예제 #1
void PathMoveSystem::update(EntityPtr entity)
	// @todo: some of this logic can be passed to component functions!
	if(!HasCmpt(PathFindComponent, entity))
	GetCmpt(PathFindComponent, path_com, entity);
	GetCmpt(PositionComponent, pos_com, entity);
	GetCmpt(MovementComponent, mov_com, entity);
	EntityPtr next_waypoint = path_com->path.front();
	GetCmpt(PositionComponent, wp_pos_com, next_waypoint);
	Vec2f between = wp_pos_com->position - pos_com->position;
	float dist = between.length();
	if(dist <= 0.01f) // remove target
		mov_com->speed = Vec2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
	else //Keep moving
		mov_com->speed = between;
예제 #2
Vec2f BaseParticleSpring::normalize()
	if( p1->fixed && p2->fixed )
		return Vec2f( 0, 0 );

	BaseParticle *particleBase = p1;
	BaseParticle *particleNorm = p2;

	if( p2->fixed )
		particleBase = p2;
		particleNorm = p1;

	Vec2f direction = particleNorm->position - particleBase->position;
	float d = direction.length();

	if( d != distance )
		Vec2f posNorm = particleNorm->position;
		particleNorm->position = particleBase->position + direction * distance;

		direction = particleNorm->position - particleBase->position;
		d = direction.length();

		return Vec2f( posNorm - particleNorm->position );

	return Vec2f( 0, 0 );
예제 #3
파일: hexApp.cpp 프로젝트: pholz/hex
	void collide(Tile* tile)
		Vec2f vec = tile->pos - pos;
		float rads = math<float>::atan2(vec.x, vec.y) + M_PI;
		if(vec.length() < 2 * TILERAD_MIN + 5.0f && vec.length() > 2 * TILERAD_MIN - 5.0f)
			for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
				if(rads < i * M_PI/3.0f + M_PI/24.0f && rads > i * M_PI/3.0f - M_PI/24.0f)
					//console() << toDegrees(rads) << endl;
					connect(tile, i);
					tile->connect(this, (3 + i) % 6);
예제 #4
// Translate branch on 0.1 of vector [v1,v2]
void RefinementState::stretchBranch (const Filter &branch, const RefinementState &state, int v1_idx, int v2_idx, int val)
   int i;
   float r, sh = 0.1f * val;

   const Vec2f &v1 = state.layout[v1_idx];
   const Vec2f &v2 = state.layout[v2_idx];
   Vec2f d;

   d.diff(v2, v1);
   r = d.length();

   if (r < EPSILON) 
      throw Error("too small edge");

   d.scale(sh / r);

   if (branch.valid(v1_idx))


   for (i = _graph.vertexBegin(); i < _graph.vertexEnd(); i = _graph.vertexNext(i))
      if (!branch.valid(i)) 
         layout[i].sum(state.layout[i], d);
         layout[i] = state.layout[i];
void ParticleEmitter::repulseParticles()
	for( list<Particle>::iterator p1 = mParticles.begin(); p1 != mParticles.end(); ++p1 ){
		list<Particle>::iterator p2 = p1;
		for( ++p2; p2 != mParticles.end(); ++p2 ) {
			Vec2f dir = p1->mLoc - p2->mLoc;
			float thresh = ( p1->mRadius + p2->mRadius ) * 5.0f;
			if( dir.x > -thresh && dir.x < thresh && dir.y > -thresh && dir.y < thresh ){
				float distSqrd = dir.lengthSquared() * dir.length();
				if( distSqrd > 0.0f ){
					float F = 1.0f/distSqrd;
					// acceleration = force / mass
					p1->mAcc += ( F * dir ) / p1->mMass;
					p2->mAcc -= ( F * dir ) / p2->mMass;

					// TMP
					p1->mAcc *= 0.005;
					p2->mAcc *= 0.005;
예제 #6
// Alignment
// For every nearby boid in the system, calculate the average velocity
Vec2f Boid::align(vector<Boid> &boids) {
    float neighbordist = 15.0;
    Vec2f steer;
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < boids.size(); i++) {
		Boid &other = boids[i];

		float d = loc.distance(other.loc);
		if ((d > 0) && (d < neighbordist)) {
			steer += (other.vel);
    if (count > 0) {
		steer /= (float)count;

    // As long as the vector is greater than 0
	float mag = steer.length();
    if (mag > 0) {
		// Implement Reynolds: Steering = Desired - Velocity
		steer /= mag;
		steer *= maxspeed;
		steer -= vel;
		steer.x = clamp(steer.x, -maxforce, maxforce);
		steer.y = clamp(steer.y, -maxforce, maxforce);
    return steer;
예제 #7
void Star::drawName( const Vec2f &mousePos, float power, float alpha )
	if( mDistToCam > 0.0f && mNameTex ){
		float per = constrain( 1.0f - mDistToCam * 0.0000375f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
		per *= per * per;
		Vec2f dirToMouse	= mScreenPos - mousePos;
		mDistToMouse		= dirToMouse.length();
		if( mDistToMouse < 40.0f )
			per += 1.0f - mDistToMouse/40.0f;
		if( mIsSelected )
			per = 1.0f;
		if( per > 0.05f ){
			gl::color( ColorA( power, power, power, per * alpha ) );
			gl::draw( mNameTex, mScreenPos + Vec2f( mScreenRadius + 35.0f, -28.0f ) );
			gl::color( ColorA( power, power, power, per * 0.4f * alpha ) );
			Vec2f p1 = mScreenPos;
			Vec2f p2 = p1 + Vec2f( mScreenRadius + 35.0f, -13.0f );
			Vec2f p3 = mScreenPos + Vec2f( mScreenRadius + 35.0f + mNameTex.getWidth(), -13.0f );
			gl::drawLine( p1, p2 );
			gl::drawLine( p2, p3 );
예제 #8
 * Scales the input vector to the new length and returns it.
Vec2f PathFitter::v2Scale(Vec2f v, float newlen) {
    float len = v.length();
    if (len != 0.0) { 
        v.x *= newlen/len;   
        v.y *= newlen/len;
    return v;
예제 #9
Vec2f Food::attract(SnakeRef snake) {
    Vec2f force = mLocation - snake->getLocation();
    float distance = force.length();
    distance = math<float>::clamp(distance, 10.0f, 25.0f);
    float strength = (mAmount * snake->getHunger()) / ( distance * distance ) / 10;
    force *= strength;
    return force;
Vec2f Repeller::repel(Particle * p) {
  Vec2f dir = location - p->location;
  float d = constrain((float)dir.length(), 5.0f, 100.0f);
  float G = 1200;
  float force = -1.0f * G / ( d * d );
  return dir * force;
예제 #11
void extend(CylinderVolume &srcVol, const CylinderVolume &vol)
    Pnt3f  min, max, min1, max1, min2, max2, apos;
    Vec2f  p;
    Vec3f  adir;
    Real32 r;

    if((!srcVol.isValid   () && !srcVol.isEmpty()) ||
         srcVol.isInfinite()                       ||
         srcVol.isStatic  ()                         )


            srcVol = vol;
    else if(vol.isEmpty())

    srcVol.getBounds(min,  max);
    vol   .getBounds(min1, max1);

    min2 = Pnt3f(osgMin(min.x(), min1.x()), 
                 osgMin(min.y(), min1.y()),
                 osgMin(min.z(), min1.z()));
    max2 = Pnt3f(osgMax(max.x(), max1.x()), 
                 osgMax(max.y(), max1.y()),
                 osgMax(max.z(), max1.z()));

    p = Vec2f(max2.x() - min2.x(), max2.y() - min2.y());
    r = (p.length()) * 0.5f;

    adir = Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, max2.z() - min2.z());
    apos = Pnt3f(p.x(), p.y(), min2.z());

    srcVol.setValue(apos, adir, r);

예제 #12
void Particle::pullToCenter(const Vec2f &center)
	Vec2f dirToCenter = m_loc - center;
	float distToCenter = dirToCenter.length();
	if (distToCenter > voidnoise::Settings::get().gravityDistance)
		m_acc -= dirToCenter.normalized() *
			((distToCenter - voidnoise::Settings::get().gravityDistance) * voidnoise::Settings::get().gravity);
예제 #13
Node* CanvasComponent::getNodeBelow(const cease::MouseEvent& event)
    for (int i=0; i<inputNodes.size(); i++)
        Vec2f distance = event.getPos() - inputNodes[i]->getCanvasPos();
        if (distance.length() < 5) {
            return inputNodes[i];
    for (int i=0; i<outputNodes.size(); i++)
        Vec2f distance = event.getPos() - outputNodes[i]->getCanvasPos();
        if (distance.length() < 5) {
            return outputNodes[i];
    return NULL;
void Spring::connect( Mover * mover ) 
  Vec2f force = mover->position - anchor;
  float d = force.length();
  float stretch = d - len;

  force *= -1 * k * stretch;

예제 #15
Vec2f Mover::attract(MoverRef m) {
    float G = 0.4;
    Vec2f force = mLocation - m->mLocation;
    float distance = force.length();
    distance = math<float>::clamp(distance, 5.0, 25.0);
    float strength = (G * mMass * m->mMass) / (distance * distance);
    force *= strength;
    return force;
예제 #16
파일: sdf.cpp 프로젝트: karlssonper/flip2D
void FluidSDF::reconstructSurface(Particles::Ptr particles, float R, float r)
    LOG_OUTPUT("Reconstructing fluid surface.");
    assert(R && r);
    int nx = _phi.nx();
    int ny = _phi.ny();
    for (int p = 0; p < particles->numParticles(); ++p) {
        const int ci = particles->pos(p).x / _phi.dx();
        const int cj = particles->pos(p).y / _phi.dx();
        assert(ci < _phi.nx() && cj < _phi.ny());

        for (int i = std::max(0,ci-2); i < std::min(nx,ci+2); ++i) {
            for (int j = std::max(0,cj-2); j < std::min(ny,cj+2); ++j) {
                const Vec2f xd = particles->pos(p) - _phi.pos(i,j);
                const float k = _kernel(xd.length() / R);
                _sum(i,j) +=  k;
                _pAvg(i,j) += k * particles->pos(p);
    for (int i = 0; i < _phi.nx(); ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < _phi.ny(); ++j) {
            if (_sum(i,j) > 0) {
                _pAvg(i,j) *= (1.0f / _sum(i,j));
                const Vec2f xd = _phi.pos(i,j) - _pAvg(i,j);
                _phi(i,j) = xd.length() - r;
            } else {
                _phi(i,j) = _phi.dx() * 1e15;
예제 #17
Connector* Level::pickConnector(Vec2f atPosition, vector<Connector*> &connectors)
    if (connectors.size() > 0) {
        vector<Connector*>::iterator iter;
        for (iter = connectors.begin(); iter != connectors.end(); iter++) {
            Connector* connector = (*iter);
            Vec2f distance = connector->getPosition() - Vec2f(atPosition.x, atPosition.y);
            float radius = 25;
            if (distance.length() < radius) {
                return connector;
    return 0;
void GLViewController::roll_ball(const CGLA::Vec2i& pos)
    static Vec2i old_pos = pos;
    Vec2f dir = Vec2f(pos-old_pos);
    float len = dir.length();
    if (len < TINY)


    spin = len>=1.1f;
    old_pos = pos;
예제 #19
void extend(CylinderVolume &srcVol, const Volume &vol)
    const Volume         *v       = &vol;
    const CylinderVolume *cylinder;
#ifndef OSG_2_PREP
    const DynamicVolume  *dynamic = dynamic_cast<const DynamicVolume *>(v);

        v = &(dynamic->getInstance());

    if((cylinder = dynamic_cast<const CylinderVolume *>(v)) != NULL)
        OSG::extend(srcVol, *cylinder);
        CylinderVolume localCylinder;
        Pnt3f          min, max, apos;
        Vec3f          adir;
        Real32         r;
        Vec2f          p;

        v->getBounds(min, max);

        p = Vec2f(max.x() - min.x(), max.y() - min.y());
        r = (p.length()) * 0.5f;

        adir = Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, max.z() - min.z());
        apos = Pnt3f(p.x(), p.y(), min.z());

        localCylinder.setValue(apos, adir, r);

        OSG::extend(srcVol, localCylinder);

// Renders a vector object 'v' as an arrow and a location 'loc'
void NOC_4_08_ParticleSystemSmokeApp::drawVector( Vec2f v, Vec2f loc, float scale )
	float arrowsize = 4.0;
	// Translate to location to render vector
	gl::translate( loc );
	gl::color( Color::white() );
	// There is no heading2d function in cinder so get direction this way (note that pointing up is a heading of 0) and rotate
	gl::rotate( toDegrees( atan2( v.y, v.x ) ) );
	// Calculate length of vector & scale it to be bigger or smaller if necessary
	float len = v.length() * scale;
	// Draw three lines to make an arrow (draw pointing up since we've rotate to the proper direction)
	gl::drawLine( Vec2f::zero(), Vec2f( len , 0.0 ) );
	gl::drawLine( Vec2f( len, 0 ), Vec2f( len - arrowsize , arrowsize / 2 ) );
	gl::drawLine( Vec2f( len, 0 ), Vec2f( len - arrowsize , -arrowsize / 2 ) );
예제 #21
// Separation
// Method checks for nearby boids and steers away
Vec2f Boid::separate(vector<Boid> &boids) {
    float desiredseparation = 10.0f;
    Vec2f steer;
    int count = 0;

    // For every boid in the system, check if it's too close
    for (int i = 0 ; i < boids.size(); i++) {
		Boid &other = boids[i];

		float d = loc.distance(other.loc);

		// If the distance is greater than 0 and less than an arbitrary amount (0 when you are yourself)
		if ((d > 0) && (d < desiredseparation)) {
			// Calculate vector pointing away from neighbor
			Vec2f diff = loc - other.loc;
			diff /= d;			// normalize
			diff /= d;        // Weight by distance
			steer += diff;
			count++;            // Keep track of how many
    // Average -- divide by how many
    if (count > 0) {
		steer /= (float)count;

    // As long as the vector is greater than 0
	//float mag = sqrt(steer.x*steer.x + steer.y*steer.y);

	float mag = steer.length();
    if (mag > 0) {
		// Implement Reynolds: Steering = Desired - Velocity
		steer /= mag;
		steer *= maxspeed;
		steer -= vel;
		steer.x = clamp(steer.x, -maxforce, maxforce);
		steer.y = clamp(steer.y, -maxforce, maxforce);
    return steer;
예제 #22
파일: QuatTrackBall.cpp 프로젝트: janba/GEL
    // Project an x,y pair onto a sphere of radius r OR a hyperbolic sheet
    // if we are away from the center of the sphere.
    float QuatTrackBall::projectToSphere(const Vec2f& v)
#ifndef M_SQRT_2
        const double M_SQRT_2 = 0.707106781187;
        float d = v.length();
        float t = ballsize*M_SQRT_2;
        float z;
        // Inside sphere
        if(d < ballsize)
            z = sqrt(ballsize*ballsize - d*d);
        else if(d < t)
            z = 0.0;
        // On hyperbola
            z = t*t/d;
        return z;
예제 #23
void TrafficSimulation::update() {


    // Update the position of the player to be send to the server
    if (player != NULL) {

        // Move the vehicle
        Value vehicle;
        vehicle["id"] = 0;

        Value pos;

        Vec3f worldPosition = player->getFrom();
        pos[0u] = worldPosition[0];
        pos[1]  = worldPosition[1];
        pos[2]  = worldPosition[2];
        vehicle["pos"] = pos;

        // Pack as the requested array entry
        dataToSend["moveVehicles"][0] = vehicle;

    if (!receivedData.isNull()) {
        //cout << "Received data\n";

        // New data received per network. Update the positions of vehicles and the states of traffic lights

        // A set which contains the IDs of the currently existing vehicles.
        // If data for one of those is received, the entry in the set will be removed.
        // All vehicles that are in the set after the loop finished are no longer in the
        // area and can be deleted.
        set<uint> vehicleIDs;
        for (auto iter : vehicles) vehicleIDs.insert(iter.first);

        if (!receivedData["vehicles"].isNull() && receivedData["vehicles"].isArray()) {
            // Update the vehicles

            //cout << "Received vehicles " << receivedData["vehicles"].size();

            // A set for possible collisions
            // Add them all to the set and resolve them later on to avoid doubled checks
            set< pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > collisions;

            // Sleeps for 10ms each tick, but the send deltas are for one second
            // Use only a part of them to avoid moving too fast
            static const float partDelta = 10 / 1000;

            for (auto vehicleIter : receivedData["vehicles"]) {
                // Check if the values have valid types
                if (!vehicleIter["id"].isConvertibleTo(uintValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["pos"].isConvertibleTo(arrayValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["pos"][0].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["pos"][1].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["pos"][2].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["dPos"].isConvertibleTo(arrayValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["dPos"][0].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["dPos"][1].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["dPos"][2].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["angle"].isConvertibleTo(arrayValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["angle"][0].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["angle"][1].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["angle"][2].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["dAngle"].isConvertibleTo(arrayValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["dAngle"][0].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["dAngle"][1].isConvertibleTo(realValue)
                 || !vehicleIter["dAngle"][2].isConvertibleTo(realValue)) {
                    cout << "TrafficSimulation: Warning: Received invalid vehicle data.\n";

                uint ID = vehicleIter["id"].asUInt();

                if (vehicles.count(ID) == 0) { // The vehicle is new, create it
                    if (!vehicleIter["vehicle"].isConvertibleTo(uintValue)
                     || !vehicleIter["driver"].isConvertibleTo(uintValue)) {
                        cout << "TrafficSimulation: Warning: Received invalid vehicle data.\n";

                    uint vID = vehicleIter["vehicle"].asUInt();
                    if (meshes.count(vID) == 0) {
                        // If it is bigger than 500 it is our user-controlled vehicle
                        if (vID < 500) cout << "TrafficSimulation: Warning: Received unknown vehicle type " << vID << ".\n";

                    Vehicle v;

                    v.id = ID;
                    v.vehicleTypeId = vID;
                    v.driverTypeId = vehicleIter["driver"].asUInt();

                    if (meshes.count(v.vehicleTypeId) == 0) v.vehicleTypeId = 404;
                    v.geometry = (VRGeometry*)meshes[v.vehicleTypeId]->duplicate(true);
                    v.geometry->addAttachment("dynamicaly_generated", 0);

                    // Add it to the map
                    vehicles.insert(make_pair(v.id, v));

                } else vehicleIDs.erase(ID); // Already (and still) exists, remove its ID from the vehicle-id-set

                // Now the vehicle exists, update its position and state

                Vehicle& v = vehicles[ID];

                v.pos = Vec3f(vehicleIter["pos"][0].asFloat(), vehicleIter["pos"][1].asFloat(), vehicleIter["pos"][2].asFloat());
                v.deltaPos = Vec3f(vehicleIter["dPos"][0].asFloat(), vehicleIter["dPos"][1].asFloat(), vehicleIter["dPos"][2].asFloat());
                v.deltaPos *= partDelta;
                v.orientation = Vec3f(vehicleIter["angle"][0].asFloat(), vehicleIter["angle"][1].asFloat(), vehicleIter["angle"][2].asFloat());
                v.deltaOrientation = Vec3f(vehicleIter["dAngle"][0].asFloat(), vehicleIter["dAngle"][1].asFloat(), vehicleIter["dAngle"][2].asFloat());
                v.deltaOrientation *= partDelta;

                if (!vehicleIter["state"].isNull() && vehicleIter["state"].isArray()) {
                    v.state = Vehicle::NONE;

                    for (auto state : vehicleIter["state"]) {
                        if (!state.isConvertibleTo(stringValue)) continue;

                        if(state.asString() == "rightIndicator") {
                            v.state |= Vehicle::RIGHT_INDICATOR;
                        } else if(state.asString() == "leftIndicator") {
                            v.state |= Vehicle::LEFT_INDICATOR;
                        } else if(state.asString() == "accelerating") {
                            v.state |= Vehicle::ACCELERATING;
                        } else if(state.asString() == "braking") {
                            v.state |= Vehicle::BRAKING;
                        } else if(state.asString() == "waiting") {
                            v.state |= Vehicle::WAITING;
                        } else if(state.asString() == "blocked") {
                            v.state |= Vehicle::BLOCKED;
                        } else if(state.asString() == "collision") {
                            v.state |= Vehicle::COLLIDED;

                if (!vehicleIter["colliding"].isNull() && vehicleIter["colliding"].isArray()) {
                    for (auto collisionIter : vehicleIter["colliding"]) {
                        if (!collisionIter.isConvertibleTo(uintValue)) continue;

                        uint other = collisionIter.asUInt();
                        if (other < v.id) collisions.insert(make_pair(other, v.id));
                        else collisions.insert(make_pair(v.id, other));
            } // End vehicle iteration

            // Okay, all vehicles are updated now

            // Resolve collisions
            if (collisionHandler != NULL) {
                for (auto c : collisions) {
                    if (collisionHandler(vehicles[c.first], vehicles[c.second])) {

        } // End vehicle updates

        // Remove vehicles which are no longer on the map
        for (auto v : vehicleIDs) {

        // Get traffic light updates
        if (!receivedData["trafficlights"].isNull() && receivedData["trafficlights"].isArray()) {

            // The light bulbs in the array will be moved around arbitrary whichever light posts are given
            // If there are not enough bulbs in the array, more are added
            // If there are too many bulbs, they are deleted
            size_t bulbIndex = 0;
            static const double postHeight = 2;
            static const double bulbSize   = 1; // Note: If you change this value from 2, change the value further down in new VRGeometry(), too.

            for (auto lightpost : receivedData["trafficlights"]) {
                if (!lightpost.isObject()) continue;

                if (!lightpost["at"].isConvertibleTo(uintValue)
                 || !lightpost["to"].isConvertibleTo(uintValue)
                 ||  lightpost["state"].isNull()
                 || !lightpost["state"].isArray()) {
                    cout << "TrafficSimulation: Warning: Received invalid light post data.\n";

                // Calculate the vector of the street

                // Get the node positions
                Vec2f atPos, toPos;
                string atId = lexical_cast<string>(lightpost["at"].asUInt());
                string toId = lexical_cast<string>(lightpost["to"].asUInt());
                bool foundAt = false, foundTo = false;
                for (auto mapIter : loadedMaps) {
                    for (auto nodeIter : mapIter->osmNodes) {

                        if (!foundAt && nodeIter->id == atId) {
                            atPos = mapCoordinator->realToWorld(Vec2f(nodeIter->lat, nodeIter->lon));
                            foundAt = true;

                        if (!foundTo && nodeIter->id == toId) {
                            toPos = mapCoordinator->realToWorld(Vec2f(nodeIter->lat, nodeIter->lon));
                            foundTo = true;

                        if (foundAt && foundTo)
                    if (foundAt && foundTo)

                Vec2f streetOffset = toPos - atPos;
                const float prevLength = streetOffset.length();
                streetOffset *= min(prevLength / 2, Config::get()->STREET_WIDTH);

                Vec2f normal(-streetOffset[1], streetOffset[0]);
                normal *= Config::get()->STREET_WIDTH;

                streetOffset += atPos;

                // streetOffset now contains a position in the center of a street a bit away from the crossing
                // normal is a vector that is orthogonal to the street

                // Now iterate over the lanes and hang up the lights
                double lane = -0.5;
                for (auto light : lightpost["state"]) {
                    lane += 1;

                    if (!light.isConvertibleTo(stringValue)) continue;

                    while (bulbIndex+1 >= lightBulbs.size()) {
                        if (VRSceneManager::get()->getActiveScene() == NULL) break;

                        // Create a new light
                        VRGeometry* geo = new VRGeometry("ampel");
                        geo->addAttachment("dynamicaly_generated", 0);
                        geo->setPrimitive("Sphere", "0.5 2"); // The first value has to be half of bulbSize


                    // color switch
                    VRGeometry* bulb = lightBulbs[bulbIndex++];
                    Vec3f p = Vec3f(streetOffset[0] + lane * normal[0], postHeight, streetOffset[1] + lane * normal[1]);
                    string lcol = light.asString();
                    if (lcol == "red") {
                        bulb->setWorldPosition(p+Vec3f(0,3 * bulbSize,0));

                    } else if (lcol == "redamber") {
                        bulb->setWorldPosition(p+Vec3f(0,3 * bulbSize,0));

                        bulb = lightBulbs[bulbIndex++];
                        bulb->setWorldPosition(p+Vec3f(0,2 * bulbSize,0));
                    } else if (lcol == "amber") {
                        bulb->setWorldPosition(p+Vec3f(0,2 * bulbSize,0));
                    } else if (lcol == "green") {

            // Remove unused lightbulbs
            while (bulbIndex < lightBulbs.size()) {


        // Advance the vehicles a bit
    //cout << "Update " << vehicles.size() << " vehicles\n";
    for (auto v : vehicles) {
        Vec3f p = v.second.pos;
        p[1] = -1.2;//TODO: get right street height
        v.second.geometry->setDir(v.second.pos - v.second.orientation);
        v.second.pos += v.second.deltaPos;
        v.second.orientation += v.second.deltaOrientation;

예제 #24
int Flocking::update()
    int i;
    Vec2f centroid(0,0);
    for(i = 0; i < boids.size(); i++)

            boids[i].reachedDestination = true;

            Vec2f dir = partialDerivaties[(int)boids[i].loc.x][(int)boids[i].loc.y];

            float val = collisionSDF[(int)boids[i].loc.x][(int)boids[i].loc.y];



            vector<Vec2f> path;
            path = pathFinder.getPath(sceneMap,boids[i].loc);
                Vec2f dest = path[min((int)path.size()-1,10)]; //!@#
                boids[i].seek(dest,destWeight); //seek the Goal !@#

            boids[i].hitObstacle = true;

        //boids[i].seek(destinationSeek,destWeight); //seek the Goal !@#
	       boids[i].seek(destination,destWeight); //seek the Goal !@#

            removeBoid(boids[i].loc.x,boids[i].loc.y,1);  //ineffcient way to remove boids


    centroid /=flockSize();

            vector<Vec2f> path;
            path = pathFinder.getPath(sceneMap,centroid);
                destinationSeek = path[min((int)path.size()-1,5)]; 


        return 0;
        return 1;
예제 #25
//@todo: убрать\прокомментить этот феерический высер
void TargetEnergySystem::update(EntityPtr entity)
	if(!HasCmpt(TargetComponent, entity))
	GetCmpt(TargetComponent, target_com, entity);
	//If target is null, dissappear
	EntityPtr target = target_com->target;
	GetCmpt(EnergyStorageComponent, enesto, target);
	GetCmpt(PositionComponent, target_pos_com, target);
	GetCmpt(NodeComponent, target_node_com, target);
	GetCmpt(MovementComponent, move_com, entity);
	GetCmpt(PositionComponent, pos_com, entity);

	//If energy reached target
	Vec2f dist = target_pos_com->position - pos_com->position;
	bool target_changed = false;
	if(dist.length() < 0.01f)
		//Check, is target enemy tower
			GetCmpt(EnergyStorageComponent, target_enesto_cmpt, target_com->target);
		//@todo: changing entity position thoughtlessly is VERY dangerous!
		// it cost 3 evenings of debug.
		// Reposition here break GameLogic entity iterator
		// Changing position without changing cell can produce entityPtr
		// duplicate on two cells.
		// @todo: changing entity position should be on map or gamelogic.
		/*pos_com->old_position = pos_com->position;
		pos_com->position = target_pos_com->position;
			(entity, pos_com->old_position, pos_com->position);*/
		EntityIt it = target_node_com->children.begin();
		EntityPtr next_target = target;
		float min_energy_balance = 1.0f;
		while (it != target_node_com->children.end())
			GetCmpt(EnergyStorageComponent, enesto_child, (it->get()));
			if(enesto_child->balance < min_energy_balance)
				next_target = (*it);
				min_energy_balance = enesto_child->balance;
		if(min_energy_balance == 1.0) //children are full (or not exist)
				merge_energy(target, entity);
				// All childs are full and we have reached base tower.
				target_com->target = target_node_com->parent;

				target_changed = true;
			target_com->target = next_target;
			target_changed = true;

		GetCmpt(PositionComponent, new_target_pos, target_com->target);
		dist = new_target_pos->position - pos_com->position;

	// Energy, moving to enemy target, move unlinear
	if (target_com->target_enemy)
		move_com->speed = dist;
		move_com->speed.length(0.5f); //0.5 per sec.

예제 #26
void SerialTestApp::mouseDrag( MouseEvent event )
    mousePos = event.getPos();
    Vec2f offset = mousePos - getWindowCenter();

    float speed = offset.length();
    float amtLeftWheel = 0;
    float amtRightWheel = 0;
    // Turning scheme:
    // 0-90°
    // 0 == other wheel moves forward @ speed
    // 90 == other wheel moves backwards @ speed
    // Never account for moving backwards.
    // Hard left or right is all we can do.
    float yRange = (MAX((offset.y*-1), 0.0)*2.0f) - 1.0f; // -1..1
    // Always having one wheel moving forward ensures we're
    // driving forward. We can't drive backwards.
    if(offset.x < 0){
        amtRightWheel = 1;
        amtLeftWheel = yRange;// -1..1 //offset.y*-1;
        amtLeftWheel = 1;
        amtRightWheel = yRange;// -1..1 //offset.y*-1;
    // Making the lw / rw amount a function of the speed
    const static int MAX_SPEED = 200;
    float speedScalar = MIN((speed/(float)MAX_SPEED), 1.0);
    amtLeftWheel *= speedScalar;
    amtRightWheel *= speedScalar;
    int lw = 255+(amtLeftWheel*255); // 0..255..500
    int rw = 255+(amtRightWheel*255); // 0..255..500
    string directions = "" + boost::lexical_cast<string>((int)lw) + "," +
                             boost::lexical_cast<string>((int)rw) + ",\n";

    console() << directions << "\n";
    // SIM Arduino code
    long val = (lw*(long)1000)+rw;
    int rVal = val % 1000;
    int lVal = (val - rVal) * 0.001;
    int lDirection = lVal >= 255 ? 1 : -1;
    int rDirection = rVal >= 255 ? 1 : -1;
    int lAbsVal = abs(lVal-255);
    int rAbsVal = abs(rVal-255);

    console() << "lw : " << lw << " rw: " << rw;
    console() << " lAbsVal : " << lAbsVal << " rAbsVal: " << rAbsVal << "\n";
    _ardLDir = lDirection;
    _ardRDir = rDirection;
    _ardLVal = lAbsVal;
    _ardRVal = rAbsVal;

예제 #27
int improvement(int ind, int molSize, int *rotateAngle, int *edgeLenght, int *vertexNumber, Vec2f *p, bool profi, bool do_dist, float multiplier, int worstVertex) {

   Vec2f p1 = p[(worstVertex - 1 + ind) % ind];
   Vec2f p2 = p[(worstVertex + 1 + ind) % ind];
   float r1 = edgeLenght[(ind + worstVertex - 1) % ind];
   float r2 = edgeLenght[(ind + worstVertex) % ind];

   float len1 = Vec2f::dist(p1, p[worstVertex]);
   float len2 = Vec2f::dist(p2, p[worstVertex]);

   float r3 = Vec2f::dist(p1, p2) / sqrt(3.0);

   Vec2f p3 = (p1 + p2) / 2;

   if (rotateAngle[worstVertex] != 0) {
      Vec2f a = (p2 - p1) / sqrt(12.0f);
      a.rotate(PI / 2 * rotateAngle[worstVertex]);
      p3 += a;
   else {
      p3 = (p1*r1 + p2*r2) / (r1 + r2);

   float len3 = Vec2f::dist(p3, p[worstVertex]);
   if (rotateAngle[worstVertex] == 0) r3 = 0;

   //printf("%5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f\n", len1, len2, len3, r3);
   Vec2f newPoint;
   float eps = 1e-4;
   float eps2 = eps * eps;
   if (len1 < eps || len2 < eps || len3 < eps) {
      p[worstVertex] = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
   else {
      float coef1 = (r1 / len1 - 1);
      float coef2 = (r2 / len2 - 1);
      float coef3 = (r3 / len3 - 1);
      if (rotateAngle[worstVertex] != 0) {
         float angle = acos(Vec2f::cross(p1 - p[worstVertex], p2 - p[worstVertex]) / (Vec2f::dist(p1, p[worstVertex])*Vec2f::dist(p2, p[worstVertex])));
         //if (angle < 2 * PI / 3) coef3 /= 10;

      //if (!isIntersec(x[worstVertex], y[worstVertex], x3, y3, x1, y1, x2, y2)) coef3 *= 10;
      if (rotateAngle[worstVertex] == 0) coef3 = -1;
      //printf("%5.5f %5.5f %5.5f\n", coef1, coef2, coef3);
      newPoint += (p[worstVertex] - p1)*coef1;
      newPoint += (p[worstVertex] - p2)*coef2;
      newPoint += (p[worstVertex] - p3)*coef3;

      if (do_dist) {
         if (profi) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ind; i++) if (i != worstVertex && (i + 1) % ind != worstVertex) {
               float dist = Vec2f::distPointSegment(p[worstVertex], p[i], p[(i + 1) % ind]);
               if (dist < 1 && dist > eps) {
                  Vec2f normal = (p[(i + 1) % ind] - p[i]);
                  normal.rotate(PI / 2);
                  float c = Vec2f::cross(p[i], p[(i + 1) % ind]);
                  float s = normal.length();

                  normal /= s;
                  c /= s;

                  float t = -c - Vec2f::dot(p[worstVertex], normal);

                  Vec2f pp;

                  if (s < eps) {
                     pp = p[i];
                  else {
                     pp = p[worstVertex] + normal * t;
                     if (Vec2f::dist(p[worstVertex], p[i]) < Vec2f::dist(p[worstVertex], pp)) {
                        pp = p[i];
                     if (Vec2f::dist(p[worstVertex], p[(i + 1) % ind]) < Vec2f::dist(p[worstVertex], pp)) {
                        pp = p[(i + 1) % ind];

                  float coef = (1 - dist) / dist;

                  newPoint += (p[worstVertex] - pp) * coef;
         else {
            float good_distance = 1;
            for (int j = 0; j < ind; j++) {
               int nextj = (j + 1) % ind;
               Vec2f pp = p[j];
               Vec2f dpp = (p[nextj] - p[j]) / edgeLenght[j];

               for (int t = vertexNumber[j], s = 0; t != vertexNumber[nextj]; t = (t + 1) % molSize, s++) {
                  if (t != vertexNumber[worstVertex] && (t + 1) % molSize != vertexNumber[worstVertex] && t != (vertexNumber[worstVertex] + 1) % molSize) {
                     float distSqr = Vec2f::distSqr(pp, p[worstVertex]);
                     if (distSqr < good_distance && distSqr > eps2) {
                        float dist = sqrt(distSqr);
                        float coef = (good_distance - dist) / dist;
                        //printf("%5.5f \n", dist);
                        newPoint += (p[worstVertex] - pp)*coef;
                  pp += dpp;

      newPoint *= multiplier;

      p[worstVertex] += newPoint;
   return worstVertex;
예제 #28
float MapperOp::angle(const Vec2f& v1, const Vec2f& v2)
	return acos( v1.dot(v2) / (v1.length() * v2.length()) );
예제 #29
파일: cApp.cpp 프로젝트: stdmtb/n9
void cApp::update(){

        add particle
    int numPs = ps.size();
    if( frame%100 != 0 ){
        int num = randInt(10, 30);
        for( int i=0; i<num; i++ ){
            // pick up color
            int cid = numPs + i;
            int cidx = cid % mColorSample1.size();
            int cidy = cid / mColorSample1.size();
            cidx %= mColorSample1.size();
            cidy %= mColorSample1[0].size();
            ColorAf col = mColorSample1[cidx][cidy];
            float angle = mPlns[1].fBm( cid*0.01 ) * 10.0;
            Vec2f vel = Vec2f(1,1) * randFloat(10, 20);
            ps.push_back( Vec2f(0,0) );
            cs.push_back( col );
            vs.push_back( vel );
        int num = randInt(20000, 30000);
        for( int i=0; i<num; i++ ){
            // pick up color
            int cid = numPs + i;
            int cidx = cid % mColorSample1.size();
            int cidy = cid / mColorSample1.size();
            cidx %= mColorSample1.size();
            cidy %= mColorSample1[0].size();
            ColorAf col = mColorSample1[cidx][cidy];
            Vec3f n = mPlns[0].dfBm( frame, col.r*col.g, col.b );
            Vec2f vel;
            vel.x = n.x * n.y * 20;
            vel.y = n.y * n.z * 20;
            if(vel.length() <= 20){
                vel = vel.normalized() * lmap(abs(n.z), 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.7f, 1.0f) *20;
            ps.push_back( Vec2f(0,0) );
            cs.push_back( col );
            vs.push_back( vel );
        update particle
    for( int i=0; i<ps.size(); i++ ){
        Vec2f & p = ps[i];
        Vec2f & v = vs[i];
        ColorAf & c = cs[i];
        Vec3f n = mPlns[1].dfBm( frame*0.01, i*0.01, c.b*0.5 );
        c.r += n.x * 0.02;
        c.g += n.y * 0.02;
        c.b += n.z * 0.02;
        Vec2f new_vel;
        new_vel.x = n.x;
        new_vel.y = n.y;
        v += new_vel*2;
        p += v;
        v *= 0.999;
        c.a *= 0.999;
    vector<Vec2f>::iterator pit = ps.begin();
    vector<Vec2f>::iterator vit = vs.begin();
    vector<ColorAf>::iterator cit = cs.begin();
    int xmin = -mExp.mFbo.getWidth()/2;
    int xmax = mExp.mFbo.getWidth()/2;
    int ymin = -mExp.mFbo.getHeight()/2;
    int ymax = mExp.mFbo.getHeight()/2;
    while ( pit!=ps.end() ) {
        Vec2f & p = *pit;
        if( (p.x<xmin || xmax<p.x) || p.y<ymin || ymax<p.y  ){
            pit = ps.erase(pit);
            vit = vs.erase(vit);
            cit = cs.erase(cit);
예제 #30
/*! The mouseMove is called by the viewer when the mouse is moved in the
    viewer and this handle is the active one.

    \param x the x-pos of the mouse (pixel)
    \param y the y-pos of the mouse (pixel)
void Manipulator::mouseMove(const Int16 x,
                            const Int16 y)
    //SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove() enter\n" << std::flush;

    // get the beacon's core (must be ComponentTransform) and it's center
    if( getTarget() != NULL )
        // get transformation of beacon
        Transform *t = dynamic_cast<Transform *>(getTarget()->getCore());

        if( t != NULL )
            UInt16     coord(0);          // active coordinate: X=0, Y=1, Z=2

            Int16      xDiff;             // the mousepos x delta
            Int16      yDiff;             // the mousepos y delta

            Vec3f      centerV;           // center of beacon
            Vec3f      handleCenterV;     // center of subhandle
            Vec2f      mouseScreenV;      // mouse move vector
            Vec2f      handleScreenV;     // handle vec in (cc)
            Real32     handleScreenVLen;  // len of handle vec in (cc)

            Vec3f      translation;       // for matrix decomposition
            Quaternion rotation;
            Vec3f      scaleFactor;
            Quaternion scaleOrientation;

            // TODO: das ist ja schon ein wenig haesslich
            static const Vec3f coordVector[3] = {
                Vec3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                Vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
                Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)

            //  check for the active handle
            if(     getActiveSubHandle() == getHandleXNode())
                coord = 0;
            else if(getActiveSubHandle() == getHandleYNode())
                coord = 1;
            else if(getActiveSubHandle() == getHandleZNode())
                coord = 2;

            // TODO: only for debugging, -> FDEBUG
            //SLOG << "moving " << ( coord == 0 ? "x\n" :
            //                       coord == 1 ? "y\n" :
            //                       "z\n" )
            //     << std::flush;

            // calculate diffs between current and last mouse position
            xDiff = x - Int16(getLastMousePos()[0]);
            yDiff = y - Int16(getLastMousePos()[1]);

            // set the vector resulting from user mouse movement and calc its length
            mouseScreenV.setValues(xDiff, -yDiff);

            t->getMatrix().getTransform(translation, rotation, scaleFactor,

            // calculate the camera coordinate of the center
            centerV            = translation;
            Pnt2f centerPixPos = calcScreenProjection(centerV.addToZero(),

            // calculate the camera coordinate of the handle center
            handleCenterV            = centerV + coordVector[coord]*getLength()[coord];
            Pnt2f handleCenterPixPos = calcScreenProjection(handleCenterV.addToZero(),

            handleScreenV    = handleCenterPixPos - centerPixPos;
            handleScreenVLen = handleScreenV.length();

            Real32 s = handleScreenV.dot(mouseScreenV) / handleScreenVLen;

            doMovement(t, coord, s * getLength()[coord] * 0.01, translation,
                       rotation, scaleFactor, scaleOrientation);
            SWARNING << "handled object has no parent transform!\n";
        SWARNING << "Handle has no target.\n";

    setLastMousePos(Pnt2f(Real32(x), Real32(y)));

    //SLOG << "Manipulator::mouseMove() leave\n" << std::flush;