bool VAnimationComponent::AddAnimationSequence(const char * szAnimSequence)
  if (szAnimSequence == NULL || GetOwner() == NULL) return false;

  VDynamicMesh * pMesh = ((VisBaseEntity_cl *)m_pOwner)->GetMesh();
    hkvLog::Warning("AddAnimationSequence: No mesh present!");
    return false;

  VASSERT_MSG(pMesh->GetSequenceSetCollection()!=NULL, "No animation sequence set present!");

  VisAnimSequenceSet_cl *pSet = Vision::Animations.GetSequenceSetManager()->LoadAnimSequenceSet(szAnimSequence);

    hkvLog::Warning("AddAnimationSequence: Could not load '%s' animation sequence.", szAnimSequence);
    return false;


  return true;
BOOL VLineFollowerComponent::StartAnimation(const char *szAnimName)
  VisBaseEntity_cl* pOwner = (VisBaseEntity_cl *)GetOwner();
  if (!pOwner)
    return false;

  m_bPlayingAnim = false;

  // Check for animation sequences
  VDynamicMesh *pMesh = pOwner->GetMesh();
  if (!pMesh || !pMesh->GetSequenceSetCollection() || !pMesh->GetSequenceSetCollection()->GetSequenceSetCount())
    return false;

  VisAnimFinalSkeletalResult_cl* pFinalSkeletalResult = NULL;
  VisVertexAnimDeformer_cl* pVertexAnimDeformer = NULL;

  // Get the sequence(s) for vertex and skeletal animation
  VisSkeletalAnimSequence_cl* pAnimSequenceSkeletal = (VisSkeletalAnimSequence_cl*)pMesh->GetSequence(szAnimName, VIS_MODELANIM_SKELETAL);
  VisVertexAnimSequence_cl* pAnimSequenceVertex = (VisVertexAnimSequence_cl*)pMesh->GetSequence(szAnimName, VIS_MODELANIM_VERTEX);

  // If no sequence with the given name is present
  if ((!pAnimSequenceSkeletal) && (!pAnimSequenceVertex))
    VisAnimSequenceSet_cl * pSequenceSet =  pMesh->GetSequenceSetCollection()->GetSequenceSet(0);
    // Find the first skeletal or vertex animation and use it
    for (int i=0; i< pSequenceSet->GetSequenceCount(); ++i)
      VisAnimSequence_cl* pTempAnimSequence = pSequenceSet->GetSequence(i);
      if (pTempAnimSequence->GetType() == VIS_MODELANIM_SKELETAL)
        // If it is a skeletal animation, create a config for it
        VisAnimConfig_cl* pConfig = VisAnimConfig_cl::CreateSkeletalConfig(pMesh, &pFinalSkeletalResult);
        VisSkeletalAnimControl_cl* pSkeletalAnimControl = VisSkeletalAnimControl_cl::Create(pMesh->GetSkeleton(), (VisSkeletalAnimSequence_cl*)pTempAnimSequence, VANIMCTRL_LOOP|VSKELANIMCTRL_DEFAULTS, 1.0f, true);
        m_bPlayingAnim = true;
        return true;
      else if (pTempAnimSequence->GetType() == VIS_MODELANIM_VERTEX)
        // If it is a vertex animation, create a config for it
        VisAnimConfig_cl* pConfig = VisAnimConfig_cl::CreateVertexConfig(pMesh, &pVertexAnimDeformer);
        VisVertexAnimControl_cl* pVertexAnimControl = VisVertexAnimControl_cl::Create((VisVertexAnimSequence_cl*)pTempAnimSequence, VANIMCTRL_LOOP|VSKELANIMCTRL_DEFAULTS, 1.0f, true);
        pVertexAnimDeformer->AddVertexAnimControl(pVertexAnimControl, 1.0f);
        m_bPlayingAnim = true;
        return true;
    // If neither a skeletal nor a vertex animation has been found, report failure
    return false;

  // If both a vertex and a skeletal animation with the given name has been found
  // create a combined config for skeletal and vertex animation.
  VisAnimConfig_cl* pConfig = NULL;
  if ((pAnimSequenceSkeletal) && (pAnimSequenceVertex))
    pConfig = VisAnimConfig_cl::CreateSkeletalVertexConfig(pMesh, &pFinalSkeletalResult, &pVertexAnimDeformer);

  // If it is just a skeletal animation, create a config for it
  if (pAnimSequenceSkeletal)
    if (!pConfig)
      pConfig = VisAnimConfig_cl::CreateSkeletalConfig(pMesh, &pFinalSkeletalResult);

    // If a skeletal animation has been found create a control for it
    VisSkeletalAnimControl_cl* pSkeletalAnimControl = VisSkeletalAnimControl_cl::Create(pMesh->GetSkeleton(), pAnimSequenceSkeletal, VANIMCTRL_LOOP|VSKELANIMCTRL_DEFAULTS, 1.0f, true);
    // And set it as the input for the final skeletal result

  // If it is just a vertex animation, create a config for it
  if (pAnimSequenceVertex)
    if (!pConfig)
      pConfig = VisAnimConfig_cl::CreateVertexConfig(pMesh, &pVertexAnimDeformer);

    // If a vertex animation has been found create a control for it
    VisVertexAnimControl_cl* pVertexAnimControl = VisVertexAnimControl_cl::Create(pAnimSequenceVertex, VANIMCTRL_LOOP|VSKELANIMCTRL_DEFAULTS, 1.0f, true);
    // And set add it to the vertex anim deformer
    pVertexAnimDeformer->AddVertexAnimControl(pVertexAnimControl, 1.0f);

  // Set the current config

  // Make sure we get the motion delta from the animation
  pOwner->GetAnimConfig()->SetFlags(pOwner->GetAnimConfig()->GetFlags() | APPLY_MOTION_DELTA | MULTITHREADED_ANIMATION);

  // And report success
  m_bPlayingAnim = true;
  return true;