예제 #1
Matrix Scene::getPerspectiveMatrix(float x, float y, float z, Vector direction, Vector up, float fovy, float aspect, float near, float far) 
	// first we set camera params
	direction = direction.normalized();
	Vector normal = direction.cross(up).normalized();
	Vector u = normal.cross(direction).normalized();
	direction = Vector(-direction.getX(), -direction.getY(), -direction.getZ());
	Vector eye(x,y,z);
	Matrix camera(
		normal.getX(), normal.getY(), normal.getZ(), -normal.dot(eye),
		u.getX(), u.getY(), u.getZ(), -u.dot(eye), 
		direction.getX(), direction.getY(), direction.getZ(), -direction.dot(eye),
		0, 0, 0, 1
	float f = 1.0 / tan(fovy / 2);
	float d = far - near;
	Matrix perspective(
		f/aspect, 0.0, 0, 0, 
		0.0, f, 0.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 0.0, -(near + far)/d, -2*near*far/d, 
		0.0, 0.0, -1, 0.0
	Matrix result = perspective.mult(camera);
	return result;
예제 #2
Vector Vector::Vectoriel(Vector Vector2){
    Vector *V= new Vector();
    V->setX( getY() * Vector2.getZ() - getZ() * Vector2.getY() );
    V->setY( getZ() * Vector2.getX() - getX() * Vector2.getZ() );
    V->setZ( getX() * Vector2.getY() - getY() * Vector2.getX() );
    return *V;
예제 #3
  \fn calculate the distance from the given Vector
  \param vec
  \li the vector to calculate the distance from
  \li the distance of this from vec.
real distance(const Vector& vec1, const Vector& vec2){
  // sqrt (x*x + y*y
  real xdelta = vec1.getX() - vec2.getX();
  real ydelta = vec1.getY() - vec2.getY();
  real zdelta = vec1.getZ() - vec2.getZ();
  return sqrt(xdelta * xdelta + ydelta * ydelta + zdelta * zdelta);
예제 #4
  \fn calculate the crossProduct of this vector and passed vector
  \param vec
  \li the cross product of the two vectors
Vector crossProduct(const Vector& vec1, const Vector& vec2){
  real newx = vec1.getY()*vec2.getZ() + vec1.getZ()*vec2.getY();
  real newy = vec1.getZ()*vec2.getX() + vec1.getX()*vec2.getZ();
  real newz = vec1.getX()*vec2.getY() + vec1.getY()*vec2.getX();
  return Vector(newx, newy, newz);
예제 #5
std::vector<float> VoxeledModel::genNormals() 

	std::vector<float> v; 

	for (int i = 0; i<m_array.getSizeX(); i++) 
		for (int j = 0; j<m_array.getSizeY(); j++) 
			for (int k = 0; k<m_array.getSizeZ(); k++) 
				if (m_array(i,j,k)) 
					Vector n = voxelNormal(i,j,k).normalized();
					v.push_back(n.getX()); v.push_back(n.getY()); v.push_back(n.getZ());
					v.push_back(n.getX()); v.push_back(n.getY()); v.push_back(n.getZ());
					v.push_back(n.getX()); v.push_back(n.getY()); v.push_back(n.getZ());
					v.push_back(n.getX()); v.push_back(n.getY()); v.push_back(n.getZ());
					v.push_back(n.getX()); v.push_back(n.getY()); v.push_back(n.getZ());
					v.push_back(n.getX()); v.push_back(n.getY()); v.push_back(n.getZ());
					v.push_back(n.getX()); v.push_back(n.getY()); v.push_back(n.getZ());
					v.push_back(n.getX()); v.push_back(n.getY()); v.push_back(n.getZ());
	return v; 

예제 #6
  \fn calculate the angle between this vector and the given vector along xy axes
  \param vec
  \li the angle
real angle(const Vector& vec1, const Vector& vec2){
  // acos (vec.x - x / distance)
  real distance = CapEngine::distance(vec1, vec2);
  real xDelta = vec1.getX() - vec2.getX();
  real radAngle = acos(distance / xDelta);
  return RADTODEG(radAngle);
예제 #7
int main()

    // Creating heap.
    ObjectHeap heap;

    // Creating value map.
    HumanoidValueMap map(&heap, 10, 10, 1);
    Vector coords = map.getBestPlace();
    assert(coords.getX() == -1);
    assert(coords.getY() == -1);

    // Creating objects.
    Test t1(Vector(4.5, 4.5), 1, 0.5); heap.push(&t1);
    Test t2(Vector(3.1, 7.2), 1, 0.5); heap.push(&t2);

    // Reevaluating map.
    coords = map.getBestPlace();
    std::cout << map.print() << std::endl << coords.getX() << " " <<
                 coords.getY() << std::endl;

    return 0;
예제 #8
 * @brief GameEngine::KFactorOfNormal
 * @param vector one of the vectors which determines the direction of the vector in asked plane
 * @param normal normal Vector of the Plane
 * @return A factor which when multiplied with normal and then added with vector gives one of the Vector in the Plane
float GameEngine::KFactorOfNormal(Vector vector, Vector normal){
    float nx=normal.getX();
    float ny=normal.getY();
    float nz=normal.getZ();

    return -(vector.getX()*nx + vector.getY()*ny + vector.getZ()*nz)/(nx*nx + nz*nz + ny*ny );
예제 #9
bool operator!=(const Vector& v1, const Vector& v2)
	if (v1.getX() != v2.getX() || v1.getY() != v1.getY() || v1.getZ() != v2.getZ())
		return true;
		return false;
예제 #10
bool operator==(const Vector& v1, const Vector& v2)
	if (v1.getX() == v2.getX() && v1.getY() == v1.getY() && v1.getZ() == v2.getZ())
		return true;
		return false;
예제 #11
Vector Vector::cross(const Vector& v)
	return Vector(
예제 #12
//vectorial product
Vector::operator*=( Vector vector) 
  return Vector(
            ( this->getZ() * vector.getY() - this->getY()*vector.getZ()),
            ( this->getX() * vector.getZ() - this->getZ()*vector.getX()),
            ( this->getY() * vector.getX() - this->getX()*vector.getY()));
예제 #13
// get distance to line using vector product
double Vector::getDistanceToLine(const Vector& line_start,
                                const Vector& line_end) const
    Vector a = *this - line_start;
    Vector b = line_end - line_start;
    return fabs(a.getX() * b.getY() - a.getY() * b.getX()) /
예제 #14
Vector<T> Vector<T>::cross(const Vector<T> &a, const Vector<T> &b)
    Vector<T> product = Vector<T>();
    product.setX(a.getY() * b.getZ() - b.getY() * a.getZ());
    product.setY(a.getX() * b.getZ() - b.getX() * a.getZ());
    product.setZ(a.getX() * b.getY() - b.getX() * a.getY());
    return product; 
예제 #15
Vector Vector::cross(Vector vec1, Vector vec2)
	Vector tmp;
	tmp.setX(vec1.getZ() * vec2.getY() - vec1.getY() * vec2.getZ());
	tmp.setY(vec1.getX() * vec2.getZ() - vec1.getZ() * vec2.getX());
	tmp.setZ(vec1.getY() * vec2.getX() - vec1.getX() * vec2.getY());
	double l = 1;
	return tmp;
예제 #16
Tensor Vector::getRotationMatrix(double angle)
	double cos = std::cos(angle);
    double sin = std::sin(angle);
	Vector a = getNormalized();
    return Tensor(
		a.getX()*a.getX()*(1.0-cos)+cos,			a.getY()*a.getX()*(1.0-cos)-a.getZ()*sin,	a.getZ()*a.getX()*(1.0-cos)+a.getY()*sin,
		a.getX()*a.getY()*(1.0-cos)+a.getZ()*sin,	a.getY()*a.getY()*(1.0-cos)+cos,			a.getZ()*a.getY()*(1.0-cos)-a.getX()*sin,
		a.getX()*a.getZ()*(1.0-cos)-a.getY()*sin,	a.getY()*a.getZ()*(1.0-cos)+a.getX()*sin,	a.getZ()*a.getZ()*(1.0-cos)+cos
예제 #17
Vector Vector::getRotation(Vector a, double angle)
	double cos = std::cos(angle);
    double sin = std::sin(angle);
    Tensor transformationMatrix = Tensor(
		a.getX()*a.getX()*(1.0-cos)+cos,			a.getY()*a.getX()*(1.0-cos)-a.getZ()*sin,	a.getZ()*a.getX()*(1.0-cos)+a.getY()*sin,
		a.getX()*a.getY()*(1.0-cos)+a.getZ()*sin,	a.getY()*a.getY()*(1.0-cos)+cos,			a.getZ()*a.getY()*(1.0-cos)-a.getX()*sin,
		a.getX()*a.getZ()*(1.0-cos)-a.getY()*sin,	a.getY()*a.getZ()*(1.0-cos)+a.getX()*sin,	a.getZ()*a.getZ()*(1.0-cos)+cos
	return (*this)*transformationMatrix;
예제 #18
float Sphere::findIntersect(Ray ray) {
   Vector rayOrigin = ray.getOrigin();
   float rayOriginX = rayOrigin.getX();
   float rayOriginY = rayOrigin.getY();
   float rayOriginZ = rayOrigin.getZ();
   Vector rayDirection = ray.getDirection();
   float rayDirectionX = rayDirection.getX();
   float rayDirectionY = rayDirection.getY();
   float rayDirectionZ = rayDirection.getZ();
   Vector sphereCenter = center;
   float sphereCenterX = sphereCenter.getX();
   float sphereCenterY = sphereCenter.getY();
   float sphereCenterZ = sphereCenter.getZ();
   //float a = 1; //normalized
   float b = (2 * (rayOriginX - sphereCenterX) * rayDirectionX)
               + (2 * (rayOriginY - sphereCenterY) * rayDirectionY)
               + (2 * (rayOriginZ - sphereCenterZ) * rayDirectionZ);
   float c = pow(rayOriginX - sphereCenterX, 2)
            + pow(rayOriginY - sphereCenterY, 2)
            + pow(rayOriginZ - sphereCenterZ, 2)
            - (radius*radius);
   float discriminant = b*b - 4*c;
   //if the ray intersections the sphere
   if (discriminant > 0) {
      //the first root
      float root1 = ((-1 * b - sqrt(discriminant))/2) - 0.000001;
      //if first root is the smallest positive root
      if (root1 > 0) {
         return root1;
      //else the second root is the smallest positive root
      else {
         float root2 = ((sqrt(discriminant) - b)/2) - 0.000001;
         return root2;
   //else the ray missed the sphere
   else {
      return -1;
예제 #19
void LaserActor::writeT3D(std::ofstream& output, int indentLevel, NameFactory *nameFactory, Vector gridPosition, Vector gridTranslation) {
    if (mGrid != nullptr) {
        mLocation = (gridPosition + gridTranslation) * T3DExporter::DEMI_CUBE_SIZE * 2.0;
        mLocation = mLocation - Vector(0, 0, 3. * T3DExporter::DEMI_CUBE_SIZE / 4.);
        long predX = mGrid->get(gridPosition.getX() - 1, gridPosition.getY(), gridPosition.getZ());
        long predY = mGrid->get(gridPosition.getX(), gridPosition.getY() - 1, gridPosition.getZ());
        long predZ = mGrid->get(gridPosition.getX(), gridPosition.getY(), gridPosition.getZ() - 1);
        //long nextX = mGrid->get(gridPosition.getX() + 1, gridPosition.getY(), gridPosition.getZ());
        //long nextY = mGrid->get(gridPosition.getX(), gridPosition.getY() + 1, gridPosition.getZ());
        //long nextZ = mGrid->get(gridPosition.getX(), gridPosition.getY(), gridPosition.getZ() + 1);

        if (mGrid->get(gridPosition) == Grid::LASER_X_STICKED_CELL) {
            if (!Grid::isPhysicalCell(predX)) {
                mRotation = T3DExporter::FACING_X_VECTOR;
            } else {
                mRotation = T3DExporter::FACING_NEG_X_VECTOR;
        } else if (mGrid->get(gridPosition) == Grid::LASER_Y_STICKED_CELL) {
            if (!Grid::isPhysicalCell(predY)) {
                mRotation = T3DExporter::FACING_Y_VECTOR;
            } else {
                mRotation = T3DExporter::FACING_NEG_Y_VECTOR;
        } else {
            if (!Grid::isPhysicalCell(predZ)) {
                mRotation = T3DExporter::FACING_Z_VECTOR;
            } else {
                mRotation = T3DExporter::FACING_NEG_Z_VECTOR;

        double offset = T3DExporter::DEMI_CUBE_SIZE - 5;
        if (mRotation == T3DExporter::FACING_X_VECTOR) {
            mLocation = mLocation - Vector(offset, 0, 0);
        } else if (mRotation == T3DExporter::FACING_NEG_X_VECTOR) {
            mLocation = mLocation + Vector(offset, 0, 0);
        } else if (mRotation == T3DExporter::FACING_Y_VECTOR) {
            mLocation = mLocation - Vector(0, offset, 0);
        } else if (mRotation == T3DExporter::FACING_NEG_Y_VECTOR) {
            mLocation = mLocation + Vector(0, offset, 0);
        } else if (mRotation == T3DExporter::FACING_Z_VECTOR) {
            mLocation = mLocation - Vector(0, 0, offset);
        } else if (mRotation == T3DExporter::FACING_NEG_Z_VECTOR) {
            mLocation = mLocation + Vector(0, 0, offset);
    output << getT3D(indentLevel, nameFactory);
예제 #20
void Particle::addPosition(Vector position)
                this->graphicsItem->x() + position.getX(),
                this->graphicsItem->y() + position.getY()
void GoaliePen::decide()
	Vector Me;

	vector <int> opps = pWorldData->mr_found_opponents();

	Point ballPos = pWorldData->basedCenter(pWorldData->ball());
	Point closestOppToBalll;
	if(opps.size() != 0)
	Point me;

	me.x = Me.getX();
	me.y = Me.getY();

		if(me.getDistance(closestOppToBalll) > ballPos.getDistance(closestOppToBalll) && opps.size() != 0)

예제 #22
파일: tp5.cpp 프로젝트: dtbinh/M1S2
bool voxelAppartientCylindre(Point origine, Vector vecteur,double rayon, Voxel v){

	Point limite(origine.getX()+vecteur.getX(), origine.getY()+vecteur.getY(),origine.getZ()+vecteur.getZ());
	int distancePointProjete;
	int distanceOrigineProjete;

	for( int i = 0; i<8; i++ ){
		Point projete(v.getSommet(i).projectOnLine(origine,limite));
		distancePointProjete = sqrt( pow(v.getSommet(i).getX()-projete.getX(),2)
				           + pow(v.getSommet(i).getY()-projete.getY(),2) 
				           + pow(v.getSommet(i).getZ()-projete.getZ(),2) 

		distanceOrigineProjete = sqrt( pow(origine.getX()-projete.getX(),2)
				      	     + pow(origine.getY()-projete.getY(),2) 
				             + pow(origine.getZ()-projete.getZ(),2) 
		if( distancePointProjete > rayon || projete.getY() < origine.getY() || projete.getY() > limite.getY()   ){
			return false;

	return true;
예제 #23
void FastWorldDrawer::configureCamera() {

    Vector cameraPosition = manager->GetCameraModel()->GetPosition();
    glTranslated(-cameraPosition.getX(), -cameraPosition.getY(), 0);
예제 #24
파일: vector.cpp 프로젝트: L31N/source
    Diese Methode Subtrahiert das Objekt und den vector sum
Vector Vector::operator-=(Vector sum)
    x -= sum.getX();
    y -= sum.getY();

    return *this;
예제 #25
파일: vector.cpp 프로젝트: L31N/source
    Diese Methode weist dem Objekt die Koordinaten von sum zu
Vector Vector::operator=(Vector sum)
    x = sum.getX();
    y = sum.getY();

    return *this;
예제 #26
파일: tp7.cpp 프로젝트: dtbinh/M1S2
Vector normaleSommet(std::vector<Triangle> triangles,Point p){

	std::vector<Triangle> listeTriangle; 
	for(Triangle t : triangles){
		if(t.getSommetA().compare(p) || t.getSommetC().compare(p) || t.getSommetC().compare(p) ){
	Vector vecteur(0,0,0);
	for(Triangle t : listeTriangle){
		Vector vecteurTmp = normaleFace(t);
		vecteur.setX(vecteur.getX() + vecteurTmp.getX());
		vecteur.setY(vecteur.getY() + vecteurTmp.getY());
		vecteur.setZ(vecteur.getZ() + vecteurTmp.getZ());
	vecteur.setX(vecteur.getX() / listeTriangle.size());
	vecteur.setY(vecteur.getY() / listeTriangle.size());
	vecteur.setZ(vecteur.getZ() / listeTriangle.size());

	return vecteur;
예제 #27
Vector::operator=(Vector vector){
	this->x = vector.getX();
	this->y = vector.getY();
	this->z = vector.getZ();
	return *this;
예제 #28
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: volnyja1/AIM
void MyPolygon::transformPolygon(){
	for(int i=0; i<1; i++){
		//Vector v = AsSimilarAsPossible(vertices[i]);
		Vector v = AsRigidAsPossible(vertices[i]);
		vertices[i].move(v.getX(), v.getY());
예제 #29
파일: AABB.cpp 프로젝트: mildbyte/tRayce
bool AABB::intersects(Ray ray, double &dist) {
    double distance[6] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};

    distance[0] = (start.getX() - ray.origin.getX()) / ray.direction.getX();
    distance[3] = (end.getX() - ray.origin.getX()) / ray.direction.getX();

    distance[1] = (start.getY() - ray.origin.getY()) / ray.direction.getY();
    distance[4] = (end.getY() - ray.origin.getY()) / ray.direction.getY();

    distance[2] = (start.getZ() - ray.origin.getZ()) / ray.direction.getZ();
    distance[5] = (end.getZ() - ray.origin.getZ()) / ray.direction.getZ();

    int closestFace = -1;
    dist = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        Vector rayToBox = ray.origin + ray.direction * distance[i];
        if (
            (rayToBox.getX() > start.getX() - EPSILON) &&
            (rayToBox.getX() < end.getX() + EPSILON) &&
            (rayToBox.getY() > start.getY() - EPSILON) &&
            (rayToBox.getY() < end.getY() + EPSILON) &&
            (rayToBox.getZ() > start.getZ() - EPSILON) &&
            (rayToBox.getZ() < end.getZ() + EPSILON)
        ) {
            if (((closestFace == -1) || distance[i] < dist) && distance[i] > EPSILON) {
                closestFace = i;
                dist = distance[i];
    return (closestFace != -1);
예제 #30
파일: Camera.cpp 프로젝트: crazym/pacman3ds
void Camera::setUp(const Vector &up)