예제 #1
void SoftwareTransform(
	int prim, int vertexCount, u32 vertType, u16 *&inds, int indexType,
	const DecVtxFormat &decVtxFormat, int &maxIndex, TransformedVertex *&drawBuffer, int &numTrans, bool &drawIndexed, const SoftwareTransformParams *params, SoftwareTransformResult *result) {
	u8 *decoded = params->decoded;
	FramebufferManagerCommon *fbman = params->fbman;
	TextureCacheCommon *texCache = params->texCache;
	TransformedVertex *transformed = params->transformed;
	TransformedVertex *transformedExpanded = params->transformedExpanded;
	float ySign = 1.0f;
	bool throughmode = (vertType & GE_VTYPE_THROUGH_MASK) != 0;
	bool lmode = gstate.isUsingSecondaryColor() && gstate.isLightingEnabled();

	// TODO: Split up into multiple draw calls for GLES 2.0 where you can't guarantee support for more than 0x10000 verts.

#if defined(MOBILE_DEVICE)
	if (vertexCount > 0x10000/3)
		vertexCount = 0x10000/3;

	float uscale = 1.0f;
	float vscale = 1.0f;
	if (throughmode) {
		uscale /= gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
		vscale /= gstate_c.curTextureHeight;

	bool skinningEnabled = vertTypeIsSkinningEnabled(vertType);

	const int w = gstate.getTextureWidth(0);
	const int h = gstate.getTextureHeight(0);
	float widthFactor = (float) w / (float) gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
	float heightFactor = (float) h / (float) gstate_c.curTextureHeight;

	Lighter lighter(vertType);
	float fog_end = getFloat24(gstate.fog1);
	float fog_slope = getFloat24(gstate.fog2);
	// Same fixup as in ShaderManager.cpp
	if (my_isinf(fog_slope)) {
		// not really sure what a sensible value might be.
		fog_slope = fog_slope < 0.0f ? -10000.0f : 10000.0f;
	if (my_isnan(fog_slope)) {
		// Workaround for https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/issues/5384#issuecomment-38365988
		// Just put the fog far away at a large finite distance.
		// Infinities and NaNs are rather unpredictable in shaders on many GPUs
		// so it's best to just make it a sane calculation.
		fog_end = 100000.0f;
		fog_slope = 1.0f;

	VertexReader reader(decoded, decVtxFormat, vertType);
	if (throughmode) {
		for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) {
			// Do not touch the coordinates or the colors. No lighting.
			// TODO: Write to a flexible buffer, we don't always need all four components.
			TransformedVertex &vert = transformed[index];

			if (reader.hasColor0()) {
			} else {
				vert.color0_32 = gstate.getMaterialAmbientRGBA();

			if (reader.hasUV()) {

				vert.u *= uscale;
				vert.v *= vscale;
			} else {
				vert.u = 0.0f;
				vert.v = 0.0f;

			// Ignore color1 and fog, never used in throughmode anyway.
			// The w of uv is also never used (hardcoded to 1.0.)
	} else {
		// Okay, need to actually perform the full transform.
		for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++) {

			float v[3] = {0, 0, 0};
			Vec4f c0 = Vec4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
			Vec4f c1 = Vec4f(0, 0, 0, 0);
			float uv[3] = {0, 0, 1};
			float fogCoef = 1.0f;

			// We do software T&L for now
			float out[3];
			float pos[3];
			Vec3f normal(0, 0, 1);
			Vec3f worldnormal(0, 0, 1);

			if (!skinningEnabled) {
				Vec3ByMatrix43(out, pos, gstate.worldMatrix);
				if (reader.hasNormal()) {
					if (gstate.areNormalsReversed()) {
						normal = -normal;
					Norm3ByMatrix43(worldnormal.AsArray(), normal.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix);
					worldnormal = worldnormal.Normalized();
			} else {
				float weights[8];
				if (reader.hasNormal())

				// Skinning
				Vec3f psum(0, 0, 0);
				Vec3f nsum(0, 0, 0);
				for (int i = 0; i < vertTypeGetNumBoneWeights(vertType); i++) {
					if (weights[i] != 0.0f) {
						Vec3ByMatrix43(out, pos, gstate.boneMatrix+i*12);
						Vec3f tpos(out);
						psum += tpos * weights[i];
						if (reader.hasNormal()) {
							Vec3f norm;
							Norm3ByMatrix43(norm.AsArray(), normal.AsArray(), gstate.boneMatrix+i*12);
							nsum += norm * weights[i];

				// Yes, we really must multiply by the world matrix too.
				Vec3ByMatrix43(out, psum.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix);
				if (reader.hasNormal()) {
					normal = nsum;
					if (gstate.areNormalsReversed()) {
						normal = -normal;
					Norm3ByMatrix43(worldnormal.AsArray(), normal.AsArray(), gstate.worldMatrix);
					worldnormal = worldnormal.Normalized();

			// Perform lighting here if enabled. don't need to check through, it's checked above.
			Vec4f unlitColor = Vec4f(1, 1, 1, 1);
			if (reader.hasColor0()) {
			} else {
				unlitColor = Vec4f::FromRGBA(gstate.getMaterialAmbientRGBA());

			if (gstate.isLightingEnabled()) {
				float litColor0[4];
				float litColor1[4];
				lighter.Light(litColor0, litColor1, unlitColor.AsArray(), out, worldnormal);

				// Don't ignore gstate.lmode - we should send two colors in that case
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
					c0[j] = litColor0[j];
				if (lmode) {
					// Separate colors
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						c1[j] = litColor1[j];
				} else {
					// Summed color into c0 (will clamp in ToRGBA().)
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						c0[j] += litColor1[j];
			} else {
				if (reader.hasColor0()) {
					for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
						c0[j] = unlitColor[j];
				} else {
					c0 = Vec4f::FromRGBA(gstate.getMaterialAmbientRGBA());
				if (lmode) {
					// c1 is already 0.

			float ruv[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
			if (reader.hasUV())

			// Perform texture coordinate generation after the transform and lighting - one style of UV depends on lights.
			switch (gstate.getUVGenMode()) {
			case GE_TEXMAP_TEXTURE_COORDS:	// UV mapping
			case GE_TEXMAP_UNKNOWN: // Seen in Riviera.  Unsure of meaning, but this works.
				// We always prescale in the vertex decoder now.
				uv[0] = ruv[0];
				uv[1] = ruv[1];
				uv[2] = 1.0f;

					// Projection mapping
					Vec3f source;
					switch (gstate.getUVProjMode())	{
					case GE_PROJMAP_POSITION: // Use model space XYZ as source
						source = pos;

					case GE_PROJMAP_UV: // Use unscaled UV as source
						source = Vec3f(ruv[0], ruv[1], 0.0f);

					case GE_PROJMAP_NORMALIZED_NORMAL: // Use normalized normal as source
						source = normal.Normalized();
						if (!reader.hasNormal()) {
							ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Normal projection mapping without normal?");

					case GE_PROJMAP_NORMAL: // Use non-normalized normal as source!
						source = normal;
						if (!reader.hasNormal()) {
							ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Normal projection mapping without normal?");

					float uvw[3];
					Vec3ByMatrix43(uvw, &source.x, gstate.tgenMatrix);
					uv[0] = uvw[0];
					uv[1] = uvw[1];
					uv[2] = uvw[2];

				// Shade mapping - use two light sources to generate U and V.
					Vec3f lightpos0 = Vec3f(&lighter.lpos[gstate.getUVLS0() * 3]).Normalized();
					Vec3f lightpos1 = Vec3f(&lighter.lpos[gstate.getUVLS1() * 3]).Normalized();

					uv[0] = (1.0f + Dot(lightpos0, worldnormal))/2.0f;
					uv[1] = (1.0f + Dot(lightpos1, worldnormal))/2.0f;
					uv[2] = 1.0f;

				// Illegal
				ERROR_LOG_REPORT(G3D, "Impossible UV gen mode? %d", gstate.getUVGenMode());

			uv[0] = uv[0] * widthFactor;
			uv[1] = uv[1] * heightFactor;

			// Transform the coord by the view matrix.
			Vec3ByMatrix43(v, out, gstate.viewMatrix);
			fogCoef = (v[2] + fog_end) * fog_slope;

			// TODO: Write to a flexible buffer, we don't always need all four components.
			memcpy(&transformed[index].x, v, 3 * sizeof(float));
			transformed[index].fog = fogCoef;
			memcpy(&transformed[index].u, uv, 3 * sizeof(float));
			transformed[index].color0_32 = c0.ToRGBA();
			transformed[index].color1_32 = c1.ToRGBA();

			// The multiplication by the projection matrix is still performed in the vertex shader.
			// So is vertex depth rounding, to simulate the 16-bit depth buffer.

	// Here's the best opportunity to try to detect rectangles used to clear the screen, and
	// replace them with real clears. This can provide a speedup on certain mobile chips.
	// An alternative option is to simply ditch all the verts except the first and last to create a single
	// rectangle out of many. Quite a small optimization though.
	// Experiment: Disable on PowerVR (see issue #6290)
	// TODO: This bleeds outside the play area in non-buffered mode. Big deal? Probably not.
	bool reallyAClear = false;
	if (maxIndex > 1 && prim == GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES && gstate.isModeClear()) {
		int scissorX2 = gstate.getScissorX2() + 1;
		int scissorY2 = gstate.getScissorY2() + 1;
		reallyAClear = IsReallyAClear(transformed, maxIndex, scissorX2, scissorY2);
	if (reallyAClear && gl_extensions.gpuVendor != GPU_VENDOR_POWERVR) {  // && g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE) {
		// If alpha is not allowed to be separate, it must match for both depth/stencil and color.  Vulkan requires this.
		bool alphaMatchesColor = gstate.isClearModeColorMask() == gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask();
		bool depthMatchesStencil = gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask() == gstate.isClearModeDepthMask();
		if (params->allowSeparateAlphaClear || (alphaMatchesColor && depthMatchesStencil)) {
			result->color = transformed[1].color0_32;
			// Need to rescale from a [0, 1] float.  This is the final transformed value.
			result->depth = ToScaledDepth((s16)(int)(transformed[1].z * 65535.0f));
			result->action = SW_CLEAR;

	// This means we're using a framebuffer (and one that isn't big enough.)
	if (gstate_c.curTextureHeight < (u32)h && maxIndex >= 2) {
		// Even if not rectangles, this will detect if either of the first two are outside the framebuffer.
		// HACK: Adding one pixel margin to this detection fixes issues in Assassin's Creed : Bloodlines,
		// while still keeping BOF working (see below).
		const float invTexH = 1.0f / gstate_c.curTextureHeight; // size of one texel.
		bool tlOutside;
		bool tlAlmostOutside;
		bool brOutside;
		// If we're outside heightFactor, then v must be wrapping or clamping.  Avoid this workaround.
		// If we're <= 1.0f, we're inside the framebuffer (workaround not needed.)
		// We buffer that 1.0f a little more with a texel to avoid some false positives.
		tlOutside = transformed[0].v <= heightFactor && transformed[0].v > 1.0f + invTexH;
		brOutside = transformed[1].v <= heightFactor && transformed[1].v > 1.0f + invTexH;
		// Careful: if br is outside, but tl is well inside, this workaround still doesn't make sense.
		// We go with halfway, since we overestimate framebuffer heights sometimes but not by much.
		tlAlmostOutside = transformed[0].v <= heightFactor && transformed[0].v >= 0.5f;
		if (tlOutside || (brOutside && tlAlmostOutside)) {
			// Okay, so we're texturing from outside the framebuffer, but inside the texture height.
			// Breath of Fire 3 does this to access a render surface at an offset.
			const u32 bpp = fbman->GetTargetFormat() == GE_FORMAT_8888 ? 4 : 2;
			const u32 prevH = texCache->AttachedDrawingHeight();
			const u32 fb_size = bpp * fbman->GetTargetStride() * prevH;
			const u32 prevYOffset = gstate_c.curTextureYOffset;
			if (texCache->SetOffsetTexture(fb_size)) {
				const float oldWidthFactor = widthFactor;
				const float oldHeightFactor = heightFactor;
				widthFactor = (float) w / (float) gstate_c.curTextureWidth;
				heightFactor = (float) h / (float) gstate_c.curTextureHeight;

				// We've already baked in the old gstate_c.curTextureYOffset, so correct.
				const float yDiff = (float) (prevH + prevYOffset - gstate_c.curTextureYOffset) / (float) h;
				for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; ++index) {
					transformed[index].u *= widthFactor / oldWidthFactor;
					// Inverse it back to scale to the new FBO, and add 1.0f to account for old FBO.
					transformed[index].v = (transformed[index].v / oldHeightFactor - yDiff) * heightFactor;

	// Step 2: expand rectangles.
	drawBuffer = transformed;
	numTrans = 0;
	drawIndexed = false;

	if (prim != GE_PRIM_RECTANGLES) {
		// We can simply draw the unexpanded buffer.
		numTrans = vertexCount;
		drawIndexed = true;
	} else {
		bool useBufferedRendering = g_Config.iRenderingMode != FB_NON_BUFFERED_MODE;
		if (useBufferedRendering)
			ySign = -ySign;

		float flippedMatrix[16];
		if (!throughmode) {
			memcpy(&flippedMatrix, gstate.projMatrix, 16 * sizeof(float));

			const bool invertedY = useBufferedRendering ? (gstate_c.vpHeight < 0) : (gstate_c.vpHeight > 0);
			if (invertedY) {
				flippedMatrix[1] = -flippedMatrix[1];
				flippedMatrix[5] = -flippedMatrix[5];
				flippedMatrix[9] = -flippedMatrix[9];
				flippedMatrix[13] = -flippedMatrix[13];
			const bool invertedX = gstate_c.vpWidth < 0;
			if (invertedX) {
				flippedMatrix[0] = -flippedMatrix[0];
				flippedMatrix[4] = -flippedMatrix[4];
				flippedMatrix[8] = -flippedMatrix[8];
				flippedMatrix[12] = -flippedMatrix[12];

		//rectangles always need 2 vertices, disregard the last one if there's an odd number
		vertexCount = vertexCount & ~1;
		numTrans = 0;
		drawBuffer = transformedExpanded;
		TransformedVertex *trans = &transformedExpanded[0];
		const u16 *indsIn = (const u16 *)inds;
		u16 *newInds = inds + vertexCount;
		u16 *indsOut = newInds;
		maxIndex = 4 * vertexCount;
		for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i += 2) {
			const TransformedVertex &transVtxTL = transformed[indsIn[i + 0]];
			const TransformedVertex &transVtxBR = transformed[indsIn[i + 1]];

			// We have to turn the rectangle into two triangles, so 6 points.
			// This is 4 verts + 6 indices.

			// bottom right
			trans[0] = transVtxBR;

			// top right
			trans[1] = transVtxBR;
			trans[1].y = transVtxTL.y;
			trans[1].v = transVtxTL.v;

			// top left
			trans[2] = transVtxBR;
			trans[2].x = transVtxTL.x;
			trans[2].y = transVtxTL.y;
			trans[2].u = transVtxTL.u;
			trans[2].v = transVtxTL.v;

			// bottom left
			trans[3] = transVtxBR;
			trans[3].x = transVtxTL.x;
			trans[3].u = transVtxTL.u;

			// That's the four corners. Now process UV rotation.
			if (throughmode)
				RotateUV(trans, flippedMatrix, ySign);

			// Triangle: BR-TR-TL
			indsOut[0] = i * 2 + 0;
			indsOut[1] = i * 2 + 1;
			indsOut[2] = i * 2 + 2;
			// Triangle: BL-BR-TL
			indsOut[3] = i * 2 + 3;
			indsOut[4] = i * 2 + 0;
			indsOut[5] = i * 2 + 2;
			trans += 4;
			indsOut += 6;

			numTrans += 6;
		inds = newInds;
		drawIndexed = true;

		// We don't know the color until here, so we have to do it now, instead of in StateMapping.
		// Might want to reconsider the order of things later...
		if (gstate.isModeClear() && gstate.isClearModeAlphaMask()) {
			result->setStencil = true;
			if (vertexCount > 1) {
				// Take the bottom right alpha value of the first rect as the stencil value.
				// Technically, each rect could individually fill its stencil, but most of the
				// time they use the same one.
				result->stencilValue = transformed[indsIn[1]].color0[3];
			} else {
				result->stencilValue = 0;

	result->action = SW_DRAW_PRIMITIVES;
	BlenderMeshExample(int argc, const char* argv[])
	 : prog()
	 , camera_matrix(prog, "CameraMatrix")
	 , light_position(prog, "LightPosition")
	 , camera_position(prog, "CameraPosition")
	 , face_normals(prog, "FaceNormals")
	 , element_count(0)
		using namespace oglplus;

		VertexShader vs;
			"#version 330\n"
			"uniform mat4 CameraMatrix, ProjectionMatrix;"
			"uniform vec3 LightPosition, CameraPosition;"

			"mat4 Matrix = ProjectionMatrix * CameraMatrix;"

			"in vec3 Position;"
			"in vec3 Normal;"

			"out vec3 vertNormal;"
			"out vec3 vertLightDir;"
			"out vec3 vertViewDir;"

			"void main(void)"
			"	vertNormal = Normal;"
			"	vertLightDir = LightPosition - Position;"
			"	vertViewDir = CameraPosition - Position;"
			"	gl_Position = Matrix * vec4(Position, 1.0);"

		GeometryShader gs;
			"#version 330\n"
			"layout (triangles) in;"
			"layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices=3) out;"

			"uniform bool FaceNormals;"

			"in vec3 vertNormal[3];"
			"in vec3 vertLightDir[3];"
			"in vec3 vertViewDir[3];"

			"out vec3 geomNormal;"
			"out vec3 geomLightDir;"
			"out vec3 geomViewDir;"

			"void main(void)"
			"	vec3 fn;"
			"	if(FaceNormals)"
			"	{"
			"		vec3 p0 = gl_in[0].gl_Position.xyz;"
			"		vec3 p1 = gl_in[1].gl_Position.xyz;"
			"		vec3 p2 = gl_in[2].gl_Position.xyz;"
			"		fn = normalize(cross(p1-p0, p2-p0));"
			"	}"

			"	for(int v=0; v!=3; ++v)"
			"	{"
			"		gl_Position = gl_in[v].gl_Position;"
			"		if(FaceNormals) geomNormal = fn;"
			"		else geomNormal = vertNormal[v];"
			"		geomLightDir = vertLightDir[v];"
			"		geomViewDir = vertViewDir[v];"
			"		EmitVertex();"
			"	}"
			"	EndPrimitive();"

		FragmentShader fs;
			"#version 330\n"

			"in vec3 geomNormal;"
			"in vec3 geomLightDir;"
			"in vec3 geomViewDir;"

			"out vec3 fragColor;"

			"void main(void)"
			"	vec3 LightColor = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);"
			"	vec3 MatColor = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);"

			"	vec3 LightRefl = reflect(-geomLightDir, geomNormal);"

			"	float Ambient = 0.3;"
			"	float Diffuse = max(dot("
			"		normalize(geomNormal),"
			"		normalize(geomLightDir)"
			"	), 0.0);"

			"	float Contour = pow((1.0 - max(dot("
			"		normalize(geomNormal),"
			"		normalize(geomViewDir)"
			"	)-0.1, 0.0))*1.05, 4.0);"

			"	float Specular = pow(clamp(dot("
			"		normalize(geomViewDir),"
			"		normalize(LightRefl)"
			"	)+0.005, 0.0, 0.98), 64.0);"

			"	fragColor = MatColor * LightColor * (Contour + Diffuse + Ambient)+"
			"			LightColor * Specular;"


		// vectors with vertex position and normals
		// the values at index 0 is unused
		// 0 is used as primitive restart index
		std::vector<GLfloat> pos_data(3, 0.0);
		std::vector<GLfloat> nml_data(3, 0.0);
		// index offset starting at 1
		GLuint index_offset = 1;
		// vectors with vertex indices
		std::vector<GLuint> idx_data(1, 0);

		// open an input stream
		std::ifstream input(argc>1? argv[1]: "./test.blend");
		// check if we succeeded
			throw std::runtime_error("Error opening file for reading");
		// parse the input stream
		imports::BlendFile blend_file(input);
		// get the file's global block
		auto glob_block = blend_file.StructuredGlobalBlock();

		// get the default scene
		auto scene_data = blend_file[glob_block.curscene];
		// get the pointer to the first object in the scene
		auto object_link_ptr = scene_data.Field<void*>("base.first").Get();
		// and go through the whole list of objects
			// for each list element open the linked list block
			auto object_link_data = blend_file[object_link_ptr];
			// get the pointer to its object
			auto object_ptr = object_link_data.Field<void*>("object").Get();
			// open the object block (if any)
			if(object_ptr) try
				auto object_data = blend_file[object_ptr];
				// get the data pointer
				auto object_data_ptr = object_data.Field<void*>("data").Get();
				// open the data block (if any)
					auto object_data_data = blend_file[object_data_ptr];
					// if it is a mesh
					if(object_data_data.StructureName() == "Mesh")
						// get the object matrix field
						auto object_obmat_field = object_data.Field<float>("obmat");
						// make a transformation matrix
						Mat4f obmat(
							object_obmat_field.Get(0, 0),
							object_obmat_field.Get(0, 4),
							object_obmat_field.Get(0, 8),

							object_obmat_field.Get(0, 1),
							object_obmat_field.Get(0, 5),
							object_obmat_field.Get(0, 9),

							object_obmat_field.Get(0, 2),
							object_obmat_field.Get(0, 6),

							object_obmat_field.Get(0, 3),
							object_obmat_field.Get(0, 7),
						// the number of vertices
						std::size_t n_verts = 0;
						// get the vertex block pointer
						auto vertex_ptr = object_data_data.Field<void*>("mvert").Get();
						// open the vertex block (if any)
							auto vertex_data = blend_file[vertex_ptr];
							// get the number of vertices in the block
							n_verts = vertex_data.BlockElementCount();
							// get the vertex coordinate and normal fields
							auto vertex_co_field = vertex_data.Field<float>("co");
							auto vertex_no_field = vertex_data.Field<short>("no");
							// make two vectors of position and normal data
							std::vector<GLfloat> ps(3 * n_verts);
							std::vector<GLfloat> ns(3 * n_verts);
							for(std::size_t v=0; v!=n_verts; ++v)
								// (transpose y and z axes)
								// get the positional coordinates
								Vec4f position(
									vertex_co_field.Get(v, 0),
									vertex_co_field.Get(v, 1),
									vertex_co_field.Get(v, 2),
								Vec4f newpos = obmat * position;
								ps[3*v+0] = newpos.x();
								ps[3*v+1] = newpos.z();
								ps[3*v+2] =-newpos.y();
								// get the normals
								Vec4f normal(
									vertex_no_field.Get(v, 0),
									vertex_no_field.Get(v, 1),
									vertex_no_field.Get(v, 2),
								Vec4f newnorm = obmat * normal;
								ns[3*v+0] = newnorm.x();
								ns[3*v+1] = newnorm.z();
								ns[3*v+2] =-newnorm.y();
							// append the values
							pos_data.insert(pos_data.end(), ps.begin(), ps.end());
							nml_data.insert(nml_data.end(), ns.begin(), ns.end());

						// get the face block pointer
						auto face_ptr = object_data_data.Field<void*>("mface").Get();
						// open the face block (if any)
							auto face_data = blend_file[face_ptr];
							// get the number of faces in the block
							std::size_t n_faces = face_data.BlockElementCount();
							// get the vertex index fields of the face
							auto face_v1_field = face_data.Field<int>("v1");
							auto face_v2_field = face_data.Field<int>("v2");
							auto face_v3_field = face_data.Field<int>("v3");
							auto face_v4_field = face_data.Field<int>("v4");
							// make a vector of index data
							std::vector<GLuint> is(5 * n_faces);
							for(std::size_t f=0; f!=n_faces; ++f)
								// get face vertex indices
								int v1 = face_v1_field.Get(f);
								int v2 = face_v2_field.Get(f);
								int v3 = face_v3_field.Get(f);
								int v4 = face_v4_field.Get(f);

								is[5*f+0] = v1+index_offset;
								is[5*f+1] = v2+index_offset;
								is[5*f+2] = v3+index_offset;
								is[5*f+3] = v4?v4+index_offset:0;
								is[5*f+4] = 0; // primitive restart index
							// append the values
							idx_data.insert(idx_data.end(), is.begin(), is.end());

						// get the poly block pointer
						auto poly_ptr = object_data_data.TryGet<void*>("mpoly", nullptr);
						// and the loop block pointer
						auto loop_ptr = object_data_data.TryGet<void*>("mloop", nullptr);
						// open the poly and loop blocks (if we have both)
						if(poly_ptr && loop_ptr)
							auto poly_data = blend_file[poly_ptr];
							auto loop_data = blend_file[loop_ptr];
							// get the number of polys in the block
							std::size_t n_polys = poly_data.BlockElementCount();
							// get the fields of poly and loop
							auto poly_loopstart_field = poly_data.Field<int>("loopstart");
							auto poly_totloop_field = poly_data.Field<int>("totloop");
							auto loop_v_field = loop_data.Field<int>("v");

							// make a vector of index data
							std::vector<GLuint> is;
							for(std::size_t f=0; f!=n_polys; ++f)
								int ls = poly_loopstart_field.Get(f);
								int tl = poly_totloop_field.Get(f);

								for(int l=0; l!=tl; ++l)
									int v = loop_v_field.Get(ls+l);
								is.push_back(0); // primitive restart index
							// append the values
							idx_data.insert(idx_data.end(), is.begin(), is.end());
						index_offset += n_verts;
			{ }
			// and get the pointer to the nex block
			object_link_ptr = object_link_data.Field<void*>("next").Get();


			Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, pos_data);
			VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "Position");

			Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::Array, nml_data);
			VertexAttribArray attr(prog, "Normal");

		Buffer::Data(Buffer::Target::ElementArray, idx_data);

		element_count = idx_data.size();

		// find the extremes of the mesh(es)
		GLfloat min_x = pos_data[3], max_x = pos_data[3];
		GLfloat min_y = pos_data[4], max_y = pos_data[4];
		GLfloat min_z = pos_data[5], max_z = pos_data[5];
		for(std::size_t v=1, vn=pos_data.size()/3; v!=vn; ++v)
			GLfloat x = pos_data[v*3+0];
			GLfloat y = pos_data[v*3+1];
			GLfloat z = pos_data[v*3+2];

			if(min_x > x) min_x = x;
			if(min_y > y) min_y = y;
			if(min_z > z) min_z = z;
			if(max_x < x) max_x = x;
			if(max_y < y) max_y = y;
			if(max_z < z) max_z = z;

		// position the camera target
		camera_target = Vec3f(
			(min_x + max_x) * 0.5,
			(min_y + max_y) * 0.5,
			(min_z + max_z) * 0.5
		// and calculate a good value for camera distance
		camera_distance = 1.1*Distance(camera_target, Vec3f(min_x, min_y, min_z))+1.0;

		gl.ClearColor(0.17f, 0.22f, 0.17f, 0.0f);

void CollisionOutline_Impl::calculate_penetration_depth( std::vector< CollidingContours > & collision_info )
	// Figure out the pen-depth
	for(std::vector<CollidingContours>::iterator it = collision_info.begin(); it != collision_info.end(); ++it)
		CollidingContours &cc = (*it);
		if(cc.points.size() % 2 != 0)
			std::cout << "ERROR: we have an uneven number of collisionpoints: " << cc.points.size() << "\n";
			for(std::vector<CollisionPoint>::iterator pit = cc.points.begin(); pit != cc.points.end(); ++pit)
				CollisionPoint &p1 = (*pit);
				std::cout << "\tLineSegment1:"
					<< "(" << cc.contour1->get_points()[p1.contour1_line_start].x
					<< "," << cc.contour1->get_points()[p1.contour1_line_start].y << ") - "
					<< "(" << cc.contour1->get_points()[p1.contour1_line_end].x
					<< "," << cc.contour1->get_points()[p1.contour1_line_end].y << ")\n";
				std::cout << "\tLineSegment2:"
					<< "(" << cc.contour2->get_points()[p1.contour2_line_start].x
					<< "," << cc.contour2->get_points()[p1.contour2_line_start].y << ") - "
					<< "(" << cc.contour2->get_points()[p1.contour2_line_end].x
					<< "," << cc.contour2->get_points()[p1.contour2_line_end].y << ")\n";
				std::cout << "\tColPoint:  ("<<p1.point.x<<","<<p1.point.y<<")\n";
				std::cout << "\tColNormal: ("<<p1.normal.x<<","<<p1.normal.y<<")\n";
				std::cout << "\tis_entry: " << p1.is_entry <<"\n";
				std::cout << "\tcontour1_line_start: "<<p1.contour1_line_start<<", "
					<<"contour1_line_end: "<<p1.contour1_line_end<<",\n"
					<<"\tcontour2_line_start: "<<p1.contour2_line_start<<", "
					<<"contour2_line_end: "<<p1.contour2_line_end <<"\n";
			std::cout << "RORRE\n";
		// First calculate one common normal for the whole thing
		// FIXME: oposing normals might generate (0,0) as normal, and that can not be right.
		Vec4f normal;
		unsigned int cp;
		for(cp = 0; cp < cc.points.size(); cp+=2)
			std::vector<Pointf> c1points;
			std::vector<Pointf> c2points;
			int firstpoint = cp;
			CollisionPoint p1 = cc.points[firstpoint     % cc.points.size()];
			CollisionPoint p2 = cc.points[(firstpoint+1) % cc.points.size()];

			normal.x += -(p1.point - p2.point).y;
			normal.y += (p1.point - p2.point).x;
		cc.penetration_normal = Pointf(normal.x, normal.y);

		// Now look at each and every overlapping region
		cc.penetration_depth = 0.0;
		for(unsigned int cp2 = 0; cp2 < cc.points.size(); cp2+=2)
			std::vector<Pointf> c1points;
			std::vector<Pointf> c2points;
			int firstpoint = cp2;

			CollisionPoint p1 = cc.points[firstpoint     % cc.points.size()];
			CollisionPoint p2 = cc.points[(firstpoint+1) % cc.points.size()];

			// Get points inside on c1
			c1points.push_back(p2.point - p1.point);
			c1points.push_back(p1.point - p1.point);
			for(int p4 = p1.contour1_line_end; p4 != p2.contour1_line_end; p4 = ((p4+1) % cc.contour1->get_points().size()))
				c1points.push_back(cc.contour1->get_points()[p4] - p1.point);
			// Get points inside on c2
			c2points.push_back(p2.point - p1.point);
			c2points.push_back(p1.point - p1.point);
			for(int p6 = p2.contour2_line_end; p6 != p1.contour2_line_end; p6 = ((p6+1) % cc.contour2->get_points().size()))
				c2points.push_back(cc.contour2->get_points()[p6] - p1.point);
			// Calculate the penetration-depth of this overlap
			float c1maxdepth = FLT_MAX;
			float c2maxdepth = FLT_MIN;
			for(unsigned int p5 = 0; p5 < c1points.size(); p5++)
				// The dotproduct is the projection onto an other vector
				float newdepth = c1points[p5].x * normal.x + c1points[p5].y * normal.y;
				if(newdepth < c1maxdepth)
					cc.contour1_deep_point = c1points[p5] + p1.point;
					c1maxdepth = newdepth;
			for(unsigned int p = 0; p < c2points.size(); p++)
				// The dotproduct is the projection onto an other vector
				float newdepth = c2points[p].x * normal.x + c2points[p].y * normal.y;
				if(newdepth > c2maxdepth)
					cc.contour2_deep_point = c2points[p] + p1.point;
					c2maxdepth = newdepth;
			cc.penetration_depth = max(cc.penetration_depth, c2maxdepth - c1maxdepth);
		//NONO: maxpendepth = std::min(maxpendepth, 40.0f);
예제 #4
파일: Textures.cpp 프로젝트: getov/pipeline
      SmartTextureObjectData createPyramidNormalMap( const math::Vec2ui& size
                                                   , const math::Vec2ui& pyramidTiles
                                                   , float pyramidHeight )   //Depth of a pyramid in texel space
        SmartTextureObjectData texture = new TextureObjectData;
        unsigned int texWidth = size[0];
        unsigned int texHeight = size[1];
        texture->m_size = size;
        texture->m_data.resize(size[0] * size[1]);

        //Texel lengths in texture space
        Vec2f incr( 1.0f / texWidth, 1.0f / texHeight );

        //Dimensions of one pyramid
        unsigned int pyramidIX = texWidth / pyramidTiles[0];
        unsigned int pyramidIY = texHeight / pyramidTiles[1];

        //Calculate all four occurring normals of the pyramid ahead of time
        Vec4f wNormalLeft   = Vec4f( -pyramidHeight, 0.0f,           0.5f * incr[0] * pyramidIX, 0.0f);
        Vec4f wNormalRight  = Vec4f(  pyramidHeight, 0.0f,           0.5f * incr[0] * pyramidIX, 0.0f);
        Vec4f wNormalTop    = Vec4f(           0.0f, pyramidHeight,  0.5f * incr[1] * pyramidIY, 0.0f);
        Vec4f wNormalBottom = Vec4f(           0.0f, -pyramidHeight, 0.5f * incr[1] * pyramidIY, 0.0f);

        //Normalize our normals

        //Clamp our normals to [0, 1]
        wNormalLeft   = 0.5f*wNormalLeft   + Vec4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
        wNormalRight  = 0.5f*wNormalRight  + Vec4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
        wNormalTop    = 0.5f*wNormalTop    + Vec4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
        wNormalBottom = 0.5f*wNormalBottom + Vec4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);

        for(unsigned int iy = 0; iy < texHeight; iy++)
          //Get our vertical texel position relative to the center of the current pyramid tile
          int iyrel = iy % pyramidIY - pyramidIY / 2;

          for(unsigned int ix = 0; ix < texWidth; ix++)
            //Get our horizontal texel position relative to the center of the current pyramid tile
            int ixrel = ix % pyramidIX - pyramidIX / 2;
            unsigned int curTexel = iy * texWidth + ix;

            //Assign the appropriate normal according to what face of the pyramid we're on
            if( iyrel > abs(ixrel) )
              texture->m_data[curTexel] = wNormalTop;
            else if( iyrel > ixrel )
              texture->m_data[curTexel] = wNormalLeft;
            else if( iyrel > -ixrel )
              texture->m_data[curTexel] = wNormalRight;
              texture->m_data[curTexel] = wNormalBottom;


        return texture;
예제 #5
void ShaderProgramGl::setUniform(const string &name, const Vec4f &value){
	glUniform4fvARB(getLocation(name), 1, value.ptr());
예제 #6
inline float PlaneDistance(Vec4f plane, Vec3f p)
    return dot(plane.AsVec3(), p) + plane[3];
예제 #7
ref_ptr<Group> VBSPGeometry::createGeometry()
    ref_ptr<Group>       rootGroup;
    ref_ptr<Geode>       geode;
    ref_ptr<Geometry>    geometry;
    Vec4f                color;
    ref_ptr<Vec4Array>   colorArray;

    // Create the root group (we'll attach everything to this group and
    // return it)
    rootGroup = new Group();

    // Create a geode for the geometries
    geode = new Geode();

    // See if there are any regular (non-displaced) faces to render
    if (primitive_set->size() > 0)
        // Create a geometry object for the regular surfaces
        geometry = new Geometry();

        // Add the vertex attributes
        geometry->setNormalArray(normal_array.get(), Array::BIND_PER_VERTEX);
        geometry->setTexCoordArray(0, texcoord_array.get());

        // Add an overall color
        color.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
        colorArray = new Vec4Array(1, &color);
        geometry->setColorArray(colorArray.get(), Array::BIND_OVERALL);

        // Add our primitive set to the geometry

        // Add the geometry to the geode

        // Now, stripify the geode to convert the POLYGON primitives to
        // triangle strips
        osgUtil::TriStripVisitor tsv;

    // Now do the same for the displacement surfaces (if any)
    if (disp_primitive_set->size() > 0)
        // Create a geometry object for the regular surfaces
        geometry = new Geometry();

        // Add the vertex attributes
        geometry->setNormalArray(disp_normal_array.get(), Array::BIND_PER_VERTEX);
        geometry->setColorArray(disp_vertex_attr_array.get(), Array::BIND_PER_VERTEX);
        geometry->setTexCoordArray(0, disp_texcoord_array.get());
        geometry->setTexCoordArray(1, disp_texcoord_array.get());

        // Add our primitive set to the geometry

        // Add the geometry to the geode

    // Return the root group
    return rootGroup;
예제 #8
void Shader::uniformF(const std::string &name, const Vec4f &v)
    glf->glUniform4f(uniform(name), v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), v.w());
static inline void changeGenFunc(      GLenum   oldfunc, 
                                       Node    *oldbeacon, 
                                       GLenum   coord, 
                                       GLenum   gen, 
                                       GLenum   func, 
                                 const Vec4f   &plane, 
                                       Node    *beacon, 
                                       Matrix  &cameraMat,
                                       UInt32   eyeMode,
                                       Matrix  &eyeMatrix)
#if !defined(OSG_OGL_COREONLY) || defined(OSG_CHECK_COREONLY)
	if(beacon != NULL)
        Matrix beaconMat;
                   const_cast<GLfloat *>(plane.getValues()));
        glTexGeni(coord, GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, GL_EYE_LINEAR);
        if(oldfunc == GL_NONE && oldbeacon == NULL) 
    else if(func == GL_EYE_LINEAR)

            case TexGenChunk::EyeModelViewIdentity:
            case TexGenChunk::EyeModelViewStored:

            case TexGenChunk::EyeModelViewCamera:


                   const_cast<GLfloat *>(plane.getValues()));

        glTexGeni(coord, GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, GL_EYE_LINEAR);


        if(oldfunc == GL_NONE && oldbeacon == NULL) 
    else if(func != GL_NONE)                                         
        glTexGeni(coord, GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, func);        
        if(func == GL_OBJECT_LINEAR)
                       const_cast<GLfloat *>(plane.getValues()));
        if(oldfunc == GL_NONE && oldbeacon == NULL) 
    else if(oldfunc != GL_NONE || oldbeacon != NULL) 
예제 #10
void PhysicsPlaneGeom::setParams(const Vec4f &value )
	PhysicsPlaneGeomPtr tmpPtr(*this);
	dGeomPlaneSetParams(tmpPtr->id, value.x(), value.y(), value.z(), value.w());
예제 #11
void mitk::VtkModel::DrawOpenGLGroup(int group, bool)
  using sofa::core::loader::Material;
  using sofa::defaulttype::ResizableExtVector;
  using sofa::defaulttype::Vec4f;

  const VecCoord& vertices = this->getVertices();
  const ResizableExtVector<Deriv>& normals = this->getVnormals();
  const ResizableExtVector<Triangle>& triangles = this->getTriangles();
  const ResizableExtVector<Quad>& quads = this->getQuads();

  FaceGroup faceGroup;

  if (group == -1)
    faceGroup.nbt = triangles.size();
    faceGroup.nbq = quads.size();
    faceGroup = groups.getValue()[group];

  Material material = faceGroup.materialId != -1
    ? materials.getValue()[faceGroup.materialId]
    : this->material.getValue();

  if (material.useTexture && material.activated)

    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid*>(vertices.size() * sizeof(VecCoord::value_type) + normals.size() * sizeof(Deriv)));

  Vec4f ambient = material.useAmbient ? material.ambient : Vec4f();
  Vec4f diffuse = material.useDiffuse ? material.diffuse : Vec4f();
  Vec4f specular = material.useSpecular ? material.specular : Vec4f();
  Vec4f emissive = material.useEmissive ? material.emissive : Vec4f();
  float shininess = material.useShininess ? std::min(material.shininess, 128.0f) : 45.0f;

  if (shininess == 0.0f)
    shininess = 1.0f;

  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, ambient.ptr());
  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse.ptr());
  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, specular.ptr());
  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, emissive.ptr());
  glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, shininess);

  if (faceGroup.nbt != 0)
    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, faceGroup.nbt * 3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid*>(faceGroup.tri0 * sizeof(Triangle)));

  if (faceGroup.nbq != 0)
    glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, faceGroup.nbq * 4, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, reinterpret_cast<const GLvoid*>(triangles.size() * sizeof(Triangle) + faceGroup.quad0 * sizeof(Quad)));

  if (material.useTexture && material.activated)

예제 #12
파일: render.cpp 프로젝트: b3sigma/fourd
void Render::RenderScene(Camera* pCamera, Scene* pScene,
    Texture* pRenderColor, Texture* pRenderDepth) {
  if(m_multiPass && m_pSlicedQuaxol && m_pOverdrawQuaxol
      && pRenderDepth && pRenderColor) {
    // 1st pass of color, depth to ([eyefbo,colorfbo], [eyedepth,depthfbo])

    glAlphaFunc(GL_GEQUAL, 0.2f);


    // TODO: calc this from the block size and the w near and far
    // currently tuned for -40 near, 40 far, 10 blocksize
    static Vec4f sliceRange(0.456f, 0.556f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    GLuint hSliceShaderRange = m_pSlicedQuaxol->getUniform("sliceRange");
    if(hSliceShaderRange != -1) {
      glUniform4fv(hSliceShaderRange, 1, sliceRange.raw());

    //float savedWnear = pCamera->_wNear;
    //float savedWfar = pCamera->_wFar;
    //float savedWratio = pCamera->_wScreenSizeRatio;
    //static float sliceAmount = 0.334f;
    //float wRange = pCamera->_wFar - pCamera->_wNear;
    //float wPreNear = (1.0f - sliceAmount) * 0.5f * wRange;
    //pCamera->SetWProjection(savedWnear + wPreNear, savedWfar - wPreNear, 1.0f /*ratio*/);

    pScene->RenderQuaxols(pCamera, m_pSlicedQuaxol);

    //pCamera->SetWProjection(savedWnear, savedWfar, savedWratio);

    // 2nd pass of depth - offset <= color blend to (overdrawfbo)
    glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, m_overdrawColor->m_framebuffer_id);
        GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_overdrawColor->m_texture_id, 0);
    //    GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_overdrawDepth->m_texture_id, 0); // waste?
    glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    // good opportunity to do order independent alpha
    // but first the stupid way
    //glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);

    GLuint hOverdrawShaderRange = m_pOverdrawQuaxol->getUniform("sliceRange");
    if(hOverdrawShaderRange != -1) {
      glUniform4fv(hOverdrawShaderRange, 1, sliceRange.raw());

    GLint hDepthTex = m_pOverdrawQuaxol->getUniform("texDepth");
    if(hDepthTex != -1) {
      glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pRenderDepth->GetTextureID());
      //glUniform1i(hDepthTex, 1);
    pScene->RenderQuaxols(pCamera, m_pOverdrawQuaxol);

    //// 3rd additive fullscreen render overlay
    ////   with capped blending to ([eyefbo,bb])
    //RenderCompose(pCamera, pRenderColor, m_overdrawColor);

    // restore depth mask

  } else {