;
			grass->va = NULL;

		if (!grass->va) {
			grass->va = new CVertexArray;
			grass->pos = float3((x + 0.5f) * bMSsq, CGround::GetHeightReal((x + 0.5f) * bMSsq, (y + 0.5f) * bMSsq, false), (y + 0.5f) * bMSsq);

			CVertexArray* va = grass->va;

			for (int y2 = y * grassBlockSize; y2 < (y + 1) * grassBlockSize; ++y2) {
				for (int x2 = x * grassBlockSize; x2 < (x + 1) * grassBlockSize; ++x2) {
					if (gd->grassMap[y2 * gs->mapx / grassSquareSize + x2]) {
						rng.Seed(y2 * 1025 + x2);

						for (int a = 0; a < gd->numTurfs; a++) {
							const float dx = (x2 + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;
							const float dy = (y2 + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;
							const float col = 1.0f;

							float3 pos(dx, CGround::GetHeightReal(dx, dy, false) + 0.5f, dy);
								pos.y -= (CGround::GetSlope(dx, dy, false) * 10.0f + 0.03f);

							va->AddVertexTN(pos, 0.0f,         0.0f, float3(-partTurfSize, -partTurfSize, col));
							va->AddVertexTN(pos, 1.0f / 16.0f, 0.0f, float3( partTurfSize, -partTurfSize, col));
							va->AddVertexTN(pos, 1.0f / 16.0f, 1.0f, float3( partTurfSize,  partTurfSize, col));
							va->AddVertexTN(pos, 0.0f,         1.0f, float3(-partTurfSize,  partTurfSize, col));

		CGrassDrawer::InviewGrass ig;
			ig.num = curModSquare;
			ig.dist = dif.Length2D();