예제 #1
void PPC::positionRelativeToPoint(
	const V3 & P, 
	const V3 & vd, 
	const V3 & up, 
	float distance)
	// assumes: up and vd are normalized
	// quit early if assumptions are not met
	if (!((fabs(vd.length() - 1.0f)) < epsilonNormalizedError) ||
		!((fabs(up.length() - 1.0f)) < epsilonNormalizedError)) {
		cerr << "ERROR: Up or vd vectors are not normal vectors. Camera positioning aborted..." << endl;

	V3 newa, newb, newc, newC;
	// compute new C, a, and b
	newC = P - (vd * distance);
	newa = (vd ^ up).getNormalized() * a.length();
	newb = (vd ^ newa).getNormalized() * b.length();

	V3 principalPoint = getPrincipalPoint();
	float PPu = principalPoint.getX();
	float PPv = principalPoint.getY();
	// compute new c
	newc = vd*getFocalLength() - (PPu * newa) - (PPv * newb);

	// commit new values
	C = newC;
	a = newa;
	b = newb;
	c = newc;

	// update projection matrix
예제 #2
V3 PPC::unproject(const V3 & projP) const
	// From projection of point formula we know
	// P = C + (au + bv + c) * w
	// but since our project function above returns 1/w
	// P = C + (au + bv + c) * (1/w)
	V3 ret = C + (a*projP.getX() + b*projP.getY() + c) / projP.getZ();

	return ret;
예제 #3
void PPC::zoom(float zoomFactor)
	// calculate new focal length
	float newFocalLength = getFocalLength() * zoomFactor;
	// calculate new c
	V3 principalPoint = getPrincipalPoint();
	V3 viewDirection = getViewDir();
	float PPu = principalPoint.getX();
	float PPv = principalPoint.getY();
	c = -1.0f * (PPu * a) - (PPv * b) +
	// update projection matrix
예제 #4
void V3::rotateThisPointAboutAxis(const V3 &axisOrigin, const V3 &axisDirection, float theta) {

    // axisOrigin is interpreted to be a point representing origin of axis
    // axisDirection is interpreted to be a vector representing axis direction

    // quit early if axisDirection is not unit length
    if ( !(fabs(axisDirection.length() - 1.0f) < epsilonNormalizedError) ) {
        cerr << "ERROR: Attempting to rotate about a non-normalized vector. Zero vector produced..." << endl;
        *this = V3();

    // step 1 create new coordinate system with axisOrigin and axisDirection
    // as one of its axis

    // decide whether to pick x-axis or y-axis to start deriving new basis
    // vectors for new coordinate system
    V3 xAxis(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    V3 yAxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

    // choose the axis that makes the larger angle with axisDirection
    // assumes axisDirection is also a unit vector at this point,
    // therefore the dot product between axisDirection and the x and
    // y axis tells the magnitude of the angle between them. Smaller
    // the dot product the greater the angle.
    V3 chosenAxis = (fabs(axisDirection.getX()) < fabs(fabs(axisDirection.getY()))) ?
                    xAxis : yAxis;

    // derive a vector that is perpendicular to axisDirection
    V3 basisVector2 = chosenAxis ^ axisDirection;
    // normalize in order to have an orthonormal basis set
    // derive a third vector that is perpendicular to axisDirection
    // and basisVector2
    V3 basisVector3 = axisDirection ^ basisVector2;
    // normalize in order to have an orthonormal basis set

    // get representation of this point in new coordinate system
    // where axisDirection is the X axis
    V3 tempPoint = thisPointInNewCoordSystem(

    // step 2 rotate point in new coordinate system rotate by theta degrees
    // assuming axisDirection represents the X axis in new coordiante
    // system (local space)
    M33 rotMatX;
    // rotate tempPoint theta degrees about axisDirection (x-axis in local space)
    tempPoint = rotMatX * tempPoint;

    // step 3 transform back to the original system
    // according to lecture the math for this can be derived from the
    // change of coordinate system formulation and its
    // P = Inverse(R)*P' + O' = Transpose(R)*P' + O'
    // where R is the matrix to rotate old axis into new axis, which
    // is technically a rotation matrix and that's why Inverse(R)=Transpose(R)
    M33 R(axisDirection, basisVector2, basisVector3);

    // transform point back to original system
    V3 &P = *this;
    P = (R.getTranspose() * tempPoint) + axisOrigin;