예제 #1
void CameraData::parseXml(QDomNode dataNode)
	Vector3D position = Vector3D::fromString(dataNode.namedItem("position").toElement().text());
	Vector3D focalPoint = Vector3D::fromString(dataNode.namedItem("focalPoint").toElement().text());
	Vector3D viewUp = Vector3D::fromString(dataNode.namedItem("viewUp").toElement().text());
	double nearClip = dataNode.namedItem("nearClip").toElement().text().toDouble();
	double farClip = dataNode.namedItem("farClip").toElement().text().toDouble();
	double parallelScale = dataNode.namedItem("parallelScale").toElement().text().toDouble();

	if (similar(viewUp.length(), 0.0))
		return; // ignore reading if undefined data
	double LARGE_NUMBER = 1.0E6; // corresponding to a distance of 1km - unphysical for human-sized data
	if ((position-focalPoint).length() > LARGE_NUMBER)
	if (focalPoint.length() > LARGE_NUMBER)
	if (fabs(parallelScale) > LARGE_NUMBER)


	mCamera->SetClippingRange(nearClip, farClip);
예제 #2
void ConicDomain::evaluate( Mesh::VertexHandle,
                            const Vector3D& point,
                            Vector3D& closest,
                            Vector3D& normal ) const
  // translate such that cone point (mPoint) is at origin
  Vector3D pt = point - mPoint;

  // find the plane containing both the input point an the axis
  Vector3D n = mAxis * pt;
  double len = n.length();
  if (len < 1e-12) { 
      // point on axis
      // choose any plane that does't contain the axis
    if (fabs(mAxis[0]) <= fabs(mAxis[1]) && fabs(mAxis[0]) < fabs(mAxis[2]))
      n = mAxis * Vector3D(1,0,0);
    else if (fabs(mAxis[1]) <= fabs(mAxis[2]))
      n = mAxis * Vector3D(0,1,0);
      n = mAxis * Vector3D(0,0,1);
  else  {
    n /= len;
  // Find two points that are the intersection of the plane with the
  // circular cross-section of the cone centered at mPoint
  Vector3D p1 = mRadius * (n * mAxis);
  Vector3D p2 = -p1;
  // Define two lines of intersect between the cone and the plane
  // as the two lines from the apex to each of p1 and p2.
  Vector3D apex = mHeight * mAxis;
  Vector3D v1 = p1 - apex;
  Vector3D v2 = p2 - apex;
  // Find closest point on each line to input position
  double t1 = v1 % (point - apex) / (v1 % v1);
  double t2 = v2 % (point - apex) / (v2 % v2);
  // Select the closest of the two
  p1 = apex + t1*v1;
  p2 = apex + t2*v2;
  double t;
  if ((p1 - point).length_squared() < (p2 - point).length_squared()) {
    normal = v1 * n;
    closest = p1;
    t = t1;
  else {
    normal = v2 * n;
    closest = p2;
    t = t2;
  // If we're below the apex (t > 0), then the normal
  // should be in the same direction as the axis.  Otherwise
  // it should be in the opposite direction.
  if (t * (normal % mAxis) < 0.0)
    normal = -normal;
  // normalize and translate
  normal *= outwardSign / normal.length();
  closest += mPoint;
예제 #3
Geodetic3D SphericalPlanet::toGeodetic3D(const Vector3D& position) const {
  const Vector3D p = scaleToGeodeticSurface(position);
  const Vector3D h = position.sub(p);

  const double height = (h.dot(position) < 0) ? -1 * h.length() : h.length();

  return Geodetic3D(toGeodetic2D(p), height);
예제 #4
void SphericalDomainTest::check_normal( const SphericalDomain& dom, 
                                        const Vector3D& point,
                                        const Vector3D& normal )
  Vector3D vi = point - dom.center();
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( 1.0, normal.length(), 1e-6 );
  vi /= vi.length();
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_VECTORS_EQUAL( vi, normal, 1e-6 );
예제 #5
void SphericalDomainTest::check_closest_pt( const SphericalDomain& dom, 
                                            const Vector3D& input_pt,
                                            const Vector3D& output_pt )
  Vector3D vo = output_pt - dom.center();
  Vector3D vi = input_pt  - dom.center();
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( dom.radius(), vo.length(), 1e-6 );
  vi *= dom.radius() / vi.length();
예제 #6
void Mesh::getIntersection(Ray ray, Intersection &inter, Matrix4x4 trans){
  // vector<Face> (face = typedef vector<int> m_faces
  // vector<Point3D> m_verts

  double t = -1;
  double hitTest;
  Vector3D normal;
  Point3D point;

  Intersection boundTest;
  boundingSphere->getIntersection(ray, boundTest, trans);

  for(std::vector<Face>::const_iterator F = m_faces.begin();
      F != m_faces.end(); ++F){
    std::vector<int> points = (*F);
    std::vector<Point3D> vertices = std::vector<Point3D>();
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){

    Vector3D tnorm = (vertices.at(1) - vertices.at(0)).
      cross(vertices.at(2) - vertices.at(0));
    double area = tnorm.length();
    tnorm.normalize(); // not sure if necessary
    hitTest = intersectPlane(ray, vertices.at(0), tnorm);
    Point3D hit = ray.point + hitTest*ray.vector;

    bool inTri = true;
    double areaSum = 0.0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
      Vector3D cross = (vertices.at((i+1)%3) - hit).cross(vertices.at(i%3) - hit);
      areaSum += cross.length();

    if(std::abs(areaSum - area) > 0.0001) inTri = false;

    if(inTri && hitTest > 0 && (t < 0 || t > hitTest)){
      t = hitTest;
      point = hit;
      normal = tnorm;

  if(t < 0)

  //Intersection *ans = (Intersection*)malloc(sizeof(Intersection));
  inter = Intersection(point, normal, NULL);
예제 #7
bool Contorno::colision(Disparo *e) {
    Vector3D pe = e->getP();
    float re = e->getR();
    Vector3D vd = pe - p;
    float l = vd.length();
    return l < r + re;
예제 #8
void CameraDoubleTapHandler::onDown(const G3MEventContext *eventContext,
                                    const TouchEvent& touchEvent,
                                    CameraContext *cameraContext) {
  // compute globe point where user tapped
  const Vector2I pixel = touchEvent.getTouch(0)->getPos();
  Camera* camera = cameraContext->getNextCamera();
  const Vector3D initialPoint = camera->pixel2PlanetPoint(pixel);
  if (initialPoint.isNan()) return;
  // compute central point of view
  const Vector3D centerPoint = camera->getXYZCenterOfView();
  // compute drag parameters
  const Vector3D axis = initialPoint.cross(centerPoint);
  const Angle angle   = Angle::fromRadians(- IMathUtils::instance()->asin(axis.length()/initialPoint.length()/centerPoint.length()));
  // compute zoom factor
  const double height   = camera->getGeodeticPosition()._height;
  const double distance = height * 0.6;
  // create effect
  Effect* effect = new DoubleTapEffect(TimeInterval::fromSeconds(0.75), axis, angle, distance);
  EffectTarget* target = cameraContext->getNextCamera()->getEffectTarget();
  eventContext->getEffectsScheduler()->startEffect(effect, target);
예제 #9
MutableMatrix44D SphericalPlanet::singleDrag(const Vector3D& finalRay) const
  // test if initialPoint is valid
  if (_initialPoint.isNan()) return MutableMatrix44D::invalid();

  // compute final point
  const Vector3D origin = _origin.asVector3D();
  MutableVector3D finalPoint = closestIntersection(origin, finalRay).asMutableVector3D();
  if (finalPoint.isNan()) {
    //printf ("--invalid final point in drag!!\n");
    finalPoint = closestPointToSphere(origin, finalRay).asMutableVector3D();

  // compute the rotation axis
  const Vector3D rotationAxis = _initialPoint.cross(finalPoint).asVector3D();

  // compute the angle
  double sinus = rotationAxis.length()/_initialPoint.length()/finalPoint.length();
  const Angle rotationDelta = Angle::fromRadians(-IMathUtils::instance()->asin(sinus));
  if (rotationDelta.isNan()) return MutableMatrix44D::invalid();

  // save params for possible inertial animations
  _lastDragAxis = rotationAxis.asMutableVector3D();
  double radians = rotationDelta._radians;
  _lastDragRadiansStep = radians - _lastDragRadians;
  _lastDragRadians = radians;
  _validSingleDrag = true;

  // return rotation matrix
  return MutableMatrix44D::createRotationMatrix(rotationDelta, rotationAxis);
bool EdgeLengthQualityMetric::evaluate_vertex(PatchData &pd, MsqVertex* vert,
                                             double &fval, MsqError &err)
  size_t this_vert = pd.get_vertex_index(vert);
  size_t other_vert;
  vector<size_t> adj_verts;
  Vector3D edg;
  pd.get_adjacent_vertex_indices(this_vert,adj_verts,err);  MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
  int num_sample_points=adj_verts.size();
  double *metric_values=new double[num_sample_points];
  MsqVertex* verts = pd.get_vertex_array(err);  MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
  int point_counter=0;
  fval=average_metrics(metric_values,num_sample_points,err);  MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
  delete[] metric_values;
  return true;
예제 #11
double Vector3D::distanceToPlane(const Vector3D &plane, const Vector3D &normal) const
    double d=-(plane*normal);
    double num=dabs((*this)*(normal)+d);
    return num/normal.length();

예제 #12
  Purpose - 

Line3D LinearForm3D::collide(LinearForm3D other)
    /* special solution is cross product of normals */
    Vector3D spec;
    spec.cross(createNormalVector(), other.createNormalVector());

    if (abs(spec.length()) <= DBL_EPSILON) // planes are parallel
        return Line3D::invalid();

    /* particular solution can be found by solving the equation set of the two
     * planes, and another perpendicular plane
    Array2D<double> matrixA(3, 3, 0.0f);
    matrixA[0][0] = A;       matrixA[0][1] = B;       matrixA[0][2] = C;
    matrixA[1][0] = other.A; matrixA[1][1] = other.B; matrixA[1][2] = other.C;
    matrixA[2][0] = spec.x;  matrixA[2][1] = spec.y;  matrixA[2][2] = spec.z;

    /* offset of perp plane can be 0, goes through the origin */
    Array2D<double> matrixB(3, 1, 0.0f);
    matrixB[0][0] = -D; matrixB[1][0] = -other.D; matrixB[2][0] = 0;

    /* Note: in C++ JAMA, we don't have Matrix.solve. Looking at the Java JAMA
     * source, it seems that because matrixA is square, we use LU decomposition.
    LU<double> lu(matrixA);
    Array2D<double> res = lu.solve(matrixB);

    return Line3D(Point3D(res[0][0], res[1][0], res[2][0]), spec);
예제 #13
int compare_node_coords( Mesh& mesh1, Mesh& mesh2, MsqError& err )
  const double EPSILON = 1e-4;

  std::vector<Mesh::VertexHandle> verts1, verts2;
  mesh1.get_all_vertices( verts1, err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
  mesh2.get_all_vertices( verts2, err ); MSQ_ERRZERO(err);
  std::vector<MsqVertex> coords1(verts1.size()), coords2(verts2.size());
  mesh1.vertices_get_coordinates( arrptr(verts1), arrptr(coords1), verts1.size(), err );
  mesh2.vertices_get_coordinates( arrptr(verts2), arrptr(coords2), verts2.size(), err );
  int error_count = 0;
  assert(verts1.size() == verts2.size());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < verts1.size(); ++i) {
    assert( verts1[i] == verts2[i] );
    Vector3D diff = coords1[i] - coords2[i];
    if (diff.length() > EPSILON) {
      std::cerr << "Vertex coordinates differ between calculated and flagged "
                   "meshes for vertex " << (size_t)verts1[i] << std::endl;
  return error_count;
예제 #14
void CircleDomainTest::test_snap_to()
  Vector3D origin(0,0,0);
  Vector3D z(0,0,1);
  double rad1 = 4.0/3.0;
  CircleDomain dom1( origin, z, rad1 );
  Vector3D pt( 1, 0, 0 );
  dom1.snap_to( 0, pt );
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_VECTORS_EQUAL( Vector3D(rad1,0,0), pt, 1e-6 );
  Vector3D a = Vector3D( 1, 2, 3 );
  pt = a;
  dom1.snap_to( 0, pt );
  a = Vector3D( 1, 2, 0 );
  a *= rad1 / a.length();
  Vector3D some_pt(5,-1,6);
  Vector3D some_dir(-5,-4,1);
  double rad2 = 1.0;
  CircleDomain dom2( some_pt, some_dir, rad2 );
  a = Vector3D( 0, 0, 0);
  pt = a;
  dom2.snap_to( 0, pt );
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( rad2, (pt - some_pt).length(), 1e-6 ); // rad from center
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( 0.0, (pt - some_pt) % some_dir, 1e-6 );// in plane
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( 0.0, ((pt - some_pt) * (a - some_pt)) % some_dir, 1e-6 ); // correct direction from center

  a = Vector3D( 0, -1, -2 );
  pt = a;
  dom2.snap_to( 0, pt );
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( rad2, (pt - some_pt).length(), 1e-6 ); // rad from center
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( 0.0, (pt - some_pt) % some_dir, 1e-6 );// in plane
  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL( 0.0, ((pt - some_pt) * (a - some_pt)) % some_dir, 1e-6 ); // correct direction from center
예제 #15
bool Contorno::colision(Nave *s) {
    Vector3D pe = s->getP();
    float re = s->getR();
    Vector3D vd = pe - p;
    float l = vd.length();
    return l < r + re;
예제 #16
void CameraControl::setStandard3DViewActionSlot()
	QAction* action = dynamic_cast<QAction*> (sender());
	if (!action)
	Vector3D viewDirection = Vector3D::fromString(action->data().toString());

	vtkRendererPtr renderer = this->getRenderer();
	if (!renderer)
	vtkCameraPtr camera = this->getCamera();


	Vector3D focus(camera->GetFocalPoint());
	Vector3D pos = focus - 500 * viewDirection;
	Vector3D vup(0, 0, 1);
	//Vector3D dir = (focus-direction).normal();

	Vector3D left = cross(vup, viewDirection);
	if (similar(left.length(), 0.0))
		left = Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
	vup = cross(viewDirection, left).normal();


	renderer->ResetCamera(); // let vtk do the zooming base work
	camera->Dolly(1.5); // zoom in a bit more than the default vtk value
예제 #17
파일: material.cpp 프로젝트: jayzhang90/src
Hit PhongMaterial::apply_material(Vector3D view, Light* light, Hit h) const {
  h.diffuse = Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); 
  h.specular = Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); 
  Vector3D l = light->position - h.intersection;
  Vector3D N = h.normal;
  double r = l.length();
  l.normalize(); N.normalize(); view.normalize();
  double ldotN = l.dot(N);
  Vector3D reflected = -l + (2 * ldotN * N);
  double attenuation = light->falloff[0] + light->falloff[1] * r + 
	light->falloff[2] * r * r;

  if ((m_kd.R() > 0.0 || m_kd.G() > 0.0 || m_kd.B() > 0.0) && l.dot(N) > 0.0) {
	attenuation = 1 / attenuation;
	h.diffuse = (1.0 - m_transparency) * ldotN * attenuation * light->colour * m_kd;

  if ((m_ks.R() > 0.0 || m_ks.G() > 0.0 || m_ks.B() > 0.0) && l.dot(N) > 0.0) {
	Colour phong = phong_coefficient(l, reflected, view, N);
	h.specular = ldotN * attenuation * light->colour * phong * m_ks;

  return h;
예제 #18
Colour PhongMaterial::getColour(const Vector3D& normal, const Vector3D& viewDirection,
                                const std::list<Light*>& lights, const Colour& ambient, 
                                const Point3D& poi, const Primitive* primitive) const
  // Get diffuse coefficients
  Colour kd = getDiffuse(primitive, poi);

  // First add ambient light.
  Colour c = kd * ambient;

  for (std::list<Light*>::const_iterator it = lights.begin(); it != lights.end(); it++) {
    Light* light = (*it);

    Vector3D lightDirection = light->position - poi; // Note this needs to point towards the light.

    double dist = lightDirection.length();
    Vector3D r = -lightDirection + 2 * (lightDirection.dot(normal)) * normal;

    Colour contribution = (kd + m_ks * ( pow(r.dot(viewDirection), m_shininess) / normal.dot(lightDirection) )) *
                          light->colour * lightDirection.dot(normal) * 
                          (1 / (light->falloff[0] + light->falloff[1] * dist +
                                light->falloff[2] * dist * dist)); 

    // Ignore negative contributions
    if (contribution.R() >= 0 && contribution.G() >= 0 && contribution.B() >= 0) {
      c = c + contribution;

  return c;
예제 #19
파일: Vector.cpp 프로젝트: dkasak/sol
Vector3D::normalised() const {
    Vector3D tmp = (*this);

    tmp /= tmp.length();

    return tmp;
예제 #20
* Return the area of the triangle.
float Triangle::getArea() const
	Vector3D e1 = getVtxPosition(1) - getVtxPosition(0);	// find edge v0-v1
	Vector3D e2 = getVtxPosition(2) - getVtxPosition(0);	// find edge v0-v2
	Vector3D n = e1 % e2;									// n = e1 x e2
	float a = 0.5f * std::fabs(n.length());				// area = |n| / 2
	return a;
예제 #21
void CircleDomain::position_from_length( const double from_here[3],
                                         double length,
                                         double result_point[3],
                                         MsqError& )
  Vector3D b = Vector3D(from_here) - mGeom.center();
  Vector3D vy = mGeom.normal() * b;
  Vector3D vx = vy * mGeom.normal();
  double angle = length / mGeom.radius();
  double x = std::cos( angle );
  double y = std::sin( angle );
  vy *= y/vy.length();
  vx *= x/vx.length();
  Vector3D result = vx + vy;
  result *= mGeom.radius();
  result += mGeom.center();
  result.get_coordinates( result_point );
예제 #22
 * Computes the radiance returned by tracing the ray r.
void PhotonMapper::trace(const Ray& ray, int depth, const Color& flux)
	Intersection is;
	Color lIndirect = Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	if (mScene->intersect(ray, is)){

		if (depth != 0){
			Hitpoint hp;
			hitpointBVH.intersect(is, flux);

			float type = uniform();

			float reflectivity = is.mMaterial->getReflectivity(is);
			float transparency = is.mMaterial->getTransparency(is);

			if (type <= reflectivity){
				trace(is.getReflectedRay(), depth + 1, flux);
			else if (type - reflectivity <= transparency){
				trace(is.getRefractedRay(), depth + 1, flux);

		if (depth < maxDepth || uniform() > p_abs){
			float theta = acos(sqrt(1 - uniform()));
			float phi = 2 * M_PI * uniform();
			float x = sin(theta) * cos(phi);
			float y = sin(theta) * sin(phi);
			float z = cos(theta);

			Vector3D nvec(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			Vector3D mvec(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

			Vector3D W = is.mNormal;
			Vector3D U = nvec % W;
			if (U.length() < 0.01f)
				U = mvec % W;
			Vector3D V = W % U;

			Vector3D dir = x * U + y * V + z * W;

			Ray ray2;
			ray2.orig = is.mPosition;
			ray2.dir = dir;
			Color addFlux = M_PI * is.mMaterial->evalBRDF(is, ray.dir) * flux * (is.mNormal * dir);
			if (depth >= maxDepth)
				addFlux *= abs_factor;

			trace(ray2, depth + 1, addFlux);
예제 #23
Vector3D Vector3D::truncVector(Vector3D vector3, float max)
	if(vector3.length() > max)
		vector3 *= max;
	return vector3;
예제 #24
파일: Camera.cpp 프로젝트: kArTeL/Raytracer
///Determ the ray passing through the point (x,y)
Ray Camera::getRay(float x, float y) const {
    Vector3D right  = 2.0f/(float)(H_SIZE) * mImageExtentX * mRight;
    Vector3D up     = -2.0f/(float)(V_SIZE) * mImageExtentY * mUp;
    Vector3D view   = mForward - mImageExtentX * mRight + mImageExtentY * mUp;
    Vector3D d      = view + x*right + y*up;
    float dLength = d.length();
    d /= dLength;
    return Ray(mOrigin, d, mNearPlane, mFarPlane);
예제 #25
double CMesh::GetEdgeLen(UINT iEdge)
	CVertex* pVertex[2];
	//get the vector
	Vector3D v = pVertex[0]->m_vPosition-pVertex[1]->m_vPosition;
	return v.length();
예제 #26
Vector3D DonutMetric::getDirection()
	std::vector<Vector3D> coords = mArguments->getRefCoords();
	if (coords.size()<2)
		return Vector3D::UnitZ();
	Vector3D diff = (coords[1]-coords[0]);
	if (similar(diff.length(), 0.0))
		return Vector3D(0,1,0);
	return diff.normal();
예제 #27
Vector3D Triangle::calculateNormalDifferential(const Point3D& p, const Vector3D& dp, bool isFrontFacing) const
	Vector3D n = (mPlanes[0].dot(p) + mPlaneOffsets.x)*getVtxNormal(0) + (mPlanes[1].dot(p) + mPlaneOffsets.y)*getVtxNormal(1) + (mPlanes[2].dot(p) + mPlaneOffsets.z)*getVtxNormal(2);
	Vector3D dn = mPlanes[0].dot(dp)*getVtxNormal(0) + mPlanes[1].dot(dp)*getVtxNormal(1) + mPlanes[2].dot(dp)*getVtxNormal(2);

	float sign = isFrontFacing ? 1.0f : -1.0f;

	float nl = n.length();
	return sign * (n.dot(n) * dn - n.dot(dn) * n) / (nl*nl*nl);
예제 #28
 * Returns the BRDF at the intersection is for the light direction L.
Color Phong::evalBRDF(const Intersection& is, const Vector3D& L)
	Color c;
	Vector3D V = -is.mRay.dir;
	Vector3D N = is.mNormal;

	Vector3D LV = L + V;
	Vector3D H = LV / LV.length();

	return mDiffColor / M_PI + mSpecColor * pow(H * N, mShininess);
예제 #29
void Projection::init(  const Vector3D& n1, const Vector3D& up1 )
  MsqError err;
  const Vector3D n = n1/n1.length();
  const Vector3D u = up1/up1.length();
  // Rotate for projection
  const Vector3D z( 0., 0., 1. );
  Vector3D r = n * z;
  double angle = r.interior_angle( n, z, err );
  Matrix3D rot1 = rotation( r, angle );
  // In-plane rotation for up vector
  Vector3D pu = u - n * (n % u);
  Vector3D y( 0., 1., 0. );
  angle = z.interior_angle( pu, y, err );
  Matrix3D rot2 = rotation( z, angle );
  this->myTransform = rot1 * rot2;
예제 #30
  Purpose - 

double Vector3D::angle(Vector3D v1)
    double vDot = dot(v1) / (length() * v1.length());

    if (vDot < -1.0)
        vDot = -1.0;
    if (vDot > 1.0)
        vDot = 1.0;

    return acos(vDot);