예제 #1
void CoreScript::SetWaypoints(int squadID, const grinliz::Vector2I& dest)
	GLASSERT(squadID >= 0 && squadID < MAX_SQUADS);
	if (dest.IsZero()) {

	// Use the first chit to choose the starting location:
	bool startInSameSector = true;
	Vector2I startSector = { 0, 0 };
	CChitArray chitArr;
	Squaddies(squadID, &chitArr);
	if (chitArr.Empty()) return;

	for (int i = 0; i<chitArr.Size(); ++i) {
		Chit* chit = chitArr[i];
		if (startSector.IsZero())
			startSector = ToSector(chit->Position());
			if (startSector != ToSector(chit->Position()))
				startInSameSector = false;

	Vector2I destSector = ToSector(dest);

	// - Current port
	// - grid travel (implies both sector and target port)
	// - dest port (regroup)
	// - destination

	GLOUTPUT(("SetWaypoints: #chits=%d squadID=%d:", chitArr.Size(), squadID));

	if (startSector != destSector) {
		Chit* chit = chitArr[0];
		SectorPort sectorPort;

		if (startInSameSector) {
			// All together, so meet at the STARTING port.
			sectorPort = Context()->worldMap->NearestPort(ToWorld2F(chit->Position()), &ToWorld2F(dest));
		else {
			// Dispersed; meet at the DESTINATION port.
			sectorPort = Context()->worldMap->NearestPort(ToWorld2F(dest), &ToWorld2F(chit->Position()));
		if (!sectorPort.IsValid()) {
			GLOUTPUT(("SetWaypoints: no path.\n"));
		SectorData sectorData = Context()->worldMap->GetSectorData(sectorPort.sector);
		Vector2I p0 = sectorData.GetPortLoc(sectorPort.port).Center();
		GLOUTPUT(("%d,%d [s%c%d]  ", p0.x, p0.y, 'A' + p0.x / SECTOR_SIZE, 1 + p0.y / SECTOR_SIZE));
	GLOUTPUT(("%d,%d [s%c%d]\n", dest.x, dest.y, 'A' + dest.x/SECTOR_SIZE, 1 + dest.y/SECTOR_SIZE));
예제 #2
void CameraRotationHandler::onMove(const G3MEventContext *eventContext,
                                   const TouchEvent& touchEvent, 
                                   CameraContext *cameraContext) {
  const IMathUtils* mu = IMathUtils::instance();

  //_currentGesture = getGesture(touchEvent);
  if (cameraContext->getCurrentGesture() != Rotate) return;
  // current middle pixel in 2D 
  const Vector2I c0 = touchEvent.getTouch(0)->getPos();
  const Vector2I c1 = touchEvent.getTouch(1)->getPos();
  const Vector2I c2 = touchEvent.getTouch(2)->getPos();
  const Vector2I cm = c0.add(c1).add(c2).div(3);
  // compute normal to Initial point
  Vector3D normal = eventContext->getPlanet()->geodeticSurfaceNormal(_pivotPoint );
  // vertical rotation around normal vector to globe
  Camera *camera = cameraContext->getNextCamera();
  Angle angle_v             = Angle::fromDegrees((_pivotPixel.x()-cm._x)*0.25);
  camera->rotateWithAxisAndPoint(normal, _pivotPoint.asVector3D(), angle_v);
  // compute angle between normal and view direction
  Vector3D view = camera->getViewDirection();
  double dot = normal.normalized().dot(view.normalized().times(-1));
  double initialAngle = mu->acos(dot) / mu->pi() * 180;
  // rotate more than 85 degrees or less than 0 degrees is not allowed
  double delta = (cm._y - _pivotPixel.y()) * 0.25;
  double finalAngle = initialAngle + delta;
  if (finalAngle > 85)  delta = 85 - initialAngle;
  if (finalAngle < 0)   delta = -initialAngle;

  // create temporal camera to test if next rotation is valid
  Camera tempCamera(*camera);
  // horizontal rotation over the original camera horizontal axix
  Vector3D u = camera->getHorizontalVector();
  tempCamera.rotateWithAxisAndPoint(u, _pivotPoint.asVector3D(), Angle::fromDegrees(delta));
  // update camera only if new view intersects globe
  if (!tempCamera.getXYZCenterOfView().isNan()) {
예제 #3
Rectangle2I MapScene::MapBounds2()
	Vector2I subOrigin = data->destSector;
	if (subOrigin.IsZero()) {
		subOrigin = lumosChitBag->GetHomeSector();
	if (subOrigin.IsZero()) {
		subOrigin.Set(NUM_SECTORS / 2, NUM_SECTORS / 2);

	if ( subOrigin.x < MAP2_RAD )					subOrigin.x = MAP2_RAD;
	if ( subOrigin.y < MAP2_RAD )					subOrigin.y = MAP2_RAD;
	if ( subOrigin.x >= NUM_SECTORS - MAP2_RAD )	subOrigin.x = NUM_SECTORS - MAP2_RAD - 1;
	if ( subOrigin.y >= NUM_SECTORS - MAP2_RAD )	subOrigin.y = NUM_SECTORS - MAP2_RAD - 1;
	Rectangle2I subBounds;
	subBounds.min = subBounds.max = subOrigin;

	return subBounds;
void Visibility::CalcVisibilityRay( int unitID, const Vector2I& pos, const Vector2I& origin )
	/* Previous pass used a true ray casting approach, but this doesn't get good results. Numerical errors,
	   view stopped by leaves, rays going through cracks. Switching to a line walking approach to 
	   acheive stability and simplicity. (And probably performance.)

#if 0
#ifdef DEBUG
		// Max sight
		Vector2I vec = pos - origin;
		int len2 = vec.LengthSquared();
		if ( len2 > MAX_SIGHT_SQUARED )

	const Surface* lightMap = map->GetLightMap();
	GLRELASSERT( lightMap->Format() == Surface::RGB16 );

	const float OBSCURED = 0.50f;
	const float DARK  = ((units[unitID].Team() == ALIEN_TEAM) ? 1.5f :2.0f) / (float)MAX_EYESIGHT_RANGE;
	const float LIGHT = 1.0f / (float)MAX_EYESIGHT_RANGE;
	//const int EPS = 10;

	float light = 1.0f;
	bool canSee = true;

	// Always walk the entire line so that the places we can not see are set
	// as well as the places we can.
	LineWalk line( origin.x, origin.y, pos.x, pos.y ); 
	while ( line.CurrentStep() <= line.NumSteps() )
		Vector2I p = line.P();
		Vector2I q = line.Q();
		Vector2I delta = q-p;

		if ( canSee ) {
			canSee = map->CanSee( p, q );

			if ( canSee ) {
				U16 c = lightMap->GetImg16( q.x, q.y );
				Color4U8 rgba = Surface::CalcRGB16( c );

				const float distance = ( delta.LengthSquared() > 1 ) ? 1.4f : 1.0f;

				if ( map->Obscured( q.x, q.y ) ) {
					light -= OBSCURED * distance;
				else if ( map->Flared( q.x, q.y ) ) {
					// Do nothing. Treat as perfect white.
					// Blue channel is typically high. So 
					// very dark  ~255
					// very light ~255*3 (white)
					int lum = rgba.r + rgba.g + rgba.b;
					float fraction = Interpolate( 255.0f, DARK, 765.0f, LIGHT, (float)lum ); 
					light -= fraction * distance;
		visibilityProcessed.Set( q.x, q.y );
		if ( canSee ) {
			visibilityMap.Set( q.x, q.y, unitID, true );

		// If all the light is used up, we will see no further.	
		if ( canSee && light < 0.0f )
			canSee = false;	

예제 #5
void CoreScript::DoStrategicTick()
	// Look around for someone to attack. They should be:
	//	- someone we have a negative attitude about (accounts for lots of things)
	//	- weaker overall
	// We should:
	//	- have a reasonably armed squad

	bool squadReady[MAX_SQUADS] = { false };
	CChitArray squaddies;
	// Check for ready squads.
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUADS; ++i) {
		this->Squaddies(i, &squaddies);
		if (squaddies.Size() < SQUAD_SIZE) 
		if (!SquadAtRest(i))

		// Do we have enough guns? Seems to be
		// the best / easiest metric.

		int nGuns = 0;
		for (int k = 0; k < squaddies.Size(); ++k) {
			Chit* chit = squaddies[k];
			ItemComponent* ic = chit->GetItemComponent();
			if (   chit->GetItem() 
				&& chit->GetItem()->HPFraction() > 0.75f 
				&& ic 
				&& ic->QuerySelectRanged()) 
		squadReady[i] = nGuns >= SQUAD_SIZE - 1;

	int nReady = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUADS; ++i) {
		if (squadReady[i])

	Sim* sim = Context()->chitBag->GetSim();
	if (!sim) return;

	Vector2I sector = ToSector(ParentChit()->Position());
	CCoreArray stateArr;
	sim->CalcStrategicRelationships(sector, 3, &stateArr);

	// The strategic relationships need to be calculated, but after that,
	// there's no point in computing further if we don't have a squad to 
	// send into action.
	if (nReady == 0) 

	int myPower = this->CorePower();

	CoreScript* target = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < stateArr.Size(); ++i) {
		CoreScript* cs = stateArr[i];
		if (cs->NumTemples() == 0)		// Ignore starting out domains so it isn't a complete wasteland out there.

		if (   Team::Instance()->GetRelationship(cs->ParentChit(), this->ParentChit()) == ERelate::ENEMY		// Are we enemies at the diplomatic level
			&& Team::Instance()->Attitude(this, cs) < 0)														// Does 'this' have a negative attitude to the other?
			int power = cs->CorePower();
			if (power < myPower * 0.75f) {
				// Assuming this is actually so rare that it doesn't matter to select the best.
				target = cs;

	if (!target) return;

	// Attack!!!
	bool first = true;
	Vector2F targetCorePos2 = ToWorld2F(target->ParentChit()->Position());
	Vector2I targetCorePos = ToWorld2I(target->ParentChit()->Position());;
	Vector2I targetSector = ToSector(targetCorePos);

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SQUADS; ++i) {
		if (!squadReady[i]) continue;

		Vector2I pos = { 0, 0 };
		pos = targetCorePos;
		if (first) {
			first = false;
		else {
			BuildingWithPorchFilter filter;
			Chit* building = Context()->chitBag->FindBuilding(IString(), targetSector, &targetCorePos2, LumosChitBag::EFindMode::RANDOM_NEAR, 0, &filter);
			if (building) {
				pos = ToWorld2I(building->Position());
		this->SetWaypoints(i, pos);
예제 #6
void MapScene::DrawMap()
	CDynArray<Chit*> query;

	const ChitContext* context = lumosChitBag->Context();
	const Web& web = lumosChitBag->GetSim()->CalcWeb();

	Rectangle2I subBounds = MapBounds2();
	float map2X = float(subBounds.min.x) / float(NUM_SECTORS);
	float map2Y = float(subBounds.min.y) / float(NUM_SECTORS);
	RenderAtom subAtom = mapImage.GetRenderAtom();
	subAtom.tx0 = map2X;
	subAtom.ty1 = map2Y;
	subAtom.tx1 = map2X + float(MAP2_SIZE) / float(NUM_SECTORS);
	subAtom.ty0 = map2Y + float(MAP2_SIZE) / float(NUM_SECTORS);

	for (Rectangle2IIterator it(subBounds); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
		Vector2I sector = it.Pos();
		const SectorData& sd = worldMap->GetSectorData( sector );

		int i = (sector.x - subBounds.min.x);
		int j = (sector.y - subBounds.min.y);
		int index = j * MAP2_SIZE + i;

		CoreScript* coreScript = CoreScript::GetCore(sector);

		CStr<64> str = "";
		const char* owner = "";
		if (coreScript) {
			if ( coreScript->InUse() ) {
				owner = Team::Instance()->TeamName( coreScript->ParentChit()->Team() ).safe_str();
		str.Format( "%s\n%s", sd.name.safe_str(), owner );

		Rectangle2F r = GridBounds2(i, j, true);
		gridWidget[index].SetPos(r.min.x, r.min.y);
		gridWidget[index].SetSize(r.Width(), r.Height());
		gridWidget[index].Set(context, coreScript, lumosChitBag->GetHomeCore(), &web);

	Vector2I homeSector = lumosChitBag->GetHomeSector();
	if ( !data->destSector.IsZero() && data->destSector != homeSector ) {
		const SectorData& sd = worldMap->GetSectorData( data->destSector );
		CStr<64> str;
		str.Format( "Grid Travel\n%s", sd.name.c_str() );
		gridTravel.SetText(  str.c_str() );
		gridTravel.SetEnabled( true );
	else {
		gridTravel.SetText( "Grid Travel" );
		gridTravel.SetEnabled( false );

	// --- MAIN ---
	Rectangle2I mapBounds = data->worldMap->Bounds();
	Rectangle2I map2Bounds;
	map2Bounds.Set(subBounds.min.x*SECTOR_SIZE, subBounds.min.y*SECTOR_SIZE, 
				   subBounds.max.x*SECTOR_SIZE + SECTOR_SIZE-1, subBounds.max.y*SECTOR_SIZE + SECTOR_SIZE-1);

	Vector2F playerPos = { 0, 0 };
	Chit* player = data->player;
	if ( player ) {
		playerPos = ToWorld2F(player->Position());

	const float dx = mapImage.Width() / float(NUM_SECTORS);
	const float dy = mapImage.Height() / float(NUM_SECTORS);
	for (int j = 0; j < NUM_SECTORS; ++j) {
		for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SECTORS; ++i) {
			diplomacy[j*NUM_SECTORS + i].SetSize(dx, dy);
			diplomacy[j*NUM_SECTORS + i].SetPos(mapImage.X() + dx * float(i), mapImage.Y() + dy * float(j));

	bool inBounds = true;
	Vector2F v;

	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
		const Rectangle2I& b = (i == 0) ? mapBounds : map2Bounds;

		v = ToUI(i, playerPos, b, &inBounds);
		playerMark[i].SetCenterPos(v.x, v.y);

		Vector2F pos = { float(homeSector.x * SECTOR_SIZE), float(homeSector.y * SECTOR_SIZE) };
		v = ToUI(i,pos, b, &inBounds);
		homeMark[i].SetPos(v.x, v.y);
		homeMark[i].SetVisible(inBounds && !homeSector.IsZero());

		pos.Set(float(data->destSector.x * SECTOR_SIZE), float(data->destSector.y * SECTOR_SIZE));
		v = ToUI(i,pos, b, &inBounds);
//		if (i == 0) {
//			travelMark.SetPos(v.x, v.y);
//			travelMark.SetVisible(inBounds && !data->destSector.IsZero());
//		}
		for (int k = 0; k < MAX_SQUADS; ++k) {
			v = ToUI(i, ToWorld2F(data->squadDest[k]), b, &inBounds);
			squadMark[i][k].SetCenterPos(v.x, v.y);
			squadMark[i][k].SetVisible(!data->squadDest[k].IsZero() && inBounds);
		Vector2F world = { (float)map2Bounds.min.x, (float)map2Bounds.min.y };
		Vector2F pos = ToUI(0, world, mapBounds, 0);
		selectionMark.SetPos(pos.x, pos.y);

	float scale = float(mapImage.Width()) / float(NUM_SECTORS);

		for (int i = 1; i < web.NumNodes(); i++) {
			const MinSpanTree::Node& node = web.NodeAt(i);
			Vector2I s0 = node.parentPos;
			Vector2I s1 = node.pos;
			Vector2F p0 = { (float(s0.x) + 0.5f) * scale, (float(s0.y) + 0.5f) * scale };
			Vector2F p1 = { (float(s1.x) + 0.5f) * scale, (float(s1.y) + 0.5f) * scale };
			webCanvas.DrawLine(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, 1.0f + node.strength * 2.0f);

	CoreScript* homeCore = context->chitBag->GetHomeCore();
	CChitArray citizens;
	if (homeCore) {
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CITIZENS; ++i) {
		if (i < citizens.Size()) {
			Vector2F cPos = ToWorld2F(citizens[i]->Position());
			Vector2F pos = ToUI(0, cPos, mapBounds, 0);
			unitMarker[i].SetSize(8, 8);
			unitMarker[i].SetCenterPos(pos.x, pos.y);
		else {

	for (int j = 0; j < NUM_SECTORS; ++j) {
		for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SECTORS; ++i) {

			Vector2I sector = { i, j };
			CoreScript* core = CoreScript::GetCore(sector);
			RenderAtom atom;

			if (core && homeCore && homeCore->InUse() && core->InUse()) {
				ERelate relate = Team::Instance()->GetRelationship(core->ParentChit(), homeCore->ParentChit());
				if (relate == ERelate::FRIEND) atom = LumosGame::CalcUIIconAtom("friend");
				else if (relate == ERelate::NEUTRAL) atom = LumosGame::CalcUIIconAtom("neutral");
				else if (relate == ERelate::ENEMY) atom = LumosGame::CalcUIIconAtom("enemy");
				diplomacy[j*NUM_SECTORS + i].SetSize(scale*0.8f, scale*0.8f);

			if (core && core->InUse() && Team::IsDeity(core->ParentChit()->Team())) {
				atom = LumosGame::CalcDeityAtom(core->ParentChit()->Team());
				diplomacy[j*NUM_SECTORS + i].SetSize(scale, scale);

			diplomacy[j*NUM_SECTORS + i].SetAtom(atom);
			diplomacy[j*NUM_SECTORS + i].SetCenterPos(mapImage.X() + scale * (float(i) + 0.5f), mapImage.Y() + scale * (float(j) + 0.5f));
예제 #7
파일: Map.cpp 프로젝트: maurigre/SdlGame
bool Map::isSolid(Vector2I v) const {
	return getTyle(v)->getType()->isSolid(v.getX() % TileType::PIXEL_PER_TILE, v.getY() % TileType::PIXEL_PER_TILE);