bool GusdBoundsCache::_ComputeBound( const UsdPrim &prim, UsdTimeCode time, const TfTokenVector &includedPurposes, ComputeFunc boundFunc, UT_BoundingBox &bounds ) { if( !prim.IsValid() ) return false; TfToken stageId( prim.GetStage()->GetRootLayer()->GetRealPath() ); MapType::accessor accessor; if( !m_map.find( accessor, Key( stageId, includedPurposes ))) { m_map.insert( accessor, Key( stageId, includedPurposes ) ); accessor->second = new Item( time, includedPurposes ); } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(accessor->second->lock); UsdGeomBBoxCache& cache = accessor->second->bboxCache; cache.SetTime( time ); // boundFunc is either ComputeWorldBound or ComputeLocalBound GfBBox3d primBBox = (cache.*boundFunc)(prim); if( !primBBox.GetRange().IsEmpty() ) { const GfRange3d rng = primBBox.ComputeAlignedRange(); bounds = UT_BoundingBox( rng.GetMin()[0], rng.GetMin()[1], rng.GetMin()[2], rng.GetMax()[0], rng.GetMax()[1], rng.GetMax()[2]); return true; } return false; }
PXR_NAMESPACE_OPEN_SCOPE // TODO: We should centralize this logic in a UsdImaging ShaderAdapter. /*static*/ UsdPrim UsdImaging_MaterialStrategy::GetTargetedShader(UsdPrim const& materialPrim, UsdRelationship const& materialRel) { SdfPathVector targets; if (!materialRel.GetForwardedTargets(&targets)) return UsdPrim(); if (targets.size() != 1) { // XXX: This should really be a validation error once USD gets that // feature. TF_WARN("We expect only one target on relationship %s of prim <%s>, " "but got %zu.", materialRel.GetName().GetText(), materialPrim.GetPath().GetText(), targets.size()); return UsdPrim(); } if (!targets[0].IsPrimPath()) { // XXX: This should really be a validation error once USD gets that // feature. TF_WARN("We expect the target of the relationship %s of prim <%s> " "to be a prim, instead it is <%s>.", materialRel.GetName().GetText(), materialPrim.GetPath().GetText(), targets[0].GetText()); return UsdPrim(); } return materialPrim.GetStage()->GetPrimAtPath(targets[0]); }
std::vector<UsdShadeParameter> UsdShadeInterfaceAttribute::GetRecipientParameters( const TfToken& renderTarget) const { UsdPrim prim = _attr.GetPrim(); std::vector<UsdShadeParameter> ret; if (UsdRelationship rel = prim.GetRelationship( _GetInterfaceAttributeRelName(renderTarget, *this))) { std::vector<SdfPath> targets; rel.GetTargets(&targets); TF_FOR_ALL(targetIter, targets) { const SdfPath& target = *targetIter; if (target.IsPropertyPath()) { if (UsdPrim targetPrim = prim.GetStage()->GetPrimAtPath( target.GetPrimPath())) { if (UsdAttribute attr = targetPrim.GetAttribute( target.GetNameToken())) { ret.push_back(UsdShadeParameter(attr)); } } } } }
static bool _SetOrMergeOverOp(std::vector<int64_t> const &items, SdfListOpType op, UsdPrim const &prim) { SdfInt64ListOp proposed, current; UsdStagePtr stage = prim.GetStage(); UsdEditTarget editTarget = stage->GetEditTarget(); SdfPrimSpecHandle primSpec = editTarget.GetPrimSpecForScenePath(prim.GetPath()); if (primSpec){ VtValue existingOp = primSpec->GetInfo(UsdGeomTokens->inactiveIds); if (existingOp.IsHolding<SdfInt64ListOp>()){ current = existingOp.UncheckedGet<SdfInt64ListOp>(); } } proposed.SetItems(items, op); if (current.IsExplicit()){ std::vector<int64_t> explicitItems = current.GetExplicitItems(); proposed.ApplyOperations(&explicitItems); current.SetExplicitItems(explicitItems); } else { // We can't use ApplyOperations on an extant, non-explicit listOp // because the result is always flat and explicit. current.ComposeOperations(proposed, op); // ComposeOperations() is too narrow in functionality - it does not // consider that if we "remove over" an existing set of added items, // we need to additionally ensure the removed items get removed // from the added in current, since when applying ops, we first // remove, then add. Bug #139215 filed to track; when it gets fixed // we can remove this code! if (op == SdfListOpTypeDeleted){ std::vector<int64_t> addedItems = current.GetAddedItems(); if (!addedItems.empty()){ std::set<int64_t> toRemove(items.begin(), items.end()); std::vector<int64_t> newAdded; newAdded.reserve(addedItems.size()); for (auto elt : addedItems){ if (!toRemove.count(elt)) newAdded.push_back(elt); } if (newAdded.size() != addedItems.size()) current.SetAddedItems(newAdded); } } else if (op == SdfListOpTypeAdded){ std::vector<int64_t> deletedItems = current.GetDeletedItems(); if (!deletedItems.empty()){ std::set<int64_t> toAdd(items.begin(), items.end()); std::vector<int64_t> newDeleted; newDeleted.reserve(deletedItems.size()); for (auto elt : deletedItems){ if (!toAdd.count(elt)) newDeleted.push_back(elt); } if (newDeleted.size() != deletedItems.size()) current.SetDeletedItems(newDeleted); } } } return prim.SetMetadata(UsdGeomTokens->inactiveIds, current); }
static void cook(FnKat::GeolibCookInterface &interface) { boost::shared_lock<boost::upgrade_mutex> readerLock(UsdKatanaGetStageLock()); UsdPrim prim; PxrUsdKatanaUsdInArgsRefPtr usdInArgs; PxrUsdKatanaUsdInPrivateData* privateData = static_cast<PxrUsdKatanaUsdInPrivateData*>(interface.getPrivateData()); FnKat::GroupAttribute opArgs = interface.getOpArg(); if (privateData) { usdInArgs = privateData->GetUsdInArgs(); } else { FnKat::GroupAttribute additionalOpArgs; usdInArgs = InitUsdInArgs(interface, additionalOpArgs); opArgs = FnKat::GroupBuilder() .update(opArgs) .deepUpdate(additionalOpArgs) .build(); } if (not usdInArgs) { ERROR("Could not initialize PxrUsdIn usdInArgs."); return; } if (interface.atRoot()) { interface.stopChildTraversal(); prim = usdInArgs->GetRootPrim(); // XXX This info currently gets used to determine whether // to correctively rotate cameras. The camera's zUp needs to be // recorded until we have no more USD z-Up assets and the katana // assets have no more prerotate camera nodes. interface.setAttr("info.usd.stageIsZup", FnKat::IntAttribute(UsdUtilsGetCamerasAreZup(usdInArgs->GetStage()))); // Construct the global camera list at the USD scene root. // FnKat::StringBuilder cameraListBuilder; SdfPathVector cameraPaths = PxrUsdKatanaUtils::FindCameraPaths(prim.GetStage()); TF_FOR_ALL(cameraPathIt, cameraPaths) { const std::string path = (*cameraPathIt).GetString(); // only add cameras to the camera list that are beneath the isolate prim path if (path.find(usdInArgs->GetIsolatePath()) != std::string::npos) { cameraListBuilder.push_back( TfNormPath(usdInArgs->GetRootLocationPath()+"/"+ path.substr(usdInArgs->GetIsolatePath().size()))); } } FnKat::StringAttribute cameraListAttr =; if (cameraListAttr.getNumberOfValues() > 0) { interface.setAttr("cameraList", cameraListAttr); } interface.setAttr("info.usdOpArgs", opArgs); FnKat::GroupAttribute masterMapping = opArgs.getChildByName("masterMapping"); if (masterMapping.isValid() && masterMapping.getNumberOfChildren()) { FnGeolibServices::StaticSceneCreateOpArgsBuilder sscb(false); for (size_t i = 0, e = masterMapping.getNumberOfChildren(); i != e; ++i) { std::string masterName = FnKat::DelimiterDecode( masterMapping.getChildName(i)); std::string katanaPath = FnKat::StringAttribute( masterMapping.getChildByIndex(i) ).getValue("", false); if (katanaPath.empty()) { continue; } sscb.createEmptyLocation(katanaPath, "instance source"); sscb.setAttrAtLocation(katanaPath, "tabs.scenegraph.stopExpand", FnKat::IntAttribute(1)); sscb.setAttrAtLocation(katanaPath, "childPrimPath", FnKat::StringAttribute(masterName)); } interface.createChild( "Masters", "PxrUsdIn.MasterIntermediate", FnKat::GroupBuilder() .update(opArgs) .set("staticScene", .build(), FnKat::GeolibCookInterface::ResetRootFalse, new PxrUsdKatanaUsdInPrivateData( usdInArgs->GetRootPrim(), usdInArgs, privateData), PxrUsdKatanaUsdInPrivateData::Delete); } }