toxi::geom::Vec3D toxi::geom::Vec2D::bisect( Vec2D b ) { Vec2D diff = this->sub(b); Vec2D sum = this->add(b); float dot =; return Vec3D(diff.x, diff.y, -dot / 2) }
void getBodies(Body &body, double error, vector<Body> &forceBodies) { if (_mass == 0 && _body == NULL) return; double s = _box.getSize(); double d = (_centerOfMass - body.getPos()).getMagnitude(); double SbyD = s/d; // cout << "S/D: " << SbyD << endl; if (_state == INTERNAL) { if (SbyD < error) { Body overallBody(_mass, 0, 0, _centerOfMass.getX(), _centerOfMass.getY()); forceBodies.push_back(overallBody); return; } else { if (_NW != NULL) _NW->getBodies(body, error, forceBodies); if (_NE != NULL) _NE->getBodies(body, error, forceBodies); if (_SW != NULL) _SW->getBodies(body, error, forceBodies); if (_SE != NULL) _SE->getBodies(body, error, forceBodies); } } else { if (_body != NULL) { forceBodies.push_back(*_body); } } }
void addVertices(vector<float>& vertices, vector<float>& colors, Vec2D<float> point, Vec2D<float> v1, QColor color, float z = 0.0) { Vec2D<float> normal = v1; swap(normal.x, normal.y); normal.x *= -1; normal.normalize(); Vec2D<float> p1 = point + normal * LINE_WIDTH; Vec2D<float> p2 = point - normal * LINE_WIDTH; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { colors.push_back(color.redF()); colors.push_back(color.greenF()); colors.push_back(color.blueF()); colors.push_back( (color.greenF() + color.redF()) *0.3f ); } vertices.push_back(p1.x); vertices.push_back(p1.y); vertices.push_back(z); vertices.push_back(p2.x); vertices.push_back(p2.y); vertices.push_back(z); }
toxi::geom::Polygon2D * toxi::geom::Polygon2D::smooth( const float & amount, const float & baseWeight ) { Vec2D centroid = getCentroid(); int num = vertices.size(); std::vector<Vec2D> filtered; for (int i = 0, j = num - 1, k = 1; i < num; i++) { Vec2D a =; Vec2D dir = a ).addSelf( a )) .addSelf(a.sub( centroid).scaleSelf(baseWeight)); filtered.push_back(a.add(dir.scaleSelf(amount))); j++; if (j == num) { j = 0; } k++; if (k == num) { k = 0; } } vertices.clear(); for( auto it = filtered.begin(); it != filtered.end(); ++it ) { vertices.push_back( *it ); } return this; }
void InitAll(){ _startPoint.Init(); _endPoint.Init(); _defaultSize = defaultDefaultSize; _defaultColor.Set(255,255,255); _waitFrm = -1; _lineSpace = 5; Init(); }
toxi::geom::Polygon2D * toxi::geom::Polygon2D::center( Vec2D & origin ) { Vec2D centroid = getCentroid(); Vec2D delta = ( !origin.isZeroVector() ) ? origin.sub( centroid ) : centroid.invert(); for( Vec2D v : vertices ) { v.addSelf( delta ); } return this; }
static SimpleString StringFrom(const Vec2D & v) { SimpleString s = SimpleString(); s += SimpleString("("); s += StringFrom(v.get_x()); s += SimpleString(","); s += StringFrom(v.get_y()); s += SimpleString(")"); return s; }
void updateCenterOfMass(Body body) { if (_mass == 0) { _mass = body.getMass(); _centerOfMass = body.getPos(); } else { double new_mass = _mass + body.getMass(); double new_cen_x = ((_mass*_centerOfMass.getX()) + (body.getMass() * body.getXPos()))/new_mass; double new_cen_y = ((_mass*_centerOfMass.getY()) + (body.getMass() * body.getYPos()))/new_mass; _centerOfMass = Vec2D(new_cen_x, new_cen_y); _mass = new_mass; } }
toxi::geom::Polygon2D::Polygon2D( const Vec2D & baseA, const Vec2D & baseB, const int & res ) { double theta = -(toxi::math::MathUtils::PI - (toxi::math::MathUtils::PI * (res - 2) / res)); Vec2D dir = baseB.sub( baseA); Vec2D prev = baseB; add( baseA ); add( baseB ); for (int i = 1; i < res - 1; i++) { Vec2D p = prev.add(dir.getRotated(theta * i)); add(p); prev = p; } }
void SimpleGen::generate( Weapon* weapon ) { Object* owner = weapon->owner; Object* destObj = weapon->destObj; Vec2D dif = destObj->getPos() - owner->getPos(); float s= sqrtf(dif.length2()); Vec2D speed = ( weapon->bulletSpeed / s ) * dif; Object* bullet = weapon->createBullet(); bullet->setVelocity( speed ); spawnObject(bullet); }
Force calculateForceFromBody(Body otherBody) { Vec2D distance = calculateDistanceFromBody(otherBody); Vec2D unit_distance = distance.getUnitVector(); if (distance.getMagnitude() != 0) { double forceMagnitude= (GRAVITYCONST * otherBody.getMass() * getMass()) / (pow(distance.getMagnitude(), 2)); double forceMagnitude_x = forceMagnitude * unit_distance.getX(); double forceMagnitude_y = forceMagnitude * unit_distance.getY(); return Force(forceMagnitude_x, forceMagnitude_y); } else { return Force(0,0); } }
bool outOfRange(Body body) { if (body.getXPos() < _position.getX() - _box.getSize() / 2) { return true; } if (body.getXPos() > _position.getX() + _box.getSize() / 2) { return true; } if (body.getYPos() < _position.getY() - _box.getSize() / 2) { return true; } if (body.getYPos() > _position.getY() + _box.getSize() / 2) { return true; } }
void SchQ_Particle_System :: apply_hooks_law(Spring &s){ Vec2D<double> pos0 = s.a->get_position(), pos1 = s.b->get_position(), vel0 = s.a->get_velocity(), vel1 = s.b->get_velocity(); double dx = pos0.x-pos1.x, dy = pos0.y-pos1.y, dvdx = vel0.x-vel1.x, dvdy = vel0.y-vel1.y, dist = pos0.distance(pos1), rdist = dist != 0 ? 1.0/dist : 0; Vec2D<double> force (-(s.stiffness*(dist-s.rest_length) + s.dampening*(dvdx) * dx*rdist) * dx*rdist , -(s.stiffness*(dist-s.rest_length) + s.dampening*(dvdy) * dy*rdist) * dy*rdist); s.a->add_force(force); s.b->add_force(force.multiply(-1)); }
DirArrayGen::DirArrayGen( Vec2D const& d ) { difPos = Vec2D(0,0); dir = ( 1.0f / sqrtf( d.length2() ) ) * d; num = 1; offset = 2; }
toxi::geom::Vec2D toxi::geom::Polygon2D::getClosestPointTo( Vec2D & p ) { float minD = FLT_MAX; Vec2D q = Vec2D(); for (Line2D l : getEdges()) { Vec2D c = l.closestPointTo(p); float d = static_cast< float > ( c.distanceToSquared( p ) ); if (d < minD) { q = c; minD = d; } } return q; }
Vec2D Segment::intersectionPoint(Segment const& other) const { Vec2D selfDelta = delta(); Vec2D otherDelta =; if(selfDelta.cross(otherDelta) != 0) { float t = other.a.subtract(a).cross(otherDelta) / selfDelta.cross(otherDelta); float u = other.a.subtract(a).cross(selfDelta) / selfDelta.cross(otherDelta); if(t >= 0 && t <= 1 && u >= 0 && u <= 1) { return a.add(selfDelta.scale(t)); } } return Vec2D(0, 0); }
bool Segment::intersects(Segment const& other) const { Vec2D selfDelta = delta(); Vec2D otherDelta =; if(selfDelta.cross(otherDelta) != 0) { float t = other.a.subtract(a).cross(otherDelta) / selfDelta.cross(otherDelta); float u = other.a.subtract(a).cross(selfDelta) / selfDelta.cross(otherDelta); if(t >= 0 && t <= 1 && u >= 0 && u <= 1) { return true; } } return false; }
int getQuadrantOfBody(Body body) { double x = body.getXPos(); double y = body.getYPos(); if (x < _position.getX()) { if (y > _position.getY()) { return 1; } else { return 3; } } else { if (y > _position.getY()) { return 2; } else { return 4; } } }
Image BrushStrokerCustomBrush::drawDabImage(const TabletInputData &data, QRect *rect) { Q_ASSERT(data.pressure > 0); Vec2D radiusVec; radiusVec.rx() = radiusBase() * data.pressure; radiusVec.ry() = radiusVec.x() * (1.0 - _setting.flattening); _lastMinorRadius = radiusVec.y(); //qDebug() << "radius" << radiusVec.x << radiusVec.y; QPainterPath ellipse; ellipse.addEllipse(data.pos, radiusVec.x(), radiusVec.y()); QRect dabRect; if (_setting.rotation) { QTransform rotation; rotation.rotate(_setting.rotation); ellipse =; dabRect = ellipse.boundingRect().toAlignedRect(); } else { dabRect = QRectF(QPointF(data.pos - radiusVec), QSizeF(2.0 * radiusVec)).toAlignedRect(); } Image dabImage(dabRect.size()); dabImage.clear(); Painter dabPainter(&dabImage); dabPainter.translateShape(-dabRect.topLeft()); if (_setting.tableWidth == 1 && _setting.tableHeight == 1) { // no gradient dabPainter.setPixel(pixel()); } else { ArgbGradient gradient; gradient.addStop(0, pixel()); gradient.addStop(_setting.tableWidth, pixel() * _setting.tableHeight); gradient.addStop(1, Pixel(0)); dabPainter.setBrush(Malachite::Brush::fromRadialGradient(gradient, data.pos, radiusVec)); } dabPainter.drawPath(ellipse); dabPainter.end(); *rect = dabRect; return dabImage; }
void toxi::geom::Polygon2D::offsetCorner( const float & x1, const float & y1, const float & x2, const float & y2, const float & x3, const float & y3, const float & distance, Vec2D * out ) { float c1 = x2, d1 = y2, c2 = x2, d2 = y2; float dx1, dy1, dist1, dx2, dy2, dist2, insetX, insetY; dx1 = x2 - x1; dy1 = y2 - y1; dist1 = (float) toxi::math::MathUtils::sqrt(dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1); dx2 = x3 - x2; dy2 = y3 - y2; dist2 = (float) toxi::math::MathUtils::sqrt(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2); if (dist1 < toxi::math::MathUtils::EPS || dist2 < toxi::math::MathUtils::EPS) { return; } dist1 = distance / dist1; dist2 = distance / dist2; insetX = dy1 * dist1; insetY = -dx1 * dist1; float _x1 = x1 +insetX; c1 += insetX; float _y1 = y1 + insetY; d1 += insetY; insetX = dy2 * dist2; insetY = -dx2 * dist2; float _x3 = x3 + insetX; c2 += insetX; float _y3 = y3 + insetY; d2 += insetY; if (c1 == c2 && d1 == d2) { out->set(c1, d1); return; } Line2D l1 = toxi::geom::Line2D( Vec2D(_x1, _y1), Vec2D(c1, d1)); Line2D l2 = toxi::geom::Line2D( Vec2D(c2, d2), Vec2D(_x3, _y3)); LineIntersection isec = l1.intersectLine( l2); Vec2D ipos = isec.getPos(); if (ipos.isZeroVector()) { out->set(ipos); } }
bool circleLineIntersect(Vec2D const& p, float const r, Vec2D const& l1, Vec2D const& l2, float const lr) { Vec2D ld = l2 - l1; Vec2D ln = ld.normal(); Vec2D l1p = p - l1; Vec2D l2p = p - l2; if(ln.cross(l1p) * ln.cross(l2p) < 0) { return l1p.projectioni(ln).lengthSquared() <= (r + lr) * (r + lr); } else if(l1p.lengthSquared() < l2p.lengthSquared()) { return l1p.lengthSquared() <= (r + lr) * (r + lr); } else { return l2p.lengthSquared() <= (r + lr) * (r + lr); } }
float toxi::geom::Vec2D::angleBetween( Vec2D v, bool forceNormalize ) { double theta; if (forceNormalize) { theta = getNormalized().dot(v.getNormalized()); } else { theta = dot(v); } return (float) std::acos(toxi::math::MathUtils::clipNormalized(theta)); }
toxi::geom::Vec2D toxi::geom::Polygon2D::getRandomPoint() { std::vector< Line2D > edges = getEdges(); int numEdges = edges.size(); Line2D ea = static_cast< int > ( toxi::math::MathUtils::random( numEdges ) ) ); Line2D * eb = nullptr; // and another one, making sure it's different while (eb == nullptr || *eb == ea) { eb = & static_cast< int > ( toxi::math::MathUtils::random( numEdges ) ) ); } // pick a random point on edge A Vec2D p = ea.getA().interpolateTo(ea.getB(), toxi::math::MathUtils::random( 1.0 ) ); // then randomly interpolate to another random point on edge B Vec2D ret = p.interpolateToSelf( eb->getA().interpolateTo(eb->getB(), toxi::math::MathUtils::random( 1.0 ) ), static_cast< float > ( toxi::math::MathUtils::random( 1.0 ) ) ); delete eb; return ret; }
void Init(){ _str.clear(); _strCounter=0; _nowSize=_defaultSize; _nowFrm=0; _lineMaxSize=_nowSize; _nowColor=_defaultColor; _nowPoint.Init(); _strVect.clear(); _doneFlg = false; }
int toxi::geom::Vec2D::compareTo( Vec2D v ) { if (x == v.x && y == v.y) { return 0; } float a = magSquared(); float b = v.magSquared(); if (a < b) { return -1; } return +1; }
Debris::Debris(Ship* s, Player* p, Vec2D location, Vec2D direction, bool collides, bool draw) : ParticleEffect(0, p, none, location, direction, NULL, collides, draw) { this->mesh = this; shipFinalDir = s->dir; Vec2D rotationpoint; Vec2D midpoint; Mesh* m = (Mesh*)(s->mesh); Mesh* meshpart = NULL; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m->polyNum; ++i) { for(unsigned int p = 0; p < m->polys[i].length - 1; ++p) { meshpart = new Mesh(); meshpart->polyNum = 1; meshpart->mountNum = 0; meshpart->polys = new sf2::Polygon[1]; meshpart->polys[0].length = 2; meshpart->polys[0].vertices = new sf2::CUSTOMVERTEX[2]; meshpart->polys[0].vertices[0] = m->polys[i].vertices[p]; meshpart->polys[0].vertices[1] = m->polys[i].vertices[p+1]; midpoint = Vec2D(meshpart->polys[0].vertices[1].X + meshpart->polys[0].vertices[0].X, meshpart->polys[0].vertices[1].Y + meshpart->polys[0].vertices[0].Y)/2.0f; meshpart->radius = Distance(Vec2D(meshpart->polys[0].vertices[0].X, meshpart->polys[0].vertices[0].Y), Vec2D(meshpart->polys[0].vertices[1].X, meshpart->polys[0].vertices[1].Y)) / 2.0f; Vec2D addedVel = 3.0f/midpoint; //difference between midpoint and ship's midpoint addedVel.scale(meshpart->radius); //scale by size of part //rotationpoint Vec2D start(m->polys[i].vertices[p]); Vec2D end = Vec2D(m->polys[i].vertices[p+1]); rotationpoint = start - end; rotationpoint.scale(randomFloat(0.0f, 1.0f)); rotationpoint += end; float limit = 3.14159f * 2 / meshpart->radius; float rotationspeed = randomFloat(-limit, limit); LoadToVRAM(meshpart); parts.insert(parts.end(), new DebrisPart(meshpart, randomFloat(1.0f, 5.0f), s->loc, s->vel + addedVel, rotationpoint, midpoint, rotationspeed)); } } }
WheelsControl::WheelOutput DriveEquation::computeWheel(const WheelConfig &wconfig, const Motion &motion) const { Vec2D relvel = motion.vel.rotate(motion.curdir); Vec2D wheelout = relvel + (wconfig.framepos*motion.angvel).rotate(-M_PI/2); float mag = wheelout.magnitude(); WheelsControl::WheelOutput out; if (mag < config.minspeed) { out.angle = 0; out.effort = 0; out.enabled = false; return out; } out.angle = (wheelout.angle()+config.wheelangleoffset).getRad(); out.effort = wconfig.effortscale*mag; if (out.effort > 0) out.effort += wconfig.effortoffset; else out.effort -= wconfig.effortoffset; return out; }
void print() { cout << "Entering Print" << endl; if (_state == INTERNAL) { cout << "Internal" << endl; if (_body == NULL) { cout << "NO Body here" << endl; cout << "Mass of internal node " << _mass << endl; cout << "Center of Mass " << _centerOfMass.getX() << " " << _centerOfMass.getY() << endl; } else { cout << _body->getMass() << endl; } } else { cout << "External" << endl; if (_body == NULL) { cout << "NO Body here" << endl; } else { cout << _body->getMass() << endl; } } if (_NW != NULL) { cout << "Printing NW" << endl; _NW->print(); } if (_NE != NULL) { cout << "Printing NE" << endl; _NE->print(); } if (_SW != NULL) { cout << "Printing SW" << endl; _SW->print(); } if (_SE != NULL) { cout << "Printing SE" << endl; _SE->print(); } cout << "Leaving Print" << endl; }
float Vec2D::rotationTo(Vec2D const& other) const { float myAngle = angle(); float otherAngle = other.angle(); if(myAngle > otherAngle) { return myAngle - (otherAngle + 1.0); } else { return myAngle - otherAngle; } }
toxi::geom::Polygon2D * toxi::geom::Polygon2D::reduceVertices( const float & mel ) { float minEdgeLength = mel * mel; std::vector<Vec2D> reduced; Vec2D prev =; reduced.push_back(prev); int num = vertices.size() - 1; for (int i = 1; i < num; i++) { Vec2D v =; if (prev.distanceToSquared( v ) >= minEdgeLength) { reduced.push_back(v); prev = v; } } if ( >= minEdgeLength) { reduced.push_back(; } vertices = reduced; return this; }