예제 #1
void LoginView::Layout()
	VLayoutNode* pcRoot = new VLayoutNode("root");
	pcUserIconView = new os::IconView(Rect(1,2,2000,82),"",CF_FOLLOW_ALL);
	pcUserIconView->SetSelChangeMsg(new Message(M_SEL_CHANGED));
	pcUserIconView->SetTabOrder( 1 );

	FrameView* pcFrameView = new FrameView(Rect(0,0,2000,84),"","");
	pcLayoutView = new LayoutView(Rect(0,89,GetBounds().Width(),GetBounds().Height()),"layout_view",NULL);
	HLayoutNode* pcPassNode = new HLayoutNode("pass_node");
	pcPassNode->AddChild(new HLayoutSpacer("",2,2));
	pcPassNode->AddChild(pcPassString = new StringView(Rect(),"pass_string","Password:"******"",2,2));
	pcPassNode->AddChild(pcPassText = new TextView(Rect(),"pass_text",""));
	pcPassText->SetTabOrder( 2 );
	pcPassNode->AddChild(new HLayoutSpacer("",5,5));
	pcPassNode->AddChild(pcLoginButton = new Button(Rect(),"login_but","_Login",new Message(M_LOGIN)));
	pcLoginButton->SetTabOrder( 3 );
	pcPassNode->AddChild(new HLayoutSpacer("",2,2));

	HLayoutNode* pcKeymapNode = new HLayoutNode("keymap_node");
	pcKeymapNode->AddChild(selector = new KeymapSelector(os::Messenger(pcParentWindow)));
	HLayoutNode* pcOtherNode = new HLayoutNode("other_node");
	pcOtherNode->AddChild(pcShutdownButton = new Button(Rect(),"shut_but","_Shutdown",new Message(M_SHUTDOWN)));
	pcShutdownButton->SetTabOrder( 4 );
	pcOtherNode->AddChild(new HLayoutSpacer("",150,150));
	pcOtherNode->AddChild(pcDateString = new StringView(Rect(),"","9 Aug 05, 10:00am"));
	pcRoot->AddChild(new os::VLayoutSpacer("",10,10));
	pcRoot->AddChild(new os::VLayoutSpacer("",10,10));
예제 #2
FindDialogView::FindDialogView( const os::Rect& cFrame, const os::Messenger& cMsgTarget, const Message& cSearchMsg, const Message& cCloseMsg ) :
	LayoutView( cFrame, "search_dialog", NULL, CF_FOLLOW_ALL ), m_cMsgTarget(cMsgTarget), m_cSearchMsg(cSearchMsg), m_cCloseMsg(cCloseMsg)
    VLayoutNode* pcRoot = new VLayoutNode( "root" );

    m_pcSearchStr   = new TextView( Rect(), "src_str", g_cSearchStr.c_str() );
    m_pcSearchBut   = new Button( Rect(), "src_but", "Search", new Message( ID_SEARCH ) );
    m_pcContinueBut = new Button( Rect(), "cont_but", "Repeat", new Message( ID_CONTINUE ) );
    m_pcCloseBut    = new Button( Rect(), "close_but", "Close", new Message( M_QUIT ) );
    m_pcCaseSensCB  = new CheckBox( Rect(), "case_sens_cb", "Case sensitive", NULL );

    m_pcSearchStr->SetEventMask( TextView::EI_ESC_PRESSED );
    m_pcSearchStr->SetMessage( new Message( ID_SEARCH_STR ) );
    if ( g_cSearchStr.empty() == false ) {
	m_pcSearchStr->SetCursor( -1, 0 );

    m_pcCaseSensCB->SetValue( g_bCaseSensitive );
    HLayoutNode* pcButtonPanel = new HLayoutNode( "but_panel" );
    HLayoutNode* pcCBPanel = new HLayoutNode( "cb_panel" );

    pcCBPanel->AddChild( m_pcCaseSensCB );
    pcCBPanel->AddChild( new HLayoutSpacer( "space" ) );
    pcCBPanel->SetBorders( Rect( 10.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f ) );
    pcButtonPanel->AddChild( new HLayoutSpacer( "space" ) );
    pcButtonPanel->AddChild( m_pcSearchBut )->SetBorders( Rect( 20.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f ) );
    pcButtonPanel->AddChild( m_pcContinueBut )->SetBorders( Rect( 10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f ) );
    pcButtonPanel->AddChild( m_pcCloseBut )->SetBorders( Rect( 10.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f ) );

    pcRoot->AddChild( m_pcSearchStr )->SetBorders( Rect( 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( pcCBPanel );
    pcRoot->AddChild( pcButtonPanel );

    SetRoot( pcRoot );
DownloadProgressView::DownloadProgressView( const Rect& cFrame,
					    const std::string& cURL,
					    const std::string& cPath,
					    off_t nTotalSize,
					    bigtime_t nStartTime,
					    const os::Messenger& cMsgTarget,
					    const os::Message&   cCancelMessage ) :
	LayoutView( cFrame, "download_progress_diag", NULL, CF_FOLLOW_ALL ),
	m_cMsgTarget( cMsgTarget ), m_cCancelMsg( cCancelMessage )
    m_nTotalSize = nTotalSize;
    m_nStartTime = nStartTime;
    m_pcTermMsg  = &m_cCancelMsg;
    VLayoutNode* pcRoot = new VLayoutNode( "root" );

    m_pcProgressBar = new ProgressBar( Rect(0,0,0,0), "progress_bar" );
    m_pcCancelBut = new Button( Rect(0,0,0,0), "cancel", "Cancel", new Message( ID_CANCEL ) );
    HLayoutNode* pcButtonBar    = new HLayoutNode( "button_bar" );

    m_pcStatusView = new StatusView( Rect(), "status_view" );

    m_pcStatusView->AddLabel( "Download to:", cPath );
    m_pcStatusView->AddLabel( "Progress:", (m_nTotalSize==-1) ? "0" : String().Format( "0/%s", get_size_str( m_nTotalSize ).c_str() ) );
    m_pcStatusView->AddLabel( "Transfer rate:", "" );
    pcButtonBar->AddChild( new HLayoutSpacer( "space" ) );
    pcButtonBar->AddChild( m_pcCancelBut )->SetBorders( Rect( 0, 0, 10, 10 ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( new VLayoutSpacer( "space" ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( new StringView( Rect(), "", "Saving:" ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( new StringView( Rect(), "", cURL.c_str() ) )->SetBorders( Rect( 10.0f, 5.0f, 10.0f, 5.0f ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( m_pcProgressBar )->SetBorders( Rect( 10.0f, 5.0f, 10.0f, 5.0f ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( new VLayoutSpacer( "space" ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( m_pcStatusView )->SetBorders( Rect( 10.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( new VLayoutSpacer( "space" ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( pcButtonBar );
    SetRoot( pcRoot );
DownloadRequesterView::DownloadRequesterView( const Rect&          cFrame,
					      const std::string&   cURL,
					      const std::string&   cPreferredName,
					      const std::string&   cType,
					      off_t		   nContentSize,
					      const os::Messenger& cMsgTarget,
					      const os::Message&   cOkMsg,
					      const os::Message&   cCancelMessage ) :
	LayoutView( cFrame, "download_diag", NULL, CF_FOLLOW_ALL ),
	m_cMsgTarget( cMsgTarget ), m_cOkMsg( cOkMsg ), m_cCancelMsg( cCancelMessage ), m_cPreferredName(cPreferredName)
    VLayoutNode* pcRoot = new VLayoutNode( "root" );

    m_pcTermMsg = &m_cCancelMsg;
    m_pcOkBut = new Button( Rect(0,0,0,0), "ok", "Ok", new Message( ID_OK ) );
    m_pcCancelBut = new Button( Rect(0,0,0,0), "cancel", "Cancel", new Message( ID_CANCEL ) );
    HLayoutNode* pcButtonBar = new HLayoutNode( "button_bar" );

    StatusView* m_pcStatusView = new StatusView( Rect(), "status_view" );

    m_pcStatusView->AddLabel( "Location:", cURL );
    m_pcStatusView->AddLabel( "File type:", cType );
    if ( nContentSize != -1 ) {
	m_pcStatusView->AddLabel( "File size:", get_size_str( nContentSize ) );
    } else {
	m_pcStatusView->AddLabel( "File size:", "UNKNOWN" );
    pcButtonBar->AddChild( new HLayoutSpacer( "space" ) );
    pcButtonBar->AddChild( m_pcOkBut )->SetBorders( Rect( 0, 0, 10, 10 ) );
    pcButtonBar->AddChild( m_pcCancelBut )->SetBorders( Rect( 0, 0, 10, 10 ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( new VLayoutSpacer( "space" ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( m_pcStatusView )->SetBorders( Rect( 10.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( new VLayoutSpacer( "space" ) );
    pcRoot->AddChild( pcButtonBar );

    pcRoot->SameWidth( "ok", "cancel", NULL );
    SetRoot( pcRoot );
예제 #5
* Description: Lays out the Dialog
* Author: Rick Caudill
* Date: Thu Mar 18 20:17:32 2004
void WallpaperChangerSettings::Layout()
	pcImageView = new ImageView(Rect(50,5,GetBounds().Width()-50,95),"imgview",NULL);

	pcLayoutView = new LayoutView(Rect(0,105,GetBounds().Width(),GetBounds().Height()),"LayoutView");
	VLayoutNode* pcRoot = new VLayoutNode("root");

	VLayoutNode* pcOptionsNode = new VLayoutNode("options");
	pcOptionsNode->AddChild(new VLayoutSpacer("",30,30));
	pcOptionsNode->AddChild(pcRandom = new CheckBox(Rect(),"random_check","Display Random",NULL));
	pcOptionsNode->AddChild(new VLayoutSpacer("",10,10));
	pcOptionsNode->AddChild(pcTimeString = new StringView(Rect(),"time_string","Load Every:"));
	pcOptionsNode->AddChild(pcTimeDrop = new DropdownMenu(Rect(),"time_drop"));
	pcOptionsNode->AddChild(new VLayoutSpacer("",50,50));
	HLayoutNode* pcHLayoutNode = new HLayoutNode("directory_layout");
	pcHLayoutNode->AddChild(pcDirectoryList = new ListView(Rect(),"DirectoryList",ListView::F_RENDER_BORDER));
	pcDirectoryList->SetSelChangeMsg(new Message(M_CHANGE_IMAGE));
	pcHLayoutNode->AddChild(new HLayoutSpacer("",15,15));
	HLayoutNode* pcButtonNode = new HLayoutNode("buttons_layout");
	pcButtonNode->AddChild(pcApplyButton = new Button(Rect(),"ok_but","_Apply",new Message(M_APPLY)));
	pcButtonNode->AddChild(new HLayoutSpacer("",20,20));
	pcButtonNode->AddChild(pcDefaultButton = new Button(Rect(),"def_but","_Default",new Message(M_DEFAULT)));
	pcButtonNode->AddChild(new HLayoutSpacer("",20,20));
	pcButtonNode->AddChild(pcCancelButton = new Button(Rect(),"cancel_but","_Cancel",new Message(M_CANCEL)));
	pcRoot->AddChild(new VLayoutSpacer("",15,15));
	pcRoot->AddChild(new VLayoutSpacer("",5,5));
예제 #6
SettingsWindow::SettingsWindow( const Rect &cFrame, const String cTitle, Handler *pcParent, WebSettings *pcWebSettings, Settings *pcSettings, Settings *pcGuiSettings ) : Window( cFrame, "whisper_settings", cTitle )
	m_pcParent = pcParent;

	m_pcWebSettings = pcWebSettings;
	m_pcSettings = pcSettings;
	m_pcGuiSettings = pcGuiSettings;

	SetSizeLimits( Point( 500, 400 ), Point( 4096, 4096 ) );

	Rect cBounds = GetBounds();

	Rect cIconListFrame( 10, 10, 140, cBounds.Height() - 45 );
	m_pcIconList = new IconList( cIconListFrame, CF_FOLLOW_TOP | CF_FOLLOW_BOTTOM, this );
	AddChild( m_pcIconList );

	/* The selected panel is displayed inside this FrameView */
	Rect cFrameViewFrame( 150, 10, cBounds.Width() - 10, cBounds.Height() - 45 );
	m_pcFrameView = new FrameView( cFrameViewFrame, "settings_window_frame", "Settings", CF_FOLLOW_ALL );
	AddChild( m_pcFrameView );

	/* Add panel icons & associated views */
	BitmapImage *pcImage;
	ResStream *pcStream;
	Resources cRes( get_image_id() );		

	SettingsView *pcView;
	Rect cViewFrame( 10, 20, cFrameViewFrame.Width() - 10, cFrameViewFrame.Height() - 10 );

	/* General */
	pcImage = new BitmapImage();
	pcStream = cRes.GetResourceStream( "general.png" );
	pcImage->Load( pcStream );
	m_pcIconList->AddIcon( pcImage, "General" );
	delete( pcStream );

	pcView = new GeneralView( cViewFrame, m_pcSettings, m_pcWebSettings, m_pcParent );
	m_vViews.push_back( pcView );

	/* Proxies */
	pcImage = new BitmapImage();
	pcStream = cRes.GetResourceStream( "proxy.png" );
	pcImage->Load( pcStream );
	m_pcIconList->AddIcon( pcImage, "Proxies" );
	delete( pcStream );

	pcView = new ProxyView( cViewFrame, m_pcSettings, m_pcWebSettings, m_pcParent );
	m_vViews.push_back( pcView );

	/* The Apply/Save/Cancel buttons live in a layoutview of their own */
	Rect cButtonFrame = cBounds;
	cButtonFrame.top = cButtonFrame.bottom - 25;

	m_pcLayoutView = new LayoutView( cButtonFrame, "settings_window" );

	VLayoutNode *pcNode = new VLayoutNode( "settings_window_root" );
	pcNode->SetBorders( Rect( 5, 4, 5, 4 ) );
	pcNode->AddChild( new VLayoutSpacer( "settings_window_v_spacer", 1.0f ) );

	HLayoutNode *pcButtons = new HLayoutNode( "settings_window_buttons" );
	pcButtons->AddChild( new HLayoutSpacer( "settings_window_h_spacer" ) );
	Button *pcOkButton = new Button( Rect(), "settings_window_save", "Save", new Message( ID_SETTINGS_SAVE ) );
	pcButtons->AddChild( pcOkButton, 0.0f );
	pcButtons->AddChild( new HLayoutSpacer( "settings_window_h_spacer", 0.5f, 0.5f, pcButtons, 0.1f ) );
	pcButtons->AddChild( new Button( Rect(), "settings_window_apply", "Apply", new Message( ID_SETTINGS_APPLY ) ), 0.0f );
	pcButtons->AddChild( new HLayoutSpacer( "settings_window_h_spacer", 0.5f, 0.5f, pcButtons, 0.1f ) );
	pcButtons->AddChild( new Button( Rect(), "settings_window_cancel", "Cancel", new Message( ID_SETTINGS_CANCEL ) ), 0.0f );

	pcNode->AddChild( pcButtons );

	m_pcLayoutView->SetRoot( pcNode );
	AddChild( m_pcLayoutView );

	/* Focus the controls */
	/* XXXKV: The default button always swallows Enter, which is no use if we have a
	   multiline TextView (E.g. the signature text).
	SetDefaultButton( pcOkButton );

	/* Select first view by default */
	m_pcSelected = NULL;
	m_pcIconList->Select( 0, true );
예제 #7
IFaceWin::IFaceWin( Window * pcParent, Interface * pcIFace, bool bReadOnly ):Window( Rect( 0, 0, 180, 180 ), "IFaceWin", "" )
	m_pcIFace = pcIFace;
	m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly;
	m_pcParent = pcParent;

	SetTitle( MSG_IFWIN_TITLE + " " + pcIFace->GetName() );

	LayoutView *pcLayout;
	VLayoutNode *pcRoot;
	HLayoutNode *pcTypeRow;
	StringView *pcLblType;
	HLayoutNode *pcAddressRow;
	StringView *pcLblAddress;
	HLayoutNode *pcNetmaskRow;
	StringView *pcLblNetmask;
	HLayoutNode *pcGatewayRow;
	StringView *pcLblGateway;
	HLayoutNode *pcEnabledRow;
	StringView *pcLblEnabled;
	HLayoutNode *pcBtnRow;
	HLayoutSpacer *pcSpacer;
	Button *pcBtnApply;
	Button *pcBtnClose;

	pcRoot = new VLayoutNode( "pcRoot" );
	pcLayout = new LayoutView( Rect( 0, 0, 180, 180 ), "pcLayout", pcRoot );

	pcTypeRow = new HLayoutNode( "pcTypeRow" );
	pcLblType = new StringView( Rect(), "pcLblType", MSG_IFWIN_TYPE );
	m_pcDdmType = new DropdownMenu( Rect(), "m_pcDdmType" );
	m_pcDdmType->SetReadOnly( true );
	m_pcDdmType->AppendItem( MSG_IFWIN_TYPE_STATIC );
	m_pcDdmType->AppendItem( MSG_IFWIN_TYPE_DHCP );
	m_pcDdmType->SetSelectionMessage( new Message( ChangeType ) );
	m_pcDdmType->SetTarget( this );
	m_pcDdmType->SetTabOrder( 0 );
	pcTypeRow->AddChild( pcLblType );
	pcTypeRow->AddChild( m_pcDdmType );
	pcTypeRow->LimitMaxSize( Point( INT_MAX, m_pcDdmType->GetPreferredSize( false ).y ) );
	pcRoot->AddChild( pcTypeRow );

	pcAddressRow = new HLayoutNode( "pcAddressRow" );
	pcLblAddress = new StringView( Rect(), "pcLblAddress", MSG_IFWIN_ADDRESS );
	m_pcTxtAddress = new TextView( Rect(), "m_pcTxtAddress", "" );
	m_pcTxtAddress->SetMaxLength( 15 );
	m_pcTxtAddress->SetTabOrder( 1 );
	pcAddressRow->AddChild( pcLblAddress );
	pcAddressRow->AddChild( m_pcTxtAddress );
	pcAddressRow->LimitMaxSize( Point( INT_MAX, m_pcTxtAddress->GetPreferredSize( false ).y ) );
	pcRoot->AddChild( pcAddressRow );

	pcNetmaskRow = new HLayoutNode( "pcNetmaskRow" );
	pcLblNetmask = new StringView( Rect(), "pcLblNetmask", MSG_IFWIN_NETMASK );
	m_pcTxtNetmask = new TextView( Rect(), "m_pcTxtNetmask", "" );
	m_pcTxtNetmask->SetMaxLength( 15 );
	m_pcTxtNetmask->SetTabOrder( 2 );
	pcNetmaskRow->AddChild( pcLblNetmask );
	pcNetmaskRow->AddChild( m_pcTxtNetmask );
	pcNetmaskRow->LimitMaxSize( Point( INT_MAX, m_pcTxtNetmask->GetPreferredSize( false ).y ) );
	pcRoot->AddChild( pcNetmaskRow );

	pcGatewayRow = new HLayoutNode( "pcGatewayRow" );
	pcLblGateway = new StringView( Rect(), "pcLblGateway", MSG_IFWIN_GATEWAY );
	m_pcTxtGateway = new TextView( Rect(), "m_pcTxtGateway", "" );
	m_pcTxtGateway->SetMaxLength( 15 );
	m_pcTxtGateway->SetTabOrder( 3 );
	pcGatewayRow->AddChild( pcLblGateway );
	pcGatewayRow->AddChild( m_pcTxtGateway );
	pcGatewayRow->LimitMaxSize( Point( INT_MAX, m_pcTxtGateway->GetPreferredSize( false ).y ) );
	pcRoot->AddChild( pcGatewayRow );

	pcEnabledRow = new HLayoutNode( "pcEnabledRow" );
	pcLblEnabled = new StringView( Rect(), "pcLblEnabled", MSG_IFWIN_ENABLED );
	m_pcCbEnabled = new CheckBox( Rect(), "m_pcCbEnabled", "", new Message( ChangeEnabled ) );
	m_pcCbEnabled->SetTabOrder( 4 );
	pcEnabledRow->AddChild( pcLblEnabled );
	pcEnabledRow->AddChild( m_pcCbEnabled );
	pcEnabledRow->LimitMaxSize( Point( INT_MAX, m_pcCbEnabled->GetPreferredSize( false ).y ) );
	pcRoot->AddChild( pcEnabledRow );

	pcBtnRow = new HLayoutNode( "pcBtnRow" );
	pcSpacer = new HLayoutSpacer( "pcSpacer" );
	pcBtnApply = new Button( Rect(), "pcBtnApply", MSG_IFWIN_APPLY, new Message( Apply ) );
	pcBtnApply->SetTabOrder( 5 );
	pcBtnClose = new Button( Rect(), "pcBtnClose", MSG_IFWIN_CLOSE, new Message( Close ) );
	pcBtnClose->SetTabOrder( 6 );
	pcBtnRow->AddChild( pcSpacer );
	pcBtnRow->AddChild( pcBtnApply );
	pcBtnRow->AddChild( pcBtnClose );
	pcBtnRow->LimitMaxSize( Point( INT_MAX, pcBtnApply->GetPreferredSize( false ).y ) );
	pcRoot->AddChild( pcBtnRow );

	pcRoot->SameWidth( "pcLblEnabled", "pcLblGateway", "pcLblNetmask", "pcLblAddress", "pcLblType", NULL );
	pcRoot->SameWidth( "m_pcTxtGateway", "m_pcTxtNetmask", "m_pcTxtAddress", "m_pcDdmType", "m_pcCbEnabled", NULL );
	pcRoot->SetBorders( Rect( 2, 2, 2, 2 ), "pcLblEnabled", "pcLblGateway", "pcLblNetmask", "pcLblAddress", "pcLblType", "m_pcTxtGateway", "m_pcTxtNetmask", "m_pcTxtAddress", "m_pcDdmType", "m_pcCbEnabled", "pcBtnApply", "pcBtnClose", NULL );
	AddChild( pcLayout );


	if( m_bReadOnly )
		m_pcDdmType->SetEnable( false );
		m_pcTxtAddress->SetEnable( false );
		m_pcTxtNetmask->SetEnable( false );
		m_pcTxtGateway->SetEnable( false );
		m_pcCbEnabled->SetEnable( false );
		pcBtnApply->SetEnable( false );