void VGMColl::UnpackSampColl(DLSFile& dls, VGMSampColl* sampColl, vector<VGMSamp*>& finalSamps) { assert(sampColl != NULL); size_t nSamples = sampColl->samples.size(); for (size_t i=0; i<nSamples; i++) { VGMSamp* samp = sampColl->samples[i]; uint32_t bufSize; if (samp->ulUncompressedSize) bufSize = samp->ulUncompressedSize; else bufSize = (uint32_t)ceil((double)samp->dataLength * samp->GetCompressionRatio()); //bool bOddBufSize = bufSize % 2; //if (bOddBufSize) //if the buffer size is odd, we must align it to be even for the RIFF format // bufSize++; uint8_t* uncompSampBuf = new uint8_t[bufSize]; //create a new memory space for the uncompressed wave samp->ConvertToStdWave(uncompSampBuf); //and uncompress into that space //if (bOddBufSize) // uncompSampBuf[bufSize] = 0; //set the last (should be unused) byte to 0; uint16_t blockAlign = samp->bps / 8*samp->channels; dls.AddWave(1, samp->channels, samp->rate, samp->rate*blockAlign, blockAlign, samp->bps, bufSize, uncompSampBuf, wstring2string(samp->name)); finalSamps.push_back(samp); } }
void VGMColl::UnpackSampColl(SynthFile& synthfile, VGMSampColl* sampColl, vector<VGMSamp*>& finalSamps) { assert(sampColl != NULL); size_t nSamples = sampColl->samples.size(); for (size_t i=0; i<nSamples; i++) { VGMSamp* samp = sampColl->samples[i]; uint32_t bufSize; if (samp->ulUncompressedSize) bufSize = samp->ulUncompressedSize; else bufSize = (uint32_t)ceil((double)samp->dataLength * samp->GetCompressionRatio()); //bool bOddBufSize = bufSize % 2; //if (bOddBufSize) //if the buffer size is odd, we must align it to be even for the RIFF format // bufSize++; uint8_t* uncompSampBuf = new uint8_t[bufSize]; //create a new memory space for the uncompressed wave samp->ConvertToStdWave(uncompSampBuf); //and uncompress into that space //if (bOddBufSize) // uncompSampBuf[bufSize] = 0; //set the last (should be unused) byte to 0; uint16_t blockAlign = samp->bps / 8*samp->channels; SynthWave* wave = synthfile.AddWave(1, samp->channels, samp->rate, samp->rate*blockAlign, blockAlign, samp->bps, bufSize, uncompSampBuf, wstring2string(samp->name)); finalSamps.push_back(samp); // If we don't have any loop information, then don't create a sampInfo structure for the Wave if (samp->loop.loopStatus == -1) return; SynthSampInfo* sampInfo = wave->AddSampInfo(); if (samp->bPSXLoopInfoPrioritizing) { if (samp->loop.loopStart != 0 || samp->loop.loopLength != 0) sampInfo->SetLoopInfo(samp->loop, samp); } else sampInfo->SetLoopInfo(samp->loop, samp); double attenuation = (samp->volume != -1) ? ConvertLogScaleValToAtten(samp->volume) : 0; uint8_t unityKey = (samp->unityKey != -1) ? samp->unityKey : 0x3C; short fineTune = samp->fineTune; sampInfo->SetPitchInfo(unityKey, fineTune, attenuation); } }
void VGMColl::UnpackSampColl(DLSFile &dls, VGMSampColl *sampColl, vector<VGMSamp *> &finalSamps) { assert(sampColl != NULL); size_t nSamples = sampColl->samples.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nSamples; i++) { VGMSamp *samp = sampColl->samples[i]; uint32_t bufSize; if (samp->ulUncompressedSize) bufSize = samp->ulUncompressedSize; else bufSize = (uint32_t) ceil((double) samp->dataLength * samp->GetCompressionRatio()); uint8_t *uncompSampBuf = new uint8_t[bufSize]; //create a new memory space for the uncompressed wave samp->ConvertToStdWave(uncompSampBuf); //and uncompress into that space uint16_t blockAlign = samp->bps / 8 * samp->channels; dls.AddWave(1, samp->channels, samp->rate, samp->rate * blockAlign, blockAlign, samp->bps, bufSize, uncompSampBuf, wstring2string(samp->name)); finalSamps.push_back(samp); } }