void pAOSOAutostepGradTree::get_is_leaf( VecInt& is_leaf )

  std::list<pAOSOAutostepGradNode>::iterator it = nodes_.begin();
  for (int i = 0; it!=nodes_.end(); ++it, ++i) {
    if (it->left_==0 && it->right_==0)
      is_leaf[i] = 1;
      is_leaf[i] = 0;
  } // for i
예제 #2
std::string VAL::EndGameWorldStateFormatter::asString(const VecInt& gameHistory, WorldState & ws,
		const VecVecVecKey& kb) {
	ostringstream os;
	int scoreIndex = proc->getFunctionId("score");

	int cardCount = proc->typeCardinalities[proc->typeNameIds["card"]];
//	int slotCount = proc->typeCardinalities[proc->typeNameIds["slot"]];

	VecInt cardRow(cardCount, -1);
	NumScalar p1Score = ws.getFluentValue(scoreIndex, 1);
	NumScalar p2Score = ws.getFluentValue(scoreIndex, 2);
	os << "Score 1: " << p1Score << " Score 2: " << p2Score << "\n";
	//assert((unsigned)cardCount <= gameHistory.size());
	if ((unsigned) cardCount < gameHistory.size()) {
		for (unsigned i = 1; i <= (int) cardRow.size(); i++) {
			int index = gameHistory[i];
			VecInt args = proc->operatorIndexToVector(index);
//		os << proc->getOperatorName(args[0]) << " " << proc->asString(args) << "\n";
			cardRow[i - 1] = args[3] + 1; // c0=1 c1=2, etc.
	os << proc->asString(cardRow, LIST) << "\n";

	return os.str();

void addMatrixRows(MatDoub U, int c, MatDoub &Ui) {

    int j=0;
    for(int i=0; i<C.size(); i++) {

        if(C[i] == c)
            Ui[i][0] = U[j++][0];
            Ui[i][0] = 0;


예제 #4
int GoalVisitController::encodeFact(const proposition* p)
  const parameter_symbol_list& vsl = *p->getArgs();
  VecInt indexes;
  for (parameter_symbol_list::const_iterator itr = vsl.begin(); itr != vsl.end(); itr++) {
    const string& arg = (*itr)->getName();
    ostringstream os;
    StringToInt::const_iterator index = params.find(arg);
    if (index == params.end()) {
      index = objectTbl.find(arg);
    //} else {
      assert (index != objectTbl.end()); // reference to a constant in action def that hasn't been defined
    os << index->second;
  int factNum = getIndex(this->offsets, mults, p->getHead()->getName(), indexes);
  cout << "(" << factNum << ")";
  return factNum;
예제 #5
int GoalVisitController::getIndex(const StringToBounds& offsets, const PredicateMultTable& multTbl, const string& name, const VecInt& args)
  const PredicateMultTable::const_iterator itr = multTbl.find(name);
  assert (itr != multTbl.end());
  const VecInt& mults = itr->second;
  const StringToBounds::const_iterator bitr = offsets.find(name);
  assert (bitr != offsets.end());
  const Bounds& bounds = bitr->second;
  assert (args.size() == mults.size());

  int result = bounds.lower;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < mults.size(); i++) {
    result += mults[i]*args[i];
  return result;
예제 #6
long makeDivisible(VecInt& vec, long p2e, long p2r, long q, double alpha)
  assert(((p2e % p2r == 0) && (q % p2e == 1)) ||
	 ((p2r % p2e == 0) && (q % p2r == 1)));

  long maxU =0;
  ZZ maxZ;
  for (long i=0; i<vec.length(); i++) {
    ZZ z, z2; conv(z, vec[i]);
    long u=0, v=0;

    long zMod1=0, zMod2=0;
    if (p2r < p2e && alpha>0) {
      zMod1 = rem(z,p2r);
      if (zMod1 > p2r/2) zMod1 -= p2r; // map to the symmetric interval

      // make z divisible by p^r by adding a multiple of q
      z2 = z - to_ZZ(zMod1)*q;
      zMod2 = rem(z2,p2e); // z mod p^e, still divisible by p^r
      if (zMod2 > p2e/2) zMod2 -= p2e; // map to the symmetric interval
      zMod2 /= -p2r; // now z+ p^r*zMod2=0 (mod p^e) and |zMod2|<=p^{r(e-1)}/2

      u = ceil(alpha * zMod2);
      v = zMod2 - u; // = floor((1-alpha) * zMod2)
      z = z2 + u*p2r + to_ZZ(q)*v*p2r;
    else { // r >= e or alpha==0, use only mulitples of q
      zMod1 = rem(z,p2e);
      if (zMod1 > p2e/2) zMod1 -= p2e; // map to the symmetric interval
      z -= to_ZZ(zMod1) * q;
    if (abs(u) > maxU) maxU = abs(u);
    if (abs(z) > maxZ) maxZ = abs(z);

    if (rem(z,p2e) != 0) { // sanity check
      cerr << "**error: original z["<<i<<"]=" << vec[i]
	   << std::dec << ", p^r="<<p2r << ", p^e="<<p2e << endl;
      cerr << "z' = z - "<<zMod1<<"*q = "<< z2<<endl;
      cerr << "z''=z' +" <<u<<"*p^r +"<<v<<"*p^r*q = "<<z<<endl;
    conv(vec[i], z); // convert back to native format
  return maxU;
예제 #7
FunctionKey NewConditionController::getGroundedProp(proposition* p, const VecInt& args) {
	//FunctionKey result(p->getHead()->getName(),VecInt(p->getArgs()->size()));
	//const parameter_symbol_list& psl = *p->getArgs();
	const VecInt& argMap = p->argMap;
	unsigned argsize = p->getArgs()->size();
	FunctionKey intArgs(argsize + 1); // = result.args;
	intArgs[0] = p->getHeadId();
	//cout << "GettingPredHeadId: " << intArgs[0] << "\n";
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < argsize; i++) {
		if (argMap[i] >= 0) {
			assert(argMap[i] < (int)args.size());
			intArgs[i + 1] = args[argMap[i]];
		} else if (argMap[i] == UVAL) {
			intArgs[i + 1] = UVAL; // Unknown val
		} else {
			intArgs[i + 1] = -1 - argMap[i];
	return intArgs;
 Utility method used by RandomWalk algorithm to
 resize the Graph Laplacian for each community, com,
 within the network.
void getSubMatrix(int com, vector<node> &Nodes) {

    int dummy = -1000;
    int rows  = 0;

    Rh.resize(R.nrows(), R.nrows());
    Rh = R;

    //--- NR style
    for( int i=0; i< C.size(); i++) {

        if( C[i] == com )
        else {
            for( int k=0; k<Rh.nrows(); k++) {
                Rh[i][k] = dummy;
                Rh[k][i] = dummy;


    datain = Rh.getMatrixArray();
    data   [Rh.nrows()*Rh.nrows()];
    int ind = 0;

    for(int i=0; i < Rh.nrows()*Rh.ncols(); i++) {

        double ele = datain[i];
        if(ele != dummy)
            data[ind++] = ele;


    Ri = MatDoub( rows, rows, data );

예제 #9
std::string RackoWorldStateFormatter::asString(const VecInt & gameHistory, WorldState & ws, const VecVecVecKey & kb) {
	ostringstream os;
	// Number of slot objects is (# slots per player)*2 + 1.  (Extra 1 is "dealer").
	// Integer division by two gives # slots per player.
	//	unsigned slotCount = (unsigned) (proc->typeCardinalities[proc->typeNameIds["slot"]] / 2);
	unsigned slotCount = proc->itemCount("slot");
	unsigned slotsPerPlayer = (slotCount - 1) / 2; // Subtract 1 for dealer; half of remaining are opponent's slots
	unsigned dealerSlotId = slotsPerPlayer; // Because slots are named d1 ... dn, dealer, u1, ... un; so dealer is in middle
	unsigned cardCount = proc->itemCount("card");
	//	os << "Racko World with " << slotCount << " slots and " << cardCount << " cards";
	//	os << " head id for 'at': " << proc->predicateId("at");
	int atIndex = proc->predicateId("at");
	int topIndex = proc->predicateId("top");
	VecInt args(2, 0);
	int whoseTurn = ws.getWhoseTurn();
	int minSlot = (whoseTurn == 2) ? 0 : dealerSlotId + 1;
	int oppMinSlot = (whoseTurn == 1) ? 0 : dealerSlotId + 1;
	os << "History\n";
	for (unsigned m = slotCount + 1; m < gameHistory.size(); m++) {
		string oName;
		VecInt oArgs;
		proc->decodeOperator(gameHistory[m], oName, oArgs);
		if (oName == "swap-top") {
			if (oArgs[0] != whoseTurn) {
				os << "(Opponent) ";
			int slotArg = getSlotArg(oArgs[3], slotsPerPlayer);
			os << "Swapped " << (oArgs[2] + 1) << " for " << (oArgs[4] + 1) << " into " << (char) (('A' + (slotArg)))
					<< "\n";
		} else if (oName == "swap-drawn") {
			if (oArgs[0] != whoseTurn) {
				os << "(Opponent) ";
			int slotArg = getSlotArg(oArgs[2], slotsPerPlayer);
			os << "Swapped " << (oArgs[3] + 1) << " out of " << (char) (('A' + (slotArg))) << " for drawn ";
			if (oArgs[0] == whoseTurn) {
				os << (oArgs[4] + 1) << "\n";
			} else {
				os << "card\n";
		} else if (oName == "pass") {
			if (oArgs[0] != whoseTurn) {
				os << "(Opponent) ";
			os << "Discarded " << (oArgs[2] + 1) << "\n";
		} else {
			//			os << setw(3) << m << " " << oName << "\n";


	os << "\n\n";
	switch (whoseTurn) {
	case 0: // chance
		os << "Chance: ";
		args[1] = slotCount; // This will be the slot 'dealer'
		for (int c = 0; c < (int) (((((cardCount))))); c++) {
			args[0] = c;
			int index = ws.getIndex(args, atIndex);
			if (ws.getTruthValue(index) == KNOWN_TRUE) {
				os << " " << std::setw(3) << (c + 1); //" fact: "  << proc->getFact(index);

		os << "\n";
	case 1:
	case 2:
		os << "Current Player " << whoseTurn << "\n";
		for (int s = minSlot; s < (int) ((((((minSlot + slotsPerPlayer)))))); s++) {
			os << "   " << (char) (((((('A' + s - minSlot)))))) << ": "; //" fact: "  << proc->getFact(index);
			args[1] = s;
			for (int c = 0; c < (int) (((((cardCount))))); c++) {
				args[0] = c;
				int index = ws.getIndex(args, atIndex);
				if (ws.getTruthValue(index) == KNOWN_TRUE) {
					os << std::setw(3) << (c + 1); //" fact: "  << proc->getFact(index);

			os << "\n";

		if (false)
			for (int s = oppMinSlot; s < (int) ((((((oppMinSlot + slotCount)))))); s++) {
				os << "   " << (char) (((((('A' + s - oppMinSlot)))))) << ": "; //" fact: "  << proc->getFact(index);
				args[1] = s;
				for (int c = 0; c < (int) (((((cardCount))))); c++) {
					args[0] = c;
					int index = ws.getIndex(args, atIndex);
					if (ws.getTruthValue(index) == KNOWN_TRUE) {
						os << std::setw(3) << (c + 1); //" fact: "  << proc->getFact(index);

				os << "\n";

		os << "\n";

	for (unsigned c = 0; c < cardCount; c++) {
		if (ws.getTruthValue(topIndex, c) == KNOWN_TRUE) {
			os << "Top: " << (c + 1) << "\n";

	int drawnIndex = proc->predHeadTbl["drawn"];
	for (unsigned c = 0; c < cardCount; c++) {
		for (unsigned ithDraw = 0; ithDraw < cardCount; ithDraw++) {
			if (ws.getTruthValue(drawnIndex, c, ithDraw) == KNOWN_TRUE) {
				os << "Drawn: " << (c + 1) << "\n";


	return os.str();
예제 #10
std::string VAL::GopsWorldStateFormatter::asString(const VecInt & gameHistory, WorldState & ws,
		const VecVecVecKey & kb) {
	ostringstream os;
	int scoreIndex = proc->getFunctionId("score");
	string oName;
	VecInt oArgs;
	int slotCount = proc->typeCardinalities[proc->typeNameIds["slot"]];
	unsigned biddingRoundCount = (slotCount - 1) / 3; // Subtract 1 for dealer, divide by 3 because for every bidding round, there
	// is the card to bid on plus one card per player to bid with
	VecVecInt startingHands(3);
	VecVecInt results(3);
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		startingHands[i] = VecInt(biddingRoundCount, 0);
		results[i] = VecInt(biddingRoundCount, 0);
	int biddingRoundId = 0;
	int currentBiddable = -1;
	for (unsigned i = 1; i < gameHistory.size(); i++) {
		proc->decodeOperator(gameHistory[i], oName, oArgs, true);
		int cardId = oArgs[0] + 1;
		if (oName == "deal") {
			//os << i << " Deal " << (oArgs[0] + 1) << "\n";
			if (i <= biddingRoundCount) {
				startingHands[0][i - 1] = cardId;
			} else {
				int pid = 2 - ((i - biddingRoundCount - 1) % 2);
				startingHands[pid][(i - biddingRoundCount - 1) / 2] = cardId;
		} else if (oName == "announce") {
			currentBiddable = cardId;
		} else if (oName == "bid1") {
			results[1][biddingRoundId] = cardId;
		} else if (oName == "bid2") {
			results[2][biddingRoundId] = cardId;
		} else if (oName == "determine") {
			int p1Bid = oArgs[0] + 1;
			int p2Bid = oArgs[1] + 1;
			results[0][biddingRoundId] = (p2Bid > p1Bid) + 1; // 1 if p1 won it; 2 if p2 won it

	std::string labels[] = { "won by", "p1 bid", "p2 bid" };
//	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
//		if (i > 0 && i != ws.getWhoseTurn()) continue; // Don't print the other guys cards
//		os << labels[i] << " ";
//		for (int j = 0; j < biddingRoundCount; j++) {
//			os << startingHands[i][j] << " ";
//		}
//		os << "\n";
//	}

	os << "\n";
	os << "card:   ";
	for (int i = 0; i < biddingRoundId; i++) {
		os << setw(2) << startingHands[0][i] << " ";
	os << "\n";
	//labels[0] = "W ";
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		os << labels[i] << ": ";
		for (int j = 0; j < biddingRoundId; j++) {
			os << setw(2) << results[i][j] << " ";
		os << "\n";
	os << "Currently bidding on: " << currentBiddable << "\n";
	NumScalar p1Score = ws.getFluentValue(scoreIndex, 1);
	NumScalar p2Score = ws.getFluentValue(scoreIndex, 2);
	switch (ws.getWhoseTurn()) {
	case 0:
		os << "Player 1 score: " << setw(2) << p1Score << "\nPlayer 2 score: " << setw(2) << p2Score << "\n";
	case 1:
		os << "My score:       " << setw(2) << p1Score << "\nOpponent score: " << setw(2) << p2Score << "\n";
	case 2:
		os << "Opponent Score: " << setw(2) << p1Score << "\nMy score:       " << setw(2) << p2Score << "\n";
	return os.str();
예제 #11
int main ()
  MLData tr;
  //tr.X = Mat(6,2,CV_32FC1,X1);
  //tr.Y = Mat(6,1,CV_32FC1,Y1);
  tr.X = Mat(6,2,CV_32FC1,X2);
  tr.Y = Mat(6,1,CV_32FC1,Y2);  
  tr.var_type[0] = VAR_NUM;
  tr.var_type[1] = VAR_NUM;
  tr.problem_type = PROBLEM_CLS;

  // AOTO Boost
  pVbExtSamp11VTLogitBoost ab;
  ab.param_.J = 4;
  ab.param_.T = 10;
  ab.param_.v = 0.1;
  ab.param_.ns = 1;
  ab.param_.ratio_si_ = 1.0;
  ab.param_.ratio_fi_ = 0.8;
  ab.param_.ratio_ci_ = 0.8;

  MLData te;
  te.X = tr.X;
  ab.predict(&te, 2);
  cout << "predictY = " << te.Y << endl;

  MLData te2;
  te2.X = tr.X;
  ab.predict(&te2, 6);
  cout << "predictY = " << te2.Y << endl;

  int TT = -1;
  TT = ab.get_num_iter();
  cout << endl;
  cout << "TT = " << TT << endl << endl;
  //cout << "train loss = " << ab.get_train_loss() << endl;

  MLData te3;
  te3.X = tr.X;
  cout << "predictY = " << te3.Y << endl;

  VecIdx nr_wts, nr_wtc;

  for (int i = 0; i < TT; ++i) {
    VecInt ind;
    ab.get_cc(i, ind);
    cout << "node_cc.size() = " << ind.size() << "\n";

  for (int i = 0; i < TT; ++i) {
    VecInt ind;
    ab.get_sc(i, ind);
    cout << "node_sc.size() = " << ind.size() << "\n";

  return 0;
 Calculate the split of nodes belonging to the last group of nodes
 with negative eigenvector values.
void splitN(MatDoub Bg, VecInt keys, int dummy, double tol) {

    cout << "> In splitN method... " << endl;

    int N = Bg.nrows();
    MatDoub Bgii(N,N);
    MatDoub Bgiii(N,N);
    VecInt  keysi_n (N);

    //--- Starting from the group Modularity matrix Bg,
    //--- resize matrices: Bgi, keysi_p, keysi_n, u and betai.
    Bgiii  = Bg;
    int Ng = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<keys.size(); i++) {
        if(keys[i] != dummy) {
        } else {
            for(int k=0; k<Bgiii.nrows(); k++) {
                Bgiii[i][k] = dummy;
                Bgiii[k][i] = dummy;

    VecInt keysi_p(Ng);

    int k=0;
    for(int i=0; i<keys.size(); i++) {
        if(keys[i] != dummy)
            keysi_n[k++] = keys[i];



    //--- Calculate the Modularity matrix Bgi for the new node group
    calculateB(Bgii, Bgi);


    //--- Calculate eigenvectors, and values, from Bgi...

    int ind = 0;

    //--- Check that maximum eigenvalue is greater than the tolerance.
    cout << "> max EigenValue is " << betai[ind] << " with ind " << ind << endl;
    if(betai[ind] > tol ) {

        //--- set up the index vectors, si and SI, for the initial split

        double deltaQ_old = 0.0;
        double deltaQ_new = 0.0;

        int cp = 0;
        int cn = 0;

        //--- Calculate the Spectral Modularity
        cout << "> Spectral Q: " << deltaQ_old << endl;

        double diff = fabs(deltaQ_old);
        int count   = 0;

        //--- Fine tuning stage to maximum deltaModularity for the initial split
        while( diff > tol ) {

            modifySplit( tol, Ng );

            cout << "> Modified Q: " << deltaQ_new << endl;

            diff = fabs( deltaQ_new - deltaQ_old );

            deltaQ_old = deltaQ_new;


        //--- Keep recorded of maximum fine-tuned Modularity value.
        specQ += deltaQ_old;
        for(int i=0; i<Ng; i++) {
            si[i] = si[i];
            if(si[i] > 0) cp++;
            else          cn++;

        if(cp < 1 || cn < 1) {
            cout << "> Stop splitting. " << endl;

        int Ncomn = maxCommunity() + 1;
        int Ncomp = Ncomn + 1;

        cout << "> node list " << endl;
        for(int i=0; i<keysi_n.size(); i++) {
            if( si[i] < 0) {
                keysi_n[i] = keysi_n[i];
                keysi_p[i] = dummy;
                n[(int)keysi_n[i]].c = Ncomn;
                cout << "> Node: " << keysi_n[i] << " c = " << n[(int)keysi_n[i]].c << endl;
            } else {
                keysi_p[i] = keysi_n[i];
                keysi_n[i] = dummy;
                cout << "> Node: " << keysi_p[i] << " c = " << n[(int)keysi_p[i]].c << endl;

        //--- Recursively split the group of positive eigenvector nodes
        splitP(Bgii, keysi_p, dummy, tol);

        //--- Recursively split the group of negative eigenvector nodes
        splitN(Bgii, keysi_n, dummy, tol);

    } else {
        cout << "> Stop splitting. " << endl;
        return ;

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {

    int seed;
    int a_type;
    int w_type;
    string title;
    string if_weighted;
    string if_help;
    const char *file_network;
    const char *file_names;

    if ( argc != 5 ) {
        printHelpMessage( argv[0] );

    if_help = argv[1];
    if( if_help.compare("-h") == 0 || if_help.compare("-help") == 0 ) {
        printHelpMessage( argv[0] );

    seed = atoi(argv[1]);
    cout << "> seed is " << seed << endl;

    //--- Initialize random seed:

    a_type = atoi(argv[2]);

    if( a_type < 1 || a_type > 3 ) {
        cout << "argument 2: the type of algorithm to run needs to be either (1,2,3): " << endl;
        cout << "          : 1 = Geodesic edge Betweenness" << endl;
        cout << "          : 2 = Random edge Betweenness"   << endl;
        cout << "          : 3 = Spectral Betweenness"      << endl;

    switch(a_type) {

    case 1:
        cout << "> Using Geodesic edge Betweenness." << endl;
        title = "Geodesic edge Betweenness.";

    case 2:
        cout << "> Using Random edge Betweenness." << endl;
        title = "RandomWalk edge Betweenness.";

    case 3:
        cout << "> Using Spectral Betweenness." << endl;
        title = "Spectral Betweenness.";



    if_weighted = argv[3];

    if( if_weighted.compare("w") == 0 ) {
        w_type = 3;
        cout << "> Using a weighted network " << endl;
    } else {
        if( if_weighted.compare("nw") == 0 ) {
            w_type = 2;
            cout << "> Using a non-weighted network " << endl;
        } else {
            cout << "argument 3: specify if network file is weighted or not: " << endl;
            cout << "          : w  = Using a weighted network file " << endl;
            cout << "          : nw = Using a non-weighted network file " << endl;

    file_network = argv[4];

    //--- Default values for parameters which may be modified from the commandline
    ihelper = Helper();
    reader.readFile(file_network, w_type);
    Gn      = reader.getNodeSet();
    Gelist  = reader.getEdgeSet();

    vector<int> key_listi;
    vector<int> key_listj;
    vector<int> key_listk;

    cout << "> The Global node list..." << endl;
    for(int i=1; i<Gn.size(); i++) {

    //--- To use getSubSample, comment following two lines, and
    //--- uncomment getSubSample(key_listj).
    n     = Gn;
    elist = Gelist;

    //cout << "The sub-node list ... " << endl;
    //for(int i=1; i<n.size(); i++){

    cout << "> The Global edge list..." << endl;
    for(int i=0; i<elist.size(); i++) {

    forcytoscape = new fstream("OUT/communities_newman.txt",ios_base::out);
    (*forcytoscape) << "communities" << endl;

    removededges = new fstream("OUT/removededges.txt",ios_base::out);
    (*removededges) << "Removed Edges" << endl;
    (*removededges) << "so \t IDso \t si \t IDsi \t we \t Globalweight \t key" << endl;

    totallist = ihelper.cloneEdgeList(elist);

    com_max      = 0;
    specQ        = 0.0;
    double Q     = 0.0;
    double Q_SD     = 0.0;
    double Q_old = 0.0;
    double Q_SD_old = 0.0;

    int loop       = elist.size();
    int E          = loop;
    double Q_max   = 0.0;
    double Q_limit = 1.0;
    bool stopping  = false;

    int N = n.size()-1;





    u.resize(N,N);  //eigenvectors



    cout << "> Running " << title.c_str() << endl;

    cstart = clock();

    if( a_type == 3 ) {
        //--- Calculate betweenness using the Spectral algorithm
    } else {

        while( loop !=0 && !stopping ) {

            int old_max_com = com_max;

            //--- Calculate betweenness using Geodesic or RandomWalk algorithms
            if( a_type == 1 )

            //--- Calculate the Modularity
            Q_old = Q;
            Q_SD_old = Q_SD;
            Q     = 0.0;
            Q_SD   = 0.0;

            Modularity(Q, Q_SD);

            //--- Store networks state if Modularity has increased during this iteraction
            if(com_max > old_max_com) {

            //--- Record the maximum Modularity value
            if( Q > Q_max ) {
                Q_max = Q;
            } else {
                if( Q_max > 0.0 && (Q_max - Q)/Q_max > Q_limit ) stopping = true;

            //--- Find edge with maximum edge betweenness score and remove
            edge _max;
            _max = totallist[1].Clone();
            for(int i=1; i<totallist.size(); i++) {

                if( totallist[i].removed == false ) {

                    if(totallist[i].we >= _max.we) {

                        if(totallist[i].we > _max.we)
                            _max = totallist[i];
                        else {
                            int rdm = rand()%2;
                            if(rdm == 1) _max = totallist[i];
                totallist[i].we = 0;

            //--- Record the removed edges.
            _max.print( removededges );

            n[elist[_max.key-1].so].setDegree( (n[elist[_max.key-1].so].getDegree() - 1) );
            n[elist[_max.key-1].si].setDegree( (n[elist[_max.key-1].si].getDegree() - 1) );
            totallist[_max.key].removed = true;
            elist[_max.key-1].removed   = true;

            //--- Calculate the remaining processor time
            DrawProgressBar( 20, ((double)E - (double)loop)/(double)E );


    //--- Recored the CPU-time taken
    cend = clock();
    double cpu_time_used = ((double) (cend - cstart)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    cout << "" << endl;
    cout << "> cputime: " << cpu_time_used << " seconds " << endl;
    cout << "> Network (nodes): " << N << " (edges): " << E << endl;

    if( a_type != 3 ) {

        //--- Print all stored Modularity values
        modularityscore = new fstream("OUT/modularityscore.txt",ios_base::out);
        (*modularityscore) << title.c_str() << endl;
        for(int i=0; i<vec_mod.size(); i++) {
            (*modularityscore) << vec_mod[i] << " " << vec_mod_err[i] << " " << vec_com_max[i] << endl;

        int ind   = findMax(vec_mod);
        int com   = 1;
        int _size = 0;
        int c_max = com_max;

        //--- Print node communities for maximum Modularity value, for Geodesic or RandomWalk runs
        communityout = new fstream("OUT/communityout.txt",ios_base::out);
        (*communityout) << "Max Q: " << vec_mod[ind] << " +- " << vec_mod_err[ind] << endl;
        (*communityout) << "cputime: " << cpu_time_used << " seconds " << endl;
        (*communityout) << "Network (nodes): " << N << " (edges): " << E << endl;

        while(com<(c_max+1)) {
            _size = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<vec_nodes[ind].size(); i++) {
                if(vec_nodes[ind][i].c == com ) {
                    (*communityout) << vec_nodes[ind][i].ID << "\t" << vec_nodes[ind][i].c << endl;
                    //vec_nodes[ind][i].print( communityout );
            if(_size != 0)
                (*communityout) << "community: " << com << " size: " << _size << endl;

        for(int i=0; i<vec_nodes[ind].size(); i++) {
            for(int j=0; j<key_listi.size(); j++) {
                if(vec_nodes[ind][i].ID == key_listi[j]) {
                    key_listk[j] = vec_nodes[ind][i].c;

        //--- Print node communities for maximum Modularity for the consensus matrix
        consensusout = new fstream("OUT/consensusout.txt",ios_base::out);
        (*consensusout) << "key list" << endl;
        for(int i=0; i<key_listi.size(); i++) {
            if(key_listk[i] == -1 && key_listj[i] != -1)
                key_listj[i] = -1;
            (*consensusout) << key_listi[i] << " " << key_listj[i] << " " << key_listk[i] << endl;
            //(*consensusout) << key_listi[i] << " = " << key_listk[i] << endl;
            (*forcytoscape) << key_listi[i] << " = " << key_listk[i] << endl;
            cout << key_listi[i] << " " << key_listj[i] << " " << key_listk[i] << endl;
    } else {

        int com   = 1;
        int _size = 0;
        int c_max = maxCommunity();

        //--- Store node communities for maximum Modularity for the Spectral Modularity run
        communityout = new fstream("OUT/communityout.txt",ios_base::out);
        (*communityout) << "communityout" << endl;
        (*communityout) << "Max Q: " << specQ << endl;
        (*communityout) << "cputime: " << cpu_time_used << " seconds " << endl;
        (*communityout) << "Network (nodes): " << N << " (edges): " << E << endl;
        while(com<(c_max+1)) {
            _size = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<n.size(); i++) {
                if(n[i].c == com ) {
                    n[i].print( communityout );
            if(_size != 0)
                (*communityout) << "community: " << com << " size: " << _size << endl;

        for(int i=1; i<n.size(); i++) {
            for(int j=0; j<key_listi.size(); j++) {
                if(n[i].ID == key_listi[j]) {
                    key_listk[j] = n[i].c;

        //--- Print node communities for maximum Modularity the consensus matrix
        consensusout = new fstream("OUT/consensusout.txt",ios_base::out);
        (*consensusout) << "key list" << endl;
        for(int i=0; i<key_listi.size(); i++) {
            if(key_listk[i] == -1 && key_listj[i] != -1)
                key_listj[i] = -1;
            (*consensusout) << key_listi[i] << " " << key_listj[i] << " " << key_listk[i] << endl;
            //(*consensusout) << key_listi[i] << " = " << key_listk[i] << endl;
            (*forcytoscape) << key_listi[i] << " = " << key_listk[i] << endl;
            cout << key_listi[i] << " " << key_listj[i] << " " << key_listk[i] << endl;


    //--- Remove data structures


 Utility method used by the RandomWalk algorithm to
 invert the Graph Laplacian and accummulate the random-path
 contributions from each source-sink node pair, in
 accordance with [2] (see method declarations above).
void calculateRandomWalk(int c, vector<node> Nodes) {

    queue<node> termNodes;
    for(int i=0; i<Nodes.size(); i++)

    int N = Nodes.size();

    //--- Remove arbitrary termination ('sink') state '0'.

    //--- Invert Matrix.
    LUdcmp lu( Rc );


    lu.inverse( Ti );

    for(int i=0; i< T.nrows(); i++) {
        for(int j=0; j< T.nrows(); j++) {
            T[i][j] = 0;

    //--- Add back arbitrary termination ('sink') state '0'.

    while ( !termNodes.empty() ) {

        node termNode  = termNodes.front();

        for(int t=0; t< Nodes.size(); t++) {

            //--- Take the next start ('source') state.
            node startNode = Nodes[t];

            if( startNode.k != termNode.k ) {

                for(int i=0; i<S.nrows(); i++) {
                    S[i][0]  = 0;
                    V[i][0]  = 0;
                    Vi[i][0] = 0;

                S[startNode.k][0] =  1;
                S[termNode.k][0]  = -1;

                //--- V = T * S
                for(int i=0; i<T.nrows(); i++) {
                    double sum = 0.0;
                    for(int j=0; j<T.nrows(); j++) {
                        sum += T[i][j] * S[j][0];
                    V[i][0] = sum;

                addMatrixRows(V, c, Vi);

                //--- Edge Betweenness, i.e.
                //--- the currents (potential differences) alone each edge!
                for(int i=0; i<elist.size(); i++) {

                    if( !elist[i].removed ) {
                        int Ni = elist[i].so-1;
                        int Nj = elist[i].si-1;

                        totallist[i+1].we += fabs(Vi[Ni][0] - Vi[Nj][0]);



예제 #15
void mergeSorted(const VecInt& a, const VecInt& b, VecInt& out)
	VecInt::const_iterator i = a.begin(); 
	VecInt::const_iterator j = b.begin(); 
	while(i!= a.end() && j != b.end())
		while(i!= a.end() && j!=b.end() && *i <= *j)
		while(i!= a.end() && j!= b.end() && *j <= *i)
	for( ; i!=a.end(); ++i)

	for( ; j!=b.end(); ++j)